Flexible Evaluation Mechanism (FEM)
Flexible Evaluation Mechanism (FEM)
Flexible Evaluation Mechanism (FEM)
Technology EFAA #2
Communicat score:
ion &
Skills EFAA #3
Problem score:
Solving skills EFAA #4
n skills
EFAA #5 Sample
Skills Implied Skill EAA Criteria Perce Criteria and Perce FINAL Remarks
Necessar and ntage Standards for a ntage GRADE
y to Standar Alloca Successful Alloca
Develop Knowl Attitud ds for a tion of Completion of the tion of 60% of the
edge e to Succes the PT the PT Grade
to Devel sful Criteri Criteri +
Attain op Comple a for a a for 40% of the
tion of Succe Conceptula a Ave. grade
the ssful Knowledge Succe of EAAs
EAA Comp ssful
letion Participation Comp
of the letion
EAA Presentation of the
cation & Sampl
Technolo e Samp
gy Skills score: le
Problem 50
skills EAA #3
e Samp
tion skills
score: le
EAA #4
Sampl Samp
e le
score: score:
EAA #5
e Samp
score: le
score/perfect score x 50 + 50
Result x. 40%
Performance Task Rubrics
1. Conceptual Knowledge (40%) Demonstrate Students demonstrate a Students demonstrate Students demonstrate Students need
understanding on the appropriateness of the process deep understanding of understanding on the good understanding on improvement in
in leading and organizing fitness exercise activities: the appropriateness of appropriateness of the the appropriateness of demonstrating his/her
the process in leading process in leading and the process in leading understanding on the
and organizing fitness organizing fitness exercise and organizing fitness appropriateness of the
exercise activities. activities. exercise activities. process in leading and
organizing fitness
1.1 Ability to state the rationale/goal of the proposed
exercise activities.
fitness exercise activities (10%)
1.2 Ability to Identify risk factors and create proactive All four sub-criterions Actualized few incorrect Actualized many
interventions in case of emergency (10%) were actualized. connections in the sub- incorrect connections in
criterions. the sub-criterions. Shows no connection in
1.3 Ability to design fitness training program (10%) any of the sub-criterions.
2. Skills (30%) Shows proficiency (requisite skills) Students show excellent Students show very good Students show good Students need
in creating and demonstrating the planned activity requisite skills in creating requisite skills in creating requisite skills in improvement on requisite
(organizing fitness exercise activities): and demonstrating the and demonstrating the creating and skills in creating and
organizing fitness organizing fitness exercise demonstrating the demonstrating the
exercise activities. activities. organizing fitness organizing fitness
exercise activities. exercise activities.
2.1 Ability to organize and analyze information in
order to make meaning and decide what to believe or
what actions to take. (10%) All three sub-criterions Actualized connections
2.2 Ability to show flexibility and perseverance when were actualized. between two sub- Actualized many Shows no connection in
they encounter challenges. (10%) criterions. incorrect connections in any of the sub-criterions.
the sub-criterions.
2.3 Ability to select strategies, tools and approaches
that are appropriate for planned fitness exercise
program. (10%)
3. Preparation (15%) Always prepared in Almost prepared in his/her Inconsistently prepared Seldom prepared his/her
his/her required required output/task/s and in his/her required required output/task/s
output/task/s and submits the output on the output/task/s and and failed to complete
submits the output deadline, work is complete submits the output after the output and was not
before the deadline, and cohesive. the deadline, work is able submit the output on
3.1 Ability to work efficiently during the preparation of
work is complete, lacking and incomplete. the deadline.
the output. (10%)
cohesive, and exceeds
3.2 Targets the timeline of accomplishment with
efficiency. (5%) (Unprepared for 1 required
output/task/s) (Unprepared for 2 (Unprepared for 3 or
required output/task/s) more required
(Complete class required output/task/s)
4. Participation (15%) Give maximum effort, Consistent effort, good Displays limited effort Minimal/poor effort
model a high level of level of participation, and contributes little to team during the preparation of
participation, self- stays on task/s with play and needs to be the activity
motivation, and minimal supervision. reminded to stay on
encourage others. task/s
4.1 Ability to display clear effort to finish the task.