Emergency Response Plan Site
Emergency Response Plan Site
Emergency Response Plan Site
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1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................... 4
2 REFERENCE DOCUMENT ................................................................................................. 5
3 ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................... 6
4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................................................... 8
5 INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................... 10
5.1 NOTIFICATION OF AN EMERGENCY ................................................................................ 10
5.2 BROWNFIELD SITE EMERGENCY (OWNER) ................................................................... 11
5.3 GREENFIELD SITE EMERGENCY .................................................................................... 11
5.4 FIRE EMERGENCY ........................................................................................................ 12
5.5 ENVIRONMENTAL ACCIDENT / SPILL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ..................................... 13
5.6 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES, INCLUDING ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT ...................................... 15
5.7 ILLNESSES AND OUTBREAKS DISEASES ......................................................................... 16
5.8 OFFSITE EMERGENCY .................................................................................................. 17
5.9 NATURAL CALAMITIES / SEVERE W EATHER RELATED CONDITIONS .................................. 18
5.10 CIVIL DISTURBANCE / SECURITY INCIDENT ..................................................................... 18
5.11 POTENTIAL IMPACT ON SURROUNDING COMMUNITY ....................................................... 18
5.12 GENERAL EVACUATION INSTRUCTION ............................................................................ 19
5.13 EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM ..................................................................................... 19
5.14 TRAINING AND DRILLS .................................................................................................. 20
5.15 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION ..................................................................................... 20
5.16 PERSONNEL HEAD COUNTING....................................................................................... 21
1 – Contact Number of Key Personnel
2 – Important Contact Numbers
3 – Site Emergency Assembly Points Layout
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The plan will also serve as guidance when briefing and awareness external organizations, such
as the fire brigade and ambulance services that may render support to an emergency affecting
the Project.
This Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is valid for the initial construction phase and shall be
reviewed annually (or more frequently as necessary) to ensure it is appropriate for use as new
activities and work areas open up. For the pre-commissioning phase the Emergency Response
Plan will require a very specific update.
This document applies to all site construction activities to be performed within all Project
Construction Areas, including off-site facilities and personnel involved, and covers Health,
Safety, Security and Environmental emergency aspects for the duration of the CONTRACTOR's
scope of work.
This Plan will be distributed not only within the CONTRACTOR HSE organization, but also to
the Project Managers and HSE focal points of all SUBCONTRACTORS involved in construction
activities as these may become involved in supporting emergency response activities and who
shall also play a role of briefing all workers on site on how to react in case of emergencies.
1.1 Purpose
This Emergency Response Plan (ERP) has been developed to outline the necessary
emergency measures to be considered, planned, implemented, and monitored on the Project
for all types of emergencies which could occur in any area of the Project (Green field), including
office facility and construction working areas.
The ERP also takes into consideration the project works that will be conducted in areas within,
or closely adjacent to, operating OWNER units (Brown field).
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In the event of an emergency within the OWNER adjacent live plant, the CONTRACTOR will
respond to any requests from the OWNER to evacuate the Project site and report to the
designated muster points carry out a head count and report the results to OWNER Incident
Commander and wait for further information. In all cases the requirements of ORPIC
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This plan serves as a guideline for all personnel in the Project to observe and follow in the event
of an emergency such as:
In the event of any unanticipated major emergency arising from the above eventualities, every
effort shall be explored in an effort to obtain the assistance of local public authorities, through
the OWNER to provide for an orderly and legal evacuation.
Labor Law - Royal Decree No. 35/2003,
Ministerial Decision No. 286/2008 (namely the Regulation of Occupational Safety
and Health for Establishments Governed by the Labor Law)
Omani Royal Decrees - General
Omani Ministerial Decisions - General
MOD-A4D-E is.4
ORPIC Emergency Response Plan (TGD-OMT-HSE-ERP-2014)
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The following terms used in this document have the meaning defined below:
CONTRACT The Form of Agreement together with the documents in order of priority,
including the exhibits, drawings, specifications and documents referred
to and in the order of precedence listed in the Form of Agreement.
CONTRACTOR Tecnimont S.p.a.
LICENSOR Process Licensoir selected by OWNER for the process of LICENSED
UNITS of the FACILITIES, here Lyondell Basell and Univation.
LICENSED UNITS The process units, designed and licensed by the LICENSOR to OWNER
for processing the feedstock and producing the blending components
and/or to make the final or finished product grades.
OWNER ORPIC PLASTIC LLC, a company duly registered under the laws of
Sultanate of Oman and having its principal office at Sohar Industrial Port,
Sohar, PO Box 336, Sultanate of Oman.
OWNER’s Means a Person in OWNER within the contract sponsor’s (end-user)
Representative division/department, which is responsible for managing all aspects of the
contract. It might be referred to as (OWNER Representative) as an
PROJECT Means the development, financing, design, engineering, manufacturing,
procurement, installation, construction, testing, pre-commissioning and
commissioning of a petrochemical production facility (including offsite
facilities) to be located in Fahud and Sohar, in the Sultanate of Oman, as
more particularly described in the Owner’s Requirements.
SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work to be performed and services to be rendered by
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The acronyms used in this document have the meaning defined below:
- ALARP As Low As Reasonably Possible
- EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction
- ERT Emergency Response Team
- HSSE Health, Safety, Security and Environment
Incident Commander (Owner’s person in overall charge for emergency
- IC
- JHA Job Hazard Analysis
- JSA Job Safety Analysis
- SIPC Sohar Industrial Port Complex
- ROP Royal Omani Police
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CONTRACTOR Site Manager (or his designate during absence from site)
CONTRACTOR Site Manager has the responsibility to ensure the project is staffed, and
personnel are trained, and equipped for incidents Emergency Response.
He is also responsible for contacting OWNER site representative, CONTRACTOR Head
Office mangers as required, approving on and off site mutual aid response and ensuring
that equipment are available for 24-hour emergency response.
He has the sole authority to contact outside government agencies such as
environmental agencies, fire brigade or police.
In the event of an emergency, CONTRACTOR Site Manager, or designee, has the
responsibility to contact corporate managers in Milan - Home Office. Only OWNER site
representatives have the authority to release statements to the news media.
He shall station himself at the designated Emergency Control Centre (CONTRACTOR
HSSE Site Office) to receive information and direct the whole operation of evacuation.
He shall give order for the evacuees to return to their work areas after the emergency
situation has been kept under control where this is deemed necessary.
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Plan and conduct training drills for the fire fighting, rescue and evacuation
Review this plan on regular basis (approx every 3 months) to ensure that it covers all
site hazards and new activities
Cover the role of Emergency Response Team Leader and designate a deputy as backup
in his absence
CONTRACTOR HSSE Manager will act as the Incident Commander (IC) and chief of
emergency operations.
Logistic Manager
The Logistic Manager will be responsible for ensuring that there is 24-hr coverage in the office
or designated accommodations to answer emergency calls and to call out CONTRACTOR
HSSE Manager, who will advise key personnel as indicated on Appendix 1.
Project Supervisor(s)
All supervisors are responsible for the safety and well being of all personnel in their charge and
to this end shall take the necessary action to minimize or eliminate hazards, or to evacuate the
risk area as appropriate.
Security Guards
The security Guards tasks include but are not limited to:
Lock the gate (if already present) in case it shall not to be used for evacuation. All
guards on duty will relocate at the open gate
Receives and directs outside emergency vehicles (ambulance, fire trucks etc) to the
incident points
Carry out tasks ordered by the Emergency Control Center (Site HSSE Office)
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Employees shall evacuate from the work place in an orderly manner and assemble at their
working designated Muster Point (assembly location).
The following Emergency scenarios are taken into consideration in the present CONTRACTOR
Brownfield Site Emergency
Greenfield Site Emergency
Fire Emergency
Environmental accident / Spill of Hazardous Material
Medical Emergencies, including Road Traffic Accident
Illnesses and Outbreaks Diseases
Emergency situations arising from existing installations
Natural Calamities / Severe Weather Related Conditions
Civil disturbance / Security Incident
Potential Impact on Surrounding Community
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Contractor Site Emergency OWNER Main Control Room
(or Deputy)
First Aid Facility/Clinic or SUBCONTRACTOR Site
Ambulance Emergency Representative
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running equipment (welding machines, grinders, portable air compressors etc.) and walk swiftly
to the safe nearest Muster Point.
The CONTRACTOR Site Manager will issue the instruction to return to work when he has
ascertained that it is safe to do so or, in case of emergency arising from existing installations,
when being informed by OWNER Incident Commander (IC) that the area is “All Clear”.
The CONTRACTOR HSSE Manager will disseminate this instruction to the SUBCONTRACTOR
HSSE representative for action and further circulation.
2nd STEP
The CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR Supervisor will contact the Emergency Control Centre
(CONTRACTOR HSSE Office), informing about the event occurred and if medical assistance is
In notifying the Emergency, the language used by CONTRACTOR/Subcontractors Supervisor
shall be ENGLISH spoken SLOWLY and CLEAR.
The Supervisor shall report:
Name and Company
Type of event
Exact location (unit/equipment, street) of the incident
Time of the accident/incident
Whether medical assistance is needed or not
Is nearby equipment threatened, if yes which one?
Request if the message need to be repeated to ensure understanding and
In the meanwhile initial attempts are made to put out the fire with available fire extinguishers
and if available, the use of the fire water main.
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3rd STEP
Once being informed, the CONTRACTOR HSSE Manager will visit/attend the incident and will
evaluate the progress of the emergency; in this phase the CONTRACTOR HSSE Manager will
give the initial instruction of response activities.
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The SUBCONTRACTOR HSSE Manager shall visit/attend the location of the incident, giving all
support needed to the CONTRACTOR HSSE Manager.
In case of Minor Fire, all works activities and construction machinery / equipment shall
be stopped nearby the affected area.
All personnel with no emergency duties shall leave the affected area and keep away it
until the “All Clear” signal has been given.
Members of CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR‟s Emergency Response Team shall
extinguish the fire immediately using appropriate firefighting equipment, if considered
safe to do so (not for gas leak). If practical, operate the nearest fixed firewater monitor to
extinguish the fire or cool the surrounding equipment.
When the fire has been extinguished and the “All Clear” signal has been given by the
Incident Commander, all personnel shall return to their respective work site.
In the event the fire is a Major Fire “out of control” (including the case gas leak) and cannot be
safely extinguished by Emergency Response Team, the CONTRACTOR HSSE Manager will
contact the Orpic Emergency Contact Number (22105555) and will require local assistance by
calling and stating:
o Name, company and telephone number
o Location and extent of fire
o Fire-fighting activities ongoing
In addition to the Minor Fire, in case of a Major Fire the following actions shall take
o All personnel with no emergency duties shall evacuate the site safely to their
Assembly Points
o Personnel with emergency duties will mobilize in accordance with their respective
roles and rules already described in this document.
o CONTRACTOR Incident Commander will ensure that safe access route for
emergency vehicles shall be kept free of obstructions and one member of ERT
shall open the road barriers.
4th STEP
Once the fire has been extinguished, the “All Clear” signal has been given, all personnel at the
assembly points shall return to work site safely after revalidation of the PTW.
CONTRACTOR Site management and OWNER Emergency Response Teams shall isolate the
incident area and make further investigations.
A report of the accident/incident will be prepared by SUBCONTRACTOR and submitted to
CONTRACTOR according to the specific CONTRACTOR procedure “Reporting and
Investigation of Accidents and Incidents” (3911-LZ-PC-AA000106).
Note: Fire and emergency action/instruction notices shall be posted on the job site, in the office
area and at the accommodation camp.
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Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of hazardous materials to determine storage and handling
requirements and the type and quantity of spill response materials.
SUBCONTRACTORS will ensure that a sufficient quantity and type of appropriate spill response
material and/or equipment is onsite and readily available prior to receipt of any hazardous
Each SUBCONTRACTOR will obtain a sufficient quantity and type of appropriate spill response
material and equipment.
In the event of a spill of hazardous materials the immediate action of those involved will be to
isolate the source of the spill, secure the area and make the scene as safe as possible (e.g.
isolate all sources of ignition).
If a hazardous material spill should occur, it must be cleaned up immediately as follows:
Place all contaminated soil on an adequately sized plastic bags.
If a hazardous material spill occurs on pavement, it shall be absorbed with sand or other
inert material and then placed on plastic sheeting. This includes spills of vehicle fluids.
Pavement will not be washed where a hazardous material spill has occurred (including
vehicle fluids) until all spilled material has been cleaned up.
Cover contaminated soil or inert absorbent material with plastic to prevent runoff
contamination and to prevent the material from becoming airborne in wind.
Contaminated material will be disposed as hazardous waste
All spills, regardless of volume, must be immediately reported to CONTRACTOR Site HSSE
Manager and CONTRACTOR Site Manager, who will in turn notify OWNER management.
If the spill is minor (less than 40 liters) it will be immediately cleaned up by the
SUBCONTRACTOR concerned, in accordance with the SDS instructions and disposed of as
hazardous waste.
Some basic rules to bear in mind are:
If spilled materials are flammable, eliminate sources of ignition from near the spill area.
If it can be performed safely stop the source of the spill and contain the spill within as
small an area as possible.
Avoid inhalation of vapors by staving upwind.
Avoid being burned by hot oil.
Use chemical resistant PPE during clean up of chemicals lubricant and hydraulic oils.
For large spills (greater than 40 liters), CONTRACTOR must be contacted immediately in order
to organize and coordinate a safe clean up of the spill. Where there are casualties or a
continuing threat to personnel, CONTRACTOR Emergency Response Team Leader may
activate the site evacuation alarm and mobilize the Emergency Response Team.
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In the case of accidental inhalation of chemicals or injuries caused by chemicals, the instruction
of the following paragraph (5.6 Medical Emergencies, including Road Traffic Accident) shall be
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The SUBCONTRACTOR shall follow up any spill response with a written report to the
CONTRACTOR within 24 hours of the spill.
CONTRACTOR Site HSSE Manager will maintain records of all reported spills, clean-up action
taken and details of disposal of contaminated material
1st STEP
The fellow employees shall raise the alarm by informing immediately the nearest
CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR Supervisor or the HSSE/Safety representatives on site.
In case of a Road Accident which has resulted in actual injury, the Site Supervisors shall be
immediately informed of what occurred by involved persons. If Road Accident occurs on public
road, ROP will be in charge of the emergency event; CONTRACTOR will provide assistance
when needed.
The fellow employees attending the incident shall:
Remain with affected person(s) and provide comfort till help arrives
Only trained person shall provide first aid treatments
Do not move the victim, unless there is immediate hazard at the location
Answer questions and provide information to the alerted Supervisors
2nd STEP
The CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR Supervisor or the HSSE/Safety representatives will
contact the CONTRACTOR Emergency Control Centre (CONTRACTOR HSSE Office)
informing about the event occurred and if medical assistance is needed.
In notifying the Emergency, the language used by the Supervisor shall be ENGLISH spoken
SLOWLY and CLEAR, stating:
Location of the incident
MOD-A4D-E is.4
Extent of injuries
Description of symptoms
Seriousness and nature of the emergency
Name and employer of all injured parties
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In this phase the CONTRACTOR HSSE Manager will act as the Incident Commander (IC) and
chief of emergency operations.
3rd STEP
On being informed, the CONTRACTOR HSSE Manager will visit/attend the incident and will
evaluate the progress of the emergency.
The SUBCONTRACTOR HSSE Manager shall visit/attend the location of the incident, giving all
support needed to the CONTRACTOR HSSE Manager.
Depending on the severity, the Incident Commander will decide if the
CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR's Site Doctor and the ambulance are needed at the
incident location.
4th STEP
The Site Doctor shall appraise the situation and in the event of need, will request assistance
from the nearest medical facility (Sohar Government Hospital or other designated clinic/hospital)
giving details of the emergency:
Type of accident, including symptoms and extent of injury(s);
Name(s) of injured person(s);
Caller’s name and telephone number;
Arrangement will then be made to meet the responding ambulance crew at the Site entrance as
CONTRACTOR Site Manager will then assess the situation and determine if any other
measures such as informing outside authorities are necessary.
Once the emergency is under control and the “All Clear” signal has been given, all personnel
shall return to their respective worksite after revalidation of the PTW.
CONTRACTOR Site management and OWNER Emergency Response Teams shall isolate the
incident area and make further investigations.
A report of the accident/incident will be prepared by SUBCONTRACTOR and submitted to
CONTRACTOR according to the specific CONTRACTOR procedure “Reporting and
Investigation of Accidents and Incidents” (3911-LZ-PC-AA000106).
CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTOR medical and safety representatives will carry out the
following periodic inspections on site to assess and reduce the potential for the epidemics to
Waste management
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The above inspections will assist with the diagnosis and early warning of any outbreak of
disease or illness.
In the event of any epidemic case recorded, isolation and quarantine could be applied by site
doctor to protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a
contagious disease.
The safe evacuation of personnel from each remote location shall be considered and as
necessary a suitable means of transport and driver shall remain with the workers to ensure that
their rapid evacuation to their designated Assembly Points (Muster Points).
Wind direction socks are installed at various elevated locations around the construction site to
provide visible identification of wind direction; ORPIC Sohar Refinery (adjacent existing facility)
flare and exhaust stacks can also be utilized as visible wind direction guides.
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An overall evacuation of the site and/or camp shall be coordinated by the Supervisors who shall
be made fully aware of the detailed evacuation procedures.
CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTOR’s Supervisors will also check that their areas have
been successfully evacuated and workers have proceeded to the assigned Muster Points.
It will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR Emergency Control Centre (CONTRACTOR
HSSE Office) to ensure that all the personnel in their respective areas are aware of the
emergency situation arises.
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In the event of an emergency in the site construction area or in the temporary facilities area:
All PTW(s) will become invalid in all parts of the site
Work activities in the entire worksite shall immediately stopped
All construction machinery and construction equipment shall be shutdown
Drivers of all vehicles except for fire trucks, ambulances and other emergency vehicles
shall park their vehicles clear of roadways, with ignition switch turned “Off” and the key
left in the switch. If the person is inside the affected area the person shall immediately
wear PPE prescribed while proceeding toward to the safest Muster Point. If the
designated assembly point/area is unsafe or blocked due to the emergency proceed to
the alternate assembly point.
Move quickly but do not run (except in life threatening conditions) to the Muster Points.
Do not overtake along the route
Do not smoke in the assembly points
Do no return to a work area to collect belongings or for any other reasons until the “all
clear” signal is given
Visitors are under the responsibilities of their hosts and should be accompanied to the
nearest safe assembly points.
Phones and radio channels shall be kept free and used only for emergency related
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Drills shall be documented and corrective actions taken to implement any lessons learnt.
CONTRACTOR will issue and develop a dedicated “HSSE Training Program” (3911-LZ-PC-
AA000102) with details of emergency and evacuation trainings to be attended by all Site/Project
Initially this would be with available mode of communication (i.e. fixed or mobile phones etc.).
Hand-held radios will be provided following allocation of frequency wave bands and according
to OWNER instruction.
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Mobile telephones (Intrinsically Safe & Explosion Proof Products if required) must be provided /
distributed by CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTOR to their respective Supervisors and
HSSE staff for linkage/coordination purpose in an emergency situation.
Hand-held “Loud Hailers” will be provided by SUBCONTRACTOR at each jobsite work location
for the use of the designated Area Supervisor and to assist its HSSE staff in spreading the
awareness of an emergency situation.
If temporary absent from the location, the SUBCONTRACTOR Supervisor shall designate his
Foreman for the prescribed usage of emergency Loud Hailer. This information will be included
in Training session.
Head counts shall be done against manpower reported by relevant Supervisors at each
emergency including mock drills. To facilitate the response to an emergency situation,
timekeepers will be adopted complete and report daily head counts of all direct field labors.
During the evacuation, these head counts will be used to determine whether any personnel
remain unaccounted.
In the event that a missing person is identified through the head count process at the Muster
Point(s), the concerned supervisor shall undertake the following steps:
Identify the missing person, his work group team leader
Ascertain the activity of the missing person
Determine the location of the missing person immediately prior to the emergency
evacuation requirement
Notify the CONTRACTOR Incident Commander (Site HSSE Manager) of the missing
CONTRACTOR Incident Commander will relay information and convey for assistance to
OWNER and at the same time to the Contractor Site Manager.
CONTRACTOR Site HSSE Manager shall activate the ERT when clear determination of
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Contractor Identification Code
Contact Number of Key Personnel
Name Job Title Mobile Tel No
A. Gregoratti CONTRACTOR Site Manager 93907915
C. Pelligana CONTRACTOR Site HSSE Manager 93205718
A. Repole CONTRACTOR Construction Manager 93203612
Salim Ali Khamis Al
CONTRACTOR Security Manager 91905381
Alfio Proietto CONTRACTOR Logistic Manager 93520768
T.B.A. CONTRACTOR PTW Coordinator T.B.A.
Hussam AL Taj CONTRACTOR Site Clinic Doctor 96094421
Anish Kumar CONTRACTOR Site Clinic Nurse 98841646
Subin Philip CONTRACTOR Site Clinic Nurse 96190199
Site Clinic Emergency CONTRACTOR Site Clinic 99574537
Site HSE Emergency CONTRACTOR Site HSSE 93218091
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Important Contact Numbers*
Title Emergency Contact
Sohar Complex (2210)-5555
SIPC control room
Orpic Chief Incident Commander 91910550
Orpic HSE General Manager 92443015
Orpic Fire Fighting Services Manager 9933 4652
ROP 9991
SEU (Sohar Environmental Unit) 97770772- 26840178
Ministri of Environment and Climate Affairs
ROP Ambulance 99864645 / 9999
Sohar Hospital 26844423 / 26840399
Shinas Hospital 26747514 / 26747300
Liwa Hospital 26762055 / 26762280
Al-Multaqa Hospital 26866051 / 26866050
Saham Hospital 26855148 / 26854427
Airliquide Sohar Industrial (ALSIG) 95474697
AROMATICS Oman LLC 2685-3999 / 26851555
Oman Polypropylene (OPP) 26865151 / 26851555
Majan Electricity Company 26846980
Oman Refineries and Petrochemicals Co
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Site Emergency Assembly Points Layout
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