Waste Management Guidelines: Revision / Approval History

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Document Number PEC-HS-GDE-X-13154

Revision 0

Applicability All

Document Type Guidelines

Waste Management Guidelines


0 01-Aug-2013 Initial Release S. Arulmozhi Perry Brian Brent

Stewart Pasula

Rev Date Description of Change Developer Reviewer Approver

Records of approval are retained in the QMS

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Document Number PEC-HS-GDE-X-13154
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Document Type Guidelines

Table of Contents
1.0 PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 4

2.0 SCOPE............................................................................................ 4

3.0 DEFINITIONS/ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................... 5

3.1 Definitions .................................................................................... 5

3.2 Abbreviations................................................................................. 8

4.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................... 8

5.0 RESPONSIBILITY & AUTHORITY.............................................................. 9

5.1 Legal Requirements ......................................................................... 9

5.2 Roles and Responsibility .................................................................... 9

5.2.1 Project / Site HSSE Manager.......................................................... 9

5.2.2 Environmental Advisor................................................................ 10

5.2.3 Waste Handling Subcontractor ...................................................... 10

6.0 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES ................................................................10

6.1 Waste Management Principle ............................................................. 10

6.2 Classification and quantification of Wastes............................................. 11

6.2.1 Waste Quantification ................................................................. 11

6.3 Handling and Storage of Waste ........................................................... 11

6.3.1 Onsite Collection and Segregation .................................................. 11

6.3.2 Central Waste Accumulation Area (CWAA) ........................................ 12

6.3.3 Transportation ......................................................................... 15

6.4 Disposal of Waste ........................................................................... 16

6.4.1 Hazardous Solid Waste Disposal ..................................................... 18

6.4.2 Non Hazardous Solid Waste Disposal ............................................... 18

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6.4.3 Liquid Waste Disposal................................................................. 19

6.4.4 Hazardous Liquid Waste Disposal ................................................... 20

6.4.5 Non- Hazardous Liquid Waste Disposal ............................................. 21


6.5.1 Inspections And Audits................................................................ 22

6.5.2 Non-Conformance, Corrective, and Preventive Action .......................... 22

6.5.3 Monitoring And Measurement........................................................ 23

6.6 Training ...................................................................................... 23

7.0 RECORDS .......................................................................................25

7.1 Waste Transfer Note and Tracking ....................................................... 25

8.0 APPENDICES....................................................................................27

8.1 Appendix 1 – Waste Tracking Register ................................................... 27

8.2 Appendix 2 – Waste Transfer Note ....................................................... 28

8.3 Appendix 3 – Waste Management Summary ............................................ 29

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Waste management is an important tool for the Project Management to improve their
environmental performance to meet regulatory controls and reduce rising costs of
disposing of waste. This Waste Management guideline has been developed as a reference
document for Project team to develop Project specific waste management procedure.
This Waste Management Guideline (WMP) establishes guidelines in line with industry best
practice as well as International standards for proper classification, segregation, handling,
storage, transportation and disposal of all wastes generated during construction phase of
Petrofac Onshore Engineering and Construction (OEC) Projects.

The objective of the guideline is to reduce the potential impact on the environment due
to the volumes of hazardous and non-hazardous waste being generated during construction
phase of Petrofac OEC project activities.

More specifically, the objective of this document is to:

 Identify and quantify the different types of waste that arise from Construction
activities of Petrofac OEC Projects;
 Define the plans for recording, monitoring and tracking of waste;
 Define responsibility for the handling of waste and its management from source to
safe disposal;
 Demonstrate compliance with Industry best practice and International standards
for waste management.


The scope of this WMP covers Petrofac OEC and its Subcontractors’ activities associated
with construction, testing, pre-commissioning, and start-up phases of the project. The
guideline describes the actions to be taken by Petrofac OEC’s project personnel and its
sub-contractors for the management and proper safe disposal of waste materials
generated during any of its projects’ construction and related activities.

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3.1 Definitions

Subcontractor Person or company engaged by Petrofac to perform certain

portion of the Works on behalf of Petrofac.

Surroundings in which an organization operates, including

Environment air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans
and their interrelation.

Environmental Aspect Element of an organization’s activities, products, or

services that can interact with the environment

A change in the environment, whether adverse or

Environmental Impact beneficial, wholly or partially, resulting from organization’s
environmental aspects.

An "Impact" which results in the accidental emission or

Environmental Incident discharge of a substance, categorized as harmful, to the

MAJOR (severity): Any irreversible damage /degradation to

the quality/availability of habitats and Socio Economic
conditions at international level. Specialist/ Expertise and
Environmental Incidents resources for corrective action implementation are
required, although damage is typically irreversible.
Level I
Releases to the atmosphere >1000kg gas, and spills to land
and water >10 tones are Level 1 Incidents.

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SERIOUS (severity): a critical situation typically including

material damage to an important resource or a reasonable
expectation of impending damage. Specialist expertise and
resources for corrective action implementation is required,
Environmental Incidents
although damage is typically irreversible.
Level II
Releases to the atmosphere >100 kg gas and spills to land
and water ≤10tonnes and ≥ 1 tones are Level 2 incidents.

MEDIUM (severity): Limited harm to the environment, but

could result in damage to an important resource. Requires
urgent corrective action and general resources from on
Environmental Incidents and/or off-site trained personnel for correction. Poses no
Level III danger to the public and is reversible.

Releases to the atmosphere <100 kg gas and spills to land

and water < 1 tonne are considered Level 3 incidents.

MINOR (severity): No immediate threat or limited harm to

environment, requiring minor corrective action. They can
be dealt with or contained and cleaned up by onsite
Environmental Incidents personnel.
Level IV
Releases to the atmosphere < 25 kg gas and spills to land
and water < 10 litres are considered Level 4 incidents. This
Level IV is also reportable but not a recordable incident.

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Wastes (includes liquids, semi-solids, or combination

gaseous material) or a combinations of solid wastes which,
because of the quantity, concentration, or chemical,
physical, or infectious characteristics, may pose a
substantial health hazard to man and/or his environment
when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of,
or otherwise managed.
Hazardous Waste Waste is defined as hazardous if it has any of the following
 Explosive
 Radioactive
 Ignitable or flammable liquids and solids.
 Infectious substances (biohazards)
 mutagenic
 Carcinogenic. Corrosives and oxidizing agents

Wastes (includes liquids, semi-solids, or combination

gaseous material) or a combinations of solid wastes which,
because of the quantity, concentration, or chemical,
Non-Hazardous Waste physical, or infectious characteristics, present or pose no
substantial health hazard to man and/or his environment
when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of,
or otherwise managed.

Waste is defined as any refuse, garbage, other discharged

materials or wastes, including any solids, semi-solids, or
liquid materials resulting from Petrofac ‘S Project
Waste activities, including operation of temporary facilities such
as offices, camps.

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3.2 Abbreviations

Abbreviations Descriptions

CHB Chemical Hazard Bulletin

CWAA Central Waste Accumulation Area

EMP Environmental Management Plan

EMS Environmental Management System

H Hazardous

HSSE Health, Safety, Security, and Environment

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

NH Non-Hazardous

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

WMP Waste Management Guideline


Document Title Document Number

Environmental Management Plan SHJ-HS-PLM-X-5004

Water and Wastewater Management SHJ-HS-PRO-X-5013

Spill Response SHJ-HS-PRO-X-5012

HSSE Performance Measurement & Monitoring PEC-HS-PRO-X-10291


ISO 14001: 2004

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5.1 Legal Requirements

All Projects’ activities are to be conducted in a manner that complies with national
legislative frameworks of the country at which the project is being implemented,
international standards, as well as any further requirements that the Client subscribes to
and relevant Client standards and plans. The applicable laws will be listed out in the HSSE
Legal Register of each project.

All those who produce or handle wastes from all activities have legal responsibilities – Duty
of Care – for its safe storage, transport and subsequent recovery or disposal.

Duty of Care requires taking care of waste while it is in Petrofac‘s control. Waste disposal
subcontractor must be authorized to receive it, and waste transfer notes must be made
out during handing over to prevent unauthorized handling or disposal by others.

5.2 Roles and Responsibility

The responsibility for waste management will be upon each individual onsite. Project /
Site HSSE Manager and Environmental Coordinator will implement the Project specific
Waste management Plan that is developed in line with this guideline; however, the
ultimate responsibility lies with the Construction Manager.

The roles and responsibilities few key personnel for waste management are described

5.2.1 Project / Site HSSE Manager

 Will ensure that there are sufficient resources (people, time and money) to manage
and monitoring issues of the project.
 Will ensure that the Waste Management Plan reflects any changes during the
construction of the project in hand that may have a significant environmental
impact and manage them accordingly.
 Will keep the Client, Project Manager and Construction Manager fully informed on
any site waste issues.
 Will ensure that waste records are maintained and up to date.
 Will ensure that all consents/licenses are in place prior to carrying out the
associated works.

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5.2.2 Environmental Advisor

 Will carry out inspections/surveys as necessary to ensure any waste issues are
identified and managed in accordance with project Waste Management Plan.
 Ensure good housekeeping is maintained during day to day operations
 Will ensure that all waste is labeled, segregated and transferred correctly.
 Will keep communications register up to date in order to facilitate effective
management with third parties, including sub-contractors and waste recycling and
treatment companies.
 Will carry out or supervise all waste monitoring on the project ensuring that all
records are fully completed and stored correctly.
 Will identify opportunities to maximize re-use, reclamation and recycling to
minimize waste.
 Will develop up contingency plans for dealing with and reporting spills.

5.2.3 Waste Handling Subcontractor

All waste will be treated and/or recovered by a licensed waste sub-contractor in

compliance with the Local disposal regulations.

The licensed waste handling sub-contractors will be responsible for the segregation,
storage, collection, transport, recycling and disposal of the waste generated during the
Project operations.

The waste handling sub-contractors will have been selected upon effective evidences of
valid Statutory Authorizations to operate within the country as well as satisfactory
capabilities of providing facilities and equipment for a safe disposal of the waste as
required by the current applicable legislation.


6.1 Waste Management Principle

The waste management strategy is based on the fundamental principles of the waste
management i.e. 5 Rs hierarchy namely:

 Reduce: generating less waste through more efficient practices

 Reuse: reusing materials in their original form or converting waste back into a
usable material wherever possible
 Recycle: conversion of waste into another (different) usable material and new

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 Recovery (Treatment wherever possible): recovering energy from waste which

cannot be reduced, reused, or recycled, for other uses.
 Responsible Disposal - depositing unavoidable waste residue using appropriate

6.2 Classification and quantification of Wastes

The main sources of waste generation on Petrofac OEC Projects include the following:

 Construction sites and Accommodation camp.

for example general construction wastes, storage containers, packing
material, scrap materials, cooking oil, paints, solvents, sewage and
domestic waste.
 Vehicle/Equipment Maintenance Workshop
For example batteries, used oil, grease and other lubricants, filters,
containers, chemically treated water, paints, solvents, scrap materials and
 Demolition/Decommissioning activities
For example scrap metal and other materials, sludge, contaminated soils.

These wastes can be broadly classified into two major categories:

 Solid Wastes
 Liquid waste

It is further classified into two types as follows:

 Hazardous (Solid & Liquid wastes)

 Non Hazardous (solid & liquid wastes)

6.2.1 Waste Quantification

Expected quantity of these commonly generated wastes from Construction activities of

Petrofac OEC projects including recommended route for disposal are given in Appendix 3.
This is an estimation based on statistics from previous Petrofac OEC projects. It may vary
with size and scope of the project.

6.3 Handling and Storage of Waste

6.3.1 Onsite Collection and Segregation

Waste is to be collected and primary segregation to be done at the site through different
bins and skips which will be located throughout the construction sites and camp areas.
There is to be a main waste collection area; to be located near the kitchens and lay-down

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areas. All waste containers throughout the site will be labeled in English and the local
language of the country were the project is executed which is understood by the workers.

Segregation is the separation of waste streams based on their general physical and
chemical characteristics which ensures the proper storage, treatment, recycling, and
disposal of wastes by combining wastes of a similar type together.

Careful waste segregation provides an opportunity to select the most environmentally safe
disposal for each category of waste. The CWAA workers will play a crucial role in the
process of identifying opportunities for improving waste segregation, including the
decisions about products for reuse, recycling, and the safest methods of disposal.

 Flammable substances must be kept away from sources of ignition and from
oxidizing agents.
 Acids must be kept away from alkalis, and from other substances with which they
could react dangerously, such as compounds of arsenic and cyanide.
 Strong corrosive agents must be kept away from gas cylinders and other types of
 Waste from different sources should not be mixed unless it is known to be safe and

The waste will be segregated in accordance with the color code presented in Appendix 3
or as per the color code recommended by the Project. The classification presented in
Appendix 3 may be reviewed based on local conditions, feasibility, and Project

The Project Environmental advisor is to ensure that segregation of waste is in accordance

with the hazard classification, chemical and physical properties, potential for
recycling/reuse and ultimate disposal.

He is also to ensure that waste skips are not overfilled and that they are covered with
netting or tarpaulin sheeting to prevent garbage being lost from skips. Compaction will
only be used for Non Hazardous waste categories.

The collected waste is to be transported to a temporary waste storage area (also called
as) the Central Waste Accumulation Area (CWAA) for processing and arranging for proper

6.3.2 Central Waste Accumulation Area (CWAA)

It is not always possible to quickly dispose of waste due to logistic constraints and
minimum quantity requirements. Therefore, waste material from various site locations
will be collected, sorted / segregated, and processed at the CWAA until the batch quantity

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is commercially viable to transport or for incineration. The CWAA will be managed by a

team of trained waste handlers.

Waste should be stored while adhering to the following guidelines:

 All hazardous waste will be stored in clearly labeled containers in English and in
local languages understood by the workforce, made of a solid, nonporous, leak-
proof material. Empty containers of hazardous and toxic chemicals will also be
 Hazardous waste will not be stored for more than ninety (85) days.
 A flammable storage area will be labeled and fire extinguishers will be available.
 Flammable substances must be kept away from sources of ignition and from
oxidizing agents.
 Acids must be kept away from alkalis, and from other substances with which they
could react dangerously, such as compounds of arsenic and cyanide.
 Strong corrosive agents must be kept away from gas cylinders and other types of
 Waste from different sources should not be mixed unless it is known to be safe and
 Waste will be stored so that it does not pose any threat to personnel, e.g. no
obstructions or impediment to traffic and pedestrian movement, correct stacking,
away from heat sources and at sufficient distance from camp of the workers.
 Waste will be segregated to facilitate its handling and prevent contamination or
chemical reactions. Waste materials will be removed for proper disposal, which
must be carried out in the manner approved by local regulations. Storing of waste
on-site is to be safely carried out at the locations assigned to store the waste until
being transported for disposal. Waste storage areas must be at a sufficient distance
from the camp of the workers.
 Fire prevention systems will be provided for storage facilities, where necessary or
required by regulations, to prevent fires. Containers holding ignitable waste will be
stored at least 15m away from operating plant.
 When waste has the potential to contaminate the soil, it should be stored in a
bounded area (Secondary containment). Storage, collection and transfer devices
and vehicles will be loaded and operated so as to prevent dropping, leaking, and
shifting, blowing or other escape of waste from the device or vehicle. Storage
containers will be covered when not in immediate use. The type of container in
which these substances are placed must be suitable for the type of substance
therein, tightly closed and difficult to damage. The inner lining of the container
must be made of a material that is no affected by storage throughout the period
when the substances contained therein are active.
 Container capacity must be commensurate with the quantity of hazardous waste
stored therein or conform to the standards set for the storage of such waste
according to type. The capacity of the container must be easy to lift or
transportation without exposing it to damage or harm. Hazardous chemicals will be

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stored and handled in accordance with the relevant Chemical Hazard Bulletins
(CHB), the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data sheet (MSDS) or as defined by the
COMPANY Representative.
 Fuel will be stored in steel storage tanks and kept away from sources of ignition.
The fuel tanks will be installed with proper bunds to contain spill. Lubricants
should be kept in sealed drums. The drums should be stored in bunded areas with
impermeable floors and without drains.
 Procedures will be developed that control activities such as refueling or
maintaining vehicles and equipment, so that any spillage onto the ground is
contained and recovered, without causing contamination and cartridges used for
lubricants are collected and disposed of carefully.

At the CWAA each waste stream will have dedicated place for further process. The Area
will be fenced and secured with vehicles’ gate to assure waste tracking system.

The CWAA will have the following equipment, services, and structures. The number of
units required of each equipment or structure depends on the size of the project and the
quantities of waste estimated. Also, the presence of an incinerator depends on contract
requirement of the Project. In order to reduce the volume of wastes requiring landfill or
transportation to recycling plants, it is recommended that crushing and baling facilities be
employed prior to dispatch.

Typical CWAA includes but not limited to the following waste handling equipment and
Table 1: Typical Waste handling equipment and facilities at the CWAA

Minimum Number
SI. No. Equipments & Facilities Purpose
of Units
CWAA Equipments
1 Large Skips Storage of Waste 3 nos
Segregation of different types
2 Storage containers
of waste
3 nos (40 feet containers)
bunded spill trays to avoid
3 Drum storage racks with spill trays spills and subsequent soil 1
To avoid spills and subsequent
4 Concrete bunded area in hazardous storage area
soil contamination.
5 Incinerators Burning of Waste One unit (50 kg/hr)

6 Front loader Waste handling 1

Lifting bailed wastes and
7 Fork lift truck

8 Waste collection vehicles 1

Crushing and binding waste
9 Bailer
Crushing and bounding, and
picking-up waste (cans, glass,
10 Waste compactor
etc...) for loading onto a

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Minimum Number
SI. No. Equipments & Facilities Purpose
of Units
11 Aerosol piercer Safe piercing of aerosols 1
To wash chemical from the
12 Emergency shower/eye wash
body / eyes with water

Spill response Kit (Oil absorbing pads/

13 granules; Oil Absorbing boom; heavy duty To contain oil spill and clean I set
plastic bag; and gloves as minimum) up the spill
14 Fire extinguishers To be used in case of fire
15 Perimeter lighting/Area lighting Lighting if there is activity at Where applicable

16 Small office with toilet facilities Waste handling and Security 1


For firefighting, washing

17 Water supply equipments/vehicles; office As required
toilet facilities

The waste will be stored in a dedicated area in the CWAA and will remain in storage until
a feasible recycle or disposal option is determined.

6.3.3 Transportation

Transportation of waste outside the facility will be carried out only through the waste
disposal subcontractor. Transporting vehicles will be properly marked and drivers will
carry the appropriate documents describing the nature of the transported waste and its
degree of hazard.

Waste Container will be clearly labeled in English language and the local language of the
Country where the project is being executed. The label will include:

 Name of waste
 Source of waste
 Storage date
 Physical state of waste (solid, liquid or sludge)
 Amount of waste (volume or weight)
 Known environmental, health and safety hazards
 Personnel protection equipment (PPE) required
 Storage location contact name and telephone number

Each waste shipment is accompanied with a waste transfer note (Refer to Section 7.1 for
details) describing the nature of the waste and its final disposal indicated with minimum
information such as name of waste, generator detail, date of generation, manifest number

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and waste category. Each waste shipment is assigned a unique waste consignment number
which is utilized in the required forms.

Incompatible material will not be transported together in common container area and they
will be stored in separate containers. Waste contractor will promptly clean up all spillages
and waste lost from the vehicle on route to the disposal site.

Transportation of non-hazardous waste substances and soil resulting from digging,

demolishing and constructing work should be done in using licensed trucks for this

Hazardous waste containers will be collected and transported by a designated licensed

subcontractor in a manner which minimizes environmental, fire and explosion hazard and
worker exposure. If an accident occurs, the subcontractor designated for transport will
promptly clean up all spillage material and waste lost from any vehicle travelling to the
disposal site. Waste carriers need to be licensed to deal with waste. Transporters of
hazardous waste will take every precaution so that the spill does not occur and report any
spill as soon as possible.

Drivers will have specialized training related to the handling and disposal of their cargo
and carry on board the relevant CHB/MSDS’s. Safety and fire prevention equipment and a
telephone number to contact in an emergency will be provided on the vehicle.

6.4 Disposal of Waste

The selection of disposal methods is based on the following factors:

 Waste characteristics
 Physical and chemical properties
 Concentration of contaminants
 Likely environmental effects
 On-site pre-treatment to make disposal safer, and environmentally as well as
economically acceptable
 The availability of environmentally and commercially acceptable disposal facilities

Responsible disposal is the final option and is practiced only after all practical source
reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery and treatment options have been exhausted. All
waste will be reused, recycled, recovered, treated or disposed of using a licensed waste
sub-contractor in compliance with the relevant local regulations.

The waste disposal route/strategy for few construction wastes is illustrated in a flowchart
below, and is subject to local environmental regulations and resources to handle waste.
The detailed list of the construction phase wastes including guidelines on their disposal
routes can be referred in Appendix 3 of this document.

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Segregation and
storage as per Project
WMP. The Collection
and disposal by
Authorized Waste
Disposal Company

Plant (STP)

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6.4.1 Hazardous Solid Waste Disposal

Hazardous wastes will be transported to an authorized facility for appropriate disposal.

This may include soil or sand contaminated with oil from excavations, operations and/or
from accidental spills, tyres, paint cans and brushes, and waste oil and lubricants during
maintenance activities. Due to the hydrocarbon content, these are considered hazardous

The following should be ensured when handling hazardous waste:

 Ensuring that hazardous materials used by the crew are handled correctly, and that
the safety information provided by the manufacturer is available to the crew.
 Waste materials will be removed for proper disposal, which must be carried out in
the manner approved by local regulations.
 All batteries, especially lithium and nickel cadmium, will be transported, stored,
utilized and disposed of in an approved manner.
 No incineration of hazardous materials will be performed onsite.
 Used oil, lubricants and similar material will be transported for proper disposal.

6.4.2 Non Hazardous Solid Waste Disposal

Different ways of waste processing could be used: treatment, incineration, reuse, and
recycling and site disposal.

Petrofac OEC promotes reuse and recycling each time it will be possible. Appropriate
agreements with subcontractors to whom waste can be transferred for reuse or recycling
will be taken. Petrofac will ensure that all waste will be treated and/or recovered by an
approved waste disposal Subcontractor in compliance with the local disposal regulations.

The approved waste disposal Subcontractors will be responsible for the collection,
transportation, storage, segregation, recycle and disposal of the waste generated during
the Project duration.

Generally the following types of Solid waste are generated during the Project activities:

 Combustible Materials
 Non-Combustible Materials
 Recyclables

Combustible solid wastes include food waste, paper, wood, textile, etc. Combustible solid
wastes will be transported to an authorized location and incinerated specified by the
regulations. While transporting food waste, only covered containers will be used to avoid
attraction of vectors. All domestic refuse that cannot be re-used or recycled should be
incinerated if incinerator is provided. Provision of Incinerator depends upon Project scope

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and Client specification. Incinerable waste include: food waste, paper, cupboard,
packaging, clothing, etc.

Non-combustible solid wastes include metal scraps, glass, floor sweeping, and construction
and demolition debris. Non-combustible solid wastes are disposed at authorized facilities
for recycling, re-use or disposal in nearby landfills depending on best available option.

Recyclables include all waste that can be recycled including paper, plastics, wood, and
metal. Items regarded as recyclable will be properly segregated from other wastes. Items
regarded as recyclable will be properly segregated from other wastes. Wood and metal
will be reused in the project and will be sent for recycling if it is economically viable.
Materials collected as construction waste will be reused where possible and/or be sent
back to supplier/third party for recycling or reuse.

Office waste paper is produced regularly; the potential for paper recycling is feasible if
the end user, that is, the recycling party or outfit accepts the recycled paper. Other
measures are:

 Setting computer printers to double sided printing

 Maximum use of the electronic communication and minimize printing of

Reuse paper for printing draft documents; scratch paper; paper wrap.

Landfill waste includes such items as paint cans and brushes, and non-incinerable plastics,
such as polystyrene. Residual waste which cannot be re-used, recycled or incinerated will
require disposal in a landfill site. Depending on contract requirement, waste will be either
transported to a municipal landfill or to Project landfill.

6.4.3 Liquid Waste Disposal

On Petrofac OEC sites, most of the liquid waste generated is hazardous due to the
presence of chemicals, and hence need to be treated prior to disposal or handed in to a
licensed subcontractor. Typically the non-hazardous liquid waste identified include
cleaning of pipe/pipeline; vehicle/plant washing; drum cleaning reject water from RO as
well as grey water if it has been tested and proven not to contain any chemicals.
However, if grey water contains detergents, bleach (chlorine), soaps, or any other
chemicals then it will be considered as hazardous waste.

Therefore liquid waste is divided under two categories:

 Non-hazardous liquid waste and

 Hazardous liquid waste.

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The types of liquid wastes expected to be generated on Petrofac OEC construction sites
and the recommended disposal routes are tabulated and provided in Appendix 3.

6.4.4 Hazardous Liquid Waste Disposal

The following major hazardous wastewater discharge sources have been identified: Sanitary waste

Sanitary waste typically includes grey water as well as black water.

Grey water constitutes of discharges from showers, washing and cleaning, approximately
equal to the rate of domestic water usage. In many cases, grey water is mixed with the
black-water/sewage stream. This will require some form of primary settlement treatment
to remove suspended solids, such as soap scum and kitchen grease etc.

Black water constitutes of liquid discharges from the sanitary facilities. In absence of On-
Site Sewage treatment Plant, the generated sanitary waste is usually tankered off site by
trucks and subsequently treated in the Local Municipal sewage treatment plants.

Wastewater will be transported through foul drains which will incorporate the following:

 Sewage and black-water from sanitary blocks

 Grey-water from shower blocks, wash basins and canteens etc.

The liquids are collected either by a dedicated gravity or pumped pipeline, or by vacuum
truck collection. Typically all these liquids are mixed in collection tanks rated for the
amount of sanitary water expected to be produced. These tanks act as buffer tanks for the
Sewage system and dilute any unwanted substances such as chemicals, to acceptable
levels for the units.

From the inlet tank, the liquid is pumped to the sewage treatment system or will be
collected by an authorized waste subcontractor for treatment and disposal.

It is proposed to dewater the sludge using a single centrifugal separator or plate press
which will be shared between all camps, to produce dry cake for incineration or landfill,
and diverting the liquid back to the tank. This dewatering equipment can accomplish up to
80% reduction in the volume of sludge depending on the type of technology used, and
hence less solid waste will be available for disposal.

Treated wastewater can be reused for irrigation, dust control, or any construction activity
depending on its quality after leaving the treatment system. Treated wastewater can be

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disposed of into the marine environment as well as long as the quality of disposed water
complies with the standards of client and the local regulations. Hydrotest Water

Hydrotest water is the water generated as a result of hydrostatic testing activities as part
of pre-commissioning activities the purpose of the test is to check the integrity of
pipelines. Project prefers potable water for this activity; however, it is often chemically
treated with chemicals such as biocide, oxygen scavenger. Only chemically treated water
is considered as hazardous. Disposal of the hydro tested water depends on the Project and
on Client requirements. However, such wastewater from the hydrotesting should be
discharged to a lined (often by HDPE lined) evaporation ponds upon Client approval. After
complete evaporation of water, the lining along with the sediments is to be treated as
hazardous wastes and is to be sent for local hazardous waste disposal facility.

If evaporation ponds are not available for use, hydrotest water can be discharged to the
environment depending on the chemicals used during hydrotest activities, and thus on the
quality of hydrotest water to be discharged. It should be ensured that no harmful
chemicals are discharged to the environment and that local effluent discharge criteria are
met. Wash-down Water

This wastewater arises from vehicle / plant wash-down; pipe/pipeline and drum cleaning.
The wash-down water is to be collected in a bunded area where the water is allowed for
evaporation and the bottom sludge will be land-filled. In the event of contamination, the
bottom sludge is treated as hazardous, and will be handed in to a licensed subcontractor.

Cleaning of drums is usually carried out to ensure that all uncrushed empty drums that
leave the site are clean. All waste liquids not only from drum cleaning but also from
pipeline cleaning will be evaporated. The residues will be either sent to landfill or,
handed in to a licensed subcontractor depending upon the nature of wastes. Construction Generated Water

Construction generated water such as cement preparation and equipment cleaning will be
collected, filtered and recycled/ re-used where possible, and subsequently disposed by

6.4.5 Non- Hazardous Liquid Waste Disposal

As mentioned above, non-hazardous liquid wastes include reject water from Reverse
Osmosis Plants as well as grey water if it doesn’t contain any chemicals. However, in most

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cases grey water is mixed with black water/sewage stream, and hence treated as
hazardous. RO-Reject Water

Petrofac OEC will identify suitable locations for disposal, after obtaining Client’s approval
for the Project in hand. Considering the environmental obligation, the Petrofac OEC will
communicate to all personnel in the project site for adherence. The authorized personnel
will oversee all disposal activities. In general, the reject water from RO plant is sent to an
HDPE lined evaporation pond as ultimate disposal practice.


6.5.1 Inspections And Audits

Periodic internal audits of Petrofac OEC operations are conducted to determine whether
there is full compliance with legislation and regulatory requirements. Audits are also used
to identify and correct weaknesses in waste management system and to achieve
continuous improvement.

Petrofac OEC will undertake periodic auditing of the EMP which includes WMP using an
audit checklist. Audits and inspections will be supported by checklists and report forms.
Audits and inspections will be supported by checklists and report forms. Project
Compliance Assurance Schedule is included within the Project HSSE Plan & Safety

This is to ensure that all activities performed are in compliance with the plan including
regulations and permits and also to ensure the management system continues to be
effective and is properly implemented and maintained.

The Environmental Advisor will perform daily site environmental inspection of the
construction site and will include areas like waste storages/collection center, waste skips
and bins. An Environmental Inspection form/checklist will be developed and used for

6.5.2 Non-Conformance, Corrective, and Preventive Action

When audits, inspections or monitoring results reveal that Project activities are not fully
complying with requirements, non-conformance procedures will be followed to plan the
necessary remedial action. Actions to be taken will be logged and listed in an Action
Tracking System to maintain records of actions status.

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6.5.3 Monitoring And Measurement

Petrofac ‘s HSSE Manager will ensure that the Project wastes are monitored and managed
in compliance with the requirements specified by Legislation as well as Client’s
requirements. Environmental Advisor will regularly monitor waste storage, segregation,
transfer and disposal facilities. He will also ensure a high standard of housekeeping and
good material storage.

A copy of the Project specific WMP will be available with the site HSSE Team. Suitable
notices on waste management matters will be displayed on the sites in order to provide a
continuous reminder and improve individual awareness on waste management plans during
the whole project.

Subcontractors will also be advised of the WMP and required to follow its requirements.
Waste handling Subcontractors duly licensed by the respective Government authority will
be utilized for waste management support services. The licensed waste handling
Subcontractors will be responsible for the segregation, storage, collection, transport,
recycling and disposal of the waste generated during the project operations. All waste will
be treated and/or recovered by a licensed waste Subcontractor in compliance with the
local disposal regulations.

6.6 Training

Training is the key element to develop attitudinal change in the behaviour of individuals in
dealing with wastes. Therefore, the explanation of the WMP and the requirements for
reduction / reuse and segregation of wastes will form part of the site HSSE induction
which is mandatory for all personnel on site.

Petrofac OEC will develop a training and awareness program including general, task-
specific and HSE-related training. Training may be provided either by internal trainers or
by third parties.

All the personnel involved in the waste management activities will be trained in
accordance with local regulations and the WMP.

All trainings will be recorded, in order to evaluate need of refresher courses during the
overall duration of the Project. Specific training, including waste management, will be
organized by Petrofac OEC for all site personnel involved in the project. The purpose of
such training is to equip the performing parties or sub-contractors a better knowledge of
the specific environmental requirements regulating.

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Waste Management Techniques training will be provided with the prime intention of
implementing waste minimization as much as possible and encouraging responsible work

This specific training program will cover at least the following information:

 Rules regarding minimization of waste generation

 Identification and understanding of hazardous waste, waste classes, its properties
and characteristics through MSDS
 Waste handling (storage, loading/unloading, transportation)
 Labeling of waste storage containers
 Procedures for waste monitoring, recording and tracking
 Usefulness of segregation explaining different ways of treatments and
 Encouraging reuse and recycling options

Medical personnel should be trained in containment, labeling and disposal of clinical

wastes such as syringes, needles and other bio-hazardous wastes.

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Records relating to waste management, including those related to the treatment,

transport and disposal of waste arising from activities as well as waste disposal certificate
will be maintained by Petrofac OEC.

The Project/ Site HSSE Manager or his designated personnel will ensure that all waste from
the area under his responsibility is handled in accordance with the Project Waste
Management program. The Project/ Site HSSE Manager will act as interface with relevant
Regulatory Authorities.

7.1 Waste Transfer Note and Tracking

When waste is passed from one person to another, the person taking the waste must have
a written description of it and a waste transfer note must be filled in and signed by all the
three parties (originator, transporter and disposal facility) involved in the transfer.

A Waste Transfer Note includes:

 Generator details
 Type of waste
 Date of generation
 WTN number
 Total quantity being transferred
 Name and signature of the three parties involved (Originator, Transporter and
Receipt facility) driver and collecting and receiving supervisors
 Any other relevant information will be provided

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and/or the results of waste analysis will be attached,
as appropriate. Four copies of each Waste Transfer Notes are required (Refer to Appendix

 Copy 1 is retained by the waste generator

 Copy 2 is retained by the Waste Transporter
 Copy 3 is retained by waste disposal facility
 Copy 4 accompanies the waste shipment to the disposal facility to be signed and
returned to the Environment Advisor to verify proper disposal.

The waste transfer note which is to be generated every time that the waste leave the site,
will contain the following information A separate waste transfer note will be generated for
hazardous and nonhazardous. In other words, both hazardous and nonhazardous should not
be filled in one WTN but two separate WTN.

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The above information will be indicated on a waste transfer note that will accompany
each waste consignment, which will enable it to be traced from its point of origin to final
disposal. Refer to Appendix 2.

Besides the Waste Transfer Note, a waste tracking register which summarizes the details
of the waste transfer including date of collection and receipt , will also be maintained by
the Project Environmental Advisor on site HSSE office. A sample of this Register is shown
in Appendix 1.

The HSSE Site Manager or his designated personnel will ensure that all waste from the area
under his responsibility is handled in accordance with this program. The HSSE Site Manager
will act as interface with relevant Regulatory Authorities.

Petrofac‘s Environmental Advisor will ensure all subcontractors maintain current waste
inventory that will cover each facility under his management control.

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8.1 Appendix 1 – Waste Tracking Register



Waste Type & Contractor
Transfer Source of Date of Quantity of / Destination
at disposal
Note (WTN) Waste Collection Waste Transporter of Waste
No. Collected Used

**This Template is only for guidance purposes and to be amended as required to suit the scope of the

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8.2 Appendix 2 – Waste Transfer Note


Form No. PEC-X X -FRM-X -X X X X X Rev 0


A. Waste Originator Details:-
Name of Company (Originator): Signature
Contac t Person: Date and Time
B. Type of Wastes
B1. Non-Hazardous Waste
D o me s t ic Was t e ( k itchen refuse) D o me s t ic Waste (tree cut t ings ) Of f ic e Wa s t e Scra p M e t a l

N o n- H a za rdo us wa s t e c he m ic a ls Em pt y D rum s (no n ha za rdo us ) Ele c t ric c able

P a c k a ging M a t e rial

Was t e wo o d m a t e rials P lastic D rums (no n- hazardo us ) C o ns t ruc t io n ma t e ria l

Ot hers :

B2. Hazardous waste

Used o il C o nt a m ina ted so il Was t e Lubric a nt s P igging Sludge

H a za rdo us Wa s t e C he m ic a ls Sewage Sludge B a t t e rie s

M edical Waste

Used T yre s Empt y D rums ( H aza rdo us) F luo res c e nt bulbs

C Quantity of Waste in Kg/ Cu.m/ Ltrs.:
Company Name (Transporter): Name of Driver:
Phone Number: Signature of Driver:
Government Permit Number : Date & Time :
V ehic le Registration Number:


W aste Disposal Loc ation/Site: Name of the disposal fac ility Operator:
Lic ense Number of Disposal Fac ility: Date & Time of rec eipt:
Quantity of W aste Rec eived: Signature :

** Distribution:
1 copy: Originator 1 copy: Transporter 1 Copy: Waste Disposal Facility 1 Copy: Waste Contractor Return to Originator

Instructions To Fill the Form:

 The waste other than mentioned will be clearly specified with characteristics
 Quantity will be specified as accurate as possible
 All the three parties (originator, transporter and disposal facility) must sign
 The receiver (disposal facility) will check the weight and record before signing the note

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8.3 Appendix 3 – Waste Management Summary

The estimated wastes quantities that are typically generated in a Construction Project including its disposal method are given in the table below:


COLOUR CODE ( gram/day/head)
Aluminum cans Crush and recycle
Glass Glass crusher on site / Recycle
Plastic bottles Recycle / incinerate depending on availability
Accommodation Camp and Canteen
Paper and card Recycle / incinerate depending on availability
Food Macerate then Incinerate 375
PPE and clothing Incinerate 97
Incineration Incinerator ash Landfill 52
Non-Hazardous Solid Cement / concrete /gypsum/ceramic Crush and use as building aggregate
Non-Hazardous Solid Soil and gravel Use as aggregate

Waste Cables / copper Recycle 33

Weld rods /welding slag Recycle 196
Re-use - store useful components for future work and
Construction site Steel
recycle remainder 374

Packaging materials Recycle / incinerate depending on availability 35

Plastics Recycle / incinerate depending on availability 1
Wood Re-use 8
Polystyrene Crush, bale, and landfill 33.86
Tyres Recycle 36
Containers Crush & bale / recycle depending on availability
Paint and cans/brushes Crush & bale / Landfill
Filters air/oil Recycle/reuse or landfill 35
Maintenance activities Aerosol cans Pierce, crush, and recycle
Light bulbs Crush and landfill 0.2
Hazardous Solid Batteries Dry Handled by 3rd party licensed subcontractor
Waste Batteries Wet Recycle

Solvents Evaporate in drums; residue to landfill

Chemicals Handled by 3rd party licensed subcontractor
Acids To be neutralized, evaporate in drums & residue to landfill
Construction and maintenance activities Insulation Landfill, incinerate, recycle depending on type
Oils/ USED Recycle
Grease Recycle

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All construction activities Contaminated soils Wash, fix and use as aggregate 1
STP/rainfall run-off/ evaporation ponds Sludge /Sediments/Residue Dewater & Incinerate / landfill 986
Clinic Medical Incinerate / handled by 3rd party licensed subcontractor 0.6
4132 gram
TOTAL (Solid Waste)

*50 - 100 m3/ day

RO Water Treatment Plant RO Reject Water Evaporate in a lined evaporation pond

****500-600 m3/ day

All construction activities Construction generated wastewater recycle &re-use / evaporate
Non-Hazardous Liquid
Waste Wash-down water (Drum , pipe and pipeline cleaning; Evaporate & the sludge landfilled/handled by 3rd party
Construction & maintenance
Vehicle and Equipment washing) contractor if hazardous

as required
All activities Firefighting foam Evaporate

Domestic Waste water

STP/ re-use if it meets the standards. If not Evaporate at **250 - 350
HDPE lined evaporation pond liters/day/head
Accommodation Camp and Canteen
Hazardous Liquid Waste
Re-use if it contains only biodegradable and meets the ***10000 - 30000
Commissioning activities Hydrotest water standards. If not Evaporate at HDPE lined evaporation
pond m3/project

NB.: The quantity indicated in the table above is a preliminary estimation based on Petrofac past experience and certain assumptions. Therefore, it may vary with type & Scope of the Project and client specifications. For example, the volume of wastewater
generation from hydro testing activity depends on the diameter and length of the pipelines. Hence it should be used for guidance purpose only.

The assumptions are as follows:

 Generation of RO Reject Water is assumed based on previous projects.

 Black water is assumed : 100 l/day and Greywater 220 l/day;
 Minimum requirement of Hydrotest water is assumed as 10000 m3

Therefore the TOTAL SOLID WASTE (including Hazardous and Non Hazardous) generation per capita per day = 4.1 kg/head/day

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