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Department : Chemistry
Study Program : Chemistry Education
Subject : Kimia Logam
Code : KIM 119403
Semester : IV
Bobot : 3/3 (sks/js)
Tahun Akademik : 2020/2021
Prerequisite : Basic Chemistri I and II.
Lecturer Tim : Dr. Ida Bagus Nyoman Sudria, M,Sc.


The objectives of this subject are to develop professional competency of students as chemistry teacher candidate by (A) apply basic prerequisite
conceptions for inorganic chemistry of metal containing substances which include thermodynamic stability especially on phase changes and redox
reactions, crystalline substances, solid types and crystalline structures, extended acid concepts of Lewis theory, coordination chemistry, and
organometallic compounds; and (B) mastering basic inorganic chemistry aspects including the history of element discovery, existence in nature,
isolation, the properties and uses of elements; compounds, their properties and uses of compounds containing metal elements namely alkali and
alkaline earth metals, aluminum, tin and lead, first series transition metals, and some transition metals, others namely gold and silver,
cadmium and mercury; (C) introduction of organometallic compounds. In addition to academic and professional competences, this
course also strengthens students' personal and social competences in the context of (1) having faith in God Almighty; (2) respect for
human values based on religion, morals and ethics; (6) cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for the community and the
environment; (8 and 10) internalize the values, norms, and academic ethics as well as the trihita karana. In attending this lecture,
students are expected to actively participate in building the knowledge and abilities of these study topics according to the semester
lecture plan.
Learning Time Resour
Week LO competence Method Learning experiences
materials allocation ces
indicators (LCI)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 1 to  Syllabus, - Informati  Class consists of 19 or 12+1 students divided into 4 groups (3 students of 3 JP 1 s.d . 9
11 SLP, on and each preparing and reviewing group) – kuliah dengan model jigsaw
lesson discussio dimodifikasi
contract, n  Socialization of Syllabus, SLP, learning tasks, assessment, format panduan
assessme persiapan vebalajar dengan pendekatan saintifik terlampir
nt plan
 Main non-metal inorganic chemistry topics include introduction of
 Pre-
perquisite conceptions and main non-metal inorganic chemistry which are
requisit organized by group of non-metal elements namely hydrogen, noble gases,
e halogens, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, boron, carbon, and silicon
concepti via small learning groups by 3 members
ons for  Each topic is organized into three parts of learning contents/aspects namely:
metal (1) history, abundance and isolation of element, (2) properties and uses of
inorgani the elements and its oxides (3) properties and uses of other compound types.
c  Learning reparations as pre-lecture tasks for topic 1, 2, and 3 is compulsory
chemist by students following meaningful learning depends on their learning styles.
ry:  Every lesson started with the topic alkaline metals (week 4th) involves of
thermo three main activities to realize at least an example of scientific conception
dynamic for every of three targeted main aspect areas above (format attached).
stability However, complete factual and procedural knowledge for the whole
of phase inorganic study of each topic were compulsory to be explored. The three
change student main activities as follow:
a. Pre-lecture task for every topic: two small groups each small (one as
preparing group and one as reviewing group) provide topic which each
group member provides one content part either due on preparing or
revising duty for the same part. Every member provides scientific
s inductive lesson plan which include preliminary observation (M1),
formulating the problem (M2), collecting data (M3 minimal includes
hypothesis formulation, hypothesis proof variables, data collection tables
that have been filled through literature searches for factual, procedural,
conceptual, and prerequisite knowledge for his/her duty contents
b. Classroom meeting for every topic involves modified jigsaw learning
model: do data completion (the last M3 and data analysis M4) to proof
the hypotheses and conclusion in two discussion session:
- Session I (60 minutes): three expert group discussion which consists of
6 members of each group (a person coming from each small group with
providing the same content part)
- Session II (90 minutes): classroom discussion involve all class
members to discuss the whole content of the topic (implicit M5)
c. Post-learning revising task: every member of small group revises his/her
content duty, then compiled in a revised file as a post-learning
the document for every small group either for as preparing or revising
understanding group which is uploaded to task site in the conducted e-learning or
and redox
inorganic Informati BERSANGKUTAN
chemistry on and  Tugas kelompok sekaligus tugas perorangan sepanjang semester dokumen
discussio kegiaatan belajar dengan pendekatann saintifik mengikuti format (DKBPS)
n  Tugas perorangan membuat sebuah makalah ilmiah tentang satu ide aspek
anorganik non-logam yang menarik pada setengah semester kedua yang
dikumpul pada minggu ke-13
Memulai Kuliah: diskusi dan informasi pendalaman penguasaan kosep-
konsep dasar prasyarat (kajian Kimia Dsar) dan pengenalan beberapan
kajian termodinamika dan jenis-jenis kristal zat padat pendukung
pemahaman kimia anorganik logam:
• Discuss the empower of thermodynamic stability roles especially on
phase changes and redox reactions (thermodynamic stability in term of
heats, changes of enthalpies, entropies, free energies, and redox
Next meeting pre-lecture task: deepening thermodynamic stability and
prepare solid chemistry lesson plan.
Learning competence indicators Time Resou
Week LO Learning materials Methods Learning experiences
(LCI) allocation rces
2 1 to Solid state Strengthening the understanding of Informatio  Further discussion of thermodynamic 3 x 50 m 10-13
11 chemistry solid types and crystalline structures n and stability
discussion  Introduction of basic solid chemistry roles in
enriching understanding of metal containing
inorganic substances
 Next pre-lecture task: deepening Lewis
Acid-base concept, coordination chemistry,
and organometallic lesson plan to empower
mastering metal containing inorganic
substances .
3 1 to Lewis acid-bases, Strengthening the understanding of Informatio  Discuss expanded information of Lewis 3 x 50 m 1 s.d .
11 coordination and extended acid concepts of Lewis n and acid-base concept and coordination 9
organometallic theory and coordination chemistry discussion chemistry (representative examples,
compounds. nomenclature, structures/valence theory,
crystal field theory, and orbital molecule
 Next pre-lecture task: Begins with alkaline
metals following scientific learning
approach (5M)
4 1 to Alkaline metals: 1.1 Menyimpulkan penemu logam Recitation  Learning design with a scientific approach 3 x 50 m  Sudria
5;  history, existence alkali and (M1 to M3) &
6.1, and isolation 1.2 Menganaliais keberadaan alkali discussion  Pre-meeting preparation (draft of targeted Sirega
and  properties of di alam (termasuk kerak bumi) factual, procedural, and conceptual r,
7 to alkaline elements 1.3 Menjelaskan isolasi unsur-unsur knowledge, and prerequisite knowledge (2002
11  use of alkaline alkali. (with inductive reasoning) ).
elements  Session I: expert discussion group (6o  Cotton
including its 1.4 Menjelaskan sifat-sifat dan seconds) Class presentations and discussions &
isotopes or penggunaan logam-logam alkali (end of M3 followed by M4 and M5) Wilki
allotropies 1.5 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,  Designing verification of conceptual, nson,
 Oxides sifat, and keguanaan procedural, factual, and prerequisite (1995
 Hydroxide oksida/hidroksida dan sulfida knowledge (deductive reasoning) )
 Halides dari alkali  Reflection on mastery and application of  Shrive
 Hydride 1.6 Menjelaskan pemebentukan, concepts (individual tasks) r,
 Persenyawaan lain sifat, and keguanaan dari halida  Session II: class discussion (complete and Atkin
yang berguna dan hidrida dari alkali revise lesson document from M1-M5) s, &
1.7 Identify the other important  Next pre-lecture task: alkaline earth metals Coop
alkali containing following scientific learning er (.
compounds/substances, its 1990)
properties (physical and  other
chemical), its uses, and resour
productions. ces
5 1 to Alkali tanah: 2.1 Menyimpulkan penemu unsur- Recitation  Learning design with a scientific approach  Sudria
5;  history, existence unsur alkali tanah and (M1 to M3) &
6.2, and isolation 2.2 Menganaliais keberadaan alkali discussion  Pre-meeting preparation (draft of targeted Sirega
and 7  properties of di alam (termasuk kerak bumi) factual, procedural, and conceptual r,
to 11 alkaline earth 2.3 Menjelaskan isolasi unsur- knowledge, and prerequisite knowledge (2002
elements unsur alkali tanah. (with inductive reasoning) ).
including 2.4 Menjelaskan sifat-sifat dan  Session I: expert discussion group (6o  Cotton
isotopes/alotropie penggunaan logam-logam alkali seconds) Class presentations and discussions &
s tanah (end of M3 followed by M4 and M5) Wilki
 use of alkaline 2.5 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,  Designing verification of conceptual, 3 x 50 nson,
earth elements sifat, and keguanaan procedural, factual, and prerequisite m (1995
 oxides/hydroxide oksida/hidroksida dan sulfida, knowledge (deductive reasoning) )
 carbonates and karbonat, dan sulfat dari alkali  Reflection on mastery and application of  Shrive
sulfates, tanah concepts (individual tasks) r,
 halides 2.6 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,  Session II: class discussion (complete and Atkin
 hydride sifat, and keguanaan dari halida revise lesson document from M1-M5) s, &
 other important dan hidrida dari alkali  Next pre-lecture task: aluminium following Coop
compounds 2.7 Mengidentifikasi senyawa scientific learning format er (.
penting lain yang mengandung 1990)
alkali tanah, sifat-sifat,  other
kegunaan, dan pembuatannya. resour
6 1 Aluminium: 3.1 Menyimpulkan penemu Recitation  Learning design with a scientific approach 3 x 50 1 s.d .
s.d.5;  history, existence aluminium and (M1 to M3) m 9
6.3, and isolation 3.2 Menganaliais keberadaan discussion  Pre-meeting preparation (draft of targeted
dan 7  properties of aluminium (termasuk kerak factual, procedural, and conceptual
s.d. aluminum metal bumi) knowledge, and prerequisite knowledge
11  the use of 3.3 Menjelaskan isolasi unsur-unsur (with inductive reasoning)
aluminum metal  Session I: expert discussion group (6o
including its 3.4 Menjelaskan sifat-sifat dan seconds) Class presentations and discussions
alloys (end of M3 followed by M4 and M5)
penggunaan logam-logam
 oxides/hydroxide  Designing verification of conceptual,
s procedural, factual, and prerequisite
3.5 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,
 aluminosilicate knowledge (deductive reasoning)
 halides
sifat, and keguanaan
 Reflection on mastery and application of
 hydrides
oksida/hidroksida dan sulfida,
concepts (individual tasks)
 other important
karbonat, dan sulfat dari
 Session II: class discussion (complete and
compounds aluminium
revise lesson document from M1-M5)
3.6 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,
 Next pre-lecture task: tin and lead
sifat, and keguanaan dari halida
following the introduced scientific learning
dan hidrida dari aluminium
3.7 Mengidentifikasi senyawa format
penting lain yang mengandung
aluminium, sifat-sifat,
kegunaan, dan pembuatannya
7 1 to Tin and lead: 4.1 Menyimpulkan penemu timah Recitation  Learning design with a scientific approach 3 x 50 m 1 s.d .
5;  history, presence putih dan timah hitam and (M1 to M3) 9
6.4, and insulation of 4.2 Menganaliais keberadaan timah discussion  Pre-meeting preparation (draft of targeted
and 7 tin and lead putih dan timah hitam factual, procedural, and conceptual
to 11  properties of tin (termasuk kerak bumi) knowledge, and prerequisite knowledge
and lead metals 4.3 Menjelaskan isolasi unsur- (with inductive reasoning)
 use of tin and  Session I: expert discussion group (6o
unsur timah putih dan timah
lead including its seconds) Class presentations and discussions
alloys (end of M3 followed by M4 and M5)
4.4 Menjelaskan sifat-sifat dan
 oxides/ hydroxide  Designing verification of conceptual,
penggunaan logam-logam timah
 halides and putih dan timah hitam procedural, factual, and prerequisite
complex halides 4.5 Menjelaskan pemebentukan, knowledge (deductive reasoning)
 hydride sifat, and keguanaan  Reflection on mastery and application of
 other important oksida/hidroksida timah putih concepts (individual tasks)
comp dan timah hitam  Session II: class discussion (complete and
4.6 Menjelaskan pemebentukan, revise lesson document from M1-M5)
sifat, and keguanaan dari halida  prepare for middle exam
dan hidrida dari timah putih dan  Next pre-lecture task: general properties of
timah hitam transition metals following scientific
4.7 Mengidentifikasi senyawa learning format
penting lain yang mengandung
timah putih dan timah hitam,
sifat-sifat, kegunaan, dan

8 Middle exam 3 x 50 m
9 1 to 5; Typical first 5.1 Recognize general properties of Recitation  Learning design with a scientific approach 3 x 50 m 1 s.d .
6.5, and series transition the transition metal elements. and (M1 to M3) 9
7 to 11 metals: 5.2 Compare the basicity of oxides discussion  Pre-meeting preparation (draft of targeted
 electron of transition elements to oxides of factual, procedural, and conceptual
configuration alkaline and earth alkaline. knowledge, and prerequisite knowledge
and metallic 5.3 Describe the trend in atomic (with inductive reasoning)
properties size of the elements in the first  Session I: expert discussion group (6o
 general series transition from left to right seconds) Class presentations and discussions
properties of in the periodic system of (end of M3 followed by M4 and M5)
the first series elements.  Designing verification of conceptual,
transition 5.4 Describe the stability of the procedural, factual, and prerequisite
elements compounds of the transition knowledge (deductive reasoning)
 basidity elements with a low oxidation  Reflection on mastery and application of
 oxidation number and a high oxidation concepts (individual tasks)
number number.  Session II: class discussion (complete and
 magnetism 5.5. Describes the ability of the revise lesson document from M1-M5)
transition elements to have more  Next pre-lecture task: titanium and
than one oxidation number and zirconium following scientific learning
the existence of the most stable
oxidation number that the
transition elements can have.
5.6. Describe the magnetic
phenomenon and magnetic
properties of the first-series
transition elements and their
10 1 to 5; Titanium and 6.1 Menyimpulkan penemu Recitation  Learning design with a scientific approach 3 x 50 s 1 s.d .
6.6, and zirconium: titanium and zirconium and (M1 to M3) 9
7 to 11  History, 6.2 Menganaliais keberadaan discussion  Pre-meeting preparation (draft of targeted
presence and titanium and zirconium factual, procedural, and conceptual
insulation of (termasuk kerak bumi) knowledge, and prerequisite knowledge
titanium and 6.3 Menjelaskan isolasi unsur- (with inductive reasoning)
zirconium unsur titanium and zirconium  Session I: expert discussion group (6o
 Properties and 6.4 Menjelaskan sifat-sifat dan seconds) Class presentations and discussions
uses of penggunaan logam-logam (end of M3 followed by M4 and M5)
titanium and titanium and zirconium  Designing verification of conceptual,
zirconium 6.5 Menjelaskan pemebentukan, procedural, factual, and prerequisite
 oxides/ sifat, and keguanaan knowledge (deductive reasoning)
hydroxide, oksida/hidroksida Titanium  Reflection on mastery and application of
oxyanion, and and zirconium concepts (individual tasks)
sulfides 6.6 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,  Session II: class discussion (complete and
 halides and sifat, and keguanaan dari halida revise lesson document from M1-M5)
complex dan hidrida dari titanium and  Next pre-lecture task: vanadium and
halides zirconium niobium following scientific learning
 hydride 6.7 Mengidentifikasi senyawa
 other penting lain yang mengandung
important titanium and zirconium, sifat-
compounds sifat, kegunaan, dan
11 1 to 5; Vanadium and 7.1 Menyimpulkan penemu Recitation  Learning design with a scientific approach 3 x 50 s 1 s.d .
6.7, and niobium: vanadium and niobium and (M1 to M3) 9
7 to 11  History, 7.2 Menganaliais keberadaan discussion  Pre-meeting preparation (draft of targeted
presence and vanadium and niobium di alam factual, procedural, and conceptual
isolation of knowledge, and prerequisite knowledge
vanadium and (termasuk kerak bumi) (with inductive reasoning)
niobium 7.3 Menjelaskan isolasi unsur-  Session I: expert discussion group (6o
 Properties and unsur alkali tanah. seconds) Class presentations and discussions
uses of 7.4 Menjelaskan sifat-sifat dan (end of M3 followed by M4 and M5)
vanadium and penggunaan logam-logam  Designing verification of conceptual,
niobium vanadium and niobium procedural, factual, and prerequisite
 Oxides/hydroxi 7.5 Menjelaskan pemebentukan, knowledge (deductive reasoning)
des, oxyanion, sifat, and keguanaan  Reflection on mastery and application of
and sulfides oksida/hidroksida dan sulfida, concepts (individual tasks)
 halides karbonat, dan sulfat dari  Session II: class discussion (complete and
 hydrides vanadium and niobium revise lesson document from M1-M5)
 other important 7.6 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,  Next pre-lecture task: chromium and
compounds sifat, and keguanaan dari halida manganese following scientific learning
dan hidrida dari vanadium and
7.7 Mengidentifikasi senyawa
penting lain yang mengandung
vanadium and niobium, sifat-
sifat, kegunaan, dan
12 1 to 5; Chromium and 8.1 Menyimpulkan penemu Recitation  Learning design with a scientific approach 3 x 50 s 1 s.d .
6.8, and manganese: chromium and manganese and (M1 to M3) 9
7 to 11  History, 8.2 Menganaliais keberadaan discussion  Pre-meeting preparation (draft of targeted
presence and chromium and manganese di factual, procedural, and conceptual
isolation of alam (termasuk kerak bumi) knowledge, and prerequisite knowledge
chromium 8.3 Menjelaskan isolasi chromium (with inductive reasoning)
 Properties and and manganese.  Session I: expert discussion group (6o
uses of 8.4 Menjelaskan sifat-sifat dan seconds) Class presentations and discussions
chromium, penggunaan logam-logam (end of M3 followed by M4 and M5)
manganese, chromium and manganese  Designing verification of conceptual,
and its alloys (termasuk alloynya) procedural, factual, and prerequisite
 Oxides/hydroxi 8.5 Menjelaskan pemebentukan, knowledge (deductive reasoning)
des, sulfides sifat, and keguanaan  Reflection on mastery and application of
 Halides and oksida/hidroksida dan sulfida, concepts (individual tasks)
oxyhalides karbonat, dan sulfat dari  Session II: class discussion (complete and
 hydrides chromium and manganese revise lesson document from M1-M5)
 other important 8.6 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,  Next pre-lecture task: besi, kobal and nike
compounds sifat, and keguanaan dari halida following scientific learning
dan hidrida dari chromium and
8.7 Mengidentifikasi senyawa
penting lain yang mengandung
chromium and manganese,
sifat-sifat, kegunaan, dan
13 1 to 5; Iron, cobalt and 10.1 Menyimpulkan penemu besi, Recitation  Learning design with a scientific approach 3 x 50 s 1 s.d .
6.10, nickel: kobal and nikel and (M1 to M3) 9
and 7 to  History, 10.2 Menganaliais keberadaan discussion  Pre-meeting preparation (draft of targeted
11 presence and besi, kobal and nikel di alam factual, procedural, and conceptual
isolation of (termasuk kerak bumi) knowledge, and prerequisite knowledge
iron, cobalt and 10.3 Menjelaskan isolasi besi, (with inductive reasoning)
nickel kobal and nikel..  Session I: expert discussion group (6o
 Properties and 10.4 Menjelaskan sifat-sifat dan seconds) Class presentations and discussions
uses of iron, penggunaan logam-logam (end of M3 followed by M4 and M5)
cobalt, nickel besi, kobal and nikel  Designing verification of conceptual,
 Alloy iron, (termasuk alloynya) procedural, factual, and prerequisite
cobalt, nickel 10.5 Menjelaskan pemebentukan, knowledge (deductive reasoning)
 Oxides/hydroxi sifat, and keguanaan  Reflection on mastery and application of
des, and oksida/hidroksida dan sulfida, concepts (individual tasks)
sulfides karbonat, dan sulfat dari besi,  Session II: class discussion (complete and
 Mixed oxides kobal and nikel revise lesson document from M1-M5)
and oxoanions 10.6 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,  Next pre-lecture task tembaga, emas, dan
 Halides and sifat, and keguanaan dari perak following scientific learning
oxohalides halida dan hidrida dari besi,
 hydrides kobal and nikel
 other important 10.7 Mengidentifikasi senyawa
compounds penting lain yang mengandung
besi, kobal and nikel, sifat-
sifat, kegunaan, dan
14 1 to 5; Copper, gold 11.1 Menyimpulkan penemu Recitation  Learning design with a scientific approach 3 x 50 s 1 s.d .
6.11, and silver: tembaga, emas, dan perak and (M1 to M3) 9
and 7 to  history, 11.2 Menganaliais keberadaan discussion  Pre-meeting preparation (draft of targeted
11 existence and tembaga, emas, dan perak di factual, procedural, and conceptual
insulation of alam (termasuk kerak bumi) knowledge, and prerequisite knowledge
copper, silver,11.3 Menjelaskan isolasi tembaga, (with inductive reasoning)
gold emas, dan perak.  Session I: expert discussion group (6o
 Properties and 11.4 Menjelaskan sifat-sifat dan seconds) Class presentations and discussions
uses of copper, penggunaan logam-logam (end of M3 followed by M4 and M5)
silver, gold, and tembaga, emas, dan perak  Designing verification of conceptual,
its alloys (termasuk alloynya) procedural, factual, and prerequisite
 oxides/hydroxid11.5 Menjelaskan pemebentukan, knowledge (deductive reasoning)
es and sulfides sifat, and keguanaan  Reflection on mastery and application of
 high tempera- oksida/hidroksida dan sulfida, concepts (individual tasks)
ture supercon- karbonat, dan sulfat dari  Session II: class discussion (complete and
ductors tembaga, emas, dan perak revise lesson document from M1-M5)
 halides 11.6 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,  Next pre-lecture task: seng, cadmium and
 hydrides sifat, and keguanaan dari mercuri following scientific learning
 photography halida dan hidrida dari besi,
 gold cluster kobal and nikel
 other important11.7 Mengidentifikasi senyawa
compounds penting lain yang mengandung
tembaga, emas, dan perak,
sifat-sifat, kegunaan, dan
15 1 to 5; Zeng, cadmium 12.1 Menyimpulkan penemu seng, Recitation  Learning design with a scientific approach 3 x 50 s 1 s.d .
6.12, and mercury: cadmium and mercuri and (M1 to M3) 9
and 7 to  History, 12.2 Menganaliais keberadaan discussion  Pre-meeting preparation (draft of targeted
11 presence and seng, cadmium and mercuri di factual, procedural, and conceptual
isolation of alam (termasuk kerak bumi) knowledge, and prerequisite knowledge
zinc, cadmium 12.3 Menjelaskan isolasi seng, (with inductive reasoning)
and mercury cadmium and mercuri.  Session I: expert discussion group (6o
 Properties and 12.4 Menjelaskan sifat-sifat dan seconds) Class presentations and discussions
uses of zinc, penggunaan logam-logam (end of M3 followed by M4 and M5)
cadmium and  Designing verification of conceptual,
mercury seng, cadmium and mercuri procedural, factual, and prerequisite
 Oxides/hydroxi (termasuk alloynya) knowledge (deductive reasoning)
des, and 12.5 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,  Reflection on mastery and application of
sulfides sifat, and keguanaan concepts (individual tasks)
 Halides oksida/hidroksida dan sulfida,  Session II: class discussion (complete and
 Monovalent karbonat, dan sulfat dari seng, revise lesson document from M1-M5)
and divalent cadmium and mercuri  Prepare for exam
compounds 12.6 Menjelaskan pemebentukan,
 Mercury cluster sifat, and keguanaan dari
 Biological and halida dan hidrida dari seng,
environmental cadmium and mercuri
effects of zinc, 12.7 Mengidentifikasi senyawa
cadmium and penting lain yang mengandung
mercury seng, cadmium and mercuri,
compounds sifat-sifat, kegunaan, dan
16 Whole lesson review 3 x 50
17 Final exam 3 x 50

5 ASESMEN (Kriteria, Indikator, bobot)

Tugas Nama Tugas Uraian Tugas dan Bobot Penilaian Alokasi Waktu
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Learning activities Attendances (5%) Along process of semester
Attitude and participation on learning (15%)
2 Group assignment tasks1. Drafting, filling, and revise documents of lesson activities 10 x 3 x 50 minutes
accommodating 2. (15%) (scored twice – week 8 and week 18
individual works (pre- from the collected tasks)
and post-meeting tasks)
Personal task (a paper) 2. A Paper on an interesting innovative idea in metal containing 3 x 3 JP
substances submitted at week 13 (15%)
3 Middle test Metal chemistry contents up to week 7 (15%) 1 x 3 JP
4 Final test Metal chemistry contents up to week 15 (25%) 1 x 3 JP
Pustaka Rujukan
1. Greenwood, N. N. and Earnshaw, A. 2003. Chemistry of the Elements. Second Edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Ltd.
2. Cotton, F. A., Wilkinson, G., and Gaus, P. L. 1995. Basic Inorganic Chemistry. Third Edition, New York: John Wiley & Son.
3. Winter, M. J. 1994. d-Blok Chemistry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. Shriver, D. F., Atkins, P. W., Cooper H. L. 1990. Inorganic Chemistry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5. Huheey, J. E., 1985. Inorganic Chemistry. Second Edition. New York: Harper & Row Publisher.
6. Norman, N. C. 1997. Periodicity and the s- and p-Block Elements. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
7. Sudria, I.B.N. & Siregar, M. (2002). Penuntun Belajar Kimia Anorganik II (Bagian Kedua). Nurusan Pendidikan Kimia FMIPA IKIP Negeri Singaraja
9. Kittel, C. 1996. Introduction to Solid State Physics, Seventh Edition, New York: John Wiley & Son.
10. Mohn, P. 2003. Magnetism in the Solid State – An Introduction. Berlin: Springer Verlaag.
11. Hammond, C. 1997. The Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
12. Clegg, W. 1998. Crystal Structure Determination. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
13. Other resources

Singaraja, 05/02/2021

Dr.rer.nat. I Wayan Karyasa, S.Pd. M.Sc.

NIP 196912311994031012

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