St. Mary's County Times
St. Mary's County Times
St. Mary's County Times
St. Mary's
County Times
Most of Old
Belvedere Being
Story Page 3
Alligator Saga
Story on Page 4
IHOP Coming to
Story Page 15
St. Mary’s schools are experiencing Taste of St. Mary's returns to Leonardtown
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS 25 a shortage of support personnel
including bus drivers
County Times
P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
For staff listing and emails, see page 23
County Times
t y's es
The Calvert
CaM Tiem
er 12, 2020
Co Tyim t
12, 2020
u s
S t . AY, AUG
UST 6, 2020
OM Inside!
Made in Semeste
in Arrest pted Murder
Plasma Attem
Short Su
county’s main economic engine up Lexington Park and I want to
of the Patuxent River Naval Air thank the owners, particularly
Station. [County Attorney David] Weis-
But the dilapidated — though
once iconic landmark — is set to
almost entirely be demolished.
kopf and [Director of Land Use
and Growth Management Bill]
Hunt for working through the pro-
September 18, 2021
“It’s something we’ve been cess with me to begin to clean up
working on for well over six one piece of Lexington Park.”
months,” said Commissioner Todd Shahid Latiff, general manager
Morgan during the business meet- at the Pax River Hotel, said that (301) 884-7000
ing of the Commissioners of St. the remaining building would
Mary’s County Sept. 14. “Over the continue to offer rooms to guests; Annual Property & Real Estate Auction
years that place has been dilapi- he said the owner of the property 9:00 AM PROPERTY SOLD AT 11:00 AM
dated pretty badly, but thanks to was planning to build a residential 9535 MONTROSS STREET UPPER MARLBORO MD 20772
a lot of work and communication, rental property where the older FOR PROPERTY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL 301-884-7000
they’ll be tearing down three of
the four buildings where old Bel-
vedere used to be.”
buildings once stood.
“We are already demolishing,”
Latiff said.
October 2, 2021
The owners of the property are The Belvedere was one of many
(October 1st preview day)
listed on the county tax rolls as dinner and nightlife spots in what Mustang & Ford Memorabilia
Inder Hospitality LLC, based in Morgan called “the heyday” of 9:00 AM
Rockville. Lexington Park, when the econo- 38250 NEW MARKET TURNER RD. MECHANICSVILLE MD 20659
State tax records show the prop- my there was more vibrant.
erty was sold in 2002 as The Bel-
vedere Restaurant incorporated to
Ganesh LLC for $4.1 million.
He said he remembered moving
to the county in 1979 and rent-
ing an efficiency apartment at the
October 23, 2021
Ganesh LLC in turn sold the once thriving establishment. (October 22 preview day)
property in 2007 to Braddock Re- “There was many a fun night at CONSIGNMENT AUCTION
alty LLC for $5.6 million. the Belvedere with a few individu- 8:30 AM
Braddock Realty sold the prop- als,” Morgan reminisced. CALL (301) 861-7738 TO COSIGN
erty to the current owners for a 38250 NEW MARKET TURNER RD. MECHANICSVILLE MD 20659
4 Local News The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
20% OFF
special incentives which we pass OR MORE 2, according to the Maryland Board of
along to our customers. SAVE Elections.
Hall said the agency has developed an
ORNAMENTAL CABBAGE & KALE. ALL SIZES enviable reputation for effectiveness while
BUY 10 OR MORE SAVE 20% OFF building a strong, positive relationship with
the community.
One of his chief aims if elected is to
maintain and improve that relationship.
“The citizens deserve a responsive and
professional sheriff’s office,” Hall said.
“And I accept the responsibility to deliver
Capt. Steve Hall
“The one thing you have to do is main- bly session.
BUY 10 OR MORE SAVE 20% OFF tain the public’s trust; that’s hard won and Hall believes his extensive experience in
easily lost.” the agency puts him in the best position to
Hall wants to recruit and retain the best deal with those reforms as the new sheriff.
deputy candidates he can find “based on Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron, who has
character, not just money.” held the office for four, four-year terms and
He also plans on exposing officers to a said Hall has worked in all departments of
variety of training once employed by the the agency from corrections to the detec-
FLOWERING COLOR SHRUBS agency and moving them to different divi- tive squad to command, Cameron told The
BUY 5 OR MORE AND SAVE 20% OFF sions to ensure they are familiar and com- County Times.
petent in working in all aspects of the job. Hall has also graduated from the FBI
“I don’t want siloed officers,” Hall said. National Academy.
“What I’m not going to stand is unreli- “He certainly doesn’t need my blessing
ability and anyone who erodes the public’s [to run for sheriff] but he has my full sup-
ALL ROSES trust." port,” said Cameron. “He would be an ex-
ALL ROSE OF KNOCKOUT The agency is facing many new chal- cellent fit for sheriff.
ALL HYDRANGEAS SHARON & DRIFTS lenges, including the legal necessity of “The agency and the community would
complying with a bevy of police reforms be in good hands.”
ORNAMENTAL GRASSES passed in the most recent General Assem-
Water Frontage
Huge Reduction in 7th Heaven
21210 Bernie Lawrence Lane
$569,900! Abell , MD
To Sell
Billy Fitzgerald
6 Local News The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
Town Approves
Extension of Outdoor
Seating for Coffee House
By Guy Leonard “One parking space is all I’m
Staff Writer asking,” Coogan said.
On a split vote the Leonardtown Mayor Dan Burris said the town
Town Council approved an ap- has asked that businesses with a
plication from the owner of the parking space that another busi-
Ready for life's Social Coffee House on Fenwick ness wishes to use for outdoor
Street, Sean Coogan, to retain a seating sign a letter if they wish to
temporary parking spot there for support that request.
milestones? Let's talk. outdoor seating for his business. In case of the f lower shop next
Coogan already has a permanent to Social Coffee House, the owner
spot in front of his business but did not sign that request, Burris
the one temporary spot next door said.
he uses, in front of David Mat- “That’s where we are today,”
tingly’s David’s Flowers shops, Burris said speaking to a full
David McDonough brought a tense debate to the Sept. council chamber. “We don’t need
13 meeting. that signature for a temporary.”
Financial Advisor
David McDonough Coogan wanted to retain the Kevin Mattingly testified that
temporary space through the end Coogan’s outdoor seating was
41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
Financial Advisor
Leonardtown, MD 20650 of the year; council members Jay blocking access of his Fenwick
Mattingly, Nick Colvin andSIPCTyler Street neighbor.
41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302 Alt voted for his application. “These people cannot get into
Mary Maday Slade and Christie the business,” Mattingly said.
Leonardtown, MD 20650 Hollander voted against it. “Just treat everybody the same.”
301-997-1707 “Honestly it’s been a Godsend,” Kevin Mattingly was asked
Member SIPC Alcohol Beverage Board in the letter, requested by Burris, stating
80 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302 beginning days of the COVID-19 that fact.
pandemic. “I can’t compete with “I just see the way a human be-
nardtown, MD 20650
997-1707 Sell it - Buy it Dunkin’ Donuts and that drive- ing is treating another human be-
thru service.” ing and … it hurts my feelings,”
at Coogan said this was the fourth Kevin Mattingly said, later not-
time he had had to “defend” his ing he was not speaking for David
having the outdoor seating before Mattingly.
the town council. The parking spaces on Fen-
Tri County Livestock Auction “It’s not just tables and chairs wick are not reserved for any
1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the Month – Auction begins at 4 PM we’re talking about here, it’s real person or business under normal
Located Off MD Rt. 6 West – Charlotte Hall, MD people’s jobs,” Coogan said, point- circumstances.
(closest physical address is 9033 Glock Place – Look for auction sign at entrance) ing to a large contingent of his “The confrontation between
This auction is managed/conducted by the Tri-County Livestock Auction committee. employees he brought to testify. the two businesses, it kills me to
Coogan said he and his work- see that,” said Councilmember
ers had grown his business by 60 Jay Mattingly. “They’re both up-
John Deere Toy Collection Online Auction percent during the pandemic with set with each other, that’s the last
the outdoor seating and with other thing I want.”
Large selection of John Deere Toys changes he’d made. Jay Mattingly is in favor of out-
(various scales, models & type) Coogan said the town had re- door seating and said both busi-
cently asked him to remove his ta- nesses benefited from being next
Online auction Open for Bidding on or about Sept. 17th bles from the sidewalk after only to each other.
and will begin to Close MON. SEPT 27th @ 6 PM. receiving “complaints from one “People are loving it, peopleare
area.” wanting it,” said Town Adminis-
PREVIEW DATES: Friday, Sept. 17th 4 to 6 pm; Saturday, His removing three tables in trator Laschelle McKay of out-
compliance with the May missive door seating. “We know outdoor
Sept. 18th 8 am to 10 am; and Monday Sept. 20 th 4 to 6 pm. cost him $800 a day on weekends, seating is working.”
Coogan said, calling out town The final council vote allowed
Future Auction Plans: leadership for allegedly hurting for Social Coffee House to keep
Fall Harvest Auction: Tentatively scheduled for Friday, October, 1st. his business when they claim to the temporary space until Jan. 2.
support all small businesses in
To be held at Westfield Farm, Mechanicsville, MD.
So. Md. Farm & Country Christmas Auction: Tentatively scheduled
for Saturday, Dec. 4th. This auction will be held with a new format and
will focus on (and be limited to) “live”, handcrafted evergreen wreaths
& decorations; new furniture/items; handcrafted quilts, etc. To be held
at Westfield Farm, Mechanicsville, MD. More details coming soon.
Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Local News 7
Pi n ey Poi n t
ganizations for information and state and federal levels for all of
support. their support for the task force,”
“Over the past three months, the Sheriff said.
the task force worked tirelessly The work of the St. Mary’s
to investigate and arrest violent
criminal offenders who terrorized
our community with a callous
disregard for the sanctity of life,”
said Lt. Shawn Moses, Youth Gun
Violence Task Force Coordinator.
“The cumulative results produced
County Sheriff’s Office Youth
Gun Violence Task Force was a
collaborative effort with the US
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
arms and Explosives (ATF); the
Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI); the US Attorney’s Office;
Lighthouse Museum H
by the task force undoubtedly the Maryland State Police (MSP) Adore classic cars, browse vintage treasures and step back in
and the State’s Attorney’s Of-
serves as a testament to how the
fice for St. Mary’s County to en-
time to the nostalgic tunes of yesteryear. RetroFest on the
community and law enforcement
can work together to investigate sure the safety and security of all Potomac represents all things vintage. From the 40s to the 70s - whatever
and deter violent crime,” he said. residents, through the arrest and your decade - come get your Rockabilly on and support the Museum.
“I am immensely proud of the prosecution of those seeking to
do harm onto others through gun
extraordinary hard work con- Live Entertainment • Vintage Vendors • Hot Rod & Classic
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Call for full event details or
8 Cops & Courts The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
Editor’s Note:
The above arrests are not an indication of
guilt or innocence as the cases have not been
Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Local News 9
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10 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
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Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times In Our Community 13
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16 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
#CarFreeDay @CarFreeMetroDC
Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Feature 17
By Guy Leonard are 5,595, Smith said. bus drivers from one school to an- new teachers, Smith said, a sig-
Staff Writer The projection was 5,300; there other affected many other schools, nificant number of whom have not
If the numbers hold until the end are 1,700 in the freshmen class, Thompson said. been fully certified under state
of the month, when the student where the system had originally “It’s a puzzle we have to work rules.
population is fully confirmed, the projected between 1,200 to 1,300 out,” the transportation director These are teachers who have
number of high school students students. said. “We really need about a doz- worked in second careers, offer-
enrolled in St. Mary’s County Leonardtown High School was en full-time bus drivers to get to ing much practical experience,
public schools will be the highest where the complaints on transpor- normal operations.” Smith said, but they must still be
ever, according to Superintendent tation originated. Smith said personnel in the certified soon to continue work-
Dr. J. Scott Smith, much more than “Most are coming into the 9 th transportation division who nor- ing in the school system.
his administration had predicted. grade, and there are parents de- mally work in the office, and who “These are the kinds of people
This has put some strain on the ciding they want their children to have CDL driver’s licenses, are the public have been calling for to
system in the first few weeks of attend traditional high school,” being tasked to drive buses if there be teachers,” Smith said.
the full return to classes, the first Smith said. “Many moved from is a driver who calls off work or if There are roughly 2.300 em-
return in two years dealing with other places to St. Mary’s County there is another vacancy. ployees in the St. Mary’s public
the COVID-19 pandemic. even during the pandemic. “We are stretched thin this school system, Smith said, and
Complaints have risen in the “We’re seeing it.” year,” Smith said, noting there just a few vacancies persist.
past week regarding overcrowded Smith said some of the new were many other support vacan- The system still needs one Eng-
buses servicing high schools, with freshmen were likely coming cies in the system. “But we do lish teacher, two math teachers
students sitting in the aisle instead from private or parochial schools. have every route covered. and five special education teach-
of sitting three to a seat. Thompson said since high “Food services — those posi- ers, he said.
Both Smith and school trans- school students are larger than tions are exceptionally challeng- Since the reopening of schools
portation director Jeff Thompson m id d le - a nd- ele me nt a r y- scho ol ing to keep filled.” there have been some confirmed
have said they have received “a aged children, it was harder to fit The federal mandate that all stu- cases of COVID-19 among stu-
handful of complaints” about bus the standard three students to a dents be afforded free breakfast, dents and teachers; at the last
transportation problems but Smith bus seat. lunch and dinner has made such reporting at the Sept. 8 meeting
was overall pleased with how stu- “All of our buses are rated for positions more critical to fill. there were 38 students confirmed
dents arrived at school. 72 passengers,” Thompson said. “And our customers always infected and 10 school staff with
“We transport between 15,000 “Anything less than that is under show up,” Smith said. the disease.
to 16,000 students a day,” Smith capacity.” Building service workers and Aside from the issues present-
told The County Times. “Our bus- Thompson said St. Mary’s is heating and air conditioning ed by COVID-19, Smith said the
es ran, our students got to school much like the rest of the nation (HVAC) positions are also in de- types of adjustments and resource
and they got home.” dealing with a dearth of support mand, Smith said, though workers balancing the administration has
The majority of the increase in employees. such as custodians are always dif- had to do are normal for the first
high school students this school “We have a driver shortage ficult to find. few weeks of reopening.
year is in the freshman class, in St. Mary’s,” Thompson said. HVAC mechanics are difficult to The time spent away from
which are all riding buses with the “We’re doing better than some employ at the school system level, schools, forced by the pandemic,
10 th -grade sophomore class, Smith of our neighboring counties but Smith said, because the skill set helped magnify these problems in
said. we’re not immune.” pays so well in the private sector. the eyes of parents and students,
“We have over 2,000 students at- To address some of the com- Perhaps the biggest challenge he said, upon return
tending Leonardtown High School plaints, one bus has been moved the school system is facing is in “Every single year we start like
this year,” Smith said. “All three from one high school to serve dealing with new teachers who are this,” said Smith. “I think every-
high schools are higher [in student Leonardtown High School, instructing students under a pro- one just needed to be reminded
population] than we projected.” Thompson said. visional certification. it’s a balancing act.”
The total number of high school With finite resources, shifting The system recently hired 110
students currently enrolled here
Un i q u e
18 The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
Sh o p s
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22 PAX River The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
By Ronald N. Guy Jr. Bless America” standing arm-in- The Lasting Importance of
this County
Contributing Writer arm on the Capitol’s steps (can you
I left for a meeting in a remote imagine?). And yes, I remember
location, shortly after receiving a sports and the role it played in for-
vague email about a small plane tifying our cause. There was Mike In August, the St Mary’s County Histori-
hitting a building in New York. Piazza’s late-inning homerun to cal Society welcomed professor Michael
About an hour later, the meeting power the Mets to a victory over Breidenbach of Ave Maria University in
ended and I flipped on sports ra- the Braves in Queens, the NFL de- Florida as part of the Society’s Historically
Speaking series of lectures.
dio for the short drive back to my fiant return and, of course, Presi- Dr. Breidenbach spoke to an audience of
building. No one was talking about dent George W. Bush delivering a about sixty people on his research and book
sports. I surmised that the rumor of strike while throwing out the first Our Dear-Bought Liberty: Catholics and
a plane crash was true, but this all pitch from the mound of Yankee Religious Toleration in Early America. His
seemed much, much bigger. It was Freaking Stadium before Game 3 theme for the evening was how the Calverts
stunning, confusing…something of the World Series. and other English Catholics were simulta-
like landing cold in the middle of This past weekend, more magic neously able to maintain their loyalty to a
another reality. happened in New York. On Sep- fiercely Anglican king and to the Catholic
I parked and headed for my desk. tember 11, Emma Raducanu, an Pope in Rome. You can find a video of the
People were streaming out of the 18-year-old qualifier, won the entire lecture at the Historical Society’s
website ( by click-
building by the dozens, like a fire women’s U.S. Open Champion- ing on “Videos” then on the category His-
drill was in-progress. Their pace ship. On the men’s side, Novak torically Speaking).
was purposeful and all shared a Djokovic made an exhilarating
universal look of concern. run at the first calendar-year men’s
Once inside the building, I en- Grand Slam since 1969.
countered a good friend. She The mantra of 9/11 has long
brought word that put the chaos been “Never Forget.” The act of
in perspective: “Dude, something terror that day and the loss of so of slavery), this County’s founders enriched
terrible is happening…two planes many innocent lives will always be this nation – perhaps the world – well be-
have crashed in New York, another remembered. But the unity in the yond their modest intentions to simply get
has hit the Pentagon…we’re being aftermath? That now seems long As has been well-noted by other authors along. This realization gives added meaning
sent home immediately.” forgotten, something the America and researchers, this balancing act between to the Historical Society’s “tag line”: Ordi-
Home was just five minutes from of 2021 is, frankly, incapable of Catholics and Protestants was essential if nary People. Extraordinary Lives. Lasting
the gate, but the drive was long and regenerating. That is hard to type, the new colony were to succeed. Profes- Legacies.
slow. Cell lines were overwhelmed. but juxtaposing our unity of 20 sor Breidenbach traces the lineage of the As we all know, Father Andrew White
I had no idea where my girlfriend, years ago with the attacks on the “Toleration Act” of April 21, 1649. In that and other Catholics were among the pas-
parents, sister…hell, where any- Capitol in January, a different con- bill, the Maryland assembly, then resident sengers on the Ark when it landed at St
in St Mary’s City, mandated tolerance for Clements Island in March of 1634. White
one was. Which made me like just clusion is elusive. We can’t even was a Jesuit and the first of a long line of
about everyone else. wear a mask for one another to all Trinitarian Christians. This was the first
law ever passed by a legislative body of an Jesuit missionaries to settle in St Mary’s
Once home, the images on tele- ward off a disease that has killed County. If you’re interested in historical
organized colonial government to guarantee
vision flashed like a horror movie. over 650,000 Americans, let alone religious liberty. Breidenbach argues con- research, the Jesuit Archives has placed
The scarred, smoking buildings. rally behind a long, difficult na- vincingly that it served to inspire later legal the complete record of Jesuit missionaries
The second plane slamming into tional cause. protections for freedom of religion in the here and around the world in a collection
the South Tower. People jumping Who is to blame for sowing the United States, including the First Amend- known as the Woodstock Letters. Avail-
from the inferno to certain and visceral division? It is easy to point ment to the Constitution. able online, the Woodstock Letters consist
horrifying death. The collapse the finger at political rhetoric and Of particular note is that it was here in of ninety-eight volumes comprising over
of each tower and the massive slanted media coverage. But that St Mary’s County and no where else in the 50,000 pages written by Jesuit Missionaries
Colonies – or indeed at no time to that point between 1872 to 1969. Included are schol-
wall of billowing smoke pouring has always existed. The real evil arly articles, eyewitness accounts of historic
through the streets below. The seems to reside in the dark rab- in history – that religion and government
were made separate. Even Rhode Island events, obituaries, and other items of con-
damaged and blackened side of the bit holes of social media, a phe- siderable historic interest. It was a source for
which boasted religious freedom under
Pentagon. Word of another plane nomena that was in its infancy 20 its founder, Roger Williams, limited that and is a fine companion to E. Beitzell’s The
downed in Pennsylvania. years ago. It is a cesspool of lies freedom to Protestant faiths, excluding Jesuit Missions of St Mary’s County (which
I thought of stories from elders and targeted psychological engi- Catholics. Moreover, at no time in the his- is available from the Historical Society’s
about Pearl Harbor and the Kenne- neering (watch the documentary tory of Western civilization had a distinc- Bookstore).
dy assassination. Their memories “The Social Dilemma”). One thing tion between (as we say now) church and The entire Woodstock Letters col-
were clear, seared with unforget- is certain, a strike delivered by a state been made. Prior to the Calverts and lection is available free online at
table images and emotions. This Commander in Chief or a story- the colony they founded in St Mary’s, gov-
ernments always had a religious dimension letters/#woodstock001. All volumes can be
was my generation’s “Where were book homerun isn’t going to fix it; downloaded. There is an Index and search
you?” moment of national anguish. it will take individual effort to re- and, correspondingly, the dominant church
or religion had direct and clear influence on function; search for names, County place
This was September 11, 2001. member our shared American ide- names (e.g., Leonardtown, Chaptico, New-
matters of the state.
Twenty years later, I remember als and spit out baseless, manufac- Let that settle in for a moment. What- town, etc.) and you’ll find the volume num-
something else: The response. The tured bait that seeks to undermine ever one’s religion might be – or lack of ber and page number (e.g., 74, 353). There
unity, the decency, the determina- democracy. For future Capitol de- religion, for that matter – it was right here are hundreds of entries relating to people
tion and the national sympathy – it corum, bipartisan sing-alongs may in St Mary’s County that religious liberty and activities in St Mary’s County!
was palatable. Flags and “FDNY” prove too ambitious, but let’s avoid was born. Hearing him speak then reading If you would like to learn more about the
hats were everywhere. The Na- break-ins by lawless “Vikings.” Professor Breidenbach’s book convinced me people, places, and events that shaped St
tional Anthem brought tears to Send comments to Ronald- that for whatever sins may have unfolded in Mary’s County, please visit our website –
the County (and here we think, of course,
eyes. Congress even sang “God
24 Contributing Writers The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
St. Mary's
To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to
our Thursday publication.
also be added. Top it off with pret- and is looking for new members.
ty mix-and-match tie-on handles. For questions contact Sheila.gra-
The cost is $30 payable in advance
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In Remembrance
The County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.
Francis Leroy Williams Mary Barbara Cecil Lawrence survived by her George Mitchell Somerville,
children Tami
Francis Leroy Mary Barbara Maus (Justin) of Sr.
Williams, 85, of Cecil Lawrence, Hollywood, MD,
Bushwood, MD 88 of Leonard- Jessy Snead of George Mitch-
died Septem- town, MD passed California, MD, ell Somerville,
ber 11, 2021 at away on Septem- Donna Kelly of Sr. departed
St Mary’s hos- ber 7, 2021 at Mechanicsville, this life on Fri-
pital following The Hermitage MD, Johnny day, September
a stroke. Born Assisted Living Kelly of Waldorf, 3, 2021. Named
March 18, 1936 Center in Solo- MD, Crissy Simpson of Mechanicsville, George Mitchell
in Mechanics- mons, MD. Born MD, and four grandchildren. Tuner at birth,
ville, MD, he was the son of Joseph Stan- on March 9, 1933 in Leonardtown, MD, She graduated from Suitland High George Sr. was
ley and Ethel Florene Wright Williams. she was the daughter of the late Francis School in 1972. Brenda moved to St. born on Decem-
Leroy was the loving husband of Mar- Geroe Cecil and Alma Marie Raley. Mary’s County, MD in 2002. She was ber 4, 1926 to the late Sarah Elizabeth
garet Turner Hodges Williams, whom he Barbara was a lifelong resident of a school bus driver for Prince George’s Turner and Mitchell Somerville, both of
married in Holy Angels Catholic Church Leonardtown. On October 2, 1954 she County for 25 years, retiring in 2007. Hollywood, MD.
on June 1, 1957. He is survived by his married the love of her life, Edward Clyde Brenda enjoyed crafting and painting. A bright, somewhat mischievous child,
children Keith (Annette) of Spring Hill, Lawrence. Together, they celebrated 59 The family will receive friends on Mon- he showed an interest and aptitude for
FL, Anne Lee (Jeff) of Colonial Beach, wonderful years of marriage before his day, September 13, 2021 from 10:00 AM building things at an early age. At the ear-
VA, Walt (Ann) of Hollywood, MD, passing in November 2013. Barbara loved to 11:00 AM in the Mattingley-Gardiner ly age of 10, he was building a birdhouse
Dale (Deborah) of New Bern, NC, Joy being a wife, mother, grandmother, and Funeral Home Leonardtown, MD where one early Sunday morning and was disci-
Sapp (Ray) of Leonardtown, MD, Mark homemaker. She was a happy person who a funeral service will be held at 11:00 plined for working on the “Lord’s Day”.
of Avenue, MD, and Chris (Stacey) of loved living in Leonardtown. Barbara AM in the funeral home chapel with Pas- After attending school, and at the age of
Coltons Point, MD; his grandchildren loved to dance and she danced until her tor Dennis Gillikin officiating. Interment 16 years old, he joined the U.S. Army and
Michael Williams, Michelle Williams, last days. will follow in Trinity Memorial Gardens, served as a medic and ambulance driver
Lauren Sapikowski, Glenn Woodburn, Barbara is survived by her children, Waldorf, MD. (he could still remember his ambulance
Drew Woodburn, Angela Stratakes, Lee Susan Dyer (Joseph) and Sharon Cox of Condolences to the family can be made number many years later – Ambulance
Williams, Margaret Williams, Mary Wil- Leonardtown, MD; Gregory Lawrence at Arrangements by the No. 7) in World War II.
liams, Ryan Sapp, Kara Weslow, David (Zawmi) of Harpers Ferry, WV; Nancy Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. During a break after the war, he re-
Sapp, Madison Williams, Megan Wil- Smith (Leon) of Spotsylvania, VA; and & Crematory, Leonardtown, MD. turned to St. Mary’s County and worked
liams, Maggie Williams, and Tony Wil- John Lawrence (Erin) of Owings, MD; at the local hospital, where he met Mary
liams; and his great grandchildren Kaelyn her grandchildren, Matthew Keen, Kath- Ruth Neale. Upon his return stateside,
and Holden Sapikowski, Hanalei Wood- leen Schwarzwalder (Benjamin), Rebec- George Sr. and Mary Ruth were married
burn, Sophie and Leon Stratakes, Aria, ca Cox, Samantha Lawrence (Devon),
Avery, and Allie Sapp, and Lukas Wes- Ashley Lawrence, Monica Lawrence,
low. He is also survived by his siblings Jessica Smith (Benjamin), Kristen Scime-
Doris Heard of Olde Town, FL, Helen ca (Jonathan), Kelly Smith, Grady Law-
Bowling of LaPlata, MD, Nancy Kragh rence, Benjamin Lawrence and Jonathan
(Alvin) of Heathsville, VA, and Faye Gat- Lawrence; her great grandchild Law-
ton of Leonardtown, MD and sisters-in- rence Oster-Smith, and extended family
law Mary Ann Williams of Avenue, MD, and friends. In addition to her parents and
Our Family
Life Celebration Homes &
In addition to his parents, he is prede- brothers, Francis Cecil and Walter Cecil;
Serving Yours
ceased by his siblings Stanley, Jimmy, her son Glenn Lawrence and her grand- Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services,
Raymond, and Anna Marie Quade and daughter Kimberly Cox.
brothers-in-law John Heard, Bernie The family will receive friends on Memorial Packages & Pre-need Services Provided
Quade, Sr, Buddy Bowling, and Jimmy Monday, September 20, 2021 from 10:00
Gatton. A.M. to 11:00 A.M. at St. Aloysius Catho-
He was a civilian working for the fed- lic Church, 22800 Washington Street,
eral government for over 35 years mostly Leonardtown, MD 20650, where a Mass
at the Navy base in St Inigoes, MD until of Christian Burial will be celebrated at
his retirement in 1991. He worked many 11:00 A.M. with Father David Beaubien
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.
odd jobs in retirement most recently at the officiating. Interment will be private. 22955 Hollywood Road
St Mary’s Transit System (STS). He loved Serving as pallbearers will be Joseph Leonardtown, MD 20650
watching and participating in all sports, Dyer, Leon Smith, Grady Lawrence, 301-475-5588
but his passion was baseball playing for Benjamin Schwarzwalder, Benjamin Os-
Margaret Brent High School, Old Gum ter, and Jonathan Scimeca.
Baseball Team, and many senior softball Memorial contributions may be made
teams in retirement. to St. Aloysius Catholic Church, P. O. Box
The family will receive friends on 310, Leonardtown, MD 20650.
Monday, September 20, 2021 from 5:00 Condolences may be made to the fam-
to 8:00 PM with prayers recited at 7:00 ily at Arrangements by
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.
nations to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 17, 1953 in Washington, DC, she was
23080 Maddox Road, Bushwood, MD. the loving daughter of the late Margaret
Lyerly Bray and James Bray. Brenda is
28 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
on October 12, 1957 and remained togeth- Helen Hebb (William), Gertrude Veron- Sates Marine Corp for eight years. She in Arizona, Florida, Guam, Germany,
er for more than 50 years until her death. ica Carter, and Theresa Collins (James); was stationed at Okinawa, Camp Pendel- North Carolina, Panama, North Dakota,
A true Renaissance man, George Sr. his nieces Anna Fenwick Taylor (Joseph), ton, and deployed to Iraq in 2007. Alaska, Australia, Korea, Saudi Arabia
had a keen interest in cars, was a decent Marsha Blackwell, and Deborah Clark, as Krys moved to St. Mary’s County, MD and finally Texas. He served two tours in
mechanic, and a racing car enthusiast, well as a host of other nieces and neph- in October 2013. In 2018, she earned a Vietnam and was awarded the Air Force
spending many weekends working on his ews, great-nieces, great-nephews, great- Bachelor of Science Investigative Foren- Commendation Medal, Outstanding Unit
cars and at various auto races. He had a great nieces and great-great nephews, sics Degree from the University of Mary- Award, seven Good Conduct Medals,
restored 1974 Ford Ranchero that he of- grandchildren and great-grandchildren, land. She was a Security Specialist for the National Defense Service Medal, Armed
ten took to local and regional car shows and extended family and close family Department of Navy- HX-21. Forces Expeditionary Medal, Vietnam
and county fairs, winning multiple tro- friends. Krys volunteered by fostering dogs Service Medal, Overseas Ribbon, Re-
phies (70+), and driving it in military pa- In lieu of flowers, expressions of sym- through SMAWL (St. Mary’s County An- public of Vietnam Gallantry Cross and
rades. He also enjoyed fishing, building, pathy, correspondence, and donations imal Welfare League), and volunteered Campaign Medal. In 1985 Woodie retired
and hunting – all skills he learned from may be forwarded to the family to: c/o taking care of horses. She was enjoyed from the Air Force while stationed at
his great-grandfather and grandfather, George M. Somerville, Sr., P.O. Box 54, scuba diving, paddle boarding and watch- Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene Texas.
who, in addition to being a commercial Leonardtown, MD 20650. ing the Philadelphia Eales. After retiring from the Air Force, he
fisherman, was a boat builder and a fur- Contributions in his memory can also In lieu of flowers, contributions may moved the family to Fort Worth, Texas.
niture maker. He enjoyed music – was a be made to the Patuxent Habitat for Hu- be made to SMAWL(St. Mary’s County He began his 20-year career at the Post
decent guitar player, and he loved danc- manity, Lexington Park, MD, as well as Animal Welfare League). Office shortly thereafter. He retired from
ing – would often refer to himself as “the the Casey House – Montgomery County Condolences to the family can be made the Post Office in 2007 and enjoyed eating
dancing man”, and could often be found Hospice, Rockville, MD location. at Arrangements pro- crab cakes, travelling, and spending time
on the dance floor at parties and family A public viewing will be held at the vided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Fu- with his grandchildren and great grand-
reunions. Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, neral Home, P.A. & Crematory, Leonar- children. He was a fan of the Washington
In addition to his military service, Leonardtown, MD on Thursday, Septem- dtown, MD. Redskins, Baltimore Orioles and Texas
George Sr. was a person who always had ber 16, 2021 from 9:00 A.M.– 10:30 A.M. Rangers. He volunteered at the conces-
multiple streams of income and jobs, of- At the family’s request, masks/face cov-
Woodrow (Woodie) Wilson sion stands at the Texas Rangers games.
ten two (or more) at any given time. He erings will be required. Interment will be Hill Jr. He served as an usher at St. Peter the
had a strong work ethic (often referred private. Apostle Catholic Church in Fort Worth.
to himself as a ‘workaholic’), liked nice Condolences may be made to the fam- Wood row He also was a member of the Knights of
things, and wasn’t afraid to work for ily at Arrangements (Woodie) Wilson Columbus and volunteered to assist with
them, and worked until well into his 80s. provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Fu- Hill Jr. of Fort many various community events.
He worked at a number of jobs and fields, neral Home, P.A. & Crematory, Leonard- Worth, Texas On September 16, mass will be held at
including working at the local hospital, in town, MD. formerly from Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Duncan-
construction – teaching himself to run ev- Chaptico, MD ville 12:00 – 1:00pm and the burial will
ery piece of equipment on-site, and even- Krystal Lynn Badmann, passed away Fri- be 2:15pm at the Dallas-Fort Worth VA
tually becoming a heavy-duty equipment “Krys” day, September National Cemetery in Dallas, TX.
and tower crane operator, as a part-time 3, 2021. Born Au-
gas station and a laundry-mat attendant, Krystal Lynn gust 6, 1941, in John Lowell (Buddy) Insley
and movie theater projectionist, and an Ba d m a n n , LaPlata, Mary-
ice and a fuel oil, auto parts, gravel and John Lowell
“Krys”,34, of land, he was the son of the late Woodrow
earth deliveryman, amongst others. (Buddy) Insley,
Callaway, MD, Wilson Hill Sr. and Mary Agnes Alvey
George Sr. was preceded in death by 89 of Hollywood,
formerly of Hill. Woodie is survived by his wife Rose
his parents, the late Sarah Turner and the MD, passed away
Northern Cali- (Tina) E. Navarro Hill, three children -
late Mitchell Somerville; his great-aunt, on September 3,
fornia, passed Debra Chalupa (Curtis), Sandra Callaham
Agnes ‘Marie’ Turner Young; his brother, 2021. Buddy was
away on Sep- (Robert) Mary Ann Jetton (Steve), nine
the late Clarence Turner Evans; and his born on Novem-
tember 3, 2021 grandchildren - Rae Ann Ford, Tiffany
three first cousins with whom he was ber 27, 1931 in
in Callaway, MD. Roth, Emily Chalupa, Corey Chalupa,
raised – the late Roberta Turner Clark, the Hollywood, MD.
She was born on November 19, 1986 in Ashley Shirley, Kassandra Diehl, Victo-
late Richard (Dick) Fenwick, and the late Buddy’s wife,
Greenbrae, CA and was the loving daugh- ria Line, Ryan Jetton and Makayla Jetton,
Joseph Clark. Mary Ann (Unkle) passed in 2003. They
ter of Earindil K. Perkes of Valley Lee, five great grandchildren - Adalynn and
George Sr. is survived by his step- enjoyed over 52 years of marriage. He
MD. Krys was the loving wife of Ralph Elizabeth Ford, Lincoln Roth and Emma
son, Roy S. Chesley I (Jacklyn); daugh- was predeceased by his two sons, Rob-
G. Badmann, whom she married on and Ewan Diehl. Siblings - Martha Louis
ters Joyce A. White (Richard); Deborah ert Michael (Mike) and Richard Wayne
February 16, 2013 in Camp Pendelton, Wheeler (Harry) of Bushwood, MD, Al-
Khavkin; Barbara Somerville Hasty (Ricky), his parents, Carl Deshield and
San Diego, CA. Krys is survived by her len Henry Hill Sr. (Mary), Patrick Eugene
(William); George Somerville, Jr.; and Agnes Insley and his brother Jackie.
daughter Makayla Badmann of Callaway, Hill (Judy) of Chaptico, MD and William
Clarence Somerville. His grandchildren, Buddy is survived by his children;
MD, along with her siblings Chad Mar- Michael Hill (Sue) of Leonardtown, MD.
Dr. Michelle Buchanan (Herb), Robin Sheila Barber (Al), Christopher Insley,
shall of Lusby, MD, Mallory Perkes of Woodie graduated from Margaret
Bowman, Roy Chesley II (Juanita), Dante Terri Insley, Tracey Russell (Wayne) and
Valley Lee, MD, Sarah Perkes and An- Brent High School in 1961. Woodie was
Chesley (Jerri), Shanay Overton (An- Kimberly Lowthert (Kent). His grand-
drew Perkes, both of Sedro-Woolley, WA. the Class President, voted Most Depend-
thony), and Ian Somerville, Danielle Fen- children knew him as Pop. Denise Ash-
She graduated from Springville High able, Student Council, Green Cross Club
wick, and Jeremy Clayton; sister-in-laws ton (Ron), Cathy Hollstrom (Brian), Chris
School in 2003. Krys joined the United and played Soccer. Yearbook personality
(Bunk) Insley (Angie); Eric Lowthert (Ju-
quote ”Going as if he trod upon eggs”.
lie), Sean Lowthert (Angela); Lauren Rus-
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The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for
Publisher Thomas McKay
the residents of St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on news-
Associate Publisher Eric McKay stands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s
General Manager
Al Dailey County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its
news coverage.
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Tim Flaherty To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the
writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by
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After that deadline, the St. Mary’s County Times will make every attempt possible to publish
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County Times
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Guy Leonard
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32 The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
o r k s Ride oat
Fire w PM
day 9
St. Clement’s Island Museum
Saturday, October 2 Featuring family entertainment, local food, art and craft vendors, waterman of the
Gates open at Noon
year award, parade, blessing ceremony, evening concert and fireworks, free boat
• Noon: 1st boat to the Island-
• Blackistone Lighthouse Opens rides, and activities on the island including lighthouse tours.
• 1:00 Blessing of the Fleet and the
Waterman of the Year
• 2:00 The Mid-Eastern Dance Troupe
• 3:00 Aerial Acrobatics by the
Vertical Dance Company 7:30 P
• 3:30 Last boat to the Island
• 4:00 Children’s Tractor Pull
Blackistone Lighthouse Closes
• 4:30 Last boat to the mainland
• 5:30 Robbie Booth
• 7:00 Museum Closes
• 7:30 Amish Outlaws
• 9:00 Fireworks
• 9:15 Food Vendors Close
Sunday, October 3
Gates open at 11
• 11:00 1st boat to the Island
• Noon Blackistone Lighthouse Opens
What is there to eat?
• 1:00 Parade Pizza • Hamburgers • Hot Dogs • Crab Soup • Shrimp Salad
• 3:00 Mass on the Island (weather permitting) Crab Balls • Fried Shrimp • Chicken Tenders • Boardwalk Fries
Grace’s Dance Studio
• 3:30 Last boat to the Island
• 4:00 Raffle Drawing
• 4:30 Last boat to the mainland
• 5:00 Gates Close