St. Mary's County Times

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St. Mary's
County Times


Most of Old
Belvedere Being
Story Page 3

Alligator Saga
Story on Page 4

IHOP Coming to
Story Page 15

School Bus Drivers &

Staff Shortage
2 The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021



A vacant California restaurant is getting new lease on life.



St. Mary’s schools are experiencing Taste of St. Mary's returns to Leonardtown
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS 25 a shortage of support personnel
including bus drivers



County Times
P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
For staff listing and emails, see page 23



County Times

t y's es
The Calvert

CaM Tiem
er 12, 2020

Co Tyim t
12, 2020


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Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Local News 3

Much of Old Lexington Some Masking Required

Park Hotel To Be For County Fair
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Masks will be required for visitors to
the St. Mary’s County Fair if they enter
close quarter areas such as the admin-
istrative offices but the rest of the fair
should mostly be open to visitors not
having to wear them.
John Richards, president of the St.
Mary’s County Fair Board, confirmed
County Fair Board John Richards
this at the meeting of the Commission-
ers of St. Mary’s County this week. “That’s why we were in really good
“There probably will be some places shape when it came to swine flu.”
on the fairgrounds… where you’ll prob- All of the exhibit rooms also have ex-
ably have to wear a mask,” said Rich- haust fans, Richards said, and "we have
ards, wearing a mask himself in speak- tons of fans that we can use to keep the
ing to the commissioners. “But if you’re air moving."
sitting down watching the horse pull, “We’re not expecting any problems
probably not.” with that.”
The county health department has Tolerance Hall has an ion filtration
provided signs to the fair board noting system, Richards said.
where masks are required on the prop- “We installed that in honor of Bill
erty and where masks are suggested, Pilkerton who died last year because of
Richards told commissioners. COVID,” he said.
Richards said that the many exhibit A newly renovated hand washing sta-
buildings at the fairgrounds will not re- tion at the fair “will be the cat’s meow,”
quire masks as they are left open and said Richards, who said the fair board
will have ventilation. would follow any new directives from
“This is not our first fair,” Richards the health department given between
said. “So, we are used to having swine the present day and the fair’s start Sept.
flu and bird flu… for instance all of our 23.
stock barns have fans.
By Guy Leonard much reduced price of $1.4 mil-
Staff Writer lion, state tax records show, in
The Pax River Hotel, known for 2014.
decades before as The Belvedere The building closest to Route
Motor Inn and Restaurant, has 235 will likely remain intact,
been in steady decline for years Morgan said, but the remaining
and more recently has been the buildings will be demolished.
site of blight — all just outside the “We’re working on cleaning

county’s main economic engine up Lexington Park and I want to
of the Patuxent River Naval Air thank the owners, particularly
Station. [County Attorney David] Weis-
But the dilapidated — though
once iconic landmark — is set to
almost entirely be demolished.
kopf and [Director of Land Use
and Growth Management Bill]
Hunt for working through the pro-
September 18, 2021
“It’s something we’ve been cess with me to begin to clean up
working on for well over six one piece of Lexington Park.”
months,” said Commissioner Todd Shahid Latiff, general manager
Morgan during the business meet- at the Pax River Hotel, said that (301) 884-7000
ing of the Commissioners of St. the remaining building would
Mary’s County Sept. 14. “Over the continue to offer rooms to guests; Annual Property & Real Estate Auction
years that place has been dilapi- he said the owner of the property 9:00 AM PROPERTY SOLD AT 11:00 AM
dated pretty badly, but thanks to was planning to build a residential 9535 MONTROSS STREET UPPER MARLBORO MD 20772
a lot of work and communication, rental property where the older FOR PROPERTY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL 301-884-7000
they’ll be tearing down three of
the four buildings where old Bel-
vedere used to be.”
buildings once stood.
“We are already demolishing,”
Latiff said.
October 2, 2021
The owners of the property are The Belvedere was one of many
(October 1st preview day)
listed on the county tax rolls as dinner and nightlife spots in what Mustang & Ford Memorabilia
Inder Hospitality LLC, based in Morgan called “the heyday” of 9:00 AM
Rockville. Lexington Park, when the econo- 38250 NEW MARKET TURNER RD. MECHANICSVILLE MD 20659
State tax records show the prop- my there was more vibrant.
erty was sold in 2002 as The Bel-
vedere Restaurant incorporated to
Ganesh LLC for $4.1 million.
He said he remembered moving
to the county in 1979 and rent-
ing an efficiency apartment at the
October 23, 2021
Ganesh LLC in turn sold the once thriving establishment. (October 22 preview day)
property in 2007 to Braddock Re- “There was many a fun night at CONSIGNMENT AUCTION
alty LLC for $5.6 million. the Belvedere with a few individu- 8:30 AM
Braddock Realty sold the prop- als,” Morgan reminisced. CALL (301) 861-7738 TO COSIGN
erty to the current owners for a 38250 NEW MARKET TURNER RD. MECHANICSVILLE MD 20659
4 Local News The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021


Agency Captain Files for
November & December are the most
successful months for planting most
all trees and shrubs in Southern
Sheriff’s Office
Maryland. (Climate hardiness Zone 7b) By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
• Cool Weather • Almost No Watering
Capt. Steve Hall, a long-serving member
• Moist Soil • Less Stress on
of the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office
• Easy Digging The Plants
and current commander of the agency’s
BEST VALUE: Our Wholesale suppliers GREEN GIANT NELLIE STEVENS Special Operations Division has filed to be
are anxious to sell their trees and the county’s next sheriff.
shrubs before winter and many offer BUY 5 Hall, a Republican, filed to run Sept.

20% OFF
special incentives which we pass OR MORE 2, according to the Maryland Board of
along to our customers. SAVE Elections.
Hall said the agency has developed an
ORNAMENTAL CABBAGE & KALE. ALL SIZES enviable reputation for effectiveness while
BUY 10 OR MORE SAVE 20% OFF building a strong, positive relationship with
the community.
One of his chief aims if elected is to
maintain and improve that relationship.
“The citizens deserve a responsive and
professional sheriff’s office,” Hall said.
“And I accept the responsibility to deliver
Capt. Steve Hall
“The one thing you have to do is main- bly session.
BUY 10 OR MORE SAVE 20% OFF tain the public’s trust; that’s hard won and Hall believes his extensive experience in
easily lost.” the agency puts him in the best position to
Hall wants to recruit and retain the best deal with those reforms as the new sheriff.
deputy candidates he can find “based on Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron, who has
character, not just money.” held the office for four, four-year terms and
He also plans on exposing officers to a said Hall has worked in all departments of
variety of training once employed by the the agency from corrections to the detec-
FLOWERING COLOR SHRUBS agency and moving them to different divi- tive squad to command, Cameron told The
BUY 5 OR MORE AND SAVE 20% OFF sions to ensure they are familiar and com- County Times.
petent in working in all aspects of the job. Hall has also graduated from the FBI
“I don’t want siloed officers,” Hall said. National Academy.
“What I’m not going to stand is unreli- “He certainly doesn’t need my blessing
ability and anyone who erodes the public’s [to run for sheriff] but he has my full sup-
ALL ROSES trust." port,” said Cameron. “He would be an ex-
ALL ROSE OF KNOCKOUT The agency is facing many new chal- cellent fit for sheriff.
ALL HYDRANGEAS SHARON & DRIFTS lenges, including the legal necessity of “The agency and the community would
complying with a bevy of police reforms be in good hands.”
ORNAMENTAL GRASSES passed in the most recent General Assem-

Calvert Man Dies in St.

Great Landscapes Begin at Wentworth Nursery
Mary’s Motorcycle Crash
Fall is the best time... • Plants transplant the best in the Fall
and will be ready to bloom next year! finish your landscape or
• We get more natural rain, so it
hardscape projects!
Schedule your job you can requires less care on your part!
enjoy your project this fall • Get your Home & Gardens
and be ready for the holidays! ready for entertainment
On Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021 at 6:45 age 52 of Lusby, was traveling north-
pm, St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office bound on Hollywood Road when he
Deputies responded to the report of a passed a vehicle on the double yellow line
single motor-vehicle crash in the area of of the highway. Radvany lost control of
Hollywood Road and Tin Top Hill Lane the motorcycle and left the roadway after
in Hollywood. Upon arrival, deputies re-entering the northbound lane. The mo-
Call Today 800-451-1427 or stop by either of our three locations found a single motorcycle had left the torcycle struck a mailbox and fence pole,
Special Financing 0 Percent for 18 Months. Other Options Available. roadway. The male rider was located near ejecting Radvany.
the crashed motorcycle and CPR was in At this time, speed appears to be a progress. The driver was pronounced contributing factor in the crash. It is un-
deceased on the scene by EMS person- known at this time if alcohol is a factor.
nel a short time later. The St. Mary’s Anyone who may have witnessed the
Charlotte Hall Oakville County Sheriff’s Office Collision Recon- collision or any events leading up to the
Prince Frederick
30315 Three Notch Rd, 1700 Solomon’s Island Rd, 5 minutes North of Hollywood struction Unit responded to continue the crash and have not already provided a
Charlotte Hall, MD Prince Frederick, MD 41170 Oakville Road investigation. statement is asked to contact Cpl. Dale
301-884-5292 410-535-3664 Mechanicsville, MD Preliminary investigation determined Reppel at 301-475-4200, ext. 78059 or
Sale Ends 800-558-5292 866-535-3664 301-373-9245 • 800-451-1427
that a 2019 Harley Davidson motorcycle, email
11/1/2021 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9-6, Sun. 9-5 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30-6, Sat. 7:30-5, Closed Sundays operated by Richard William Radvany,
Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Local News 5

County Content to Let Weapon Scanner Tested

Alligator Stay If Not Caught at Great Mills High School
By Guy Leonard Walker said the state lacked the re-
Staff Writer sources to pivot to the project, and, since
Over the past several weeks the ef- the alligator has yet to pose a threat to
forts of an independent alligator cap- residents or pets, there is little incentive
ture expert have been unsuccessful in to capture it if the contractor gives up.
removing the predatory reptile from a However, Walker said nearby home-
Hollywood area pond, according to De- owners have expressed “trepidation” at
partment of Emergency Services Direc- the close proximity of the alligator to
tor Steve Walker. their homes.
The county’s Animal Control division He said there have been no complaints
has so far not taken part in the attempts about the creature being a nuisance or a
to capture the alligator, Walker said, danger.
and has left the task up to the contrac- “There really isn’t much to be done,”
tor, who has apparently been employed Walker said. “If DNR isn’t going to pur-
by local Gentle Hands Wildlife Rescue sue it, we’re not going to.”
operator Dave Edwards. The county’s chief emergency man- During the week of September ing pockets, or waiting in lines.  It
“We have no experience or training agement official said the only money 13 through September 17, 2021, is designed to be an improvement
in this,” Walker said of dealing with an the county has expended on the reptile’s St. Mary’s County Public Schools over more traditional screening pro-
alligator. capture is in manufacturing the traps (SMCPS) in partnership with Motor- cedures that rely on metal detec-
If the contractor, who Walker said he for it and being on hand for its antici- ola Solutions and Avigilon Corpora- tors, hand wands, and invasive bag
has seen but does not know their name, pated capture on one night in the past tion, will pilot a new physical secu- checks.  The pilot is being offered to
is unsuccessful in capturing the alliga- two weeks. rity screening system at Great Mills SMCPS at no cost. 
tor and leaves off the hunt, the county Walker said the county was not going High School.  The system will be SMCPS will complete a full as-
does not plan to pursue the creature. to use harsher forms of capture other temporarily installed for one week sessment and evaluation of the sys-
“If he wants to keep looking, it’s up to than the baited, corrugated pipe traps in for demonstration and evaluation by tem to include cost and implications
him,” Walker said of the contractor’s op- the effort. school administrators.  for future budgets with the intention
tions. “He has yet to be successful, we’re Traps such as baited hooks were de- The screening solution is designed to deploy across all high schools.
just on standby.” signed for dispatching the animal. to be an effective touchless scan for For more information, please con-
In part, Walker’s decision was based “We’re trying to capture it, not kill it concealed weapons detection with- tact the Department of Safety and
on the state’s Department of Natural Re- for food,” Walker said. out the need for stopping, empty- Security at 301-475-5511, ext. 32238.
sources move not to assist in removing
the alligator either.

Water Frontage
Huge Reduction in 7th Heaven
21210 Bernie Lawrence Lane
$569,900! Abell , MD

To Sell

Billy Fitzgerald
6 Local News The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021

Town Approves
Extension of Outdoor
Seating for Coffee House
By Guy Leonard “One parking space is all I’m
Staff Writer asking,” Coogan said.
On a split vote the Leonardtown Mayor Dan Burris said the town
Town Council approved an ap- has asked that businesses with a
plication from the owner of the parking space that another busi-

Ready for life's Social Coffee House on Fenwick ness wishes to use for outdoor
Street, Sean Coogan, to retain a seating sign a letter if they wish to
temporary parking spot there for support that request.
milestones? Let's talk. outdoor seating for his business. In case of the f lower shop next
Coogan already has a permanent to Social Coffee House, the owner
spot in front of his business but did not sign that request, Burris
the one temporary spot next door said.
he uses, in front of David Mat- “That’s where we are today,”
tingly’s David’s Flowers shops, Burris said speaking to a full
David McDonough brought a tense debate to the Sept. council chamber. “We don’t need
13 meeting. that signature for a temporary.”
Financial Advisor
David McDonough Coogan wanted to retain the Kevin Mattingly testified that
temporary space through the end Coogan’s outdoor seating was
41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
Financial Advisor
Leonardtown, MD 20650 of the year; council members Jay blocking access of his Fenwick
Mattingly, Nick Colvin andSIPCTyler Street neighbor.
41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302 Alt voted for his application. “These people cannot get into
Mary Maday Slade and Christie the business,” Mattingly said.
Leonardtown, MD 20650 Hollander voted against it. “Just treat everybody the same.”
301-997-1707 “Honestly it’s been a Godsend,” Kevin Mattingly was asked
IRT-4395E-A Coogan said of the outdoor seat- pointedly if he was representing

vid McDonough ing the town had worked to al- David Mattingly and replied in
ncial Advisor low in concert with the county’s the affirmative but did not have a

Member SIPC Alcohol Beverage Board in the letter, requested by Burris, stating
80 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302 beginning days of the COVID-19 that fact.
pandemic. “I can’t compete with “I just see the way a human be-
nardtown, MD 20650
997-1707 Sell it - Buy it Dunkin’ Donuts and that drive- ing is treating another human be-
thru service.” ing and … it hurts my feelings,”
at Coogan said this was the fourth Kevin Mattingly said, later not-
time he had had to “defend” his ing he was not speaking for David
having the outdoor seating before Mattingly.
the town council. The parking spaces on Fen-
Tri County Livestock Auction “It’s not just tables and chairs wick are not reserved for any
1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the Month – Auction begins at 4 PM we’re talking about here, it’s real person or business under normal
Located Off MD Rt. 6 West – Charlotte Hall, MD people’s jobs,” Coogan said, point- circumstances.
(closest physical address is 9033 Glock Place – Look for auction sign at entrance) ing to a large contingent of his “The confrontation between
This auction is managed/conducted by the Tri-County Livestock Auction committee. employees he brought to testify. the two businesses, it kills me to
Coogan said he and his work- see that,” said Councilmember
ers had grown his business by 60 Jay Mattingly. “They’re both up-
John Deere Toy Collection Online Auction percent during the pandemic with set with each other, that’s the last
the outdoor seating and with other thing I want.”
Large selection of John Deere Toys changes he’d made. Jay Mattingly is in favor of out-
(various scales, models & type) Coogan said the town had re- door seating and said both busi-
cently asked him to remove his ta- nesses benefited from being next
Online auction Open for Bidding on or about Sept. 17th bles from the sidewalk after only to each other.
and will begin to Close MON. SEPT 27th @ 6 PM. receiving “complaints from one “People are loving it, peopleare
area.” wanting it,” said Town Adminis-
PREVIEW DATES: Friday, Sept. 17th 4 to 6 pm; Saturday, His removing three tables in trator Laschelle McKay of out-
compliance with the May missive door seating. “We know outdoor
Sept. 18th 8 am to 10 am; and Monday Sept. 20 th 4 to 6 pm. cost him $800 a day on weekends, seating is working.”
Coogan said, calling out town The final council vote allowed
Future Auction Plans: leadership for allegedly hurting for Social Coffee House to keep
Fall Harvest Auction: Tentatively scheduled for Friday, October, 1st. his business when they claim to the temporary space until Jan. 2.
support all small businesses in
To be held at Westfield Farm, Mechanicsville, MD.
So. Md. Farm & Country Christmas Auction: Tentatively scheduled
for Saturday, Dec. 4th. This auction will be held with a new format and
will focus on (and be limited to) “live”, handcrafted evergreen wreaths
& decorations; new furniture/items; handcrafted quilts, etc. To be held
at Westfield Farm, Mechanicsville, MD. More details coming soon.

St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County

Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Local News 7

Youth Gun Violence

Task Force Seizes 19
Firearms This Summer
The St. Mary’s County Sher-
iff’s Office Youth Gun Violence
Task Force recently completed
its three-month-long mission, ex-
ecuting more than 100 warrants,
affecting dozens of arrests and
seizing numerous illegal firearms
from perpetrators.
The Youth Gun Violence Task
Force continued efforts this sum-
mer that originally began in July
2020. Since June of this year, the SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2021
reformed task force executed 105
Task Force this summer,” Sheriff
ic kets 11 AM – 5 PM
search warrants, made 65 arrests
and seized 19 guns in its work in Tim Cameron said. “Their efforts
St. Mary’s County. in removing illegal firearms and
arresting those carrying them has
The task force’s mission in-
cluded a high visibility presence made a significant improvement
in at-risk neighborhoods to reduce in the quality of life in the St.
the frequency of gun violence; Mary’s County community. Our
interdiction enforcement to re- work is not done. Our agency and
cover illegally possessed firearms our partners will continue to ad-
from persons and vehicles; using dress these issues through com-
covert investigative strategies to munity engagement, intervention
Enter Up Fam
Frie ily
identify suspects involved in gun efforts and prevention efforts,” he
crimes; review and evaluation of said.
Retro est
“I would also like to sincerely
Cont ndly
both open and closed gun cases
for intelligence and engagement thank our law enforcement and
with community members and or- prosecution partners on the local,

Pi n ey Poi n t
ganizations for information and state and federal levels for all of
support. their support for the task force,”
“Over the past three months, the Sheriff said.
the task force worked tirelessly The work of the St. Mary’s
to investigate and arrest violent
criminal offenders who terrorized
our community with a callous
disregard for the sanctity of life,”
said Lt. Shawn Moses, Youth Gun
Violence Task Force Coordinator.
“The cumulative results produced
County Sheriff’s Office Youth
Gun Violence Task Force was a
collaborative effort with the US
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
arms and Explosives (ATF); the
Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI); the US Attorney’s Office;
Lighthouse Museum H
by the task force undoubtedly the Maryland State Police (MSP) Adore classic cars, browse vintage treasures and step back in
and the State’s Attorney’s Of-
serves as a testament to how the
fice for St. Mary’s County to en-
time to the nostalgic tunes of yesteryear. RetroFest on the
community and law enforcement
can work together to investigate sure the safety and security of all Potomac represents all things vintage. From the 40s to the 70s - whatever
and deter violent crime,” he said. residents, through the arrest and your decade - come get your Rockabilly on and support the Museum.
“I am immensely proud of the prosecution of those seeking to
do harm onto others through gun
extraordinary hard work con- Live Entertainment • Vintage Vendors • Hot Rod & Classic
ducted by the Youth Gun Violence violence.
Bring the whole family!
Cars • Kids Activities • Food Trucks & Beer Wagon
Pin Up contest

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8 Cops & Courts The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021


Join communities Drug Arrest-
On August 19, 2021, Dep. Salas
by the victim who reported a pro-
tective order violation and an as-
across Maryland responded to the 21200 block of sault. The victim advised during
Great Mills Road in Great Mills, an argument, Michael Patrick
in the shared for the reported theft. Contact Horan, age 28
experience of was made with a female, who
provided a false name and was
of Leonard-
town, assault-
reading the same book. issued a criminal citation. It was ed her by push-
later discovered Christiana Lynn ing her, and
Crivella, age violated a valid
35 of Lusby, court order by
 provided dep- contacting the
   uties with a victim. Horan
  false name and was located
  Crivella was and arrested. Michael Patrick Horan
subsequently Located on
located on a Horan’s person was a hypodermic
Meet the Author traffic stop syringe, suspected cocaine and a
One Maryland One Book is a program of Maryland Humanities
Ross Gay and positive- suspected CDS smoking device.
ly identified. Christiana Lynn Crivella Horan was charged with Violation
On a Virtual Tour Crivella was of Protective Order, CDS: Posses-
Monday, October 4 found to be in sion-Not Marijuana, CDS: Posses-

11 a.m. possession of a suspected CDS sion-Paraphernalia, and Assault

smoking device and a bottle con- 2nd Degree.
 taining a clear liquid suspected to
be heroin. Crivella was arrested
Property Destruction/Tres-
passing/Resist Arrest-
and charged with CDS: Posses- On September 8, 2021, Dep.
Calvert sion-Not Marijuana, CDS: Para- Wynnyk responded to the 46800
phernalia, Theft, and False State- block of Flower Drive in Lexing-  ment to Officer. ton Park, for the reported distur-
Sex Offense- bance. Investigation determined
On September 1, 2021, Det. Turez Lydell
Sidorowicz investigated the re- Creek, age 33
ported sex offense. Investiga- of no fixed ad-
tion determined Robert Phillip dress, was at
Thompson the victim’s
Jr., age 34 of property after
Holly wood, being served
sexually as- a notice not
saulted a ju- to trespass.
venile female. Creek kicked
Thompson was the victim’s Turez Lydell Creek
charged with door, damag-
Sexual Solici- ing the door, and forced entry into
tation of a Mi- the residence. Creek was located
nor and Sex Robert Phillip in a closet and actively resisted
Thompson Jr.
Offense Third arrest. Creek continued to cause a
Degree.  disturbance by yelling and failing
Drug Arrest- to comply. Creek was arrested and
On September 5, 2021, Dep. charged with Malicious Destruc-
Luffey was in the area of 25300 tion of Property, Trespass: Private
Pt. Lookout Road in Leonard- Property, Disorderly Conduct, and
town, when he was f lagged down Resist/Interfere with Arrest.

Editor’s Note:
The above arrests are not an indication of
guilt or innocence as the cases have not been
Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Local News 9

Fresh Local Amish

Made Cheese

$7. lb 99
$8. lb 49

$8.19 lb $8.99 lb $8.99 lb


(301) 884-5636 (301) 997-1828 (301) 475-2343 (240) 237-8266
10 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021

26845 Point Lookout Road (Rt 5), Leonardtown

Sewing Embroidery & Quilting Classes

Monday Mendings: Buttons and quick bag. Renaissance Ribbon Bags are perfect for travel or
everyday use and great for gifts, too! You'll love the easy and
pinks and cream. This is an 8-Month Block of the Month
(BOM) Project. The finished top size is approximately 76 1/2"
Buttonholes unique zipper installation with beautifully-finished interior, x 93 1/2".
Sep 20, 2021 - 05:00 pm no unfinished seams and no bindings! Cost: $ 239.99
We will sew on buttons and make buttonholes. Cost: $ 25.00
Cost: $ 25.00 Sewing: Runaround Bag
Butterfly Trapunto Pouch Oct 09, 2021 - 02:00 pm
Quilting & Sewing: Machine Embroidery The Runaround Bag was designed by Lazy
Fall Rag Throw Sep 27, 2021 - 05:00 pm Girl Designs. This is a smart looking purse is
very functional and easy to make. The bag is
Sep 23, 2021 - 02:00 pm Small handbag made in one hooping with
optional shoulder strap. fully lined and features a back pocket and a front zippered
This is a fast and fun project. Not only is it
warm and cozy, it has a homey feeling and Cost: $ 35.00 body. This bag is a great beginner project.
adds to the ambiance of your Home, Sweet Cost: $ 30.00
Home. Sewing and Quilting
Cost: $ 30.00 Spicy Spiral Table Runner Quilting
Oct 06, 2021 - 11:00 am Sampler Block of the Month Club
Foot of the Month Club Find a friend and join our class in making this Oct 13, 2021 - 01:30 pm
Sep 25, 2021 - 10:00 am beautiful Spiral Table Runner. Each month Rose will lead a class on creating
Each month we will learn about and practice with one foot for Cost: $ 40.00 a different block.
Pfaff and Husqvarna Viking Sewing Machines. Cost: $ 20.00
Flower Garden Quilt
Cost: $ 10.00
BOM (Block of the Month) -
Renaissance Ribbon Bag Oct 09, 2021 - 10:00 am Sampler Block of the Month Club
Sep 25, 2021 - 02:00 pm I see this quilt is a modern take on a country Oct 14, 2021 - 05:30 pm
Add a little luxury to your daily routine! Use quilt. The fabric is made up of a whimsical Each month Rose will lead a class on creating a different
a variety of ribbons to make this simple, floral. Accent fabric has small floral buds and block.
leaves. The color palette consists mostly of country blues, Cost: $ 20.00

To resgister for a class call 240-309-4019

Visit us on Facebook MDVacandSew/FB or at
Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times In Our Community 11

Chessie the Manatee Still Making Waves

Not many visitors to the Chesapeake
Bay garner a cult-like following like
Chessie. Two books tell his tales, and he
has even made a film cameo. His story
began nearly two decades ago, back in
the summer of 1994, when this nearly
1,100-pound Florida manatee was spot-
ted wandering the waters of the Chesa-
peake Bay and its tidal tributaries.
At some point during his well-publi-
cized visit, the manatee was given the
name Chessie after the Chesapeake Bay
and the legendary “sea monster” that
resides there. Manatees generally will
make the long swim back home to the
warm waters of their native Florida. But
Chessie stuck around.
As the 1994 summer turned into fall,
Chessie continued to do some Bay sight-
seeing. But his trip came to an abrupt
end, when in early October he was
caught in an unusual weather system
that caused the Bay’s water tempera-
tures to plummet into the 60s. At water
temperatures in this range, Chessie’s life
was in peril due to cold-stunning, which
can occur in marine mammals from late
October to early winter. The immedi-
ate impacts can cause some species to
become slow and unresponsive—and
die from the cold, drowning, or boating
accidents. Florida Wildlife Commission staff use a grease marker to highlight Chessie’s scar pattern and take measurements. These data identify Chessie and contribute
Cindy Driscoll, Maryland Depart- to manatee health research.
ment of Natural Resources state wildlife Orlando and multiple manatee conser- In February of this year, a male man- him. We are all celebrating Chessie’s
veterinarian and Marine Mammal and vation organizations. atee was found emaciated in Riviera new chapter.
Sea Turtle Stranding Program manager, Chessie’s story included a lot of firsts Beach, Florida, suffering from pneu- The Maryland Department of Natu-
helped track Chessie before cold-stun- for manatees. He was the first manatee monia and malnourishment. Hanging ral Resources reminds anyone who has
ning affected him. to fly to Florida, the first manatee to on to life, he was rescued and triaged at seen either a marine mammal or sea
I drove around upper Eastern Shore ever recuperate at the National Aquar- SeaWorld Orlando and identified by his turtle in Maryland waters to report it
marinas as sightings came in—to no ium, and the first tagged manatee to scars as none other than Chessie. to the state Marine Mammal and Sea
avail,” Driscoll recalls. be tracked traveling along the Atlantic After months of intensive care in his Turtle Stranding program at 1-800-628-
It took an army of staff from the De- coast. He even helped the Maryland pen at SeaWorld, personalized feed- 9944. Anglers, boaters, and beachgoers
partment of Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Natural Resources de- ings, and lots of love, Chessie gradually should especially be on the lookout for
Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and velop the first federal set of protocols for gained weight and his health improved these creatures.
the National Aquarium to track Chessie northern bound manatee strandings and drastically. In May of 2021, Chessie was Marine mammals are specifically pro-
down and save him. Finally, Chessie rescues. given a clean bill of health and slated to tected by federal law, the Marine Mam-
was found alive near Queenstown in the Because of all of this, we have helped be released yet again into the wild. mal Protection Act. In addition, sea tur-
Chester River. the conservation of manatees. USFWS The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conser- tles and whales are both protected under
“Chessie was plopped into the Na- and the U.S. Geological Survey now vation Commission (FWC) gave Chessie the 1973 Endangered Species Act. It is
tional Aquarium stranding pool, where have rescue and/ or necropsy protocols a new monitoring tag (he is known for illegal to harass, capture, or collect these
he stayed for two to three days for us to for northern wandering manatees.  losing them), and with the help from vol- marine species, alive or dead, including
monitor him,“ Driscoll says. “He was in `But Chessie’s story doesn’t end there. unteers, federal agencies and SeaWorld their bones or any body parts. 
great shape!” Chessie picked up a taste for traveling Orlando, the manatee was released in By Eric G. Wilson, Public Affairs Offi-
Arrangements were made with the and even after his close call in the Bay, the warm and tranquil waters of North cer for DNR’s Fishing and Boating Ser-
help of the U.S. Coast Guard to fly him was spotted several more times along Palm Beach. vices. Article appears in Vol. 24, No. 3 of
back to Florida. When he arrived in his the coast. One summer he was even Where Chessie will end up is any- the Maryland Natural Resource maga-
home state, he was tagged and released spotted off the coast of Rhode Island be- one’s guess, but his celebrity status has zine, fall 2021.
by staff and volunteers from SeaWorld fore he swam south. warmed the hearts of those who follow
12 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
SEPTEMBER 18 & 19 • 10 am – 5pm FUN FOR KIDS TOO!
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Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times In Our Community 13

Holiday Farm Guide Robbie Boothe Plays Port

of Leonardtown Winery
Accepting Listings  Country singer/songwriter/mu-
sician and hometown favorite,
The Southern Maryland Agri- Robbie Boothe, returns to Leonar-
cultural Development Commis- dtown to perform for the Leonar-
sion (SMADC), a division of the dtown Summer Music Festival on
Tri-County Council for Southern Saturday, September 18th. Robbie
Maryland, is now accepting list- has been honing his songwriting
ings for the 2021 edition of the skills since performing an origi-
'Holiday Farm Guide’. nal song in high school. He per-
SMADC's Holiday Farm Guide forms this Saturday at the Port
connects consumers with region- of Leonardtown Winery. Concert
al farms and producers, as well time is from 3 PM - 6 PM.
as stores and restaurants that of- There is limited seating at the
fer Southern Maryland grown and producers, wineries, breweries, Winery available on a first come,
produced farm products and ser- distilleries, stores and restaurants first serve basis (attendees may
vices during the holiday season and other businesses that pro- also bring a blanket or lawn chair
and through the winter months. duce or offer Southern Maryland and enjoy the concert from the ad-
 Featured guide categories in- farm products are encouraged to jacent Port of Leonardtown Park).
clude locally grown Christmas submit a holiday listing. There is Farm.Fork.Soul & Kona Ice food
trees, holiday trimmings and fire- no charge to be listed. Find the trucks will be on location, and
wood, meats and poultry, eggs, online application under 'News the tasting room will be open for
cheese, seafood, produce, baked and Events' on the SMADC web- sampling the award winning-wine
goods, jams and jellies, clothing site. Listing submissions are due and refreshing slushies (please
and accessories made with local by October 15, 2021.  note that admittance for this con- LeonardtownMusicFest.
yarns and fiber, wine, beer and  The 2020 Southern Mary- cert is FREE, and that food and The Leonardtown Summer Mu-
spirits, plus farm-hosted holiday land Holiday Farm Guide will be drink are available for purchase). sic Festival is produced by the
events, tours and tastings and re- available to view or download (in Overf low parking is available in Town of Leonardtown and the
gional 'winter' farmers markets early November) on the ‘Get the adjacent Hall’s HVAC park- Leonardtown Business Associa-
operating during the holidays. Our Guides’ page at www. ing lot. A walking map from the tion and funded in part by the St.
Southern Maryland region  overf low parking may be found Mary’s County Arts Council.
farms, seafood and aquaculture Press Release from SMADC. at:

St. Mary’s County Ducks Unlimited

cocktails | dinner | raffle prizes | silent and live auction
Doors open 5 p.m. | Hollywood Firehouse

Consider a sponsorship or donation:

Dinner Tickets - $80 each, $150 per couple
Art Underwriting - $50 per sculpture/decoy, $100 per painting/art
Sponsor - $320 each, $380 per couple
Table Sponsor (8 admission tickets, reserved table) - $800
Table Ad Sponsor (1/4 page ad in program, 8 admission tickets, reserved table) - $950
We welcome all donations of merchandise or services for raffles or auctions

For tickets or to donate, call 240-538-4208, Email:, or online at:
Info: or
14 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021

Taste of St. Mary’s Returns

Large crowds gathered in Leonardtown on Sept. 11 to sample the tastes of county restaurants.
Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times In Our Community 15

Vacant Restaurant
Space To Become
Pancake House

The vacant Ruby Tuesday in California is set to become an IHOP.

The old Ruby Tuesday restau- said his contractors are turning
rant, which has sat vacant for it into an International House of
more than a year at the First Colo- Pancakes (IHOP).
ny Shopping Center in California The new owner, Carey said,
is now being renovated. is Prabeen Kondaka, who owns
Paul Carey, owner of Carey Con- IHOP restaurants in Prince Fred-
struction — based in Ashland, Va. erick and La Plata.
— which is performing the work, —Guy Leonard

Taylor Gas Company offers full service installation and repair for a
breadth of propane related systems.
The customer is our top priority here at Taylor Gas. We provide 24 hour
emergency service and deliveries to the Sourthern Maryland area.
Combining extensive training with 68 years of on-the-job experience,
you can be sure that you’ll be getting the best service available.
16 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021

Maryland Deer Archery Season Opened Sept. 10

Popular Hunting Opportunity Continues Through Jan. 31
The Maryland Department of In Region B, the antlerless ar- tice license holders, 16 years of
Natural Resources announced that chery limit is 15, except for in age or younger, are exempt from
archery hunting for white-tailed the Suburban Deer Management this restriction.
and sika deer opens statewide Zone, where the archery antlerless Hunters should carefully inspect
Sept. 10, and continues through limit is now unlimited. This zone all tree-stands and always wear a
Jan. 31, 2022. Archers may also comprises Anne Arundel, Balti- full-body safety harness while in
use vertical longbows and vertical more, Howard, Montgomery, and the stand and while climbing in
recurve bows Feb. 1-3, 2022 dur- Prince George’s counties. or out. The department strongly
ing the second annual Primitive The sika deer archery season recommends using a sliding knot,
Deer Hunt Days. bag limit is three with no more commonly known as a prusik
“September signals cooling than one being antlered. An ant- knot, attached to a line that is se-
weather, the coming of fall, and lered sika is defined as a deer with cured above the stand that allows
the opening of deer season in at least one antler visible above the hunter to be safely tethered to
Maryland,” Wildlife and Heri- the hairline. The sika deer archery the tree as soon as they leave the
tage Service Director Paul Peditto season is open in every county. ground.
said. “Deer hunting presented an Multiple Sundays are open to When checking in their deer,
important outlet for many Mary- archery hunting in most counties, hunters should report deer taken
landers dealing with the challeng- including on some public lands. with a long, compound, or recurve
es of the pandemic last season, Hunters can consult the 2021- bow as harvested with a vertical
and we hope many of our hunters 2022 Maryland Guide to Hunting bow. Crossbow hunters should
will take advantage of that out- and Trapping for additional in- register their deer as taken with a
door therapy again this season.” formation on Sunday hunting and crossbow. This information helps
For the 2021-22 deer season, other deer hunting opportunities. biologists collect information on
the statewide bag limit for white- An antler-point restriction re- preferences and trends in how
tailed bucks is two deer (no more mains in effect. Deer hunters may deer are harvested.
than one per weapon season). harvest one antlered white-tailed Hunters are encouraged to help
Hunters have the option to take agement regions. In Region A, deer within the yearly bag limit others by donating deer taken in
one additional bonus buck in Re- no more than one antlerless deer that does not meet the requirement Maryland. A state tax credit offers
gion B (the state’s central, south- may be harvested during the regu- of having at least three points on hunters an incentive for donated
ern, and eastern regions) after lar archery season. An additional one antler. Any additional ant- deer. Other local or state programs
purchasing a Bonus Antlered Deer antlerless deer may be harvested lered deer taken within the es- are also available so please check
Stamp. in Region A during the Primitive tablished bag limit must meet the with your deer processor.
The antlerless archery deer bag Deer Hunt Days. minimum point restriction. Li-
limits differ between deer man- censed junior hunters and appren-

#CarFreeDay @CarFreeMetroDC

Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Feature 17

Return To School Presents Unique Challenges

By Guy Leonard are 5,595, Smith said. bus drivers from one school to an- new teachers, Smith said, a sig-
Staff Writer The projection was 5,300; there other affected many other schools, nificant number of whom have not
If the numbers hold until the end are 1,700 in the freshmen class, Thompson said. been fully certified under state
of the month, when the student where the system had originally “It’s a puzzle we have to work rules.
population is fully confirmed, the projected between 1,200 to 1,300 out,” the transportation director These are teachers who have
number of high school students students. said. “We really need about a doz- worked in second careers, offer-
enrolled in St. Mary’s County Leonardtown High School was en full-time bus drivers to get to ing much practical experience,
public schools will be the highest where the complaints on transpor- normal operations.” Smith said, but they must still be
ever, according to Superintendent tation originated. Smith said personnel in the certified soon to continue work-
Dr. J. Scott Smith, much more than “Most are coming into the 9 th transportation division who nor- ing in the school system.
his administration had predicted. grade, and there are parents de- mally work in the office, and who “These are the kinds of people
This has put some strain on the ciding they want their children to have CDL driver’s licenses, are the public have been calling for to
system in the first few weeks of attend traditional high school,” being tasked to drive buses if there be teachers,” Smith said.
the full return to classes, the first Smith said. “Many moved from is a driver who calls off work or if There are roughly 2.300 em-
return in two years dealing with other places to St. Mary’s County there is another vacancy. ployees in the St. Mary’s public
the COVID-19 pandemic. even during the pandemic. “We are stretched thin this school system, Smith said, and
Complaints have risen in the “We’re seeing it.” year,” Smith said, noting there just a few vacancies persist.
past week regarding overcrowded Smith said some of the new were many other support vacan- The system still needs one Eng-
buses servicing high schools, with freshmen were likely coming cies in the system. “But we do lish teacher, two math teachers
students sitting in the aisle instead from private or parochial schools. have every route covered. and five special education teach-
of sitting three to a seat. Thompson said since high “Food services — those posi- ers, he said.
Both Smith and school trans- school students are larger than tions are exceptionally challeng- Since the reopening of schools
portation director Jeff Thompson m id d le - a nd- ele me nt a r y- scho ol ing to keep filled.” there have been some confirmed
have said they have received “a aged children, it was harder to fit The federal mandate that all stu- cases of COVID-19 among stu-
handful of complaints” about bus the standard three students to a dents be afforded free breakfast, dents and teachers; at the last
transportation problems but Smith bus seat. lunch and dinner has made such reporting at the Sept. 8 meeting
was overall pleased with how stu- “All of our buses are rated for positions more critical to fill. there were 38 students confirmed
dents arrived at school. 72 passengers,” Thompson said. “And our customers always infected and 10 school staff with
“We transport between 15,000 “Anything less than that is under show up,” Smith said. the disease.
to 16,000 students a day,” Smith capacity.” Building service workers and Aside from the issues present-
told The County Times. “Our bus- Thompson said St. Mary’s is heating and air conditioning ed by COVID-19, Smith said the
es ran, our students got to school much like the rest of the nation (HVAC) positions are also in de- types of adjustments and resource
and they got home.” dealing with a dearth of support mand, Smith said, though workers balancing the administration has
The majority of the increase in employees. such as custodians are always dif- had to do are normal for the first
high school students this school “We have a driver shortage ficult to find. few weeks of reopening.
year is in the freshman class, in St. Mary’s,” Thompson said. HVAC mechanics are difficult to The time spent away from
which are all riding buses with the “We’re doing better than some employ at the school system level, schools, forced by the pandemic,
10 th -grade sophomore class, Smith of our neighboring counties but Smith said, because the skill set helped magnify these problems in
said. we’re not immune.” pays so well in the private sector. the eyes of parents and students,
“We have over 2,000 students at- To address some of the com- Perhaps the biggest challenge he said, upon return
tending Leonardtown High School plaints, one bus has been moved the school system is facing is in “Every single year we start like
this year,” Smith said. “All three from one high school to serve dealing with new teachers who are this,” said Smith. “I think every-
high schools are higher [in student Leonardtown High School, instructing students under a pro- one just needed to be reminded
population] than we projected.” Thompson said. visional certification. it’s a balancing act.”
The total number of high school With finite resources, shifting The system recently hired 110
students currently enrolled here
Un i q u e
18 The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021

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Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Education 19

CSM Improves to 15 Best in Nation th

Earns Top Spot as Best in Maryland 
The College of Southern Maryland this morning,” said CSM President Dr.
(CSM) again received top national and Maureen Murphy. “This past year was
regional ratings from personal finance especially difficult on our students and
gurus WalletHub for providing students our communities and CSM’s faculty
with affordable and accessible educa- and staff worked tirelessly to support
tion while maintaining good teacher- them in every way we could through the
student ratio and transfer opportuni- pandemic. And while it feels great to be
ties. Maryland’s 16 community colleges recognized and move up in the ratings,
ranked fourth best overall in the nation the real spotlight belongs on our stu-
with CSM ranking best in the state and dents who continue to work so hard to
landing in the number 15 spot out of succeed during such challenging times.”
685 community colleges in the coun- “University education is out of reach
try – moving up from the 51st position for many Americans, especially those
in 2020. from low-income households,” Wal-
WalletHub performed a state-by- letHub stated in its findings. “But college might want to consider spending education, community colleges have
state analysis to compare community thanks to community colleges, higher two years at a community college and a number of attractive qualities,” the
colleges based on 19 metrics including education is more accessible than ever. transferring those credits once they are report continued. “They often provide
cost and financing, education outcomes Compared with public four-year insti- in a better financial situation.” more flexible schedules, smaller class
and career outcomes. Drawing on the tutions, where tuition and fees cost al- According to WalletHub, during the sizes and rigorous coursework. These
WalletHub’s findings of the best and most three times as much on average, 2020 to 2021 academic year, tuition and qualities and advantages appeal espe-
worst individual community colleges community colleges offer many savings fees for full-time, in-state enrollment cially to students who need to balance
in the U.S., other states in the top 10 for students. Community colleges are at a public two-year college averaged their studies with other commitments,
included Hawaii, Wyoming, Washing- an especially attractive option this year $3,770 per year versus $10,560 at a such as family and work.”
ton, New Mexico, Connecticut, North as many families deal with financial public four-year institution and $37,650 Read WalletHub’s full report on-
Dakota, California, South Dakota and struggles caused by the COVID-19 at a four-year private school. line at

New York. pandemic. Students who initially “Other than serving as an afford- best-worst-community-colleges/15076.

i q u
“It was great to wake up to this news planned on attending a private four-year able, and in some cases free, option for Press Release from CSM.

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e r n
u t h
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20 Education The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021

St. Mary’s Ranked 6th Best Public Liberal Arts

St. Mary’s College of Mary- discount from the school’s total
land, the National Public Honors sticker price for full-time under-
College, is ranked as the 6 th best graduates; among 2020-2021 full-
public liberal arts college in the time undergraduates who received
nation in U.S. News & World Re- need-based aid, the percentage of
port’s “2022 Best Colleges,” re- that percentage who also received
leased Monday, Sept. 13. a grant or scholarship – aid that
St. Mary’s College ranks 89 on students don’t have to pay back.”
the national liberal arts colleges The college is also ranked
list, public and private. The Na- among the top performers on so-
tional Liberal Arts Colleges rank- cial mobility, a ranking based on
ing emphasizes colleges with un- St. Mary’s College enrolling and
dergraduate education and who graduating large proportions of
award at least half of their degrees disadvantaged students awarded
in the liberal arts fields of study. with Pell Grants.
St. Mary’s College is also ranked In addition, St. Mary’s Col-
as a best value school. According lege was recently included in The
to U.S. News & World Report, this Princeton Review’s “Best 387 Col-
ranking is based on four indica- leges” Guide for 2022, recognized
tors: “Academic quality relative by as one of the Best
to the average discount price paid Colleges in Maryland, and ranked
by full-time undergraduates after 30 among top liberal arts colleges
receiving need-based grants; the in 2021 Washington Monthly col-
percentage of all full-time under- lege rankings. 
graduates receiving need-based Press Release from St. Mary’s
scholarships or grants; the average College of Maryland.

Zoom Storytime 1607, until the 1775 battles at Lex-

It's storytime, online! Join your chil- ington and Concord, Massachusetts,
dren's librarians virtually for fun & the Chesapeake region inspired inter-
learning as we read stories, sing and est among soldiers, merchants, and
dance together, and play games each gentleman scholars in the Old World.
Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m., Self-trained, amateur scientists like
and Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m. from Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jef-
ferson, fed that interest. These men ogy program, participation which is “miracle submarine” patient into her
September 16 to December 9. Zoom
committed their observations to paper open to you. debut novel.
Storytime is designed with ages 2-6
in mind, but kids of all ages (and their and sent letters and samples to cor- Register on with an
2021 One Maryland One
respondents in the Old World, most email address to receive a link to join
grownup caregivers) are welcome!
of whom held university degrees, but the online event. Book Author Tour with Ross
Register once on with
your email address to receive a Zoom whose education focused on classical Meet the Author - Angie Gay
literature and philosophy, theology, and In partnership with Maryland Center
link each Monday morning.
the law.
Kim: A Conversation with for the Book at Maryland Humanities,
Citizen Science in the These early Chesapeake scholars, Edgar Award winning debut St. Mary's County Library will co-host
Chesapeake Region: On whether roaming the countryside or novelist writer/poet Ross Gay for a stop on
the Eve of the American making observations in their own gar- Angie Kim will join us in a Zoom the virtual 2021 One Maryland One
Book Author Tour on Monday, Octo-
Revolution dens, are the intellectual ancestors of Meeting to discuss her very first book,
today's citizen scientists, amateurs of Miracle Creek on Thursday, Septem- ber 4 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Described
Find out how the Smithsonian Envi-
all ages and backgrounds engaged ber 30 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. Register on as “a collection of genre-defying es-
ronmental Research Center's Citizen
in the advancement of knowledge to receive the links says,” Gay’s The Book of Delights is
Science in Archaeology program con-
through observation, measurement, to submit questions and for the Zoom this year’s selection for the program.
tinues the work begun by early Chesa-
analysis, and reporting of the world meeting. We are pleased to host local The Author Tour takes place this fall
peake scholars, this country's first citi-
around them. In this presentation, Dr. DMV writer and resident Angie Kim for from October 3 – 6. Registration is free,
zen scientists on Monday, September
James Gibb explores the history of the a free flowing Q&A discussion. We will but required and is NOW OPEN. One
27 from 7 – 8 p.m.
citizen scientist from the vantage of the discuss how she incorporated her own Maryland One Book is a program of
Beginning with the first European
Smithsonian Environmental Research experiences as a Korean-American, Maryland Humanities.
settlement at Jamestown, Virginia in
Center's Citizen Science in Archaeol- former trial lawyer, and mother of a
Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Sports 21

Rockfish Are in the

Rivers for Trollers and Pet
Lure Casters MEET CHEUY
By Ken Lamb
Contributing Writer It is rewarding beyond words to rescue
Trollers in the shallows the a dog and to have that dog become
Patuxent using light spinning part of your family.
tackle and 1/2 ounce bucktails -Jenna Morasca
trimmed with paddle or curly tail
grubs are consistently scoring Hi everybody, my name is Cheuy. Are you looking for a FAITHFUL
rockfish up to 26 inches. COMPANION who will just jump in the car to go on long hikes or
Timing is important as dawn adventures? It’s your LUCKY DAY because I’m the one for that! At 7
and dusk are most consistent, but MONTHS OLD, you can bet I’m ready to go, go, go! You see, I LOVE
some have found them mid-day on TO PLAY and I GREET everyone I meet with a BIG HUG! I’ve also been
high tides. learning my basic commands and with a patient owner, I just know I’ll
Lure casters using swimming master them all. I like other dogs but sometimes my energetic puppy play
plugs, jigs, bucktails and small does get a bit rowdy. My pals here say I THRIVE on fish based kibble and
spoons are doing well from both I LOVE lots of yummy, tasty treats! Don’t wait, make an appointment to
shoreline and boats. come meet me ASAP! Just email
Trollers using 12 to 16 ounces today! BE MY MIRACLE AND PLEASE CHOOSE ME! When you choose to
of lead on drop rigs with bucktails adopt from TCAS, you are literally saving a life.
are getting stripers in 20 to 40
feet off Helen’s Bar, St. Leonard’s To see more of my amazing friends
Lump and the edges of the oyster also available for adoption, “like” us on
bars in the Patuxent. Facebook @ Tri-County Animal Shelter
The Potomac has good opportu- Southern MD or view us on our website
nities using the same techniques. at
As the water cools into October services/animal-care-control/tri-county-
and November the fishing will animal-shelter
improve for our favorite quarry,
striped bass (rockfish).
Cobia had a spectacular send off Slot reds (18 to 27 inches) are also
last week and the season closes on more plentiful in the shallows
Wedensday the 15th ending some than we can remember. There are
of the best cobia fishing we have some fine speckled trout in the 17
seen. Trollers using big surgical to 25 inch range mixed with the
eels dominated the last couple of red fish.
weeks of the season. There were Spanish mackerel are plenti-
plenty of big bull redfish tak- ful as are blue fish. Trollers us-
ing the lures too, adding to the ing planers and small spoons are
excitement. many trollers and getting both all along the ship’s
chummers landed lots of cobia channel.
that were about three inches short Spot and perch are available for
of the 40 inch minimum. These bottom fishermen in the Patuxent
young fish may return next year in and Potomac. A small run of de-
true trophy size. cent croakers are now mixed with
Big bull redfish continue to be the spot and perch.
abundant in the bay. A huge red- Plenty of bass are hitting most
fish about 35 pounds was taken off any lure in St. Mary’s Lake.
the Point Lookout Pier last week.

find us on
e w s
22 PAX River The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021

NAVAIR Change of Command: Peters Retires,

Patuxent River
Naval Air Station N
Chebi Takes the Helm 
Vice Adm. Carl P. Chebi relieved Vice Peters assumed command of the Naval
Adm. Dean Peters as commander, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division and
Air Systems Command during a change of served as NAVAIR’s assistant commander
command ceremony Sept. 9 at Naval Air for research and engineering. He remained
Station Patuxent River, Maryland. in those posts until his arrival at Program
Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Executive Office, Air, ASW, Assault, and
Gilday presided over the ceremony after Special Mission Programs. Peters assumed
promoting Chebi to vice admiral. During command of NAVAIR on May 31, 2018.
his speech, Gilday highlighted the many As NAVAIR commander, Peters was in-
achievements and traits that made Peters strumental in leading NAVAIR into a new
an effective and accomplished leader. organizational structure known as a Mis-
“It’s a huge responsibility,” Gilday said. sion Aligned Organization. The concept
“Our NAVAIR enterprise is foundational brings broader and stronger support for
to generating American naval power where acquisition program managers and Fleet
it matters most—overseas. Every day, over Readiness Centers, strengthens relation-
45,000 dedicated Sailors and civilians and ships throughout the Naval Aviation Enter-
contractors support eight Fleet Readiness prise (NAE) and supports the priorities of
Centers, and 34 program offices across our the Air Boss and Deputy Commandant for
Navy. Over the past three years, NAVAIR Aviation.
has delivered hundreds of new aircraft, “You'll recall that a little over three years
After reading his orders from the podium, Vice Adm. Carl Chebi, right, salutes Vice Adm. Dean Peters
tens of thousands of new lethal weapons, ago, we made a commitment to each other, and assumes duties as Commander, Naval Air Systems Command on Sept. 9 at Naval Air Station
hundreds of aerial unmanned vehicles, a commitment to build on the efforts of Patuxent River, Maryland. (U.S. Nay photo by Peter Fitzpatrick/Released)
many ground support systems for un- those who had gone before, but specifically
manned naval aviation vehicles, over 200 to achieve readiness and speed, like never asked the NAVAIR workforce to welcome France. His program management experi-
innovative training capabilities, repaired before and to do it by shedding every- him aboard. ence includes serving as a deputy program
thousands of aircraft, thousands of aircraft thing—and I mean everything—that did “Naval aviation requires our best efforts manager for the F/A-18 and EA-18G Pro-
engines, and hundreds of thousands of crit- not directly tie to fleet outcomes,” Peters every day,” Peters said. “I commend to you gram Office, program manager for the Pre-
ical components to keep our fleet forward,” said. “This mission aligned approach, as it Vice Adm. Carl Chebi, an experienced cision Strike Weapons Program Office, and
Gilday said. would come to be known, would be very aviator, acquisition professional, a gifted program manager for the Naval Integrated
Gilday also recognized Peters for his difficult, but absolutely necessary. We pri- engineer and program manager. He will Fires Program Office. He also served as
leadership. oritized the health of naval aviation quality, absolutely lead NAVAIR to the next level NAVAIR vice commander and as the
“Over the past three years, I have reliability, training, and set out to make in support of naval aviation. I ask only that Program Executive Officer Command,
watched him provide some of the most our Fleet Readiness Centers world class. you give him the same support and respon- Control, Communications, Computers,
effective, innovative and masterful leader- We prioritized capabilities, focusing our siveness that you provided me.” and Intelligence (C4I)/Program Executive
ship in the entire Navy. Aviation readiness research and test facilities on cutting-edge Chebi earned a bachelor of science in Officer Space Systems. In September 2019,
and its lethality are soaring like never be- technologies that could be rapidly delivered computer systems engineering and a com- he assumed duty as the deputy program
fore,” he said. to the fleet. And we prioritized affordabil- mission as an ensign from the Naval Re- executive officer, F-35 Lightning II Joint
For Peters, the ceremony marked his re- ity to ensure naval aviation could afford its serve Officer Training Corps at Rensselaer Program Office.
tirement following a 36-year Navy career. future. Polytechnic Institute. He is a graduate of Chebi has 3,700 plus flight hours and
A 1985 graduate of the U.S. Naval Acad- “Although there is still much work to the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School (USNTPS) more than 700 carrier arrested landings.
emy, Peters earned his wings in 1986 and do and opportunities for improvement in and Navy Fighter Weapons School, and He has logged hours in the F/A- 18 A-F,
flew SH-2F helicopters on deployments to every area, significant progress has been holds an executive master’s degree in busi- Mirage 2000, F-14A-D, F-15, F-16, P-51
the North Atlantic, Arabian Gulf and the made—better quality, high reliability, ness administration from the Naval Post- and numerous other aircraft.
Gulf of Mexico in support of anti-subma- readiness, faster transactions, reduced graduate School. “To the men and women of NAVAIR, I
rine warfare, surface warfare and counter- costs and more equipment down range He served operationally as an F-14 pilot could not be happier rejoining this team,”
narcotics operations. where it's needed. The credit is to you, our in Fighter Squadron (VF) 142 deployed Chebi said.
Peters later completed tours as a test talented NAVAIR workforce and leader- with USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN “Our success is defined by delivering the
pilot, instructor pilot and squadron depart- ship teams.” 69) and executive officer and commanding right capability at the right cost, at the right
ment head, including a stint as command- Peters shared examples of the exemplary officer for Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) time to ensure the fleet can successfully ex-
ing officer of Air Test and Evaluation work, resilience and grit demonstrated by 192 deployed with USS Kitty Hawk (CV ecute their mission and return home safely.
Squadron (HX) 21. His early acquisition those under his command during two very 63) to Atsugi, Japan. During these tours, he Our job is clear, we must deliver integrated
assignments included avionics lead for the trying events—the first being the response participated in Operation Southern Watch warfighting capability that is dominant,
MH-60R Seahawk, deputy program man- to back-to-back earthquakes that occurred and many Western Pacific deployments. affordable and available. We must deliver
ager for the Vertical Takeoff and Landing in July 2019 at Naval Air Weapons Sta- His shore tours include service as an that capability on an accelerated timeline.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) program, tion China Lake, California, and the more aircraft and weapons test pilot in both Air “Our success depends on people and
and assistant program manager for systems recent challenges posed by the COVID-19 Test and Evaluation Squadrons (VX) 23 partnerships. Our combined military, civil-
engineering for all Navy and Marine Corps pandemic. and 30 and as deputy for Strike Aircraft ian and industry teammates can and must
UAVs. “In spite of COVID, you all met and Plans and Requirements for the Office of work together with a sense of urgency to
Peters went on to serve as program exceeded all commitments and did it faster the Chief of Naval Operations. deliver the naval power our nation needs
manager of the H-60 and presidential heli- than ever before,” he said. Chebi also completed numerous acquisi- to fight and win today and into the future.
copters program offices. In October 2014, Peters then introduced his successor, and tion tours beginning with the USNTPS, We have a big job ahead of us and the right
where he flew the Mirage 2000 aircraft in people on the team to get it done.”
Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Contributing Writers 23

The Way We Were. . .

History and Stories of St Mary’s County from long-ago to just yesterday

By Ronald N. Guy Jr. Bless America” standing arm-in- The Lasting Importance of
this County
Contributing Writer arm on the Capitol’s steps (can you
I left for a meeting in a remote imagine?). And yes, I remember
location, shortly after receiving a sports and the role it played in for-
vague email about a small plane tifying our cause. There was Mike In August, the St Mary’s County Histori-
hitting a building in New York. Piazza’s late-inning homerun to cal Society welcomed professor Michael
About an hour later, the meeting power the Mets to a victory over Breidenbach of Ave Maria University in
ended and I flipped on sports ra- the Braves in Queens, the NFL de- Florida as part of the Society’s Historically
Speaking series of lectures.
dio for the short drive back to my fiant return and, of course, Presi- Dr. Breidenbach spoke to an audience of
building. No one was talking about dent George W. Bush delivering a about sixty people on his research and book
sports. I surmised that the rumor of strike while throwing out the first Our Dear-Bought Liberty: Catholics and
a plane crash was true, but this all pitch from the mound of Yankee Religious Toleration in Early America. His
seemed much, much bigger. It was Freaking Stadium before Game 3 theme for the evening was how the Calverts
stunning, confusing…something of the World Series. and other English Catholics were simulta-
like landing cold in the middle of This past weekend, more magic neously able to maintain their loyalty to a
another reality. happened in New York. On Sep- fiercely Anglican king and to the Catholic
I parked and headed for my desk. tember 11, Emma Raducanu, an Pope in Rome. You can find a video of the
People were streaming out of the 18-year-old qualifier, won the entire lecture at the Historical Society’s
website ( by click-
building by the dozens, like a fire women’s U.S. Open Champion- ing on “Videos” then on the category His-
drill was in-progress. Their pace ship. On the men’s side, Novak torically Speaking).
was purposeful and all shared a Djokovic made an exhilarating
universal look of concern. run at the first calendar-year men’s
Once inside the building, I en- Grand Slam since 1969.
countered a good friend. She The mantra of 9/11 has long
brought word that put the chaos been “Never Forget.” The act of
in perspective: “Dude, something terror that day and the loss of so of slavery), this County’s founders enriched
terrible is happening…two planes many innocent lives will always be this nation – perhaps the world – well be-
have crashed in New York, another remembered. But the unity in the yond their modest intentions to simply get
has hit the Pentagon…we’re being aftermath? That now seems long As has been well-noted by other authors along. This realization gives added meaning
sent home immediately.” forgotten, something the America and researchers, this balancing act between to the Historical Society’s “tag line”: Ordi-
Home was just five minutes from of 2021 is, frankly, incapable of Catholics and Protestants was essential if nary People. Extraordinary Lives. Lasting
the gate, but the drive was long and regenerating. That is hard to type, the new colony were to succeed. Profes- Legacies.
slow. Cell lines were overwhelmed. but juxtaposing our unity of 20 sor Breidenbach traces the lineage of the As we all know, Father Andrew White
I had no idea where my girlfriend, years ago with the attacks on the “Toleration Act” of April 21, 1649. In that and other Catholics were among the pas-
parents, sister…hell, where any- Capitol in January, a different con- bill, the Maryland assembly, then resident sengers on the Ark when it landed at St
in St Mary’s City, mandated tolerance for Clements Island in March of 1634. White
one was. Which made me like just clusion is elusive. We can’t even was a Jesuit and the first of a long line of
about everyone else. wear a mask for one another to all Trinitarian Christians. This was the first
law ever passed by a legislative body of an Jesuit missionaries to settle in St Mary’s
Once home, the images on tele- ward off a disease that has killed County. If you’re interested in historical
organized colonial government to guarantee
vision flashed like a horror movie. over 650,000 Americans, let alone religious liberty. Breidenbach argues con- research, the Jesuit Archives has placed
The scarred, smoking buildings. rally behind a long, difficult na- vincingly that it served to inspire later legal the complete record of Jesuit missionaries
The second plane slamming into tional cause. protections for freedom of religion in the here and around the world in a collection
the South Tower. People jumping Who is to blame for sowing the United States, including the First Amend- known as the Woodstock Letters. Avail-
from the inferno to certain and visceral division? It is easy to point ment to the Constitution. able online, the Woodstock Letters consist
horrifying death. The collapse the finger at political rhetoric and Of particular note is that it was here in of ninety-eight volumes comprising over
of each tower and the massive slanted media coverage. But that St Mary’s County and no where else in the 50,000 pages written by Jesuit Missionaries
Colonies – or indeed at no time to that point between 1872 to 1969. Included are schol-
wall of billowing smoke pouring has always existed. The real evil arly articles, eyewitness accounts of historic
through the streets below. The seems to reside in the dark rab- in history – that religion and government
were made separate. Even Rhode Island events, obituaries, and other items of con-
damaged and blackened side of the bit holes of social media, a phe- siderable historic interest. It was a source for
which boasted religious freedom under
Pentagon. Word of another plane nomena that was in its infancy 20 its founder, Roger Williams, limited that and is a fine companion to E. Beitzell’s The
downed in Pennsylvania. years ago. It is a cesspool of lies freedom to Protestant faiths, excluding Jesuit Missions of St Mary’s County (which
I thought of stories from elders and targeted psychological engi- Catholics. Moreover, at no time in the his- is available from the Historical Society’s
about Pearl Harbor and the Kenne- neering (watch the documentary tory of Western civilization had a distinc- Bookstore).
dy assassination. Their memories “The Social Dilemma”). One thing tion between (as we say now) church and The entire Woodstock Letters col-
were clear, seared with unforget- is certain, a strike delivered by a state been made. Prior to the Calverts and lection is available free online at
table images and emotions. This Commander in Chief or a story- the colony they founded in St Mary’s, gov-
ernments always had a religious dimension letters/#woodstock001. All volumes can be
was my generation’s “Where were book homerun isn’t going to fix it; downloaded. There is an Index and search
you?” moment of national anguish. it will take individual effort to re- and, correspondingly, the dominant church
or religion had direct and clear influence on function; search for names, County place
This was September 11, 2001. member our shared American ide- names (e.g., Leonardtown, Chaptico, New-
matters of the state.
Twenty years later, I remember als and spit out baseless, manufac- Let that settle in for a moment. What- town, etc.) and you’ll find the volume num-
something else: The response. The tured bait that seeks to undermine ever one’s religion might be – or lack of ber and page number (e.g., 74, 353). There
unity, the decency, the determina- democracy. For future Capitol de- religion, for that matter – it was right here are hundreds of entries relating to people
tion and the national sympathy – it corum, bipartisan sing-alongs may in St Mary’s County that religious liberty and activities in St Mary’s County!
was palatable. Flags and “FDNY” prove too ambitious, but let’s avoid was born. Hearing him speak then reading If you would like to learn more about the
hats were everywhere. The Na- break-ins by lawless “Vikings.” Professor Breidenbach’s book convinced me people, places, and events that shaped St
tional Anthem brought tears to Send comments to Ronald- that for whatever sins may have unfolded in Mary’s County, please visit our website –
the County (and here we think, of course,
eyes. Congress even sang “God
24 Contributing Writers The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021

THE RULE OF 72 Contributing Writer:

Lynda J. Striegel

THE SCENTS AND TASTES OF FALL Financial planning involves

strategy. Basically, you need to
72 divided by interest rate.” The
results you achieve, a doubling
plan how to get to where you want of growth shows you the tre-
to go and how long it will take mendous effect of compounding
you to get there. If this involves interest.
retirement, planning should en- What is compound interest?
compass both your current and For example, start with $1 at
your anticipated lifestyle. If 10% interest. At the end of one
this involves financing a child’s year you have $1.10 and at the
college education, planning in- end of year 2 you have $1.21.
volves setting aside sufficient The dime earned in the first year
funds in savings to pay tuition, starts earning money on its own
books and living expenses when (a penny). Next year add another
your child needs the money. dime that starts making pennies,
But, how do you calculate how along with the small amount the
long it will take to get to your first penny contributes. Ben
goals? The easiest way is to use Franklin, said by some to be the
the “Rule of 72”. The Rule of 72 inventor of the Rule of 72, ap-
is a handy rule used in finance parently said: “The money that
to estimate quickly the number money earns, earns money.”
of years it takes to double a sum Compound interest is decep-
***Thank you to all those who came consuming sorghum.” That is very
of capital given an annual inter- tively small, cumulative growth
out to support the Clements Cuties exciting. I think I will go get some Sor-
est rate, or to estimate the annual that is very powerful. No won-
game last Saturday. It was a beautiful ghum Molasses and make some cook-
interest rate it takes to double a der that Einstein is reputed to
day; everything seemed to go perfect ies. Do the health benefits of sorghum
sum of money over a given num- have called it one of the most
from the weather to the great crowd, molasses get cancelled out when you
ber of years. powerful forces in the universe.
parade, the game, and especially to the use it in a cookie? As they say, “Asking
Simply, dividing 72 by the rate Don’t let the rule of 72 work
amount donated for the children and for a friend”.
of return on your investments against you, as it does when you
scholarships. I don’t have a total yet, And I really know it is fall when I am
equals the approximate num- take on high interest debt. At
and there is still a big Clements Cuties ready to hit all my favorite farms and
ber of years it will take for your an average interest rate of 18%,
Halloween Golf Tournament at Chesa- produce stands, including The Amish
money to double. Or, dividing the credit card debt doubles in
peake Hills Golf Course on October Market at the Charlotte Hall Library
72 by the number of years you just 4 years (18 X 4 equals 72),
29th, but it was an unbelievably, amaz- (and I hope very soon to the new North
have until you need to use the quadruples in only 8 years, and
ing success.*** County Farmer’s Market off Thompson
money you have set aside equals keeps escalating with time. The
We had just enough of a taste of au- Corner Road in Charlotte Hall), Rus-
the rate of return you need to first rule of your financial plan
tumn last week to get me ready for fall sell’s Produce, Green Acres, and The
have on your investments. should be to pay off all high in-
decorating – is it too early?? I am ready Loveville Produce Auction. Pumpkins
For example, David and Susan terest credit card debt and avoid
to buy the hay bales and cornstalks, Galore is coming up on September
have saved $10,000 towards their it like the plague.
though I know from experience that 29th at the produce auction, and I sure
six year old child’s college edu- Using the Rule of 72 will help
you do not bring them home in a closed hope to be there that day. I love all the
cation. They want to know how you figure out what you need and
vehicle. The year I made that mistake I beautiful fall flowers, the crafts, and
long it will take them to double for how long. Compound interest
was stuck with dozens (probably more) huge boxes and boxes of pumpkins.
that amount. Their daughter is 6 will be the way you get there.
of little hopping insects all through And maybe, I might be able to fit in a
years old. Assume she will need These simple concepts provide
my car. I will just have to wait for the barbecue, if they have the food conces-
the money to go to college when the basics of financial planning.
pickup truck and my husband for the sion open that day. I have to include my
she is 18. That’s 12 years of sav- Let the Rule of 72 work for you
manual labor this year. I do think that pumpkin phot at the produce auction
ing. 72 divided by 12 equals a by starting saving now. At a
I could put up a fall wreath and change from a few years ago – I love that one.
6% rate of return on their invest- growth rate of 8% per annum,
my dining hutch’s holiday tableau to Oh, and apples! Anyone that knows
ments. In other words, David you would double your money in
my fall plates. I really want to put up me, knows I love to make apple pies,
and Susan need to obtain a six 9 years (8 X 9 equals 72), qua-
the Thanksgiving Village, but know it usually four at a time. I’ll have to add
percent rate of return on their in- druple your money in 18 years
really is too early for that. a trip to Forrest Hall Farm in Mechan-
vestments for 12 years to double and have 16 times your money in
What really got me in the mood for icsville. My husband likes to have his
their savings to $20,000. That 36 years. No wonder financial
fall was when we were driving back own pie. He doesn’t care who else gets
means no spending from the col- planners advise 20-year olds to
home one day on Rt. 234/Budds Creek one, but his pie is sacred. I wonder
lege account and reinvestment of start a savings plan. Over time,
Road. To really experience 234, you how a touch of molasses would taste
all dividends and interest for the with compound interest, even a
need to have the windows down so you in a pie. Maybe I could add a touch
period of 12 years. small amount of savings consis-
can smell the differences of each farm of that when I make a bourbon apple
The Rule of 72 can also be used tently set aside when you are in
field or freshly mown yard. There are pie again. I usually like to add soaked
to calculate the effect of inf la- your twenties could make you a
so many types of crops to see from the golden raisins to the bourbon apple pie.
tion. If college tuition increas- millionaire by the time you are
crisp, drying corn to the soybean fields I have tried apricot brandy over the
es at 5% per year, tuition costs retired. But, even if you are old-
just starting to turn autumn gold and years, which is very rich and tasty as
will double in 72 divided by 5 or er, compound interest works for
yellow across the tops of the plants, to well. Are you hungry yet? I guess you
about 14.4 years. Think about you and you are never too young
the beautiful fields of golden-red sor- will just have to get on my pie list in
it. That means David and Susan or too old to save.
ghum. I love how pretty the sorghum the next few months…Just let me know
need to save much more money Join us on the third Wednesday
looks, and always want to stop the – we won’t tell my husband.
for college than they might at of every month for a free semi-
car and get out and smell it. Appar- To each new day’s autumn adven-
first have anticipated. nar on this and other topics at 11
ently sorghum is high in flavonoids ture, Shelby
The Rule of 72 is a simple am at our office at 8906 Bay Av-
and antioxidants, and from one site I Please send your comments or ideas
math shortcut to estimate the ef- enue in North Beach. Call 301-
found that, “The antioxidant activity of to: or
fect of any growth rate. The for- 855-2246 to reserve your spot.
sorghum may explain the reduced inci- find me on Facebook
mula is “years to double equals See you there.
dence of certain cancers in populations
Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Calendar 25

St. Mary's
To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to
our Thursday publication.

Thursday, Sept. 16 RetroFest on the Potomac

cation here:
is to be more comfortable in your
body! Some conditions that ben-
Trinity Church Yard Sale Piney Point Lighthouse Museum The event link is here f efit from SMR are arthritis and
Parish Hall 11a.m. to 5 p.m. YTuIuaxw joint pain, back pain, Carpal Tun-
47477 Trinity Church Rd. Adore classic cars, browse vin- nel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue
St. Mary's City tage treasures & step back in time Sunday, Sept.19 Syndrome, congestion, Fibro-
3p.m. to 6p.m. to the nostalgic tunes of yester- myalgia, Frozen Shoulder, head-
Generation to Generation
A variety of goods will be avail- year. RetroFest on the Potomac aches/migraines, Plantar Fasciitis,
Week Two: Creative
able including household items, represents all things vintage. repetitive motion injuries, Rest-
Patuxent Presbyterian Church
furniture, collectables, toys, From the 40s to the 70s—what- less Leg Syndrome, Sciatica/Piri-
23421 Kingston Creek Road
books, televisions, art, etc. This ever your decade—come get your formis Syndrome, Scoliosis, TMJ
is a three day sale: Sept. 16 from Rockabilly on and support the Syndrome, and more. Instructor is
9:30 a.m. to 10:30a.m.
3pm-6pm; Sept. 17 from 3pm- Piney Point Lighthouse Museum. Judi Lyons—RYT®500 with ther-
Each Sunday through October
7pm and Sept. 18 7am-11am. For Event Includes: apeutic focus; E-RYT®200, YA-
24th, Rev. Matt Pooley will preach
further information please call -Live Entertainment CEP®, EMYoga® Certified. The
on how to show Christ to a new
301-862-4597. -Kids Activities fee is $25, due at sign-up, and in-
generation. All are invited to 9:30
-Lots of Vintage Vendors cludes two therapeutic-grade balls
Saturday, Sept. 18 -Hot Rod & Classic Cars
a.m. Sunday worship at Patuxent
Presbyterian Church—in-person
and a digital link for full-color
-Retro Pin Up Photo Contest instruction manual. Reservation
4th Annual "Walk in the or online (YouTube).
-Food Trucks & Beer Wagon required. Call 301-475-4200, ext.
Park", 5K Fun Run/Walk Website:
-Admission to museum, light- 3115, to make a reservation.
St Francis Xavier parish, YouTube:
house and historic park
21370 Newtowne Neck Rd
Tickets can be purchased online
as=subscriber Friday, Sept. 24
here (friendsmuseumstore.square.
8a.m. to 2p.m. Home School Fire Prevention
This run/walk is open to all ages
site/…/retro-fest…/324) or by
calling the museum at 301-994- Monday, Sept. 20 Event
and abilities. Course starts at St. Mechanicsville Vol. Fire
1471. Walk-up tickets can be pur- Whole Body Tension Relief: An
Francis Xavier Church and follows Department
chased day-of, if available. Introduction to Self-Myofascia
the road into picturesque New- 28165 Hills Club Road
Info & Tickets: www.facebook. Northern Senior Activity Center
towne Neck State Park. Masked 10a.m. to 12:30p.m.
com/events/546220209736997 29655 Charlotte Hall Road
registration (as needed) starts at Free event to the Home School
Charlotte Hall
8 a.m. until 2 p.m. and run/walk Community and their families.
Kitten Adoption Event with 12:30p.m. to 3p.m.
participants may begin. The reg- We will be providing a Fire Pre-
Tiny Toes Kitten Rescue Cost: $25
istration fee of $20 which includes vention program to include such
45315 Alton Ln This interactive workshop
a tee shirt will help preserve this topics as Stop Drop, Cover your
Ste 16084 teaches the fundamentals of Self-
historical landmark. Kids 12 and face and Roll and other Fire Pre-
California, MD Myofascial Release or SMR, a
under are free. Information on vention topics. Plenty of audi-
11a.m. to 3p.m. therapeutic self-massage method
registration and even online giv- ence participation. Guests will
Come visit us and cuddle some that brings targeted pain relief to
ing is available on our website: be able to tour the station, try on
kittens. Maybe you'll find your the muscles and connective tis-
w w w.stf Fire personal gear and tour our
new best friend. sue. SMR is known to improve
Donations are always welcomed. Fire engines. Light snacks will be
We'll be in the training area to mobility, posture, alignment,
If you need additional informa- provided. Fire Prevention goodie
the left as you enter the store. musculoskeletal function, energy,
tion, please contact Sarah Matis- bags will be distributed. Please
You can get pre-approved for immunity, blood f low, and nerve
ick at 301-247-7416. RSVP by email at seniorpalm-
adoption by filling out an appli- function. Experience how easy it

Stop by & see what Southern Maryland

Online has to offer! Stay abreast of
community happenings, speak your
mind, & make new friends in the forums,
or buy & sell in the most popular
classified market in the area.

Your Online Community for Charles,

Calvert, and St. Mary’s Counties
26 Calendar The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021

St. Mary’s Department of Aging & Human Services

Programs and Activities
Loffler Senior Activity Center 301-475-4200, ext. 71658
Garvey Senior Activity Center, 301-475-4200, ext. 71050
Northern Senior Activity Center, 301-475-4002, ext. 73101
Visit for the most up-to date information

Community Health & Wellness by calling the Reservation Request

Fair Line at 301-475-4200, ext. 3115.
The Department of Aging & Open Studio Art Sessions
Human Services is pleased to be Do you have an art project you
hosting the Community Health & are working on? Bring it to the
Wellness Fair at the Garvey Senior Loff ler Senior Activity Center on
Activity Center on Friday, Oct. Fridays at 10 a.m. so that you can
15, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.! This year's socialize with friends while enjoy-
event will feature informational ing your art. Chris Sisk will be on
displays, health screenings, speak- hand if you need assistance. Also,
ers, f lu shots and more! Register Chris frequently supervises a guid-
in advance to be entered into a ed project during this time. These
special drawing! For more infor- sessions are free or minimal cost
mation visit if you need supplies for a specific
aging/healthfair.asp. project. Drop ins are welcome.
Make a Purse Basket Call 301-475-4200, ext. 1658 if you
Create a Purse Basket with fab- have questions or e-mail Sheila.
ric handles at the Northern Senior
Activity Center on Thursday, Sep- Contract or Party Bridge
tember 23, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.! Looking for Players
This handy little basket starts Care to play bridge twice a
with a wooden base with inserted month? This group meets on the
spokes and then is woven with second and fourth Tuesday of each
several widths of reed to give more month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at
texture; some choice of colors can the Loff ler Senior Activity Center

also be added. Top it off with pret- and is looking for new members.
ty mix-and-match tie-on handles. For questions contact Sheila.gra-
The cost is $30 payable in advance


of class. A reservation is required

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Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Obituaries 27

In Remembrance
The County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

Francis Leroy Williams Mary Barbara Cecil Lawrence survived by her George Mitchell Somerville,
children Tami
Francis Leroy Mary Barbara Maus (Justin) of Sr.
Williams, 85, of Cecil Lawrence, Hollywood, MD,
Bushwood, MD 88 of Leonard- Jessy Snead of George Mitch-
died Septem- town, MD passed California, MD, ell Somerville,
ber 11, 2021 at away on Septem- Donna Kelly of Sr. departed
St Mary’s hos- ber 7, 2021 at Mechanicsville, this life on Fri-
pital following The Hermitage MD, Johnny day, September
a stroke. Born Assisted Living Kelly of Waldorf, 3, 2021. Named
March 18, 1936 Center in Solo- MD, Crissy Simpson of Mechanicsville, George Mitchell
in Mechanics- mons, MD. Born MD, and four grandchildren. Tuner at birth,
ville, MD, he was the son of Joseph Stan- on March 9, 1933 in Leonardtown, MD, She graduated from Suitland High George Sr. was
ley and Ethel Florene Wright Williams. she was the daughter of the late Francis School in 1972. Brenda moved to St. born on Decem-
Leroy was the loving husband of Mar- Geroe Cecil and Alma Marie Raley. Mary’s County, MD in 2002. She was ber 4, 1926 to the late Sarah Elizabeth
garet Turner Hodges Williams, whom he Barbara was a lifelong resident of a school bus driver for Prince George’s Turner and Mitchell Somerville, both of
married in Holy Angels Catholic Church Leonardtown. On October 2, 1954 she County for 25 years, retiring in 2007. Hollywood, MD.
on June 1, 1957. He is survived by his married the love of her life, Edward Clyde Brenda enjoyed crafting and painting. A bright, somewhat mischievous child,
children Keith (Annette) of Spring Hill, Lawrence. Together, they celebrated 59 The family will receive friends on Mon- he showed an interest and aptitude for
FL, Anne Lee (Jeff) of Colonial Beach, wonderful years of marriage before his day, September 13, 2021 from 10:00 AM building things at an early age. At the ear-
VA, Walt (Ann) of Hollywood, MD, passing in November 2013. Barbara loved to 11:00 AM in the Mattingley-Gardiner ly age of 10, he was building a birdhouse
Dale (Deborah) of New Bern, NC, Joy being a wife, mother, grandmother, and Funeral Home Leonardtown, MD where one early Sunday morning and was disci-
Sapp (Ray) of Leonardtown, MD, Mark homemaker. She was a happy person who a funeral service will be held at 11:00 plined for working on the “Lord’s Day”.
of Avenue, MD, and Chris (Stacey) of loved living in Leonardtown. Barbara AM in the funeral home chapel with Pas- After attending school, and at the age of
Coltons Point, MD; his grandchildren loved to dance and she danced until her tor Dennis Gillikin officiating. Interment 16 years old, he joined the U.S. Army and
Michael Williams, Michelle Williams, last days. will follow in Trinity Memorial Gardens, served as a medic and ambulance driver
Lauren Sapikowski, Glenn Woodburn, Barbara is survived by her children, Waldorf, MD. (he could still remember his ambulance
Drew Woodburn, Angela Stratakes, Lee Susan Dyer (Joseph) and Sharon Cox of Condolences to the family can be made number many years later – Ambulance
Williams, Margaret Williams, Mary Wil- Leonardtown, MD; Gregory Lawrence at Arrangements by the No. 7) in World War II.
liams, Ryan Sapp, Kara Weslow, David (Zawmi) of Harpers Ferry, WV; Nancy Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. During a break after the war, he re-
Sapp, Madison Williams, Megan Wil- Smith (Leon) of Spotsylvania, VA; and & Crematory, Leonardtown, MD. turned to St. Mary’s County and worked
liams, Maggie Williams, and Tony Wil- John Lawrence (Erin) of Owings, MD; at the local hospital, where he met Mary
liams; and his great grandchildren Kaelyn her grandchildren, Matthew Keen, Kath- Ruth Neale. Upon his return stateside,
and Holden Sapikowski, Hanalei Wood- leen Schwarzwalder (Benjamin), Rebec- George Sr. and Mary Ruth were married
burn, Sophie and Leon Stratakes, Aria, ca Cox, Samantha Lawrence (Devon),

Avery, and Allie Sapp, and Lukas Wes- Ashley Lawrence, Monica Lawrence,
low. He is also survived by his siblings Jessica Smith (Benjamin), Kristen Scime-
Doris Heard of Olde Town, FL, Helen ca (Jonathan), Kelly Smith, Grady Law-
Bowling of LaPlata, MD, Nancy Kragh rence, Benjamin Lawrence and Jonathan
(Alvin) of Heathsville, VA, and Faye Gat- Lawrence; her great grandchild Law-
ton of Leonardtown, MD and sisters-in- rence Oster-Smith, and extended family
law Mary Ann Williams of Avenue, MD, and friends. In addition to her parents and
Our Family 
Life Celebration Homes &

Eleanor Williams of Hughesville, MD beloved husband, she is also preceded in

and Linda Williams of Loveville, MD. death by her sister, Peggy Cecil Hall and Crematory

In addition to his parents, he is prede- brothers, Francis Cecil and Walter Cecil;
Serving Yours

ceased by his siblings Stanley, Jimmy, her son Glenn Lawrence and her grand- Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services,
Raymond, and Anna Marie Quade and daughter Kimberly Cox.
brothers-in-law John Heard, Bernie The family will receive friends on Memorial Packages & Pre-need Services Provided
Quade, Sr, Buddy Bowling, and Jimmy Monday, September 20, 2021 from 10:00
Gatton. A.M. to 11:00 A.M. at St. Aloysius Catho-
He was a civilian working for the fed- lic Church, 22800 Washington Street,
eral government for over 35 years mostly Leonardtown, MD 20650, where a Mass
at the Navy base in St Inigoes, MD until of Christian Burial will be celebrated at
his retirement in 1991. He worked many 11:00 A.M. with Father David Beaubien
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.

odd jobs in retirement most recently at the officiating. Interment will be private. 22955 Hollywood Road
St Mary’s Transit System (STS). He loved Serving as pallbearers will be Joseph Leonardtown, MD 20650
watching and participating in all sports, Dyer, Leon Smith, Grady Lawrence, 301-475-5588
but his passion was baseball playing for Benjamin Schwarzwalder, Benjamin Os-
Margaret Brent High School, Old Gum ter, and Jonathan Scimeca.
Baseball Team, and many senior softball Memorial contributions may be made
teams in retirement. to St. Aloysius Catholic Church, P. O. Box
The family will receive friends on 310, Leonardtown, MD 20650.
Monday, September 20, 2021 from 5:00 Condolences may be made to the fam-
to 8:00 PM with prayers recited at 7:00 ily at Arrangements by
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.

30195 Three Notch Road

PM in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funer- the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home,
al Home, Leonardtown, MD. A Mass P.A. & Crematory, Leonardtown, MD. Charlotte Hall, MD 20622
of Christian Burial will be celebrated 301-472-4400
at 10:00 AM in Sacred Heart Catholic Brenda Bonita Snead
Church Bushwood, MD with Father Ste-
phen Wyble officiating. Interment will Brenda Bonita Snead, 68, of Califor-
follow in the church cemetery. Pallbear- nia, MD, formerly of Mechanicsville,
ers will be his grandchildren. MD, passed away on September 3, 2021
In lieu of flowers, the family request do- in Washington, DC. Born on February Family owned and operated for two generations

nations to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 17, 1953 in Washington, DC, she was
23080 Maddox Road, Bushwood, MD. the loving daughter of the late Margaret
Lyerly Bray and James Bray. Brenda is
28 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
on October 12, 1957 and remained togeth- Helen Hebb (William), Gertrude Veron- Sates Marine Corp for eight years. She in Arizona, Florida, Guam, Germany,
er for more than 50 years until her death. ica Carter, and Theresa Collins (James); was stationed at Okinawa, Camp Pendel- North Carolina, Panama, North Dakota,
A true Renaissance man, George Sr. his nieces Anna Fenwick Taylor (Joseph), ton, and deployed to Iraq in 2007. Alaska, Australia, Korea, Saudi Arabia
had a keen interest in cars, was a decent Marsha Blackwell, and Deborah Clark, as Krys moved to St. Mary’s County, MD and finally Texas. He served two tours in
mechanic, and a racing car enthusiast, well as a host of other nieces and neph- in October 2013. In 2018, she earned a Vietnam and was awarded the Air Force
spending many weekends working on his ews, great-nieces, great-nephews, great- Bachelor of Science Investigative Foren- Commendation Medal, Outstanding Unit
cars and at various auto races. He had a great nieces and great-great nephews, sics Degree from the University of Mary- Award, seven Good Conduct Medals,
restored 1974 Ford Ranchero that he of- grandchildren and great-grandchildren, land. She was a Security Specialist for the National Defense Service Medal, Armed
ten took to local and regional car shows and extended family and close family Department of Navy- HX-21. Forces Expeditionary Medal, Vietnam
and county fairs, winning multiple tro- friends. Krys volunteered by fostering dogs Service Medal, Overseas Ribbon, Re-
phies (70+), and driving it in military pa- In lieu of flowers, expressions of sym- through SMAWL (St. Mary’s County An- public of Vietnam Gallantry Cross and
rades. He also enjoyed fishing, building, pathy, correspondence, and donations imal Welfare League), and volunteered Campaign Medal. In 1985 Woodie retired
and hunting – all skills he learned from may be forwarded to the family to: c/o taking care of horses. She was enjoyed from the Air Force while stationed at
his great-grandfather and grandfather, George M. Somerville, Sr., P.O. Box 54, scuba diving, paddle boarding and watch- Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene Texas.
who, in addition to being a commercial Leonardtown, MD 20650. ing the Philadelphia Eales. After retiring from the Air Force, he
fisherman, was a boat builder and a fur- Contributions in his memory can also In lieu of flowers, contributions may moved the family to Fort Worth, Texas.
niture maker. He enjoyed music – was a be made to the Patuxent Habitat for Hu- be made to SMAWL(St. Mary’s County He began his 20-year career at the Post
decent guitar player, and he loved danc- manity, Lexington Park, MD, as well as Animal Welfare League). Office shortly thereafter. He retired from
ing – would often refer to himself as “the the Casey House – Montgomery County Condolences to the family can be made the Post Office in 2007 and enjoyed eating
dancing man”, and could often be found Hospice, Rockville, MD location. at Arrangements pro- crab cakes, travelling, and spending time
on the dance floor at parties and family A public viewing will be held at the vided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Fu- with his grandchildren and great grand-
reunions. Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, neral Home, P.A. & Crematory, Leonar- children. He was a fan of the Washington
In addition to his military service, Leonardtown, MD on Thursday, Septem- dtown, MD. Redskins, Baltimore Orioles and Texas
George Sr. was a person who always had ber 16, 2021 from 9:00 A.M.– 10:30 A.M. Rangers. He volunteered at the conces-
multiple streams of income and jobs, of- At the family’s request, masks/face cov-
Woodrow (Woodie) Wilson sion stands at the Texas Rangers games.
ten two (or more) at any given time. He erings will be required. Interment will be Hill Jr. He served as an usher at St. Peter the
had a strong work ethic (often referred private. Apostle Catholic Church in Fort Worth.
to himself as a ‘workaholic’), liked nice Condolences may be made to the fam- Wood row He also was a member of the Knights of
things, and wasn’t afraid to work for ily at Arrangements (Woodie) Wilson Columbus and volunteered to assist with
them, and worked until well into his 80s. provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Fu- Hill Jr. of Fort many various community events.
He worked at a number of jobs and fields, neral Home, P.A. & Crematory, Leonard- Worth, Texas On September 16, mass will be held at
including working at the local hospital, in town, MD. formerly from Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Duncan-
construction – teaching himself to run ev- Chaptico, MD ville 12:00 – 1:00pm and the burial will
ery piece of equipment on-site, and even- Krystal Lynn Badmann, passed away Fri- be 2:15pm at the Dallas-Fort Worth VA
tually becoming a heavy-duty equipment “Krys” day, September National Cemetery in Dallas, TX.
and tower crane operator, as a part-time 3, 2021. Born Au-
gas station and a laundry-mat attendant, Krystal Lynn gust 6, 1941, in John Lowell (Buddy) Insley
and movie theater projectionist, and an Ba d m a n n , LaPlata, Mary-
ice and a fuel oil, auto parts, gravel and John Lowell
“Krys”,34, of land, he was the son of the late Woodrow
earth deliveryman, amongst others. (Buddy) Insley,
Callaway, MD, Wilson Hill Sr. and Mary Agnes Alvey
George Sr. was preceded in death by 89 of Hollywood,
formerly of Hill. Woodie is survived by his wife Rose
his parents, the late Sarah Turner and the MD, passed away
Northern Cali- (Tina) E. Navarro Hill, three children -
late Mitchell Somerville; his great-aunt, on September 3,
fornia, passed Debra Chalupa (Curtis), Sandra Callaham
Agnes ‘Marie’ Turner Young; his brother, 2021. Buddy was
away on Sep- (Robert) Mary Ann Jetton (Steve), nine
the late Clarence Turner Evans; and his born on Novem-
tember 3, 2021 grandchildren - Rae Ann Ford, Tiffany
three first cousins with whom he was ber 27, 1931 in
in Callaway, MD. Roth, Emily Chalupa, Corey Chalupa,
raised – the late Roberta Turner Clark, the Hollywood, MD.
She was born on November 19, 1986 in Ashley Shirley, Kassandra Diehl, Victo-
late Richard (Dick) Fenwick, and the late Buddy’s wife,
Greenbrae, CA and was the loving daugh- ria Line, Ryan Jetton and Makayla Jetton,
Joseph Clark. Mary Ann (Unkle) passed in 2003. They
ter of Earindil K. Perkes of Valley Lee, five great grandchildren - Adalynn and
George Sr. is survived by his step- enjoyed over 52 years of marriage. He
MD. Krys was the loving wife of Ralph Elizabeth Ford, Lincoln Roth and Emma
son, Roy S. Chesley I (Jacklyn); daugh- was predeceased by his two sons, Rob-
G. Badmann, whom she married on and Ewan Diehl. Siblings - Martha Louis
ters Joyce A. White (Richard); Deborah ert Michael (Mike) and Richard Wayne
February 16, 2013 in Camp Pendelton, Wheeler (Harry) of Bushwood, MD, Al-
Khavkin; Barbara Somerville Hasty (Ricky), his parents, Carl Deshield and
San Diego, CA. Krys is survived by her len Henry Hill Sr. (Mary), Patrick Eugene
(William); George Somerville, Jr.; and Agnes Insley and his brother Jackie.
daughter Makayla Badmann of Callaway, Hill (Judy) of Chaptico, MD and William
Clarence Somerville. His grandchildren, Buddy is survived by his children;
MD, along with her siblings Chad Mar- Michael Hill (Sue) of Leonardtown, MD.
Dr. Michelle Buchanan (Herb), Robin Sheila Barber (Al), Christopher Insley,
shall of Lusby, MD, Mallory Perkes of Woodie graduated from Margaret
Bowman, Roy Chesley II (Juanita), Dante Terri Insley, Tracey Russell (Wayne) and
Valley Lee, MD, Sarah Perkes and An- Brent High School in 1961. Woodie was
Chesley (Jerri), Shanay Overton (An- Kimberly Lowthert (Kent). His grand-
drew Perkes, both of Sedro-Woolley, WA. the Class President, voted Most Depend-
thony), and Ian Somerville, Danielle Fen- children knew him as Pop. Denise Ash-
She graduated from Springville High able, Student Council, Green Cross Club
wick, and Jeremy Clayton; sister-in-laws ton (Ron), Cathy Hollstrom (Brian), Chris
School in 2003. Krys joined the United and played Soccer. Yearbook personality
(Bunk) Insley (Angie); Eric Lowthert (Ju-
quote ”Going as if he trod upon eggs”.
lie), Sean Lowthert (Angela); Lauren Rus-

Clemy & Marguerite Cheseldine

In 1947, his parents moved to Grandma
sell Strohl (Dallas) and John Wayne (JW)
Hill’s Farm in Chaptico, Maryland where
Russell JR (Heather). His great-grand-
they built their family home on the Farm.
children Haley, Devyn, and Myla Ashton;
Wedding Anniversary
At age 10, Woodie worked with his
Kali, and Balin Hollstrom; Fiona, Avery
brother Allen at the Red House Farm, for
and Caden Insley; Eli Lowthert; Caleb
Mr. Ripple raising Tobacco. Later, both
September 16, 2021 worked for Boots Wheeler’s Farm at the
and Brayden Lowthert; Mackenzie (Ca-
leb), Kevin, Trevor, Jarrett, Madison, and
Cross Roads. At the age of 16 when he got
Logan Russell; Great-Great Grandchild
Happy Anniversary as you celebate his license, he drove a 1948 Chevy that
Preslee. He was a loving and dedicated
him and his father had cut off the back
81 years in heaven. Today we are and made it into a truck. After he gradu- family man.
He is also survived by his sisters Car-
ated, he worked at the Naval Ordinance
certain that you will be waltzing Station in Indian Head, MD until he went leen Insley and Deloris Green (Doug),
and his brothers Walton and John Edward
across heaven. into the U.S. Air Force.
In 1962 Woodie enlisted in the Air Insley.
Buddy worked for the C&P Telephone
Force as a Warehouse and Munitions Spe-
We love and miss you every day cialist. While stationed at Davis Monthan Company (AT&T) for his entire career.
He worked and helped with many of the
Air Force Base Woodie met and mar-
-Family ried Tina, his loving wife of 54 years. He local businesses in his early years of re-
tirement providing his telephone exper-
served for almost 24 years while stationed
Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Obituaries 29
tise. Many of the local businesses from Boat Club. Auntie or friend you knew a kind and scopes he had collected over the years.
Lexington Park to Mechanicsville had He was a man who would give you the generous woman. May your memories of Cliff is survived by his daughters,
Buddy listed as their telephone man. shirt off his back, or his last dollar, but his her bless your day and her inherent kind- Robin Marie Cook of Lexington Park,
Buddy enjoyed riding with his friends greatest joy came through the eyes and ness be carried on in your actions. MD and Christy Lynn Davis (Darius) of
in the Silver Wheels club and just cruis- smiles of his beloved family. He treasured Gladys is survived by his sons: Mi- Leonardtown, MD, his brother, Donald L.
ing on his Harley in the years that fol- his two daughters, and four grandchildren chael Roy Loverin of Waldorf, MD and Cook of Pomona, KS, his granddaughter,
lowed. After retirement it seems he gave and his bond with his brother, Jerry was Roy B. Loverin IV of Mechanicsville, Alexis Marie Cook of Lexington Park,
up motorcycles and replaced them with unbreakable. A great man has been called MD; grandchildren, Andrew Sciranko, MD, and his extended family and friends.
farm tractors. He was an ever-present home, but his legacy will live on through Matthew Lee Loverin and Lauren Marie In addition to his parents, he is also pre-
friendly face at the Garvey Senior center the hearts of all those who loved him. Loverin; great-grandchild, Kennedy L. ceded in death by his siblings, Everett Lee
and enjoyed putting on skits, plays, and Ken is survived by his daughters, Bran- Sciranko and sister, Sadie Lee of Berken- Cook and Karen S. Johnson.
line dancing. He danced anytime there dy Kosack of Mechanicsville, MD and head, England. She was preceded in death Memorial contributions may be made
was music and with anyone who would be Jessica Cheseldine-Dickerson (Willie) of by her parents, Edward and Nellie Lee, to the National Kidney Foundation, 1301
his partner on the dance floor. He enjoyed Avenue, MD; brother, Jerry Cheseldyne daughter, Sandra Leigh Sciranko, grand- York Road, Suite 209, Lutherville, MD
traveling to visit with his children and of Bushwood, MD and four (4) grandchil- child Ashley Brooke and siblings, Lila 21093-6007.
family in Florida. He also enjoyed going dren, Hailee, Owen, Kelsee and Connor. Keenan, Barbara Collins and Tony Lee. Condolences to the family may be
to McDonalds to meet the morning crew He was preceded in death by his parents, Condolences to the family may be made at
to start his day. He loved working in his John and Dorothy Cheseldine. made at Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funer-
yard, riding on his tractor and greeting The family will receive friends for Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- al Home, P.A.
his family and friends. Ken’s Celebration of Life on Tuesday, neral Home & Crematory, P.A. Charlotte
He was always known as Buddy and he September 21, 2021 from 5:00 p.m. to Hall, MD John Edward Leigg
was a true friend and giving person to all 7:00 p.m. at Brinsfield Funeral Home,
he met and knew. There was just an easy 22955 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown, Clifford Eugene Cook John Edward
way with him. He was talented, bright, MD with a Prayer Service and Optimist Leigg, 76, of Me-
gifted, technical and an artist in his own Prayers at 7:00 p.m. A Mass of Christian Clifford Eu- chanicsville, MD
ways. Buddy never knew a stranger and Burial will be held on Wednesday, Sep- gene Cook, 72, passed away at
if you ever needed help, he would be the tember 22, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at Sacred of California, his home on Au-
first one there. Heart Catholic Church, 23080 Maddox MD passed away gust 28, 2021. He
Private services were conducted at Road, Bushwood, MD 20618. Interment peacefully on is survived by his
Holy Face Church on September 9, 2021. will follow immediately in All Saints September 7, wife of 57 years,
Pallbearers’ where Bunk Insley, Sean Episcopal Cemetery, Oakley, MD. 2021 at his home. Diane T. Leigg.
Lowthert, JW Russell, Dallas Strohl, Pall bearers will be Bill Cullins, Chris He was born John was born on
Kent Lowthert, and Wayne Russell. Cullins, David Cullins, Tim Cullins, on September 2, October 12,1944 in Washington, DC to
Mark Bailey and Johnny Butterfield. 1949 in Pomona, parents James Milton and Erva I. Leigg.
John Kenelm “Ken” Honorary pall bearers will be members KS to the late Everett John Cook, Jr. and John served in the U. S. Army, which
of the 7th District Optimist Club and Jim Emma Mae (Kline) Cook. included a tour in Vietnam, and received
Cheseldine Spence. Cliff was born and raised in Pomona, an Honorable Discharged on September
Memorial donations may be made to KS and is a 1967 graduate of Pomona 19, 1972. He worked for many years at
John Kenelm High School. After high school he en- Hamilton & Spiegel and Stromberg Metal
“Ken” Che- the 7th District Optimist Club, P.O. Box
53, Bushwood, MD 20618. listed in the United States Navy, proudly Works and was a member of Local 100,
seldine, 72, of serving his country for two years until his Sheet Metal Workers.
Condolences to the family may be
Bushwood, MD honorable discharge. During his service He was predeceased by his parents and
made at
passed away he was stationed at Patuxent River Naval sister, Mae E. Poe. Surviving along with
Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu-
peacefully with Air Station and fell in love with the area. his wife, Diane, are his brother James
neral Home & Crematory, P.A., Charlotte
his family by He gained employment with the Depart- W. Leigg (Shirley) of Bowie, MD, sister,
Hall, MD.
his side at UM ment of Defense at the Naval Air Station Doris A. Fowler, of Washington, VA and
Capital Region Gladys Louisa Loverin as a Printer for many dedicated years un- many nephews, nieces and friends.
Medical Center, til his retirement in 1999. He then went John loved his dogs and enjoyed watch-
Largo, MD on Saturday, September 11, Gladys Louisa to work with DynCorp for many years ing deer that gathered on his property.
2021. He was born on August 14, 1949 Loverin, 88, of as a machinist until his health started to Service will be private.
in Leonardtown, MD to the late John W. Waldorf, MD, decline forcing him to retire in 2012. He Memorial contributions may be made
Cheseldine and Dorothy C. Cheseldine. passed away was a dedicated employee and enjoyed to PETA or an Animal Shelter of your
Ken was a life-long resident of St. peacefully at going to work. More than anything he choice in John's name.
Mary’s County, Maryland. He gradu- Taylor Farm As- loved spending time with his daughters Condolences may be made at www.
ated from St. Mary’s Ryken High School sisted Living in and granddaughter. He was an avid ‘train
in 1967, and attended St. Mary’s College Bushwood, MD buff’ where he enjoyed his extensive col- All arrangements have been made at
until he entered the United States Marine on Sunday, Sep- lection of Lionel trains. He loved the Brinsfield Funeral Home & Crematory,
Corps, where he served his country hon- tember 5, 2021. study of genealogy, tracing his family P.A., Charlotte Hall, MD.
orably from 1969-1971. After his service, She was born on January 22, 1933 in generations and he had a strong inter-
he became part-owner of Cheseldyne, Birkenhead, England to the late Edward est in astronomy as he enjoyed studying
Inc. in Lexington Park, MD. He enjoyed Lee and Nellie (Smith) Lee. the stars and planets with his many tele-
the years he spent working with his fam- A charming woman with a sunny dis-
ily until 1997.
A great man, he was a man of faith and
position, Gladys enjoyed every day she
spent around her family. She was devoted In Memory of Mary Catherine Kane
attended daily mass, before his health be-
gan to decline. He may not have been able
to being a mother, grandmother and great-
grandmother. Gladys worked as a rental Sept. 18, 1924 - Nov. 22, 2019
to worship at Church but he never let a consultant for many years, helping people
day go by when he didn’t speak with the find their homes and this always brought On this day the sun will come up then it
Lord. her great joy. Knowing she was making will fade away so the moon may come and
Ken enjoyed Nascar and cheered for dreams come true for many, made all the
Kevin Harvick #4. He could spend hours heartache during her own life dissipate.
shine and when the morning comes it’s
watching a race. When the air cooled and To know Nanny or R Glad was to sit gone. Not like the love and memories
the leaves turned bright, Ken enjoyed down and have a cup of tea, Lorna Doone of a mother; that never goes away.
rooting for the Washington Redskins. cookies and just have a chat. She loved
He enjoyed sports and the comradery of Mama I think about you everyday and
to cook for the family at family events
team sports. He was an original member and holidays, always with a sit-down miss you so much. I will drink a pepsi
of the Clements Cuties and supported and a sing-a-song, dancing and laughing in memory of you. I know you would
the St. Mary’s County Women’s Softball around the house.
League. His need for speed and competi- like that.
She was a truly blessed woman to share
tion made him a great boat racer and he her life with so many wonderful people. Mama, I love you. Happy Birthday.
was a member of the Southern Maryland Whether you knew her as Mom, Nanny, - Larry
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Thursday, September 16, 2021 The County Times Fun & Games 31

CLUES ACROSS 41. Indicates near 15. Cool!

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some in China compete 18. Popular literary form
5. Nursemaids 44. Prosecutors _ _ fi
10. Coats a porous 45. Body part 21. Be the most
surface 48. Soluble ribonucleic remarkable
12. Garment of long acid 23. “Final Fantasy”
cloth 50. Indicates silence universe character
14. Containing a 52. NFL’s Newton 24. Buffer solution
broader message 53. Ancient Roman 27. Muslim physician
16. University of garments using traditional remedies
Dayton 55. Drunkard 29. Fantastical planet
18. Patti Hearst’s 56. Expression of 32. S. American plant
captors satisfaction 34. Domesticated animal
19. Insane 57. Thus 35. The tops of mountains
20. Bristlelike 58. Noisy viper 36. Expression of
structures in 63. Plants of a particular disapproval
invertebrates region 39. Skeletal muscle
22. Taxi 65. Communicated with 40. Game show host
23. Trainee 66. Latches a window Sajak
25. Comedian Carvey 67. Swarm with 43. One’s interests
26. Some couples say 44. Identify the existence
27. Belong to he 1. Split pulses 46. Partner to “oohed”
28. High schoolers’ 2. Brew 47. Does not accept
test 3. Ask humbly medical help (abbr.)
30. Young goat 4. Distinctive smells 49. Hammerin’ Hank
31. You drive on one 5. Digressions 51. Lowest point of a
33. Denotes a time 6. Partner to cheese ridge between two peaks
long ago 7. Father of Araethyrea 54. Elaborately draped
35. Space between 8. Made a cavity garment
two surfaces 9. Tin 59. Check
37. By and by 10. Appetizer 60. Car mechanics group
38. A way to sell 11. Presenting in detail 61. One point east
40. A line left by the 13. Compound in guano (clockwise) of due north
passage of something and fish scales 62. Austrian river


The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for
Publisher Thomas McKay
the residents of St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on news-
Associate Publisher Eric McKay stands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s
General Manager
Al Dailey County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its
news coverage.
Jen Stotler
Tim Flaherty To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the
writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by
Dick Myers 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week.
After that deadline, the St. Mary’s County Times will make every attempt possible to publish
Staff Writer

County Times
late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/edited for clarity, although
Guy Leonard
care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material submitted
Graphic Desinger/Layout Artist to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the St. Mary’s
Jim Lucke
County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We
Contributing Writers are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The St. Mary’s County Times cannot guarantee P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints.
32 The County Times Thursday, September 16, 2021
o r k s Ride oat
Fire w PM
day 9

St. Clement’s Island Museum
Saturday, October 2 Featuring family entertainment, local food, art and craft vendors, waterman of the
Gates open at Noon
year award, parade, blessing ceremony, evening concert and fireworks, free boat
• Noon: 1st boat to the Island-
• Blackistone Lighthouse Opens rides, and activities on the island including lighthouse tours.
• 1:00 Blessing of the Fleet and the

Waterman of the Year
• 2:00 The Mid-Eastern Dance Troupe
• 3:00 Aerial Acrobatics by the
Vertical Dance Company 7:30 P
• 3:30 Last boat to the Island
• 4:00 Children’s Tractor Pull
Blackistone Lighthouse Closes
• 4:30 Last boat to the mainland
• 5:30 Robbie Booth
• 7:00 Museum Closes
• 7:30 Amish Outlaws
• 9:00 Fireworks
• 9:15 Food Vendors Close

Sunday, October 3
Gates open at 11
• 11:00 1st boat to the Island
• Noon Blackistone Lighthouse Opens
What is there to eat?
• 1:00 Parade Pizza • Hamburgers • Hot Dogs • Crab Soup • Shrimp Salad
• 3:00 Mass on the Island (weather permitting) Crab Balls • Fried Shrimp • Chicken Tenders • Boardwalk Fries
Grace’s Dance Studio
• 3:30 Last boat to the Island
• 4:00 Raffle Drawing
• 4:30 Last boat to the mainland
• 5:00 Gates Close

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