Faculty of Business School: Name: Matrix No: Contact No: Email
Faculty of Business School: Name: Matrix No: Contact No: Email
Faculty of Business School: Name: Matrix No: Contact No: Email
MPU 3313
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Matrix No :
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Question 1 3–5
Question 2 6–8
Question 3 9 – 12
Question 4 13 – 15
Question 5 16 – 18
Question 6 19 – 20
Question 7 21 - 23
A healthy lifestyle can defined a way of living that decrease or lower the risk of
diseases and illness. According to WHO (1999), healthy living is not just about avoiding a
disease but it is about your physical, mental and social well-being too. When we take concern
about our healthy living, it will help us to improve our health and give ourselves more
opportunity to enjoy more aspects in life for longer.
Based on Krans (Healthline, 2016) in order to get the proper nutrition, we should obtain the
healthy of daily calories which is from fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, lean
protiens and more water everyday. Eating healthy foods and balanced diet also depending
on their age, gender and physical activity level like men need more calories than woman.
Being healthy is about choosing the right food because we need proper nutrition to work
Secondly, we have to stay active and maintaining a healthy weight in term of increases our
healthy living. A regular exercising can prevent diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, high
blood pressure and stroke with doing simple movement that suitable with your own stamina
such as daily walk, jogging, swimming and more.
The feeling of anger, fear, sadness, stress and envy are examples of problem with emotional
management. Emotional management is the ability to understand ourselves and our
thoughts which is, being able to think before act or speak out and self-motived in a
productive manner.
A healthy environmental is composed of elements that relates to health as all the physical,
chemical, biological factors external to a person and the related behaviors. Creating health-
promoting environments consists of preventing and controlling disease, injury and disability
related to the interations between people and their environments (WHO, 2006).
Healthy lifestyle also consists of the stress-free at workplace with creating an effective job
design to the organisation like resting time, shift patterns, good communication and provide a
healthy and safety workplace to the staffs. Without effective stress management at workplace,
stress can have terrible consequences for organisations.
Alcoholic and smoking can risks you’re healthy and the people surrounding you. These habits
will lead you to respiratory illness, throat infections, stroke, and lead to premature deaths.
Avoiding destructive habits of alcohol, drugs and tobacco will lead us to maintain a healthy
quality of life and physical wellness.
Adequate rest and sleep also the factors of healthy lifestyle that require physical and mental
able to function well. We must sleep at least 8 hours everyday to get good quality of rest and
a way to relaxing the brain also decrease fatigue.
In conclusion, it’s our responsibility to change and improving our healthy and well-
being by adopting the characteristics of healthy lifestyle for goodness sake your family and
yourself. It’s not too late to begin!
Intellectual is the ability that involved of critical thinking that you can apply the things you
have learned and create opportunities to learn more about new things in the world around
you. By keep developing your intellectual curiosity, you will strive to expand and challenge
your mind than to become unproductive.
Occupational dimension is described that to get fulfillment from your jobs or career field
while still maintaining balance in our lives. According to Hettler B. (1976), you will
contribute your unique gifts, skills and talents to work that is both personally meaningful also
rewarding by applying these occupational wellness in our lives.
Social wellness can define as live in harmony and maintain positive relationships with
community and the nature in the universe. These dimensions encourage us to develop a sense
of connection and build a better living space within people around us than to live in conflict
with them.
The dimension of spiritual is development of deep appreciation for the depth and expanse of
life that exist in the world by a peaceful harmony between internal personal feelings and
emotions. When we experiences many feelings such as fear, disappointment, despair and
feeling of doubt, you will becoming spiritually well when your actions become more
consistent with your beliefs and values ( Bill Hettler, 1976).
A healthy environment consists of clean air, pure water, quality foods, adequate shelter,
personal safety and healthy relationships. As good health by occupying pleasant and
stimulating environments that support our well-being, we will able to protect the world
around us with some strategies to promote environmental awareness like implementing
recycling programmes and educating the community as well (NDSU, 2015 & Samhsa).
Emotional wellness and stability is our ability to recognize awareness and acceptance our
own feelings which is feels positive and enthusiastic about ourself and life. When we adopt
emotional wellness, it will help us to express feelings without feeling doubt, manage feelings
effectively, able to independently, recognize conflict, respect each other and taking
responsibility as a ways to challenge ourself.
The last dimension of wellness model is financial. Financial is one of our essentials
requirements nowadays for satisfaction and for future. Furthermore, when we do not have
enough money, we unable to achieve our satisfaction to have anything we want in entire life.
In addition, it will lead us to financial stress, negative emotion also self-management and
family neglected if we do not manage financial well. Involved in financial management
programme will improve our self-development, personal finances and more productive to the
company we worked for.
A person will able to contribute to their environments and community with better
living space and positive social networks by applying the eight dimensions of wellness. An
individual also can develop their self-esteem, belief system, values and self-abilities in many
aspects of life.
Hettler, B. (1976). The six dimensions of wellness model. National Wellness Institute Inc.
Samhsa Wellness Initative (2015). The Eight Dimensions of Wellness. Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Rockville. Retrieved from:
What will happen when the body is unable to immunization against disease? It would
certainly cause us to easy fall ill and exposed to various dangerous diseases. Therefore, a
well-balanced diet is important to stay healthy for longer. Generally, our body requires
essential nutrients like protiens, fats, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and water to function
well. The contents of food and a ways to control the food intake is an important factor to get
well-balanced diet methods. Referring to Figure 2, we can indentify the contents of food in
order to get the right nutrition for our body.
Protiens is the basics of our body which is essential for proper muscle and brain
development. Protiens is consists of two source which is from animal protiens and plant
protiens. For animal protiens, it contains of egg, fish, milk and meat while for plant protiens,
it contains of cereals, beans, walnuts, legumes and soy products.
Second important nutrient is Carbohydrates which is combination of sugar and the major
energy source for our body. Carbohydrates consists of two types which are simple carb such
as fruits, vegetables and milk while the other one is complex carb that include whole-grain
breads, cereals, legumes and food contains fibre. The functions of carbohydrates are it helps
us to reducing overweight, help to provide energy, stimulate growth of bacteria in intestines
and avoidance of hypoglycaemia disease.
Our body system also need fats for energy, for vitamins absorption and insulates our body to
sustainable body temperature. Lipids also known as fats consists of two types which are
linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid that help human maintain their blood pressure and the
progress of healthy pregnancy. Furthermore, there are different types of fats that contains in
our food which are bad cholesterol (saturated and Trans fat) and good cholesterol
(monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid) are like avocado, seeds, salmon and Olive
Vitamins are important nutriens to unleash energy stored in carbohydrates, protiens and fats
that help to produce red blood cells, maintainance of the nervous, sketel and immune system.
There are 13 types of vitamins act as antioxidants with different group and functions. Water-
Soluble vitamin (B1, B3, B5, B6, B12, Folate, Biotin and Vitamin C) helps to release energy
and break down the nutrients that contains in foods. Some of the vitamins functions are
providing resistance to infections and promoting wound healing. Most of the Fat-Soluble
vitamins (Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K) helps to maintains human body
system especially bones, teeth, cell membrans, eyes, skin and for blood clotting.
According to Davis and Gatlin (1996), there are about 23 minerals has been demonstrated as
essential in more than 1 animal species. After divided group by group, there are about 17
minerals those important elements to regulate body functions. The 17 minerals nutrition also
divided into two groups that consist of macro minerals (calcium, chlorine, magnesium,
phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulphur) and micro minerals (aluminium, arsenic, cobalt,
chromium, copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, molybdenum, selenium and zinc). These
components serve a variety of functions such as maintainence of body tissues, help release
energy and help in production of membrane potentials. In addition, foods that contain
minerals are dairy products, meats, banana and green leafy vegetables.
As we know, water is the most important component to our body not just only for regulate
body temperature but also helps flush our systems of waste product and toxins. Inadequate
water intake will cause tiredness, kidney stones and urinary tract infection. So that, we have
to drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses per day to prevent dehydration.
For conclusion, the essential nutrients that constitute a well-balanced diet are depends
on people from different categorise and age to consume a variety of foods. For examples of
recommendation average daily number of serving for Protiens group is from 2 – 21/2 serves
(adult woman) and 21/2 – 3 serves (adult men), for Carbohydrates group is from 3 – 6 serves
(adult woman) and 4 – 6 serves (adult men) and for Fats group is from 21/2 – 4 serves (adult
woman) and 21/2 – 3 serves (adult men) depending on activity level (eatforhealth.gov.au).
Prof Dr Sha'ari Abd. Hamid, Assoc Prof Raijah Rahim, Rames Prasath Mahatam Rai, &
Rosnida Abu Bakar. (2015). Health and Wellness. Open University Malaysia.
Davis, D. A. & Gatlin, D. M. (1996). Dietary Mineral Requirements of Fish and Marine
Crustaceans. The University of Texas.
National Health and Medical Research Council (July, 2015). Recommended number of serves
for adults. Retrieved from https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/food-essentials/how-much-do-we-
Diabetes is a chronic disorder conditions which is too much glucose and the pancreas
either cannot make insulin or insufficient insulin to work properly. Without insulin doing its
job, glucose builds up in the blood leading to high blood glucose levels which cause the
health problems (Diabetes Australia State and Territory Organisations, 2008). A therapeutic
diet formulated usually by nutritionists, dieticians, and medical doctors to aid in the healing
of the body from certain types of injuries and diseases such as Medical Nutrition Therapy
(MNT) that helping to prevent diabetes and managing education of diabetes complications by
different group of diabetes (Bantle J. P. et al, 2008).
Here are some recommendation and avoidance foods for looking after your diabetes;
a) Simple carbohydrate that consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and
low-fat milk is good for health. Low-carb diets encourage to lowering postprandial
c) Fish also a good alternative to high-fat meats such as poultry, cod, tuna, salmon,
mackerel and saturated fat because it rich of omega-3 fatty acid and lowering blood
fats called triglycerides.
e) Beside that, diabetes patients need to avoid consuming saturated fats especially
high-fat dairy products and animal protiens like beef, bacon and sausage because it
can risk your coronary disease.
f) Avoiding salty foods because eating too many foods that contains of sodium will risk
your kidney disease, heart disease, high blood pressure and can cause of bipolar
disorder. Diabetes patients can use garlic, turmeric, cayenne and black pepper to
improve the flavour of meals instead of salt.
g) Tran’s fats can found in processed snacks, baked goods, candies, cookies, fried food,
vegetables shortenings and all partially hydrogenated products that can cause of
cancer if consuming Tran’s fats excessively.
h) Limitation intake of cholesterol such as egg yolks, shellfish, high-fat dairy products
and high-fat animal protiens also other organ meats because it will causes high blood
pressure and increase risk of stroke.
Prof Dr Sha'ari Abd. Hamid, Assoc Prof Raijah Rahim, Rames Prasath Mahatam Rai, &
Rosnida Abu Bakar. (2015). Health and Wellness. Open University Malaysia.
What is Diabetes? (October 2008). Diabetes Australia State and Territory Organisations.
Robinson L., Segal J., & Segal, R. (February, 2016). Healthy Eating: Easy Tips for Planning
a Healthy Diet and Sticking to it. Retrieved from http://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-
Weight problems often associated with our diet whether appropriate or not. But there
are two concepts that determine ideal weight management health which is Body Mass Index
(BMI) and body composition. For BMI, it’s commonly used to classify underweight,
overweight and obesity in adults while body composition based on factors of genetic,
physiological, lifestyle and psycosocial by physical test analysis. Eating disorders are actually
serious and often fatal illness that causes severe distubances our eating behaviors. Obsessions
with food, body weight and shape are a central feature of eating disorder, also known as
Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and binge-eating disorder (The National Institute of
Mental Health, February 2016).
Women with anorexia nervosa severely restrict their food intake and may see themselves as
overweight even they are emaciated that their health is in danger. Anorexia often consuming
as few as 2 hundred calories a day and may exercise compulsively. Symptoms of anorexia are
including of extremely restricted eating, emaciation, a relentless pursuit of thinness and
unwillingness to maintain a normal weight. Therefore, anorexia not just feeling fear to gain
weight but distorted body image and self-esteem that lead them to brain damage, low heart
rate, drop internal body temperature, osteopenia, mild anemia, muscle weakness and growth
of fine hair all over the body (lanugo). Anorexia nervosa is relatively rare but can be life-
Unlike anorexia nervosa, people with bulimia nervosa basically maintain what is considered
a healthy normal weight but may consider also secretly binge. Bulimia tends to uncontrolled
bingeing on large quantities of food and then purge by vomiting, taking laxatives or
diurectics and exercising excessively. Symptoms of bulimia are including of chronically
inflamed, sore throat, swollen salivary glands in the neck, tooth decay and acid reflux
Those people suffering from binge eating disorder will binge uncontrollably over eating but
these binge-eating disorder not followed by purging, excessive exercise or fasting. Majority
of overweight or obese people do not regularly binge on huge quantities of food but mostly
eat slight more calories than they expand on a daily basis and lastly body weight slowly
increase and lead to worsens diabetes. Binge eaters more likely to have low self-esteem, body
image dissatisfaction, depression and other mental illnesses (Elsenstat, Nathan & Barlow,
People suffering with eating disorder need proper treatments and therapies for
reducing excessive exercise and stopping purging behaviours. Those suffering with eating
disorder can join any treatment plans such as nutritional counselling, medical care and
monitoring medications. Family psychotherapy also important to helps a person to identify
disorted, to responsibility helping them gain weight and improve eating habits. For binge
eating disorder, maintaining blood glucose level is a ways to slow the progression of diabetes.
As conclusion, eating disorder represents the dangerous extremes of unhealthy eating and
well-being a person. Be grateful the way you are because nobody perfect!
Elsenstat, S. A., Nathan, D. M., Barlow, E. (2007). Every Woman’s Guide to Diabetes: What
you need to know to lower your risk and beat the odds. (pg.167), Harvard University,
The National Institute of Mental Health (February, 2016). Eating Disorders. Retrieved from
People who do not practise healthy lifestyle will become more vulnerable to non-
communicable disease which has long term effects on the body and uncontrollablty.
Increasing awareness on the role of clean environment also becoming a major concern
and raising trend among health conscious individuals to involved and play more
active role in creating a healthy environments.
The promote health and wellness by authorities has effectively reduced the burden of
preventable disease and promoted better quality of life among the community.
For conclusion, the goal of disease prevention in the promotion of health and wellness
is to identify risk factors for disease so that information about these risks can then shared with
people and hoping can change their behaviours to lower their disease risk.
Prof Dr Sha'ari Abd. Hamid, Assoc Prof Raijah Rahim, Rames Prasath Mahatam Rai, &
Rosnida Abu Bakar. (2015). Health and Wellness. Open University Malaysia.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque
builds up inside the coronary arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle.
Based on Figure 3, when plaque builds up in the arteries, the condition is called
atherosclerosis that build up of plaque occurs for over many years (NIH, October 2015).
Symptoms of CHD are including of breathless, chest pain, radiation of pain over left arm,
neck, jaw, shoulder or stomach, feeling lightheaded, nausea and thightness over chest. CHD
caused of smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity and high blood pressure that lead
to premature death. Healthy lifestyle can lower the risk of CHD to prevent it from getting
Taking a healthy well-balanced diet which should include fat-free or low diary
product, fish with high omega-3 fatty acids, eating fruits, vegetable, whole grains to
keep blood pressure under control and avoid a lot of red meat, sugary and salty food.
Maintaining a healthy weight by knowing your ideal body mass index (BMI) and
follow the treatments plan that monitoring your medical check-up records by doctor.
Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of developing CHD. Try to talk your doctor
abour programs and products that can help you quit smoking.
Take any medication to pre-control your disease especially blood cholesterol levels
and helps to lowering your cholesterol and to prevent blood clots.
In conclusion, lifestyle changes, medicines and medical procedures can help prevent
or treat coronary heart disease by applying the general prevention strategies. The more active
you are, the more you will benefit.
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (October, 2015). How to prevent and control
Coronary Heart Disease risk factors. Retrieved from http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-