Answers To Selected Problems From Past Final Exams

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Answers to Selected Problems from Past Final Exams

Maksim Pinkovskiy
December 17, 2011

1 Problem 1, Final 2004

Denote the type with probability 0.4 as strong, and the type with probability 0.6 as weak.
It is clear that if player 1 is strong, he will play A over D at node 1.
Suppose that player 2 believes that P1 is strong with probability f and weak with probability 1 - f.
Since player 1 plays A whenever he is strong, it follows that

P (8)
f= � 0.4
P (8) + P (A�W ) P (W )
Then, P2 chooses � if 2 (1 - f) � 1, or 1 - f � 0.�, or f � 0.�. �therwise, P2 chooses �. Clear that
neither separating nor pooling works here. �hy�
Separating: must involve weak P1 playing �, and P2 playing �. �ut then, weak P1 wants to play �.
Pooling: P2 wants to play �, and weak P2 then wants to play �. � �
1 � ���
Consider the following: �eak P1 plays a mixed strategy such that f = 0.�, so P (��W ) = � �� � ���
- P (8) =
� ���

� �� � = 2� , and P2 plays a mixed strategy such that weak P1 is indiferent. Speci�cally, P2 plays � with
probability �, so weak P1 gets � + � (1 - �) from �, and
�� 2 from �. Therefore,�we have � - � 2� = 2, or � = 0.�.
Check that this is an SE. The pro�le speci�ed is A, 2� � + �1 �, 21 � + 21 � , (0.�, 0.�) . �e implicitly did
this in the derivation.
Se�uential �ationality: At 1(strong), A is a strictly dominant strategy. At 1(weak), P1 is indiferent
between � and �. At 2, P2 is indiferent between � and �.
Consistency: Since strong P1 always plays A, �so P (A�8) = 1), and weak P1 plays � with probability 2� ,
we have that f = 0.�.

2 Problem 4, Final 2004

The timing of the game is as follows:
1) Professor chooses cutof score , E [0, 100]
2) Student observes type t E {H, L} and decides whether to take class. If does not take class, professor
gets 0, and student gets Wt , where 0 < WL < WH < 100
3) If student takes class, he exerts efort e and gets grade s = e . (t = L) + 2e . (t = H). The professor's
payof is s. The student's payof is 100 . (s � ,) - e/2.

I will let t = 0 stand for the low-ability student and t = 1 stand for the high-ability student. Hence, the
grade production function of a student with ability t is s (e) = 2t-1 e.
Consider the last stage of the game. Then, the student solves max {100 . (2t e � ,) - e/2} = max ((100 - e/2) (2t e � ,) , -e
If student decides to fail, sets e = 0, and gets 0.

If student decides to pass, sets e = 2f" , and gets 100 - 2"f ' . In particular, gets UL = 100 - f2 , and

UH = 100 - f� .

Consider the second stage. Then, the student takes the class i¤ 100 2t+1 Wt . In particular, low types
take the class i¤ 100 2 > WL and high types take the class i¤ 100 4 > WH .
Now, consider the …rst stage. The professor’s payo¤ is E 100 2t+1 Wt = 100 4 WH + (1 ) 100 2
If everyone takes the course, the professor should set = min (4 (100 WH ) ; 2 (100 WL )), and would
get min (2 (100 WH ) ; (100 WL ))
If only high types take the course, the professor should set = 4 (100 WH ), and would get 2 (100 WH )
If only low types take the course, the professor should set = 2 (100 WL ) ;and would get (100 WL ) (1 )
100 WL 100+WL
Suppose that > 12 100 WH and WH < 2 . Then, 2 (100 WH ) > 2 100 100+W
= 100 WL ,
so making the course for all would get the professor 100 WL > (100 WL ) (1 ).
Now, 2 (100 WH ) > 100 WL , so he will make the course for the high types only.

Suppose that > 1 2 100 WH

100 WL and WH >
2 . Then, 2 (100 WH ) < (100 WL ), so PU =
2 (100 WH ) > 2 (100 WH ) . Moreover,

(100 WL ) (1 ) < (100 WL ) 1 1 2 100 WH

100 WL = 2 (100 WH ), so PU is maximum and every-
one takes the course.
100 WL 100+WL
Suppose that < 12 100 WH and WH < 2 . Then, 2 (100 WH ) > 100 WL , so PU = 100 WL >
1 100 WL
(100 WL ) (1 ). Now, 2 (100 WH ) < 2 100 WH = 100 WL , so everyone takes the course (since PU
is maximum).

The grades are 100 WL , 2 (100 WH ) < 100 WL , and 100 WL . Therefore, the grades at the …rst
and third institutions are the same. The grade at the second institution is too low.

3 Problem 2, Final 2007 (Regular Exam)

First note that we have one type for player 2, and three types for player 1: A, B, and C. Player 2 knows
whether player 1 played L1,L2,L3 or R1,R2,R3, but doesn’t know player 1’s type. Also note how I labeled
all the nodes in this diagram.
It is clear that 1A has R1 as a dominant strategy, and 1B has L1 as a dominant strategy. Therefore, at
information set 2L, player 2 knows that player 1 is either type A or B and played Left, so player 2 must
conclude that player 1 has type B. Therefore, player 2 will play b at information set 2L.
Consider player 2’s play at information set 2R. Then, player 2 knows that player 1’s type is not B.
Let be player 2’s belief that he is at 2RA, and 1 be his belief that he is at 2RC. Note that =
P (2RjA)P (A) (1=3) 1
P (2RjA)P (A)+P (2RjC)P (C) = (1=3)+(1=3)P (2RjC) 2.
What is player 2’s best response given a belief ? Player 2 will play l i¤ 2 (1 ) or 3.
Suppose that type 1C always plays L3:Then, = 1, and player 2 should play l, which he wants to do.
However, type 1C would do better by playing R3 and getting 2, so this is not an SE.
Suppose that type 1C always plays R3. Then, = 12 and player 2 should play r. But then, type 1C
would do better by playing L3 and getting 1, so this is not an SE.
Hence, it is clear that type 1C has to mix, and therefore, has to be indi¤erent between L3 and R3.
Moreover, player 2 has to mix at information set 2R, so as to make type 1C indi¤erent. Then, player 2
herself must be indi¤erent between l and r, so it must be the case that = 23 . The only way we can have
= 23 is if P (2RjC) = 12 13 3 = 21 , so type 1C must mix between L3 and R3 with probability 12 . Now,
suppose that player 2 mixes with probability p of going left. We have that for type 1C, U (L3) = 1, and
U (R3) = 2p, so must have p = 12 . We have now pinned down the strategies and beliefs of all the players,
and the sequential equilibrium is

1 1 1 1 2
R1; L1; R3 + L3 ; b; l+ r ; = 0, =
2 2 2 2 3

How to check that this is an SE: Check sequential rationality and consistency. We did all the calculations
in the work, so just write what you would have needed to check:
1) SR at node 1A: 1A has a dominant strategy R1
2) SR at node 1B: 1B has a dominant strategy L2
3) SR at node 1C: 1C is indi¤erent between L3 and R3, so he can mix
4) SR at information set 2L: P2 believes he is at 2LB, so plays b
5) SR at information set 2R: P2 believes he is at 2RA with probability 23 , so is indi¤erent between l and
r, and can mix

1) Consistency at information set 2L: Only 1B ever plays L2, so the probability that we are at 2LA,
= 0.
2) Consistency at information set 2R: 1A always plays R1, and 1C plays R3 one-half of the time, so the
probability we are at 2RA, = 23 .

4 Problem 2, Final 2010

Three bidders, two objects. Values independent and uniform; each vi 2 [0; 1]. Perform a …rst-price auction.
a) Set of players: N = f1; 2; 3g
b) Set of types: Ti = [0; 1] 8i 2 N
c) Set of actions: bi 2 R
d) Set of expectations: pi (t i jti ) = 1 t i 2 [0; 1]
vi bi ; bi > min (bi )
e) Set of payo¤s: ui (b; v ) =
0; bi = min (bi )

We are to …nd a symmetric BNE in strictly increasing and di¤erentiable strategies.

Step 0: De…ne what you are looking for:
We have bi (vi ) = b (vi ), where b0 (vi ) exists and b0 (vi ) > 0 for vi 2 (0; 1) :
Step 1: Compute expected utility

U (bi jvi ) = E ui bi ; b (vj )j=i

6 ; v jvi
= ui bi ; b (vj )j=i
6 ; v dv i
v 2[0;1]2
Z ¬i
= (vi bi ) dv i
bi >min(bj )
= (vi bi ) P (bi > min (b (vj )))
0 1
= (vi bi ) @1 P (bi < b (vj ))A
0 1
= (vi bi ) @1 P b 1
(bi ) < vj A

1 2
= (vi bi ) 1 1 b (bi )

Step 2: Take the FOC

dU 1 2 1 1
0= = 1 1 b (bi ) +2 1 b (bi ) (vi bi )
dbi b0 (b 1 (bi ))
Now, make the substitution bi = b (vi ), so b (b (vi )) = vi . Hence,

2 1
0 = 1 [1 vi ] + 2 [1 vi ] (vi b (vi ))
b0 (vi )
= 1 [1 vi ] b0 (vi ) + 2 [1 vi ] (vi b (vi ))

Step 3: Check the solution satis…es our hypotheses

We have bi (vi ) = b (vi ), and we have
1 [1 vi ] b0 (vi ) = 2 [1 vi ] (vi b (vi )) > 0 for vi 2 (0; 1)

Step 4: Solve if you can (lots of partial credit if stop here)

Notice that
d 2 2
1 [1 vi ] ( b (vi )) = 1 [1 vi ] b0 (vi ) + 2 [1 vi ] ( b (vi ))
d 2
1 (1 vi ) b (vi ) = 2vi (1 vi )
2 1 2 1 3
1 (1 vi ) b (vi ) = 2vi (1 vi ) dvi = 2 v v +C
2 i 3 i

v 2 1 23 v + C
b (v) =
v (2 v )
v 2 [1 23 v ]+C v [1 32 v ]
To have lim b (v ) = 0, we need 0 = lim v(2 v) = lim + lim v(2C v) = 0 + lim v(2C v) , which
v !0 v !0 v !0 (2 v) v!0 v!0
implies that C = 0.

2 (3 2v) 2
b (v) = v v
3 (4 2v) 3
and the bidders shade their bids.

5 Problem 4, Final 2010

Stage game: a 2 [0; 1], b 2 [0; 1], uA (a; b) = 2b a, uB (a; b) = 2a b.
a) Clear that the best response functions are aA (b) = 0, bB (a) = 0, since uA and uB are decreasing in
own strategy. Moreover, clear that any strategy a ^ > 0 is strictly dominated by 0, since

uA (0; b) uA (a;
^ b) = a

Hence, all strategies besides 0 are strictly dominated and deleted in the …rst round. Therefore, the only
rationalizable strategies are f0g for each player. The only NE of the stage game is therefore (a; b) = (0; 0)
b) The worst punishment is the minmax payo¤, which is also the Nash equilibrium in this stage game.
Consider the following strategy pro…le: play (a ; b ) until someone deviates, and play (0; 0) if anyone ever
deviates. Then, the single deviation test requires that for every history without a deviation, we have
2b a 1 2a b
for A: 2b 1 () 2b 1 1 0, and for B : 2a 1 () 2a 1 b 11 0.

1 1
Suppose that a b . Then, if 2b 1 1 0, it must be the case that 2a 1 b 1 >
2b 1 1 0. So therefore, only one of the conditions can be binding.
In particular, the frontier of (a ; b ) that is sustainable with discount factor is given by
min (a ; b ) max (a ; b )
It is clear that if < 0:5, this inequality cannot hold for max (a ; b ) > 0 because 21 max (a ; b ) >
max (a ; b ) min (a ; b ), since 2 < 1. Hence, for < 0:5, the only sustainable candidate pro…le is
(a; b) = (0; 0). For 0:5, the sustainable cooperation contributions (a; b) must satisfy
b 2 a; a > b
2 a b; b > a
The region of sustainable contributions looks like a "kite" with vertices at (0; 0) ; 1; 21 ; 21 ; 1 and
(1; 1). Therefore, the maximum contribution for 0:5 from any given player is equal to unity. As grows,
the contribution pattern can become more and more unequal, with the limit being 1; 12 , with the payo¤
for the higher contributor approaching zero.
c) Since play in the stage game has no impact on the continuation value, it must be an NE, so we must
have a; ^ ^b = (0; 0).
We now look for values of (aA ; bA ) and (aB ; bB ) such that the following is an equilibrium: A accepts any
2bB aB 2aA bA
proposal (a; b) such that 2b1
1 and B accepts any proposal (a; b) such that 2a 1
1 , A
proposes (aA ; bA ) and B proposes (aB ; bB ). Suppose there exists an SPE of this form, and Alice has been
made an o¤er (a; b). Then, next period, Alice will o¤er (aA ; bA ) and Bob will (barely) accept, so Alice will
2bA aA
accept (a; b) i¤ 2b
1 . Hence, it must be the case that

(2bB aB ) = (2bA aA )
Similarly, for Bob, it must be the case that

(2aA bA ) = (2aB bB )

If Alice is proposing, it is obvious that she will not propose (a; b) such that 2a
< 2a1A bA , because her
payo¤ from rejection is 2bB1 aB < 2bB1 aB < 2bA 1
. However, she would want to propose (a; b) such that
2a b 2aA bA 2b a
1 = 1 and to maximize 1 . Hence, Alic e would solve

max (2b a) st. 2a b = 2aA bA , b 2 [0; 1] ; a 2 [0; 1]


Now, we then have that b = 2a (2aA bA ), so the problem becomes

max (3a 2 (2aA bA )) st. 2a (2aA bA ) 2 [0; 1] ; a 2 [0; 1]


It is clear that Alice will have a corner solution. Setting a = 1 cannot be optimal for Alice. Neither
can Alice set a = 0, since then, b would have to be negative. Finally, it is obvious that we cannot have
2a (2aA bA ) = 0, since then we would require bA = 0, which implies aA = 0, which is clearly ine¢ cient.
Therefore, Alice will set b = 2a (2aA bA ) = 1, so

bA = 1
By symmetry, it must be the case that aB = 1. Hence, the acceptance conditions reduce to:

(2bB 1) = (2 aA )

(2aA 1) = (2 bB )
By symmetry, it must be the case that aA = bB =: x, so we have the single equation
2 +1
2x 1 = (2 x) ) x ( ) =
Note that x ( ) is increasing in from x (0) = 12 to x (1) = 1.
Therefore, the pro…le in which A o¤ers (aA ; bA ) = (x ( ) ; 1), B o¤ers (aB ; bB ) = (1; x ( )), and they
accept only o¤ers yielding them at least U (aB ; bB ) and U (aA ; bA ) respectively is an SPE. We can check
single deviation at acceptance and proposal nodes (the checks are identical for A and B), but we constructed
the SPE assuming these checks hold.

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