LAB ACTIVITY 1: Fundamentals of Database Management System: Duration: 4 Hours Learning Outcomes

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LAB ACTIVITY 1: Fundamentals of Database

Management System
Duration: 4 Hours

Learning Outcomes
This activity encompasses activities 1A, 1B and 1C.

By the end of this tutorial session, you should be able to:

1. Define Database Management System (DBMS)
2. Identify various common DBMS.
3. Explain the common features of DMBS

Activity 1A
Activity Outcome: Define Database Management System (DBMS).

Briefly explain in your own words the definitions below.


~ A collection of information that is organized so that it can be easy

accessed, managed and updated.

Database Management System

~ Collection of components that support data acquisition, dissemination,

storage, maintenance, retrieval and formatting

~ A set of software programs that allows users to create, edit and update
data in database files, and store and retrieve data from those database
Activity 1B
Activity Outcome: Identify various common DBMS.

In group of two, list the common DMBS use in database management.

Open Source Software

• __________________________________

• __________________________________

• __________________________________

• __________________________________

Licence software
Amazon RDS
• ___________________________________

Microsoft SQL Server

• ___________________________________

IBM db2
• ___________________________________

• ___________________________________
Activity 1C
Activity Outcome: Explain the common features of DBMS

Briefly explain the following common features of DBMS.

~ Language and graphical tools to define

Database entities, relationships, integrity constraints
definition and authorization rights.

~ Language and graphical tools to access

Nonprocedural data without complicated coding

~ Graphical tools to develop menus, data entry

Application forms, and reports data requirements for
development forms and reports are specified using
nonprocedural access

~ Language that combines nonprocedural

Procedural access with full capabilities of a programming
language interface language

~ Control mechanisms to prevent interference

Transaction from simultaneous users and recover lost
Processing data after a failure

~ Tools to monitor and improve database

Database tuning
Activity 1D
Activity Outcome: Identify the three-schema architecture of DBMS.

1. Three-schema architecture also known as ANSI-SPARC architecture. What does ANSI-

SPARC stand for?

ANSI-SPARC is American National Standards Institute, Standards

Planning And Requirements Committee

2. Write the correct schema for the explanation given.

o User’s view of database.

o Describes the part of the database that a particular user Answer:
group is interested in
o Hides the rest of the database from that user group. External level
o Excludes irrelevant data as well as data which ________________
the user is not authorized to access. ________________
o Written in the Data Definition Language _______________

o This schema concern in : Answer:

 Storage space allocation for data and indexes
 Record description for storage Internal level
 Record placement ________________
 Data compression and data encryption technique ________________

o Community view of database.

o Hides the details of physical storage structures Answer:
o Describes what data is stored in database and Conceptual level
relationships among the data. ________________
o Doesn’t specify how the data is physically stored. ________________
o Only DBA define and works at this level. ________________
Based on the diagram given, fill in the blanks with the correct schema.

End Users

External Level External view ... External view

Conceptual Level
Conceptual Schema

Internal Level
Internal Schema
Activity 1E
Activity Outcome: Describe the client-server architecture of DBMS.

In group of two, briefly explain about types of client server architecture below:

Client-Server architecture

~ Client-Server architecture is a network architecture in which each

computer or process on the network is either a client or a server.
~ Servers are powerful computers or processes dedicated to managing
disk drives (file servers), printers (print servers), or network traffic
(network servers). Clients are PCs or workstations on which users run
applications. Clients rely on servers for ~ resources, such as files,
devices and even processing power.

File-Server architecture

~ A file-server is a computer that is connected to a network and mainly

serves as a shared storage.
~ In the file-server architecture, the processing is distributed over the
network. Workstation (application and DBMS) must request data
before they can get database. Since the file-server is not SQL-aware,
the customer and Order relation (files) have to be transferred to the

Database-Server architecture

~ A database server provides the data requested by an application server

on behalf of a client. The database server does all of the remaining
query processing.

Three Tier architecture

~ A three-tier architecture is a client-server architecture in which the

functional process logic, data access, computer data storage and
user interface are developed and maintained as independent modules
on separate platforms.
~ It is a software design pattern and a well-established software
Activity 1F
Activity Outcome: Identify the two categories of DBMS.

Based on the list of database software below, you are required to identify the categories of
DBMS for each of database software.

No Database Software Categories of DBMS

Server database
1 Oracle

2 Microsoft Access Desktop database

3 Paradox Desktop database

4 Microsoft SQL Server

Server database

5 Lotus Desktop database

6 FoxPro Desktop database

7 DB2 Server database

8 IBM Server database

9 FileMaker Pro Desktop database

Activity 1G
Activity Outcome: Identify the contribution of database technology to the society.

1. In groups of two, discuss and list the contribution of database technology to the society.

Historical data can show your business trends.

1. _________________________________ Business
2. Sales records can identify valuable customers.

Reduce the amount of time you spend

3. _________________________________
managing data.
4. _________________________________
Improve the quality and consistency of

Databases managed with a web browser enable

1. the lecturer to collect data from the students
without the restrictions of time and space.
2. Students can retrieve their course information
and marks.
3. _________________________________
Make easy the finance Unit to managed the
finance and programmes fee
4. Easy to managed the attandance student

1. _________________________________
Store and retrieve the election data easily
Social Work
and fast.
Register and store data of flood victim or
2. _________________________________
any bad disaster in Malaysia.
3. Make
easy to generate data analysis about
financial aid recipient
4. Make
easy to prepare the budget to
distribution the financial aid to community

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