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Patient: Mr.

R Diagnosis: Fractured Tibia, Fibula Open Type II Complete, Comminuted 25 M

Assessment Diagnosis Scientific Basis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective Data: Chronic pain > A break in the Goal: Independent: > Identifying the After 4 hours of
Patient verbalized,related to swelling bone is known as a After 4 hours of > Assess specific cause guides nurse- patient
fracture. There are
“Ngul-ngul akong and tenderness of nurse- patient symmetry, design of optimal interaction, the
two main types of
tiil”. the fractured fracture: the simple
interaction, the strength, degree treatment plan. patient was able
lower leg, and (close) and patient will be of mobility. >This optimizes to properly use
Objective Data: inability to move compound (open). able to use > Position patient circulation to all assistive devices
RR= 27 cpm purposefully in the The simple fracture assistive in proper body tissues and relieves as provided.
T°= 36.6°C environment is a break in the equipment alignment. pressure. Patient was also
bone that does not
BP= 100/70 including mobility, properly, show > Encourage >Exercise promotes able to progress
pierce the skin or
mmHg transfers, and cause severe
progress in isometric exercises increased venous in mobilization
PR= 76 bpm ambulation damage to mobility on bed, when indicated. return, prevents through exercises
> Patient is secondary to surrounding tissues. and be able to > Teach proper stiffness, and and was slowly
unable to move fractured tibia, In the compound transfer without use of assistive maintains muscle able to move
lower leg. fibula open type fracture, the skin feeling any pain. device such as strength and himself up in bed
and tissues are
> Skin is II complete, crutches. endurance. without pain.
broken through. A
discolored comminuted 25 fracture may also be
Planned Actions: > Provide >Proper use of Patient was also
> Swelling of M. complete, dividing the > Maintain or progressive wheelchairs, canes, able to properly
skin noted bone into two or increase strength mobilization. transfer bars, and groom himself
> Grimacing of more separate and endurance of other assistance can without help.
patient’s face was pieces. It may be fractured lower Dependent: promote activity and Patient was able
also incomplete or
noted leg. >Passive/active reduce danger of to take the
partial. In a
> Patient is not comminuted fracture,
> Make sure no ROM exercises as falls. prescribed
properly groomed the bone is broken complications will ordered by >The longer the medication.
into little pieces at develop during physician to the injured patient remains
the point of fracture. body part.
Medical Diagnosis: (Reader’s Digest immobilization. > Administer proper immobile the greater
Fractured Tibia, Family Health Guide > Demonstrate medication as the risk of
and Medical
Fibula Open Type the proper use of prescribed by the complications.
II Complete, > Lower leg
assistive devices. physician. (
Comminuted 25 fractures include the
M fractures of the tibia Expected Collaborative:
and fibula. Of these Outcome: > Refer the
two bones, the tibia > Patient would patient to a PT
is the only weight
be able to move or an OT.
bearing bone.
Fractures of the tibia
lower leg with
are generally less pain.
associated with fibula > Patient will be
fracture because the able to groom
force is transmitted himself.
along the
> Patient will be
membrane to the
relieved from pain
fibula. after administering
( proper medication.
> Causes include
direct forces such as
those caused by falls
and motor vehicle
Name of Student: Bongon, Claudine Y. BSN1-N1

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