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Verline B. Villon: Teacher

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1. The biggest in size and the most expensive in price for it can process
trillions of instructions in seconds.
a. Supercomputer
b. Mainframe
c. Minicomputer

2. Another giant computer which can also process millions of instructions

per second and capable of accessing billions of data.
a. Supercomputer
b. Mainframe
c. Minicomputer

3. This computer is easy to carry around and preferred by students and

businesspeople to meet their assignments and other necessary tasks
since they can easily be carried inside one’s bag.
a. Mainframe
b. Minicomputer
c. Notebook/Handheld Computer

4. This computer offers less than mainframe in work and performance.

Examples are the computers which are mostly preferred by the small
type of business, personals, and colleges.

a. Notebook
b. Minicomputer
c. Supercomputer

5. This computer is small and can easily be arranged to fit in your single
bedroom with its all accommodation. Today this is thought to be the
most popular computer.

a. Notebook
b. Personal Computer
c. Minicomputer



Computers are available in different shapes, sizes and

weights, that is why they perform different sorts of jobs from one

Computers vary in size and shape that is why a computer

used in a hospital is different from that used in a home.

1. Super computer

The supercomputer is the biggest in size and the most

expensive in price for it can process trillions of instructions in
seconds. For this reason, this computer is not used as a PC in a
home or in a university.

Government agencies use this type of computer for their

different calculations and heavy jobs. On the other hand, different
industries also use this huge computer for designing their

Meanwhile, in most of the Hollywood’s movies, computers like

these used for animation purposes. This kind of computer is also
helpful for forecasting weather reports worldwide.

2. Mainframes

Another giant computer after the super computer is the

Mainframe which can also process millions of instruction per
second and capable of accessing billions of data. This computer is
commonly used in big hospitals, air line reservation companies,
and other huge companies because of its capability of retrieving
data on a huge basis.

This is too expensive for a person who wants a computer for
his home. This kind of computer can cost up to thousands of

3. Minicomputer

This computer offers less than

mainframe in work and performance.
Examples are the computers which
are mostly preferred by the small type
of business, personals, and colleges.

4. Personal computers

Almost all computer users are familiar with the personal

computers. They normally know what the personal computer is
and its functions. This is the computer mostly preferred by the
home users. These computers are lesser
in cost and smaller in size compared to
a forementioned computers, small in
size. They are also called PCs in short
for Personal computers.

This computer is small in size and can easily be arranged to

fit in your single bedroom with its all accommodation. Today this
is thought to be the most popular computer.

5. Notebook/Handheld computers

Having a small size and low weight the notebook is easy to

carry anywhere. This is easy to carry around and preferred by
students and businesspeople to meet their assignments and other
necessary tasks since they can easily be
carried inside one’s bag.

This computer can store the same

amount of data having a memory of the
same size as that of a personal computer.
One can say that it is the replacement of personal desktop



Directions: Group the pictures according to size, power and

purpose by filling its corresponding letter in the table below.




Supercomputer Microcomputer Mainframe Minicomputer



A computer is a system of information processing

components that perform input, processing, output, storage, and
control functions. Thus, a computer system consists of input and
output devices, a central processing unit (CPU), primary and
secondary storage devices, and other peripheral devices.

A computer is a system of hardware devices organized

according to the following system functions:

Input. The input devices of a computer system include:

1. Keyboards
2. Mouse
2. Touch screens
3. Light Pens
4. Scanners
5. Computer Microphone

They convert data into electronic machine-readable form for

direct entry or though telecommunications links into a computer

Processing. The central processing unit (CPU) is the main

processing component of a computer system (in microcomputers,
the CPU is the main microprocessor). One of the CPU's major
components is the arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) that performs the
arithmetic and logic functions required in computer processing.
Components of the CPU include:

1. Control Unit
2. Arithmetic-Logic Unit
3. Primary Storage Unit

Output. Convert electronic information produced by the

computer system into human-intelligible form for presentation to
end users. Output devices include:

1. Video Display Units

2. Audio Response Units
3. Printers

Storage. The storage function of a computer system is used

to store data and program instructions needed for processing.
Storage devices include:

1. Primary Storage Unit (main memory/Hard Disk)

2. Secondary Storage Devices (magnetic disk and tape units,
optical disks)

Parts and Functions of Computer

Tower or Is the "box" or case that

Desktop holds the parts that make
up a computer: CPU, hard
disk drive, floppy drive,
memory chips, power
supply, interface cards,
CPU Central Processing Unit, or "brains" of the
Monitor Is an output display device
(looks similar to a TV) in a
computer system. You see
information on the
monitor's screen.
Monitor or Is the viewing area on a monitor or the
Screen information or image displayed.

A device that reads data from (input) or records

Disk Drive
data onto a disk for storage (output).

Floppy Drive 3-1/2" Floppy Disk
Hard Drive
Is the main device that a computer uses to store
information. Most computers come with a hard

drive, called drive C, located inside the computer

CD-ROM ROM means Read-Only-Memory - you can only

"read" information, not save. A CD can store a
large amount of data including
documents, photographs, software, and music
(about 20 songs)

CD Drive Compact Disk

A CD-Recordable drive CD-RW
can put data onto a disk A CD-ReWritable drive
in just one session, and can be written onto
then is "closed" - one more than once -
"burn" only - you can't similar to a floppy or
add to it after you create hard disk.
Used to store full-
Means Digital Video Disk -
length movies, large
Read-Only Memory
programs, etc.

CD's, CD-R's, CD-RW's, and DVD's all look the same.

You must read the label to determine what type of media it is.

Both CD's and DVD's are optical storage media. Optical

technology uses a laser or light beam to process information.
USB Flash These can hold
Drive documents, pictures,
and music. Some flash
drives are also MP3

Mouse Is a hand-held input device you roll on your desk

to point to and select items on your screen. When
you move the mouse, the mouse pointer on the
screen moves in the same direction.

Mouse Is the little symbol on your screen that you move
pointer with your mouse. You use the mouse pointer to
point to and select items on your screen. The
mouse pointer changes shape, depending on its
location on your screen and the action you are

Left Mouse Button - usually use this button

Right Mouse Button - occasionally use this button
for "special" actions
Scroll Wheel - the mouse wheel may work
differently from program to program. and it may
not work in some programs. In most word
processing programs, you can rotate the wheel to
move up or down the page, equivalent to using the
PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys on your keyboard
or to clicking the scroll bar.
Click Press and quickly release the left button on a
Double Press and quickly release the mouse left button
Click twice.
Drag Moves objects or data around on the screen
through the use of a mouse. Keep the left mouse
button pressed while you move the mouse.
Speakers Is an output device that
produces sound and
music when connected to
the computer. Speakers
come in different shapes
and may even be in the
monitor's case.

Headphones Is an output device for
listening that is held over
the ears by a band worn
on the head
Microphone Is an input device in which
sound energy is changed
into electrical energy for
the sending or recording
sound (your voice).
Scanner Is an input device that
reads copy as an image
and digitally records the
Digital Records and stores images
Camera as a digital file, operates
similarly to a "normal"
camera, but no "film" is
Projector Is an output device for
displaying into a large
surface (projection screen)
what appears on the
computer monitor.

Is a device that produces a paper copy of the

information on your screen. The printer on the left
is an INK JET PRINTER, and the other is a LASER
Input device - choose letters, symbols, and actions
by pressing keys

Key Is any of the buttons on a keyboard that the user
presses to input data (information) or to type
Is usually pressed while you are working in a
Escape software application to stop the current activity,
back out of a menu (or screen), or return to a
previous screen.
Is used to move the cursor to the beginning of a
Enter new line. It may also be called the return key. In
some applications, pressing Enter tells the
computer to stop waiting for more input and begin
processing. Notice the arrow symbol on the Enter
key; it is sometimes used in instructions and
means to press the enter key.
Spacebar Moves the cursor one If the spacebar is
(split space to the right, leaving "split", the left
spacebar) a small blank white area "spacebar" acts like the
(space) on the screen. backspace key - it
erases the character to
the left of the cursor.

Is nothing by itself, but when pressed and held

Shift down with another key it makes either a capital
letter or the upper character on a key. Pressing
Shift with a letter key when the CAPS LOCK key is
"on" makes a lower-case letter.
Makes all letters uppercase without having to use
Caps Lock the shift key - it is best to only use this when you
are going to make many letters uppercase - don't
use for just a few capital letters
Marked with two arrows, one pointing left, the
Tab other, right. If pressed by itself, it moves the
cursor to the next tab on the right. When pressed
with the Shift key, it moves the cursor to the
previous tab stop on the left.

It does nothing by itself. When pressed with
Alt another key, it performs a special function. For
example, pressing Alt-F4 may quit a currently
running program.
Does nothing by itself. When pressed with
Ctrl another key, it performs a special function. For
example, pressing Ctrl-S may "save" a document.
Typically "on" at start up. When "on", it changes
Num Lock the keys on the numeric keyboard from cursor
control arrows to numbers arranged in a typical
ten-key calculator keypad.
Delete On our "Windows" computers (P) it erases the
character to the right of the cursor. Some people
say it performs a "forward erase". It operates
differently on a MAC.
End Is the key you press to move the cursor to the end
of the current line. Many programs also use
keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+End to move the
cursor to the end of a document.
Insert Changes between insert mode and overstrike
mode in word processing programs. In insert
mode, all characters typed are placed at the
cursor position (or to the right of the insertion
point). As you type, anything to the right of the
cursor moves to the right to make room for the
new typing. If insert mode is turned off, typing
then overwrites (erases) the old characters instead
of putting the new ones before the old ones. This
is often called overwrite mode. Most PC keyboards
have an Ins or Insert key that lets you switch back
and forth between insert and overwrite
modes. Many word processing programs display
OVR in a status bar at the bottom when overwrite
mode is on.

Home Is the key you press to
move the cursor to the
beginning of the
current line. Many
programs also use
keyboard shortcuts
such as Ctrl+Home to
move the cursor to the
beginning of a
PgDn Is the function of this key is usually software
specific. Typically, it scrolls a document
backward one screen or one page.
PgUp Is the function of this key is usually software
specific. Typically it scrolls a document forward
one screen or one page.
Arrows Are 4 keys that move the cursor in the direction
the arrow points
Function Are special keys that perform a number of
Keys important tasks. Their exact functions are
(F1, F2 ...) software dependent. F1 usually is reserved for
Help, while F10 frequently exits or quits the
Print Screen Directs the computer to copy whatever is
displayed on the screen to the clipboard for
pasting later. It doesn't really "print" in Windows.
Scroll Lock Its function is often software specific. In
spreadsheets, it usually locks the cursor on its
current screen line and scrolls text (rather than
the cursor) up or down whenever an up or down
cursor control arrow is pressed.
Pause Not usually used with Windows. Pressing this key
under DOS temporarily stops a screen display or
freezes rapidly scrolling information.
Windows The WINDOWS key acts as another special
Key function key. If you press the Window key by
itself, the Start Menu will open. Windows+E will
launch Windows Explorer.



Directions: Identify the following computer parts with a

short description of their functions.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.




1. What is CPU?
a. The Tower
b. The Brain of the Computer
c. Use to store information

2. What device that produces a paper copy of the information on your

a. Projector b. Monitor c. Printer

3. An output device that produces sound and music when connected to

the computer.
a. Speaker b. Monitor c. Scanner

4. What output device use for displaying into a large surface (projection
a. Projector b. Monitor c. Printer

5. An input device that reads copy as an image and digitally records the
a. Printer b. Scanner c. Projector

6. What output device use for listening that is held over the ears by a
band worn on the head?
a. Speaker b. Headphones c. Microphones

7. An input device in which sound energy is changed into electrical energy

for the sending or recording sound (your voice).
a. Speaker b. Headphones c. Microphones

8. A hand-held input device you roll on your desk to point to and select
items on your screen.
a. Mouse b. Keyboard c. Monitor

9. This computer is small in size and can easily be arranged to fit in your
single bedroom with its all accommodation.
a. Personal computers
b. Minicomputer
c. Mainframes

10. The "box" or case that holds the parts that make up a computer: CPU,
hard disk drive, floppy drive, memory chips, power supply, interface
cards, etc.
a. Tower Monitor c. Printer



Supercomputer Minicomputer Mainframe

Notebook/Handheld Personal



2. Microphone – Input
1. Keyboard – Input devoices where sound
devices that user press to (your voice) record to
input data or type electrical energy.

3. Mouse-a 4. Scanner-Input
handheld device devices which reads a
use to point and copy of an image &
select item. digitally records

5. Speaker-An output 6. Headset-An

devices that produces output devices for
sounds and music. listening and held
over the ears.

7. Flash Drive-Storage
devices that that can 8. Printer-An output
hold documents, devices that
pictures, music even produces paper
an MP3. copy of information.

10. CPU-A
9. Monitor- processing device.
Output devices Consider as the
where you can brain of the
see/view computer. It
images and control the whole
information. computer system.


1. a
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. b


1. b
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. b
7. c
8. a
9. a


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