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2021 April 1

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APRIL 2021

1 – waves heart picture

QT interval : ventricular conductivity

ST segment: Plateau
PR interval : Atrioventricular(AV node) conductivity

2- maximum dose of paracetamol?

4g per day for adults

3- children with dry cough ?

4 to 6 years 15 mg (every 12 hr)
6 to 12 years 30mg (every 12 hr)

4- female with hypertension and dislipidemia , age 50 , BMI normal , her sister has dm
type 1
1)what reduce risk to developing DM : physical activity 3 times per week
2)what risk factor to develop DM : family history
5- CHADS2 score? For atrial fibrillation

What is the appropriate anticoagulant if CHAD score is 5 ? dabigatran

6- structure salicylic acid

6- structure benzodiazepines

7- codeine to morphine structure

8 - anticoagulant in pregnant ? heparin

9- side effect amiodarone ?

10-type of cost

11 - Dose warfarin ?
Initial dose: 2 to 5 mg orally once a day
Maintenance dose: 2 to 10 mg orally once a day
Target INR: (range: 2 to 3) and 3.5 in valve disease

12- hashimoto's disease? autoimmune disorder can cause Hypothyroidism and the
symptoms is bradycardia
graves’ disease ? hyperthyroidism
cush syndrome ? hypercortisolism
addison’s disease? hypocortisolism
conn’s syndrome? hyperaldosterone

13-Which drug is banned in sport competitions by international Olympics? Furosemide

14- HbA1c normal range in pregnancy ? lower than 6%

Diabetes > 6.5%

15- child with fever?

acetaminophen or ibuprofen
but ibuprofen not for children less than 6 months old
and according to sfda decongested and cough drug not given to child less than 2

16- abbreviation after meal ? PC

give gtt o.u TID ? drops in both eyes three times daily

17- route of administration Highest bioavailability ?

18-abbreviation after meal ? PC

19- in pregnancy what the trimester can be use warfarin ?
warfarin category: D avoided use in pregnancy and lactation

20- calculation volume distribution? Vd= dose/c

21- what is the name of vit C ? Ascorbic acid

what is biotin? vit B7

22- Preventing Diabetic Foot Ulcer?

23- antidote methotrexate? Leucovorin (folic acid)

24- patient with lithium toxicity?

As antidote: Sodium bicarbonate - Polystyrene sulfonate
Gastric lavage useful if done early
Hemodialysis For severe toxicity

25- antidote of iron? deferoxamine

26- glucose synthesis ? Glucogenesis

27- larger lymphoid organ? spleen

28- surfactant ? lower surface tension between 2 liquids or liquid + gas or liquid
and solid

29- Lubricant ? substance that helps to reduce friction between surfaces in
mutual contact

30- ‫جاب عدد سكان العالم الي انصابو بالسكر وكان عدد بالماليين وكان السؤال ايش‬
‫نسمي هذا الشيء؟ والخيارات‬

31- drug not use in gout patient ? diuretic (increase uric in blood)

32- drug cause alterations in lipids and liver enzymes evaluated (TG ,LDL, HDL)?

33- Women want to be pregnant , she is take thyroxin 100mg and feels fatigue ?
increase dose 125mg

34- to avoid side effect red man syndrome? slow infusion of vancomycin
Ttt : stop the medication and take oral anti histamine
Prevent it : increase infusion time to decrease infusion rate

35- structure diclofenac active metabolite ?

36- structures more potent " SSRI "? Paroxetine is the most potent SSRI drug available.

37- antibiotic more sensitive?

38- arrows picture

39- which drug can reach milk? less protein binding

40 – vaccines Contraindicated in pregnancy? Any live vaccine such as MMR

41- MMR contraindicated in which allergy ? Egg allergy

42 why Ibuprofen increase Aspirin bleeding effect? It's cox inhibition

43- Recall bias ?

Recall bias is a type of information bias common in case-control studies where the cases
(or their families) are more likely to recall a prior exposure than the controls

44- Case about parental nutrition and all lab test was normal except magnesium and
potassium it's slightly high and hypophosphataemia ? refeeding syndrome (not sure)

45- vaccination case : he came for you to take MMR vaccine and history of taking
immunoglobulin for hep a last month what to do ?

a-give immediately
c-after 2 months
d- after 6 months

46 bias definition ?
any tendency which prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question
In research, bias occurs when “systematic error [is] introduced into sampling or testing
by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over others

47 Side effects of drug must update who ? SFDA

48-‫وزاره الصحة بتهتم بأي فئة ؟‬

‫كل المجتمع‬

49 Ondansetron like plant? ginger

50- plant Using for cough ? eucalyptus oil

51- Plant For stress? pomegranate or ginseng

52- Sterile compounding? USP 797

53- Case ,Benign prostatic hyperplasia and developed orthostatic hypotension , he take
prazosin .. what to do ? chose tamsulosin

54 Arterial fibrillation score name? Cha2ds2-vas

56- Case dm with a1c 11% what must have ? chose short and long insulin

57- Case cough with green mucus what should take ? guaifenesin

58- Ceftrixon cross ? liver kidney brain

59- Monophase contraceptive ?

60- Contraceptive high estrogen? Transdermal batches

61- Potent accepted shelf-life?

62- A1c check? every 3 months

63- Disinfect gloves? isopropyl 70%

64- Immunosuppressive or bone marrow suppression drug ? chose doxorubicin

66- Anticoagulant with hemodialysis ? Heparin

67- Gentamicin dose ? 1-2

68- Case taking warfarin and other drug and INR high , what is the drug ? Amidarone

69- 1gtt uo BID ? One drop in each eye (both eyes) twice a day

70- Favorite otic drug : chose solution

‫قص دهم شو النوع اللي المريض بفضله وسهل االستخدام وكان في خيارات مرهم او اشياء تانية نسيتها‬

71- Graph AUC

72- case about patient take warfarin and he drinks tea during that noticed INR is
decreased then return to the normal when he was stopped it , what the type of this tea?
Green tea

73- question about endocarditis, if all medicines are resistant, except for linezolid, but it
is not acceptable to the FDA. What should you do? Use linzolid as a off

74- Case that taking about the husband taking sleep pils which is prescribe for his wife
and then the pharmacist wrote in his file that the pt is drug addict asking you what the
mistake done by the pharmacist?
1. Not ask for security
2. Making a diagnosis for the patient

‫جاني سؤال يضحك شوي رجال متزوج اثنين ‪ ،‬يدخن ‪ ٢٠‬سيقارة ‪ ،‬يشرب كوفي ‪75- ١٠‬‬
‫كاسات باليوم ‪ ،‬و الظاهر عنده هايبرتنشن او شي زي كذا ‪ ..‬السؤال يقول كم عامل من‬
‫هاالشياء ان ممكن الرجال تجيه جلطه ؟‬
‫الخيارات كانت ‪١ ، ٢ ، ٤ ، ٣ :‬‬
‫اخترت ‪ ٣‬عاد مدري انه متزوج ‪ ٢‬يجيب جلطه او ال‬

‫)‪76- Gene for clopidogril? (CYP2C19‬‬

‫‪77-‬‬‫‪ INR 10‬سؤال عن مريض‬

‫ولثته فيها نزيف وش نسوي ؟‬
‫اخترت االختبار اللي فيه فيتامين‬ ‫‪k‬‬
‫الباقي مافيهم‬

‫‪78- warfarin dose in elderly patient? Consider using lower initial and maintenance dosage‬‬

‫‪79- Phsopholipid tail and head‬‬

‫?‪80- Safe antihypertentive drug for elderly‬‬

‫?‪81-Disease-induced atherosclerosis‬‬

82-Anti arrhythmic drug interact with Warfarin?

83-Substrate of renin?

84- Pharmacist salary type of cost? Direct medical

85-Prevention dose of alendronate? 5 mg PO daily, or 35 mg PO weekly

86-High intensity statin dose?

87 -Dragendroff test? Alkaloids

88-Definition of medication reconciliation?

A process by which a practitioner obtains and documents a complete list of a patient‘s
pre-admission medications and references this list when he or she writes admission,
transfer, and discharge orders

89-Clinical phases before approval? 3 phases

90-Central dogma meaning? is the process by which the instructions in DNA are
converted into a functional product

91-Chlorpromazine mechanism? first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs). It produces its

antipsychotic effect by the post-synaptic blockade at the D2 receptors in the mesolimbic

92-Antidote for methemoglobinemia? Methylene blue

93-Drug used for reduce the exacerbation of COPD?

94 -valporic acid pregnancy category? D

95- paracetamol antidote after 8 hours of ingestion? NAC

96- structure of TCA and which functional groups responsible of SSRI and SNRI ?

97- name the enzyme responsible for conversion vit D to calcitrol ?


98-add carbonyl group to salicylic acid ? *‫ايش اسم العمليه‬

99- HIV and malaria consider as ?

1- chronic disease
2- communcable
3- non_communicable

100- type of cell act as cell mediator immunity?

101 -activation of passive immunity by?

102 -If Drug given by wrong rout, given to wrong patient, wrong drug given to patient
Type of error Despensed error Or adminstrative error?

103- ‫في حاله تعقيم الهوت بليت ايش نستخدم ؟‬

Ethanol 70 or 90%
Or isopropnalol 70 or 90%

104 – minor wounds and deep wounds?

Deep w + last dose received within 5 y -- NO ttt
If last dose received more than 5y -- Td only
If unknowns-- Td + TIG

Minor w + if last dose received within 10 y -- NO ttt

If last dose received more than 10 y Td only
If unknowns-- Td only

105 - Drug expire in August 2019 what is the last day of use for it ? 31 August

106 -Information source of vaccine? MOH or WHO or FDA?

107- shortage of medication ? SFDA

108 -Mechanism of action for clonidine?

stimulate Alpha2 and activate sympathetic out flow
Or stimulated alpha 2 and inhibits sympathetic outflow

109- counseling point of levothyroxine? Take this medication with water 60 minutes
before breakfast or at bedtime at least 3 hours after your last meal 

110- counseling point of Bisphosphonates?

Take this medication first thing in the morning, before you eat or drink anything, with 6 -
8 oz (1 cup) of plain water.
take this medication while you are sitting up or standing, and the stay upright for at least
30 minutes

111- counseling point of nitroglycerin ?

112- HVP vaccine contraindicated in ? Egg or Neomycin?

113- form of IV Calcium?

Calcium glcuconat

114- Hep b dose ? 0 , 1 , 6 months

115- ...‫مريض معه وصفه والصيدلي رفضها ايش السبب‬

‫اخترت السبب انه في تعديل على كمية‬controlled drug

116- ‫ تحويل‬hemecycetine ‫الى‬mithionin ‫ثم الى‬cysteine ... ‫ايش الفيتامين الي‬
‫يعمل‬catalist... B6

117- trastuzumab gene? HER 2

118-licensing narcotic drugs? Ministry Of Interior (MOI)

119- Neisseria gonorrhoeae? Gram negative cocci

120- mycobactrium test ? Acid fast bacilli

121- gram positive bacteria? Thick cell wall

122-how use of methotrexate with folic acid ?

Take it the day after methotrexate. ‫مو مع بعض‬

123- women take warfarin and she plans to be pregnant?

Stop warfarin and switch to Enoxaparin

124- ‫متى تبداء تاخذ الحامل الفوليك اسيد اذا كانت تخطط للحمل‬
‫ اشهرقبل الحمل‬3

125- Risperidone cytochrome ?

metabolized to 9-hydroxyrisperidone by the polymorphic cytochrome enzyme P450 2D6

126- Tramadol cytochrome?

It is a prodrug that is metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes CYP2D6 and
CYP3A4 to its more potent opioid analgesic metabolites,

127 - Antidote for lithium? Sodium bicarbonate - Polystyrene sulfonate

128- Antidote for paracetamol? N-Acetyl cysteine (NAC)

129-calcium used with vit D ? Calcium glucont or calcium phosphat?

130- Antibiotic used in entrococci endocaditis ?

131- Antihypertensive contraindicated for elderly? atenolol

132- Duration of antibiotic treatment in case of otitis media?

133- Medication has gene?


134- which is cytokine?


135- vit b3 deficiency ? Pellagra

136-MOA Liraglutide?
is a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 receptor agonist) also known as
incretin mimetics. It works by increasing insulin release from the pancreas and decreases
excessive glucagon release.

137- MOA of sexaglipten?

a reversible, competitive dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor, acts by preventing the
degradation of glucagon-like peptide – 1 and hence increases secretion of insulin and
decreases secretion of glucagon.

138- Need renal adjustment ? sitglibtine

139- Contraindicated in ejection fraction HF? pioglitazone

140- Drug for wight loss? orilstate

141- Increase myopathy whenever used with statin? Gemifibrozil

142-Hyperthriodism symptom ? tachycardia

143- Why codeine toxicity ? due to ultra rapid metabolism

145-MOA of Phenobarbital?
increases the amount of time chloride channels are open, which in turn depresses the
central nervous system. This action occurs by acting on GABA-A receptor subunits.

146- Effected by trymine? Linzoled

147- why increase lamotrigine dose gradually ?

148- patient with HTN and migraine he can take pseudoephedrine?

149- patient with peptic ulcer and the lab result showed hypomagnesemia due to ? PPI

150- cold room temp or warm room temp? 15-25

151-Phenytoin side effect? gingival hyperplasia

152- women take valproate and she planning to be pregnant? Switch to levetiracetam

153- best route or use of antibiotics IV or Oral ?

154- In description study design why the researcher don't use face-to-face ? Choose this
take a time

155- ‫مريض يستخدم‬warfarien ‫وكان عنده‬

,INR 3 ‫ الى‬2 ‫من‬
‫وفجاءه نزل‬INR ... 1.5 ‫الى‬

156 structure of tertiary and secondary amine in tricyclic antidepressants ?

157- Aspirin bond? covalent bond

Acetaminophen bond? Hydrogen bond

158- Which one is double bonds structure ? The answer is C2H4

159- structure of secondary anti histamine? (‫)األسماء تكون مكتوبه‬

160- ‫واحد حفظ الدواء تبعه بالحمام وباظ ليه؟‬

Hydrolysis ‫الن الحمام رطب‬

‫?‪161- alcohol dehydrogenase‬‬

‫طب سؤال بعد اذنك ‪162-‬‬

‫ازاي جت الروابط مثال الهيدروجينيه وااليونيه‬
‫االيونية هيقولك مجموعة كاربوكسليك مع مجموعة امينو اما الهيدروجيينة هيدروكسيل مع‬

‫‪creatininer‬المسائل بقا سهلة جدا بصراحة عجبتني فكره واحدة بس تحويل بتاعة ‪163-‬‬
‫اني هقسم علي ‪dl 88.42‬اني هحول ميكرو مول لكل لتر الي وحدة مليجرام لكل ‪clearance‬‬
‫دي الفكره كلها‬

164- Phenytoin equation ?

165- loading dose ?

166- Which statins must be taken at bedtime(night)? Simvastatin and Fluvastatin and

167- ‫لو اضفنا اسبرين لدواء‬amitryptiline

‫ في‬Coat
‫هل دا‬
‫ يزود االمتصاص وال يزود‬duaration ?

168- alkaline buffer with aspirin? Decrease absorption or increase absorption or nothing

169- incidence , prevalence calculation?

170- ‫امينو اسيد مهم لو حد عنده‬anorexia ‫يعني انسداد في الشهية مش فاكر االجابات‬
‫بس انا اخترت المختلف فيهم‬

180- lipinski rule ?

181 antibiotic for otitis media in pregnant?

182- antibiotics need monitoring for kidney and creatinine?

183- which is cause thrombocytopenia ?

184- ‫سؤال وحده تبغى تشرب‬omeprazole

‫ولقتها منتهيه بتاريخ امس‬
‫ايش تسوي؟ اول اجابه كانت م تشربها والباقي كلها تشربها لالمانه م ادري ايش االجابه الصح‬

185- bacteria cause Osteomyelitis ? staphylococcus bacteria

186- Side effect of lamotrigen? N/V, somnolence, rash, tremor, ataxia, impaired
coordination, dizziness, diplopia, blurred vision, alopecia (supplement selenium and zinc)
*Rash (most serious)

187- target hemoglobin in kidney disease on Darbepoetin?

188- active metabolite vitamin D ? 1,25-Dihydroxy vitamin D3

189- which organ secretion glucagon ? by alph cell of pancreas

190- tricyclic antidepressants structure?

191- Oseltamvir structure?

192- enoxaparin monitoring? anti-Xa level (factor Xa inhibition)

193- Encapsulated bacteria ? is streptococcus pneumonia, Klebsiella, Haemophilus

influenza+Pseudomonas aeruginosa

194- ‫سؤال مين يعالج لك‬nausea ‫اللي تصير بسبب‬bromocriptin as antiparkinsion ?

195- combinations antibiotics in treatment otitis media?

196- T max calculation?

197- C max calculation? Cmax = N ( e^ ke * tmax - e^ ka * tmax)

198 tough level of vancomycin? 10-20 mg/L

15-20 mg/L for serious infections

199- essential amino acid?

200- dragendorf test? alkaloid

201- case about snack bite ?

Anti-venom for snack
And neostigmine for tachycardia

202- oseltamivir metabolite? oseltamivir carboxylate

203- Best antidepressant drug (no names only structures)

204- least GI side effects? Ibuprofen

205- two Structure and ask is it ? Isomer or enantiomer or epime?

206- case patient has penicillin allergy any drug not suitable ?
(Structure with b-lactam ring)

207-Potency, affinity, efficiency curve ?

more affinity? The same potency (‫ )األقرب للصفر‬more efficacy ? ( ‫اعلى‬peak)

208- picture of what ? what is its natural derivative treatment?
Malaria – Quinine

209- antipsychotic less cause sedation? Clozapine or Quitpine ?

210- Calcium dose in elderly? 1200 mg/day

211- When to take folic acid ? 1 month before pregnancy

212- Alkaloid cause smooth muscle relaxation ?

213- ‫جات وحدة صيدلية مجتمع وعندها طفل عمره شهر وعنده‬low grade fever
‫االختيارات كانت‬ibuprofen syrup or aspirin suppository or referral to physician
‫ شهور‬٦ ‫حطيت ريفرال الن االيبوبروفين ما ينفع يستخدم للي اقل من‬

214- non sterile? USP 795

215- Meaning of category B ?

216- orilstate counseling ?

217- epileptic drug in breastfeeding?

218-When to take simvastatin ? At bedtime

219- ‫سؤال يقول لو عندنا‬acidic drug

‫وين افضل مكان يصير له‬
absorption ?
stomach or small intestine or large intestine

220- deference of Vd in neonate and elderly?

221- Antidote of benzodiazepine? Flumazenil

220- deference of Vd in neonate and elderly?

222- Mechanism of action of Zolpidem ?

non-benzodiazepine hypnotic agent, works as a GABAa receptor chloride channel
modulator/agonist that increases GABA inhibitory effects leading to sedation. It also has
anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, and minor myorelaxant properties.

223- monitoring which electrolyte when take spironlacton? Potassium

224- patient with runny nose and has work which antihistamine use?
3 choices first antihistamine and 1 second antihistamine ( citrizine)

225- When to take peak level in gentamicin?

226-Which anti hypertensive used in ischemic stroke ? Nicradipine

227- Controlled and psychotropic drugs how many refill ?

228- Max ml of S.C injection in gluteus?

229- Which of the following can be stored in the freezer ?

Varicella vaccine

230- ‫مة الباراستامول ؟ ارتباط الملوتاثٌون او الجلوكورن ٌدشن وخيارات ثانية‬

ٌ ‫ايش يصير عند تثببٌط س‬

231- Iso 5 how many particles?

232 suspension counseling? Shake well before use

233- E-health is a new standardized service, these standards serve? The options were
1- Patient care 2- Palliative care 3- Hospital-care

234- UGt 1A1 gene?azatamavire

235- Antihtypertion drugs in elderly patients ?
Start with lower dose and increase gradually

236- Isotonic and hypertonic solution?

237- 2029/5/31 ‫ وصل لعندك بتاريخ‬65 ‫كيس لمريض سكر عمره‬

‫استخدم فاكسين‬
Influnza every year
Pnumococcal v before 4year
‫ايش بتجيب له االن‬
Hepatitis A and hep B
Or MMR and Bcg
‫اخترت األول‬

238- Baljet test? for cardiac glycoside identification digoxin

239 Structure erythromycin ?

240-Structure NSAID?

241-Structure Thalidomide ?

242-Mechanism of fluorouracil?
Systemic: Fluorouracil is an antimetabolite of the pyrimidine analog type. Fluorouracil is
considered to be cell cycle-specific for the S phase of cell division. Activity results from its
conversion to an active metabolite in the tissues, and includes inhibition of DNA and RNA
Fluorouracil inhibits fibroblast proliferation and formation of scar tissue following
trabeculectomy surgery for the treatment of glaucoma.
Topical: There is evidence that the metabolism of fluorouracil via the anabolic pathway
blocks the methylation reaction of deoxyuridylic acid to thymidylic acid . In this manner
fluorouracil interferes with the synthesis of DNA and, to a lesser extent, inhibits the
formation of RNA . Since DNA and RNA are essential for cell division and growth, the
effect of fluorouracil may be to create a thymine deficiency, which provokes unbalanced
growth and death of the cell . The effects of DNA and RNA deprivation are most marked
on cells that grow more rapidly and take up fluorouracil at a more rapid rate .

243- ‫ و فيه كحه ويستخدم دواء ضغط من عاىله‬30 ‫جاب لي حاله واحد عمره‬
pril ‫واالجوبه‬
dextomethorphan ‫و‬guaifenesin ‫واثنين من االدويه م اتذكرها‬

244- Herbal diabetic?

‫ماجاب عشبه‬
‫جاب اعشاب ثانيه‬

245- Case patient take lisinopril and methyledopa and amlodipin ?


246- drug effects lipids in blood? Isotretinoin

247- interaction statins with grapefruit ? simvastatin
(All about statin)
*Para* natural —> active
*Lova* natural—> prodrug
*Simva* semi-synthetic —> prodrug
*SRP* statins need dose adjustment
S = simvastatin
R = rosuvastatin
P = pravastatin
*AF* statin not need adjustment:
*FAR* is statin that can be taken at morning/evening
*SPFL* is statin that can be taken at evening:
*FPRP* are statin safe when taken with grape fruit juice
Atorva 40mg = Rovista 20mg

248- Lyme disease caused by? bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria
Lyme disease transmitted by ? Ticks

249- Sickle cell anemia management of severe pain ?

IV administration of opioids or patient-controlled analgesia

250- ‫سوال خيارات فيه‬exogenic. Endogenic and exothermic reaction.

251- new drug that has excellent effects in decreasing death rate associated with highly
fatal disease , how will that drug affect the disease rate ?

1. Prevalence will be increased

2. Prevalencewillbedecreased
3. Incidence will be decreased
4. Incidence will be increase

252- Complications of parentral nutrition and lab results showed high liver enzymes ?
1.Liver cirrhosis
2.Liver cholestasis

( patent ‫او‬patency ٢٠٠٩ ‫ واتصرح لالستعمال في المملكة‬fda ‫اذا الدواء ابروفد من‬253 -
٢٠٢٩ ‫ و‬٢٠١٤ ‫ما متزكرة بالضبط) بتخلص سنة كم؟ من ضمن الخيارات‬
Potency 5 years
Patent 20 years
FDA 1 year
Shelf life varying
The answer 2014

254- Potent inducer? rifampin

255- drug increase INR ? amiodarone

256- target INR 2.5 -3.5 in which disease? mechanical heart valve

257- why paracetamol can cause liver toxicity? depletion of glutathione.

258- Raynaud syndrome treatment? CCB ( Nifedipine first choice )

259- Which Statin can be used with grip fruit?

260- ‫جاء س ؤال ايش السبلمنت اللي اخذه مع الوارفرين ويزيد االفيكت حق الوارفرين‬
‫فوليك اسيد‬
) ‫جينسينج ( هذا كان اختياري موب متأكده‬

261- amitryptalin with diazepam treated what ?

Insomnia (not sure)

‫ مرتين وموب متأكده افهموها زين‬lactat ringer ‫ وش نعطيه انا اخترت‬hyptention ‫ اللي عنده‬fluid ‫جاني يمكن اربع اسئله عن‬263

264- prodrome definition ?

265- which released antibody?

265- which released cytokines?

266- rate control and rhythm control anti arrhythmia?

amiodarne + sotalol = rate and rhythm control

267- histogram chart?

‫ستركشر الفاونادابارينكس وحاطين في االختياري كالم عنه‬

269- pentasaccharide?
Any oligosaccharide having five sugar residues

270- ccb dihydropyridine structure?

271- thalidoamide ? enantiomer

273 ‫ستركشر الانتي فنقال والسؤال ايش الميكانيزم هل يدخل داخل‬

‫الفنقال ممبرين او انو يثبطه من برا ؟‬

274- antibiotics that inhibit the protein synthesis by prevent binding in A site in 30
subunits that affect which part?
1. Elongation
2. Initiation
3. Termination

275- DNA → RNA ? Transcription

276- ‫االختياري‬ ‫لما يحصل انتقال بين االستايل ومدري ايش ومن بين‬

277- ‫ االنزيم اللي يسوي‬pro colipase

278- side effect of clozapine? agranyloctosis

279- ‫نعطيها عشان نقلل من‬ ‫مريضه راح تسوي تكميم ايش‬
cardiomyopathy ? selenium

‫‪280-‬‬ ‫ايش نعطيها ‪heart burn ,osteoprosis‬وحده عنها‬
‫من بين الخيارات‬
‫‪Ppi ،rantidine‬‬
‫ال ‪ca carbonate‬‬ ‫انا اخررته بس معرف اذا صح او‬

‫ممرضة تحتاج عبوة وحده للمريض والصيدلية اعطتها ثنتين يعني فيه وحده ‪281-‬‬
‫اضافية ايش التصرف من ضمن الخيارات ترجعها الصيدلية وال تخليها عندها و ال ترميها‬
‫وال تحطيها في الستوك انا اخترت انها ترجعها الصيدلية‬

‫‪282-‬ممرضه كانت تعطي مريض‬

‫‪TPN‬و كان ‪Clear‬شويه اال هو ‪slightly cloudy‬‬
‫ايش تسوي توقف وال تكمل و تسخنه ؟‬
‫انا اخترت تكمل ماعرف اذا صح او ال‬

‫‪283-‬الدكتور كتب ‪ ciprofloxacin‬وبخط اليد والصيدلي صرفه على انو سيتالو‬

‫برام بعد ‪ ٦‬ايام تعبت المريضه ورجعت المستشفى ايش نوع االيرور ‪B,c,E،f‬‬

‫ايش المرجع‬ ‫‪ 284-‬طالبه تسوي بحث وتحتاج‬

‫‪systemic article‬‬
‫المناسب ?بب ميد وال اب تو ديت ووو اخترت‬
‫‪ pupmed‬ماعرف اذا صح او ال‬

‫‪285-‬دكتور سأل الصيدلي عن ارتيكال جديدة عن االتريال فيريليشن ؟‬

‫محلول في التجميعات ‪uptodate‬‬

‫‪286-‬طفل بلع ‪ ١٠٠‬ايرون خالل ساعتين اجى الطوارئ محلول في التجميعات انو ‪whole lavage‬‬

287- organ phosphate antidote? Atropine followed by Pralidoxime (2-PAM)

288- metformin monitoring?

Renal function should be closely monitored (every 3-6 months). If the creatinine
clearance drops below 15mL/min metformin must be discontinued. And HbA1c and
Vitamin B12 level Every 2 to 3 years

289- pioglitazon cause ?elevated BUN, liver enzyme

‫ايش االفضل في‬ ‫مريض في العنايه المركزه وعنده‬290-

Acute kidney injury
‫اني اشوف وظائف الكلى ؟‬
urinolysis ‫ او‬BUN ‫او‬albumin to craetnin ratio ‫الخيارات كمية البول او‬
.‫اخترت اللي فيه البيومين وتأكدو منه‬

‫او فوليك اسيد او‬vit.c ‫ المريض اللي ياخذ كورتيكوستيرويد فترة طويلة ايش اعطيه ؟ حاطين‬291-
.‫كالسيوم وفيتامين دال اخترت الكالسيوم وفيتامين د‬

292- how we can prevent transmission of covid 19 ?

Surgical mask
N95 mask
Hand wash

‫ ؟الخيارات‬MmR ,TDAp ‫طفل مريض ياخذ بريدنسولون و انتي بيوتيك ووبيكمل تطعيماته ال‬293-
‫ شهور من‬٣ ‫ ايام حتى يكمل من االنتي بيوتيك او ياخذها ويكمل الباقي بعد‬٣ ‫ينتظر‬، ‫مايأخذها‬، ‫يأخذها‬

294- counseling asthma inhalers? Wash mouth

‫‪295- iso 5? laminar flow‬‬

‫‪ 296-‬مريض هايبوفوسفاتيميا و الصوديوم قليل والبوتاسيوم مرتفع من خالل الالب يرزلت ايش تعطينه؟‬
‫صوديوم مع فوسفات ولكن‬
‫?‪in same iv or deferent‬‬

‫‪ 297-‬مريض راح لمستشفى تعليمي وعنده مشكله في صدرة قرر المريض يسوي عملية ماداكر‬
‫اذا المريض يحتاجها او ال ومن ضمن االسباب عشان يدرب الطالب ؟‬
‫تصرف الدكتور غيراخالقي ‪ ،‬يمنع عمل شي اليحتاجه المريض ‪ ،‬ينفع ولكن تحت اشراف الطبيب ؟‬
‫اخترت تحت اشراف الطبيب‬

‫‪298- phase 1 clinical trials? healthy people‬‬

‫‪299- Cost benefit ? monetary value‬‬

‫‪300- cost minimization ? drug with less cost‬‬

‫‪301- Cost utility ? To support patient‬‬

‫‪ 302-‬الدكتور كتب لمريض بخط اليد دواء والصيدلي صرف غيره كيف ممكن اقلل من هذا ؟‬
‫استخدام الدكاترة لالدخال االلكتروني ‪.‬‬

‫‪303-‬مريض ضغط واعطاه الدكتور ‪ dialtizim‬وهو عنده في البيت ‪ , verapamile‬زي هذا‬

‫الخطأ كيف اتجنبه ؟‬
‫‪medication reconciltaion‬‬

304- What is the most appropriate method for a Community pharmacist to provide
Sildenafil counseling when the pharmacy is busy and crowded?
1. -ask everyone to leave the pharmacy
2. -you take the patient to a private area and provide counseling and allow
him to ask questions
3. -you write the counseling points in a paper to protect his privacy
4. -you do not provide counseling to protect their privacy

305- Graves' disease treatment? levothyoxine

iodine ‫ انه منخفض وكاتبين ايش يعني ؟ من الخيارات‬TSH ‫حاطين الب ريزلت تبع‬306-
‫ الن لما يكون منخفض يعني الهرمونات مرتفعه و النقص تبع االيودين يسبب ارتفاع في‬. deficiency
.‫الثايرويد هرمون‬

307- contraindication in HCG +ve (means pregnant) ? atorvastatin

‫وتأكدو‬phyrngitis ‫ ايش االنفكشن اللي يفصل قبلها نسوي كلتشر ؟ اخترت‬308-

309-Antibiotic used for klebsilla?

310- patient with UTI use medications and not useful ? Meropenem

311- bioavailability relative to ? systemic circulation

‫ مدير الصيدلية كلف صيدلي بعمل فوق طاقته ايش الكلمة المعبرة عن هذا الشي ؟‬312-

‫ الكيس اللي مريض كان معصب وانو اخذ الدواء بفلوس ومانفعه ؟ اخترت انو الطبيب يعرف اكثر عن‬313-
. ‫ادويتك الن الباقي كلها اني اعطيه او انو اعصب عليه وكذا‬

314- Which medication cause that? enalapril (andioedema)

315- toxidrome symptoms ?

316- Incubation period definition?

the time from the moment of exposure to an infectious agent until signs and symptoms
of the disease appear.

317- MOA Of lactolose ?
acidify colon and limit ammonia or alkalization colon and limit ammonia

318- The duration using aspirin to prevent the colorectal cancer in 50-59 y patients ?
5-10 years

‫ ؟‬colorectal cancer ‫سؤال عن انو فيه دراسة انو استخدام االسبرين يمنع‬319-
‫شهور او سنتين او خمس او عشر سنوات‬6-3 ‫من‬- ‫يستخدمه لمدة‬

320- INR in heart valve ? 2.5 to 3.5

321- medication cause GI bleeding? Dabigatran

‫ مريضة روماتويد ارثرايتيس ايش تستخدم في البداية ؟ ماكان موجود ميثوتريكسيت ف اخترت‬322-

322- infusion of furesamide ?30 min

edema‫ ايض الغرض منه كان فيه كلمه غريبه ومن بين االختياري ال‬Skin‫ الدكتور عمل فحص لل‬323-

324- drug need lipid monitoring? isotreitonin

325- penicillin hyper sensitivity allergy ?

‫وكيس الثاني الجواب كان‬doxycuclin

326- Clopidogrel interact with ? omeprazole

327- warfarin ?CYP2c19

328- UGT1A1*28 allele ? Irinotecan

329- MOA of entacapone? is a selective and reversible inhibitor of catechol-O-

methyltransferase (COMT).

330- which solution has similar osmolarity of plasma ? Isotonic solution

331- suspending agent ?

332- hydrophobic to prevent aggloration *‫*تاكدو‬

‫ والشهر اللي فات جتها كثير نوبات صرع وزاد لها الدكتور الجرعه‬valporic acid ‫جاء كيس بنت تاخذ‬333-
: ‫الهدف من هذا ايش‬
‫ابدا‬ ‫عشان ماتجيها التشجنات‬-
%50 ‫ عشان نقلل التشنجات‬-
%25 ‫ عشان نقلل التشنجات‬-
‫عشان نقلل التشنجات للمره باالسبوع‬-

‫ ؟‬CYP2Dc ‫ ودواء ثاني ب‬Cyp3A4 ‫ مريض ياخذ دواء يحصل ميتابوليزم ب‬334-
.‫زيادة الفعالية او تقل الفاعلية‬، ‫ مايحصل تعارض‬، ‫يحصل تعارض‬

335- health information system definition? health information system refers to a system
designed to manage healthcare data. This includes systems that collect, store, manage
and transmit a patient's electronic medical record (EMR), a hospital's operational
management or a system supporting healthcare policy decisions.

‫ او وزارة‬SFDA,MOH ‫دواء تجاري وحصله ابروفال مين اللي يكون مسؤول عن نزوله السوق ؟‬336-

‫ ايش ياخذ؟‬Lidocain ‫مريض عنده بواسير وعنده حساسية من‬337-

‫ ماعدا الرابع يختلف ف اخترته‬cain ‫االختيارات ثالثة كلها تنتهي ب‬

338- large organ ? liver

339- drug used in septic shock with fixed dose without titration? Vasopressin

340- lab results normal BUN and increase liver enzymes?

341- coagulase -ve and +ve examples ?

342- initial treatment for TB ?
all 4 drug (isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol)

343- treatment of peptic ulcer ? 3 drug regimens

344- osteoporosis in post menopausal women? raloxefin

345- patient has cancer , before 6 months his weight was 85 kg now his weight is 55 kg
Weight loss due to chronic disease or injury?

346- what used in stroke? Fibrinolytic

347- which drug lest lipophilicity and less side adverse reaction?
( atenolol- propranolol -pindolol – propranolol )

348- normal crcl in man? 110 to 150mL/min (92:139)

349- -eye drop after opining still valid for how long? ( 3 -7 -28 )

350- ramelton MOA ?

increase melatonin - decrease melatonin- melatonin agonist - melatonin antagonist

351- TPB should remover from refrigerator by ? 30 mins before use

352- which cells have anti body ? B-lymphocyte

353- stimulating of alpha 1 receptor ? blood pressure will be rises

354- dark stool and other symptoms then ask which drug cause this ? iron

355- dose of ceftriaxone in meningitis? 2g BID

356- hajj vaccines ? Annual influenza (flu) vaccination and MCV (Meningococcal)

357- wrong combination ? ACE + ARB

352- which cells have anti body ? B-lymphocyte

357- wrong combination ? ACE + ARB

358- HTN and pregnant woman? Methyldopa and Labetalol and Hydralazine

359- hydroxychloroquine S.E? retinopathy

360- longest half life IG ? IGg

361- clopidogrel and omeprazole gene ? cyp2c19

362- test before use clozapine ? ANC (neutropenia)

363- sevelamer use? ttt hyperphosphatenemia

364- patient in icu +ve for RSV how to manage ? supportive car

365- HF with erectile dysfunction ? erectile vacuum device

366- hypotonic solution ? saline 0.45

367- abacavire gene? HALB 5701

368- crohn disease ttt ? corticosteroids

369- ACEIs important component responsible for cough? Bradykinin

370- case with take metformin , gliclizide , and pioglitazone what is important to
monitor ? liver or kidney

371- calories in 10 molecule of fats ? 90

372- dyspepsia SE ? dapigatran

373- community acquired pneumonia ? ciprofloxacin as monotherapy

374- pt take high dose amoxicillin to treat otitis media how and come to take vaccine
today what should to do ? (Immediately)

375- interaction with some one infected with cornybacterim .diff after using alcohol
swab ? you have to wash your hand with water and soap

376- planning strategy provided you with immediate tasks ? operation planning

377- Expired of repackaged drugs ? 6 months or 9 months I don’t remember the rest

378- vasopressin role in septic shock?

379- MRSA ? vancomycin

380- QLAY outcome ? cost utility

381- inhaled anesthesia ? isofluran

382- tooth discoloration in child ? floroquinolone

383- Drug diversion definition?
is a medical and legal concept involving the transfer of any legally prescribed controlled
substance from the individual for whom it was prescribed to another person for any illicit

384- max OTC dose of ibuprofen ?

Ibuprofen maximum dose in prescriptions:3200 mg
Ibuprofen maximum dose in OTC: 1200 mg

385- the most common enzyme inducer ? rifampin

386- vitamin necessarily taken if planning to be pregnant ? folic acid

387- when to use erythropoietin

(iron deficiency- vit b12 deficiency- folic acid deficiency) ?

388- vancomycin correction dose?

389- case with hypotension + kidney damage + High level of heart rate . How to
manage ? albumin

390- drug use in hypertensive crisis ? Na nitroprussid

391- Test for MI ? C- kinase and troponin and myoglobin

392- test for myopathy? Creatine Kinase (CK, or Creatine Phosphokinase [CPK]) is an
important diagnostic)

393- patient with Alzheimer and use rivastigmin but symptoms still exist ?
shift to rivastigmin patches

394- plant used for cough ? Eucalyptus Or kava?

395- oil rich in vitamin A ? olive oil or organ oil or ...?

396- belladonna ? atropin

397- septic shock after fluid ? NE

398- antihistamine sedative(without structure) ? first generation such as


399- antidote for sulfonylurea ? octeriotid

400- patient with vitamin D3 deficiency ?

give vit.D2 50000 u weekly for 8 week or
D3 1500 daily for 6 month or
D3 50000 daily for 8 wee

401- patient decide to do operation or not ? autonomy

402- high amount of peptidoglycan ? In cell wall of gram positive bacteria

403- patent no history of DM type 1 and blood sugar 14 mmmol what initial therapy ?
no need treatment just exercise

404- which of the following cause dispensing error ?

low work
good highlight
more staff
more interruption

‫ وزاره الصحة بعد كل موسم حج ترسل تقرير سنوي عن موسم الحج الى مين ؟‬405-
‫ وزارة االعالم‬-
‫ وزارة الحج‬-
‫ هيئة الغذاء و الدواء‬-

‫ اللي تستخدمها شركات التأمين ؟‬database ‫ ايش‬406-

‫ ما اذكر الخيارات‬-

407- which one consider as physical examination?

- Regulatory
- Percaution
‫الباقي ما اذكرهم للخيارات‬ -

408- lispro ? Short-acting insulin

409- insulin more absorbed in ? Arm – abdomen – Thigh ?

410- stomach ph in premature infant and full infant ? It's the same or there's deference?

‫ ( كل فقره جات في سؤاله لحالها ) ؟‬vd , t1/2 BP ‫ وش يفرق االنفانت و االدلت من ناحية‬411-
. ‫ وما اذكر الرابع‬،‫ نفس االدلت‬، ‫ اكثر من االدلت‬، ‫ اقل من االدلت‬-

412- which factor is decreasing with age and effect on bioavailability?

413- ‫واحد ماخد تطعيمة االنلفونزا و طلع عليه اعراض ايش اسوي معه ؟‬

414- drug case teratogenic effect in third trimester ?


‫ايش التطعيمه اللي تقول وزارة الصحة خذوها في كل ظروف و بدون شروط ؟‬415-
‫ الباقي نسيتهم‬, pneumo coccal ، ‫ انفلونزا‬-

‫ و واحد تكنشن و واحد فارمسست كيف ارتب الشفت؟‬intern pharma D ‫كان في الصيدليه اثنين‬416-

417- Phospholipids properties? Hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail

418- Which of the following drug made of plants? digoxin

419- anti-platelet induced dyspnea? Ticagrelor

‫ ايش‬asthma ‫ وهو معه‬anti platelets ‫ و يحتاج‬clopidogrel ‫ بيشنت قلبه فيه بالوي زرقا و عاطينه‬420-
‫االنتي بليتلت الي نعطيه ؟‬
Low dose aspirin 81mg -
Aspirin 385 mg -
Ticagrelor -
‫ونسيت الباقي‬

‫ اي واحد من المضادات‬.. ‫ و كليته خربانه‬,psedononas arg ‫ بيشنت جا و شكله عنده عدوى تنفسية‬421-
nephrotoxic ‫اعطيه ومايكون‬
Ciprofloxacin -
Metronidazole -
‫ نسيت الباقي‬-

‫على اي اساس اختارو اسماء النباتات التاليه‬422-

Cinhona bark
) ‫ ) مو متأكدة من السبلنق‬Pipa niga
.. ‫و الخيارات عجيبة غريبة ( يحط لي ف كل خيار ثالث اجابات لكل نبتة اجابة ) من ضمنها‬
‫ نسيت الثالث‬, Constituents , size -
.. ‫ اسم العالم الي اكتشفها‬، .. -
nigro‫ النها تستخدم من شعب ال‬،...،... -

424- Aspirin is dispensed to an infant as antipyretic, which of the following we should ask
before dispensing the medication?
- weight
- Age
- Hight
- Head circumference

425- Chicken box caused by? Varicella

426- Bacteria causes food poisoning? Salmonella

427- Which bacteria causes diphtheria? Cornybacterium

428- Which of the following CI in pt with sulfa allergy? Furosemide

‫ البيشنت الي مايبي ياخذ انسولين عشان مايسمن ؟ نكلمه بهدوء ونفهمه‬-429-

430-Pharmacophore definition ?
is an ensemble of steric, electrostatic and hydrophobic properties which is essential for
optimal supramolecular interactions with a biological receptor, to modulate or inhibit a
biological effect.

431- Pharmacoepidimeology is related to? Population and their use of medications

432- Which supplement decrease triglycerides? Fish oil - Q10 - ginger

433-Which supplement should be taken for pt undergoing bariatric surgery to protect the
heart? Zinc – selenium ?

434- Iron form found in the body? Ferritin

435- Isoniazid counseling and side effects?

436- Rifampicin counseling ? Discoloration of body fluids (red urine)

437- Fingolimod counseling? Take contraceptive during treatment and after 2 months

438- Which of the following vaccines is oral? )‫)ومافيهم بوليو‬

439- which type of insulin is taken IV? only type of insulin that should be given
intravenously is human regular insulin

440- Which of the following is non sterile preparation ?

- Eye drop - oral preparation - injections

441- Limitation of primary literature? need high skills to interpret

442- adherence definition? “the extent to which a person's behaviour, taking

medication, following a diet, and/or executing lifestyle changes, corresponds with agreed
recommendations from a health care provider”.

443- Which of the following considered secondary prevention ? Regular BB check
📍Primary prevention:
immunizations/ : ‫مافي مرض بس نحنا نتخلص من العواامل الخطره المؤديه للمرض امثلتها‬
📍Secondary prevention :
‫في مرض بس انا احاول احدد المرض مبكر واعالجه‬
blood screen : ‫مثال‬
📍tertiary prevention:
‫حصل مرض وعنده مضاعفات‬
beta blocker after MI : ‫مثال‬

444- Type of planning With feasibility? Business planning

445- Which type of planning has vision , goals , message ?

446- Which anti arrhythmic CI with G6PD ? Quinidine . Chloroquine ..

447- Chatechol amine with COMT ? rapid or slow metabolism?

446- Chlorpromazine classification? psychiatric medication that belongs to the class of

drugs called phenothiazine antipsychotics.

447- Positive symptoms treated with ? Haloperidol

448- ‫ ? صيدلي يسوق لمنتج بمعلومات مغلوطة مين تبلغ‬SFDA (not sure)

449-which of the following medications susceptible to misuse to decrease weight?

Orlistat or levothyroxine

450- Pt with seizure treated with lorazepam IV what is the next step?
- Give diazepam oral - phenobarbital IV?

451- goiter caused by deficiency in? Iodine

452-Thyroid abnormalities can be caused by deficiency in ?

‫فيتامينات و معادن الخيارات و مافيها يود‬

453- which anti diabetic need renal monitoring ?

454-Which anti hyperglycemia doesn’t cross placenta? Insulin

455- Misleading advertisements report to? SFDA

456- vitamin B12 name? Cobalamin

457- Fastest route of absorption? Rectal - oral – subcutaneous ?

458- Which one is used for BPH since pt used prazocin and had hypotension?
Change to alfozicin

459- Pt has urinary incontinance which medication should be used?

Oxybutain )‫)شي كذا يعني مو متأكدين من السبلنق‬

460- first line Treatment of peptic ulcer caused by NSAID ?

461- Pt was use doxycycline and feel vomting , nausea what to do ?

462- Bond between Carboxyl and amine?

- hydrogen bond , ionic bond , vander walls ,

463- according to KSA cold preparations drugs not given to children less than ?
2 years and cough drug not given to child less than 6 years

‫ سابقاً و مدخن شره و متزوج ثنتين و اظن‬ulcer ‫ واحد كان عنده‬score peptic ulcer risk factors ‫حساب‬ - 464-
) ‫ عنده‬risk factor ‫ و بعدين الخيارات ارقام ( كم‬.. ‫ و شوي هذره زيادة ما اتذكرها‬NSAID ‫ياخذ‬

465- paracetamol formula structure? C8H9No2

466- Which of the following is treatment of diarrhea? loperamide

‫ واحد تجي له النوبات ف النهار مرتين ف االسبوع بس‬asthma‫ سؤلين كيسين عن مستوى ال‬467-
Intermittent - mild - moderate - sever -
limit his daily life ‫ مرات ف االسبوع و ف الليل اكثر من مرتين ف االسبوع و‬٥ ‫ مرات مدري‬٦ ‫ و الثاني تجي له‬-

468- flexibility picture?

469- Whats the plant used to treat jet lag (‫ ?)أضطرابات الرحالت الجويه‬Melatonin

470- which one is hypertonic solution ? - 3% NaCl

471- Osteomyelitis treatment course? 7 days- 2 weeks - 5-10 days

472- What is normal QT interval time?

- 0.4
- 0.04
- 44 seconds

473- calculations fluid volume for a pt weighing 100kg ?

474- Phenytoin metabolism reaction is?

1. oxidation

475- Codeine to morphine ? Dealkylation (remove methyl group)

examination ‫ جاء سؤال إن وحدة عندها غدة وقالت انه بتجي بعد كم شهر عشان تسوي‬476-
‫؟‬SOAP ‫فيعتبر اي واحد من‬

:‫ واعراضها شديدة ومن ضمن الخيارات‬cystitis ‫كيس عن وحدة حامل وبالشهر االخير وعندها‬477-

478 – Phenytoin dose ? LD: 15-20 mg/kg and Maintenance dose:up to 300-600 mg/day

omeprazole ‫ و‬furosemide ‫ والورفارين‬toxicity ‫ من ناحية المنتورينق و‬lithium ‫ركز عن‬479-

480-hydralazine MOA ?
is a direct-acting smooth muscle relaxant and acts as a vasodilator primarily in resistance
arterioles; the molecular mechanism involves inhibition of inositol trisphosphate-induced
Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in arterial smooth muscle cells.[13][14] By
relaxing vascular smooth muscle, vasodilators act to decrease peripheral resistance,
thereby lowering blood pressure and decreasing after load

‫ اسامي ادوية‬asthma intermittent ‫ يجيب كيس ازما ويقول اي ستيج وسال عن عالج‬481-

‫ وطلب اسم ناسيه شكان السؤال‬TCA ‫ وسال عن رسمة‬NDH ‫جاب دائرة كربس و‬482 -

483- provoked PE treatment duration?

484- long action insulin? glargine and insulin detemir

485- loop diuretic don't have sulfa? Only one drug ethacrinic acid (can use with sulfa

486- patient has HF ? use BB

487- Patient has HF+AF ? class III anti arrhythmia (Amoidrone)

488-side effect Amoidrone ? bradycardia

489- don’t use CCB ? if HR low than 40

490-Patient has HF +HTP ( I think maybe means HTN ) ? use diuretic potassium-sparing

491-Patient diagnosed with HF with ejection fraction 35% what to give?

Spironolactone 12.5 mg

492- What causes male breasts to enlarge (gynecomastia) ? spironolactone

493- Patient African has HPT (I think maybe means HTN) what is ttt?
First line thiazide or CCB

494- Patient has HPT (I think maybe means HTN) what is ttt?
ACE or ARB+diuretic like thiazide or CCB

495-Side effect ACE ? Dry Cough and angioadema

496- Patient with history of HPT (I think maybe means HTN)and gout what is ttt?
BB (Atenolol)

497- Which drug lead to hyperkemia? loop (foursamide) Thiazide

498- Patient has DM +HPT (I think maybe means HTN)+CKD what is ttt? ACE and can
not use thiazide lead to high K

499- Patient has HPT (I think maybe means HTN )+DM? BB or thiazide +insuline

500- Naranjo Algorithm? And ask Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale =9

501- malaria treatment in KSA ?


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