Competence in Linguistic Communication: Name and Surnames: Year: Date

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History block III

Name and surnames: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: ................................................................................................

Competence in linguistic communication

Understanding information
Read the text and answer the questions.
«Throughout life, the mission of a woman is to serve.
When God made the first man, he thought: it is not
good that man is alone. He created the first woman to
help and accompany him, and so that she could serve
as a mother. Man was God’s first idea. He thought
about women afterwards, as a necessary complement,
in other words, something useful».
Political-Social Education from the first year
of Bachillerato, 1963.

a) Summarise the text.










b) According to the text, what function do women have? What do you think about this?





© Grupo Anaya, S. A. Authorised photocopiable materials.


c) Write a summary about the situation women faced under Franco’s rule.








History block III
Name and surnames: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Year: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: ................................................................................................

Competence in mathematics, science and technology

Working with maps
Look at the map closely and answer the questions.
The Yugoslav conflict
Ethnic distribution (before 1991)
ITA LY Zagreb Slovenes
Ljubljana ROMANIA Croats
C R O AT I A Serbs and Montenegrins
BOSNIA- Albanians
Break-up of Yugoslavia (1991-2008)
Border of former
Borders between the former
Yugoslav republics
A d r i a t i c Borders of the former
KOSOVO * autonomous territories
Podgorica of the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia
* Kosovo unilaterally declares
independence (2008)
0 100 200 km

a) What territory is shown on this map?


b) What time period or date was this map made in?


c) Explain the main existing tensions in this region during the 20th and 21st centuries.







© Grupo Anaya, S. A. Authorised photocopiable materials.











History block III
Name and surnames: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Year: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: ................................................................................................

Digital competence
Working with texts and pictures
Read the text and answer the following questions.
«Why should I wait for someone to do something?
Why do I have to wait for the government, the
military to help us? Why don’t we defend all of
our rights?».
Malala Yousafzai.

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani student, activist and blogger who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.
At 17 years old, she became the youngest person to win this award for any of the categories that it is

a) Briefly explain who the girl in the picture is.















© Grupo Anaya, S. A. Authorised photocopiable materials.

b) What current issue do you associate her with? Explain your answer.









History block III
Name and surnames: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Year: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: ................................................................................................

Learning to learn
Linking facts
Match these characteristics to a country or area in the world.

Characteristics Country/area in the world

It holds great economic power, although its growth has stagnated

since the 1990s due to competition from other Asian economies.

Its political transition to a democracy led to difficulties, such as the

excessive political power of the president of the Federation and
corruption. Its economic transition to capitalism initially led to a
decrease in production as well as inflation, unemployment and lower
living standards; however, in recent years, the situation has improved.

The conflict in Palestine continues. The peace agreements signed

in Oslo (1993) called for Israel to withdrawal from the occupied
territories and for the Palestinian Authority to govern them
autonomously. In addition, there would be Palestinian recognition of
the State of Israel and an end to the violence.

It was the world’s only superpower left after the dissolution of the
Communist Bloc. Its hegemony is disputed today by many countries,
calling for a multipolar world.

It has undergone dramatic economic growth, which has placed it

among the world’s leading economic powers. However, its political
system continues to be non-democratic.

It comprises the main bloc of countries in Europe, which, since the

mid-20th century, has achieved greater integration and has increased
its number of Member States to twenty-seven.
© Grupo Anaya, S. A. Authorised photocopiable materials.

The most underdeveloped area on Earth, where political instability,

economic backwardness, social inequality and a low standard of
living persist.

During the 1980s, it endured dictatorships, revolutionary and far-right

guerrilla operations and a severe economic crisis. Since then, it has
established a democracy and adopted strict economic adjustment

History block III
Name and surnames: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Year: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: ................................................................................................

Social and civic competences

Understanding history
Look at the picture, read the text and answer the questions.
«If the EU can deny entry to four million Syrians and tell them to stay in Turkey, Lebanon or Jordan or that
they should try to get to Lebanon in order to try and cross into Italy via the Mediterranean Sea... what
would Kenya do with Somalian refugees?», Tubau wondered with reference to the recent threat of Kenyan
authorities to close the Dadaab camp, the largest in the world with 350 000 people.
Doctors Without Borders warns that the migration
pact with Turkey ‘compromises the concept of a
refugee and the protection it offers to those who are
in danger’. So far this year, more than 211 000 people
have arrived to the European Union, and another 2868
have drowned. But the closure of the Balkan borders
and the closure of the route from Turkey to Greece
has left approximately 50 000 people trapped in this
country. Their only option is to now request asylum
in a country in the European Union that has been hit
hardest by the crisis. [...]
Naiara Galarraga, «Doctors Without Borders will
reject funds from the EU and its governments
due to its migration policy», El País, 17 June 2016.

a) Summarise the text.







b) What conflict does the text refer to?



© Grupo Anaya, S. A. Authorised photocopiable materials.




c) What is the difference between an internally displaced person and a refugee?






History block III
Name and surnames: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Year: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: ................................................................................................

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Project planning
Imagine that you must prepare a report on globalisation. How would you do it?
Prepare a work plan in which you indicate which aspects of the report you will cover.
© Grupo Anaya, S. A. Authorised photocopiable materials.

History block III
Name and surnames: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Year: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: ................................................................................................

Cultural awareness and expression

Analysing styles and artwork
Look at the pictures, identify the style of the works and write down some of the stylistic
characteristics that you see in them.









© Grupo Anaya, S. A. Authorised photocopiable materials.












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