Contribution of Poultry Farming in Economic Growth of Chhattisgargh

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1. Acknowledgement……………………………………..i

2. Introduction…………………………………………….1

3. Objectives………………………………………………4

4. Research Methodology…………………………………4

5. Limitations of study…………………………………….5

6. Primary sector…………………………………………..6

7. Status of poultry in India………………………………..6

8. Chhattisgarh’s budget analysis 2018-19………………...8

9. Study of poultry farming in Chhattisgarh……………….8

10. Details of poultry farms and poultry birds in Farms……11

11. Conclusion……………………………………………..13


Poultry farming is defined as ‘raising different types of domestic birds commercially for the
purpose of meat, eggs and feather production’. Though, the most common and widely raised
poultry birds are chicken however, turkeys, ducks, and geese are also raised for poultry farming,
while guinea fowl and squabs (young pigeons) are chiefly of local interest.
In Chhattisgarh most common and widely raised bird is chicken, the chickens raised for eggs are
called as layer chicken, and the chickens which are raised for their meat production are called
broiler chickens. Commercial poultry farming is also a very profitable business. It is one of the
traditional business ventures1.

Here we will see benefits of poultry farming business:

Poultry farming business has plenty of benefits. Therefore, many farmers prefer to invest in this
business. People generally establish poultry farm for the purpose of producing eggs, meat and
generating high revenue from these products. Around, billions of chickens are raised throughout
the world as a good source of food from their eggs and meat.

1. Less Capital Required:

The main benefit of poultry farming is that it doesn’t require high capital for starting. You just
need basic capital to start raising poultry. Also, most of the poultry birds are not expensive to
start raising.

2. No Need for a Big Space:

Poultry farming doesn’t need a big space unless you are going to start commercially. You can
easily raise some birds on your own backyard with one or numerous coops or cages. Hence, if
Wesley Patterson Garrigus,Polutry farming, Encyclopædia Britannica, April 23, 2015,

you are interested in poultry farming, then you can simply do it on your own backyard with
several birds.

3. High Returns in Short Time Period:

Interestingly, commercial poultry farming business ensures high return of investment within a
very short time period. Few poultry birds such as broiler chickens take shorter duration of time to
mature and generating profit. Poultry products are not much expensive. It can be afforded by
most of the people.

4. High Maintenance not required:

High maintenance is not required in poultry farm structures. Also, you can minimize diseases
and illness in poultry by following proper hygiene and care. Diseases are less in some poultry
birds such as quails, turkeys etc.

5. License not Compulsory:

It must be noted that, in most cases, you don’t need any license. As almost all types of poultry
birds are domestic. Also getting license from the relevant authority is also easy for poultry.

6. Huge Global Demand:

Poultry gives you fresh and nutritious food and has a huge global demand. Therefore, global
consumers of poultry products prefer them due to their nutrients and freshness.

7. Easy Marketing:

Marketing poultry products is very easy. There is an established market for poultry products in
almost all places of the world. So you can easily sell the products in your nearest local market.

8. Income & Employment Opportunities:

Poultry farming creates income and employment opportunities. Unemployed educated youth can
easily make a great income by raising poultry commercially. Women and students can also do
this business.

9. Easy Bank Loans:

Almost all banks approve loans for these types of business ventures. So, if you want to start this
business commercially, then you can apply for loans to your local banks.
Apart from the above mentioned benefits, there are much more benefits of poultry farming2.

Wesley Patterson Garrigus.Polutry farming.Encyclopædia Britannica. April 23,

In a short period, in the Primary sector ‘poultry’ is the most efficient enterprise for increasing the
Economic growth and also the supply of Desi red proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. The
broad objectives of this study are, as follows:

 To study the existing status of poultry farming in Chhattisgarh.

 To study the contribution of Poultry farming in economic growth of Chhattisgarh.


In order to accurately obtain the relevant information needed to complete this project Secondary
Method of data collection was used. The Secondary Method of data collection involved the use
of textbooks, newspapers, magazines, e-resources, journals, websites and economic reports. This
method of data collection played an important role in effective compilation of the project. The
websites and journals used in the data collection process contained the general information that
corresponded with the topic of the project. The information that the newspapers and magazines
contained was vital in effective completion of the research. This method was solely sufficient to
complete the research. The researcher during the research faced few problems such as limited
amount of information and lack of adequate knowledge regarding the subject because of a non
economics academic background. Also the fact that the researcher had to be balanced out with
other internal assessments and a time bound submission date were some of the problems faced
by the researcher.


Although the project has been done with utmost sincerity and attention to detail, there are a few
limitations present, without which the research project could have been enhanced.

such as limited amount of information and lack of adequate knowledge regarding the subject
because of a non-economical academic background. Also, the fact that the submission deadline
has forced me to refer from only a few immediately available sources and has not allowed me to
research up to the depth that I would have, if not for the restraint of time.

Primary sector

Primary sector includes agriculture, fishery, animal husbandry, Agro based industry and Agri –
business, dairy and poultry, forestry, mining and quarrying. Hence, this sector includes all these
activities which leads to production of goods by exploitation of natural resource.

Poultry farming in India, in spite of several constraints, has progressed considerably during the
last decade. The present study has been undertaken to examine various aspects related to the
growth and development of poultry production in the country. Poultry production in India was
confined to backyards till recently. Local breed of birds were reared for the supply of eggs and
meat. The increasing demand for poultry products necessitates augmenting the supply by
importing improved breeds of poultry. Earlier the proportion of hybrid populations in the total
population of poultry was about 2 percent. Within a couple of decades, these birds have
dominated the market sidelining the indigenous birds. The technological advances have
revolutionized the role and the structure of poultry industry in India. It became one of the most
specialized enterprises in many parts of the country. A general confidence has been created
among the people that green revolution has ushered an era of self-reliance in the food grain
production. The rapidly growing population has created some doubts in the said hypothesis. In
fact, crop production alone may not solve the food problem of the country. The advances in
cereal technology, of course, can fill the empty stomach, but it may not help in the balanced
growth of the human body. The chief ingredients of balanced diet also comprise proteins, fats,
minerals and vitamins, which are essential for growth. The supply of these items can easily be
increased through increased production of livestock products3.


Poultry enterprises in India can distinctly be grouped into two categories i.e. developmental
poultry farms and commercial poultry farms. a) Developmental poultry farms It refers to
village/unorganized poultry production because this enterprise operates in a low scale, using less
capital and traditional technology. The unit volume of production is low due to the above
constraints. However, the concept of developmental poultry is very relevant for India's rural

Jonathan Starkey "Delaware business: Chicken companies feeling pinch as corn prices soar". News Journal.
Delaware Online. Retrieved April 10, 2011.

areas to enhance cash earnings of rural poor population. Poultry farming was included in various
Central and State Government sponsored programs, such as Integrated Rural Development
Program (IRDP), Special Livestock Production Program (SLPP), Tribal Development Program
(TDP), etc. to popularize poultry farming in rural areas. However, the growth of developmental
poultry did not succeed at Desi red level. b) Commercial poultry production Commercial /
industrial poultry production refer to large-scale enterprises where the number of birds per unit is
large enough to reap maximum advantages of technological improvement. These enterprises
present various economies of scale of operation and, thus, are able to absorb the fluctuations in
demand and supply and in input cost. The growth of this sector has remained highly significant
over the years. However, it has been confined to some pockets of the country4.

Source of income in Chhattisgarh.

Chhattisgarh is the 10th largest and 16th most-populated state of India and known to a source of
electricity, steel for the country it accounts for 15% of the total steel produced in the country.
Favorable soil and climatic conditions helped the state to be a leading producer of paddy, jwar,
groundnut, gram, oilseeds and wheat in the country. Chhattisgarh agriculture, with each passing
day is gaining a new momentum, which will help it to forward its steps towards an economically
viable phase. The state has received a national award- 'Krishi Karman Award' for highest
productivity of rice in the year 2010-11. Around 45.95 per cent land of the state is under forest
cover with abundant natural resources. Huge quality of minerals and mineral reserves found in
Chhattisgarh attract entrepreneurs to establish industries in the State. The strategic location,
abundant power supply and rich storehouse of minerals augment the state's industrial and
economic potential5.

Given below is Chhattisgarh’s budget analysis 2018-19

Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics. Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of
Agriculture, Government of India; 2012.
Dr. Hari Om Sharma, Dr. Deepak Rathi, Mr. Ravi Singh Chouhan, Mr. H.K.Niranjan,states of agriculture in
Chhattisgarh. The Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi.2014.

 The Finance Minister of Chhattisgarh, Dr. Raman Singh, presented the Budget for
financial year 2018-19 on February 10, 20186.

Figure 1:  Growth in GSDP and sectors (2011-12

Chhattisgarh Economy
·   Economic growth:  The Gross State
Domestic Product (GSDP) of Chhattisgarh
grew by 6.7% in 2017-18 over the
previous year.   
·   Sectoral growth:  Manufacturing has
the maximum contribution (48%) to
GSDP, and is expected to grow by 5.8% in
2017-18.  Services contributes 35% and is
expected to grow by 9.5% in 2017-18. 
Agriculture with a contribution of 17% is
expected to grow by 2.9%.

Sources: Chhattisgarh Economic Review 2017-18; PRS.

 Given below are the data from various research papers, carried out for the study of
poultry farming in Chhattisgarh.



By- Khuman Singh and Prof. R. K. Singh

* 1M. Phil Zoology (Research Scholar), Dr. C.V. Raman University, Kargi-Road, Kota,
Bilaspur-495113 (C. G.). 2 *Professor and Head, Department of Zoology, Dr. C.V. Raman
University, Kargi-Road, Kota, Bilaspur-495113 (C. G.).

Chhattisgarh Budget Analysis 2018-19.

After carefully studying the research paper, It could be concluded that:

Poultry industry is a significant foreign exchange earner and a source of income and
employment to millions of people. The eggs and meat of Kadaknath reared in the backyard
farming in Chhattisgarh will certainly improve economic status of a majority of rural/tribal
families of Dantewarda. The government should come forward to implement all the various
suggestions given and thereby many people can start more poultry industrial units. The
government of Chhattisgarh can definitely earn more amount of foreign exchange by poultry
based products from Bastar region.

 Empowering Tribal Women Through Backyard Poultry in Bastar District of


By- A K Chaturvedani, Niranjan Lal, Khalid, N K Khyalia and Jitendra Pratap

*Division of Extension Education *Indian Veterinary Research Institute Izatnagar, Bareilly-

243 122 (Uttar Pradesh).

Materials and method used for carrying out the research.

This study was carried out in Bastar district of Chhattisgarh. A multi-stage random sampling
procedure was used to select 120 respondents from 10 villages of two blocks. A structured
interview schedule duly pre-tested and validated was used to elicit information from the
respondents during February to April, 2014. Data were analyzed using frequency and
percentage. It was found that majority of the poultry growers have primary to secondary level
education and small size family.

Chhattisgarh State has about 142.45 lakh total poultry population. The estimated number of
layers in Chhattisgarh was 62.6 lakh and egg production about 12,385 lakh during the year
2011-12. Average productivity per layer was 198 eggs/yr and per capita availability was 52


Majority of the respondents reported agriculture as primary (51.7%) and poultry as secondary
occupation (35.4%) whereas 64.6 per cent respondents reported backyard poultry as a
subsidiary source of income for rural woman.


Rural poultry production is being recognized as important component of socio economic

improvement among the weaker section of society; specially landless labourer, small and
marginal farm women. Tribal backyard poultry generates self employment, provides
supplementary income with protein rich food at relatively low cost7.

 The table given below is the: Details of Poultry Farms and Poultry Birds in
Farms, released by the Chhattisgarh government8.

Type Poultr
Type of y Numbe Numbe
of Poultr farms- Type Number Number r of r of
Poultr y Duck of of of Poultry Poultry
Rural/ y farms- and Poultr Poultry Poultry Birds Birds
Urban farms- Broile other y Birds in Birds in in in
/ Layer r Poultr farms- farms- farms- farms- farms-
Districts Total Farms farms y Total Layer Broiler Ducks Others Total

KORIYA Rural 0 12 0 12 0 7460 0 0 7460

KORIYA Urban 5 28 0 33 73920 123610 0 2035
KORIYA Total 5 40 0 45 73920 131070 0 2035
SURGUJA Rural 0 9 1 10 0 13800 0 1000

A K Chaturvedani, Niranjan Lal, Khalid, N K Khyalia and Jitendra Pratap. Empowering Tribal Women
Through Backyard Poultry in Bastar District of Chhattisgarh. › wp-content › themes › iskv ›

: Details of Poultry Farms and Poultry Birds in Farms.  National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP).

SURGUJA Urban 2 55 0 57 9650 259287 0 0
SURGUJA Total 2 64 1 67 9650 273087 0 1000
JASHPUR Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
JASHPUR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
JASHPUR Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RAJGARH Rural 1 16 0 17 33000 38273 0 0
RAJGARH Urban 1 0 0 1 1630 6400 0 3700
RAJGARH Total 2 16 0 18 34630 44673 0 3700
KORBA Rural 1 22 0 23 200 54500 485 325
KORBA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
KORBA Total 1 22 0 23 200 54500 485 325
CHAMPA Rural 0 50 0 50 0 33150 0 0
CHAMPA Urban 3 17 0 20 18500 29200 0 0
CHAMPA Total 3 67 0 70 18500 62350 0 0
BILASPUR Rural 17 33 0 50 71650 229700 0 0
BILASPUR Urban 9 38 0 47 25850 78500 261 0
BILASPUR Total 26 71 0 97 97500 308200 261 0
KAWARDHA Rural 2 0 0 2 0 1650 0 1000
KAWARDHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
KAWARDHA Total 2 0 0 2 0 1650 0 1000
RAJNANDGAO 101700 143000
N Rural 9 4 2 15 0 0 0 230500
N Urban 2 2 1 5 30000 516000 0 30000
RAJNANDGAO 104700 194600
N Total 11 6 3 20 0 0 0 260500
DURG Rural 5 178 0 183 81800 824890 0 2000
DURG Urban 6 35 0 41 20995 196000 0 0
DURG Total 11 213 0 224 102795 0 0 2000

RAIPUR Rural 11 28 1 40 8 445400 0 4000
RAIPUR Urban 0 4 0 4 0 12200 0 0
RAIPUR Total 11 32 1 44 8 457600 0 4000
D Rural 6 61 0 67 43100 212900 0 0
D Urban 1 3 0 4 10000 23000 0 0
D Total 7 64 0 71 53100 235900 0 0
DHAMTARI Rural 0 8 0 8 0 83300 0 0
DHAMTARI Urban 0 4 0 4 0 12600 0 0
DHAMTARI Total 0 12 0 12 0 95900 0 0
KANKER Rural 0 45 0 45 0 94400 0 0
KANKER Urban 1 1 0 2 1250 7000 0 0 8250
KANKER Total 1 46 0 47 1250 101400 0 0 102650
BASTER Rural 3 9 0 12 86000 38400 0 0 124400
BASTER Urban 3 3 1 7 41600 3200 0 1600 46400
BASTER Total 6 12 1 19 127600 41600 0 1600 170800
DANTEWADA Rural 1 1 0 2 1300 4000 100 0 5400
DANTEWADA Urban 0 2 0 2 0 1500 0 0 1500
DANTEWADA Total 1 3 0 4 1300 5500 100 0 6900
308179 351182 683303
State Total Rural 56 476 4 536 8 3 585 238825 1
126849 153948
State Total Urban 33 192 2 227 233395 7 261 37335 8
331519 478032 837251
State Total Total 89 668 6 763 3 0 846 276160 9


The increasing demand for poultry products has transformed poultry production activity into
a full-fledged industry from a mere household/backyard activity until recently. Technological
advances have revolutionized the role and the structure of poultry industry in India. However
in Chhattisgarh there is still a need for refoment in the poultry sector so that it could
contribute more in the economic growth of the state.


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