Multiple Choice Question Bank (MCQ) Term - I: Class - XII

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कें द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन क्षेत्रीय कायाालय रायपुर

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office Raipur

Class - XII
Multiple Choice Question Bank
[MCQ ] Term – I
English Core [301]
Based on Latest CBSE Exam Pattern
for the Session 2021-22

कें द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन क्षेत्रीय कायाालय रायपरु
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office Raipur


It is a matter of great pleasure for me to publish study material for

different subjects of classes X and XII for Raipur Region. Getting acquainted and
familiarized with the recent changes in curriculum and assessment process
made by CBSE vide Circular No. 51 and 53 issued in the month of July 2021
will help students to prepare themselves better for the examination. Sound and
deeper knowledge of the Units and Chapters is must for grasping the concepts,
understanding the questions. Study materials help in making suitable and
effective notes for quick revision just before the examination.

Due to the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19 pandemic the

students and the teachers are getting very limited opportunity to interact face
to face in the classes. In such a situation the supervised and especially prepared
value points will help the students to develop their understanding and analytical
skills together. The students will be benefitted immensely after going through
the question bank and practice papers. The study materials will build a special
bond and act as connecting link between the teachers and the students as both
can undertake a guided and experiential learning simultaneously. It will help
the students develop the habit of exploring and analyzing the Creative &
Critical Thinking Skills. The new concepts introduced in the question pattern
related to case study, reasoning and ascertain will empower the students to take
independent decision on different situational problems. The different study
materials are designed in such a manner to help the students in their self-
learning pace. It emphasizes the great pedagogical dictum that ‘everything can
be learnt but nothing can be taught’. The self-motivated learning as well as
supervised classes will together help them achieve the new academic heights.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the principals and the
teachers who have relentlessly striven for completion of the project of preparing
study materials for all the subjects. Their enormous contribution in making this
project successful is praiseworthy.
Happy learning and best of luck!

Vinod Kumar
(Deputy Commissioner)

कें द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन क्षेत्रीय कायाालय रायपरु
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office Raipur

Our Patorn

Vinod Kumar
Deputy Commissioner
KVS RO Raipur

Smt.Biraja Mishra Sh.A.K. Mishra

Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner
KVS RO Raipur KVS RO Raipur

Shri Ashok Kumar Chandrakar

Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya Mahasamund


A note to the students………

The question Bank has been prepared by a set of experienced teachers based on the CBSE
syllabus for Term – 1 2021- 2022. It contains Section wise model questions Reading, Writing and
Literature and three sets of sample Question Papers for practice.
As Term-1 exam will be completely Multiple-Choice Questions the Question bank has been
designed to cater to the need for the students to focus on MCQ Assessment criteria. All the students
shall use this Question bank for practice keeping in view with content, knowledge and critical thinking
and answering purpose.
Shri.Ashok Chandrakar Principal, KV Mahasamund

And the team of teachers

1. Mrs.K.Parameswari PGT ( English ) KV Kanker
2. Mr K Santosh PGT (English) KV Dongargarh
3. MR V K Singh PGT( English) KV DURG
4. Mr R K Dewangan PGT ( English) KV NTPC Korba
5. Mr Manoj Pardeshi,PGT (English) ,KV SECL, Chirmiri
6. Mr R Chouhan , PGT (English) KV CISF Bhilai
7. Miss Bharati Sao , PGT (English) KV Manendragarh

This Question Bank contains Term – 1 ( 40 Marks)

Section - A
Reading Comprehension: ( 14 Marks) ( Five Passages Each) ∙
Type – 1 Unseen passage (factual, descriptive Or literary/ discursive or persuasive) : ( 8 Marks)
Type – 2 - Case Based Unseen (Factual) Passage : ( 6 Marks )
Section – B
Creative Writing Skills : 3 + 5 = 8 Marks
( Five Sample Questions Each)
Short Writing Tasks ( 3 Marks)
1. Notice Writing
2. 2. Classified Advertisements
Long Writing Tasks ( 5 Marks)
1. Letter to an Editor (giving suggestions or opinion on issues of public interest)
2. Article Writing
Section – C
Literature : 11 Marks for Flamingo + 7Marks for Vistas = 18 Marks
Literary-prose/poetry extracts( seen- texts ) to assess comprehension and appreciation, analysis, inference, extrapolation
Book- Flamingo (Prose) Book-Flamingo (Poetry) Book-Vistas (Prose)
The Last Lesson ∙ My Mother at Sixty-Six An -- ∙ The Third Level
Lost Spring Elementary School Classroom in a Slum ∙ The Enemy
Deep Water ∙ Keeping Quiet

Section – A Reading
Passage – 1
Direction ( Q-Nos.1-8) :Read the passage given below

In small town, there lived a beautiful family of five members including an old man who was the head of
the family and his only son, daughter -in-law and two grandchildren. The family had not lot of fun and
enjoyed life to the fullest. As a family, they always had dinner together, every day.
However, as days passed by, the health of the old gradually weakened. His vision become very poor, he
his hands and legs started trembling.
One day, while serving dinner, the old man whose legs and hands shivered and who couldn’t see
properly split the food on the table. With his trembling hands, he wasn’t able to eat properly. He let the
glass of milk fall on the table cloth. His son and daughter-in-law were completely annoyed, as he messed
up the dinner. It was repeated for a next time as the old man couldn’t help himself. His son was irritated
and his wife said, “I can’t bear this anyone. He spoils our dinner time. We should do something about
it.” He agreed. Soon they set up a new table and chair in the corner of the hall and made him sit there
to eat food. The old man wasn’t able to hold the glass or plate and he broke a few pieces of utensils. His
son gave the old man a wooden bowl so it wouldn’t break. While the rest of the family seemed to enjoy
their meals, the old man was in tears as he had to eat his food alone. The old man would often recollect
happy memories of family and could barely tolerate his current situation.
Days passed and the old man died quietly. After his funeral, they were cleaning the house when his five-
year old grandson Vikram and his elder sister Zoya began to search for something. This was noticed by
their father who asked his children. ‘What are you searching for?’ Zoya replied, “The wooden bowl in
which grandpa ate food !’ Curiously he asked, ‘But why?’ To which Zoya thoughtfully replied, ‘ We want
to preserve it in memory Grandpal!’ The children found the bowl and keep it in a safe place. Then Vikram
asked his father, ‘Did can you buy one more bowl like this?’. Surprised by the question, he asked, ‘Why
son?’ To this Zoya prompted replied, ‘See we have only bowl. When you and Momma get old , how will
we feed you both with one bowl? So we want you to buy another one for Momma ?’ The elders realised
their mistake, but it was a bit late in the day.
1. Which of the following statements is TRUE in the context of the story?
a)The old man’s daughter-i-law took very good care of him till his last breath.
b) Vikram and Zoya loved and respected the elderly.
c) The old man had left the huge property for his only son after his death.
d) The old man was eating food in a wooden bowl.

2. Which of the following qualities described the old man’s daughter-in-law the best in the context
of the story?
a) Extremely
b) Selfish
c) Annoying
d) Meek
3. According to the story the old man food alone in the corner because _________
a) He didn’t enjoy having food with his family anymore.
b) He did not want the dinner table to make messy.
c) His grandchildren would make a noise which he couldn’t bear.
d) Other than those given in the options.
4. As mentioned in the story, Vikram requested his father to get another wooden bowl because ___
a) He wanted to replace old utensils with new wooden ones.
b) It was his grandfather’s last wish and he wanted to fulfil it.
c) He wanted it for giving food to his mother when she became old.
d) He was fond of wooden vessels.
5. Which of the following is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word “PRESERVE” as used
in the passage?
a) store
b) Dry
c) Discard
d) Eradicate
6. Which of the following correctly explains the phrase, ‘Late in the day’ as used in the story?
a) ‘In early afternoon
b) Too old to be useful
c) Too new to be used
d) Too late to be of any use
7. Which of the following can be an appropriate title for the story?
a) Never Hurt Your grandfather
b) The ill grandfather
c) The wooden Bowl
d) The wise parents
8. Which of the following is the most nearly the same in meaning to the word ‘RECOLLECT” as used
in the story?
a) Remember
b) Remind
c) Prompt
d) Purchase
Section – A Reading
Passage – 2
Direction ( Q-Nos.1-8) :Read the passage given below
Mankind’s experience of various evolutionary changes from primitive times to the present day has been
extensive and varied. However, man’s problems were never before as complicated as they seem to be
today. Man’s economic activity centres primarily around factor of production ; its role, therefore , has
been given a lot of importance. It should be useful to have an overall view of the economic history of
man – from the nomadic times to the modern factory system – and study its relevance to the various
labour problems of today.
Initially, man passed through ‘the hunting and fishing stage’. During this period, his basic needs were
adequately met by Nature. Wild animals, birds and fruits satisfied his hunger, and his thirst was
quenched by the waters of springs and rivers. Caves gave him shelter and barks of trees were used as
clothing. During this stage of man’s progress of the absence of any economic, political and social system.
Then came ‘the pastoral stage’, which was marked by a certain amount of economic activity. The
nomadic and migratory nature of man persisted, and , together with his goats and cattle, he moved on
to fresh pastures and meadows. Some conflicts would sometimes take place among herd owners, for,
during this period , the institution of nominal private property ownership was not known.
This stage paves the way for ‘the agricultural stage’ during which the class system began to develop.
There was a small artisan class mostly self-employed; and there were also landed properties or
Zamindars as well as slaves. Thus, arose the feudal system. During the fourth stage of these
developments, ‘the handicrafts stage’, a number of social and economic changes took place which
marked the beginning of the labour problem in the world. The self – sufficient economy of the village
underwent a drastic change. The community of traders and merchants emerged.

1. Humanity’s evolution from primitive stage to the present has been
a) Static and smooth
b) Huge and diversified
c) Always violent
d) Always peaceful
2. ….. “man’s problem were never before as complicated as they seem to be today” means
a) The present times are the best times of humanity
b) The present times are the crucial period for humanity
c) The present times pose much more challenges to humans than the previous times
d) The present times provide much more facilities than the previous times.
3. Why does the author say that labour problems did not exist during ‘the hunting and fishing
a) There was no nation existing at that time
b) There were no economic, political and social system
c) There was no capitalism and market
d) There was no labour
4. “The pastoral stage was marked by a certain amount of economic activity.” How?
a) Humans started migrating and held goat-herds
b) Humans started owning land
c) Conflicts started as humans owned goats
d) Humans started doing agriculture.
5. Which word in the passage means ‘surfaced’?
a) Quenched
b) Emerged
c) Nomadic
d) Adequately
6. What were the consequences of Feudal system?
a) The handcrafters become very rich
b) The handicrafts stage led to labour problems
c) The villagers were jobless
d) The beginning of the labour issues and evolving of the traders and merchants.

7. Arrange in the right order:

A) Handicraft stage
B) The hunting and fishing stage
C) Pastoral stage
D) The agricultural stage
a) D,B,C,A
b) D,B, A, C
c) B,C,D,A
d) B,C,A,D
8. The passage over all pictures –
a) The labour issues
b) The stages of man’s development professionally and economically.
c) Wild animals and birds in Nature
d) Nomadic man and modern man.
Section – A Reading

Passage – 3
Direction ( Q-Nos.1-8) :Read the passage given below
Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a Profession of Physics. At an early
age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Her great exuberance for learning prompted
her to continue with her studies after high school. She became disgruntled, however, when she learned
that the university in Warsaw was closed to women. Determined to receive a higher education, she
defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French University where she earned her
master’s degree and decorate in Physics.
Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbanne with some of the greatest scientists of her day,
one of woman whom was married in 1895 and spent many productive years working together in the
physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered radium. Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon
in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible misfortune and endured heart-breaking anguish.
Despondently, she recalled their close relationship and they joy that they had shared in scientific
research. The fact that she had two young daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress.
Curie’s feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her husband as a
physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be give a professorship at the world-
famous university. In 1911, she received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for isolation radium. Although
Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became
disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science and
to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.
1. According to the passage why did Marie’s distress increase?
a) Because she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed to women.
b) Because she had two daughters to look after by herself.
c) Because she suffered from a fatal disease.
d) Because her husband was killed.
2. Which of the following options can replace the high lighted word ‘disillusioned’ in the given
Although Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her never became disillusioned
about her work.
a) Enchanted
b) Satisfied
c) Disenchanted
d) Contended
3. Select the most appropriate ANTYONYM of the given word. DISGRUNTLED.
a) Contended
b) Vexed
c) Annoyed
d) Irritated
4. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word EXUBERANCE
a) Lethargy
b) Exhilaration
c) Apathy
d) Coolness
5. Which among the following options is NOT true about Marie according to the passage ?
a) She was the first woman to be appointed as a professor at a world -famous university.

b) She received the Nobel Prize.
c) She was born in Poland.
d) She was killed by a horse drawn wagon.
6. She had studied and succeeded her husband at
a) Sorbonne, a French University
b) Sorbonne, poland
c) Sorbonne
d) Poland
7. She was awarded the Nobel prize for her _____
a) In Physics for Radium
b) For research scientist
c) In Chemistry for isolation radium
d) For discovering Radium
8. The misfortune of losing her husband had endowed responsibility with :
a) Being a professor after her husband
b) To care and raise her daughters
c) Dedicated her services to the science world
d) All the above
Section – A Reading
Passage – 4
Direction ( Q-Nos.1-8) :Read the passage given below
Philosophy of Education is a label applied to the study of the purpose, process, nature and ideals of
education. It can be considered a branch of both philosophy and education. Education can be defined as
the teaching and learning of specific skills , and the imparting of knowledge, judgement and wisdom,
and is something broader that the societal Institution of education we often speak of.
Many educationalists consider it a week and wooly field, too far removed from the practical applications
of the real world to be useful. But philosophers dating back to Plato and the Ancient Greeks have given
the area much thought and emphasis, and there is little doubt that their work has helped shape the
practice of education over the millennia.
Plato is the earliest important educational thinker, and education is an essential element in “The republic
“ ( his most important work on philosophy and political theory, written around 360 B.C). In it, he
advocates some rather extreme methods : removing children from their mothers’ care and raising them
as wards of the state, and differentiating children suitable to the various castes, the highest receiving
the most education, so that they could act as guardians of the city and care for the less able. He believed
that education should be holistic, including facts, skills, physical discipline , music and art. Plato believed
that talent and intelligence is not disturbed genetically and thus is found in children born to all classes,
although his proposed system of selective public education for an educated minority of the population
does not really follow a democratic model.
Aristotle considered human nature, habit and reason to be equally important forces to be cultivated in
education, the ultimate aim of which should be to produce good and virtuous citizens. He proposed that
teachers lead their students systematically, and that repetition be used as a key tool to develop good
habits, unlike Socrates emphasis on questioning his listeners to bring out their own ideas. He emphasised
the practical aspects of subjects taught, among which he explicitly mentions reading, writing,

mathematics, music, physical education, literature , history, and a wide range of sciences, as well as play,
which he also considered important.
During the Medieval period, the idea of Perennialism was first formulated by St. Thomas Aquinas in his
art work “De Magistro”. Perennialism holds that one should teach those things deemed to be of
everlasting importance to all people everywhere, namely principles and reasoning, not just facts ( which
are apt to change over time), and that one should teach about people, not machines or techniques. It
was originally religious in nature, and it was only much later that a theory of secular perennialism
During the Renaissance, the French skeptic Michel de Montaigne ( 1533-1592) was one of the first to
critically look at education. Unusually for his first time, Montaigne was willing to question the
conventional wisdom of the period, calling into question the whole edifice of the educational system,
and the implicit assumption that university-educated philosophers were necessarily wiser than
uneducated farm workers.
1. What is the difference between the approaches of Socrates and Aristotle?
a) Aristotle felt the need for rote-learning : Socrates emphasised on dialogic learning.
b) There was no difference
c) Aristotle emphasised on the importance of paying attention to human nature; Socrates
emphasised upon science.
d) Aristotle felt the need for repetition to develop good habits in students; Socrates felt the
need to be constantly questioned.
2. Why do educationists consider philosophy a ‘weak and woolly’ field?
a) It is not practically applicable.
b) Its theoretical concepts are easily understood.
c) Its is irrelevant for education .
d) None of the above
3. The term ‘Perennialism’, in the context of the given comprehension passage refers to something
a) Which is quite unnecessary .
b) Which is of ceaseless importance
c) Which is abstract and theoretical
d) Which is existed in the past and no longer exists now.
4. Were Plato’s beliefs about education democratic?
a) He believed that only the rich have the right
b) He believed people are democratic
c) He believed that only a select few are meant to attend schools
d) He believed that all pupils are not talented.

5. Why did Aquinas propose a model of education which did not lay much emphasis on facts?
a) Facts are not important.
b) Facts do not lead to holistic education
c) Facts change with the changing times
d) Facts are frozen in time.
6. During which period was the education system focused on Religious nature ?
a) Ancient period
b) Medieval period

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c) Modern times
d) None of the above
7. During which period there was a shift from conventional education system?
a) Aristotle period
b) 360 B.C
c) 1533-1592
d) Medieval period
8. Which philosopher had felt that a blend of the theory and practical could be a better education
for mankind?
a) Plato
b) Aristotle
c) De Magistro
d) Michel de Montaigne

Section – A Reading
Passage – 5
The village school was located in a prominent place where apart from the school, there were a few
shops, a small temple and a government dispensary. The headmaster of the school was a learned and
scholarly man loved by all. The dispensary was looked after by a doctor and a male nurse. The doctor
attended the dispensary very punctually and used to retire to his residence after the duty hours and
never allowed anyone to visit his residence after the duty hours.
The school was housed in a dilapidated building and very often the headmaster used to take the children
out to the nearby garden where they could play and take the children out to the nearby garden where
they could play and take part in various sports and games under the able supervision of the headmaster.
One day a stray dog entered the garden when the children were playing. One of them pelted stone at
the dog and it started barking and all of a sudden became boisterous and bit a child in the leg. The boy
was very badly hurt and his leg started bleeding. The children who by this time became panicky rushed
to the headmaster together with a few students took the child to the nearby dispensary and gone to his
The headmaster took the injured child to the residence of the doctor and knocked at the door of the
doctor for help. But the doctor refused to open the door and make it clear that he would not attend to
anyone howsoever serious he may be during his leisure hours. However the headmaster continued to
knock at the door and finally the doctor opened the door when he saw the headmaster trembling with
fear and the student crying in agony and pain.
The doctor mellowed down now and took the child to the dispensary for bandaging the wound and
giving necessary injections and medicines. The doctor was impressed by the dedication and sincerity of
the headmaster. He realized his folly and decided to attend to the needy and sick even during his leisure
1.Where was the village school located ?
a) It was located in a dense forest
b) It was located near the market place
c) It was located in a building that needed repairs
d) It was located near a garden

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2. How did the doctor spend his time after duty hours?
a) He played cards with the neighbours.
b) He rested in at home and disallowed visitors .
c) He slept and dreamt
d) He read spiritual and religious books.

3. What did the headmaster do ?

a) He took the children out to the nearby garden where they could play.
b) He went to the nearby garden and sat there for hours together
c) He discussed politics with the teachers
d) He went around the school housed in a dilapidated building .

4. What made the dog bark at the children?

a) They did not give the dog anything to eat.
b) The dog saw another dog in the garden .
c) The dog was feeling hungry and wanted something to eat.
d) One of the boys did some mischief to the dog.

5. What happened to the boy bitten by the dog?

a) The boy started laughing
b) The boy became unconscious
c) The boy was very badly hurt and his leg started bleeding
d) The boy started pelting stones at the dog.

6. How did the other children react ?

a) The children can away from the scene.
b)The children should for help
c) The children shouted for help
d) The children became panicky and rushed to the headmaster.

7. What happened when the head master took the child to the dispensary?
a) The doctor had left the dispensary and gone home.
b) The doctor stated talking pleasantly with the headmaster
c) The doctor ordered a cup of tea for the headmaster and sweets for the children
d) The doctor welcomed the headmaster to his room

8. What promoted the doctor to open his door?

a) The doctor’s desire for a stroll in garden
b) The doctor thought his friend was knocking at the door
c)The doctor’s longing for fresh air
d)The continued knock at the door by the headmaster .
Reading Passage – 1 Answers
1. d. The old man was eating food in a wooden bowl. ( because he was served in the wooden bowl)
2 b. Selfish ( was not concerned about the old man)
3. d. Other than those given in the options. ( the old man was not able to eat properly)
4. c. He wanted it for giving food to his mother when she became old.( what the elders do the child
5. a. store ( Preserve means store: opposite and not )
6. d. Too late to be of any use ( a phrase)
7. c. The wooden Bowl ( The story revolves around the wooden bowl)
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8. a. Remember ( recollect means remember)
Reading Passage – 2 Answers
1. b. Huge and diversified( has changed with time )
2. c. The present times pose much more challenges to humans than the previous times( man facing
more challenges)
3. b . There were no economic, political and social system ( They hunted for themselves)
4. a . Humans started migrating and held goat-herds . ( It is guessed to live a better life)
5. b. Emerged ( other three words are irrelevant)
6. d. The beginning of the labour issues and evolving of the traders and merchants. (artisans,
zamindars and slaves were existing)
7. c . B,C,D,A ( mankind started life first hunting and fishing, pastoral, agricultural, then handicraft.
8. b. The stages of man’s development professionally and economically.( history of mankind)
Reading Passage – 3 Answers

1. b. Because she had two daughters to look after by herself.( Marie’s distress)
2. c. Disenchanted ( similar meaning of disilliusioned)
3. a. Contended (opposite of disgruntled )
4. b. Exhilaration ( Similar meaning of Exuberance)
5. d. She was killed by a horse drawn wagon. ( her husband was killed by the horse drawn wagon)
6. a. Sorbonne, a French University ( her studies and took as professor after her husband’s death)
7. c. In Chemistry for isolation radium ( awarded)
8. d. All the above ( she took care of her children )
Reading Passage – 4 Answers

1. d.Aristotle felt the need for repetition to develop good habits in students; Socrates felt the
need to be constantly questioned.( philosophy of Aristotle and Socrates)
2. a.It is not practically applicable. ( difficult in real life)
3. c. Which is of ceaseless importance ( definition )
4. b. He believed people are democratic ( people’s democracy and education)
5. c.Facts change with the changing times ( changing phase of thoughts of men)
6. b.Medieval period ( A shift from religion to principles and reasoning).
7. c.1533-1592 ( ( renaissance period)
8. b. Aristotle ( he believed that theory and practical should go hand in hand)
Reading Passage – 5 Answers
1. c.It was located in a building that needed repairs
2. b. He rested in at home and disallowed visitors
3. a. He took the children out to the nearby garden where they could play.
4. d. One of the boys did some mischief to the dog.
5. c. The boy was very badly hurt and his leg started bleeding
6. d. The children became panicky and rushed to the headmaster.
7. a. The doctor had left the dispensary and gone home.
8. d. The continued knock at the door by the headmaster
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Reading Passage – Case Based - Type – 2
Direction ( Q-Nos, 9-14): Read the passage given below:
Since its creation in the 17th Century , insures have amassed polices in each class of risk they cover.
Thanks to technology, insures now have access to more information about the risks that individuals run.
Car insures have begun to set premiums based on how actual drivers behave, with “telematic” tracking
devices to show how often they speed or slam on the brakes. Analysts at Morgan Stanley, a bank, predict
that damage to insured homes will fall by 40-60% if smart sensors are installed to monitor, say, frayed
electrical wiring. Some health insures provide digital fitness- bands to track policy holders vital signs –
and give discounts if they lead a healthier life. But the data can only go so far. Even the safest driver can
be hit by a falling tree: people in connected homes still fall off ladders. But the potential gains from smart
insurance are large. First, giving people better insights into how they are managing risk should help them
change their behaviour for the better. Progressive, an American car insurer, tells customers who use its
trackers where they tend to drive unsafely; they crash less often as a result. Second, pricing will become
keener for consumers. The insurance industry made $338 billion in profits last year. More accurate risk
assessment should result in lower premiums for many policyholders. Third , insurers should be able to
spot fraud more easily, by using data to verify claims.

But two worries stand out. One is a fear that insures will go from being with to ones that watch your
every move. The other, thornier problem is that insures will cherry pick the good risks, leaving some
people without safety net or to be taken care of by the state. Forgone privacy is the price the insured
pay receiving personalised pricing. Many people are indeed willing to share the data, but individuals
should always have to opt in to do so. Some worry that this safeguard may not be enough :the financial
costs of not sharing data may be so great that people have no real choice over whether to sign up. The
second concern is the worry that more precise underwriting will create a class of uninsurable people,
selected out of insurers businesses because they are too high a risk.
1. Which of the following will be said about the insurance industry?
a) It is not well regulated in Europe and America
b) It is plagued by frauds on the part of the policy holders , who manipulate data.
c) It faces challenges about the use of personal data.
d) It requires ballouts from the government.
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2. The insurers got their inception in the
a) 16th century
b) 17th Century
c) 1870
d) 1902
3. Which of the following is/ are outcome(s) of smart insurance?
A. Create awareness about one’s behaviour
B. Infringes on a policy holder’s privacy
C. Discriminates among consumers based on their behaviour
a) Only C
b) Only B & C
c) Only A & B
d) All - A , B & C
4. The graph of personal auto insurance market has got its peak of premium growth and combined
ratio in the year ?
a) 2020
b) 2015
c) 1975
d) 2000
5. Which of the following is the central idea of the passage?
a) Today, customers have plenty of innovative insurance products to choose from.
b) Insurance companies access to and use of personal data is both promoting and risky.
c) Of all the insurance products health insurance is the most innovative and controversial.
d) Using genetic data to access a customer’s insurance premium is immoral.
6. Which of the following is true in the context of the passage?
a) Technology has made it easier to commit insurance fraud.
b) Insurance has been around for less than a century
c) The American insurance industry is the largest in the world.
d) None of the given statements is true in the context of the passage.
Reading Passage – 2 Case Based - Type – 2
Direction ( Q-Nos, 9-14): Read the passage given below:
The Ganges is one of the largest rivers in Asia. It rises in the Himalaya Mountains and flows over 2500km
through India and Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal.
However, the Ganges, India’s holy river, is also one of the most polluted in the world. The Ganges River
basin has a size of over 1 million square km. It lies in one of the most populous regions on earth. About
500 million people, half of India’s overall population, live in the Ganges river plains.
There are many causes of Ganges river pollution. About 2 million Hindus battle in the river every day.
During religious ceremonies, up to a hundred million people clean their sins away in the Ganges River.
They believe that bathing in the river will make them pure. In addition, thousands of bodies are
cremated near the river, especially around the holy city, Varanasi. The ashes are often released into
The Ganges also provides water for farming land, which is increasing at a tremendous rate. Irritation
projects cause water levels to go down along the river. More and more dams are being erected along
India’s holy river, mainly to produce energy for Delhi and other large cities in the area.
The river flows through 30cities with a population of over 100,000 each. Everyday, 3 billion litres of
untreated water from these big cities pass into the Ganges River, along with remains of animals.

15 | P a g e
Ganges River Pollution: A case Study of Causes of Ganges River Pollution.
Because of India’s lax environmental regulations, industries along the river release chemicals and other
poisonous material into the Ganges. In some places they are a thousand times over the allowed limit.
Especially India’s traditional leather industry needs great amounts of water . In addition, fertilizers from
the fields find their way into the ground water, and ultimately flow into the river. Altogether, the amount
of Industrial pollution has doubled in the past 20 years.
This widespread pollution of the Ganges River has also led to major health problems. Many diseases are
common, including cholera, hepatitis and diarrhoea.
While India’s population keeps growing, more and more people are leaving the countryside and moving
to big cities along the Ganges. As a result, the river will not be able to cope with even more people.
Life in the river is also at risk. Recent reports have shown that there is high a level of mercury in some
fish. The construction of dams is destroying forests and vegetation, killing off many animals and plants.
India authorities are fighting an upward battle towards cleaning up Ganges River. International
organizations have offered help. The World Bank has agreed to give India a loan of up to a million dollars
to clean up the Ganges River.
1. From which of the following neighbouring countries, the Ganges flows through India into the Bay
of Bengal?
a) China
b) Bhutan
c) Bangladesh
d) Sri Lanka
2. How many people ( in million) clean their sins away in the Ganges River?
a) 2
b) 100
c) 500
d) 750
3. According to the passage, which disease in not common due to the widespread pollution of the
Ganges River?
a) Influenza
b) Diarrhoea
c) Hepatitis
d) Cholera
4. According to the passage, which industry in India needs great amount of water?
a) Lock
b) Dyeing
c) Cloth
d) Leather

16 | P a g e
5. Which International organisation has agreed to give India a loan of a billion dollar to clean up the
Ganges River?
a) The World Bank
b) IMF
c) ADB
d) IDA
6. The bar graph shows that the River Ganges has got polluted badly. The sewage treatment plants
had been established. Which of the following is true ?
a) The treatment capacity is equal to the sewage generation
b) The sewage generation is less than the treatment plant.
c) The sewage generation is more than the treatment capacity installed.
d) The treatment plant is sufficient.

Reading Passage – 3 Case Based - Type – 2

Direction ( Q-Nos, 9-14): Read the passage given below:
Shivani a 14 year old girl visit the eye specialist as she has waatering eyes and unable to read and write
after her online classes. The Doctor before daognising her gives her a pamphlet and asks her to read till
he visits his inpatients in the hospital.

After reading the pamphlet, Shivani has understood why she has got watering eyes. She decides to follow
the norms of the screen time and leaves the hospital without meeting the Doctor.
1. Digital time has increased with the present situation. What should the teenage children
do to avoid this?
a) Attend more digital tutorials
b) Attend school classes
c) Involve in other physical activities
d) Involve in online games
2. Find which is sentence is true:
a) Late night screen time to increase
b) Late night screen time to be avoided before two hours of sleep
c) Late night screen time to be avoided before breakfast
d) Late night screen to be avoided before waking up
17 | P a g e
3. Which set of options are right to have a healthy and fit life today.
a b
1.Less time on video games 1.Less time on video games
2.Exercise from head to waist 2.Exercise from head to waist
3.Exercise for eyelids 3.Exercise for eyes
4.good food 4.good food
5. complete rest during sleeping hours 5. complete rest during sleeping hours
c d
1.Less time on video games 1.Less time on video games
2.Exercise from head to waist 2.Exercise from leg to waist
3.Exercise for eyes 3.Exercise for eyes
4.good food 4.good food
5. complete rest during not sleeping hours 5. complete rest during not sleeping hours

4. By providing smart hones to children we are encouraging them to learn independently. At the
same time _____________________ should not be given smart phones.
a) Young children
b) Every member of the family
c) Less than one hour
d) Children below one year
5. Family time is very important to be practiced by few activities among young children. How?
a) By not leaving them alone
b) By sitting with them.
c) By watching the screen activities with them
d) All of the above
6. Four friends were discussing on spending screen time . Whose argument is acceptable?

Reading Passage – 4 Case Study- Type – 2
Direction ( Q-Nos, 9-14): Read the passage given below:
Manav Singh had been farming his land for the past 20 years . His father had also been farming in
the same land. But now he is unable to irrigate the agricultural land as the ground water level has gone
down and the monsoon rains are also irregular. He has an option to connect the cannal irrigation that
the Government has initiated but is finding it difficult to implement the process. He knows that
Farmers world wide will need to increase crop production, either by increasing the amount of
agricultural land to grow crops or by enhancing productivity on existing agricultural lands to meet the
global demand.

However, the ecological and social trade -off of clearing more land for agriculture are often high,
particularly in the tropics. And right now, crop yields the amount of crops harvested per unit of land
cultivated are growing too slowly to meet the predicted demand for food. Even if some regions

18 | P a g e
increase their output and traders reduce the mismatch between supply and demand, doubling food
production by 2050 will undeniably be a major challenge.

Thus the last resort for farmers, Manav Singh thinks would be to grow more on the land they
currently operate through what is called “sustainable intensification”. This means using precision
farming tools, such as GPS fertiliser dispenser, advanced irrigation systems, and environmentally
optimized crop rotations. These methods can help produce more crop, especially in parts of Africa,
Latin America and Eastern Europe with large yield gaps.. They can also reduce the negative
environmental impacts from over stressing resources -preventing groundwater depletion and the
destruction of fertile lands through over-use of fertiliser.
Net irrigated area (%) of India has increased from nearly 18 to 48% in recent times due to
government interventions at various levels (Fig. 1). Although the government has given much
emphasis on improving canal system in various five year plans but it has declined over years (Fig. 1).
People have identified groundwater irrigation as much reliable and independent source of irrigation.
Groundwater irrigation has taken quantum jump since 1965.

Fig. 1. Percent net irrigated to net sown area and per cent canal irrigated & per cent
groundwater irrigated to net irrigated area (Source: based on data from DES, 2017-18); NIA %: Net
Irrigated area to net sown area, GW %: Groundwater share in net irrigated area, SW %: Surface water
share in net irrigated area October-December 2019]

In order to attract more investments in agriculture, the risks need to be reduced by governments.
Regulators need to overhaul policies that is affecting the inclusion of small, rural farmers into the
financial system. More supportive policies, laws and public spending on infrastructure would help
create a favourable investment climate for agriculture.
1. Which of the following pairs given in the options can conclude Paragraph 3 and start 4

A. Over the last 30 years, investment in agriculture has declined resulting in low productivity and
stagnant production.
B. Thus, as banking sectors in developing countries give fewer loans to farmers are bearing huge
C. If we have to use methods extensively more agricultural research is needed which further
highlights the need of investments in agriculture.
a) C- A
b) C-B
c) A-B

19 | P a g e
d) B-A
2. What does the author want to convey by, ‘would help create a favourable investment climate
for agriculture’ as mentioned in the passage in the italics?
A. The climate conditions need to be improved to improve food production.
B. With supportive policies and laws investments in agriculture are likely to increase.
C. Lower returns in agriculture are the main reason behind low investment.
a) Only A & C
b) Only A & B
c) Only B
d) Only B & C
3. Which of the following is /are true according to passage?
A. Paragraph 2 only highlights how food demand can easily be met in the near future.
B. Rising food demand is likely to affect developed countries more severely than the
developing countries.
C. Increasing land under agriculture, can impact the ecology negatively.
a) Only A & B
b) Only B
c) Only C
d) Both A & C
4. What is the author’s view about sustainable intensification mentioned in paragraph 3?
a) It I only useful for countries which have small yield gaps.
b) It may increase food production to meet the rising demands.
c) It will have a tremendous negative impact on the environment.
d) It is hyped and may not work in the long run.
5. The graph indicates that the irrigation of agricultural land in India using canal system has
a) Increased through the years
b) Decreased through the years
c) Equal all these years
d) None of the above
6. Irrigation of agriculture land has increased in the recent years through:-
a) Rain water
b) Monsoon rain
c) Canal water
d) Ground water
Reading Passage – 5 Case Study- Type – 2
Direction ( Q-Nos, 9-14): Read the passage given below:
On a walk through the Cubbon Park, in Bangalore, the statue of Queen Victoria has stood for a long
period of 115 years. The flora and fauna of Cubbon park captures our attention more than anything else.
But when you take time to look closely at the statue, you will marvel at its sheer grandeur . Sculpted by
Sir Thomas Brock, the 11 feet high marble statue is larger than life. It brings out the personality of queen
Victoria, who had been the monarch of Great Brittan from 1837 till 1901 depicting a rather proud, stern
person with pronounced features.
The Statue of Queen Victoria in Bangalore shows the Queen wearing the Order of the Garter robes,
which are decorated with tassels and roses. The Queen is carrying a sceptre and an orb with a cross.
The Statue of Queen Victoria in India
Location and co ordinators Year Artist or designers Type of statue Material used
Indian Museum, Kolkata 1875 Marshall Wood Statue on pedestal

20 | P a g e
Marble and
Gulab Bagh, Udaipur 1889 Charles Bell Birch Statue on pedestal
Jubilee Gardens, Watson
1897 Alfred Gilbert Seated statue Bronze
Museum, Rajkot
Grounds of the Victoria Statue on pedestal Bronze and
1901 George Frampton
Memorial, Kolkata and steps stone
Queen Victoria Pavilion, One
1904 not known Statue Bronze
Town, Visakhapatnam
Queen's Park, Bangalore 1906 Thomas Brock Statue on pedestal Marble
Victoria Memorial, Kolkata 1921 Thomas Brock Statue on pedestal Marble
In 1906, the statue was unveiled in the city by George Frederick Ernest Albert, Prince of Wales and Duke
of Cornwall and York, making it stand in all its glory in its 115th year. On the unveiling , the Prince in his
speech, thanked the people of the Bangalore Civil and Military Station (who were British subjects),
the Maharaja of Mysore and his native subjects, for helping raise the memorial statue. Even though
there is a wealth of history to the statue, and it was made to imposing, the busy Bengalureans would
probably refer to it as just another landmark.
1. Queen Victoria ruled Great Britain for how many years?
a) 64 years
b) 34 years
c) 54 years
d) 44 years
2. How many people unveiled the Queen Victoria statue at Cubbon Park?
a) One
b) Two
c) Six
d) Four
3. The Bengalureans would refer to the Queen Victoria statue as ___________.
a) Wealth of history
b) A landmark
c) Symbol of British rule
d) Bengaluru culture
4. Queen Victoria had all of the following traits, except_________ .
a) Proud
b) Generous
c) Stern
d) Pronounced features
5. Which of the following is false regarding the Queen Victoria statue in Bengaluru?
a) It is made of marble
b) It is 11 feet tall
c) It is 115 years old
d) It is standing in Queen Victoria park.
6. The table shows that the statue of Queen Victoria was made up of long lasting martials.
Identify the material.
a) Marble
b) Bronze
c) Bronze and Marble
d) Makrana marble
Case study :Type – 2 Reading passage – 1 answers
1. c . It faces challenges about the use of personal data.
2. b. 17th Century
3. d. All - A , B & C
21 | P a g e
4. c. 1975
5. b . Insurance companies access to and use of personal data is both promoting and risky.
6. d. None of the given statements is true in the context of the passage
Case study :Type – 2 Reading passage –2 answers
1. a .Bangladesh
2. b. 100
3. a. Influenza
4. d. leather
5. a . The world Bank
6. c.The sewage generation is more than the treatment capacity installed.
Case study :Type – 2 Reading passage – 3 answers
1. a. Involve in other physical activities
2. b. Late night screen time to be avoided before two hours of sleep
3. Option b.
4. d . Children below one year
5. C . By watching the screen activities with them
6. Option c.
Case study :Type – 2 Reading passage – 4 answers
1. b. C-B
2. c. Only B
3. c. Only C
4. b. It may increase food production to meet the rising demands.
5. b .Decreased through the years
6. d. Ground water
Case study :Type – 2 Reading passage – 5 answers
1. a.64 years
2. b. Two
3. b. A landmark
4. b . Generous
5. d. It is standing in Queen Victoria park
6. c . Bronze and Marble

Section B Writing Skills

A Notice is a written piece of information or news announcement to be given to a particular group. Since
it is purely a formal information its language tone and style should also be formal and to the point.

22 | P a g e
Points to remember :
• Follow the prescribed format
• Use only passive voice as far as possible
• Write short and simple sentences
• Do not to address anyone
• Format - Name of the issuing authority
- Heading for subject of information
- Date
- Details related to what when and where without using ‘I’
- Name
- Designation
• the entire notice in a box

1. A notice can only be about a / an

a. Meeting c. event
b. Excursion d. all of these
Ans: d ( to inform for a meeting, conduct an event like competition or excursion etc)

2. Which of these is the first thing to mention in a notice?

a. name of the organisation c. NOTICE
b. date d. details
ans: a ( As the notice is meant for a limited people especially organistaion)

3. A notice may be issued only by the ________ designated for the purpose
a. peon c. clerk
b. typist d. officer
answer : d ( The head of the institution especially an officer)

4. The content of notice must answer the questions

a. what c. when
b. where d. all of these
ans: d ( of , what occasion, where it will be conducted , when it will be conducted :
Time , date and Venue)

5. Notice should be written in …..

a.first person c.second person
b.third person d.none of these
ans: b ( Third person: Information provided to the public)

Sample 1
While walking in a park in your neighborhood you found a small plastic bag containing some documents
and some cash. Complete this notice to be put on the park notice board asking the owner to identify
and collect it from you. You are Amit / Amita

23 | P a g e
(a) _______________
2nd September 2021

This is to inform all the readers that (b)___________ in the ______c______. It has a
____d______in it . The plastic bag is red in colour and is of medium size. It was found on
September 1st at around 6 p.m. near the fountain in the park. The owner of the bag shall
contact me through 9847858528 along with an identity proof.

Thank you

Amit / Amita

a. Choose the most appropriate option

i) lost iii. found
ii) plastic bag iv. missing
ans: Found ( the past activity is mentioned)

i. plastic bag is found plastic
ii. bag has been found
iii. plastic bag to find
iv. plastic bag is present
ans: plastic bag has been found ( Use of present perfect tense – immediately after finding it
with assurance it is informed)

i. ground
ii. neighbourhood park
iii. neighbourhood garden
iv. road
answer : neighbourhood park ( the place where it was found)

i. an mobile
ii. some documents
iii. few documents and some cash
iv. an large amount of cash
answer: few documents and some cash ( materials found inside the bag: use of a followed
by few- a few…..)

Sample 2
Yesterday during lunch break you misplaced your notes on chemistry lectures. You want to get them
back. Complete this notice for the school notice board. You are Tarun / Tripti a student of class 12 KV

24 | P a g e
11th August 2021
This is to inform________b_______ that I have lost my _______c________ in our school lawn area.
The notes have a green cover. If anyone finds it please return them to ______d______ or simply
drop them in the Class 12 A -Dropbox

Tarun / Tripti

choose the most appropriate option

i. regarding chemistry lectures
ii. displacement of chemistry notes
iii. lost the chemistry notes
iv. a chemistry notes missing
answer: displacement of chemistry notes ( The title begins with a noun & past action)

i. you
ii. the whole staff
iii. all students and staff
iv. the teachers
ans: all students and staff ( To all the people in the campus)
i. chemistry notebooks
ii. chemistry booking during the lunch break
iii. chemistry notes during the lunch break
iv. chemistry books in school
answer: chemistry notes during lunch break ( material and possible location where lost)
i. class mentor
ii. 12 class head
iii. Monitor of 12 A
iv. students of class 12 a
ans: monitor of 12 A (a responsible person)

Sample 3
You are Amit / Anita head boy / girl of your school. Write a notice for your school notice board requesting
for entries from students for Britannia quiz contest to be held in your school Kendriya Vidyalaya,

25 | P a g e
Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bilaspur
20th August 2021

This is b)____________ the students of classes IX to XII that the Britannia quiz contest is to be held
on 21st September 2021. Only c)____________ who had participated in the inter house quiz contest
d)____________ . Interested students may give their names to the house master for selections on
28th August 2021.

Head boy

choose the most appropriate option

i. Contest for selection
ii. Selection for quiz contest
iii. Inter house selection
iv. Selections
answer: Selection for quiz contest ( A complete title )

i. information
ii. for information
iii. to inform
iv. an information
ans: to inform ( use of infinitive )

i. those students
ii. the student
iii. a student
iv. that student
answer: those students ( Specifically informing )

i. student
ii. 12 class head
iii. 12 a mentor
iv. are eligible
ans: are eligible ( verb & object for completing the sentence)

Sample 4
As the sports captain of your school write a notice for the school notice board informing the budding
cricketers to attend trials for the selection of under 18 school team Kendriya Vidyalaya, Khairagarh .

26 | P a g e
Kendriya Vidyalaya, Khairagarh
23rd August 2021

This is to inform to our cricket players that selection to school teams b)____________________ on 29th
August 2021 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. in the school playground. All c)____________________ who
wish to be in the school team must attend the trials with complete cricket kits. In all 20 players for each
team purely d)____________________ of the year’s all round performance.

Irfan Khan
sports captain

choose the most appropriate option

i. Cricket trials
ii. Cricket trials for under 18 school team
iii. Under 18 school team
iv. Selections
answer: Cricket trials for under 18 school team ( A complete title )
i. will be made
ii. was made
iii. are
iv. none of these
ans: will be made ( future tense for organising)
i. The player
ii. These player
iii. That player
iv. the budding players
answer: the budding players ( Use of adjective to emphasis)
i. Because
ii. is
iii. on the basis
iv. none of these
ans: on the basis ( prepositional phrase, which can define a verb).

Sample 5
As the President of Resident welfare society Dilshad garden , New Delhi write a notice requesting the
residents not to use portable water for cleaning purpose.

27 | P a g e
Resident Welfare Society , Dilshad garden, New Delhi
30 August 2021
b)____________________ the acute shortage of water in the colony the residents are requested
not to waste potable water by cleaning their cars, verandahs , driveways and for watering the plants
with a hose pipe. A fine of rupees 500 c)____________________ d)____________________. Kindly
save water for a better tomorrow.

Dilshad Garden, New Delhi

choose the most appropriate option

i. Use water
ii. Strict use of water
iii. Use water judiciously
iv. No water
answer: Use water judiciously ( A title with complete information in a gist)
i. Referring
ii. Considering
iii. none of these
iv. to consider
ans: Considering (Use of Gerund which functions like a noun)
i. Are imposed
ii. Was imposed
iii. will be imposed
iv. has been imposed
answer: will be imposed ( future tense on conditions)
i. for the defaulters
ii. by the defaulters
iii. on the defaulters
iv. none of these
ans: on the defaulters ( Object of a sentence)

28 | P a g e
Advertisement is an announcement made through a popular medium that targets a larger number of
people. Newspapers magazines TV radio cinema leaflets pamphlets extra are extensively used for
such purpose the content of advertisement is brief. The words are limited and sentences are not
necessarily grammatically correct. There are two types of advertisement basically:
1. Classified advertisements
2. Commercial / Display advertisements

Important points

I. Write in a box
II. Write classified outside the box
III. Heading in the centre top inside the box
IV. The first word has to be bold and in capital letters
V. Use only phrases and not sentences
VI. Avoid using articles and prepositions
VII. Clarity of content brevity of language and proper contact number and address to be given
VIII. Word limit upto 50 words


Sample 1
Available a flat, Number 12 /7 Adarsh Nagar, Raipur, ground floor with 2 bedrooms having attached
bathroom, car parking available, park facing best location, low maintenance charges and reasonable
1. This is a kind of classified advertisement for…
i. Situation vacant
ii. for sale
iii. for purchase
iv. accommodation wanted
ans: for sale ( Classified advertisement : the person who is selling is giving information and
anyone can purchase)

2. Which of the following is a characteristic of a classified advertisement?

i. Being too vague or wording
ii. use the same descriptive characteristics for each advertisement
iii. make full sentences
iv. the language should be according to the audience we are referring to
answer: the language should be according to the audience we are referring to ( informing the
public in simple language)

3. What is the correct order for the following sale of property

29 | P a g e
i. Advertisement
ii. Available 1st floor DDA flat at Ashok Nagar 2 bedrooms with attached bathrooms modular
kitchen drawing extra
iii. Interested parties contact MLA Ramesh phone 044-2727521
iv. Located near main market metro station at walking distance

a) i, iii, ii, iv, v
b) iii, I, ii, v, iv
c) iii, I, v, ii, iv
d) i, ii, iv, iii
Ans: d) i, ii, iv, iii ( The order of arrangement: Advt, description of the house
followed by the location and contact details)

4. Which aspect of a product is a customer not required to know in an advertisement

i. About the product
ii. age of the seller
iii. advantages of the product
iv. value for money
answer: age of seller (product details are only essential)

5. Situation wanted advertisement is written by

i. An employer
ii. A job seeker
iii. a candidate looking for a place for accommodation
iv. a person looking for tenants for his or her property
answer: a job seeker ( A person seeking a job)

Sample 2.
Principal, Sunrise Global School, Agra requires a receptionist for her school. Draft a suitable
advertisement in about 50 words to be published in the classified columns of a national
newspaper giving all the necessary details of qualifications and experience required in the


REQUIRED a young, dynamic, smart, charismatic and friendly female receptionist for Sunrise
Global School, Agra. Attractive salary with fringe benefits. Healthy work environment. Fresh
graduates having honours or equivalent degree in English with good communication skills can
apply by sending their cover letter and resume till March 30 on the below mentioned
id: For queries, contact: 98100XXXXX

Sample 3.

30 | P a g e
Amar / Amira of 18/57 Rajnagar, Srinagar wants to sell his car and plans to buy a new one. Help
from draft an advertisement for the sale of old car to be placed in the classified advertisements
of the Kashmir daily

a) _________________
b)_______________________2015 model light blue car c)__________with new tyres
and seat covers expected price of 3.5 lacs. Only genuine buyers

Choose the appropriate option

i. Plot for sale
ii. area for sale
iii. vehicle for sale
iv. vehicle
answer: vehicle for sale (Model no of car is given)
i. Swift dezire available for sale
ii. available for purchase
iii. available for rent
iv. Swift available for sale
Answer: Swift dezire available for sale ( The model of the car other options are different)
i. 12000 km capacity
ii. 12000 km single owner driven
iii. 12000 km average self-driven
answer : 12000 km single owner driven (driven by the owner)

i. Contact Amira
ii. contact Amira / Amar , Srinagar
iii. contact Amar / Amira 18/57 Rajnagar, Srinagar mobile 99999 24245
answer : contact Amar / Amira 18/57 Rajnagar, Srinagar mobile 99999 24245 ( contact details

Sample 4
You are the director of Star communications, an advertising agency, 15 silver arcade, Nehru place New
Delhi, 1 10054 . your company needs sales executive. draft an advertisement to be printed in the
Hindustan Times
Wanted sales executives male for a reputed advertising agency b)______ over English and
c)______________in computers. Candidates aged between 25 to 30 years with minimum experience
of 2 years d)_______________________. Send complete biodata to director star communications 14
silver arcade new Nehru place New Delhi or email to

31 | P a g e
Choose the appropriate option
i. Plot for sale
ii. Situations vacant
iii. vehicle for sale
iv. For hire
answer: Situations vacant ( title for notification of vacant post and interview)
i. having excellent command
ii. speaking knowledge
iii. talking
iv. none of these
Answer: having excellent command ( required qualification)
i. expectancy
ii. deficiency
iii. proficiency
answer : proficiency ( additional qualification)

i. are preferred
ii. will be preferred
iii. have been preferred
iv. preference
answer : will be preferred ( experience counts)
Sample 5
Your younger brother aged 5 has been missing for the last three days. Draft an advertisement in not
more than 50 words for the Missing Persons column of a local newspaper. You are Ram/Rama. Contact
number 931070000. :
General Public b) ___________________ about the missing of a 5-year-old boy from Central Park in
Connaught Place three days ago. The child c)____________ to the name ‘Sonu’, is fair complexioned
and was wearing a red shirt and denim shorts. Anyone knowing anything d)______________ please
contact: Ram, contact no. 9310710000. The finder shall receive a cash prize of Rs. 50,000.

Choose the appropriate option

i. Missing person
ii. Person went missing
iii. Search for missing person
iv. Lost person
answer: Missing person ( notification od missing boy)
i. informed
ii. is hereby informed
iii. has been informed
iv. none of these
32 | P a g e
Answer: is hereby informed ( to draw the attention of the people)
i. communicates
ii. responds
iii. speaks
iv. listens
Answer: responds ( acts to the sound)
i. abouts the whereabout
ii. will be preferred
iii. about
iv. about the whereabouts
answer: about the whereabouts ( details of he missing person)

Letter writing is the most common form of written communication it is means of connecting people.
Letter is better than a telephonic conversation as it gives deeper better and more creative expression of
thought than a conversation on phone. The advent of digital communication like email has added to
the popularity and usefulness of letters. Writing letters is an art which everyone must develop and
master with continuous practice letters may be categorised into two major types:
a. informal or personal letters which we write to a close friends and relatives
b. formal letters which include business letters or official letters for making enquiries registering
complaints placing orders asking for and giving information and sending replies
c. letters to the editors of newspaper highlighting some social or political issue giving
d. applications for job
Key points for letters to the editors
a. begin with a reference to new events recent development extra
b. Create a context for developing the content
c. Give details of the subject matter viz. the issue of child labour, its causes, effects and possible
ways to eliminate the same

Sample 1
Write a Letter to the editor of the Hindustan Times complaining against the bursting level of noise
pollution in your city

606 Harmony apartments


16th August 2021

The Editor
The Hindustan Times

Sub: Concern over rising level of noise pollution in the City- reg
33 | P a g e
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I wish to draw the attention of the concerned
authorities towards the rising noise pollution in our cities.

Despite laws made by the government banning the use of loudspeakers and DJs after a particular time
people seem to turn a deaf ear to what the government tells them. Marriage processions till late night
in the middle of the cities and DJ’s loud music are all sources of noise which have an adverse effect on
older and the ailing members of the society. Students are the main victims especially during
examination days. Not only does it affect health of the people but also their behaviour. It causes
elements like hypertension, insomnia, sleeplessness, hearing impairment and what not.

It all speaks volumes of well planning on the part of the government rules made must be implemented.
It is hoped that this concern if published in your reputed newspaper will awake the authorities from
their slumber and the needful will be done at the earliest possible.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully


Choose the correct options:

1. ______________letters are sent to people whom we don't know on a personal level
i) chain
ii) informal
iii) formal
iv) reference
answer: formal ( Letter to the Editor is formal )

2. Which of these is not a part of a letter

i) date
ii) greeting
iii) photo
iv) signature
answer : photo ( Not essential)

3. When you are writing a formal letter, what information might you need?
A) dates
B) names
C) contact details
D) all of these
Answer: all of these ( Who to whom address is required)

4. When we don't know the recipient's name how do we close and end the letter
i) yours sincerely
ii) affectionately yours
iii) yours faithfully
iv) none of these
answer: yours faithfully ( Being respectful in formal tone)

Sample 1.
34 | P a g e
You are Amit / Amita staying at Sunrise apartments, Gymkhana road, Pune. The main road
leading to this colony has three open manholes causing frequent accidents at night. The street
light is also not available. Complete this letter to the editor of the Times of India expressing your
concern about the part of the authorities towards this situation. Also suggest ways to mobilize
city dwellers, with the help of school children for the cause of safety roads.

Sunrise apartment,
Gymkhana road,

June 13 2021

The Editor
The Times of India

Sub: a __________________________________________
Respected Sir
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I wish to draw the kind attention of the
relevant authorities towards the b)____________________.

I would like to draw the attention of the relevant authorities towards the issue of three open
manholes on the main road leading to a colony. These open man holes are turning into death
traps for the residents who have demanded that the authorities concerned take steps to cover

Moreover , our colony has no street lights since the last 2 months . There are no street lights
even on the main roads leading to a colony. With the open manholes and lack of street lights
c)________________ , the road gets dark even after 7 in the evening. People fear going out not
only to avoid accidents but also to avoid being prey to unscrupulous elements. The open
manholes not only d)_________________ but are also a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Motorist, elders and children are the main victims of these manholes and many times accidents
have been reported due to these manholes.
Whenever torrential rains hit the areas they cause even more problems. e) ______________for
the cause of safe roads, we plan to organise a student rally from sunrise apartments main gate
to Mr Rehan, the current MP’s house and hope this letter will elicit a suitable response from
our elected representatives.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully


Choose the most appropriate option

i) Mobilization of city dwellers.
ii) Darkness around sunrise apartments.
iii) Road safety in the colony.
iv) Concern about night accidents.
Answer : darkness around sunrise apartment. ( a problem is stated)

35 | P a g e
i) Pitiable condition of local residents.
ii) Miserable condition of people residing in colony.
iii) Pathetic condition of residents of Sunrise apartments Gymkhana road.
iv) Frequent accidents occur during at night.
Answer : pathetic condition of residents of Sunrise apartment Gymkhana road (condition of the residents)
i) Accidents happen.
ii) Accidents are on a rise.
iii) There are racing accidents.
iv) Most accidents occur.
Answer: accidents are on a rise ( part of the sentence)

i) Emit bad smell and cause pollution.
ii) Give foul smell and lead to accidents.
iii) Create a pollution.
iv) Create worst situation
Answer : emit bad smell and cause pollution ( cause and effect)

i) To avoid the danger.
ii) To provide safety to passengers.
iii) To protect the passes by.
iv) To mobilize City dwellers.
Answer : to mobilize City dwellers ( a reason )

An article writing is a kind of writing that is written to reach a massive audience with the help of the
press. In the case of article writing, the press refers to publishing houses of newspapers, magazines,
journals, etc. Writing a newspaper article, or writing a magazine article is a well-planned activity. It
requires a mind that analyses situations and opinions. It is written in such a way that it can inform the
mass about a certain topic. The main aim of the writer here is to bring some difference in the manner of
expression on a given topic.

36 | P a g e
Objectives of Article Writing
An article is written with the following objectives

• It brings out the topics or the matter of interest in the limelight

• The article provides information on the topics
• It offers suggestions and pieces of advice
• It influences the readers and urges them to think
• The article discusses various stories, persons, locations, rising-issues, and technical developments

The Format of Article Writing

An article must be organized in a proper way so as to draw the attention of the readers. The basic outline
for an article writing format is

1. Heading / Title
2. A line having the writer’s name
3. Body (the main part of the article, 2 – 3 paragraphs)
4. Conclusion (Ending paragraph of the article with the opinion or recommendation, anticipation or an
Do’s Dont’s
Add the writer’s name Write very lengthy articles
The heading of the article should be
The title should be lengthy and clear
short, clear and informative
Only the introduction and the conclusion should be
Target the audience
attractive and attention seeker
The language and the style of
One can advise, suggest and give the solutions to a problem
writing should be according to the
in any paragraph other than the starting one
concerning readers
There must be only three paragraphs in an article –
Use proper punctuations
introduction, middle one, and conclusion
Use any tense, person, voice, as many abbreviations, and
self-made words while writing an article

Sample 1
With the visual media technology overtaking the print media you have observed a decline in the people's
interest in reading books. You are disturbed by this excessive dependence of the young on television
and computer games as the source of entertainment. Write a speech in 150 to 200 words for your
school magazine on “the pleasures of reading”.
The pleasures of reading
Reading affords pleasure like no other activity. It is deeply fulfilling and satisfying. a)_____________,
the reader is in direct communication with the writer however distant we may be in time or space. The
reader is fully focused and enjoys the content as well as the beauty and power of the language.

b)__________________ according to one's taste. Knowledge, imagination and the readers own
appreciation on the written word are some of the rewards of reading. c)______________________ into
unknown cultures through books. for example reading of Tolstoy or Chekhov gives us an insight into the
life of the Russians as a reading of Dickens gives us of the British, particularly of London dwellers.

Reading makes us more sensitive to human greatness as well as human sufferings. A reader of
Premchand’s short stories d)__________________. The classics of literature are eternal in their appeal.

37 | P a g e
Unfortunately, e)__________________ of Sharad Chandra’s Devdas three to four times but the original
printed one is not even attempted once.
Choose the most appropriate option
i) Though reading.
ii) When reading.
iii) As soon as you read..
iv) While reading.
Answer : While reading.
i) How can you read.
ii) As you read
iii) Reading offers an infinite variety.
iv) What to read.
Answer : Reading offers an infinite variety
i) Only one can venture.
ii) Reaching.
iii) As one reads.
iv) If one is adventurous one can venture.
Answer: If one is adventurous one can venture
i) Takes us to the depths.
ii) Will find that reading is necessary to.
iii) Will enjoy.
iv) acquaints us with the strengths and weaknesses of human character.
Answer : acquaints us with the strengths and weaknesses of human character
i) blogs of.
ii) Today there are more options .
iii) today most of us visit the celluloid version.
iv) Most of us visit the library
Answer : today most of us visit the celluloid version

Literature Section :
Multiple Choice Question- Flamingo Text
The Last Lesson - Alphonse Daudet
Extract 1
When I passed the town hall there was a crowd in front of the bulletin-board. For the last two years all
our bad news had come from there — the lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer
— and I thought to myself, without stopping, “What can be the matter now?”
Then, as I hurried by as fast as I could go, the blacksmith, Watcher, who was there, with his apprentice,
reading the bulletin, called after me, “Don’t go so fast, bub; you’ll get to your school in plenty of time!”
i. It is the general tendency of human being to stop wherever there’s crowd, it shows that they
are ________
a) Incurious
b) Inquisitive
c) Intuitive
d) Dawdler
ii. Why ‘there was a crowd in front of the bulletin board'?
A. People had come to see what the news was.
B. People had come to discuss about the news.
38 | P a g e
a) Only A
b) Only B
c) Both A & B
d) None of these
iii. What was the motive of Blacksmith Wachter when he said, “Don’t go so fast, bub; you’ll get
to your school in plenty of time!”?
a) To ridicule Franz
b) To boost the morale and make Franz comfortable
c) To dominate little Franz
d) To make him realize importance of his mother tongue
iv. Franz saw a huge crowd assembled in front of the bulletin board, but did not stop. How would
you evaluate his reaction?
a) Franz was too little to care about the news of lost battles
b) Nobody in Franz’s family was in the army, so it did not matter
c) Bad news had become very normal, so he went about his task
d) It was too crowded for Franz to find out what news was up on the
Extract 2
But now it was all so still! I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen; but,
of course, that day everything had to be as quiet as Sunday morning. Through the window I saw my
classmates, already in their places, and M. Hamel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under
his arm. I had to open the door and go in before everybody. You can imagine how I blushed and how
frightened I was.
But nothing happened. M. Hamel saw me and said very kindly, “Go to your place quickly, little Franz. We
were beginning without you.”
i. What is the mental state of speaker here?
a) Scared and reddened
b) Ecstatic and reddened
c) Tiresome and ecstatic
d) None of these
ii. What was Franz banking on to enter the class as he was late?
a) M. Hamel’s teaching on the blackboard
b) commotion in the class
c) Hauser helping him sneak in
d) to quietly walk in when everyone was preoccupied with participles
iii. What is the phrasal verb 'Count on' mean here?
A. Enumerate
B. Misreckon
C. Estimate
D. Hindsight
a) A, C
b) B, C
c) B, D
d) A, D
iv. Explain “but nothing happened”.
a) M. Hamel did not ask any questions on participles
b) M. Hamel scold him
c) M. Hamel made him stand outside the classroom
d) Instead of scolding Franz M. Hamel put him at ease
Extract 3
Poor man! It was in honour of this last lesson that he had put on his fine Sunday clothes, and now I
understood why the old men of the village were sitting there in the back of the room. It was because
39 | P a g e
they were sorry, too, that they had not gone to school more. It was their way of thanking our master for
his forty years of faithful service and of showing their respect for the country that was theirs no more
i. Why does the narrator refer to M. Hamel as ‘Poor man’?
a) He empathizes with M. Hamel as he had to leave the village.
b) He believes that M. Hamel’s “fine Sunday clothes” clearly reflected that he was not
c) He feels sorry for M. Hamel as it was his last French lesson.
d) He thinks that M. Hamel’s patriotism and sense of duty resulted in his poverty
ii. Choose the option that might raise a question about M. Hamel’s “faithful service”.
a) When Franz came late, M. Hamel told him that he was about to begin class without
b) Franz mentioned how cranky M. Hamel was and his “great ruler rapping on the table”.
c) M. Hamel often sent students to water his flowers, and gave a holiday when he wanted
to go fishing.
d) M. Hamel permitted villagers put their children “to work on a farm or at the mills” for
some extra money.
iii. Why were the old men sitting in the back of the room?
a) As a mark of respect for the French master
b) To honour Franz
c) It was an inspection Day
d) It was a gathering of the villagers
iv. Why was the country theirs no more
a) It came under the dictator
b) It was split
c) It was captured by the Prussian army
d) They left their country

Extract 4
On the roof the pigeons cooed very low, and I thought to myself, “Will they make them sing in German,
even the pigeons?” whenever I looked up from my writing, I saw M. Hamel sitting motionless in his chair
and gazing first at one thing, then at another, as if he wanted to fix in his mind just how everything
looked in that little school-room. Fancy! For forty years he had been there in the same place, with his
garden outside the window and his class in front of him, just like that.
i. Franz thinks - “Will they make them sing in German- even the pigeons?” What could this mean?
a) German would use brutal force over everyone
b) harsh orders will be passed
c) the people cannot be deprived of their essence
d) the Germans will rob France of its language
ii. What does M. Hamel's motionless posture reflect?
a) The school is dismissed forever
b) Sense of finality
c) Changing order of life
d) Feeling nostalgic
iii. What made Franz forget about M. Hamel's ruler and crankiness?
a) Strange quietness
b) Encroachment of Prussian soldiers drilling and marching
c) He did not take his mother tongue seriously
d) Thought of M. Hamel leaving forever
iv. What is the tone of the speaker in the first line?
a) Full of pleasure
b) Full of displeasure
c) Full of rage
40 | P a g e
d) Full of contentment
Extract 5
Down there at the back of the room old Hauser had put on his spectacles and, holding his primer in both
hands, spelled the letters with them. You could see that he, too, was crying; his voice trembled with
emotion, and it was so funny to hear him that we all wanted to laugh and cry. Ah, how well I remember
it, that last lesson!
All at once the church-clock struck twelve. Then the Angelus. At the same moment the trumpets of the
Prussians, returning from drill, sounded under our windows.
i. What was the Hauser crying for?
a) Because he had not taken his mother tongue seriously
b) Because M. Hamel was going to leave forever
c) Because he was neither able to speak nor write French
d) All of the above
ii. Choose the version which best matches the term “Angelus”
a. A Catholic devotion commemorating the incarnation by Romans
b. A Catholic devotion commemorating the incarnation by Anglican
c. A Catholic devotion commemorating the incarnation by Baptist
d. A Catholic devotion commemorating the incarnation by Lutheran
iii. Choose the term which best matches the statement “his voice trembled with emotions”.
a) Shudder or move due to shame
b) Palpitating with excitement
c) Quavering with vehemence
d) Trembling with rage
iv. What do the marching soldiers under the windows represent?
a) The Dawn of Prussia in the defeat of French people
b) The defeat of Prussia
c) The victory of French
d) None of these

Extract no / Q no i ii iii iv
1 b a b c
2 a b b c
3 c c a d
4 c d d b
5 a d c a
Lost Spring – Anees Jung
Extract 1
“I have nothing else to do,” he mutters, looking away. “Go to school,” I say glibly, realising immediately
how hollow the advice must sound. “There is no school in my neighbourhood. When they build one, I
will go.” “If I start a school, will you come?” I ask, half-joking. “Yes,” he says, smiling broadly. A few days
later I see him running up to me. “Is your school ready? “It takes longer to build a school,” I say,
embarrassed at having made a promise that was not meant. But promises like mine abound in every
corner of his bleak world.
i. ‘But promise like mine abound in every corner of his bleak world'. This suggest that-
a) There is no dearth of promises which remain unfulfilled
b) There is scarcity of people promising for betterment
c) People make a lot of promises which are often fulfilled
d) Promises made, live up to the expectations of people
ii. What does “how hollow the advice must sound” refers?

41 | P a g e
a) The narrator has realised that his advice is very valuable
b) The narrator has realised that his advice is meaningless
c) The narrator has realised that the listener has not accepted his advice
d) The narrator has realised that his advice is feasible
iii. Choose the term which best matches the statement- 'When they built one, I will go?’
a) Optimistic
b) Courageous
c) Confidence
d) Determination
iv. What does 'scrounging for Gold' in the garbage mean?
a) Searching for some valuable thing that may make money for him
b) Searching for gold in the g a r a g e
c) Searching for gold ornaments in the garbage
d) Searching for gold in the garbage
Extract 2
“I will learn to drive a car,” he answers, looking straight into my eyes. His dream like a mirage amidst the dust of
streets that fill his town Firozabad, famous for its bangles. Every other family in Firozabad is engaged in making
bangles. It is the centre of India’s glass-blowing industry where families have spent generations working around
furnaces, welding glass, making bangles for all the women in the land it seems.
i. How Mukesh is different from the other bangle makers?
a) He wants to open his own bangle making company
b) He wants to become a pilot
c) He wants to open his own garage
d) He wants to be his own master
ii. The phrase “dreams looms like a mirage amidst the dust of streets” indicates that Mukesh
dream was
a) A reality, yet seemed distant
b) Lost in the sea of dust
c) Illusory and indistinct
d) Hanging in the dusty air
iii. Every other family in Firozabad is engaged in bangle making indicates that
a) Bangle making is the only industry that flourishes in Firozabad
b) The entire population of Firozabad is involved in making bangles
c) Majority of population in Firozabad is involved in bangle making
d) Bangle making is most loved occupation in Firozabad
iv. Why is the writer calling it as his 'dream'?
a) He cannot become a driver
b) He will not be allowed to go as per his wish and work else were
c) His parent will not allow him to work elsewhere
d) He is lazy and dreaming
Extract 3
Their fathers are as tired as they are. They talk endlessly in a spiral that moves from poverty to apathy
to greed and to injustice. Listening to them, I see two distinct worlds— one of the family, caught in a
web of poverty, burdened by the stigma of caste in which they are born; the other a vicious circle of the
sahukars, the middlemen, the policemen, the keepers of law, the bureaucrats and the politicians.
Together they have imposed the baggage on the child that he cannot put down. Before he is aware, he
accepts it as naturally as his father. To do anything else would mean to dare. And daring is not part of
his growing up.
i. “Their Fathers are as tired as they are” which figure of speech is used in this statement
a) Metaphor
b) Simile
c) Alliteration
42 | P a g e
d) Repetition
ii. What does the term “Apathy” imply
A. A state without emotions
B. A state without enthusiasm
C. A state without zeal
D. A state with zest
a) Both A & C
b) A, B, C
c) A, B, D
d) Both A & B
iii. Why doesn’t any bangle makers dare to speak against the bureaucrats?
a) For they don’t want to waste their time
b) For daring is not the part for growing up
c) For they are illiterate and backward
d) For they don’t have enough time and money
iv. “The Stigma of caste in which they are born” this implies that
a) Smirch and stain
b) Taint and cachet
c) Accolade and Smirch
d) Cachet and stain
v. Why is the narrator asking them to organize in a cooperative?
a) For a better income and better life
b) For fixing them in a vicious circle
c) For upgrading themselves in a foreign society
d) For making govt profit
Extract 4
She still has bangles on her wrist, but no light in her eyes. “Ek waqt ser bhar khana bhi nahin khaya,” she
says, in a voice drained of joy. She has not enjoyed even one full meal in her entire lifetime — that’s
what she has reaped! Her husband, an old man with a flowing beard, says, “I know nothing except
bangles. All I have done is make a house for the family to live in.” Hearing him, one wonders if he has
achieved what man have failed in their lifetime. He has a roof over his head! The cry of not having money
to do anything except carry on the business of making bangles, not even enough to eat, rings in every
home. The young men echo the lament of their elders.
i. “She has not enjoyed even one full meal in her entire lifetime” Which of the following describes
narrator’s emotions accurately?
a) Shock and awe
b) Nuisance and harassment
c) Despondency and woe
d) Contentment and despondency
ii. “She still has bangles on her wrist, but no light in her eyes.” This implies that
a) She is married but has lost the charm in her eyes
b) She is a married women who has lost her grace and beauty
c) Though she is married her eyes are devoid of happiness
d) She is a married woman who has lost her eyesight
iii. Choose the term which best matches the statement, “the young men echo the lament of their elders”
a) Acceptance
b) Reflections
c) Reiteration
d) Doubtfulness
iv. From the above extract, author has an attitude of
a) Sympathy
b) Apathy
43 | P a g e
c) Empathy
d) Bewilderment
Extract 5
And survival in Seemapuri means rag-picking. Through the years, it has acquired the proportions of a fine art.
Garbage to them is gold. It is their daily bread, a roof over their heads, even if it is a leaking roof. But for a child it
is even more. “I sometimes find a rupee, even a ten-rupee note,” Saheb says, his eyes lighting up. When you can
find a silver coin in a heap of garbage, you don’t stop scrounging, for there is hope of finding more. It seems that
for children, garbage has a meaning different from what it means to their parents. For the children it is wrapped
in wonder, for the elders it is a means of survival.
i. “I sometimes find a rupee, even a ten- rupee in a heap of garbage,” which term describes Saheb’s state of mind
most accurately
a) Optimistic and keep searching for in greed
b) Confident and just searches for his happiness
c) Becomes happy and tries to find more wonders from the garbage
d) Keeps searching the silver coin
ii. Choose the statement which is NOT TRUE about the rag-pickers in Seemapuri
a) Children are equally involved in rag picking as their parents
b) The rag-pickers settle down in a place permanently
c) Rag picking has accomplished itself as a skill and form of art
d) Rag-pickers lives in unsteady shanties in the outskirts of Delhi
iii. Garbage to the rag pickers is
a) money
b) daily bread, a roof over their heads
c) gold
d) silver
iv. What makes the narrator calls rag picking a fine art?
a) For it take brain to pick rag
b) For it take skills to pick rag
c) For it takes acumen to pick rags
d) All of these
Extract no / Q no i ii iii iv
1 a b d a
2 a c c b
3 b b b a
4 c c c a
5 c b b d

Deep Water – William Douglas

Extract 1
I landed in a sitting position, swallowed water, and went at once to the bottom. I was frightened, but
not yet frightened out of my wits. On the way down I planned: When my feet hit the bottom, I would
make a big jump, come to the surface, lie flat on it, and paddle to the edge of the pool. It seemed a long
way down. Those nine feet were more like ninety, and before I touched bottom my lungs were ready to
burst. But when my feet hit bottom I summoned all my strength and made what I thought was a great
spring upwards. I imagined I would bob to the surface like a cork. Instead, I came up slowly.
i. “Frightened out of my wits” this sentence highlights that Douglas was
1. Agitate
2. Wrath
3. Reassure
4. Succour
5. Buoyant
6. Startle

44 | P a g e
a) 2 & 6
b) 3 & 4
c) 6 & 1
d) 5 & 4
ii. “I landed in a sitting position, swallowed water, and went at once to the bottom”. Which
place narrator is talking about
a) At Yakima with mother
b) At sea with father
c) At YMCA pool
d) At sea with instructor
iii. What tactics did the narrator adopt to extricate him?
a) To swim across the pool and reach safely
b) To drown and thinks that this is his last day
c) To go to bottom, hit it hard and reach the surface
d) All of these
iv. Choose the term which best matches the statement, “ I summoned all my strength”
1. That he gathered his strength
2. That he garnered his strength with time
3. That he accumulated his strength
4. That he dissipated his strength
a) 1, 3
b) 1, 2, 3
c) 2, 3, 4
d) 1, 2, 4
Extract 2
Then I started down a third time. I sucked for air and got water. The yellowish light was going out. Then
all effort ceased. I relaxed. Even my legs felt limp; and a blackness swept over my brain.
i. “ Then all efforts ceased” the tone of the author is
a) He was pinning his hopes on fluke
b) He capitulated
c) That he gave in courage to survive
d) All of these
ii. Which of the statement is TRUE with the reference to the extract
a) His mother was coming to extricate him
b) His legs were almost immobilized
c) His arms were levitating unceasingly
d) He wants to dwindle as soon as possible
iii. Which option indicates more accurately narrator’s mental condition at that time
a) He was unable to contemplate duly
b) He was on the verge of quietus
c) He was under medical practitioner's scrutiny
d) He instantaneously hired the Psychiatrist
iv. Which option indicates that the poet lost his consciousness
a) ‘it was quiet and peaceful'
b) ‘I crossed to oblivion'
c) ‘Tender arms like mother’s’
d) ‘it wiped out fear'
Extract 3
My breath was gone. I was frightened. Father laughed, but there was terror in my heart at the
overpowering force of the waves.

45 | P a g e
My introduction to the Y.M.CA. swimming pool revived unpleasant memories and stirred childish fears.
But in a little while I gathered confidence. I paddled with my new water wings, watching the other boys
and trying to learn by aping them. I did these two or three times on different days and was just beginning
to feel at ease in the water when the misadventure happened.
i. Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below
Statement 1: the author’s father laughed to mock his son's inability to swim
Statement 2: the author wanted to swim just to prove his father that he can swim
a) Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false
b) Statement 1 is false but statement 2 is true
c) Both statement 1 and statement 2 is cannot be inferred
d) Both statement 1 and statement 2 is inferred
ii. The misadventure that took place right after the author felt comfortable was that
a) The author slipped and fell into the swimming pool
b) A bully toasted him into the pool for the sake of fun
c) His coaching forget to teach him how to handle deep Water
d) His father couldn’t help him from drowning into the water
iii. The chap that threw him into the pool was just for the sake of fun. Choose option mentioning the
personality traits of this chap
1. Persuasive
2. Irresponsible
3. Domineering
4. Manipulative
5. Callous
a) 1, 2, 4
b) 2, 4, 5
c) 2, 3, 5
d) 1, 3, 5
v. What does the word ‘ape’ mean in the context?
a) Emulate
b) Primate
c) Prototype
d) None of these
Extract 4
The belt went through a pulley that ran on an overhead cable. He held on to the end of the rope, and
we went back and forth, back and forth across the pool, hour after hour, day after day, week after week.
On each trip across the pool a bit of the panic seized me. Each time the instructor relaxed his hold on
the rope and I went under, some of the old terror returned and my legs froze. It was three months before
the tension began to slack.
i. “A ‘pulley’ that ran on an overhead cable”. What light does the given line throw
a) A apparatus with a wheel
b) A apparatus with a rope
c) A apparatus without wheel
d) A apparatus with a wheel and a rope
ii. The statement “Back and forth, across the pool” shows that
a) Budging from one locus to another
b) Virtuous and sinful
c) Sophisticated and decisiveness
d) Ascending and soaring
iii. 'Tension began to slack' this implies that
a) Stress unfolded ebbing

46 | P a g e
b) Stress unfolded increasing
c) Stress started decreasing
d) Stress started intensifying
iv. ‘Panic seized me' refers to
a) Emancipating with joy
b) Swivet clutched him
c) Spooked the same as blithe
d) Jocose allusion
Extract 5
The experience had a deep meaning for me, as only those who have known stark terror and conquered
it can appreciate. In death there is peace. There is terror only in the fear of death, as Roosevelt knew
when he said, “All we have to fear is fear itself.” Because I had experienced both the sensation of dying
and the terror that fear of it can produce, the will to live somehow grew in intensity. At last I felt released
— free to walk the trails and climb the peaks and to brush aside fear.
i. “ In death there is peace” choose the correct option with reference to the above
a) That quietus must be rejoice
b) That quietus is more tranquil than existence
c) That quietus is excruciating
d) That quietus gives more torment than tranquillity
ii. The phrasal verb 'Brush aside' refer to
a) Entice and allure
b) Spurn and shun
c) Commemorate and reminisce
d) Controvert and disregard

iii. “All we have to fear is fear itself”. What does the narrator learn from President Roosevelt
a) To bedeck the fear
b) To affright the fear
c) To dispel the fear
d) To impede the fear
iv. “ I had experienced both the sensation of dying and terror that fear of it can produce,” which
of the following idioms might describe the above statement
a) “Strike trepidation into the heart”
b) “On cloud nine”
c) “At one fell swoop”
d) “Head over heels”
Extract no / Q no i ii iii iv
1 c c c b
2 d b a b
3 c b c a
4 d a c b
5 b b c a

My Mother at Sixty Six

1. Driving from my parent’s

home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother,

47 | P a g e
beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face
ashen like that
of a corpse and realized with pain
that she was as old as she
looked but soon
put that thought away….
(a) Choose the option that best applies to the given extract
1. a conversation 2. an argument 3. a piece of advice 4. a strategy
5. a recollection 6. a suggestion
a) 1, 3 & 6
b) 2, 4 & 5
c) Only 5
d) Only 1
(b) Choose the book title that perfectly describes the condition of the poet’s mother.
Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 Title 4

You’re only old once! The Gift of Years Somewhere The Book You Wish
—By Dr. Seuss —By Joan Chittister Towards the end Your Parents Had
—By Diana Athill Read
—By Philippa Perry

(i) Title 1 (ii) Title 2 (iii) Title 3 (iv) Title 4

Answer. (iii)

(c) Choose the option that applies correctly to the two statements given below.

Assertion: The poet wards off the thought of her mother getting old quickly.
Reason: The poet didn’t want to confront the inevitability of fate that was to dawn upon her mother.
(i) Assertion can be inferred but the Reason cannot be inferred.
(ii) Assertion cannot be inferred but the Reason can be inferred.
(iii) Both Assertion and Reason can be inferred.
(iv) Both Assertion and Reason cannot be inferred.
Answer. (iii)
(d) Choose the option that displays the same literary device as in the given lines of the extract.
her face
ashen like that
of a corpse…
(i) Just as I had this thought, she appeared and…
(ii) My thoughts were as heavy as lead that evening when …
(iii) I think like everyone else who…
(iv) I like to think aloud when
2.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
Driving from my parent’s
home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother,
beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face
ashen like that
of a corpse and realised with pain

48 | P a g e
1. What question arises from the complexity of the situation in the poem?
A) how to overcome fears
B) how to do one’s duties
C)how to take care of the parents
D)How to strike a balance between duties and responsibilities
Answer D
2. Who is the poet of this poem?
A) John Keats
B) Rudyard Kipling
C) William Wordsworth
D) Kamala Das
Answer D
3. What is her work known for?
A) for its originality, versatility and flavor of the soil
B) for its popularity
C) for its style
D) for the expressions used
Answer A
4. What does the poem revolve around?
A) poet’s fears
B) poet’s love for her mother
C) poet’s journey
D)Theme of advancing age and fears associated with it
Answer D
3.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
that she was as old as she
looked but soon
put that thought away, and
looked out at Young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
out of their homes,

1. What do the running trees signify?

A) fast moving appearance
B) speed of the moving car
C) fast moving change in human life from childhood to old age
D) none
Answer A
2. Which poetic device is used here ‘she was as old as she looked’
A) Metaphor
B) Simile
C) Alliteration
D) Repetition
Answer B
3. What is the significance of the title My Mother at Sixty Six?
A) Poet’s fear of losing her old mother
B) Poet’s fear of moving fast
C) Poet’s inability to express her feelings
D) All of these
Answer A
4. Why are the trees described as sprinting?
A) their running appearance and to show fast moving change of human life
49 | P a g e
B) to show their running appearance
C) to tell how trees look from a running car
D) to show the speed of the car
Answer D

4.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
but after the airport’s
security check, standing a few yards
away, I looked again at her, wan,
pale as a late winter’s moon and felt that
old familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,
but all I said was, see you soon,
all I did was smile and smile and

1. What thought did the poet put away?

A) of her mother’s declining health
B) to wake up her mother
C) of leaving her parent’s house
D) that she would not be able to bid adieu to her mother
Answer (A)

2. The example of a Metaphor in the above extract is:

A) Merry children spilling out of their homes
B) Trees sprinting
C) late winter’s moon
D) Both (A) and (B)
Answer (D)

3. The joyful scene of trees and children did not drive away the poet’s painful thought because:
A) she was feeling emotional
B) her mother was looking old and pale
C) of her mother’s poor health
D) all of the above
Answer D

4 What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels?
A) Losing her mother
B) heart attack
C) headache
D) children screaming at her
Answer A

5. And looked out at Young

Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
out of their homes, but after the airport’s
security check, standing a few yards
away, I looked again at her, wan, pale
as a late winter’s moon and felt that old
familiar ache…
50 | P a g e
a) What is the most likely reason the poet capitalised ‘Young Trees’? This was to
(i) convey a clearer meaning
(ii) highlight the adjective-noun combination
(iii) enhance the contrast
(iv) draw a connection with the title
[Answer (iii)

(b) Choose the option that appropriately describes the relationship between the two statements given
Statement 1: The poet knows her mother has aged.
Statement 2: The poet feels the pain of separation.
(i) Beginning – Ending (ii) Cause – Effect
(iii) Question – Answer (iv) Introduction – Conclusion
Answer. (ii)

(c) Choose the option that completes the sentence given below.
Just as the brightness of the winter’s moon is veiled behind the haze and mist, similarly, ____________.
(i) the pain of separation has shaded mother’s expression.
(ii) age has fogged mother’s youthful appearance.
(iii) growing up has developed a seasoned maturity in the poet.
(iv) memories warm the heart like the pale moon in winter. [Ans. (ii)

(d) Choose the correct option out of the ones given below
Simile Metaphor
the merry children spilling Old familiar ache
Metaphor Imagery
Pale as a late winter’s moon Young Trees sprinting
Imagery Personification
All I did was smile the merry children spilling
Personification Simile
Young Trees Sprinting Pale as a late winter’s moon
(i) Option 1 (ii) Option 2 (iii) Option 3 (iv) Option 4
[Answer (iv)

Extract – 1
An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
Far far from gusty waves these children’s faces.
Like rootless weeds, the hair torn round their pallor:
The tall girl with her weighed-down head. The paper-seeming boy, with rat’s eyes.
The stunted, unlucky heir
Of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease,

1. Through the description of the slum children, the poet wants to express the prevailing in society
A) social injustice and class inequalities
B) poverty
C) disease
D) slums
51 | P a g e
Answer A

2. ‘The stunted unlucky heir of twisted bones’ means the boy

A) is short and bony
B) is poor and unlucky
C) is sad and unwell
D) has an inherited disability
Answer: D
3. ‘The tall girl with her head weighed down’ means
A) the girl is ashamed of something
B) has untidy hair
C) is ill and exhausted
D) is shy
Answer: C
4. One of the following phrases implies unhealthy children. It is
A) unlucky heir
B) these children’s faces
C) a paper seeming boy
D) from gusty waves
Answer: C
2. Surely, Shakespeare is wicked,
The map a bad example
‘’with ships and sun and love
Tempting them to steal-
For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes
From fog to endless night?’’
1 What all tempts these children?
a. Pictures of Shakespeare
b. Pictures of sun, ships and love
c. Pictures of Tyrolese valley
d. All of these
Answer D
2. What does the expression ‘cramped holes’ imply?
a. Small holes in school walls
b. Very small houses
c. Dingy congested shacks
d. None of above
Answer C
3. Who is the poet of these lines?
a. W.B. Yeats
b. Stephen spender
c. Robert Frost
d. Pablo Neruda
Answer B
4. What does the map represent?
a. World of the rich and the powerful
b. World of the poor
c. World of the slum children
d. A world which poet desires for these slum children
Answer D
3. Open-handed map

52 | P a g e
Awarding the world its world. And yet, for these
Children, these windows, not this map, their world,
Where all their future’s painted with a fog,
1. Which are the two worlds does the poet is bringing out here?
a) beautiful scenes & slum children
b) The poverty world and the slum children.
c) Map of the rich and slum children
d) The world of poverty of the slum children & the prosperity of the rich.
Answer D
2. What do the pictures on the wall suggest?
a) happiness, richness, well- being and beauty
b) donations of the rich people.
c) generosity of the rich
d) charity of the rich
Answer A
3. How are the pictures in contrast to the classroom life of the children?
a) walls are not clean
b) brightness required in the class to see the pictures clearly.
c) sour cream walls are not a good background
d) dull and dim class with weak children.
Answer D
4. What does 'open-handed map' mean?
A) maps are drawn on the orders of powerful people or conquerors expanding their territories.
B) map of the children where they can go
C) Powers of the rulers who command the teachers
D) open map or political map of the country
Answer A

4. And yet, for these

Children, these windows, not this map, their world,
Where all their future's painted with a fog.

1. Which is their world mentioned here?

A) The rich world is reflected
B) Their world is limited to the window of the classroom.
C) the beautiful scenes of the class room
D) the outside world is beautiful
Answer B
2. How is the world of the slum children?
A) It is full of happiness
B) It is full of hopelessness.
C) It is full of beautiful scenes.
D) It is full of despair and despondency.
Answer D
3. Who is the poet of the poem 'An Elementary School Clssroom in a Slum'?
A) Stephen Spender
B) Slender
C) Kamal Das
D) John Keats
Answer A
4. 'future painted with fog' means

53 | P a g e
A) Classroom is as foggy and unclear
B) Fog is painted in the wall
C) Future of slum children is unclear
D) Broken classroom walls
Answer C

5.A narrow street sealed in with a lead sky.

Far far from rivers, capes and stars of words.
1. What does the poet mean by 'a narrow street'?
A) There is no wide scope available for the slum children' future growth.
B) roads are very narrow
C) Narrow roads traffic jam
D) Narrow roads in their streets
Answer A
2. How are the 'rivers , capes and star of words' far for the slum children?
a) They are away from the books.
b) They are living far away from their rivers.
c) peaceful living and deprived from knowledge and education.
d) There are no schools.
Answer A
3. What does 'stars of words' mean?
A) Literacy aspect of books that these slim children don't understand
B) Stars in the sky are far away
C) Words which are written in the book
D) Stars that look bright in the sky
Answer A

4. Far far from rivers, capes and stars of words. Which poetic device is used.
A) simile
B) metaphore
C) repetition
D) pun
Answer C

Keeping Quiet
1. Now I will count to twelve And we will all keep still.
For once on the face of the Earth
Let's not speak in any language,
Let's stop for one second,
And not move our arms so much.

1. The poet appeals to the readers to keep quiet for

A) 12 seconds
B) 1 hour
C) 30 seconds
D) 24 minutes
Answer A
2. He advises the people not to speak
A) French
B) Spanish
C) any language
D) English
54 | P a g e
Answer C
3. ‘arms’ here refers to
A) Weapons
B) Weapons and fighting with arms
c) Strong arms
d) None of the above
Answer B
4. What does 'still' mean here
A) To introspect
B) To keep quiet
C) Not to do any work
D) Not to talk
Answer A
2. It would be an exotic moment
Without rush, without engines,
We would all be together
In a sudden strangeness

1. What kind of moment would it be when everyone is silent

A) terrible
B) Painful
C) Unusual
D) unforgettable
Answer C
2. 'sudden strangeness', is one of the following poetic devices
A) Simile
B) Personification
C) Alliteration
D) Repetition
Answer C
3. Why does the poet wish to be without 'rush or engines'
A) one would get time to self-introspect ones's own activities
B) one would think of others activities
C) calmness in one's life
D) strangeness in one's life
Answer A
4. What does 'sudden strangeness' mean
A) to build a feeling of universal brotherhood
B) to build a law of quietness
C) to be safe
D) none of the above
Answer A
3.'fisherman in cold sea would not harm
Would not harm whales
And the man gathering salt Would look at his hurt hands.
1. Why has the poet mentioned 'whales'?
A) Whales are attacked for Luxury & commercial purpose
B) Whales are in the mid sea
C) Whales are huge and not afraid of men
D) Whales are good fishes

55 | P a g e
Answer A
2. Why has the poet mentioned the 'hurt hands'?
A) The man is not noticing his hurt hands
B) The man does not have time to do so
C) The man will have time to introspect on himself
D) All of the above
Answer C
3. Why has the poet mentioned Whales and not fishes?
A) Fishes are staple food for the coastal people
B) Whales are attacked for Commercial purpose
C) Whales are endangered species
D) All of the above
Answer B
4. Who are the two professional the poet is mentioning here to self -introspect?
A) Fisherman and salt gatherer
B) Fisherman and salt
C) Fishes and salt
D) Fishes and whale
Answer A
1. Those who prepare green wars, Wars with gas,
wars with fire Victory with no survivors,
would put on clean clothes and walk about with their
brothers in the shade doing nothing.

1. What types of War the poet is talking about?

A) green war, wars with gas & war with fire
B) technological warfare
C) Environmental war
D) Nuclear war
Answer A
2. What does 'victory with no survivors' mean?
A) no survivors will be left to celebrate the victory
B) survivors only victorious
C) All victorious people celebrate
D) All the people are victorious
Answer A
3. What does the poet mean by ' clean clothes' ?
A) proving that they are right in their action
B) proving that they only can be victorious
C) have clean clothes to wear
D) had got the clothes cleaned after dirt
Answer A
4. Why does the poet mention 'in the shade, doing nothing'?
A) The people who had been responsible for the war
B) The people are left alone to celebrate the victory
C) The people are quiet and not bothered about others' lives
D) All of the above
Answer C

5. Life is what it is about:

I want no truck with death.

56 | P a g e
1. Who is the poet?
A) Pablo Neruda
B) John Keats
C) Kamala Das
D) Pablo Neruda
Answer D
2. What does the poet mean by 'have no truck with death'?
A) I have no association or deal death
B) I will not die in the truck accident
C) Remove the poverty and illiteracy
D) Will not drive a truck in the end
Answer A
3. What is life according to the poet?
A) Be productive that gives us happiness
B) Attack others and live life
C) Be victorious by defeating others
D) Not maintain Universal brotherhood
Answer A
4. What does the poet advocate?
A) Self-introspection on ones' own activity
B) Self-introspection
C) Universal brotherhood
D) Attack and be victorious

The Third Level

1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
The presidents of the New York Central and the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroads will swear
on a stack of timetables that there are only two. But I say there are three, because I’ve been on the third
level of the Grand Central Station. Yes, I’ve taken the obvious step: I talked to a psychiatrist friend of
mine, among others. I told him about the third level at Grand Central Station, and he said it was a waking
dream wish fulfillment. He said I was unhappy. That made my wife kind of mad, but he explained that
he meant the modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and all the rest of it, and that I just want
to escape.

1 What, according to the narrator, will the presidents swear on?

A) the existence of the third level
B) there being a stock of timetables
C) the non-existence of a third level
D) there being a second level

Answer C

2. The phrase ‘waking-dream wish fulfillment’ means:

A) we do not wish for something to happen
B) we wake up suddenly from a dream
C) we see something as we wish to see it
D) our subconscious mind

Answer C

3. Why was Charley’s wife ‘kind of mad’?

A) to see her husband confused.
57 | P a g e
B) to hear that her husband was not happy.
C) as no one believed Charley about the third level.
D) due to Charley’s insistence on there being a third level.

Answer B

4 What does man in the modern world want to escape?

A) anxiety
B) suspicion
C) jealousy
D) indifference

[Answer A

2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
Sometimes I think Grand Central is growing like a tree, pushing out new corridors and staircases like
roots. There’s probably a long tunnel that nobody knows about feeling its way under the city right now,
on its way to Times Square, and maybe another to Central Park. And maybe — because for so many
people through the years Grand Central has been an exit, a way of escape — maybe that’s how the
tunnel I got into... But I never told my psychiatrist friend about that idea.

1 The above extract is NOT an example of ________.

A) allegory
B) analogy
C) imagery
D) metaphor

Answer A

2. Charley decided not to tell his psychiatrist friend about his idea. Choose the option that reflects the
reaction Charley anticipated from his friend.

A) “That’s such a lovely comparison. Why don’t you become a writer, Charley?”
B) “Oh Charley. It is so sad to see your desperation to run away! So very sad.”
C) “Maybe that’s how you entered the third level. Who would have thought?!”
D) “You need help, my raving friend. You are way too invested in this crazy thought!”

Answer D

3. Look at the given expressions that lists some of the ways in which the symbolism of a tree is employed.
Which of the following would represent an example as used by Charley in the above extract?
Be Like a Tree
Stay grounded
Connect with your roots
Bend before you break
Turn over a new leaf
Enjoy the view
Keep growing

A) ‘Stay grounded’ as the train station is underground.

B) ‘Connect with your roots’ as he desires to go back to his past.
C) ‘Enjoy the view’ as the station leads to all tourist sights of the city.
58 | P a g e
D) ‘Keep growing’ as the station keeps renovating and expanding.

Answer D

4. The idiom ‘feeling its way’ implies ______ movement.

A) swift
B) tentative
C) circular
D) disorganized

Answer B

3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
Then I walked down another flight to the second level, where the suburban trains leave from, ducked
into an arched doorway heading for the subway — and got lost. That’s easy to do. I’ve been in and out
of Grand Central hundreds of times, but I’m always bumping into new doorways and stairs and corridors.
Once I got into a tunnel about a mile long and came out in the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel. Another
time I came up in an office building on Forty-sixth Street, three blocks away. Sometimes I think Grand
Central is growing like a tree, pushing out new corridors and staircases like roots.

1. Where did Charley get lost?

A) on the third level
B) after heading for the subway
C) on the arched doorway
D) on the suburban train station

Answer B

2. Charley’s statement ‘That’s easy to do’ means:

A) it is easy to get lost in the third level
B) it is easy to reach the second level
C) it is easy to enter and exit the Grand Central
D) it is easy to get lost in the Grand Central

Answer D

3. The word ‘bumping’ means the same as:

A) omitting
B) colliding
C) missing
D) skirting
Answer B
4. Why does Charley compare the station’s growth to a tree?
A) it has many corridors and staircases
B) because of its consistent extension
C) it is an underground station
D) it is very huge
Answer B
4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.

59 | P a g e
And maybe — because for so many people through the years Grand Central has been an exit, a way of
escape — maybe that’s how the tunnel I got into... But I never told my psychiatrist friend about that
idea. The corridor I was in began angling left and slanting downward and I thought that was wrong, but
I kept on walking. All I could hear was the empty sound of my own footsteps and I didn’t pass a soul.
Then I heard that sort of hollow roar ahead that means open space and people talking. The tunnel turned
sharp left; I went down a short flight of stairs and came out on the third level at Grand Central Station.
For just a moment I thought I was back on the second level, but I saw the room was smaller, there were
fewer ticket windows and train gates, and the information booth in the centre was wood and old-
1. Why does the narrator refer to Grand Central as an ‘exit’?
A) it is the medium to go to other places
B) it is a medium of escape
C) people enter it unknowingly
D) people enter it willingly
Answer B
2. Why did Charley not tell his friend about his idea?
A) he thought his friend might too look for this means to escape
B) his friend might tell Louisa about it.
C) his friend would not have agreed to it.
D) his friend might dissuade him.

Answer C

3. How was the third level different from the second?

A) the information booth was wooden
B there were many train gates
C) the rooms were bigger
D) there were many ticket windows

Answer A

4. What according to Charley, did the ‘hollow roar’ signify?

A) there was an open space
B) not a soul was there
C) people were talking
D) both (i) and (iii)

Answer D

5. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
To make sure, I walked over to a newsboy and glanced at the stack of papers at his feet. It was The
World; and The World hasn’t been published for years. The lead story said something about President
Cleveland. I’ve found that front page since, in the Public Library files, and it was printed June 11, 1894. I
turned toward the ticket windows knowing that here — on the third level at Grand Central — I could
buy tickets that would take Louisa and me anywhere in the United States we wanted to go. In the year
1894. And I wanted two tickets to Galesburg, Illinois. Have you ever been there? It’s a wonderful town
still, with big old frame houses, huge lawns, and tremendous trees whose branches meet overhead and
roof the streets. And in 1894, summer evenings were twice as long, and people sat out on their lawns,
the men smoking cigars and talking quietly, the women waving palm-leaf fans, with the fire-flies all
around, in a peaceful world.

60 | P a g e
1 What did the narrator want ‘ to make sure’?
A) he was not on the third level
B) he was not on the second level
C) he was on the third level
D) the date printed on the newspaper was correct
Answer C

2. The word ‘glanced’ means the same as:

A) looked down upon
B) glimpsed
C) gaped
D) stared

Answer B
3) Why did Charley want to go to Illinois?
A) in 1894 he could go anywhere in the United States
B) it was easy to get there
C) his friend Sam was there
D) he could lead an idyllic life there

Answer D

4. What kind of life do the people of Illinois lead?

A) comfortable
B) relief
C) tranquil
D) wonder

Answer C

The Enemy
1. It was at this moment that both of them saw something black come out of the mists. It was a
man. He flung up of the ocean - flung. It seemed, to his feet by a breaker. He staggered a few steps, his
body outlined against the mist, his arms above his head. Then the curled mists hid him again.

1. Who are the two mentioned here?

A) Dr.Sadao and his wife
B) Dr. Sadao and his servant
C) Dr. Sadao and another doctor
D) Dr. Sadao and his daughter

Answer A

2. Who is the 'man' referred here?

A) The white man
B) Japanese soldier
c) Japanese prisoner
d) None of the above

Answer A

61 | P a g e
3. How did the man reach the shore?
A) Struggled to walk a few steps
B) Walked comfortably
C) Swam across
D) None of the above

Answer D

4. Why was the man not visible clearly?

A) The mist hid him
B) The sea hid him
C) The waves hit
D) None of them
Answer A
2. Now Sadao remembered the wound, and with his expert fingers he began to search for it. Blood
flowed freshly at his touch. On the right side of his lower back Sadao saw that a gun wound had been

1. Whose wound is referred here?

A) The man from the sea
B) Dr .Sadao
C) Dr. Sadao's wife
D) The gardener

Answer A

2. Whose expert fingers is mentioned here?

A) Dr.Sadao
B) His wife
C) The doctor of the hospital
D) The master
Answer A

3. What had happened to the man?

A) He was hit by a rod
B) He was shot by a gun.
C) He was hurt
D) Due to an operation
Answer B

4. What happened when the Doctor was ready to give treatment?

A) The blood oozed out
B) The blood clotted
C) The blood drained out
D) None f them
Answer C
3. "The master ought not to heal the wound of this white man," he said bluntly to Hana. "The white
man ought to die. First he was shot. Then the sea caught him and wounded him with her rocks. If the
master heals what the gun did and what the sea did, they will take revenge on us."

62 | P a g e
1. Who said not to heal the wound?
A) The old gardener
B) Yumi
C) Servant
D) Hana
Answer B

2. The 'sea caught' means:

A) The sea has punished
B) The sea has become friendly
C) The sea has called him
D) The sea had arrested
Answer A
3. The speaker believed that:
A) The sea would take revenge on them if they healed
B) The sea would catch him
C) The sea will shoot him
D) All of the above

Answer A

4. What had the sea done to the white man?

A) It has punished the white man
B) It has taken revenge on the white man
C) It has shot the white man with a gun
D) All of the above

Answer B

4. "If we sheltered a white man in our house we should be arrested and if we turned him over as a
prisoner, he would certainly die," Sadao said. "The kindest thing would be to put him back into the sea."
Hana said, But neither of them moved. They were started with a curious repulsion upon the inert figure.

1. Why will Dr. Sadao be punished for sheltering a white man?

A) It was war time and he was from the enemy country
B) He was a doctor
c) He took the help of his wife.
d) The servants left the job.

Answer A

2. Which country did Dr.Sadao belong to?

A) Germany
B) India
C) Japan
D) France

Answer C

3. Who is Hana?
A) Gardener

63 | P a g e
B) Dr. Sadao’s sister
C) Servant
D) Dr. Sadao's wife

Answer D

4. Why do you think they were repulsive?

A) It is because he was an enemy soldier
B) It is because he was bleeding
C) It is because he was not willing to take treatment
D) None of them

Answer A
SAMPLE PAPER TERM - I (2021-2022)
SET - 1


General Instructions:
1. This paper is divided into three parts:
A- Reading
B -Writing
2. Each question has four possible answer a, b, c and d. Students are
required to choose the most appropriate answer out of the four
3. All Questions are compulsory.
1. Read the passage given below.
1. All of Earth's oceans share one thing in common "plastic pollution. When people
litter, or when the trash is not properly disposed off, things like plastic bags,
bottles, straws, foam and beverage cups get carried to the sea by winds and
waterways. About 80 per cent of ocean plastic originates on land. The rest comes
from marine industries such as shipping and fishing.
2. In 2015, engineer Jenna Lambeck at the University of Georgia and other
researchers calculated that at least 8 million tons of plastic trash are swept into
the ocean from coasts every year. That's the equivalent of a full garbage truck
of plastic being dumped into the sea every minute. If current trends in plastic
production and disposal continue that figure will double by 2025. A report
published by the World Economic Forum last year predicts that by 2050, ocean
plastic will outweigh all the fish in the sea.
3. In today's world, plastic is everywhere. It's found in shoes, clothing, household
items, electronic and more. There are different types of plastics, but one thing
they all have in common is that they are made of polymers, large molecules made
up of repeating units. Their chemical structure gives them a lot of advantages:
they are cheap and easy to manufacture, lightweight, water-resistant, durable
and can be molded into nearly any shape

64 | P a g e
4. Sea turtles eat plastic bags and soda-can rings, which resemble jellyfish, their
favourite food Seabird eat bottle caps or chunks of foam cups. Plastic pieces may
make an animal feel full, so it doesn’t eat enough real food to get the nutrients
it needs. Plastic can also block an animal's digestive system, making it unable
to eat.
5. Plastic and its associated pollutants can even make it into our own food supply.
Scientists recently examined fish and shellfish bought at markets in California
and Indonesia. They found plastic in the guts of more than a quarter of samples
purchased at both locations, in organisms that people eat whole, such as
sardines and oysters that means we're eating plastic too. In larger fishes,
chemicals from plastic may seep into their muscles and other issues that people
6. One way to keep the ocean cleaner and healthier is through clean-up efforts. A
lot of plastic waste caught in ocean currents eventfully washes up on beaches.
Removing it prevents it from blowing out to sea again. Beach clean- up is ocean
clean- up.
7. Clean-up efforts can’t reach every corner of the ‘ocean or track down every bit of
micro-plastic. That mean it’s critical to cut down all the amount of plastic that
reaches the sea in the first place. Scientists are working towards new materials
that are safer for the environment. For example, Jambeck and her colleagues are
currently testing a new polymer that breaks down more easily in seawater.

Based on your understanding of the above passage, answer the given questions
by choosing the most appropriate word.
1. Percentage of ocean plastic that originates from land is………………….
a) 20%
b) 50%
c) 80)
d) 25%

2. Plastic is that biodegradable because it is made up of……………………….

a) Low Atomic particle
b) Tiny particles
c) Strong big particle
d) Large molecule polymers

3. Scientists bought fish and shellfish for examination at markets in:

a) China and Russia
b) Pakistan and Afghanistan
c) California and Indonesia
d) Australia and Brazil

4. Which properties make great plastics for consumer goods

a) Biodegradability
b) Durability
c) The dyes and flame retardation
d) Ability of chemical absorption

5. What is the ultimate way to clean-up an ocean?

a) The beach –clean up
b) Ban of plastic items
c) Prohibition of seabirds
d) No food supply in surrounding area

65 | P a g e
6. How are the larger fish affected by plastic?
a) They can get entangled in plastic netting
b) Plastic may lead them to starvation
c) Plastic is found in their guts
d) Plastic may go into their muscles and other tissues

7. Which features do all kinds of plastics have?

a) Easy to manufacture and easy to dispose
b) Water resistant
c) Difficult to mould into any shape
d) Non-durability
8. What is the biggest impact of plastic pollution on sea life?
a) Plastic eating makes them feel full
b) Plastic blocks the animals’ digestive system
c) Plastic cuts sea animal’s skin
d) All of these

2. Read the passage given below and answer following questions.


1. The India has the highest population growth rate in the world. Already the
second most populous, it is expected to grow by 25% by 2036 according to
the National Commission on Population. The growth rate wasn't always like
this. In 2011-2020 decade, the growth rate slowed down to 12.2% almost half
of what was projected, with further deterioration in the 2021-31 decade to
around 8.4%. According to the projections, India likely overtake China as the
most densely populated country in the world by 2031 making every fifth
person the world, an Indian.
2. There are many reasons as to why this is. To be specific, increase in the birth
rate and a decrease in the death rate, higher life expectancy due to
advancements in medical technology and practices, better family planning
3. Unemployment and poverty are the chief effects of this phenomenon. Usually,
if the population increases the number of jobs and the employment rate
increases. But in the case of India, the lack of opportunities and resources
has been progressively troublesome. Around 31% of Indians live in urban
settlements- which is slated to increase to 39% by 2036. Historically, when
the population of a city increases so much in such a short time, the quality
of life drastically reduces. That is, unless the city’s administration is capable
to cater to the incoming immigrant and their needs, it will surely be a sorry
state of affairs.
4. Over the last couple of decades, the fall in the population rate can be
attributed in part to the falling fertility rates in women. In 2011, the average
TFR (Total Fertility Rate) was 3.5 and 3.7 for women from UP and Bihar
respectively. Whereas in the south like Kerala and Andhra Pradesh have TFRs
below 2. Expert suggest that TFRs will continue to fall, eventually ending up
at 1.73 by 2036. This coupled with the death rate increasing from 7.2 to 7.3,
with a net loss in the population –the numbers fall.

66 | P a g e
5. While yes, it might seem that the population growth rate is falling
momentarily, it will most definitely not be the case in the future. With
advancement in technology, there will be a stark difference in the quality of
life experienced by the people, and with this comes newly generated demand
for a skilled workforce. This will ultimately feed back into itself and decrease
the death rate and the increase the birth rate in the country. Is this a good
thing, or should we be worried about this? You decide.

9. The growth rate wasn’t always like this. This statement means:
a) The rate was faster before and has now spiked up
b) The rate was faster before and has now slowed down
c) The rate was fast and has remained the same
d) None of these

10 . In the year 2031, India is like to:

a) Become the most popular
b) Become the most prosperous
c) Become the most populous
d) Become the most pretentious

11.The contributing factors to population growth rate slowing down are:

a) Increase in birth and decrease in death rate
b) Advancement in medical technology and practices
c) Better family planning methods
d) All of these

12.Why does population explosion affect India in a different way?

a) The cities are overcrowded
b) There is a dearth of opportunities
c) There is scarcity of sufficient resources
d) All of these

13.The quality of life decreases dramatically in a city due to the inefficiently

of the city’s administration.
a) Partially incorrect
b) Totally incorrect
c) Partially correct
d) Totally correct
67 | P a g e
14.The growth of the technology will help in ………..
a) Increasing skill level in people
b) Increasing the number of educated people
c) Increasing the quality of life of people
d) None of these


15.A notice must contain…………………information.
a) Factual
b) Variety of
c) Meeting
d) Object
16.Notice is generally issued for…………….
a) Employees
b) Everyone
c) General masses
d) A specific group

17.Which of the following Classified Advertisement is written by a person in

need of a job?
a) Situation Vacant
b) To – Let
c) Accommodation wanted
d) Situation wanted

18.Which of these media is not used for advertisement?

a) Newspaper
b) Magazines
c) Billboard
d) Notebook
19.What is the word limit for writing an advertisement?
a) 40
b) 50
c) 60
d) 80

20.‘Yours Sincerely’ is an example of a ………….

a) Closing line
b) Signature line
c) Complimentary close
d) Complimentary line
21.Letters to the editor are written to…………...
a) Newspaper
b) School
c) College
d) Club

22.Write the correct sequence of the following in an article

i) Clear and accurate content
ii) Eye-catching title
iii) Paragraph introducing the theme
68 | P a g e
iv) Logical arrangements of ideas
v) Conclusion and suggestions
a) I, II, III, IV, V
b) II, I, III, IV, V
c) II, III, I, IV, V
d) II, I, IV, III, V

23.What bad news used to come from the Bulletin Board?

a) News of lost battles
b) The draft
c) Orders of commanding officers
d) All of these

Direction- (Question 24 to 27) Read the extract given below and answer the
questions that follows.
Sadao stopped, Hana at his side, and turned the man’s head. They saw the
face. ‘A white man!’ Hana whispered. Yes, it was a white man.
24. What did Dr. Sadao see when he turned the face of the man?
a. Man with yellow hair
b. Man with yellow beard
c. Man showing signs of being tortured
d. All of these
25. In what state was the white man lying?
a. Unconscious
b. Dead
c. Sleeping
d. Drunk
26. Which part of the body of young man had wound?
a. Left side of upper back
b. Had and chest
c. Both the legs
d. Right side of the lower back
27. To which of these the white man belongs to……?
a. US Army
b. US Navy
c. Japanese Army
d. Japanese Navy
28. How did the author learn swimming?
a. with the help of a rope
b. With the help of a friend
c. With the help of his mother
d. with the help of a swimming instructor
29. What lesson did Douglas learn from his experience of drowning?
a. Learnt swimming
b. Love for swimming
c. Swimming is not difficult
d. Face the fear
Question (Q.30-35) Read the extract given below and answer the questions
that follow.
Our sour cream walls, donations. Shakespeare’s head

69 | P a g e
Cloudless at dawn, civilized dome riding all cities
Belled, flowery, Tyrolese Valley. Open- handed map
Awarded the world its world. And yet, for these
Children, these windows, not this map, their world
Where all their future’s painted with a fog

30. What does the expression – sour cream walls- suggest?

a) Display of donated artifacts on the walls
b) Badly maintained walls
c) Wall-to wall furniture
d) A poor choice of paint for walls

31. The map of the world in the classroom symbolizes:

a) Hopes and aspirations of the children
b) Travel plans of the school authorities
c) a world that is unconnected to the children
d) interconnectivity within the world

32. The expression, Shakespeare’s head is an example of

a) Pun
b) Satire
c) Paradox
d) Irony
33. In the extract, Future’s painted with a fog’ suggests that the…….
a) Classroom is a foggy as the paint on the walls
b) Beautiful valley is not a part of the children’s future
c) Life ahead for the slum children is as unclear and hazy as fog
d) Fog often finds itself in the classroom through broken window

34. The ticket collector suspected Charley for:

a) Tendering old currency
b) Tendering real currency
c) Tendering fake currency
d) None of these
35. Who had sent that ‘’First Day cover and when?
a) Charley, 1890
b) Louisa, 1994
c) Charley’s grandfather, 1894
d) Sam, 1894
36. What is the theme of the lesson?
a) Human tendency of escapism because of the harsh realities of the
present world
b) Intersection of time and space
c) Theory of escapism
d) A dialogue between a patient and a psychiatrist
Direction (Ques. 37-40) Read the extract and answer the question that follows
“Listening to them, I see two distinct world- one of the family, caught in a web of
poverty, burdened by the stigma of caste in which they are born; the other a vicious
circle of the sahukars, the middleman, the politicians, the keepers of law, the
bureaucrats and the politicians. Together they have imposed the baggage on the child
that he cannot put down. Before he is aware, he accepts it as naturally as his father.
To do anything else would mean to dare. And daring is not part of his growing up.”

70 | P a g e
37. Name the lesson and its author
a) The last lesson, Alphonse Daudet
b) Deep water, William Douglas
c) Indigo, Louis Fischer
d) Lost Spring, Anees Jung
38. ‘’Family, caught in a web of poverty, burdened by the stigma of caste in which
they are born…...’’ identify the poetic device used in the line.
a) Irony
b) Metaphor
c) Simile
d) Personification
39. What forces conspire to keep the workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad
in poverty?
a) A web of poverty, stigma of caste and a vicious circle of the sahukars, the
middlemen, the policemen, the keepers of law, the bureaucrats and the politicians.
b) Bangle making industry, their karams and a God-given lineage
c) The callousness of the society and the political class
d) All of these

40. ‘’ And daring is not part of his growing up. ‘’ why does the author remark
a) The fear of the police and lack of the leadership keep them back
b) Before a child is aware, he accepts his poverty and exploitation as naturally as his
c) Poverty, stigma of caste and a vicious circle of the sahukars, the middlemen, the
policemen, the keepers of law, the bureaucrats and the politicians together impose the
baggage on the child that he cannot put down
d) All of these
SAMPLE PAPER TERM - I (2021-2022)
SET - 2


General Instructions:
4. This paper is divided into three parts:
A- Reading
B -Writing
5. Each question has four possible answers a, b, c and d. Students are
required to choose the most appropriate answer out of the four
6. All Questions are compulsory.
Direction (Q Nos. 1 to 8) : Read the passage given below:

Second Mumbai varsity merit list to be out today; very few seats left, say
71 | P a g e
By Shreya Bhandary, Mumbai PUBLISHED ON AUG 24, 2021 11:30 PM IST

The first merit list for undergraduate degree courses was announced on August 17 and
students whose names appeared in the list have time until August 25 to confirm their
The second merit list for colleges affiliated with the University of Mumbai (MU) is
scheduled to be released after two days. However, the popular city colleges said they
have very few seats left to offer, even though the number of seats across colleges is
higher than the number of students registered for admissions this year.
“Due to the fear of not getting another seat, most students’ allotted seats in the first
round, have confirmed admissions. We will have very few seats left for the second list,”
said Ashok Wadia, Principal of Jai Hind College, Churchgate.
“Since the entire process is taking place online again this year, many students are
worried as they can’t clear doubts face-to-face. We get calls all day from anxious
students, and try our best to help everyone,” said the principal of a suburban college.
She added that while students are confirming admissions, for now, there’s a chance of
seats in B.Sc courses going vacant once admissions to medical, dental and
paramedical courses begin.
Earlier this month, the state government released circular addressing it to state
universities and the respective affiliated colleges, stating that due to a higher number
of students clearing class 12 exams this year, automatically increasing the number of
candidates applying for admissions, colleges have been given the option to add an extra
division to certain popular courses to accommodate all students.
“Adding a new division will not be an easy task for colleges. While this can be managed
while classes are online, soon colleges will reopen and then colleges will grapple with
infrastructure constraints,” said TA Shiware, speaking for the management of Wilson
College. He is also the chairman of the Mumbai Association of Non-Government
On the basis of your understanding of the passage , answer the questions given
below :
1. Varsity on the title indicates :
a. war for seats
b. university
c. variety of collage courses
d. under graduate degree courses

2. The second merit list was scheduled to be released on

a. 26 August
b. 22 August
c. 27 August
d. 25 August

3. The students in the first list can get admission only within :
a. a weak
b. a fortnight
c. a month
d. two days

4. The students are worried regarding online admission process as

a. They are unable to submit original certificates timely
b. The fee charges are too much
c. They have many quarries regarding the admission guidelines
72 | P a g e
d. They have no other option

5. In B Sc courses almost all admissions are:

a. vacant
b. confirmed (for now)
c. confirmed securely for the whole session
d. vacant but soon be filled

6. Jai Hind Collage is

a. In Churchgate
b. In Mumbai
c. Affiliated with the University of Mumbai
d. All of the above

7. The State Government of Maharashtra has passed a circular

a. to help students to get seat in the collages
b. to be strict regarding increase in collage seats
c. warning the poor result due to corona pandemic
d. for state schools as well as state collages

8 . Shreya Bhandary is
a. the principal of Netaji Collage
b. state govt’s spokesperson
c. from Wilson collage
d. a reporter

Direction (QNos.9-14)Read the passage given below:

Monsoon normal for now, despite a ‘break’
By Abhishek Jha, Hindustan Times, New Delhi
PUBLISHED ON AUG 25, 2021 02:21 AM IST
• The June-September period is considered as the monsoon in India. Cumulative
monsoon rainfall as of 8:30 AM on August 21 was 5.07% less than the Long Period
Average or LPA, according to the gridded rainfall dataset of the India Meteorological
Department (IMD).
• Cumulative rainfall continues to be in normal range
• The June-September period is considered as the monsoon in India. Cumulative
monsoon rainfall as of 8:30 AM on August 21 was 5.07% less than the Long
Period Average or LPA, according to the gridded rainfall dataset of the India
Meteorological Department (IMD). A 5% deficit from LPA is considered to be in
the normal range. IMD defines the average of rainfall in the 1961 to 2010
period as the LPA for that interval. It considers less than 20% deviation on
either side of the LPA as normal; a surplus of 20% or more as excess; and a
deficit of 20% or more as deficient.

73 | P a g e

Although the cumulative rainfall continues to be in the normal range, there have
been periods of prolonged dry patches. There was a 47% surplus in cumulative
rainfall before a dry patch from June 21 to July 11 -- when daily rainfall was less
than the LPA on all days -- created a deficit of 3% in cumulative rain. After a period
of recovery that led to a 2% surplus on August 1, another 16-day dry patch from
August 2 to August 17 created the current 5% deficit.

On the basis of your understanding , answer these questions;

9. Before the dry patch from June 21 to July 11 the rain was _____________:
a . normal
b. less
c. surplus nearly 50 percent
d. less nearly 20 percent

10. On August 21 the rainfall in India was __________________:

a. in convince with LPA
b. less than LPA
c. More than LPA
d. Not calculated by anyone
11. Average of rainfall in the 1961 to 2010 period is_____________ :
a. Long Term Average
b. Last Term Average
c. Long Term Advantage
d. Long Term Absence

74 | P a g e
12. The North West India is facing _______________
a. departure from LPA in August
b. deficiency of nearly 80 percent
c. the deficiency varied from 60 percent to 99 percent
d. all of the above

13. North Maharashtra has________________:

a. received less rain
b. faced excess rain
c. no rain
d. none of the above

14.North Chhattisgarh has got ________________

a. large excess of rain
b. no data related to this area pertaining to rainfall
c. deficiency of rain
d. extreme dryness
15. Which one does not fall in the category of a ‘Classified Advertisement’?
16. In a classified advertisement abbreviations, contact address and mo.
number are
a. much needed
b. optional
c. unwanted
d. never used
17. A similar character of a notice and a classified advertisement is
a. Both are Brief and have word limit
b. Both have date mentioned
c. Both have writers name in it
d. We use complete sentences to be clear
Read this letter and answer
4, Gandhinagar

Dated: (a)………………..
The Editor
Hindustan Times

Subject: (b) ………………………………………….

Respected Sir / Madam

I am Shobha, a resident of Gandhinagar. I am writing to you in order to raise the
issue of the absence of an Amul milk booth in my locality.
75 | P a g e
Gandhinagar has a huge population that comprises daily wagers. Still,……(
c)………………… the The residents face many problems as they have to walk upto 10
kilometers every morning to get their daily stock of milk and milk products. This has
also led to black marketing. The people of the area are getting harassed.
As the situation is serious, I request you to highlight it through your newspaper so
that the Amul authorities are sensitized towards it and do the needful.

Yours sincerely

18. The subject of the letter is (fill blank b):

a. absence of milk
b. absence of suppliers of milk
c. absence of Amul milk booth in Gandhinagar
d. black marketing

19. Blank ( c) will fill best with

a. the area does not have an Amul milk booth.
b. area not having Amul milk
c. the area does not has an Amul milk booth
d. area has no milk booth
20. The problem has been raised through
a. filing a complaint
b. writing a suggestion to the Editor
c. mentioning the seriousness of the problem in an article
d. writing a letter to the editor of a local daily drawing the attention of the responsible
21. Choose the incorrect format which cannot fill blank (a):
a. 6th March 2021
b. March 6th,2021
c. 6 March,2021
d. 06.03.2021
22. The writer has ended the letters using ‘Sincerely yours’ because:
a. She means it
b. the letter is sent to a particular person
d. The editor is not a friend to the writer
d. all of the above

23.The poem My Mother at Sixty Six is written

a. -in blank verse
b. by Kamla Das/Madhavikutty
c. in the form of an incomplete sentence
d. all of the above

24. I never saw him look so tall. Here , Mr. Hamel :

a. had grown physically taller
b. seemed very confident
76 | P a g e
c. was looking at the roof
d. stood on a chair

Read this extract and answer (Q nos. 25,26,27,28):

“All we have to fear is fear itself.” Because I had experienced both the sensation of
dying and the terror that fear of it can produce, the will to live somehow grew in
25. The quoted words are from:
a. Lincoln
b. Roosevelt
c. Reagan
d. Douglas

26. The speaker has overcome

a. fear
b. lethargy
c. shyness
d. envy

27. In ‘fear of it’ ; here ‘ it’ means-

a. life
b. sorrow
c. death
d. terror

28.The writer warns us against

a. fear and its side effects
b. death and afterlife
c. bullying weak people
d. being rude
Read this extract and answer (Q.nos, 29,30,31,32):
Sometimes I think Grand Central is growing like a tree, pushing out new corridors
and staircases like roots.
29. Grand Central is
a. a bus stop
b. an antique shop
c. a subway station
d. writers office
30. Grand central is spreading itself….
a. in the sky like a tree
b. in the writer’s imagination
c. on the ground
d. under the city of New York
31. The write claims to have found a
a. tunnel
b. corridor
c. an escalator
77 | P a g e
d. a footbridge

32. He was led to :

a. the third level
b. in a different time zone
c. old fashioned things and people
d. All of the above

Read this extract and answer(Q. nos.33,34,35,36):

Perhaps the Earth can teach us
as when every thing seems dead
and later proves to be alive.

33. the extract is from the poem

a. An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
b. Keeping Quiet
c. A Thing of Beauty
d. My Mother at Sixty-Six

34. Above lines mean

a. life and death go together
b. The Earth is full of patience
c. The Earth is a source of death as well as life
d. Silence is not death

35. The central idea of the poem is

a. caring for bereaved and poor
b. caring our dear ones
c. caring beauty and nature
d. quiet introspection and feeling of understanding
36. The figure of speech used in the above lines is
a. personification
b. pun
c. simile
d. repetition

37. Lost Spring raises voice against

a. brutal religious rules
b. useless education system
c. environment pollution
d. poverty and exploitation of children

38. In the poem An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum area , ‘The stunted
,unlucky heir of twisted bones means ‘
The boy
a. is full of stunts
b. has an inherited disability
78 | P a g e
c. must die soon
d. was short and bony
39. Dr. Sadao was not
a. a patriot
b. an expert surgeon
c. human
d. self- centred
40. ‘Little Franz ‘ This name symbolises
a. all young agile boys
b. students
c. France
d. poverty
SAMPLE PAPER TERM - I (2021-2022)


(SET - 3)
General Instructions:
7. This paper is divided into three parts:
A- Reading
B -Writing
8. Each question has four possible answer a, b, c and d. Students are required to
choose the most appropriate answer out of the four alternatives.
9. All Questions are compulsory.
1.Read the passage given below. (8X1=8)
(1) Millions of people in the United States are affected by eating disorders. More than
90% of those afflicted are adolescents or young adult women. Although all eating
disorders share some common manifestations, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and
binge eating each has distinctive symptoms and risks. People who intentionally starve
themselves (even while experiencing severe hunger pangs) suffer from anorexia

(2) The disorder, which usually begins around the time of puberty, involves extreme
weight loss to at least 15% below the individual’s normal body weight. Many people
with the disorder look emaciated but are convinced they are overweight. In patients
with anorexia nervosa, starvation can damage vital organs such as the heart and brain.
To protect itself, the body shifts into slow gear: Menstrual periods stop, blood pressure
rates drop, and thyroid function slows. Excessive thirst and frequent urination may
occur. Dehydration contributes to constipation, and reduced body fat leads to lowered
body temperature and the inability to withstand cold. Mild anemia, swollen joints,
reduced muscle mass, and light-headedness also commonly occur in anorexia nervosa.

(3) Anorexia nervosa sufferers can exhibit sudden angry outbursts or become socially
withdrawn. One in ten cases of anorexia nervosa leads to death from starvation,

79 | P a g e
cardiac arrest, other medical complications, or suicide. Clinical depression and anxiety
place many individuals with eating disorders at risk for suicidal behavior.

(4) People with bulimia nervosa consume large amounts of food and then rid their
bodies of the excess calories by vomiting, abusing laxatives or diuretics, taking
enemas, or exercising obsessively. Some use a combination of all these forms of
purging. Individuals with bulimia who use drugs to stimulate vomiting, bowel
movements, or urination may be in considerable danger, as this practice increases the
risk of heart failure. Dieting heavily between episodes of binging and purging is
(5) Because many individuals with bulimia binge and purge in secret maintain normal
or above normal body weight, they can often successfully hide their problem for years.
But bulimia nervosa patients-even those of normal weight can severely damage their
bodies by frequent binge eating and purging. In rare instances, binge eating causes
the stomach to rupture; purging may result in heart failure due to loss of vital minerals
such as potassium. Vomiting can cause the esophagus to become inflamed and glands
near the cheeks to become swollen. As in anorexia nervosa, bulimia may lead to
irregular menstrual periods. Psychological effects include compulsive stealing as well
as possible indications of obsessive-compulsive disorder, an illness characterized by
repetitive thoughts and behaviors. Obsessive compulsive disorder can also accompany
anorexia nervosa. As with anorexia nervosa, bulimia typically begins during
adolescence. Eventually, half of those with anorexia nervosa will develop bulimia. The
condition occurs most often in women but is also found in men.

(6) Binge-eating disorder is found in about 2% of the general population. As many as

one-third of this group is men. It also affects older women, though with less frequency.
Recent research shows that binge-eating disorder occurs in about 30% of people
participating in medically supervised weight-control programs.
(7) This disorder differs from bulimia because its sufferers do not purge. Individuals
with binge eating disorder feel that they lose control of themselves when eating. They
eat large quantities of food and do not stop until they are uncomfortably full. Most
sufferers are overweight or obese and have a history of weight fluctuations. As a result,
they are prone to the serious medical problems associated with obesity, such as high
cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
(8) Obese individuals also have a higher risk for gallbladder disease, heart disease, and
some types of cancer. Usually they have more difficulty losing weight and keeping it off
than do people with other serious weight problems. Like anorexic and bulimic sufferers
who exhibit psychological problems, individuals with bingeeating disorder have high
rates of simultaneously occurring psychiatric illnesses, especially depression.
On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, find out the correct
options of the questions. (1 × 8 = 8)

1.) Majority of people suffering from eating disorders are __________ .

a) Adolescents
b) Young adult women
c) Obese people
d) Both A and B
2.) Mild anemia, swollen joints, reduced muscle mass, etc. commonly occur in
_______ .
a) Bulimia
b) Binge - eating
c) Anorexia nervosa
d) obsessive compulsive disorder

80 | P a g e
3.) Depression and anxiety place many individuals with eating disorders at risk
of __.
a) Suicidal behaviour
b) Obesity
c) C )Binge eating
d) None of these

4) Binge eating disorder occurs in about 30% of people undergoing ___________ .

a) Treatment
b) Weight control programs
c) Depression
d) Puberty

5) Obese individuals also have a risk of ____________ .

a) Heart disease
b) Some types of cancer
c) Gallbladder disease
d) All of these

6) Individuals suffering from anorexia can also suffer from ___________ .

a) Cardiac arrest
b) Suicidal behaviour
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

7) “Many people with the disorder look emaciated but are convinced they are
overweight. The word ‘emaciated’ here means _________ .
a) Fat
b) Skeletal
c) Nervous
d) Depressed

(8) According to the passage, which of the following is correct?

a) Among the suffers of anorexia nervosa, half of them will eventually develop
b) Binge eating disorder is found mainly in children.
c) People with bulimia nervosa keep themselves in starvation.
d) More than 90% of those afflicted with eating disorders are men and old-age
2. Read the passage given below and choose the correct options of the questions.
1. Technology has advanced tremendously and has taken control of our daily lives.
Every household has at least one television set, laptop or desktop. It is not an
uncommon sight to see kids playing with smart phones or tablets nowadays. We
cannot deny how much Technology has helped us, but are we exposing ourselves and
our children to too much of it?
2. There has been much research and plenty of debate among educators, policymakers
pediatricians and parents on the benefits and advantages of technology over the years.
The kids are able to talk to friends and family who are far away. They enhance your
child's curiosity and encourage him to explore from the safety of your home. Pushing
keys and using the mouse help in fine-tuning your child's fine motor skill which
enhances their eye-hand coordination. Studies carried out by independent researchers
have found that the use of technologies could support home learning.

81 | P a g e
3 However, technological interactivity can never replace human interaction as current
technology cannot replace human element of interaction between parent and child.
The technology may affect the pre-scholars’ developing cognitive and social skills .The
extensive use of tablet computers does not encourage innovative learning. It also
increases aggressive responses from playing violent video games. As mentally
stimulating as they are, technological devices do not promote physical stimulation as
much as physical activity. The responses received from parents and teachers during
the survey conducted have been depicted in the form of pie diagram.

9. What do kids play known nowadays?

a) Television
b) Smartphone
c) Laptop
d) All of these

10. What is the most important question faced by the parents and teachers
a) Has Technology helped us?
b) Has Technology advanced tremendously?
c) Are be over exploring our kids to technology /
d) Do we need to conduct a research on pros and cons of technology?

11. Who among these have participated in the debate on advantages and
disadvantages of technology for kids ?
a) Kids
b) Computer vendors
c) Smartphone dealers
d) Pediatricians

12. Which of these helps in fine tuning the motor skills of the child?
a) Pushing keys
b) Using mouth
c) Both A. and B.
d) Neither A nor B

82 | P a g e
13. Which of these pictorial representations closely indicate the percentage of
parents and teachers have selected access to many sites as response

14. Which is the least selected response from the following?

a) Access to many sites
b) Causes eye skew
c) Increases knowledge
d) Reduces outdoor activity .


15) What is written on the top of a notice?

a) Name of the Institution or organization
b) Date
c) Subject
d) Body of notice

16). Where is salutation placed in a notice ?

a) just above the date
b) Just below the date
c) Along with the date
d) There is no need to write salutation in a notice

17) How is a classified advertisement different from that of a display

a) It is bigger in size than display advertisement
b) it requires more images than display advertisement
c) It costs more than display advertisement.
d) None of these.

18) What is added in a classified advertisement appearing situation vacant title

a) Name of job required
b) salary
c) Other perks
d) All of these

19). Which of these is the most suitable salutation of a letter to the editor?
a) Dear sir / Madam
b) Sir/ Madam
c) Mr. Editor /Mrs. Editor
d) All of these.

83 | P a g e
20) Which of the following is the perfect line to commence the letter to the
a) Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper……………….
b) Being a regular reader of your esteemed newspaper………………
c) I would like to draw your kind attention to………………
d) All of these can be .

21). What is fluency in an article writing?

a) Ability to read the content together
b) Ability to set the content apart
c) Ability to find out the pros and cons of the topic
d) Ability to greet the audience.

22) What are the elements of making scheme in an article writing?

a) Format
b) Content
c) Expression
d) All of these


Direction-(Question 23 to 26) Read the extract given below and answer the
questions that follows.
What a thunderclap these words were to me! Oh! the wretches; that was what they
had put up at the town-hall !
23) What does the word ‘thunderclap’ refer to?
a) Something vague and doubtful
b) Something exciting
c) Something overpowering
d) Something startling or unexpected

24) The narrator mumbled- “Oh the wretches” – he said so because after the
announcement he finds himself
a) Inadequate
b) Unfortunate
c) Confident
d) Courageous
25) Which figure of speech from those given below is being used by the author,
in the line, “What a thunderclap these words were to me!”
a) Simile
b) Personification
c) Metaphor
d) Hyperbole

26) Pick out the option that correctly describes author’s feelings when he heard
the news.
1. Shocked 2. Surprised 3. Guilty 4. Jealousy 5. Elated 6.
a) 2, 4, and 5
b) 1, 3, and 6
c) 1, 2, and 3
d) 4, 5, and 6

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27) The expression “I imagined I would bob to the surface like a cork” implies
a) Douglas was afraid to die.
b) Douglas accepted his failure and ultimately death.
c) Though Douglas was frightened he was not out of his wits.
d) Frightened, Douglas was not able to shout for help.
Question (Q.28-31) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that
I looked again at her, wan, Pale
as a late winter’s moon and felt that old
familiar ache, my childhood’s fear, ……………

28) Who is ‘her” in the poem?

a) ‘Her’ is the childhood of the poet
b) ‘Her’ refers to the mother.
c) ‘Her’ means the poet herself
d) None of these
29) Why did the poet look at ‘her’ again?
a) Because she hadn’t seen her mother for a long time.
b) Because they were saying goodbye.
c) Because she was worried about her aging mother and was afraid of losing her.
d) Because she was not able to recognize her mother’s face.
30) What was the poet’s childhood fear?
a) Losing her mother.
b)Losing her youth
c)Running into monsters
d)Losing her home
31) The main highlight of the given lines is about
a) The poet’s mother is old, weak and possibly ill
b) The poet’s childhood memories
c) The poet’s fear of losing her youth
d) The poet’s guilt of not being with her mother
32) What makes the working conditions of the children worst in the glass
a) Dark dingy cells without light and air
b) Dazzling and sparking of welding light
c) High temperature
d) All of these
33)- What do the words ‘From fog to endless night ‘ mean?
a) bright light outside
b) bright future
c) hopelessness
d) Dark and uncertain future of slum children from birth to death

Direction (Ques. 34-37) Read the extract and answer the questions that follows:
The presidents of the New York central and the New York, New Haven and Hartford
railroads will swear on a stack of timetables that there are only two. But I say there
are those, because I’ve been on the third level of the Grand Central Station. Yes, I’ve
taken the obvious step. I talked to a psychiatrist friend of mine, among others. I told
him about the third level at Grand Central Station, and he said it was a waking dream
wish fulfillment. He said I was unhappy. That made my wife kind of mad, but he
explained that he meant the modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war worry and all
the rest of it, and that I just want to escape.

85 | P a g e
34.) Pick out the option which is a correct description of the phrase “waking
dream wish fulfillment”.
a) A pleasant wish that makes one forget the past’s terrible experiences.
b) A pleasant wish that takes one to the future
c) A pleasant wish that encourages to work
d) A pleasant wish that makes one forget the present

35) What does the ‘third level’ signify?

a) A third level of dream that is fulfilled
b) A third gate on Grand Central Station
c) A third wish that is going to be accomplished
d) Human tendencies to escape from the harsh realities of the present time

36) Pick out the option that best describes the mental tendency of the narrator.
(1) Disappointed (2) Escapism (3) Calm (4) Satisfied
a) 1 and 3
b) 1 and 2
c) 3 and 4
d) 2 and 4
37)“ The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry...” Signifies that :
a) the world is full of chaos but at the same time means of happiness also for the
b) the narrator is not at all satisfied with his life.
c) the narrator wanted to explore more about the modern world.
d) the narrator enjoys the feeling of pain and insecurities in his life.
38. Why did Hana wash the wounded man herself?
a) Because of her servants
b) because her servants ran away
c) because her servants refused to help an American enemy soldier
d) None
39. Why did the servants refuse to help ?
a) out of fears
b) because of superstitions
c) because he was an American Soldier
d) All these

40. How did Dr. Sadao ensure that the American Soldier had left safely?
a) by escorting him
b) by seeing no signal of flashlight
c) by giving him a call
d) none

Answer Key Set -1


Q1. b. university

Q2. 26 August
Q3. a. a weak

Q4. c. They have many quarries regarding the admission guidelines

86 | P a g e
Q5. b. confirmed (for now)
Q6. d. All of the above
Q7. a. to help students to get seat in the collages

Q8. d. a reporter

Q9. c. surplus nearly 50 percent

Q10.b. less than LPA
Q11. a. Long Term Average

Q12. b. deficiency of nearly 80 percent

Q13. b. faced excess rain

Q14. c. deficiency of rain


Q 16.c. used according to need

Q17. a. Both are Brief and have word limit

Q18. c. absence of Amul milk booth in Gandhinagar
Q19. a. the area does not have an Amul milk booth.

Q20. d. writing a letter to the editor of a local daily drawing the attention of the responsible authorities
Q21. d. 06.03.2021

Q22. . d. all of the above

Q,23 d. all of the above

Q.24. b. seemed very confident

Q25 . b. Roosevelt

Q.26 a. fear

Q. 27 .c. death

Q.28. a. fear and its side effects

Q29. c. a subway station

Q30. b. in the writer’s imagination

Q31. b. corridor

Q32. d. All of the above

Q33.b. . Keeping Quiet

Q34. d. Silence is not death

Q35. d. quiet introspection and feeling of understanding

Q36. a. personification

Q.37 .d. . poverty and exploitation of children

87 | P a g e
Q38. b. has an inherited disability

Q39. d. self- centred

Q40. c. France


ANSWERS for Set -2 Sample paper

Q1. b. university, use of this word is limited to two uses, a university and a team representing a high
school or collage in sports.
Option a, c, and d are wrong as they don’t suit these meanings

Q2. a. 26 August, the news paper was published on 24th August , the passage says that the second list
of students will be released after two days that is 26th August, so option BSc and dare wrong

Q3. a. Eight day, the news says that the last day for admission is 25th August, so all other options are

Q4. c. They have many quarries regarding the admission guidelines, there is no mention of option a , b
and d

Q5. b. confirmed (for now) , as soon as medical collages will declare their list these seats may go
vacant, option a and d are wrong, answer c contradicts the passage

Q6. d. All of the above , Jaihind collage is in Churchgate which is in Mumbai and it is affiliated with the
University of Mumbai

Q7. a. to help students to get seat in the collages , option b, c and d go against the statement of the

Q8. d. a reporter, the news paper clipping informs us that she is a reporter, other statements are

Q9. c. surplus nearly 50 percent , 47percent is near to 50 in mathematics roundup, normal ,less
and 20 percent less are contradicting the information given in the passage

Q10.b. less than LPA , option a, c and d are not supported by the passage

Q11. a. Long Term Average , as IMD has decided this . Option b ,c and D are wrong

Q12. b. deficiency of nearly 80 percent, the map and purple shading indicator declare it clearly. All
other options are wrong .

Q13. b. faced excess rain , blue colour on the indicator and map clearly show it

Q14. c. deficiency of rain , the red colour indicates this , all other options are wrong

Q15. b. Eradication of social evil , option a , c, and d fall in the classified aids

Q 16.c. much needed , all other options are wrong

88 | P a g e
Q17. a. Both are Brief and have word limit , option b ,c and d are not needed in classified aids.

Q18. c. absence of Amul milk booth in Gandhinagar. There is no statement supporting the other

Q19. a. the area does not have an Amul milk booth. This is grammatically correct one

Q20. d. writing a letter to the editor of a local daily drawing the attention of the responsible
authorities, a, b and c are not supported by the given material

Q21. d. 06.03.2021 is the wrong way as one can get confused with the day and month given in option
d. option a,b and c are very much clear and accepted all over the world

Q22. d. all of the above, in formal letter writing we take care of all these

Q,23 d. all of the above, Madhvikutti pen name of Kamala Das, My Mother…… is written in blank verse
and in the form of an incomplete sentence

Q.24. b. Seemed very confident, this is the figurative meaning of the sentence. All the other options
are false.

Q25. b. Roosevelt, this fact is supported by the lesson

Q.26 a. Fear, it is supported by the lesson. Options b, c and d, not go with the theme
Q.27 .c. death, as per the statement only this meaning is clear

Q.28. a. fear and its side effects, other options b, c and d are not supported by the theme and subject
of the lesson

Q29. c. a subway station, a, b and d are not supported by the lesson

Q30. b. in the writer’s imagination, options a, c and d are misleading though they seem true

Q31. b. corridor. This option is supported by the lesson, option a,c and d are imaginary

Q32. d. All of the above. The speaker was transferred to some other time, place and environment
Q33.b. Keeping Quiet, all the other options are wrong as they don’t contain these lines
Q34. d. Silence is not death, the explanation tells us that it is reproductive ,it brings understanding. a, b
and c are wrong
Q35. d. quiet introspection and feeling of understanding, other options are not supported by these
lines and poem

Q36. a. personification as the earths mentioned as a person

Q.37.d. Poverty and exploitation of children, this is the theme of the lesson, other options are wrong

Q38. b. Has an inherited disability, option a ,c and d do not properly describe the lines

Q39. d. Self- centred, Dr. sad had all the other qualities but he was not selfish

Q40. c. France, the theme of this story is suppression of France by Germany

89 | P a g e

Set – 3 Answer Key


1.) Majority of people suffering from eating disorders are __________ .

D) Both A and B
2.) Mild anemia, swollen joints, reduced muscle mass, etc. commonly occur in _______ .
C) Anorexia nervosa
3.) Depression and anxiety place many individuals with eating disorders at risk of __.
A) Suicidal behaviour
4) Binge eating disorder occurs in about 30% of people undergoing _____
B) Weight control programs
5) Obese individuals also have a risk of ____________ .
D) All of these
6) Individuals suffering from anorexia can also suffer from ___________ .
A) Cardiac arrest
7) “Many people with the disorder look emaciated but are convinced they are overweight. The word
‘emaciated’ here means _________ .
B) Skeletal
(8) According to the passage, which of the following is correct?
A) Among the suffers of anorexia nervosa, half of them will eventually develop bulimia.
9. what do kids play on nowadays ?
D) All of these
10. What is the most important question faced by the parents and teachers today?
D) Do we need to conduct a research on pros and cons of technology?
11. Who among these have participated in the debate on advantages and disadvantages of technology for kids
D) Pediatricians
12. Which of these helps in fine tuning the motor skills of the child?
C) Both A. and B.
13. Which of these pictorial representations closely indicate the percentage of parents and teachers have
selected access to many sites as response
Ans. II
14. Which is the least selected response from the following?
B.) Causes eye skew
15) What is written on the top of a notice ?
A) Name of the Institution or organization
16). Where is salutation placed in a notice ?
D) There is no need to write salutation in a notice
17) How is a classified advertisement different from that of a display advertisement?
.D) None of these.
18) . What is added in a classified advertisement appearing situation vacant title ?
D) All of these
19). Which of these is the most suitable salutation of a letter to the editor?
B) Sir/ Madam

90 | P a g e
20) Which of the following is the perfect line to commence the letter to the editor?
D) All of these can be .
21). What is fluency in an article writing?
A) Ability to read the content together
22) What are the elements of making scheme in an article writing?
D) All of these

Direction-(Question 23 to 26) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follows.

23) What does the word ‘thunderclap’ refer to?

D) Something startling or unexpected

24) The narrator mumbled- “Oh the wretches” – he said so because after the announcement he finds himself

B) Unfortunate

25) Which figure of speech from those given below is being used by the author, in the line, “What a
thunderclap these words were to me!”
D) Hyperbole
26) Pick out the option that correctly describes author’s feelings when he heard the news.
(c) 1, 2, and 3
27) The expression “I imagined I would bob to the surface like a cork” implies that
. C) Though Douglas was frightened but he was not out of his wits.

28) Who is ‘her” in the poem?

B) ‘Her’ refers to the mother.
29) Why did the poet look at ‘her’ again?
C) Because she was worried about her aging mother and was afraid of losing her.
30) What was the poet’s childhood fear?
A) Losing her mother.
31) The main highlight of the given lines is about
A) The poet’s mother is old, weak and possibly ill
32) What makes the working conditions of the children worst in the glass industry?
D) All of these
33)- What do the words ‘From fog to endless night ‘ mean?
D) Dark and uncertain future of slum children from birth to death
Direction (Ques. 34-37) Read the extract and answer the questions that follows:
34.) Pick out the option which is a correct description of the phrase “waking dream wish fulfillment”.
D) a pleasant wish that makes one forget the present
35) What does the ‘third level’ signify?
91 | P a g e
D) Human tendencies to escape from the harsh realities of the present time
36) Pick out the option that best describes the mental tendency of the narrator.
B) 1 and 2
37)“ The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry...” Signifies that :
. B) the narrator is not at all satisfied with his life.
38. Why did Hana wash the wounded man herself?
c) because her servants refused to help an American enemy soldier.
39. Why did the servants refuse to help?
c) because he was an American Soldier
40. How di Dr. Sadao ensure that the American Soldier had left safely ?
B) by seeing no signal of flashlight.

Best Wishes for Term – 1 EXAM

92 | P a g e

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