Classification of Terms-1

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Classification of Terms

I. Terms according to Exactness

a) UNIVOCAL TERMS: are terms which are used in precisely the same sense or
meaning in a given context.

Examples: Rock-Stone , Cell phones-Mobile phones, Kids-Children

b)ANALOGOUS TERM: are terms which are commonly used in figures of

Examples: Hands of the clock, Ears of corn, Foot of the mountain

b) EQUIVOCAL TERMS: are those which are used in two or more different

Examples: Light (the opposite of heavy) Light (as something produced by

electricity), Star (refers to heavenly body) Star (refers to movie celebrity)

II. Terms according to Comprehension

1. POSITIVE TERMS: are those which express an affirmation of a particular thing.

Examples: Service to mankind, dedication to one’s duty, love of one self, love of neighbour

2.NEGATIVE TERMS: are those that express the absence or negation of a thing.
Examples: Unkind, unmerciful, unreasonable, inconsiderate,

3. COMPLEX TERMS: are those which have more than one word.
Examples: The President of the Philippines, Mayor of Bacolod City, Governor of Negros

4. PRIVATIVE TERMS: are actually negative terms that denote the absence (or a perfection in a
being that ought to have what it does not have).
Examples: Blindness, deafness, muteness, sickness

5. ABSTRACT TERMS: are those which express abstract ideas.

Examples :tableness, chairness, metalness

6. SIMPLE TERMS: are those which consist of a single word.

Examples: mother,sister, cat,cow, etc.

7. RELATIVE TERMS: are those wherein one cannot be understood without the other.
Examples: mother-child, teacher-student, boyfriend-girlfriend, master-servant

III. According to Opposition

1. CONTRADICTORY TERMS are terms which are so opposed to each other in terms of their
meanings so that when we accept one of the terms we have to reject the other.
Examples: Absent-Present ,True-False, Check-Wrong

2.CONTRARY TERMS are terms like contradictory terms since they too are opposed to each
other in terms of their meanings, BUT admit middle ground or possibility for their relation.
Examples: Pro-For Middle Ground: Neutral
Easy-Hard Middle Ground: Normal

3. PARADOXICAL TERMS: are those that seem to be contradictory terms, yet, they are
combinable or reconcilable.
Examples: Consistent inconsistency, Bodily present but mentally absent

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