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Karl August B.

BTLEd 4-1

1. What is Philosophy in your own understanding?

Philosophy is a collective knowledge and beliefs of one or more

individuals that defines them for what they do and believed in. In my self-
understanding, Philosophy is a complex and abstract reasoning of what we are

2. What is Ethics and the different types of ethical inquiry?

Ethics in a brief term is the science or theory of what is right and

what is wrong. It is the study of the morality principles. There are different types of
Ethical Inquiry, these are the Normative Inquiry which states the set of norms or
standards that defines what is wrong and what is right. And the other one is
Descriptive Inquiry, which explains why the things are good and bad. The last one is
the Applied Ethics which is the actual application of ethical and moral theories.

3. Explain how one’s judgement can be influenced.

As any other living being, your growth and perspective may be

affected by the factors around you such as your peers, your family, your religion and
the environmental influence that may hinder or manipulate your decisions leading
you to different speculations and views on life.

4. What do you think is the most common bias in our judgement? Why?

For me I think it is the confirmation bias, for it refers to

what is our own desire and seeks for our own pleasures. It is by far I think the most
common bias because anyone have own self-interest and self-indulgency that we
have to fulfill.

5. What is the difference between Moral Standards and Non-Moral Standards?

Moral Standards are the set of norms that all people

should follow and maintain for it is the right thing to do so, Non-Moral Standards on
the other hand is the way we judge if what we do or think about is right and wrong.

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