Resistance and Ohm's Law: R and O2 Lo, Ia2i o 2

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Resistance and Ohm's Law

4" App conductot ol crcuar crons ection Smm in di ameter is 5 m long. Calculate its resistance at 20°Ci

R- 4,38 mf
40-m metallic conductor of cross-scctional area I mua has a resistance of 12 n. Cakulate the conductivity of

3.35 MS/m
RA (12X
INote that I siemens (S)=19 ]

A cube o an alloy of resistivity 1.12 all°m s 2 cm on & sde. Detemine the resistance betwcen any two faces
o e cue.

R- 2 x(210 0"02x10) 6 ula

We have two cubes one meusuring m on one side anl the other 2/ m. Find the ratio of conductivities of the
malcrials ot the cubes s0 that the resistance between any two faces af onc cube is the same as that tor the other

R and o 2 lo,

ia2i o 2

.S Calculate the iength of copper wire having a dhamcter of in and resist ance of 2n. Conductivity of coPper is
0 S ."m.

in = *2.54 10-1.5875x j0
« m
I= oRA
=5.8 x10' x2x (1.875 10 x
=229.6 m
A rectangular bus bar made of aluminum s 0.9m long 0.Sm wide, and 1.3cm thck cuTent n ne us 0ar
i eneth and the conductjvity of aluminum is
R 1.295 jail
A357x 10"X0.15 x 13x 10 )

.7 transmission line cable consists of l9 strands of idettical copper conductors, each 1.5 mm in diameter. The
physcal icngth ot the cabie Is 2 km. But. because d ihe twIst of each strand. ihe actual lengths of the
conductors e creascd by percent. what t b e Tesstance o the cabie? Kesstivity of coPper
1.72 x
10n m.
Allowing for twis. (1.05(2000) = 2100 m. Aea of cross section of 19 strunds 1(7/4X1.5x
0 33.576 * Ju m

R- 33.576* 10 2100.1.076

Vañation of resistance with temperature is expresed in terms of lemperature coelicient a Explicitly. the
resistance R, at a temperature C i s related to the iewslance at 0Cby R,R,(T*a,Tas gruphically
depicied in Fig. 21, whe re a, is the lemperature coctficient at 0C. The figure also shows the inferred absolute
zero tor copPper. Using g 21, hnd the resistance of a copper wire at 2 0 C t s esistance at C s 201

From Fig. 2-1

we have
234.5+ T 234.5+1

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