Course Calendar: 2008/09 Academic Year - Semester 2

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International Human Design School

Course Calendar
2008/09 Academic Year - Semester 2
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I n t e r n a t i o n a l H u m a n D e s i g n S c h o o l

In 1992, Ra Uru Hu began training the first students in Human Design. Now, after sixteen years of experiment, experience and evolution, the 2008/09
Academic Year in the IHDS (International Human Design School) represents a landmark in Human Design Education.

In 2005 the Virtual Campus of the IHDS was born, with only one Teacher, Ra Uru Hu. Over the years the IHDS began to expand both in programming and in
faculty and this year we see the vision of the IHDS fully realized; a true virtual campus dedicated to Human Design Education and staffed by an ever
expanding and eclectic mix of highly trained HD Professionals from around the globe.

Here at the IHDS, students and teachers from around the world come together in the virtual classroom to study, experiment and share their experience with
Human Design.

We offer programs suitable to all levels of students and interests, from the Newcomer to the Professional, from general education to professional trainings.

Our doors are open and we invite you to come inside and take part in this unique experience.
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Living Your Design Guide page 17 The Matrix of Fish, Reptiles & Birds page 42

Introduction to Family Practice page 18 The Mammalian Matrix page 43

Family Practice Analyst Certification page 19 The Vortex of the Sacral page 44

BG5 Small Business Analysis page 20 Secrets of the Center Level page 45

OC16: The Wa Theoretics page 21 Cross Lights page 46

Advanced Keynoting page 22 The Camel and the Straw page 47

The Dark Side of the Moon page 48
The Faces of the Feminine page 49
Parenting for the 21st Century page 50
Getting with The Program page 51
Transit Clinic page 52
The Science of Differentiation College page 23 An Introduction to the Performance of the Pattern page 53
Primary Health System - Courses page 24
Rave Psychology - Courses page 25

The Faculty page 54

Interactive Classes with Ra Uru Hu page 4 Richard Beaumont page 55
Design Resonance Mapping page 5 Deborah Bergman page 56
The Biversity page 26
Rave History page 6 Genoa Bliven page 57
Kracking the Kernel page 27
Overview Clinic page 7 Alokanand Diaz del Rio page 58
Rave Cosmology I page 28
Advanced Mechanics II page 8 Martin Grassinger page 59
Rave Cosmology II page 29
Rave Prophesy page 9 Cathy Kinnaird page 60
Planets in the Bodygraph Part One page 30
The Five Signposts page 10 Andrea Reikl-Wolf page 61
Sex and Relationship page 31
The Crosses of the Not-Self page 32 Peter Schoeber page 62

The Gifts of Manifestation page 33 Ilse Sendler page 63

Manifesting Generator Clinic page 34 Lynda Stone page 64

The Purpose of (Homogenized) Awareness page 35 Dharmen Swann-Herbert page 65

The IHDS Professional Training Academy page 11 A Healthy Look at the Circuits page 36 Leela Swann-Herbert page 66
Living Your Design page 12 The Mystery of Life & its Matrixes page 37 Mary Ann Winiger page 67
Level I: Rave ABC’s page 13 The Origin of Life page 38
Level II: Rave Cartography page 14 The Instability of Life page 39
Professional Training Level II page 15 The Plant Matrix page 40
Professional Training Level III page 16 The Insect Matrix page 41 Information page 68
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I n t e r a c t i v e C l a s s e s w i t h R a U r u H u

To be educated in Human Design directly by Ra Uru Hu is an extraordinary thing.

In addition to his work in the IHDS training Academy as a teacher of OC16 and his role in personally overseeing the Science of Differentiation College and
teaching of its advanced programs, Ra also offers a wide range of programs each semester suitable for Newcomers and Human Design enthusiasts alike.

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Interactive Classes with Ra Uru Hu

Design Resonance Mapping:

The Way of the Flesh

Teacher: Ra Uru Hu

Number of Semesters 1 Day of the week Tuesday

Regular Price $625 Number of Lessons 5
Early Bird Price $550 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT
Start Date January 20 Duration of Lessons 1 hour

For advanced studies in Design Lunar & Planetary Square

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Interactive Classes with Ra Uru Hu

Rave History
The Plutonic Interregnum
Teacher: Ra Uru Hu

Number of Semesters 1 Day of the week Wednesday

Regular Price $625 Number of Lessons 5
Early Bird Price $550 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT
Start Date January 21 Duration of Lessons 1 hour

A unique Incarnative approach to historical analysis

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Interactive Classes with Ra Uru Hu

Overview Clinic

Teacher: Ra Uru Hu

Number of Semesters 1 Day of the week Thursday

Regular Price $625 Number of Lessons 5
Early Bird Price $550 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT
Start Date January 22 Duration of Lessons 1 hour

In this clinic Ra provides overviews of student's charts. A wonderful way to learn about yourself and the basic's of analysis.
Due to the analytical nature of this clinic, a maximum of 40 seats will be made available. Be sure to book early to ensure your place.

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Interactive Classes with Ra Uru Hu

Advanced Mechanics II

Teacher: Ra Uru Hu

Number of Semesters 1 Day of the week Tuesday

Regular Price $625 Number of Lessons 5
Early Bird Price $550 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT
Start Date March 3 Duration of Lessons 1 hour

Open to students who attended Advanced Mechanics I

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Interactive Classes with Ra Uru Hu

Rave Prophesy
The Dictate of the Dark Eden:
Lose knowledge and fade Away
Teacher: Ra Uru Hu

Number of Semesters 1 Day of the week Wednesday

Regular Price $625 Number of Lessons 5
Early Bird Price $550 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT
Start Date March 4 Duration of Lessons 1 hour

An examination of the close of the Global Cycle of Planning and the end of the first line process and what it all portends.

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Interactive Classes with Ra Uru Hu

The Five Signposts

Teacher: Ra Uru Hu

Number of Semesters 1 Day of the week Thursday

Regular Price $625 Number of Lessons 5
Early Bird Price $550 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT
Start Date March 5 Duration of Lessons 1 hour

The Five Signposts: Measuring Transformation

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T h e I H D S P r o f e s s i o n a l T r a i n i n g A c a d e m y

The Human Design System from its inception has been training professionals.

Today across the globe Human Design Professional Analysts and Teachers offer their services to an ever growing audience.

The IHDS Professional Training Academy was formally established in September 2008 and offers a broad array of training programs.

Human Design is an evolution that takes hold one person at a time. A career in Human Design is an extraordinary journey and The Academy is dedicated to
providing the highest quality education and preparation for the would-be professional.

This semester is no exception. For the Newcomer who is ready to begin the experiment of Living their Design to the seasoned Professional looking to bring
new skills and services to their clients, this semesters curriculum offers something for everyone.

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General Education

Living Your Design,

A Cellular Transformation

Teacher: Mary Ann Winiger

Start Date January 19 Number of Lessons 6 lessons (1.5 – 2.0 hours each)
Day of the week Monday and Wednesday Regular Price $350
Time of Lessons 20:00 GMT Early Bird Price $299 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

The Living Your Design Workshop is a transformational journey that can change your life. This workshop teaches the most important foundational and transformational aspects of Human
Design. Open to newcomers who have had a Human Design reading.
The Human Design System transforms and empowers us to live according to our own true nature, and to know what is correct and not correct for us. Through understanding specifically what
takes us off track in life we can use this information to keep ourselves on our correct path.
Once you have had a reading it is important to take the Living Your Design Course so that you can deepen your understanding of your Strategy and Authority and the conditioning you have
experienced. The information in this class will lead you down an incredible path of self-discovery and knowledge. It will assist you with your own personal growth and provide a deeper
understanding of what it means to Live Your Design.

You will learn to know what your 'issues' and 'challenges' are; operate in the world with less frustration, bitterness, anger and disappointment; have a deeper understanding of yourself; learn
how you have been conditioned and what you can do about it; learn your specific strategy and authority which will help you to live a life in alignment with your true nature; learn exactly how to
utilize your "inner authority" so you can make clear and correct decisions in your life; with this information you will gain a deep appreciation of just how different we all are and be able to work
from a place of respect for these differences; and you will see how a particular strategy may be right for you but not right for another.
There is a direct link between the timing of our birth and the activation of the specific qualities of our personal genetic code. Human Design utilizes this link to give you profound insights into
the qualities influencing your life experience. Human Design provides a way for us to know if we are living our own authentic life or a life conditioned by outside influences. It shows us
techniques to break away from these conditioned habits, which can propel us forward to discover and live our true purpose in life.

Pre-requisites: Reading
Required Materials: Living Your Design Manual – which must be read prior to the first class.

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General Education

Level I: Rave ABC’s

Teacher: Genoa Bliven

Start Date February 27 Number of Lessons 6 lessons (1.5 hours each)

Day of the week Friday Regular Price $450
Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT Early Bird Price $399 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Rave ABC’s is the first level of professional and general IHDS education. Designed to satisfy curiosity about HD basics while also laying the foundation to educate either skilled analysts or
general students, the Rave ABC program is both a General Education course, open to anyone and a required course for the Professional Education program.

Rave ABC’s is designed to be easy and fun, providing rapid development of superficial yet potent skills using basic principles and surface keynotes of Design. In addition the student will learn
the origins of Human Design including an overview of the synthesis of the components that make up Human Design. You will learn how all these pieces fit together to form the bodygraph.

Topics Covered Include:

The mystical and scientific origins of Human Design covering the topics of Neutrinos, Crystals of Consciousness, Magnetic Monopole, Astrology, Genetics, Chakras and the Kabbalah
A thorough exploration of the Red and the Black or the Unconscious and Conscious, Personality and Design, Rave Calculation and the mechanics of how these come together creating our
Understanding circuitry and their keynotes covering Individuality, Collective and Tribal Groups with keynote practicing.
Hexagram structure and understanding the line values, upper and lower trigrams and how to bring it all together to keynote a chart.

Pre-requisites: Reading, Living Your Design Course

Required Materials: Rave ABC Student Manual

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General Education

Level II: Rave Cartography

Teacher: Cathy Kinnaird

Start Date January 20 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1.5 - 2.0 hours each)
Day of the week Tuesdays Regular Price $850
Time of Lessons 20:00 GMT Early Bird Price $799 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Rave Cartography is the second level of Professional and General IHDS education and is a required course for the Professional Education Program.

In Rave Cartography you will gain a much deeper understanding of the bodygraph integrating all the different aspects. Student charts will be used and by the end of this course students will
have a much deeper understanding of their own charts and how to synthesize all the information within a bodygraph.

Topics Covered Include:

• The Nine Centered Being and the Mutation of the Human Cycle
• The Genetic Imperative and Homogenization
• An in-depth look at the centers and their biology
• Bodygraph cartography with the channels
• Definition and Auras
• Strategy and Authority in depth
• The mechanics of profiling
• Profiles – Right Angle, Juxtaposition and Left Angle
• Keynoting

Pre-requisites: Reading, Living Your Design Course and Rave ABC Course
Required Materials: Rave Cartography Student Manual (set of 2 books)

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General Education

Professional Training Level II:

Cycles and Connections

Teacher: Lynda Stone

Start Date January 22 Number of Lessons 8 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Thursday Regular Price $750
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $699 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

The Professional Training Sequence can be seen as a pyramid with PTL I as the peak in intensity. In this course you will learn the basic keys in transit, cycle and relationship analysis.

On completion of this course, student analysts will qualify as certified Life Cycle and Partnership once they complete PTLVI.

PTL II is an interactive workshop that delivers extensive new content and approach.

Topics Covered Include:

• The Human Design Ephemeris and the Planets
• Transit and Cycle Analysis
• Composites: Connection Channel Mechanics
• Composites: Connection (Partnership)

Pre-requisites: Reading, LYD, Rave ABC, Rave Cartography, and PTL1

Required Materials: MMI Professional Edition

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General Education

Professional Training Level III:

Incarnation Crosses

Teacher: Genoa Bliven

Start Date January 21 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 - 1.5 hours each)

Day of the week Wednesday Regular Price $850
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $799 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Incarnation Crosses in the context of the Quarter.

In this course you will learn how to do Incarnation Cross Readings. The focus will be on understanding and learning the formula for keynoting the Incarnation Crosses. This is an interactive
course where you will practice Incarnation Cross Readings.

Our purpose is expressed through our Incarnation Cross – but this can only be achieved after we have entered into the experiment of strategy and authority and de-conditioning. Your gifts are
expressed through your Incarnation Cross when you are operating correctly in the world. On completion of this course, student analysts will qualify as certified Incarnation Cross Analysts once
they complete PTLVI.

Topics Covered Include:

* Quarters
* Profiles in relation to IC
* Personality Sun in relation to IC
* Nodes in relation to IC

Pre-requisites: Reading, LYD, Rave ABC, Rave Cartography, PTL1, and PTL2
Required Materials: Incarnation Cross Digital Books

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Advanced Certifications

Living Your Design Guide

Certification Program

Teacher: Lynda Stone

Start Date January 20 Number of Lessons 8 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Tuesday Regular Price $1,800
Time of Lessons 19:00 GMT Early Bird Price $1,600 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

This course prepares and certifies a Human Design Student or Professional to host and give the Living Your Design Workshop.

The Living Your Design Guide training is groundbreaking in the Human Design Community and is designed to provide a thorough and streamlined approach to assisting the newcomer
to Human Design into the actual experience of living their design. This course will teach the Certified Living Your Design Guide how to properly initiate a newcomer into the experiment of
following ones strategy and authority through various lessons, discussions, experiential techniques and exercises. This program is intended to train and teach certified Living Your Design
Guides to “support” the newcomer into the experiment, surrender and enter into the journey of living their design.

The Living Your Design Guide Training Method is a thorough, yet streamlined approach to teaching some of the basics of Human Design in regards to type, strategy, authority and
conditioning. This course will provide the LYD Guide with the information and techniques necessary in which to assist and give the newcomer to Human Design a sound footing in getting
started on their 7 year de-conditioning process.
This course gives the LYD Guide the necessary steps to take the client through in order to establish and convey why following strategy and authority is significant and life changing. This
course will also teach the LYD Guide how to assist, help and guide the student to understand their own personal conditioning via examples, experiential techniques, discussions and
experiences. Participants are given the tools needed to present the larger view of the importance of strategy and authority in relation to the whole.
Additional resources made available for each participant include audio downloads from Ra Uru Hu’s foundational June 2005 teaching of this method as well as a PowerPoint presentation and
lesson plan for the Guide to use in teaching this course to the newcomer.

The LYD Guide program is experiential and will use real life examples and class participant charts along with Q&A sessions that expressly respond to the particular needs and designs of the
class members. As each participant more fully integrates the depth and breath of the significance of surrendering to their own strategy and authority, they can become the true living examples
of this teaching.

Pre-requisites: Reading, LYD, Rave ABC and Rave Cartography Courses

Required Materials: Living Your Design Student and Teacher Manuals

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Advanced Certifications

Introduction to Family Practice

Teacher: Alokanand Diaz del Rio

Start Date January 23 Number of Lessons 5 lessons (1.5 hours each)

Day of the week Friday Regular Price $450
Time of Lessons 19:00 GMT Early Bird Price $400 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

This course introduces students to the Penta, the trans-auric form that emerges when three to five people come together.

Penta is the basis of Family Analysis and provides a unique insight based on grouped mapping in the PentaGraph. We are all born into Pentas and this course offers a practical guide to the
mechanics of family.

It is through the Family that we learn to see the world and ourselves. This alone makes it worthwhile to investigate the collective aura configuration into which you were born and probably
spent the first seven years of your life. It is here that the deepest layers of conditioning are set in place.

In this course, you will have the opportunity to investigate both the healthy and unhealthy dynamics that were part of your family while growing up. Through this understanding you will become
aware of your strengths and vulnerabilities in a group environment. By understanding these dynamics there is a potential for a deeper sense of self acceptance and the ability to see how you
are designed to interact with the world as a whole.

Introduction to Family Practice is the pre-requisite for students who wish to participate in the Family Practice Analyst Certification program but is open to all interested participants.

Pre-requisites: None
Required Materials: MMI Professional Penta Edition is recommended

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Advanced Certifications

Family Practice
Analyst Certification

Teacher: Alokanand Diaz del Rio

Start Date January 27 Number of Lessons 6 lessons (1.5 hours each)

Day of the week Friday Regular Price $1,800
Time of Lessons 19:00 GMT Early Bird Price $1,600 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

As professionals, you will become certified as a Family Practice Analyst.

You will be licensed to perform the service of reading charts for family groups and assist the family unit into a new way of seeing themselves within the dynamic of the penta.

This work is very beneficial to all members of a family unit, particularly children.

When a family understands the mechanics they can then understand how the mechanics play out in the dynamic of their family relationship. And from this understanding we have the
opportunity to create an environment of acceptance for the uniqueness of each member of the family.

Pre-requisites: Introduction to Family Practice, Human Design Licensed Analyst

Required Materials: MMI Professional Penta Edition

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Advanced Certifications

BG5 Small Business Analysis

Semester 2

Teacher: Ilse Sendler

Start Date January 23 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Friday Regular Price $4,000
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $3,500 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

In Human Design, the being is held together in the illusion of separateness.

In Human Consulting, groups of beings are held together despite the illusion of their separateness.

Human Consulting is based on the analysis of trans-personal auras.

There are two types of trans-personal auras, the Penta and the Wa.

The Penta, as its name suggests, is based on five auric combinations and is the foundation of all enterprise.
BG5 is a one year, three semester program leading to the licensing of a BG5 Small Business Analyst and Engineer.

Throughout this program you will learn to provide individuals with career analysis, and small businesses with staff engineering assistance for the most successful results. BG5 A and E's will be
exclusive practitioners with direct support from Jovian Archive Media Inc.

Please note that in addition to the program fees there will be an additional $3,000.00 fee in the 3rd Semester for contractual licensing and exclusive use of BG5 software and support.

Open to any student that has completed ABC and Rave Cartography.
Subscription for Semesters 2 is only open to students who have completed Semester 1.
Required Materials: BG5 Small Business Analyst Software is provided

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Advanced Certifications

OC16: The Wa Theoretics

Year 1 / Semester 2

Teacher: Ra Uru Hu

Start Date January 23 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Friday Regular Price $3,250
Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT Early Bird Price $3,000 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

OC16 is a two year licensing program. This program is the culmination of Ra’s investigation into trans-auric forms.

Year One: Wa Theoretics

Year Two: OC16 Corporate and Large Group Analysis

In year one this program will focus on the correlation between WA mechanics and basic human organizing patterns.

WA mechanics determine both tribal and gene-pool formation and provide frameworks for the establishment of successful groupings.

The year one program is open to certified BG5 Consultants, IHDS Certified professional Analysts and Teachers and to third year Science of Differentiation College students.
Year Two is only open to BG5 Consultants who have completed year one of OC16
Required Materials: MMI Software is currently in development which will be exclusive to OC16 participants.

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Continuing Education

Advanced Keynoting

Teacher: Genoa Bliven

Start Date January 22 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 - 1.5 hours each)

Day of the week Thursday Regular Price $750
Time of Lessons 19:00 GMT Early Bird Price $699 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Keynoting is a poetic art. When you hear it, it sounds effortless and magical, yet it is based upon precise, invisible procedures that you can learn to use.

The reading art has developed in Human Design over two decades. It has been a wonderfully creative development. Each kind of Human Design reading builds on its predecessors. Each of
us needs to understand and recapitulate this development, to be the readers that we can be.

We will review the history of Human Design reading techniques and learn the reasons behind their development. We will also learn to keynote at each level of the Human Design Educational
Program. These practices bring structure and discipline to our work as readers.

We will learn how to do reading-introductions, where all of the essential information about the bodygraph and the Human Design “experiment in living” can be communicated to clients in a
matter of minutes. With this as a starting point, we can learn to use reading-protocols to communicate detailed information in a clear and organized fashion. Then, we are ready to “take flight”
and translate Human Design Knowledge into our mother tongue. You will see how the synthesizing power of the vernacular can work absolute magic in chart reading and in people’s lives.

Finally, we each need to learn to jump into the “act of movement” of the keynoting process, to take the risk to fly ourselves. We practice - and repeat our practice, to bring all of the elements of
effective chart-reading to bear upon every chart - to build structure, confidence, integrity and fluidity in our work.

Let’s take a hold of the art of reading - making it something fun, helpful and realistic, precise and inspiring - so that your human design practice is life-changing, a genuine thrill for you as a
reader and as an artist.

Pre-requisites: None
Required Materials: None

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T h e S c i e n c e o f D i f f e r e n t i a t i o n C o l l e g e

Human Design is the Science of Differentiation and this IHDS College offers complex and inspiring programs.

The core College programs of Rave Psychology and Primary Health System (PHS) have in fact been running in the IHDS for the last three years.

As empowering as Human Design is for the Personality Passenger, PHS is the awakening key for the Design Vehicle, whereas Rave Psychology is the study
of the underlying motivations of the Personality and leads to the study of the mapping of the mind.

Ra Uru Hu personally oversees the College and participates actively in the teaching along with PHS Lecturer Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf and Rave Psychology
Lecturer Alokanand Diaz del Rio. The College is affiliated with the Center for Human Differentiation and trains its staff.

This semester students can continue along the journeys they began last semester in both PHS and Rave Psychology. The Science of Differentiation College
will open its doors to new students for both programs in September 2009. Current PHS and RP students can view the following listings for a timetable of this
semesters programming.

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The Science of Differentiation College

Primary Health System

Year One: Semester Two

Start Date January 20 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)
Day of the week Tuesday Regular Price $1,150
Time of Lessons 20:00 GMT Early Bird Price $1,050 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Andrea Reikl-Wolf

Year Two: Semester Two

Start Date January 20 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)
Day of the week Tuesday Regular Price $1,150
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $1,050 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Andrea Reikl-Wolf

Year Three: Semester Two

Start Date January 19 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)
Day of the week Monday Regular Price $1,350
Time of Lessons 15:30 GMT Early Bird Price $1,200 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Ra Uru Hu

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The Science of Differentiation College

Rave Psychology

Year One: Semester Two

Start Date January 21 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)
Day of the week Wednesday Regular Price $1,150
Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT Early Bird Price $1,050 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Alokanand Diaz del Rio

Year Two: Semester Two

Start Date January 21 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)
Day of the week Tuesday Regular Price $1,150
Time of Lessons 19:00 GMT Early Bird Price $1,050 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Alokanand Diaz del Rio

Year Three: Semester Two

Start Date January 19 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)
Day of the week Monday Regular Price $1,350
Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT Early Bird Price $1,200 (available from Dec. 1 - 10) Ra Uru Hu

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The Biversit y - Gener al and Continuing Educ ation

Ra Uru Hu coined the term ‘Biverse’ in the early 90’s to better express the dualistic nature of the totality, or universe. Biversity - rather than university - is
derived from this term.

Staffed by an eclectic and talented group of IHDS professionals, The Biversity offers a cross section of workshops, lectures and courses adding a new and
exciting dimension to the IHDS. Whereas the IHDS Training Academy and the Science of Differentiation College focus on extended and detailed certification
programs, the Biversity opens the door to general Human Design education with the possibility to ‘catch up and catch on’, or simply pursue a specific interest.

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The Biversity

Kracking the Kernel

Laws of Difference

Teacher: Richard Beaumont

Start Date January 18 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Sunday Price $800
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $650 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

This is a deep exploration into the individual circuit groups. At its core, there are nearly nine years of investigation into Human Design as a first line being; having 5 individual channels, and a
right fixed mind. But its existence comes from experiencing a deeply personal breakdown/breakthrough early in 2008, which opened my knowing to a new level and changed my life forever.

I was born in the Quarter of Mutation with The Cross of Laws. I have The Cross of Explanation as my Chiron journey, hence the title of this course. It reveals new perceptions into the nature of
the pulse and the predicament of the individual process. It is an educational plummet into uniqueness and has been designed as a transformational, empowering experience for the listener.

Prerequisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

Rave Cosmology I:
The Bhan Tugh Plates

Teacher: Deborah Bergman

Start Date January 20 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 – 1.2 hours each)

Day of the week Tuesday Price $750
Time of Lessons 20:00 GMT Early Bird Price $700 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Rave Cosmology I: The Bhan Tugh Plates is a required course of the 9 Part Rave Cosmology Certification Program but is also open for general participation.

Before there was light, there was something else: the juxtaposition of Bhan and Tugh. At the heart of this very special eleven-week course are the Bhan Tugh Plates, created by Ra Uru Hu in
1994 to tell the story he was told on the first day of his encounter in 1987. They contain the keys to how the cosmos was conceived and then structured along a line of geometry that began
approximately 15 billion years ago and continues unbroken to include you today.

The simplicity of these illustrated manuscript plates allow us to learn and share stages of juxtaposition and biverse conception, enriched by dark matter research and the dialogue between
quantum mechanics and relativity.

Other topics include: the prime crystals and monopole, the origins of the neutrino stream, core fractal geometry, the birth of stars and consciousness. Dog, Camel and Center, the 88 Alphas,
the mechanics of incarnation, specific planetary roles and triggers for mutation in our time, and also the dance of Phoenician cosmology with the Human Design revelation. This is the
cornerstone offering of the Rave Cosmology Certification Program.

Lavishly complemented with easy-to-reference images (Quick Time) of forces like dark matter and star birth. And, of course, continuing the Rave Cosmology story telling tradition begun by Ra
Uru Hu.

Note: this course also empowers its students with core skills and direction for interpreting, developing and sharing this new oral tradition. These include the recognition and nurturing of each
student’s specific gifts, learning process, and communication style.

Pre-requisites: Rave ABC and Rave Cartography required for Rave Cosmology certification and recommended for general participation. Basic Rave BodyGraph literacy is required.
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

Rave Cosmology II:

The Mystical Way

Teacher: Deborah Bergman

Start Date January 22 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 – 1.2 hours each)

Day of the week Thursday Price $750
Time of Lessons 19:30 GMT Early Bird Price $700 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Rave Cosmology II: The Mystical Way is a required course of the 9 Part Rave Cosmology Certification Program but is also open for general participation.

Among the many streams of the Bodygraph, the Mystical Circuit may be among the most magical and heretical. Spare yet highly mutative, this remarkable framework houses our complete
mystical history and all possible individual mystical and magical potentials.

Its four channels will be familiar to any student of the Bodygraph. However, the Way has an unusual construction, and this unique marriage of content and structure promises a particularly
enthralling and thorough educational journey.

Together, we will travel its channels, gates, lines, keynotes, and pressures while also addressing the mystical stream as a powerful conditioning force. Since the mystical life of homo sapiens
is currently undergoing transformation due to the mutation of the solar plexus, we will also consider the implications of this on the mystical trajectory and conditioning of each class member.

The Way itself will be illustrated with examples from the desert traditions of the Ancient Near East, the Tibetan court of King Trisong Detsen, Camelot/Avalon, and American
Transcendentalism. With example chart interpretation and question and answer periods.

Prerequisites: Rave ABC’s and Rave Cartography. Possibility of attending without Rave Cartography with instructor’s permission and later or simultaneous RC attendance.
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

Planets in the Bodygraph Part One

(Mercury through Saturn)

Teacher: Deborah Bergman

Start Date February 25 Number of Lessons 6 lessons (1 – 1.2 hours each)

Day of the week Wednesday Price $500
Time of Lessons 19:30 GMT Early Bird Price $425 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

In traditional astrology, planetary activations map are interpreted in context of their relationship to earth herself in cyclical, orbital movements represented on the familiar pie chart.

One of the radical gifts of the Human Design system is to frame the planets and their movements in the context of the body itself: located within bodygraph centers and moving from center to
center, their unique orbital patterns and activations reveal as much about certain layers of the bodygraph structure as they do about the consciousness and form of each design.

Moving planetary focus from the forces (planet) to the form (body) also stresses the amazing potential of living a correct human life while empowering more skillful chart interpretation.

In this six week course we will explore the planets from Mercury to Saturn, their human design keynotes, aspects of their traditional interpretive base as depth resource, and mechanics and
implications of their orbits as they move predictably yet uniquely through the nine centers of the bodygraph. The ongoing focus will be to distill these skills into practical keynoting and chart

This is a substantial and concise course that will provide you not only with guidance, but with structures and resources that can enrich the quality and enjoyment of your own chart reading
skills and self discovery on an ongoing basis. The teaching is designed to level to the skill mix of enrolling students. And also to include fun.

Prerequisites: Rave ABC’s and Rave Cartography. Possibility of enrollment without RC prerequisite, with instructor’s permission.
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

Sex and Relationship:

Human Design Alchemy
and Composite Charts
Teacher: Genoa Bliven

Start Date January 23 Number of Lessons 5 lessons (1.5 hours each)

Day of the week Friday Price $500
Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT Early Bird Price $400 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

The nine centered being is emerging from a chrysalis like a butterfly trembling in the sun. A new kind of being is present in the world: independent, communicative, and ready for a new kind of
relationship. Watch out! In the meantime, the old self still yearns for conditioning. That old 7-centered rag-costume doesn’t work, but it never seems to shut up.
There is something emerging in us that says, “We will be able to make breakthroughs. Soon, maybe now, it will all be different; real-time communication and being ourselves at the same time
is really possible”. We’ve all had experiences like these. A kind of synergistic connecting, a genuine reciprocity, but, then it is gone. We wait for what seems like forever for it to happen again.
Are the gods just cruel?

People come to Human Design hoping it will get them what they want. Maybe it will, but how? Maybe it won’t and why not? Human Design strengthens the individual; does this complicate just
being able to be with someone? Get the answers to these questions and many more.
Stuck between your needs and a Human Design hard-place? As nine-centered beings, we have entirely new needs. How do these needs reconcile with older kinds of needs --for
companionship and that plain old feel-good conditioning? Why do we pay such a heavy price? Human Design can lead to real relational intelligence. You can turn your whole life into a
community and find the right relationship with everyone in your life.

This course is an introduction to the Human Design BodyGraph and Relationship Charts -- from the very beginning. This course is simple and practical... but the conversation will also be
steeped in helpful perspectives from the Human Design world with lots of community-building wisdom.
Genoa brings 13 years of investigation of body-graph wisdom, some warm and wild humor, plus he brings his experience as a community organizer to this subject. Human Design is not only
the best thing in the world since relationships themselves; we can actually make them work.

Open to everyone. Beginners to advanced. Everyone is welcome, even voyeurs.

Prerequisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Crosses of the Not-Self

Teacher: Alokanand Diaz del Rio

Start Date January 19 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 – 1.5 hours each)

Day of the week Monday Regular Price $1,150
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $1,050 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

The profound Beauty of Logic is that it has the power to de-mystify all the superstitions that historical ignorance has built around the purpose of Life through the homogenization of human
beliefs. The deepest superstition that our mind is attached to is the dilemma of God as an outer authority, the Divine, out of which our Not-Self mind tries to figure out a meaning for Life that
Life itself does not need, nor has. Every human being is designed to connect to the totality in a unique way, yet the idea of God and the need for a purpose usually stands in the way of
experiencing true fulfillment.

Incarnation crosses clearly reveal the way in which the idea of God or the Divine is going to interfere with our ability to simply recognize and witness the self-reflected nature of our awareness.
It is common to understand incarnation crosses as carrying some kind of ‘divine’ or ‘spiritual’ quality, when in fact they are truly the carriers of the deepest homogenizing forces that exist on
this plane. In this course we will explore the shadow side of the 16 archetypal crosses and their left angles.

Pre-requisites: Rave ABC and Rave Cartography

Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Gifts of Manifestation

Teacher: Alokanand Diaz del Rio

Start Date January 20 Number of Lessons 5 lessons (1 – 1.5 hours each)

Day of the week Tuesday Regular Price $600
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $550 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Note: This class can also be purchased as a Special Offer

‘The Gifts of Manifestation’ and ‘The Manifesting Generator Clinic’ for a special price of $1000.
A fantastic educational opportunity for Manifestors and Manifesting Generators.

Course Description:
The Manifestor type is clearly not understood in the modern world of transition, and most humanly, often it is the very representatives of the type that ignore everything about the dangerously
volatile gift of initiating. Literally, we are talking about the gift of operating ‘freelance’, impacting from the outside on the so-called natural order of things. The Path of Manifestation is as old as
our world, and it is still today at the root of the Psychology of the so-called New World that grew out of the continuity of the old, without ever getting to transcend its deep psychological barriers.
In this course we will explore in depth the nature of the Manifestor Archetype, its beauties and its dilemmas, its creative and purposeful potential as well as its deep limitation, using the
examples of Manifestor participants as illustrations.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials:none

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The Biversity

Manifesting Generator Clinic

Teacher: Alokanand Diaz del Rio

Start Date February 24 Number of Lessons 5 lessons (1 – 1.5 hours each)

Day of the week Tuesday Regular Price $600
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $550 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Note: This class can also be purchased as a Special Offer

‘The Gifts of Manifestation’ and ‘The Manifesting Generator Clinic’ for a special price of $1000.
A fantastic educational opportunity for Manifestors and Manifesting Generators.

Course Description:
One man’s Nectar is another man’s Poison, and nobody suffers more from the old seven-centered Manifestor propaganda than the Manifesting Generator of any kind. The level of
identification with Manifestor propaganda goes so deep in Manifesting Generators that it can openly be declared as a disease, and one that carries deep and diversified ramifications, both
physically and psychologically. Essentially, in the MG we have the meeting of two diametrically opposed principles, one being absolutely Yang and the other absolutely Yin, and to integrate
them creatively into a single flow as an active principle is simply an impossible task for the mind to do. The conditioned mind of the MG will usually cling to the angry manifesting part, in this
way letting ‘all heaven loose’, rather than identifying with the underlying frustration themes that it interprets as inferiority. As a result, every solution to their second hand dilemmas takes them
further and further away from the potential satisfaction of their sacral nature.

It is only when the MG makes decisions from their sacral nature that their manifesting part actually gets a chance to show its beautiful gifts. In combination and without 'The Gifts of
Manifestation', this seminar can be deeply eye opening for the Manifesting Generators still addicted to the miseries of the way they have been conditioned away from the basic receptivity of
their nature.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials:none

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The Biversity

The Purpose
of (Homogenized) Awareness

Teacher: Alokanand Diaz del Rio

Start Date January 22 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 – 1.5 hours each)

Day of the week Thursday Regular Price $1,150
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $1,050 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

The Rave I-Ching is the great book of the Not-Self. The Lines themselves reveal with accuracy the way a human being functions when completely unaware of the mechanics of the Maya.
Whether we look at the line from its exalted extreme or from its detriment, we are seeing nothing but the way homogenization functions in human beings.

Since there is no deeper binding force than awareness, it is through the 120 lines of the three so-called awareness centers that homogenization is packed in clichés as a second-hand
consciousness, through which we learn to define our own sense of ‘normality’ in the way we see ourselves and the world around us.

The truth is that without individuated cognition, there is nothing left for us but ‘normality’ (or not) as a reference for awareness, which means that in the name of homogenized intelligence we
will be ready to do the most outrageous things without ever being capable of finding true fulfillment in them, because it will not be coming out of the correctness of our differentiated nature and
it will be all at the expense of our type’s signature.

As an element of the individual illusion that we experience, the way our lines resonate or not, as an aspect of our differentiated individual nature, reveals so much of the levels of
homogenization that we have to deal with in our own consciousness. Because when your lines operate correctly, you are no longer an authoritarian but are simply you, and you are no longer a
hermit but are simply you, and you certainly do not need to indulge in martyrdom because you have fully integrated the unique qualities of your experience of the third line process, and so on
and so forth.

When true cognition is there, you do not need to define yourself any more through any homogenized construct of mental awareness, but cognition is of the form and only of the form. It is only
through its receptivity to its own form that the personality can align itself to the unique quality of the perspective that the vehicle provides to its fundamental awareness.

Pre-requisites: Rave ABC and Rave Cartography

Required Materials: Rave I-Ching is recommended

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The Biversity

A Healthy Look at the Circuits

Teacher: Martin Grassinger

Start Date January 21 Number of Lessons 10 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Wednesday Price $850
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $750 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Every circuit within the bodygraph represents a specific way of processing energy and therefore has its own way to work out its inherent themes as a part of the whole. Seen in a mechanical
perspective, every circuit is the ruler of a specific theme in terms of health issues. One describes the correct mechanics of Therapy and the Therapist (no matter which kind), another, the
natural mechanics of disease (no matter which kind), the next describes the basic mechanics of the physical world (the body), and another describes the correct method of treatment (no
matter which kind). In their specific interactions, they describe the correct way of interacting between therapist and client, the correct mechanics of applying medicine and therapeutic
techniques, and in the end we will take a look at the mechanics of true healing (of which there is only one kind).

After approximately 17 years of working with Design in my daily practice as a health practitioner, I will share with you my insights and experiences according to the specific energies and
themes within the circuits in a holistic view according to the basics of health. I will also add important basic information in terms of the energies of the circuits for they do not stop or alter in
terms of diseases.

Prerequisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Mystery of Life & its Matrixes

Lecture Series

Teacher: Andrea Reikl-Wolf

Start Date January 19 Number of Lessons 5 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Monday Price All 5 Lectures Available as a Special Offer:

Time of Lessons 19:30 GMT $525

Available both as a Special Offer Package and 5 individual one-off lectures, this fascinating series explores the Mystery of Life itself. What is Life on earth about? What are the characteristics?
In the first half of the Mystery of Matrixes we look at the basic questions about the origin of Life and it’s inherent Instability through the lens of Human Design.

The Life Matrixes can be divided primarily into the Kingdoms of plants and animals. In the second half of this series, the plants and two examples of the major different sub-regnums, insects
and fish, reptiles and birds will be examined.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Origin of Life

Lecture 1

Teacher: Andrea Reikl-Wolf

Start Date January 19 Number of Lessons 1 lesson (1 hour)

Day of the week Monday Price $125
Time of Lessons 19:30 GMT Special Offer Available with the others 4 lectures at $525

When does Life start? What is Life? Biologists have set Parameters for Life and have hypotheses when Life began to emerge in our Cosmological History, but it is still a miracle.

In this Lecture there will be a Human Design perspective on those questions as well as a scientific correlation to get a deeper understanding for the miracle of life.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Instability of Life

Lecture 2

Teacher: Andrea Reikl-Wolf

Start Date January 26 Number of Lessons 1 lesson (1 hour)

Day of the week Monday Price $125
Time of Lessons 19:30 GMT Special Offer Available with the others 4 lectures at $525

The Paradigm of Life is that it has a beginning and an end. And scientists want to solve the question of why there is an end, or death.

In Human Design we can go deeply within the construct of life and find the answer to why life has to end, because the construct itself is unstable.

This lecture will give an extraordinary insight into why life is temporary.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Plant Matrix

Lecture 3

Teacher: Andrea Reikl-Wolf

Start Date February 2 Number of Lessons 1 lesson (1 hour)

Day of the week Monday Price $125
Time of Lessons 19:30 GMT Special Offer Available with the others 4 lectures at $525

Plants are of enormous importance to the Ecosystem and can be easily distinguished from animals. They are usually fixed in one place and use the mechanism of Photosynthesis.

The Design of Plants reflects the differences between Animals and Plants.

The Lecture gives you an insight into the mechanisms of Plant Design and its biology

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Insect Matrix

Lecture 4

Teacher: Andrea Reikl-Wolf

Start Date February 9 Number of Lessons 1 lesson (1 hour)

Day of the week Monday Price $125
Time of Lessons 19:30 GMT Special Offer Available with the others 4 lectures at $525

The different structure of Insects is obvious in seeing their segmented bodies supported by a hard outer covering. They are the largest and the most diverse group of animals.

The design of Insects shows why they form the rhythm of nature.

This Lecture gives you an insight into the mechanisms of Insects’ Design and its biology

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Matrix of Fish, Reptiles & Birds

Lecture 5

Teacher: Andrea Reikl-Wolf

Start Date February 16 Number of Lessons 1 lesson (1 hour)

Day of the week Monday Price $125
Time of Lessons 19:30 GMT Special Offer Available with the others 4 lectures at $525

Although Fish, Reptiles and Birds seem to not have much in common, they share the same evolutionary Pathway.

After all, they belong to the one subphylum of Vertebrates and this fact is shown in the Design of their life forms.

This Lecture gives you an insight into the mechanisms of the Design of these life forms and the communality in their biology.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Mammalian Matrix

Teacher: Andrea Reikl-Wolf

Start Date January 21 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Wednesday Regular Price $1,050
Time of Lessons 20:00 GMT Early Bird Price $950 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

I grew up with pets and now have two cats with exact birth times. When I was 8 years old I fell in love with horses and horseback riding. Later on I got an opportunity to study a drove of full-
blooded Arabian horses with rather good birth times over 20 years – and my mare joined this group 16 years ago. In addition to that I was a horseback riding teacher for several years during
my university years. Therefore it was deeply revealing for me when I got the chance to get an insight into the Design of Mammals. I was able to correlate all of my experiences of living and
working with mammals and their relationships to humans. Through this understanding I recognized that mammals are beneficial to us humans in a way I could never have imagined.

This 11-week course explores the Calculation, the Matrix with its Centers, Channels, Gates & Lines and the relationship between Humans and Mammals. During this semester there will also
be the opportunity to bring your own examples and have them analyzed.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Vortex of the Sacral

Teacher: Andrea Reikl-Wolf

Start Date February 23 Number of Lessons 6 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Monday Regular Price $600
Time of Lessons 19:30 GMT Early Bird Price $550 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

The Sacral Center is a remarkable Motor. It is the only Center that defines a Type, the Type of the Generator. It defines and creates Life not only due to the biological associations of the sexual
organs. There are 9 specific Themes of Availability in terms of Work and Sexuality. The Sacral Center is connected to 5 different Centers and its 11 Channels generate specific Themes.

There is a flow created through the Center itself that results in a vortex that can be recognized as a vibrating energy.

These lectures will give a deep insight into the function, availability and the creation of the vortex of this amazing Motor.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

Secrets of the Center Level

Teacher: Peter Schoeber

Start Date January 19 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Monday Price $750
Time of Lessons 21:00 GMT Early Bird Price $600 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

"You think you know everything about centers? What a mistake!

In this lecture series we will build on the content of my book about centers in two ways: first we will broaden our understanding of the biological function of centers and second we will do
practical keynoting analysis of the not self patterns as opposed to correct functioning.

Most exciting will be the fact, that this will be done using the charts of participants. So, prepare for a very personal ride to hell and heaven and then to singularity."

Prerequisites: none - suitable for newcomers and advanced students.

Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

Cross Lights

Teacher: Ilse Sendler

Start Date January 18 Number of Lessons 5 lessons (1 hour each) (no class on February 1)
Day of the week Sunday Price $500
Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT Early Bird Price $450 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

This program offers an overview of Incarnation Crosses.

Participant’s charts are used to observe the headlines of your personal life and the evolutionary themes.

Prerequisites: A basic understanding of Human Design

Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Camel and the Straw

Teacher: Ilse Sendler

Start Date March 1 Number of Lessons 5 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Sunday Price $400
Time of Lessons 17:00 GMT Early Bird Price $350 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

This course takes a look into the necessary and unnecessary details of various kinds of readings.

Themes examined include Basic Readings, Cross Readings, Genetic Continuity and PHS and Rave Psychology information.

Prerequisites: A basic understanding of Human Design

Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

The Dark Side of the Moon:

Observing the not-self

Teachers: Dharmen and Leela Swann-Herbert

Start Date January 21 Number of Lessons 6 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Wednesday Regular Price $600
Time of Lessons 21:00 GMT Early Bird Price $550 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

The dark of the Moon provides us with a monthly journey for observing the not-self aspects of our conditioning. For all types, the shadows cast by the moon provide the most consistent tools
for revealing who we are not, and thus seeing who we are.

What can be seen and named loses its power. When we begin to teach the mind how to observe our conditioning it begins to let go of its hold over our mind, and our form’s intelligence
benefits. In this class each student will have the opportunity to examine and share discoveries about their not-self conditioning revealed by the moon-shadows; and get feedback and coaching
as they move through the dark side of the Moon.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: The Rave Ephemeris and Rave I’Ching are recommended.

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The Biversity

The Faces of the Feminine:

Our Conditioning
through the Wheel
Teachers: Dharmen and Leela Swann-Herbert

Start Date January 22 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Thursday Regular Price $900
Time of Lessons 21:00 GMT Early Bird Price $800 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Every turn of the wheel, the Sun passes through 16 faces of influence – some of which are particularly yin in nature.

These archetypes maintain the global conditioning of the feminine principle in both men and women deep at the cellular level, in our DNA. In this class we will take an in-depth look at the
faces of the feminine, which provide the cultural ideals, social structures, and mental strategies of conditioning, of what we consider to be female in our world. Open to both women and men.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

Parenting for the 21st Century

through Human Design

Teachers: Dharmen and Leela Swann-Herbert

Start Date January 23 Number of Lessons 11 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Friday Regular Price $900
Time of Lessons 20:00 GMT Early Bird Price $800 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Human Design is for children – the children of today, and of tomorrow. We can share Human Design with our children by learning to be our unique selves as parents, and provide an
environment in which they can reach their full potential.

In this class we will take an in-depth look at the mechanics of the parent-child relationship, as well as explore the mechanics of childhood development through type, authority, profile. In
addition we will explore the impact of diet upon childhood intelligence and neural development. Designed not just for parents, but for anyone who has an interest in the well-being of children,
the class is open to all.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

Getting with The Program:

The Mechanics
of the Daily Transits
Teachers: Dharmen and Leela Swann-Herbert

Start Date January 24 Number of Lessons 5 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Saturday Regular Price $500
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $450 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

Through exploring The Program, we gain a better understanding of its influence on the personality, conditioning and the impact of the homogenized transit field.

Ideal for beginners, this course provides an in-depth look at the mechanics of the Rave Mandala wheel, the movement of the planets and their impact on the neutrino stream and how this
becomes the programming agency for the personality that we call The Program.

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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The Biversity

Transit Clinic:
Tracking the not-self
through the Transit Field
Teachers: Dharmen and Leela Swann-Herbert

Start Date February 28 Number of Lessons 6 lessons (1 hour each)

Day of the week Saturday Regular Price $600
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $550 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

For each of us the conditioning of our personality is one of the greatest challenges to becoming our unique self. What is me? What is The Program? What is my conditioning?

The greatest tool for discovering your conditioning is found through understanding and observing the effect of the transits. Week by week in this clinic, we will discuss the major planetary
influences and how they affect the design of class participants.

Students will have the opportunity to examine and share the discoveries they make about the impact of the transits on their experiment, as well as get feedback and coaching. Class size

Pre-requisites: none
Required Materials: none

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Biveristy Lectures with Various Teachers

A Diversity of Gourmet Delights,

A Tasty Mix of Biversity Specialties.
This on-going lecture series is a corner-stone of the Biversity, where we open our doors to the extraordinary variety of teachers within the Human
Design community, to share their special interests. Here you can tap into areas of fascination and be encouraged to set sail on your own journey
of inquiry. Each lecture opens new and exciting worlds for long-term study and exploration.
Below you will find the details about the first lecture scheduled in this series.

Watch the JAM during this semester for details on additional lectures.

An Introduction
to the Performance of the Pattern
Teacher: Richard Beaumont

Start Date February 27 Number of Lessons 1 lesson (1.5 hours)

Day of the week Friday Price $200
Time of Lessons 18:00 GMT Early Bird Price $150 (available from Dec. 1 - 10)

This is a fascinating journey into being able to see the chart in the physical body. Through continual deep observation of students and those whose charts I know, I have discovered many
repeated similarities in the way people move according to their design charts.

These observations have been verified now enough times for me to present this unique course with both confidence and delight. It is tremendously exciting. You will never look at people again
in the same way!

Prerequisites: none
Required Materials: none

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T h e Fa c u lt y

The Faculty of the IHDS is made up of a diverse group of Human Design Professionals from around the world.

With a wide range of skills and backgrounds and a deep knowledge and passion for Human Design, their teaching of Human Design forms the foundation of
the International Human Design School.

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The Faculty


Nationality British Working Languages English

E-mail Studying HD Since 1999
Website address Teaching HD Since 2008

HD Certifications: Description:
• Analyst; Individual, Partnership, Life Cycle and Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst I have been studying Human Design consistently since it came to my attention. I have
• Living Your Design Guide been presenting it in magazine articles, exhibition stands; doing talks and HD meetings in
• Teacher of Levels 1,2, 4 and 5 the UK and abroad, and am now exploring teaching in the aura and online. I also hold a
regular weekly spot on Jovian Archive Radio. I live in the countryside in Devon, UK.
• Warwick University / BA in Pure Philosophy / 3 years
• Founder / editor-in-chief of Kindred Spirit magazine for 20 years
• Director of Human Design UK
• Director of Human Design Films Ltd

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The Faculty

Nationality American USA Working Languages English, Spanish, and some French
E-mail Studying HD Since 2002
Website address Teaching HD Since 2004

HD Certifications: Author:
• Analyst; Individual, Partnership, Life Cycle, Dream Rave Analyst and BG5 Consultant • Author of over 10 books, collaborations, and translations including: River of Glass (G.P.
• Living Your Design Guide, Family Practice Specialist and Rave Cosmologist Putnam), Inner Voyager (S&S), and The Knitting Goddess (Hyperion), translation, and
• Teacher; Levels 1-6 and Levels 1-3 Teacher Trainer 2004-7 spent developing the IHDS Educational Series Levels 1-3 for Jovian Archive.

Background: Description:
• Barnard College B.A. in Religion I began to formally study Gnostic Christianity at Columbia University at 17 and spent my
• Columbia University M.F.A. in Fiction mid twenties as an acquiring editor at one of the major New York publishing houses. I
• Colegio de Espana, Salamanca, Diploma in languages moved on just before my 1987 roof date to publish my own work and ghost top
• Astrologer: 1995-2005 with focus on outer planet transits inspirational authors and therapists. A combination of extreme breakthrough and challenge
• Teacher: Guest University Lecturer in Publishing and Translation, Knitting Design and led me to spend most of the 1990's being mentored in a range of demanding spiritual
Handspinning, Empowerment through Storytelling and Journeying, ESL for practice traditions (see above). During this time, I also began to suspect that what I was
Corporations really being trained in was transformation. In 2002, Design began to show me how to put it
• Spiritual Practice: Vajrayana (primarily Nyingma), Vipassana, Taoist movement and all together, including how to merge my creative and technical resources into a singular
energetics, Advaita Vedanta witnessing practices, The Divine Feminine. offering.
• Business: media and new media start up. My students tell me that they appreciate my knowledge and passion. I’m partial to the
• “Out of Babylon” on Jovian Archive Radio since 2006. moment when I feel their lives open.

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The Faculty


Nationality American USA Working Languages English

E-mail Studying HD Since 1995
Website address Teaching HD Since 2003

HD Certifications: Description:
• Analyst; Individual, Partnership, Life Cycle, Incarnation Cross and Child Development Teaching Human Design is the most fun that I have ever had. My students never cease to
Analyst amaze me. The fireworks begin by aligning with your own authority, because being
• Living Your Design Guide and Family Practice Specialist yourself increases your aptitude for learning.
• Teacher; Levels I – VI and Level I, II and Living Your Design Guide Teacher Trainer
I’ve seen true genius come alive in the Human Design Youth Group. Youth can leap
Background: directly into being themselves while seeing new possibilities. The truth is that everyone
• The School of Life - Father of 4 Children - Un-schooling Guide can do the same.
• Production Crafts and Manufacturing Business Developer
• Beloit College: Eastern Philosophy and Symbolic Reasoning Please join me in learning this language of the future and in co-creating new communities.
• 39 years: Zen Meditation Practitioner Human Design has arrived in your life already; let’s pick it up and run with it. Yes, it takes
• 36 Years: Western Tropical Astrologer time to learn, which is all the more reason to connect now. For me, Human Design has left
• 32 Years: Re-evaluation Counselor me with all that is real and taken away everything else. Wow! It has been worth every
• 15 Years: Vedic Astrologer minute of the ride. I am thrilled to teach something so practical and powerful to my
• 13 Years: Certified Hypnotherapist students.
• Director of Human Design America
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The Faculty

Diaz del Rio

Nationality Spanish Working Languages Spanish, English, German, Italian

E-mail Studying HD Since 1993
Teaching HD Since 1995

HD Certifications: Description:
• Analyst; Individual, Partnership, Life Cycle, Incarnation Cross, Child Development Half baked in the Riversity of Life, my first airplane flight took me to Ibiza, in the spring of
Analyst and BG5 Consultant 1984. Fear would never again be something that conditioned my decisions, since
• Living Your Design Guide, Rave BodyGraph Specialist, Sexuality Specialist and Family intuitively I learned on the magic island the dangers of giving it my back. The bridge
Practice Specialist. between Ibiza and the East took me into a deep exploration of ‘my’ fears. In the Osho
• Teacher; Levels I to VI Teacher and Teachers Trainer; Professional Mentor, PHS and Commune in India for a period of 7 years, where through the experiential field that was
Rave Psychology Teacher. available, I learned to come in touch with the changing flow of my emotional nature.
Human Design did the rest. It healed my feverish Not-Self mind and turned it into an
instrument of inspiration for others, which is quite a joke in itself.
It is beautiful to live the life of a nine-centered human being, and enjoy a mind that has
learned to stay focused on its own passenger, even in times of fever.

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The Faculty


Nationality German Working Languages English

E-mail Studying HD Since 1993
Website address Teaching HD Since 1995

HD Certifications: Description:
• Analyst; Individual, Partnership, Life Cycle, Incarnation Cross and PHS Analyst Over the years, from my daily practice working with clients, I developed various Health &
• Living Your Design Guide and Family Practice Specialist Design seminars on a wide range of Health related themes. From the basics to specific
• Teacher; Levels I - IV studies such as the chemistry of the body based on the Amino Acids, uniquely specific
ways to use the various planets in terms of conditioning themes, health and therapeutic
Background: tools.
• Certified Natural Healer; Trained in Classical Homeopathy and completed studies at the
School of Natural Healing. My specific point of view is to see the interactive way the organs and the various inner
• Educated in NLP and Facial Balancing, a further development of Cranio Sacral systems organize and manage life according to the gates and centers, far away from their
Therapy. reduced relationship to specific hormonal glands. Therefore I always look at the bodygraph
• Worked as a teacher of Classical Homeopathy and NLP at various schools and as well as the matrix of the entire brain. I enjoy teaching online in the IHDS Biversity and I
academies. am grateful to have the chance to spread the results of my various therapeutic
• Author of many articles in German newspapers and more than a hundred articles on experiences out into the world, so other people can take advantage of it for their own work.
health topics in the German HDS-Newsletter.
• Approximately 40 Seminars on Health and Design available on CD and published by
Human Design Austria

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The Faculty


Nationality American USA Working Languages English

E-mail Studying HD Since 1998
Website address Teaching HD Since 2006

HD Certifications: Description:
• Analyst: Individual, Partnership, Life Cycle, Incarnation Cross, Child Development, Cathy has been an avid student and teacher of Human Design for 10 years. One of her
Dream Rave Analyst and BG5 Consultant favorite areas in Design is Circuitry – an important cornerstone of the knowledge. She
• Living Your Design Guide, Family Practice Specialist and Rave Cosmologist uses Circuitry to make the Bodygraph come alive. It is a fabulous tool to investigate the
• Teacher: Levels I – V dynamics in you and your interaction with others. Each person has a unique vantage point
• (currently completing thesis for Rave Psychology and PHS certification) to view life – through their definition and circuitry. Circuitry shows that there are many
different ways to enter into life experiences. Rave Cartography takes you on a journey to
Background: map all the different roads and pathways humanity follows in its expression of life. Circuitry
• Registered Nurse Certification: (1969/1972 Jackson Memorial School of Nursing) first builds awareness about your preferences of how you engage with your life. Then, it
• Financial Planner: (1979/1985 co-authored a financial planning software program) allows you to learn why others do it differently. You are free to be yourself. As a teacher, I
• Owner of Retail Store and International Internet Business specializing in flower consider it a great privilege to help you develop this critical understanding.
essences: (1994/2000 )
• Flower Essence Practitioner: since 1994

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The Faculty


Nationality Austrian Working Languages German & English

E-mail Studying HD Since 1997
Website address Teaching HD Since 2000

HD Certifications: Description:
• Analyst; Individual, Partnership, Life Cycle, Incarnation Cross, Dream Rave and Child I was working as a Molecular Geneticist in Vienna when I met Human Design and Ra Uru
Development Analysis. Primary Health System Practitioner, Rave Psychologist and Hu. Fascinated by the synthesis especially the involvement of Genetics, I started to study
BG5 Consultant the knowledge and ultimately left my scientific career to pursue a career in Human Design.
• Living Your Design Guide, Family Practice Specialist, Sexuality Specialist, Rave Body Since 2002 I am a full time HD Professional and Teacher. This is the most fulfilling work
Graph Specialist and Rave Cosmologist, that I have ever done in my Life.
• Teacher; Level I-VI Teacher and Teacher Trainer, Primary Health System and Rave As an IHDS Teacher and the Director of the PHS Department at the CHD, my teaching
Psychology Teacher focus is scientifically oriented. My approach is to correlate various scientific aspects of the
Human Design System to demonstrate the scientific validity at all Levels. In addition to
Background: this, I am also devoted to teaching the Basics of Human Design. It is an amazing Process
• University Vienna / Genetics / PhD (Dr. rer.nat) / (1994/1999) for me to guide others from the fundamentals to the most superior cutting edge aspects of
• University Vienna / Molecular Genetics / Mag. rer.nat. / (1988/1994) the knowledge.
• Ibis Acam Academy / Trainer Education / (2001/2002)
• Komarec Konflict Management Academy / Mediator Training / (2003/2004)
• Scientist in Bioscience / 5 years - Trainer / 2 years
• Mediator listed in the Ministry of Justice
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The Faculty


Nationality Austrian Working Languages German and English

E-mail Studying HD Since 1992
Website address Teaching HD Since 1995

HD Certifications: Description:
• Analyst: Individual, Partnership, Life Cycle, Child Development and Incarnation Cross I have been looking for Human Design since I was 14 years old. When it finally found me it
Analyst. was love at first sight. I studied it, I tried it out, and I sought to prove it through thousands
• LYD Guide, Rave BodyGraph Specialist, Sexuality Specialist and Family Practice of readings and as a teacher working in six countries so far.
Specialist. In my personal process I am absolutely radical. As a very emotional being I have
• Teacher; Levels I to IV Teacher experienced the core of pain in the greatest joy and the core of joy in the greatest pain. I
am very grateful to discover myself each day anew.
• Studies of psychology and medicine at the University of Vienna, 1969 – 1972; In my teaching I concentrate on the practical side of Human Design and life; I´m constantly
• 10 years apprentice of a native north american shaman; looking for the translation of the formula to everyday experience and everyday language.
• purchasing manager of a major austrian company till 1981; The same intent shaped my two books on Human Design, both published in the German
• education as body therapist (Core-energetics); language and expected in English very soon.
• independent sales agent; owner of an esoteric bookstore;
• since 2001 exclusively Human Design professional. I have deep respect and gratitude for Ra Uru Hu, his life and his teaching.

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The Faculty


Nationality Austrian Working Languages German and English

E-mail Studying HD Since 1993
Website address Teaching HD Since 2000

HD Certifications: Description:
• Analyst: Individual, Partnership, Life Cycle, Incarnation Cross, Child Development I met Ra Uru Hu in 1993 at an intro lecture, was fascinated and started my training right
Analyst and BG5 Consultant away. Readings, business consulting, lectures, IHDS courses and organizing HDA keeps
• Living Your Design Guide and Family Practice Specialist. me very busy.
• Teacher: Levels I to III and BG5 Teacher
Human Design has become my job and my life and I enjoy every day. It was and remains
Background: fascinating – and keeps getting more so the deeper I dig into it.
• Interior Designer (London College of Furniture, 1974 – 1977)
• Director of Human Design Austria since 2000 To take all the Design knowledge and experience, add the business side and put it into
• Director of German language education since 2001 practice in a commercial field is one more fascinating step in my design career.

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The Faculty


Nationality American USA Working Languages English

E-mail Studying HD Since 1998
Website address Teaching HD Since 2001

HD Certifications: Author:
• Analyst; Individual, Partnership, Life Cycles, Incarnation Cross and Rave Psychology • Living Your Design Guide Instructor Manual
Color Transference Readings • Living Your Design Student Manual
• Living Your Design Guide, Family Practice Specialist and Rave Body Graph Specialist
• Teacher; Levels I – VI Teacher and Teacher Trainer and Living Your Design Guide Description:
Teacher Trainer Lynda is the Dean of the International Human Design School Professional Training
Academy. She received her analyst and teaching certifications through her studies both
Background: privately and through many courses directly with Ra Uru Hu since 1999. Human Design
• Prior to Human Design she was busy as an executive in corporate America; studied became her profession and career immediately and she dedicates her time to learning and
various spiritual modalities; and raised two children teaching this body of work.

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The Faculty


Nationality American USA Working Languages English

E-mail Studying HD Since 1999
Website address Teaching HD Since 2005

HD Certifications: Description:
• Analyst: Individual, Partnership and Rave Psychology Color Transference Analyst Teaching is a dynamic – and being a Reflector, I have the ability to accurately reflect what
(currently completing final year of Rave Psychology studies) is going on with the group, to know where people are at, and help guide them to where
they actually want to be. This is an important distinction: I’m here to guide people, not to
Background: where I want them to be – but where they want to be.
• Strategic Planning and Organizational Development Trainer for over 30 yrs.
• Educator, Coach and Professional Trainer for over 35 years I’m here to help you uncover the truth that you are – not to tell you what your truth is, but
• College: BA from St. Bonaventure University, New York to create an environment where you discover your truth.

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The Faculty


Nationality American USA Working Languages English

E-mail Studying HD Since 1999
Website address Teaching HD Since 2005

HD Certifications: Description:
• Analyst; PHS Analyst (currently completing final year of PHS studies) New experiences can lead to observation and observation can lead to awareness. It is out
• Living Your Design Guide and Family Practice Specialist of our awareness that we naturally transform – not through great effort or making
ourselves change, but simply by the process of observation.
• Director of Operations, Training and Retail Development – 12 yrs. Creating classroom opportunities that provide students with an experiential journey – a
• College: BA from California State University, Northridge process of self-discovery, is what I find rewarding, and ultimately, transforming for both the
• Herbalist Certification: East/West Herbal Institute, California student and for myself as a teacher.

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The Faculty

Mary Ann

Nationality American USA Working Languages English

E-mail Studying HD Since 1996
Website address Teaching HD Since 2003

HD Certifications: Author:
• Analyst: Individual, Partnership and Life Cycles Analysis • Forever is Not Long Enough (spiritual quest)
• Living Your Design Guide and Family Practice Specialist • KISS Booklets (Human Design)
• Teacher: Levels I-II and Living Your Design Guide Trainer • A Revolution of One (HD experiment)

Background: Description:
• Corporate world I have been living my design for over 12 years and it has transformed me.
• Eastern philosophy and spirituality This transformation potential is weaved into all my classes as well as personal sessions
• former Director Human Design America and workshops.

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Required Materials

Some of the Courses listed include recommended or required materials.

All Software Applications and Digital Books are available from Jovian Archive Media.

All Manuals and Texts are available from National Organizations. A complete list of all National Organization websites can be found on the HD Virtual Community
page at:

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