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Flooding” revealed that flood events have a cater a population of 100,000. Now the city
disproportionate impact in densely populated population has increased to 650,000.The city of
developing countries. In there, people who live in Colombo is also accommodates 500,000 daily
informal settlements are generally receives the floating population.
hardest hits by urban pluvial floods[4]. Figure 1 shows micro drainage channel, secondary
Presently in the world, more than 30% of the urban drainage channel and receiving water body of the
population lives in informal settlements [1, 3].They study area. due to the migration into city in the last
tend to occupy hazard prone areas in low-lying decades, the land area for canal reservations of the
lands. These settlements are obvious victims of city have been disturbed by illegal developments.
natural hazards especially flash floods that could this caused enormous difficulties in canal
attack a city without pre-warning[5].
maintenance and reduced in the carrying
Properly designed urban drainage infrastructure is
capacities of the canals. Rapid development
considered as a practical solution for flash floods [6-
8]. Regular maintenance of drainage system is happens within the municipality has created more
essential to ensure continued functioning of it. But impervious areas. It caused less infiltration and
most of the countries affected are least capable of increased surface runoff volumes. Dilapidated
financing their drainage infrastructure[9]. For many drainage infrastructure was unable to handle the
countries, investing in the urban drainage alone is increased volume of surface runoff. This situation
considered not an appropriate solution. In many leads to pluvial floods even after a small rainfall
instances, costly upgrading to systems have created event.
more issues than they had before[10, 11].
The following characteristics pertain to the urban
drainage system in compact cities can be clearly
identify as one of the least developed physical
infrastructures[7, 10]. These drainage systems are
commonly dilapidated and over hundreds of years
old [6]. Drainage is one of the least considered
factors in urban development[7, 12]. This tends to
minimize its efficiency and workability. Aside from this,
people still use to dump their solid waste into the
nearest open space and that will end up in a nearby
open drainage [7, 10, 13-17]. This tends to decrease
its drainage capacity[18]. As a result, these areas
become obvious victims of pluvial floods even in a
small rainfall event.
The objective of this paper is to examine the flash
flood handling ability of the drainage system in
compact and high-density cities. Thus, by developing
a novel technical solution, a “Smart Storm Drainage
Unit” to restore the dysfunctional zones of the
drainage system is discussed. The concept of “Smart
Storm Drainage Unit” considers the effects of
urbanization in storm drainage design. Hence, it
examines four novel parameters in urban drainage
management additional to the conventional design
a) Changing phase of the city structure/ urban
b) Consuming patterns and disposing habits of
c) Population agglomeration, floating and
commuting population
d) Imminent prone areas of new development
Stadium watta Kimbula ela and Nagalagam Street. commercial and residential establishments. It could
This is one of the densely populated low-income flow through an artificial or a natural drainage
residential areas of the city. It consists of dilapidated network till it leads to a wastewater treatment plant
drainage infrastructure which was constructed over or a receiving water body. The effluent water flow of
100 years ago, for a gridiron pattern settlement a waste water treatment plant too will ultimately end
development. This area is regularly affected by up in a receiving water body. Water in the receiving
pluvial floods and flash floods due to blockage in water body will again connect with the hydrological
micro drainage channels. The slum upliftment cycle. Therefore, operationally the urban drainage
program is currently in progress and the pattern of cycle can be defined as a continuous exchange of
urban settlement is about to be changed. storm water and wastewater between the
hydrological cycle and the urban drainage network.
Urban flash floods occur as a result of interruptions to
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW AND the urban drainage cycle. Haphazard dumping of
solid waste, floodplain encroachment and
reclamation of low-lying lands for development
purposes, etc. are identified as primary causal factors
2.0 Why do Drainage Systems Fail in Densely
of such interruptions in the cyclic process of drainage
Populated Compact Cities?
water. Due to these causal factors, the cyclical
process of the urban drainage network tends to
The combination of unplanned urbanization and
break at several points.
haphazardly dumped solid waste makes drainage a
complicated issue for compact cities. Urban
drainage systems in densely populated compact
cities are often filled with garbage and sediments
since people still use the urban drainage as a
garbage dumping space irrespective of the
economic status of the countries [7, 10]. Ironically
while solid waste produces flash floods by blocking
drainages, in the aftermath of any flood event;
another stock of solid waste is generated as flood
debris [16]. If not removed properly, this debris will act
as the immediate cause of the next flash flood.
Tucci [7] has studied urban drainage issues in
developing countries situated in the humid tropical
climate zone for twenty years. According to his
conclusions; densely populated Asian cities can be
vulnerable to flash floods due to unplanned
urbanization and floodplain encroachments. Many
of the urban squatter settlements are built in flood-
prone areas and steep hillsides. These shelters are
built out of improvised materials. They shift to Points of Interruption due to clogging
permanent building materials after some time, but
the shelters are still not provided with basic physical Figure 2 A Schematic representation of Urban Drainage
infrastructures such as water supply, waste disposal, Cycle
and drainage. These squatter settlements are usually
made without building approvals by the Municipal
authorities. Thus, Municipal authorities are not bound
2.2.1 Detecting System Breakdowns with Reference to
to provide infrastructure facilities for settlers in those
Urban Drainage Cycle
areas. Therefore, squatters obviously tend to dispose
of their waste in the nearest drain or open space.
Development oriented physical impacts cause
interruptions to the natural circulation of urban
2.2 Description of the Urban Drainage Cycle drainage water [20]. Here it is identified as "breaking
of the circulation process of urban drainage cycle".
The natural hydrological cycle starts with This subheading describes how to detect the system
precipitation. It forms raindrops and creates overland breakdowns of urban drainage cycle which caused
flow. Overland flow is subjected to initial loss by by development-oriented physical impacts.
evaporation. It again matters to ground recharge by
infiltration. The rest is conveyed as natural overland 2.2.2 How Impervious Cover Affects the Urban
flow. Drainage Cycle
The Urban drainage cycle begins with the natural
overland flow supplemented with a quantity of Imperviousness of the ground increases with the
synthetic wastewater discharges from industrial, development. As imperviousness increases,
88 Dedimuni Charmaine Nadeesha Chandraseana et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78:5–3 (2016) 85–90
approximate a crisp output from an input features This design will be fixed to restore the breakdown
based on fuzzy rules [25-27]. One of the application zones of a drainage network. This decision is based
of fuzzy logic system is to develop a cause and effect on the outcomes of Geographical Information
function for an urban drainage network. In order to System (GIS) maps and fussy sets evaluation of the
analyze the effects on urban drainage network sensitivity of the surrounding environment to the
caused by the factors belong to the immediate drainage network failures. It is expected that these
urban environment, for instance, population outputs will map the critical areas and attention
agglomeration, floating population, imminent prone need spots of the urban drainage network in a
areas of urban sprawl and waste disposing patterns compact city.
of settlers will be evaluating through fussy set theory. Smart Storm Drainage will be a location specific
In this application the fuzzy set theory and related entity. It is intended to design this considering
functions are used to illuminate the sensitivity factors following characteristics of the locality.
which are not expressed in numerical or deterministic
values. Markopoulos[26] has used this method to i. The pattern of flash flood occurrence
map uncertainty causing factors in urban water ii. The pattern of solid waste disposal
management. iii. Failing factors of existing storm drainage system
Fuzzy logic system consists of three basic elements
namely, fuzzier, inference engine and deffuzifier[28]. 3.1.1 Usability of the Design of the City of Colombo
Fuzzier: used to calculate the degree of membership Sri Lanka
of the input variable in the input sets.
Inference engine: is the mechanism used to integrate Technical details of present storm water drainage
the antecedent with consequent based on IF/THEN system in the city of Colombo, Sri Lanka as
statements. follows[29];
Deffuzifier: is the fuzzy element used to determine
the crisp output from the inference engine fuzzy Average rainfall November 2013 =375mm/h
output. Area of Colombo Municipal Council = 37 000 m2
Therefore, in this work, fuzzy logic system, in Matlab Runoff coefficient for urban area = 0.6
environment, will be applied to estimate the crisp
output and the output of the analysis will be used to Runoff volume = rainfall X Area X Runoff coefficient
generate GIS maps that indicate attention needed Runoff volume = 8,325,000 m3
areas of the urban drainage system.
Different levels of uncertainties or sensitivity factors This would amount to a volume of 8,325,000 m3 from
can be numerically expressed as fuzzy sets a 375 mm of rainfall.
Drainage capacity calculation;
X : A [0,1] (4)
Total length of drainage area
(4) of CMC is 350,000 m.
Where; µ(x): A = Membership function, “A” represent The drainage section is rectangular and the
the member of the universe x dimensions varying from 1m-0.6m. Average width
and depth of micro drain canal is about 1m.
3.0 UPCOMING RESEARCH AND PROSPECTS Drainage capacity = length X width X depth
= 350x 103 m x 1 m x 1 m
3.1 Development of Smart Storm Drainage Unit
= 350, 000 m3
The next phase of this research study is to develop Drainage capacity: Runoff volume = 0.0420
the solid waste resistant “Smart Storm Drainage Unit”. = 4%
The “Smart Storm Drainage Unit” is a novel method of
constructing a drain by adding an upper layer with a
suitably perforated bottom to collect and separate
solid wastes disposed into the drain. Thus, by ensuring 4.0 CONCLUSIONS
storm water handling capacity during excessive
precipitation events to provide adequate The existing drainage system of the Colombo
conveyance of storm water to prevent pluvial Municipal Council can only handle 4% of runoff
flooding. Solid waste collection layer is equipped with volume generated in the city. The rest is handled by
removable perforated containers to; natural retention systems. In general, storm drainage
a. collect and trap solid waste system and a retention system will be able to
b. function as manual collection points of solid accommodate 40% of the surface runoff volume.
waste Therefore, the natural retention system of the city
c. the inbuilt sensor technology used to inform cannot handle 36% of runoff as an individual entity.
garbage collectors/ neighborhood when the So, it is essential to increase the hydraulic capacity of
waste container need to be emptied existing urban drainage system.
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