The Role o Cultural Schema
The Role o Cultural Schema
The Role o Cultural Schema
Review Articles
Received July 29, 2016; Accepted December 6, 2016
Abstract: Culture is an important aspect to consider when designing a product, both as an inspiration and
influence in the cognitive process of design. The cultural backgrounds of users and designers should be
taken into account in the context of cognitive processing. Cultural schema refers to culture at the cognitive
level, which provides references in the form of knowledge while also shaping perspectives. This study
explores the role of cultural schema in culture-based product design by attempting to identify the
opportunities and constraints posed by culture. Examples were drawn to explain about cultural schema
role in designing products based on cultural artifacts that suggest design context interacted with cultural
schema in design process that results in different interpretation of design from the same cultural artifact.
Keywords: culture, schema, design, opportunities, constraints
3. Method
The method used in this study is literature review.
Literature sources that contribute to this study encompass Figure 1. Schema processing model; adapted from
three main topics. The topics are cultural psychology, Brewer and Nakamura [15]
cognitive psychology, and design.
The topics discussed in this study are how schema work According to Brewer and Nakamura, schema-based
and its application in product design, culture and cognition, information processing involves three elements: generic
cultural schema and its application in design, and
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schema, episodic input, and instantiated schema. Generic specific to the culture an individual lives in. This knowledge
schema is schema that contains fixed structural content varies across cultures and can influence how people approach
(knowledge, skills, relations, behavior, etc.) as well as slots matters. Examples can include different cultural values or
to accommodate new information input. The input comes one’s preference for the visual style of American comics or
from episodic input, which is information collected from the Japanese manga. Expertise level is highly specialized
environment during exposure to stimuli. The interaction knowledge acquired through extensive learning processes in
between generic schema and episodic input results in relation to a profession or hobby. Examples of expertise
instantiated schema. Instantiated schema that is repeated is knowledge could include the ability to operate CNC
stored in the long-term memory, eventually becoming machines, use video editing software, etc. The culture and
generic schema, which is easier to recall. Without repetition expertise levels in the continuum of knowledge model
as reinforcement, however, instantiated schema stored in the include various uses of tools. In the culture level, the tools
short term memory will be discarded. The experience and include those commonly used in daily life; in the expertise
knowledge structure of a schema is a reference point for level, the tools are those specific to one’s area of expertise
information processing. New information is processed by [17]. However, while the model described in figure 2 is
trying to fit it into the existing schema. Information that fits somewhat rigid, schemata itself are dynamic and it is
the schema is processed faster and enforces the validity of possible a schema could exist across levels. For example,
the schema, thus strengthening the schema and leading to some sensorimotor schema could also exist in cultural level
better memory [15]. For information that does not fit the if it is related to specific habits and behavior of a cultural
existing schema, three outcomes are possible: 1) the schema group, not necessarily related to the use of tools as described
is modified to include the new information, 2) the in the figure.
information is modified to fit the schema, or 3) the
information is discarded as nonsensical [16]. 4.1. Application of schema theory in design
Hurtienne and Blessing [17] developed a model to The nature of schema theory is broad in its application,
describe the hierarchy of knowledge in human minds based from abstract concepts such as faith and justice to more
on the frequency of encoding and retrieval of knowledge. concrete ones such as written law. As such, the field of
The encoding and retrieval of knowledge are inseparable design also benefits from the application of schema theory.
from the concept of schema since knowledge itself is the Schema theory in design refer to design based on existing
content of the schema. knowledge, intuition, and automatic responses of the user,
which are the schemata itself. The use of schema theory in
design enables user to understand and react to the object
quickly and accordingly, which contributes to better usability.
Several examples of the application of schema theory in
product design are discussed in the next section.
4.1.1. Image schema
An example of the application of image schema to
intuitive design in the sensorimotor level is the schema of
space. One representation of space schema is direction (e.g.,
The UP and DOWN/LEFT and RIGHT schema has been
used extensively in designing aspects of products [17] (e.g.,
volume buttons on cellular phones). The familiarity of the
schema stems from metaphors related to beliefs that
translated into directions.
Metaphor of UP and DOWN were associated with
Figure 2. Continuum of knowledge model [17]. spiritual belief where UP refers to high places where believed
as the residence of Gods, thus the positive association, and
The frequency and ease of encoding and retrieving DOWN refers to below the earth where it was believed the
knowledge increase from top to bottom in the model (Figure devil resides, thus the negative association (e.g. Semitic
2). Innate knowledge is acquired genetically during the religions where heaven is alluded to reside in the sky; Greek
prenatal stage of development; this is considered universal culture where Mount Olympus was believed to be residence
knowledge that is subconsciously processed, such as reflexes of Gods, and below earth was believed to be where hell
and instinct. Innate knowledge is the most frequently resides; Indonesian native spiritual concept where Gods were
retrieved and encoded type of knowledge. Sensorimotor believed to resides in mountains such as Mount Mahameru;).
knowledge is general knowledge acquired during early The metaphor of UP as positive/increase and DOWN as
childhood and used continuously in interactions with the negative/decrease translates into the directions of the button.
world. Examples of sensorimotor knowledge include the The iPhone 6 has two volume buttons: an upper button (UP)
concepts of gravity, speed, and animation, as well as how to for increasing volume and a lower button (DOWN) for
differentiate faces. Though acquired through learning decreasing volume. The positioning and elevated surface of
processes, sensorimotor knowledge is intuitive. Affordances the buttons make it possible to rely on touch to adjust the
and image schema theory occupy the sensorimotor level of volume. Directional metaphor was also applied to the digital
the knowledge continuum. Cultural knowledge is knowledge representation of volume adjustment, with LEFT
representing negative/decrease and RIGHT representing
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cognitive ability and activity are undoubtedly related to to cultural schema.
human psychological states [16][23][24]. Cultural variation Cultural schema refers to thematized, widely shared
is the effect of similarities in the biological element of schemata, and it is the smallest unit of culture that can be
humans—especially their cognitive abilities, which analyzed [8]. Furthermore, cultural schemata are defined as
evolved differently as a result of different historical and patterns of basic schemata that construct the meaning
ecological conditions [16]. Across populations, there are system of a cultural group [27]. In principle, cultural
differences in social, political, and economic circumstances, schema and individual schema do not differ, except that
which create variation in the content of human minds cultural schemata are shared by certain groups instead of
(theories, values, beliefs) [24]. individuals [9]. Cultural schema contributes to cultural bias,
Culture is the sum of mental representations, their stereotypes, and prejudice due to its shared characteristics.
public expressions, and resultant behaviors in certain At the individual level, culture is shaped by the
contexts, which are always in continuous interaction with internalization of social activity through learning processes.
each other [5]. Culture encompasses mental, behavioral, Arguably, internalization and learning processes occur
and physical realms [5][25][26], which can be further through repeated experience and exposure to cultural
described in terms of three levels of the spatial dimensions elements (e.g., social environment, objects, language,
of culture: the inner level, which consists of values, beliefs, beliefs, values). Repeated experience forms a generic
preferences, and other psychological attributes; the structure in an individual’s mind [15] and becomes a
intermediate level, which consists of behaviors, activities, subconscious knowledge schema through frequent encoding
and languages; and the outer level, which consists of and retrieval processes [17]. Culture as cognitive attribute
objects, materials, and artifacts [25][26]. The intermediate in an individual’s mind is schemata consisting of various
and outer levels express the inner level in the physical images, behaviors, and information acquired through
world. One’s behavior (intermediate level) is the expression sociocultural interaction and environments. In turn, the
of values, norms, beliefs, etc., that are internalized at the cultural schemata guide the individual perception and
inner level. Various tools and artifacts (outer level) are behavior.
created to facilitate human needs (inner level) and activities The “sharedness” of schema is the defining
(intermediate level). Since the levels are dynamic and characteristic that categorizes a schema as cultural schema
influence each other, the relationships among them are [28]. Though not all schemata in one’s cognition are
reciprocal. cultural, a large part are. In terms of sharedness, schemata
could be recognized by three categories: a universal schema
is shared across the human population, consisting of innate
knowledge (see Figure 2) [17] that develops regardless of
culture and experience. Thus, universal schema is the most
widely shared. Meanwhile, cultural schema is subject to
culture-specific experiences and is thus shared specifically
among the members of a cultural group. Individual schema
is subject to individual experiences and is thus more
detailed and personalized. Conversely, individual schema is
highly variable while cultural schema is more general, and
universal schema has low variability.
Shore [29] classifies cultural schema into two
categories: externalized schema, which is the public
representation of schema in the form of cultural artifacts,
Figure 6. Three levels of the spatial dimension of culture and internalized schema, which refers to cognitive
[25] representations of externalized schema. These two
categories constantly interact with and modify each other.
5.1. Cultural Schema This concept is similar to the spatial dimension of culture
From the overview of culture as cognitive attribute, it theory proposed by Siu [25] and Ardila [26] (see Figure 2).
could be inferred that culture in cognitive level exists as However, in Shore’s classification of cultural schema,
structures of schemata that resides in inner level of the intermediate-level variables are included as externalized
spatial dimension of culture [25]. Referring to the spatial schema since they express internalized schema. In the
dimension of culture, attributes that resides in intermediate context of cultural schema and its role in design, the spatial
level and outer level are representations and expressions of dimension of culture theory is more appropriate in
cultural schema. consideration of the three levels of design features: visceral,
Schema theory functions as a bridge between theories of behavioral, and reflective [30].
culture and psychology [16]. Culture itself is interdependent Cultural schema should not be confused with cultural
with schema since schema formation results from cognitive knowledge. Cultural knowledge is a part of cultural schema
activity involving interactions with physical and social that also includes culture-specific perception. The activation
environments in the culture one belongs to. On a larger of cultural schema is interdependent with the context of the
scale, above individual schema, there is cultural schema, stimuli [31]. The nature of schema is largely unconscious
which works at the social or cultural level. Some [6] and therefore difficult to investigate. However,
similarities across populations in a society can be attributed investigation can be attempted via schema activation in
response to stimuli corresponding to the three levels of the
Figure 7. Cognitive process of the interpretation and Floor-sitting culture is prevalent in Japanese and Korean
production of cultural artifacts [5] culture [32]. The sitting schema for Japan and Korea differs
from other cultures in that sitting in formal setting does not
Figure 7 illustrate the cognitive process of interpretation necessarily require a chair. A chair in this context is legged
and production of cultural artifacts. Interpretation and tool that supports human weight in the act of sitting. However,
production of cultural artifact involve activation of schema as this culture does not stop the production of a cultural artifact
interaction of cognition (thinking) and cultural knowledge. that facilitates more comfortable floor-sitting behavior in the
The interpretation of cultural artifacts involves a process of form of zaisu (Figure 8). Zaisu is an interpretation of a chair
analysis and understanding by the user. The interpretation in the context of floor-sitting behavior in Japanese culture,
process refers to prior knowledge in the form of cultural manifested as a legless seat with back support [34].
knowledge that activates schemata related to the cultural As a comparison, Indonesia have similar floor-sitting
artifact. The cultural artifact production process also refers to culture “lesehan” that does not produced artifact similar to
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zaisu. Thus it could be inferred that the production of zaisu is in the form of information resulting from the activation of
culture specific to Japanese and Korean culture. However, schemata in the interpretation process as generic schema
zaisu was widely adopted in Indonesia due to the similarity of and new information in the form of design problems results
the sitting culture. The adaptation of zaisu is not exclusive to in instantiated schema in the form of information of
cultures with similar sitting culture, but widely adapted in opportunities and constraints which would be applied to
interior design due to the popularity of Japanese aesthetics. develop new design.
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The same constraint is not limited to affordance. As shown transformation and rejection, has the same mechanism as
in Figure 2, sensorimotor and cultural knowledge exist on the model in Figure 1.
different levels. According to the model, affordance exists In the framework, cultural schema acts as generic
on the sensorimotor level. However, it was argued that schema while episodic input represents stimuli related to
affordance is subject to culture [20]. Schemata within the the design process. The interaction between cultural schema
continuum of knowledge can influence each other across and stimuli activates schemata that result in instantiated
levels. schema in the form of opportunities and constraints.
In designing a culture-based product, the two aspects of Instantiated schema is dependent on the interaction between
cognitive processing (interpretation and production) in generic schema and episodic input. Thus, the opportunities
schema activation regarding the cultural artifact are and constraints posed by cultural schema are subject to the
inseparable. The processing involved in interpretation and context of the design process, even though the cultural
production activates schemata that give insight into the schema itself is constant.
opportunities and constraints posed by the cultural schema. The framework illustrated in figure 15 resulted in
Opportunities and constraints are perceived differently in instantiated schema in form of information of opportunities
the context of new information in the form of the design and constraints posed by cultural schema. These
problem and the design intention. information is to be applied to design process which
involve synthesis and appropriaton[5] of the information to
produce new design features (Figure 10). The identification
of opportunities and constraints posed by cultural schema in
context of the design problem and intention could provide
more insight on designing new design that effective,
efficient and incited satisfaction on its user.
7. Conclusion
Culture encompasses the cognitive, behavioral, and
physical realms. By definition, cultural schema resides in
the cognitive realm but is expressed through behaviors and
material objects and artifacts. In turn, interaction with the
world—including social behavior and material
interaction—modifies cultural schema. Opportunities and
constraints posed by culture are investigated by activating
cultural schema through exposure to stimuli. Identifying
opportunities and constraints is vital for transforming
Figure 15. Identification framework for culture into design. Information regarding opportunities
opportunities and constraints. should be applied in design while constraints should be
Figure 7 shows the design process using a cultural This study attempted to explain the cognitive processes
artifact as a reference, where the artifact is interpreted and involved in designing a culture-based product by examining
the resulting information is used as a basis for designing a the interpretation and production of cultural artifacts. Based
new artifact. However, culture encompasses not only on the interpretation and production of a cultural artifact
artifacts (outer level) but also behavior, language, and through the activation of schema, a framework was
tradition (intermediate level), as well as values, beliefs, and constructed in an attempt to identifying the opportunities
preferences (inner level) (Figure 6) [25]. These three levels and constraints posed by culture. The framework was
contain cultural schemata that are potential sources of constructed in accordance with schema processing using
inspiration for culture-based design. Therefore, a more three variables: generic schema, episodic input, and
generalized framework for identifying opportunities and instantiated schema. Future studies should test the ease and
constraints based on schema processing theory is needed to efficacy of identifying the opportunities and constraints
accommodate references other than cultural artifacts. Such posed by cultural schema by conducting experiments based
a framework is developed based on the three-variables on the framework.
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