The Trinity Certtesol: Certificate in Teaching English To Speakers of Other Languages
The Trinity Certtesol: Certificate in Teaching English To Speakers of Other Languages
The Trinity Certtesol: Certificate in Teaching English To Speakers of Other Languages
The Trinity College London Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
(CertTESOL) is a Level 5* initial teaching qualification designed to equip new and developing
practitioners with the basic knowledge and skills they need for teaching English language.
The Trinity CertTESOL provides an introduction to the theory and practice of contemporary
English language teaching and an insight into the challenges facing learners and teachers.
evel 5 on Ofqual’s Register of Regulated Qualifications (RQF)
This unit covers the practical skill of teaching and includes observations where course
Unit 1: participants watch experienced teachers, plus six hours where they are observed teaching.
Teaching skills Featuring feedback and reflection, the unit gives new teachers both teaching knowledge and
practical classroom experience.
Unit 2: This unit builds knowledge of language itself, including lexis, grammar, phonology and discourse.
Language The unit also looks at assessment of language skills and the different varieties of English around
awareness & skills the world.
Unit 3: This unit covers one-to-one teaching and assessment and involves diagnosis of a real learners’
Learner profile needs. Course participants then plan learning to help learners in their areas of need.
Unit 4:
Unit 4 looks at classroom materials and supports teachers’ ability to use, adapt, produce and
evaluate materials in a classroom setting.
This unit covers what it’s like to learn a new language, putting course participants in the place
Unit 5:
of learners. This helps them build empathy with learners and also demonstrates effective
Unknown language
teaching techniques.
Entrants for CertTESOL courses must have qualifications and/or experience that would allow entrance to higher
education, with minimum English language proficiency of CEFR level C1 or above.
* RQF = Ofqual’s Regulated Qualifications Framework, EQF = European Qualifications Framework ** minimum time TESOL-FACS-05 (CTE-01)