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Paper Ref.

CO5/147 – Oral presentation



S. Chaudourne1, C. Tombini2, L. Perrette3, M. Junker4,

Laboratoire Hydrogène et Pile à Combustible
38054 GRENOBLE cedex 9 (France)
Phone : +33 (0)4 38 78 30 18, Fax : +33 (0)4 38 78 51 98 E-mail :
CEA – CESTA, DIA/SIA – BP 2, 33114 LE BARP (France)
Phone +33(0)5 57 04 43 34, Fax +33 (0)5 57 04 54 27
INERIS − Parc Technologique ALATA
BP 2 – 60550 VERNEUIL-EN-HALATTE (France)
Phone : +33 (0)3 44 55 63 39, E-mail :
ALPHEA – Zone d’Activités Ouest Marieneau,
Rue des Moulins, 57600 FORBACH (France)
Phone +33 (0)3 87 84 76 50 +33 (0)3 87 84 10 10, E-mail : michel.junker

This paper gives an overview of the current legal and standard specifications to be taken into
account while designing and using fuel cell systems. This overview embraces both stationary
and mobile applications at European and international level. Current and under construction
IEC and ISO standard are browsed. So are the one from the US, Canada and Europe.
The world-wide regulation project for vehicles is presented as well as the current legal situa-
tion for vehicle approval. Concerning stationary applications, this paper highlights the legal
frame for both construction and use of these systems. A focus is made on France and Ger-
As a conclusion, the need for demonstration projects is indicated so as to gain experience.
This newly acquired experience shall push towards relevant and tailor made regulations and
standards that ensure homogeneous risk control.

1. Introduction : interest and drawbacks of hydrogen in energetic systems

Hydrogen has been used in chemical industry for a long time. However, using hydrogen as an
energy carrier is a completely new application. This application is interested on the possibility
to recover energy by hydrogen oxidation. This oxidation does not produce any pollutant or
CO2 emission.
The reaction is :
H 2 + O 2 → H 2O
Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

For one H 2 mole at the standard temperature T0 = 298 K and H 2 O in gaseous state, the en-
thalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy of the reaction are :

∆ r H 0 = −241,8 kJ ⋅ mol −1

∆ r S 0 = −44,3 J ⋅ mol −1 ⋅ K −1

∆ r G 0 = −228,6 kJ ⋅ mol −1

This means that with one mole of hydrogen (2 grams), it is possible to obtain 241,8 kJ of heat
or in the ideal case of a reversible transformation 228,6 kJ of mechanical or electrical energy
without any pollutant emission.
In fact real transformations are far from the ideal case and the mechanical or electrical energy
is much lower then 228,6 kJ/molH2. If we define the energetic efficiency η of an engine as
the real electrical or mechanical energy provided reported to the maximum physically possi-
ble ∆ r G 0 , we can calculate the real hydrogen consumption necessary for a given energetic
need. The table 1 gives for different efficiencies the hydrogen mass and volume (gaseous at
293 K, under 1 atmosphere, 25 MPa, 35 MPa and 70 Mpa) to obtain 1 kWh (3,6 MJ) of us-
able energy (mechanical or electrical).

Efficiency H2 (moles) H2 (mass) H2 (Volume) H2 (Volume) H2 (Volume) H2 (Volume)

% mol kg Ndm3 dm3 (25MPa) dm3 (35MPa) dm3 (70MPa)
100 15,748 0,032 352,976 1,622 1,229 0,730
90 17,498 0,035 392,196 1,802 1,366 0,812
80 19,685 0,040 441,220 2,028 1,536 0,913
70 22,497 0,045 504,252 2,317 1,756 1,043
60 26,247 0,053 588,294 2,703 2,049 1,217
50 31,496 0,063 705,953 3,244 2,458 1,461
40 39,370 0,079 882,441 4,055 3,073 1,826
30 52,493 0,106 1176,588 5,407 4,097 2,435
20 78,740 0,159 1764,882 8,110 6,146 3,652

Table 1 : Hydrogen mass and volume to obtain 1 kWh with efficiency from 20 to 100%

Table 2 gives a comparison of mass and volume energy density for Hydrogen and conven-
tional fuels. It can be seen that hydrogen is very competitive for mass energy density but not
for volume energy density.

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

Energy density Energy density

Energy carrier Form of storage by mass by volume
kWh/kg kWh/dm3
Gas (30 Mpa) 33.3 0.75
Hydrogen Liquid (20 K) 33.3 2.36
Metal hydride 0.58 3.18
Gas (30Mpa) 13.9 3.38
Natural gas
Liquid 13.9 5.8
Propane Liquid 12.9 7.5
Methanol Liquid 5.6 4.42
Gasoline Liquid 12.7 8.76
Diesel Liquid 11.6 9.7

Table 2 : Comparison of mass and volume energy density for various fuels

As a conclusion, the use of hydrogen to replace conventional fuel has the very important ad-
vantage to produce mechanical or electrical energy without any local pollution. The main
drawbacks are its low volume energy density and the safety problems due to its flammability
and explosivity. Additionally, the high pressure storage which is a method to increase the vol-
ume energy density can generate additional safety problems.
As a consequence, hydrogen use can be technically difficult and safety requirements have to
be seriously considered. So the need for accurate technical standards to ensure a good concep-
tion of products and the need for regulations to guarantee user safety are key points in the
hydrogen energy development.
Compliance with regulations is compulsory. Whereas standards are followed on a voluntary
basis. Regulations usually set objectives whereas standards propose means to reach these ob-
jectives. Standard enforcement is sometimes a mean to comply with related regulations (har-
monised standards). It also indicates that state of the art has been taken into account while
designing a system.

2. Standardization and regulation for hydrogen vehicles

2.1 General survey
It is given for granted that standardisation and regulation related to vehicles must harmonised
on a global basis. It shall not be different from one country to another, in order to enable
products to move freely across every national markets.
Hydrogen use for vehicles generates several difficult security problems coming from :
• The necessity to store in the vehicles a fair quantity of hydrogen (several kilo-
grammes) to have a range of the same order as classical vehicles

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

• The vehicle motion which makes it come across with many different environments
such as circulation in towns, tunnels crossing, underground car parks, etc. Each of
these various environment feature its own type of risks.
• The high speed motion which induces a potentially highly energetic collision hazard.
• The building of urban hydrogen service-stations for car refuelling. These service-
stations have to store large quantity of hydrogen. They also have to be able to transfer
liquid hydrogen or compressed hydrogen to vehicles at high rate.
Standards erection favours homogeneous safety levels. It suggests good practices.
In most countries certification is required to put a new car into service. These regulations set
safety objectives to be satisfied.
In a regulatory framework, the manufacturer has to prove that he has used all adapted techni-
cal means to prevent accidents or to limit their consequences. On the other hand, the manufac-
turer has only to show that its product is in agreement with a given standard.

2.2 Standardisation overview

The international technical committee in charge of hydrogen is ISO/TC197 “Hydrogen Tech-
nologies”. Some ISO/TC197 work is shared with other technical committees dedicated to
connected subjects. The main liaisons are with ISO/TC22 (Road Vehicles) and IEC/TC105
(Fuel Cell Technologies) committees. There are also connections with ISO/TC58 (Gas cylin-
ders), ISO/TC220 (Cryogenic Vessels) and some other committees.
An important part of ISO/TC197 work is dedicated to vehicles, namely the WG1 (Liquid hy-
drogen fuel tanks for land vehicles), the WG5 (Gaseous hydrogen service station and connec-
tors) and the WG6 (Gaseous hydrogen fuel tanks for land vehicles). The most active country
within TC197 are Canada, USA and for Europe Germany, Sweden and France. Summery of
ISO/TC197 work is given on table 3.

Reference Subject Comment

ISO 13984 Fuelling connectors for liquid H2 Published

ISO 14687 Hydrogen fuel - Specifications Published

ISO/DIS Harmonization with EIHP in progress at

Vehicle fuel tanks with liquid H2
13985 WP29/GRPE

ISO/WD13986 Multimodal transportation of liquid H2 Cancelled (Jan. 2001)

Airport fuelling facility In progress

ISO/WD15866 Service stations Cancelled (June 2002)

Restart on SAE J2600 basis – Joint with

ISO/WD17268 Fuelling connectors for gaseous H2

Vehicle fuel tanks with high pressure gase- Harmonization with EIHP in progress at
ous H2 WP29/GRPE

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

ISO/DTR1591 Basic considerations for the safety of H2

In progress
6 systems

H2 generation using water electrolysis sys-

ISO/WD22734 New item accepted

Transportable gas storage using metal hy-

New item proposed

H2 Generators using fuel processing tech-

New item proposed

Table 3: Work items of ISO/TC197

2.3 Current situation

Currently, vehicle approval refers to the many European directive. None of these European
directive cover vehicles running on hydrogen.
Meanwhile, under the 70/156/CE directive it is possible for a manufacturer to run its proto-
type on the street. There are currently two possibilities :
• Either vehicle manufacturer can refer to its own national authorities to gain a prototype
approval. This prototype approval is valid as long as the number of vehicles produced is
kept below 500 units per year. This national approval does not give right to exportation
unless the European exporting country agrees with this approval. In the case of prototype
approval, the vehicle runs with a “W” type registration number. As long as the vehicle
does not carry any passenger, responsibility falls on the manufacturer. In other cases, pub-
lic authorities are kept responsible.
• For larger productions and for innovative technologies, any national authority belonging
to the European Economic Community can submit a technical file to the European Com-
mission. If the evaluation output is positive, the approved vehicle will be allowed to run
freely within the 15 member states for a given period of time.
Both options are interesting. The first option is tailor-made for prototypes. However, this
status can, in the long term, hinder hydrogen vehicles commercialisation.
The European project EIHP aims at tackling this legal issue.

2.4 Regulation projects in Europe : the EIHP work

The European Integrated Hydrogen Project phase II (EIHP2) is a consortium of 21 members
(industrial partners and research centres) who work together to initiate and provide inputs for
regulations on a European and Global Level concerning hydrogen fuelled road vehicles, hy-
drogen refuelling infrastructure and the relevant interfaces. It is a 3 years project (01 Feb.
2001 to 31 Jan. 2004). Its budget is about 5 M€ with a 50% European funding.
The project is divided into 4 technical work packages :
• WP2 Refuelling Station

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

• WP3 Refuelling Interface

• WP4 Vehicles (Liquid hydrogen tank, gaseous pressurised hydrogen tank, connectors)
• WP5 Safety
And two coordination work packages :
• WP1 Overall coordination
• WP6 Links with countries outside Europe

Concerning regulations, EIHP2 proposed two draft regulations for vehicles, one concerning
liquid hydrogen [1] and the other one concerning compressed gaseous hydrogen [2]

2.5 Towards a Global Technical Regulation ?

The need to move progressively towards global regulations for hydrogen vehicles acceptable
for all countries and in agreement with existing or in development standards is widely ac-
cepted. For this very reason, on March 6th, 2001 Germany submitted EIHP draft regulations
for liquid and gaseous hydrogen vehicles to the UNECE WP291 in Geneva.
The request was welcomed and the work was given to the GRPE2. The GRPE launched an ad-
hoc Working Group to examine the proposals (May 29 th, 2001). This WG delegated technical
issues to 2 Groups of Experts (one for liquid H2 and on for gaseous H2). In parallel, an Har-
monisation Group was created to find an agreement between EIHP draft regulations projects
and ISO/TC197 standards projects (ISO/DIS 13985 for liquid H2 and ISO/CD 15869 for
gaseous H2). All these groups of experts have to report to the ad-hoc WG to obtain a consen-
sus which will then be transmitted for approval to GRPE and finally to WP29. This fair com-
plicated process is summarized on Annex 1 and the agenda of the numerous meetings is pre-
sented on Annex 2.
On May 19th, 2003, both an informal presentation concerning Gaseous Hydrogen Regulation
and the formal presentation concerning Liquid Hydrogen Regulation have been given to
GRPE. The objective is to obtain in some years an extensive regulation for hydrogen vehicles
in the framework of ECE (1958 agreement, without USA, Canada and Japan) and in the
framework of GTR3 (1998 agreement including almost all countries).

United Nation, Economic Commission for Europe, Working Party 29
Group on Pollution and Energy
Global Technical Regulation

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

3. Standardisation and regulation for stationary fuel cell systems

The French SEREPAC [3] project reviewed standards and regulations that apply to fuel cell
systems. Information given in this paragraph is mostly taken from this recent work.

3.1. General survey

Fuel cell systems integrate a wide range of components depending on their use. They can be
fuelled not only with hydrogen but with different kind of fossil fuels. As a consequence, there
is a large number of standards and regulations witch may apply to these systems depending on
the country of manufacturing and installation. It makes it difficult for a manufacturer or an
end-user to identify and fulfil every legal requirements needed to sell, export or use a fuel cell
To solve this problem, a lot of national and international initiatives are underway to develop
“fuel cell specific” standards. For example, specific US standards have been erected and are
under improvement. The first international standard will be published within one or two
National and international regulations are also under development. As the regulatory ap-
proaches are different from one country to another, these texts will be much more difficult to
write. It will eventually take a few years more than the development of standards.

“Fuel cell specific” standards and regulations under development are among others concerned
with the safety of the systems.

3.2. Standardisation overview

3.2.1. U.S. and Canadian standards
A lot of US and Canadian standards have been developed, are under improvement or are un-
der development by different organisations. All fuel cell applications are covered: stationary
as well as non stationary (e.g. portable and vehicular).
A document published by the National Evaluation Service gives a good overview of all these
standards [4]. Table 3 summarises the most important US and Canadian standards.
The ANSI Z21.83 standard on “Fuel Cell Power Plants” is actually under improvement and
will cover all types of stationary fuel cell applications (portable and residential), excluding
The U.S. DOE is strongly supporting the work on fuel cell standards. Information on this sub-
ject is disseminated to end users and local approval authorities through specialised publica-
tions (ex.: “Fuel Cell Summit Newsletter”), annual seminars (“Fuel Cell Summit”), special-
ised guides on the applications of these standards and the internet ( ).

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

Standard Title - Subject

─ “Fuel Cell Power Plants”
ANSI Z21.83 ─ applies to packaged, self contained or factory matched packages of integrated
systems of fuel cell power plants for use with natural or LP gas and having a
maximum output of 1000 kW operating at no less than -29°C
─ “CSA Component Acceptance Service n°33 for PEM Fuel Cell modules”
CSA CAS n°33 ─ this documents contains requirements for providing CSA international component
acceptance service for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stacks (mod-
ules) using hydrogen as the fuel source
─ “Residential Fuel Cell Power Generators”
CSA U.S. requirement ─ this document applies to packaged, self contained residential fuel cell power gen-
n°1.01 erators for outdoor applications – the residential generator is defined as a unit serv-
ing a single family or two family dwelling not exceeding 50 kW in total AC power
─ “Portable Fuel Cell Appliances”
CSA U.S. requirement ─ this document applies to AC and DC type portable fuel cell power generators, with
n°3.01 a rated output voltage not exceeding 600 V, for commercial indoor and outdoor
use in non-hazardous locations
CSA U.S. requirement ─ “Hydrogen Generators”
─ “Standard for the Installation of Stationary Fuel Cell Power Plants”
NFPA 853 ─ the scope of this standard is the design, construction and installation of stationary
(non-portable) fuel cell power plants with a gross electrical generation that exceeds
50 kW
─ “National Electric Code”
─ article 692 of the code covers fuel cells
─ “Standard for inverters, converters and controllers for use in independent Power
UL 1741
UL 2264 ─ “Gaseous Hydrogen Generating Appliances”
UL 2265 ─ “Replacement Fuel Cell Power Units for Appliances”
─ “Performance Test Code for Fuel Cell power System Performance”
─ PTC 50 covers PAFC, PEMFC, MCFC and SOFC Fuel Cells
IEEE P1547 ─ “Standard for interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems
─ J2578: “Recommended Practices for General Fuel Cell Safety”
─ J2579: “Recommended Practices for hazardous Fluid Systems in Fuel Cell Vehi-
─ J2574: “Fuel Cell Vehicle Terminology”
─ J2615: “Performance Test Procedures of Fuel Cell systems for Automotive”
─ J2616: “Performance Test Procedures for fuel Processor Subsystems of Automo-
SAE Standards tive fuel Cell Systems
─ J2617: “Performance Test Procedures of PEM Fuel Cell Stack Subsystems for
Automotive Applications
─ J2594: “Fuel Cell Recyclability Guidelines”
─ J2572: “Recommended Practice for Measuring the Exhaust Emissions, Energy
Consumption and Range of Fuel Cell Powered Electric vehicles Using Com-
pressed Gaseous Hydrogen”
Table 3: most important U.S. and Canadian Standards

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

3.2.2. IEC standards

The international technical committee in charge of “fuel cells” is the IEC / TC 105 “Fuel Cell
Technologies”. Some of the work is shared with other technical committees dedicated to con-
nected subjects: ISO / TC 197, ISO / TC 22, IEC / TC 31, SAE…
As this committee is quite young, no international standard on fuel cell has been published.
Table 4 gives a summary of the work of the different working groups in the IEC / TC 105.
New work items are under discussion.

Working group Subject

1 Fuel Cell Technologies - Part 1: Terminology
2 Fuel Cell Technologies – Part 2: Fuel Cell Modules
3 Fuel Cell Technologies – Part 3.1: Stationary Fuel Cell Power Plants - safety
Fuel Cell Technologies – part 3.2: Stationary Fuel Cell Power Plants – Test methods for the
5 Fuel Cell Technologies – Stationary Fuel Cell Power Plants - Installation
6 Fuel Cell Technologies – Fuel Cell System for Propulsion and Auxiliary Power Units
Fuel Cell Technologies – Portable Fuel Cell Appliances – Safety and Performance Re-
Table 4: work items of IEC / TC 105

The U.S., Canadian or Japanese Fuel Cell Standards are mostly the basis for the work of the
different WG’s of IEC / TC 105.

3.2.3. CEN / CENELEC standards

A CEN / TC with the name “Fuel Cell Gas Appliances up to 70 kW” has been created in
The aim of this TC is to propose European standards for gas appliances that produce energy
on the basis of using fuel cell technologies.
Fuel Cell manufacturers and developers, energy companies and representatives of national
standards organisations are collaborating within this TC.
The work has been divided in three topics: basics and definitions, PEMFC and SOFC.

3.3. Regulation in Europe: some examples

One has to consider both the manufacturing of a stationary fuel cell system as well as its in-
stallation in a given country.
Up to now, there is no specific European regulation for stationary fuel cell systems manufac-
turing. Even though not specific, some European directives are to be followed to gain CE
marking. CE marking concerns all type and power range of fuel cell systems.
As far as installation and use is concerned, it barely depends on the fuel cell system power
and specifications (hydrogen storage,…). Domestic fuel cell would only require CE marking
to be installed and used whatever the European country. On the other hand, large power units
have to comply with national rules. There are different approaches from one country to an-

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

othe. As such, they would need an approval from local authorities prior to be installed and
used. As an example, we will give a quick overview for France and Germany.

3.3.1. EU regulation
Table 5 gives an overview of all the EU Directives that generally apply to fuel cell systems.

Directive n° Directive name Scope

Electrical equipment means any equipment designed for use with a

Low Voltage
73/23/EEC voltage rating between 50 and 1000 V for alternating current and be-
Equipment (LVD)
tween 75 to 1500 V for direct currents.

This Directive applies to simple pressure vessels manufactured in series.

For the purposes of this Directive, 'simple pressure vessel' means any
Simple pressure
87/404/EEC welded vessel subjected to an internal gauge pressure greater than 0,5
bar which is intended to contain air or nitrogen and which is not in-
tended to be fired.

This directive applies to apparatus liable to cause electromagnetic dis-

89/336/EEC Electromagnetic
turbance or the performance of which is liable to be affected by such
disturbance. It defines the protection requirements and inspection pro-
92/31/EEC (EMC)

It applies to all machinery and lays down the essential health and safety
requirements. It also apply to safety components placed on the market
separately. For the purposes of this Directive, machinery means an as-
sembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves,… .
98/37/EC Machinery
It refers to the ATEX 94/9 CE directive dedicated to equipment and
protective systems intended to be use in potentially explosive atmos-

It applies to the design, manufacture and conformity assessment of

pressure equipment and assemblies with a maximum allowable pressure
PS greater than 0,5 bar. For the purposes of this Directive, 'Pressure
equipment` means vessels, piping, safety accessories and pressure ac-
Pressure Equipment
97/23/EC cessories.
Where applicable, pressure equipment includes elements attached to
pressurised parts, such as flanges, nozzles, couplings, supports, lifting
lugs, etc

It apples to appliances burning gaseous fuels used for cooking, heating,

hot water production, refrigeration, lighting or washing and having,
where applicable, a normal water temperature not exceeding 105 gC,
90/396/EEC Gas Appliances
It also applies to safety devices, controlling devices or regulating de-
vices,… separately marketed for trade use and designed to be incorpo-
rated into an appliance burning gaseous
Table 5: EU Directives which may apply to fuel cell systems

All these Directives are “new approach directives”. They give some essential safety require-
ments that have to be fulfilled by the manufacturer or the importer of a system..
CE marking is required to market a product in every country of the European Union. Compli-
ance with appropriate EU directives entitles for marking (auto-certification or notified body).

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

Therefore, fuel cell manufacturers (or importers) have to ensure that their systems are in con-
formity with Directives cited in table 5.
In Germany, a rule, namely VP 119, has been edited by manufacturers and end-users to facili-
tate residential fuel cell CE marking. On the basis of this rule fuel cell systems from Vaillant
and Sulzer have been CE marked.

3.3.2. VP 119 industrial rule

It’s the only German “fuel cell specific” regulation. It indicates technical requirements for the
installation of fuel cell systems with a thermal output of less than 70 kW. It applies to PEMFC
and SOFC systems.
In this regulation the fuel cell system is seen as a “gas heating appliance”. It fits the require-
ments of the 90/396/EEC Directive and all applicable German standards.
This rule has been developed under the initiative of fuel cell manufacturers, energy companies
and the DVGW (“german organization of the gas and water industry”). It responds to the need
of one unique regulation for residential fuel cell systems in Germany.
This regulation will facilitate and shorten the time for the approval procedures of the numer-
ous systems which will be installed in Germany in the next years.

3.3.2. French regulation for installation of large power units

There is no specific French regulation for stationary fuel cell installations.
Regulation which applies for “industrial fuel cell systems” (over 100 kW electrical output) is
the “ICPE Regulation” (“Classified Installations for the Protection of the Environment”). It is
hydrogen itself which is usually targeted (table 6) by this regulation. Indeed, it sets some spe-
cific rubrics concerning the production, the use and the storage of hydrogen.
Local authorities are referring to these rubrics and associated safety specifications to give
their approval for the installation and use of fuel cell systems.

Rubric number Title Application level

1415 “hydrogen production” No minimum limit

1416 “storage or use of hydrogen” Over 100 kg

Table 6 : hydrogen specific rubrics of the french ICPE regulation

The fuel cell project from EdF (French electricity company) and GdF (French gas company)
in the city of Chelles, near Paris, can be taken as an example of the enforcement of French
regulation to a stationary fuel cell system (200 kWel fuel cell from UTC FC, PAFC technol-
ogy fuelled with natural gas).
The most important learning from this project are as follow:
• application of the French regulation on pressure vessels;
• application of the French regulation on heating appliances;
• application of the French regulation on electrical systems;
• certification by the local authorities of a steam separator (pressure vessel regulation);
Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

• non application of the 1415 rubric of the French “ICPE regulation” on the principle that
hydrogen was not industrially produced and was immediately consumed after production;
• special “use approval” by the French Industry Ministry because the unit was not CE

3.3.3. German regulation

Due to the large number of installed stationary fuel cell systems in Germany, it is easier to get
an overview of regulations which may apply to fuel cell systems.
It can be summarised in four points.
• For similar systems, applied regulation can be different from one region to another, due to
the federal system in Germany.
• The “Gerätesicherheitsgesetz” (safety of equipment) or the” Bundesimmionsschutzgesetz”
(control of polluting emissions) are applied in all cases for fuel cell power plants (over
200 kW electrical output). The rubrics applied are those on “pressure vessels” or on
“steam vessels”.
• In most cases, local authorities require some technical changes in the systems related to its
safety. In some cases some additional safety analyses are also required.

4. Conclusion
Legal and standardisation frame for both stationary and mobile applications is evolving on an
international and European level. Even though not always facilitated by the current context,
demonstration projects are required to gain experience that is useful to appropriately shape
specifications to come. Standardisation and common regulations shall provide world-wide
homogeneous and relevant safety principles. It shall prevent accidents and associated bad

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation


[1] EIHP, Proposal for a new draft regulation for the use of liquid hydrogen on motor vehi-
cles, Revision 13, 25 Nov. 2002
[2] EIHP, Proposal for a new draft regulation for the use of compressed gaseous hydrogen
on motor vehicles, Revision 11, 29 March 2003


SEREPAC – CHAPITRE II : normes et réglementations sur les piles à combustible » -
Rapport de projet (novembre 2002)

[4] National Evaluation Service, , Status Summary (mai 2002)

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

Annex 1
Organisation chart for elaboration
of international hydrogen vehicles regulations



Ad-hoc WG ISO
Hydrogen Vehicles TC197 – TC22

CGH2 GoE Harmonization


Ad-hoc WG
Hydrogen Vehicles



Note : GoE = Group of Expert

Paper Ref.CO5/147 – Oral presentation

Annex 2
Table of meetings for elaboration of international hydrogen
vehicles regulations since 2001

Date Place Organisation Meet. # Decision

6-9 March 2001 Geneva (CH) WP29 123 Examination of EIHP proposal by GRPE
29-30 May 2001 Geneva (CH) GRPE 42 Creation of an ad-hoc Working Group
29 Nov. 2001 Bonn (GE) GRPE ad-hoc WG 1 First Step : ECE, Second step : GTR
17-18 Jan. 2002 Geneva (CH) GRPE 43 Approval cooperation with ISO – Discussion ECE vs GTR
19 Feb. 2002 Munich (GE) GRPE ad-hoc WG 2 Comparison with ISO-13985 (LH2) and ISO-15869 (CGH2)
4-5 June 2002 Nabern (GE) GRPE ad-hoc WG 3 Report ISO-TC197/TC22 – Creation GRPE/ISO Group of Experts LH2/CGH2
29 July 2002 Munich (GE) GRPE/ISO LH2 1 Resolution of main differences on LH2
30 July 2002 Munich (GE) GRPE/ISO CGH2 1 Resolution of main differences on CGH2
26-27 Sept. 2002 Montreal (CA) GRPE/ISO LH2 2 Harmonization on LH2 (EIHP Rev.11 and ISO/DIS13985)
24-25 Oct. 2002 Vancouver (CA) GRPE/ISO CGH2 2 Harmonization on CGH2 (EIHP Rev.9 and ISO/DIS15869)
14-15 Nov. 2002 Cologne (GE) GRPE ad-hoc WG 4 CGH2, LH2, FORD presentation
16-17 Jan. 2003 Geneva (CH) GRPE 45 LH2 Rev.13 Informal presentation
22 Jan. 2003 Munich (GE) GRPE/ISO CGH2 3 Harmonization on CGH2 (PRD, Burst pressure/Test pressure ratio)
23-24 Jan. 2003 Munich (GE) GRPE CGH2 1 CGH2, JASIC Presentation
13-14 Feb. 2003 Rüsselsheim GRPE ad-hoc WG 5 OPEL – GM presentation
5 March 2003 Munich (GE) GRPE CGH2 2
10-11 Apr. 2003 Göteborg (SW) GRPE ad-hoc WG 6
22-23 May 2003 Geneva (CH) GRPE 46 CGH2 Rev.11 Informal presentation – LH2 Rev.13 Formal presentation
22-27 June 2003 Geneva (CH) WP29 124


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