Barrier Solution: Situation

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Situation Barrier Solution

1. Using cell phone to relay a Physical Barrier because Completeness & Conciseness
message  sometimes we are surrounded by because you should say what you
noise that we cannot control and really want and you need to be
those noise can affect our direct to the point since you are
communication just like the only communicating using
sound of the cars, dog barks etc. cellphone and there will be
We can also have a problem with barriers. Also, you should find a
our signal or internet connection place where you can access a
that can affect our stable connection. Remove or
communication. compensate everything that may
cause noise or distraction.
3. Scolding the girl for visiting a Psychological Barrier because Consideration is needed. Because
male classmate someone or the one scolding the the receiver is a girl and we don't
girl might have a past incident really know why she went to her
that something bad happen classmate's house. Maybe her
when she visits her male classmate was sick or she went
classmate, that triggers her to there to get something. Also, as
scold you and think that the receiver, courtesy is needed
something bad might happen to too. The receiver or the girl need
you. to respect the background of the
speaker. Maybe something triggers
the one who is scolding the girl
that is why she/he acts like that.

5. Asking the teacher to give an Linguistic Barrier because just When asking for something it
advanced exam to a foreigner like what the situation said the should be complete. The foreigner
who already has a ticket to go student is a foreigner, so the should say what he/she really want
back to Iran on the scheduled student might not know how to with respect so the teacher will
date of the final exam speak their language clearly so understand him/her. As the
he/she cannot explain or ask the teacher, he/she need to be
teacher to give him/her an considerate because the foreigner
advanced exam. already has ticket to go back to
Iran and maybe there is an
emergency that is why she/he
need to go home.
7. Labelling a student Cultural Barrier because in this
discourteous for not saying “po” scenario, A teacher labelled a The student should be considerate
or “opo” student discourteous for not and learn to use “po” and “opo”
saying “po” or “opo” but the and show respect to their teacher
student is not raised by that and have a good manner so that
tradition so when the students is he/she will not be labeled as a
talking normally, he cannot say discourteous student. Also, the
“po” or “opo” normally to his teacher should be considerate
teachers or older one’s because maybe using “po” and
“opo” is not in the student's
9. Convincing Duterte to Psychological Barrier because it Duterte should respect the
support the presidential bid depends on what is Duterte’s speaker's opinion and also the
of Leni Robredo opinion and decision on whether speaker or the one who is
he will support Leni Robredo for convincing Duterte should be
her presidential bid. considerate about his background.

Group B
Kobe Grace Allyson Daluz.

Irish Mae Dionisio.

Ivan Bernardino.

Kurt Concepcion.

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