Industrial Machine and Controls
Industrial Machine and Controls
Industrial Machine and Controls
Motor enclosure
Series motors
Shunt motors
Compound motors
I. The Metadyne
II. Homo polar motor
III. The hysteresis motor
IV. Operation of single phase a.c motors
V. Split phase
Can be stated as: wherever a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field it
experience a force whose Direction is given by Fleming’s left hand rule
flux density, B, the current flowing, I, and the effective length of the conductor, l, i.e. F = BIl.
By Mr. Arusei
Line of force a property of tending to shorten themselves so that they may be regarded as being
in tension each conduction will experience a force like that exerted on a stone in a catapult.
Since these conductor are embedded in slots on the armature the latter is caused to rotate
in a clockwise direction .
When armature rotate the conductor on it cut the lines of force of magnetic field in which
they revolve that an e.m.f is induced in the armature . the e.m.f acts in opposition to the
current in the machine and therefore to the applied voltage so that it is customary to refer
to this voltage as the back e.m.f. ( Lenz’s law = direction of an induced e.m.f is such as to
oppose the charge causing it which is of course the applied voltage) .
Have series configuration of field winding and armature one end of voltage source
connected to field winding and the other to armature .
Initially at start up motor draws a huge amount of current because both armature and
winding are made up of large conductors thus offers minimum resistance to the current
path. The large current through the armature winding yields a strong magnetic field
providing high torque to the armature shaft , thus invoking the spinning action of the
armature .
The motor starts rotating at its maximum speed in the beginning the rotating armature in
presence of magnetic field results in counter e.m.f which limit the current build up in the
series combination of armature and winding .
In DC series motor a linear relationship exist between the amount of torque produces
and the current flowing through the field winding , the speed can be which further controls
the torque of motor they do not operate at contact speed its varies with change in the shaft
load so speed control of the motor is not easy to put into practice .
By Mr. Arusei
Field windings are shunted connected in parallel the armature winding of the motor both
winding exposed to same voltage supply
Torque develop is proportional to armature current the armature winding must be exposed to
an amount of current that is much higher than the field winding thus field winding is
wound with many turns to increase flux linkage I ] proportional to the torque .
It has self speed regulation on application of load to the shaft , while running with no load its
speed is constant on application f load on the shaft the speed definitely reduces , and a long
with speed also reduces the back emf with reduction in back e.m.f. it leads to increase in
net voltage the armature current increase consequently , the torque increases , this increase in
torque increases the speed and thus compensating for the speed was on loading .
Falls under category of self existed motor its made up of series field coils S 1S2 and shunt
field coils F1F2 connected to the armature winding .
Both the field coils provide for the required amount of magnetic flux that links with the
armature coil and brings about the torque necessary to facilitate rotation at the desired speed ,
it provides better properties of series and short motor since its an Amalgamation of the two .
By Mr. Arusei
- Refer [3] here above two case have been combined flux along the horizontal axis
generate voltage interfere with each other thus this device is virtually two machine in one if
armature reaction is negligible or full compensation is provided , although the current are
sup rimed in the same armature conductors they can still be considered to have a scientific
existence . this leads to an interconnection between the two system which is made use of
advantageously in machine called cross –field generator .
Commutating poles are also required in these machine for satisfactory commutation whereas
no commutation pole is required in the Rosenberg generator for satisfactory commutation
Fully compensated machine is called AMPHIDYNE and under compensated machine is called
Metaldyne .
Metadyne is partially compensated thus the opposing flux produce by the control flux , this
will control output current would neutralize most of the control flux this will control the
output current by suppressing the current through control windings .
Metaldyne have been used to control the aiming of large guns and for speed control in
electric trains in particular the London underground O and P stock.
By Mr. Arusei
The first arrangement representing a one –cycle cross field machine , in a normal DC
machine the effect of the excitation current generates a flux [A1] which intern generate
excitation current generates a flux a quadrature flux which is at height angle to the
exciting flux . by the quadrature box together .
- The current is produced in the armature and the flux that this produces [A2] is gain at
right angles to the quadrature resulting in an armature reaction is partly compensated
by a compensation winding the compensated portion of the armature reaction acts
in this way.
- As the output current rises , it suppresses its effect of excitation until it reaches a state
there is just enough excitation to maintain the current . any further increase would
eliminate the flux which sustain its operation and the current is maintain
irrespective of the resistance f load as a constant current generator where the
current is proportional to the excitation .
- The second diagram shows a machine with no excitation winding but instead a
constant voltage is connected to the quadrature brushes . this produces a flux similar
to the one produced by rotation of the armature in the excitation flux in first exams
input and output power and same and so the machine transport the constant voltage
By Mr. Arusei
to input into a constant voltage to input into a constant - current generator where
the current is proportional to the excitation
- The second diagram shows a machine with no excitation flux in the first example
input and output power the same and so the machine transport the constant – current
output .
- Third diagram show a metadyne connected to two square motors and this
arrangement was used for the control of traction motors on electric train .
The nail and magnet spin with the nail tip acting as a bearing
By Mr. Arusei
The homopolar motor is driven by the LORENTZ FORCE a conductor with a conductor
with a current flowing through it when place in a magnetic field which is perpendicular to
both the magnetic field and the current , this force provides a torque around the axis of
rotation because the axis of rotation is parallel to the magnetic field do not change polarity ,
no commutation is required for the conduction to keep turning , this simplicity is most readily
achieved with single turn design turn design which makes homopolar motors unsuitable
for most practical applications .
By Mr. Arusei
Have a solid smooth cylindrical rotor cast a high cobalt magnetic hard cobalt steel i.e. have
wide hysterical loop high cavity ] machine once ma magnetized in a given direction it
requires a large reverse magnetic field to reverse the magnetization .the rotation state field
causes each small volume of the rotor experiences a reversing magnetic field at the slip
frequency which drives it around its hysteresis loop the rotor field to lay and create
torque as the torque as the rotor approaches synchronous speed and slip goes to zero this
magnetizes and aligns with the station field , causing the rotor to lock to the rotating
station field .
By Mr. Arusei
Operates subjects to a pulsating magnetic field the two separate winding wined in tandem
producer a two phase rotating magnetic field this is due to a difference of impendence start
winding has a higher resistance than the running winding and after seconds of rotation a
certain fugal switches or timed relay automatically remove the start winding from the
circuit .
Have an electrolytic capacitor in series with the start winding to obtain a greater phase angle
and a torque. The start winding i.e. the start and the run, a centrifugal switch or timed relay
remove the start winding from circuit when rotation reach above 75% of the full rotor
speed .
By Mr. Arusei
Now any conductor that cuts magnetic fields at right angle induces an electromotive force
[ EMF] into the coil . It is this same principle that induction motor use to work. the rotor has the
hollow slots to which copper bars are drown in and common circuits made by brass ring
brazed to each end of the copper bars . The stator has three phases Red, yellow, and blue are
connected. They are in such a way that they are out of phase by 120o.
Operates on the principles of relating magnetic field to obtain momentum each voltage must
be constantly and out of phase 120o . the physical location of the windings around the
stator adds an influencing factor allowing the magnetic field to gyrate , the speed of the
rotating magnetic field called , the synchronous speed of the rotating magnetic fields
called the synchronous speed is dependent on the following .
By Mr. Arusei
Frequency = hertz
Number of pairs of poles within stator
- Voltage serving station must be out of phase by 120 o, synchronous speed with rotor
speed in revolution per minute is given by :
F= frequency
P=pairs of poles
With this the short circuit and copper bars winding which allow the current to flow
throughout the rotor circuit. They will set up the their own electromagnetic fields and
doing so will interact with the fields formed within the stator windings , the
synchronous speed of rotating magnetic field has effect of dragging the rotor
around with it , the rotor will to at speed slightly less they synchronous speed
[ magnetism has cut bars otherwise motor will never function .
Close relative to induction motor only that it has two sets of caged rotor instead of
one set , one set has a higher resistance than another set thus following the motor to
have better starting torque [ over twice much]
By Mr. Arusei
The rotor takes up role of a permanent magnetic , the speed depends on the number of
pairs of poles and frequency of the supply voltage , simple synchronous motor are not self
By Mr. Arusei
starting but manually rotated to the speed of applied electro magnet field . once done the
rotor will lock in and faithfully place the field and so doing maintain a constant speed , if
the applied load is too great it will find it difficult to place and will still and eventually
come to stand still.
- Oiling
By Mr. Arusei
- Greasing .
By Mr. Arusei
are required to operate more frequently , they have a main circuit and a control circuit . they
are designed according to the method of energizing the control circuit nearby .
- Electromagnetic device
- Pneumatic type
- Electro-pneumatic type
Contactor is electrically operated switch intended for and breaking heavy current when
attained by a relay while drive very little current or by a push button . in DC circuit
contactor mainly of sole node type which a soft iron lung moves inside coil or wire . in A.C
circuit it comprise of service e shape laminated sheet with a contactor coil on the Centre
leg and is equipped with hinged armature on which main circuit auxiliary contactor are
mounted automatically contactor are design to operate even if a momentary contact is made
by the control device i.e. the ON plugh button is normally open and closes for a short
time for a sec or two then the button is pressed . the contactor closes on this momentary
impulse and auxiliary contacts in closed position even after on button is released . the
current required o keep the contactor in our position is much less than that for closing for
closing it . thus the auxillary hold on contact works to ensure that the contactor coil does not
get hot when operating continuously in the fully closed position .
Devices switching more than 15amphere or in circuits rated more than a few kilowalts are
usually called contactors .
Contacts of push buttons are usually double break type there contact are operated by a
button . one normally open [NO] and there other and pressed by applying a force the NC
contact opens and No contact closes as long as it held pressed .
Its provided with a spring that brings back contacts green push bottom is used for
starting a device while red is used for stopping .
By Mr. Arusei
Operated by magnetism or other mechanism like in thermal relay where a heating coil is
wound on a bimetallic strip the coil carries flowing through the coil the bimetal bends
consistently and opens a normally closed contact or closes and normally open contact the
opening or closing of the contact of relay driving overload can be utilized in tripping off
the circuit in which this relay has been employed.
No hold contact is provided on jog push –button thus the contact coil a will remain en
energized as long as the jog is kept pressed . thus the motor operation controlled by
operator. C is another jogging and using a election switch , selector situation enable to
select either continuous mode of operation or jogging operation .
; control circuit for running and jogging of an induction motor through separate push
buttons .
Through A the motor is fed with three phase supply for forward rotation where as through
B is fed for reverse direction of rotation . a and b is fed for reverse direction of rotation .
By Mr. Arusei
A and b are called hold on contact and are responsible for holding the line . when forward
f is pressed , No contact closes and is energized through NC of P it remain on No even
when F is raced since NO content of contactor A is now closed .
When formed button is pressed contactor coil A get energized and provides three phase
supply to the motor the forward operation hold on contact when pressure of button is released
N/B when it is energized its NC contact which has been connected in series with the
contactor coil B remains open . therefore when the motor is rotating in forward direction it
will not be possible to energize contactor B by pressing the reverse push button R similarly
its not possible when B is energized to energize A also .
By changing the applied voltage air gap that can be changed so as also the slip, and motor
speed can be also ally thyrastor controller is used ,two SCR are connected in antiparallel per
phase . this is a constantly arrangement fitting circuit very complicated .
By Mr. Arusei
A.C rectified to d.c thus felted to minimize ripple content . it is then converted to control
pulses by means of a voltage to the frequency converter is then fed to the inverter bridge
for producing the variable voltage frequency output . the output is fed to the b induction
motor for controlling its speed.
1) The inverter is same what bulking and expensive value to the large size of
the inductance and commentator capacitor ]
2) The response of the drive is somewhere shagging
3) The frequency range of the inverter is low it cannot operate under no load
condition as some minimum load current is required to commutate the
inverter satisfactory .
With voltage and frequency fixed speed of induction motor can be renewed by infection a
conductor e. m.f. into the rotor circuit of the motor this method is used for a wound rotor
induction motor slip power of the motor , this method is used rectified by a diode reaction
and is then pumped back to the A.C line through a line commutated inverter .
By Mr. Arusei
The torque pulsation and additional heating must be considered while designing the drive
Connector 1[C1] act as a controlled rectified and feeds d.c power to convertor 2[ c.2]
Convertor because as a naturally commutated invertor whose A.C voltage and frequency
are established by the motor .
Consists of 3 cyclonverters connected to the three of the synchronous motor and one
controlled rectifier for supplying field exciting current if to the rotor each cycloconvertor is
composed of two 3-phax bridges.
And supplies a single phase output with a frequency of soH2, the cycloconvertor output
frequency can be varied from o to 10 HZ. This can vary the speed of motor 0 to 1 r.p.m.
Micro computer can be used to control the speed encoder and Analogue / digital [A/D]
convertor [ speed [I/p] module ]
By Mr. Arusei
THE ELCB is also known as RCCB. The device used for the protection against the
earth leakage current and residual current . it should be fixed before the incomer
The basic supply will connect to this income it is also called SFU [ switch fuse unit ] it
contact one handle with the fuse unit ], once it is turned on supply will pass to the next
stage through fuse any major fault occurs inside panel board it will turn and it isolate
supply .
Is used for ON/ OFF purposes and for selecting the mode of operation like auto manual .
starter are used for starting the motors safely mainly two types of stator are there . DOL
starter and star to delta , DOL stator is enough for the motor with power less than 10hp.
By Mr. Arusei
Is the protector of motor from the over load it senses the load current and tips if it
exceed the limit , current limit has to be set manually it should be 80% of the full load
current .
Operation of timer is similar to relay but a delay is there for actuation , we can set the
time delay mankind according to our requirements , it is very much essential for star
to delta conversion .
Contactor is an essential components in the control panel . it actuates when the
signal from the controller [ PLC Relay logic ] comes . it is similar to relay it is
costlier than relay , it is used for a higher load .
When designing the control panel , the front panel is mainly for control circuit.
Quality of the curing methods used in an industrial control panel an vary quite widely ,
the goal is to produce a panel that is logically arranged and easy to maintain for the
life of control panel .
Optimize space
Place PLC I/0 racks in the lay created by the wiring duct to allow room for the high
density of wires going to them from the duct . don’t leave space where there is no wiring
typically the top of the duct 1/0 rack. Place similar size devices in their own bay where
possible considered the routing of all the wires and the various voltage will be kept
separated SPACING BETWEEN wined device and wireless or other obstructions :
2’’minimum: 21/2-3 preferred for 120 VAC and lessos 4’’ for 480 Volts [ enough to insert
a closed fish between the device and the wire way another device or obstruction .
Keep the power components separate from the signal level components so that
maintenance and other engineers can work on the equipment without hazards being
present . how
1. Run as much as possible on 24 vcd. This wound include the plc.’s and most other
panel devices A safety panel would then house only there school and arc float
safe electrical components .
2. Power supply could be placed in a separate enclosure include in the main [ low
voltage ] panel and put group together and protected separately so that can be real
with then a tool when control panel door is opened .
3. Motor control running at anything over 50 volts should be contained in a separate
enclosure . try removing the motor controls away from the power device where
possible . this includes putting the HIM [key ][variable speed device ] for Example
on the out of the control panel , so that des not have to be opened .
By Mr. Arusei
flexible wire
shaft device
car box
push buttons series SL
floor push button [ L.O.P]
Car push button [C.O.P]
Dark vision
TM37 Push buttons
Oval polycarbonate push button with coloured metal ring or chromed of 37 mm
diameter with numbers in relief and in accordance to EN 81.70/l E.D 24 vcc lighting
TM 40 push buttons
Car display SIL911, synoptic with all the car signals integrated
Alarm signals
Emergency lighting
Floor number ascent / descent arrow and next destination arrows , out of service
signal / surcharge signal firemen manource signal floor arrival signal floor arrival
signal .
Floor display
Electronic board to power hydraulic control panel in emergency with possibility to
reqen doors at 48 Vdc/ battery charge 12v 7AH + emergency light.
Electronic board to report power hydraulic / rope control panel in emergency with
possibility to re open any type of design
1] Input
2] controller
All PLC’s have four major parts powder supply processor input module and output
modules .
Input device seem as push button switches are wired directly to the input module and
any other control devices motor starter or solenoids are connected directly to the output
module .
The program in the PLC [controller ] will determine which switch will control which
output thus physical electrical wiring needs only to connect one time during the
installation process and the control circuit can be changed unlimited times through
simple changes to the ladder logic programmed .
ii. Out put address
iii. Internal auxiliary relay
iv. Timer
v. Counter
vi. Interruption free relay
By Mr. Arusei
I0 00
I1 01
I2 02
I3 03
1 19
Allen Bradley one of the most popular brands uses two different addressing system . in
its medium sized PLC’S [SLC 500 and PLCS] the address for an input or output uses
numbers that indicate the location of the input or output module in the rack and its uses
a safeguard numbering system for address in its small sized micro logic 1000lcs
N/B Each I/0 point addresses in memory are assigned to memory the addresses in a
memory block is called a meory map.
For safe efficient working , electrical machine must be firmly mounted and
currently installed and connected to the supply .
There are three factors which need to be considered
- Mounting or fixing the motor in position.
- Coupling the motor to the load it has to drive
- Connecting the motor to the electrical supply
- Depends on the nature of surface which must support and hold the motor in a firm
position if the floor is as thick layer of concrete the motor may be directly bolted
to it or the concrete the motor may be directly bolted to it or the concrete may be
built up to a raw / bolt or rag bolts . if the motor is to be mounted on a wooden
board floor , the weight must be spread over several joists , the boards may also
require strengthening with extra wooded or steel joints at right angles to the
exciting joints .
- drwaing
When the motor and machine have to be mounted closer on each other and A relating
larger will be required reduction drives a multi-gear train or gear box will be required .
N/B with belt drives the speed of motor and machine pulley are inversely proportional to
their diameter the larger the diameter the lower the speed . with the chain and gear drives
the speed of the toothed wheels are inversely proportional to the number of teeth . the small
– toothed wheels are referred to as pinions , the larger ones as spur wheels .
On the driven machine requires a high starting torque . it is necessary for the motor to
start off –load and then take up the drive as it gather speed . this is achieved by special
designed couplings .
The two haves of the coupling have specially shaped blades which are not connected to
each other i.e. The motor and machine are not coupled in the stationary position . those
blades are not coupled in the oil and as the motor shaft begins to revolve , the half –
coupling on the motor shaft scopes the oil and flings it to start rotating slowly after a
while there will both run at full speed this can be used also to reduce the high starting
current of motors with required expensive types of electrical starters .
Eddy current
Uses electromagnet force A d.c current is connected to its the winging in the coupling the
motor and drive machine becomes magnetically connected .
By Mr. Arusei
System wiring from motor to supply depends on the site conditions . A flexible
connection to the terminal box is necessary to allow motor movement in alighting and belt
tensioning . A separate protection conduction is fixed on the flexible conductor .
Where MICC cables are used , a loop is made near the terminal box .
I.E.E. Regulation
Every motor must be provided with the means to stop and start the stop device to be within
easy reach of the operator
Provision must be made to prevent unexpected restart after stopping , owing to drop in
voltage , or failure of supply both are dangerous . one device could serve a group of motors
i.e. if several small motors are fed from a distribution board then a no-volt coil release
fitted in the supply to that board would be sufficient additional equipment to lock the motor
from supply if the motor is far from control equipment .
Every motor over 0.37kw must have means of protection against excess current.
Cables supplying the motor shall be rated at the full load current taken.
N/B means of complying with .I.E.E. Regulation for a group of small motors in a machine
By Mr. Arusei
N/B when excess current flows its movement is delayed by the suction of oil on the plunger
in the dashboard. The delay time can be varied by different sized escape holes in the plunger .
this is mainly used on motor switching gears to prevent tripping operation during the start
period .
Note - for frequent stop starting the cables may have to be heavier because of heavier
starting current
- The motor excess current device operation is suitable for starting currents. Generally
all 3-phase motor installation require a separate sub- circuit from distribution fuse
board and suitable protection against excess current [overloads] and un expected
restart [ no volt release] isolation should be provided by the motor control gear.
- All terminals on three -phase supplies must be enclosed in earthed metal or in all-
insulated enclosures.
Varies instruments are required to personal checks on machine either on operational
or standing . they include insulation tester continuity tester ductor tester feeler
gauge , spring balance, straight edges and string lines .
Checking ohmic value of winding carefully so that no false low value are obtained
if there are other connections e.g. ON controls that have low values .
Instrument for measuring very small resistance values that are not practical to read an
continuity tester e.g. 0.01Ω etc. the ductor circulate heavy current and measure
By Mr. Arusei
millivolt [mv] drop across resistance path, if this is not available then a heavy
current and measured R= V/ I –R
E.G. IF 60A Flows and the voltage 30mV then resistance = 0.0005Ω which is
difficult to read with an armature winding of a heavy current d.c machine copper
bars in the rotor of a squirrel cage motor or the joints and termination on bus bur
and heavy current cable installation .
To avoid transmission of vibration to adjoining parts of building or other foundation
, it is necessary to provide a suitable isolation between the equipment foundation
and the adjoining structure usually a gap is maintained all around the foundation for
the equipment and is filled by sand to avoid such transmission of vibration the
foundation for the equipment should not be allowed to serve as a support for other
When wiring is to be done for electric motors the following points should be followed
keeping in view the degree of protection necessary and desired economy.
-A separate circuit to be done for electric motors from fuse distribution board , this method
is generally adopted for a group of motors of small sizes .
-A separate circuit may be run to each motor from a distribution board . the fuses are to be
used in each brach circuit of ample capacity .
The frame of each motor shall be earthed by two separate and distinct connection
through each electrodes the each earth connection should be visible for periodic
inspection .
By Mr. Arusei
C= power panel
E= motor starter fitted with over current and no- volt material device
F= motor
J= Card with instruments for resusciting persons suffering from electric shock
EP= Earthing
The terminal making are as specified in 15:325 before connecting the motor supply please
refer to the connection diagram carefully and follow the instruments special instruments if
arm will be given separately . to reverse the direction of rotation interchange any two of the
line leads for three phase motors .
Double earth for 3phase machine and equipment
How it is done?
It help in case one earth is out of the other, the other one will do the work. Two earthings
are done at a distance of about 5 meter , and t for The other earth wires should be fixed with
the help of thimbles [ plugs ] of proper sizes with different places . the two wires should not
touch each other .
Insulation resistance is measured between conductor and earth . it is of the order of several
tens thousands mea ohims or infinity for the healthy insulation . it is measured by means of
megger [ mega- diameter] .
By Mr. Arusei
N/B see differences b/n earth continuity and insulation resistance for insulation resistance ,
resistance is almost infinity white for earth continuity it is zero.
Insulator should be sufficient enough to avoid any possible leakage of current , the leakage
of the current should not exceed one/ five thousand part or 0.02% of full load current test is
conducted on whole installation on main switch .
Before performing insulation resistance test between conductor the position of main switch
fuses and switch should be as under :
- Main switch in off position with fuse nt.
- All switches in or position
- All lamps and other applicants should be removed .
- The fuses beyond the main shift should be in position
By Mr. Arusei
(a) RELAY PANNEL - relays are generally mounted on a separate panel , type and
number of relays depends on requirements .
(b) INSTRUMENTAL PANNEL - Indicating ammeter voltmeters energy meters their
selection switches recording instruments if any fitted on instrument panel .
(c) SYNCHRONOUS PANEL- The panel for synchonising can be converted arranged
on the upper portion of the cubicle , the indicating instrument show ‘’incoming
volts ‘’ ‘ bus bar volts and slow or faster .
(d) CUBICLE PANNEL : The cubicle are arranged in a line side by side , sometimes
the relay cubicles with corridor is between the corridor is roofed and through out
are provided for wiring which run between the controller and relay panels.
(e) Carrier communication panel – carrier communication panel is connected to the
power line through coupling capacitor communication can be carried out between
the station by carrier channels D.C supply for protective relating is obtained from
battery system,
(f) Automatic voltage regulating the voltage automatically
(g) Process control panel – it is used for controlling different processes .
There are no hard and test rules regarding the located layout of control rooms . it is located
at one end of the shape it should be near the management office and good instrument test
room , there should be good communication between the control room and management
office it should be away from noise and disturbance .
A layout depends on the size of the substance operating requirements and type of
installation it should be design to amble to routine operation equally spaced and separate area
should be available for movement of personnel ,
If the substance is two large it will have a large number of protective relay panels control
panels and mattering panels , it is preferred to have separate panels for the following .
- Relay panels
- Metering panels
- Control panels
The diagram of main connection are given on the front of the panel , indicating
position of the circuit breaker an isolator . control room for generate and main transmit
or are generally brought on a separate control main transistor . are generally in front
of main control board separate control desk located centrally in front of main
control desks are provided for prime –moves and boilers , in case of medium size
installation panel can be width can be increased to accommodate relay and other
equipment incase of complex protective schemes a separate relay panel .
By Mr. Arusei
sheet steel cubicles , these cubicles are assembled on common channel iron base
plates according to the needs
The cubicles are fabricated as follows : the angles iron or channel iron are cut
according to drawings . the pieces are wedged to form the frame sheets are cut on
shearing machine to require sizes