As V-* V/2, I
3 Calculate the number of electrons constituting 2R
one coulomb of charge. Pg 200
In other words, current through the componen-
Sol. We know that, charge on one electron =1.6 X10 C connected to
^L6xl0-19 coulomb charge = 1 electron.
:. 1 coulomb charge: ^ - — 6.25 X 1018 electrons
4 Name a device that helps to maintain a potenti ial
difference across a conductor. Pg 202
S°l- Electric cell or battery is a device that helps to maintain a
potential difference across a conductor.
5 What is meant by saying that the potential
difference between two points is 1 V? Pg 202
Sol. -pLc potential difference between two points is said to be
1 V if 1 J of work is done in moving 1 coulomb of
electric charge from one point to other point.
6 How much energy is given to each coulomb of
charge passing through a 6 V battery? Pg 202
So1- Given, charge, q = 1 C, potential, V = 6 V, W= ?
As we know, W - q V =\xG-G]
6 J is given to each coulomb of charge passing through a
6V battery.
lfftO*16E 369
14 Judge the equivalent resistance when the 17 How can three resistors of resistances 2 ft, 3 ft
and 6ft be connected to give a total resistance
following are connected in parallel
(01 ft and 106 ft (/') 4 ft (H) 1 ft? Pg216
(#01 ft,103ftand106ft. Sol. (i) If 3ft and 6ft are connected in parallel, thus
(01 ft {it) 1 ft equivalent resistance of parallel combination
When resistors are connected in parallel, then the = —l = 2ft
equivalent resistance is less than the least resistance 1/3+ 1/6
connected in the combination. In both the abov this combination is connected in scries with
the equivalent resistance .1 equivalent resistance
approximately 1 ft.
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370 ass loth
Rnax = 4 + 8 + 12 + 24 =
$ consumed is 2.2 kWh.
So, //?* does not represent electric power, = —05 n •«= 0.25 mm = 0.25x10'’ m.
An electric bulb is rated 220 V and 100 W 2
When it is operated on lio V, the power p = l,6x 10" O-m and /f = 10Cl
consumed will be (/) We know that, resistance,
(a) 100 W (b) 75 W (c) 50 W D-P/. Itr2]
<ol- Given, V^llOV, .P = 100W (d) 25 W Aa ' 4nr tA
Resistance of bulb, R = V2/ P Rnr2 10x3.14x0.25x0.25 x10'
or /
_ 220x220 _ P L6 x 10' =
122.66 m
100 484 Ci
Now, when V 110 V, {ii) Resistance, R •
then power consumed, If diameter is doubled, then resistance becomes
w 110x110 one-fourth of its original value.
P=— 25 W
R 484 The values p)T current / flowing in a given
resistor^for the corresponding values of
4 Two conducting wires of same material and of potential difference V across the resistor are as
equal lengths and equal diameters are first given below;
connected in series and then parallel in a ^ ((ampamperes) 0 5 1.0
circuit across the same potential difference,
V (volts) 1.6 3.4 102
the ratio of heat produced in series and parallel
combinations would be
(a) 1:2 (b)2 :1 (c) 1 : 4 (d)4:1 Plot a graph between V and / and also calculate
the resistance of that resistor.
ol, (f) Let R be the resistance of each wire. The resistance
of both the wires will be same because they are of Sol.
same material and have same length and same
cross- sectional area. Equivalent resistance in series
= R + R = 2R
Heat produced, H =
R V2t
If wires arc connected in series, then Hs - ——
Equivalent resistance in parallel = —
Heat produced, Hp Resistance = Slope of graph
Ratio of heat produced, _ Y - intercept (10,2-01 V
V2t X- intercept (3,0- 0) A
1;4 Thus, the resistance of the resistor is 3 4 Q.
2Vlt 8 When a 12 V battery is connected across an
unknown resistor, there is a current of 2.5 mA
Thus, the ratio of H$ and Hp is 1:4. in the circuit. Find the value of resistance of
5 How is voltmeter connected in circuit to So/. Given, V = 12 V. / » 25 mA » 25 x 10"’ A. R = ?
measure the potential difference between the V
Resistance, R « -7 [by Ohm’s law]
o- rrr^-^v^ e choecteee m
to measure the potential difference between two pt W
Six 10*a
9 A battery of 9 V Is connected In series ent
with resistors of 0.2 £2, 0,3 Si, 0,4 Si, 0.5 Q and c of two —MAWV- ■wa / v - L . j j -
12 0, respectively. How much current wo resistanc 60
lfow through the 12 Si resistor? connectc Bo-
can scries,
Sol. The circuit diagram for the given system of resistors R' = 6 + 6= 12 Q. Now, 12 and6fir-
be drawn as below are connected in parallel.
02U 03 0 04 0 050 12 0 »2x6 72
_VWW—VWW—WM VWA VWvV- Equivalent resistance, /?eq
12 +6~ ig ~40
Several electric bulb designed to be
on a 220 V electric supply line are rated at p
W. How many lamps are connected in para(| 0
Total resistance, R — R\ + ^2 + R) + ^ + ^ with each other across two wires 220 V line the
= 0.2 Q +03 £2 + 0.4 SI + 0.5 S2 + 12 £2 maximum allowable current is 5 A?
= 13.4 Q V = 220
Given, Potential difference, V
Current through all resistors in series is the same. Power, P - 10 W; Current, I = 3 A
V Resistance of bulb,
Current through 12 £2 resistor — —
V2 220x220 „
9V /?' = — = = 4840 £2
: 0257 A P 10
13.4 £2 Since, bulbs are connected in parallel,
uivalent resistance (R)
How many 176Q resistors (in parallel) are Individual resistance (/?’)
required to carry 5 A on a 220 V line? Number of bulbs (n)
© R = Ra + Rb = 24 -»■ 24 = 48 fl
e o— RaR.AnB 24x24
12 £2
This combination is connected in series with a Ra + R* 48
V : 220 -.18.32 A
“""‘“WW^tecftOed u. eom— ^ R 12
tfl/fiOne Electricity 373
other 60 W-220 V are connected in parallel to (i) Tungsten has a high melting point (3380 °C). It
does not melt at high temperature. It retains as
electric mains supply. What current is drawn
much of heat generated, so that it becomes very
from the line, if supply voltage is 220 V?i hot and emits light. That is the reason why
Sol. Given, potential, V = 220 V 100W tungsten is used as filament of electric lamps.
Power, /j = 100W _MTrL {it) Conductors of electric heating devices are made
Power, P, = 60 W 60 W of alloys because alloys do not oxidise (burn)
l readily at high temperature unlike metals. Also,
/. Current, /, = — alloys have a greater resistivity (generally) as
1 V
compared to their constituent pure metals.
= 0.45 A -Q- («i) There are 2 reasons for not using series
~ 220 220V connections for domestic circuits,
Current, /, = — = = 0.27 A I. Devices of different current ratings cannot be
V 220 connected as the current is constant in series
Total current drawn, circuit.
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7. The maximum resistance which can be
made using four resistors each of
resistance — Q is
2 CBSE (All India) 2020 (a) (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iil) (d) (iv)
(a) 2d (b) 1 d (c) 2.5^A(d) 8 fi NCERT Exemplar
(b) While identifying the circuit, the following
Sol. U>) Given 4 resistors, each of resistance \I2L1 conditions must be satisfied.
As, we know, equivalent resistance in series,
(a) An ammeter is always connected in series.
= /?, + R, + R, + R4
1 1 1 1 (b) Voltmeter should be connected in parallel,
(c) The positive terminals of V and A should be
2 2 2 2
joined to positive terminal of the cell and their
1 J_ 1 1 1
and parallel, + —+— negative terminals should be joined to the
R, + R2 R} R4 negative terminal of the cell.
1 1 i 1 Thus, the above conditions are satisfied in case (ii).
1 1 1 1 A student carries out an experiment and
plots the V-I graph of three samples of
- or 0.125 d nichrome wire with resistances R), R^ and Kj
8 respectively as shown in figure. Which o( the
Hence, maximum resistance is 2d, when all 4 following is true?
resistors are connected in series.
8 What is the minimum resistance which can
be made using five resistors each of 1/5 d?
NCERT Exemplar
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Match the Columns
26 Match the items of Column l with.,
-®—^ of Column II and choose the corre t ^
given below. ctr
Voltage, V = 220 V
Column I
Current, /=?
1000 A. Resistance of Depends up^T
/ = ' 4.5 A conductor nature jDfjrtaterigi'
V 220 BResistance of
Thus, the rating of fuse-wire is 5 A which is greater semiconductor
than 4.5 A.
C. Resistivity (Hi) Increases within^
_ of_ temperature
Fill in the Blanks
D Superconductor (iv) Decreases with
T7 Electric current is the rate of How of
Sol Charge
18 Alloy of metals usually has greatest ) A —>(ii). B —> (in), C —>(iv), D —^(i)
resistivity than their constituent (b) A—>(iii), B —» (iv), C-Mi), D —
Sol. Metals (c) A—>(iii), B —> (i), C -Miv), D -^(ii)
19 Ohm's law is the relation between (d) A—>(iv), B-> (iii), C-Mi), D-*(U)
and (b) A—> (iii) Resistance of conductor increases ^
increase of temperature.
Sol. Electric current and potential difference
B —> (iv) Resistance of semiconductor decreases was
20 1 kilowatt hour = J decrease of temperature.
C (i) Resistivity of a material depends upends
Sol. 1 kilowatt hour - 1 kilowatt X 11 hour nature of material. It does not depend depend
: 1000 war 3600 S:dhxto^ on ds
dimensions of material.
True and False D —» (ii) Resistance of superconductor is zero.
? . 'f Wuhen thc lcngth of a wire is 33 Assertion Heater wire must have high
doubled/halved then us resistance also gets resistance and high melting point.
Reason If resistance is high, the electric
29. Assertion Alloys are commonly used in conductivity will be less.
electrical heating devices like electric iron
Sol. (d) Heater wire must have high resistance and high
and heater. melting point, because in series current remains
Reason Resistivity of an alloy is generally same, therefore^ according to joule’s law, H
higher than that of its constituent metals but = I1Rt, heat produced is high if R is high,
the alloys have lower melting points than their therefore melting point must be high, so that wire
constituent metals. may not melt with increase in temperature.
47 Find the minimum resistance that can be 49 Give two examples for application of
made using hve resistors each of (l/5)n heating effect of electric current.
Sol. Electric iron and electric bulb arc two examples for
NCERT Exemplar application of heating effect of electric current.
*-'■ M,n“nU"’ ra,SMnc' ^ob.a.ncd by c™ JL
resistors in parallel, R^ = _ _ ^5 _ 1 50 Nichrome is used to make the element of
electric heater. Why?
Sol. Nichrome is used to make the element of electric
M Two unequal resistances are connected in heater because it is an alloy with high resistivity and
parallel. If you are not provided with any high melting point.
other parameters (e g., Numerical values of
51 What do you understand by the term fuse in
1 and fi), what can be sard about the voltage an electric circuit?
drop across the two resistors?
Sol. Fuse is a safer)' device connected in series in an
CBSE SQP 2020-21 electric circuit which melts when the circuit gets
overloaded or short circuited.
SI unit. Calculate the amount of charge Work done, W = ?
that flows through a conductor when Potential difference, V ■Vb-Va
current of 5A flows through it for 2 min* = 230- 220= 10 V
CBSE2015 We know that, work done,
Sol. Electric current is defined as the rate of flow of electric W =Vxq
charge through any cross-section of a conductor. = 10x4 = 40]
SI unit of electric current is ampercfA).
3 What is meant by "electrical resistance" of
Given, / = 5A, t = 2 min = 2 X 60 s = 120 s, q = 1
a conductor? State how resistance of a
We know that, charge, q = Ixt
conductor is affected when
=> q = 5x120 = 600C
(/) a low current passes through it for a short
Thus, the amount of charge flowing through
conductor is 600 C.
(ii) a heavy current passes through it for
2 (i) State the relation between potential about 30 s. CBSE 2016
difference, work done and charge moved. Sol. Electrical resistance of a conductor may be defined as
(it) Calculate the work done in moving a the property of any substance to oppose the flow of
current through it.
charge of 4 C from a point at 220 V to a
point at 230 V. (?) The resistance of die conductor will increase
when a low current pass through it for a short
Sol. (i) The relation between potential difference, work duration.
done and charge moved is given by
Work done (if) The resistance of the conductor will decrease
Potential difference when a heavy current pass through it,
Charge moved
4 Read the following informations :
H |j) Resistivity of copper is lower than that of
aluminium which in turn is lower than that
(ii) Given, charge, q -4 C^ off onstantan.
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R _Pi p/x4 Sol. The given circuit is shown below
R nD2 K D1
. P* nD1
- * 4 12V
= - = 4.5
2 [■:R -
R^ = 9 + 4.5=13.5£2 4 4 R2
To get an equivalent a resistance of 6£2, we connect 3
resistors as *2 4 4 4 2
9ft 9ft
R-, = 2£2
So, the student should choose 2£2 resistor.
R” R4 + R5 2+2 2
=> /?" = 1ST2
The circuit can be redrawn as
In the above circuit, if the current reading in
R’ R3 R"
the ammeter A is 2A, what would be the
value of R,?
R,=7ft R3=60
Now, all the resistances are connected in series.
So. equivalent resistance of the circuit,
R=R’ + R} + R" R4=4 11
= 1 + 3 +1 = 5 £2
15 A circuit diagram is given as shown below; Calculate the total resistance and the total
2 ft
current in the circuit.
Sol. The resistances 5ft, 10ft and Rx arc in parallel
combination, so their equivalent resistance is
J_ I A l t l
R. 3 10 Rx
2RX + R, +10
Calculate 3R, +10 ...»
(i) the total effective resistance of the circuit. The circuit now becomes
(ii) the total current in the circuit.
(iii) the current through each resistor. -Awww
S*>1. Given, R, = 2 ft. R2 = 5 ft, 2A
R3 =10ft, 1/ = 10V 30V
w ^ :rvees,w^^:t^nhoedu .cdttt
Here, resistances 6£1, *; and 60 arc in senes, so 17 Two resistors with resistances 5 q
equivalent resistance of the circuit becomes 10 n respectively, are to be connects?
/{pq = 6 + 6 + Rf battery of emf 6 V How will y0u Codlo«
10 /?, [From Eq. (i)l the resistances to obtain >nnect
= 12 + (i) (a) minimum current?
3 *, +10
(b) maximum current?
46*i +120
(jj) Calculate the strength of the total,
3*, +10 CUfrent
in the circuit in the two cases.
Current drawn, / = V / *,;q Sol. (*) (a) For obtaining minimum
two resistors should be connected in scric
* ^ * 7
(b) For obtaining maximum current, thc
46*, +120 _ 30 resistors should be connected in parallel ^
3*,+10 2 (/*) /. Total current in the circuit,
(parallel combination)
* 92*, + 240 = 90*, + 300
V 6x3
= 1.8 A
* *, : — = 30 Q ~R
2 Total current in the circuit,
(series combinationi
Here, resistances Ri and *4 are in series, so their is V
— = 0.4 A
equivalent resistance is R' = *3 + *4 = 6 + 4 = 10 £2 The R 15
circuit is reduced to
if,= 7fi 18 You huhave two electric lamps having rating
r -WvVvVv-
40 W, 220 V and 60 W, 220 V. Which of the
two has a higher resistance? Give reason
:ion R'='\0
24 V .=.
r for your answer. If these two lamps are
connected to a source of 220 V, which will
T *2 and *' are in parallel, so
glow brighter? CBSE 2016
Now, resistances
equivalent resistance is Sol. We know that, power, P— —
R2R' 10x10 R
*2 + *' " 10 +10 20 Thus, resistance is inversely proportional to
power, i.e. higher power less will be resistance and
The circuit now becomes vice-versa. So, the electric lamp with power rating
40 W will have a higher resistance as compared to
-vwww- 60 W lamp.
Lamps with higher power will glow brighter.
Hence, lamp with 60 W power will glow brighter.
• n/4tOne Electricitv
20 #) !'„T^d r,' * m“ ' 3.50 to buy1,0 kWb ol electrical energy from the Sol. (j) According to Joule's law of heating, amount ofheat
produced in a resistor is
(a) directly proportional to square of current flowing
has a maxim um power of 2.0m kWCit7 through the resistor.
bMrd Hls oratorThe
generator produces energy at this
maximum power for 3 h. Calculate (b) directly proportional to resistance of the resistor.
how much It would cost to buy the HocR
same amount of energy from the main {c) directly proportional to time for which the
current flows through the resistor.
electricity board. H«t
(ill A student boils water in an electric Hence, H = I2Ri
kettle for 20 min. Using the same
mams supply, he wants to reduce the
boiling time of water. To do so should
he increase or decrease the length of
the heating element? Justify your
CBSE SQP (Term-11)
Sol ■ (>) Given, power of generator, P = 2 kW
Time, t = 3 h
Energy consumed, E = P xt
Here, potential, V = 220 V
= 2x3=6kWh Power, Px =100 W, P2 = 60 W
Since, cost of 1 kWh of electrical energy As, current drawn is given by
is ? 3.50.
_ Power (P)
Cost of 6 kWh of electrical energy: [From P=VT\
6 x 3.50
Voltage (V)
100 n.r
(ii) As we know that =
Heat, H ■I2Rt 220 = 0.45 A
Here, I is constant, so to reduce the boiling 60 0.27 A
~ 220
time (r), the R should be decreased.
/ Three 2 £2 resistors, A, B and C are connected
Since, R = p — or /? «/
A as shown in figure. Each of them dissipates
So, the length of the heating eh energy and can withstand a maximum
decreased. power of 18 W without melting. Find the
maximum current that can flow through the
21 The potential difference between two
three resistors.
terminals of an electric iron is 220V and —VWW—
the current flowing through its element is •—>—WWv 8
5A. Calculate the resistance and wattage A —WWv—
of the electric iron. CBSE 2016 c
NCERT Exemplar; CBSE 2010
' ol. The potential difference between two terminals of
an electric iron (V) = 220V, current flowing Sol. Given, resistance, R = 212
through its element (1) = 5 A. Maximum power, Pm U8W
Maximum current, lm
Therefore, resistance, R = - 4412
/ 5 As we know.
m m °f “wwwrte c h o e d u.conrM?
0iffOne Electricity 389
By Ohm’s law, V = l. x }R =» /. = —
’ 3P
ift Obtain an expression for the heat produced
^ a conductor when a voltage V is applied Power consumption of each bulb in sena
across it. Heating effect of electric current is combination.
desirable as well as undesirable, Explain fj =/,2(3/?) = (-^l xlR=y~*iR
jjiis statement. CBSE2016 V3 R) 9 R1
0) Will the bulb in the two circuits glow with 20 flj.fi, and #3 are three identical bulbs
the same brightness? Justify your answer. connected as shown in figure. .Ammeters
(«) Now, let one bulb in both the circuits get /!,, .-l2 and/l3 are connected as shown in
fused. Will the rest of the bulbs continue to figure.
glow in each circuit? Give reason.
NCERT Exemplar
(i) Let us assume that the resistance of each bulb be
R. The circuit diagram in two cases may be
drawn as given below:
—<$) Bi
Bi Bp S3
+ _ 03
d£YTtw, then the current of
iy ammeter A.