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Related Literature

The capability of a single answer sheet being scored by optical and electronic scanning

techniques at a higher frequency rate can solve several dilemmas that have been experienced

by teachers long before the implementation of the new learning modalities. These dilemmas

only came to a highlight due to the overwhelming demand of tasks that has to be accomplished

in a limited amount of time which strongly affects the performance of the teachers in terms of

readiness, effectiveness and efficiency. The proposed effectiveness of an EvalBee application is

designed in such a manner that is easy to manipulate; no special training is required to operate

the system and is the most cost-effective method when the number of answer sheets to be

evaluated is very large and the need is regular. Exams that are conducted using OMR answer

sheet checking system addresses the problems of readiness, effectiveness and efficiency.

The generation of test cases/data is one of the most difficult aspects of research. While

there have been numerous studies in this area, there is still a need to move toward approaches

that can produce test cases/data solely from source code, as many software systems have only

the source code and no adequate documentation (Eduardo Rohde Eras et al.).

The significance of data management and analysis in educational research cannot be

overstated, as it is the foundation on which educational research decisions are made. Research

data management (RDM), according to Robson (2002), is gaining a lot of traction in the present

day, and rightly so.

Denzin and Lincoln (2000) states that it has been argued that computer programs can

separate the researcher from the data and thus negatively affect the analysis and perception of

meaning. Despite these criticisms, it was mentioned that there are many good computer

programs that can assist researchers in managing large data sets and the processes of filing,

storage, coding, and so on.

According to Victoria Kazz (2017), Manual processing is a difficult and mind-numbing

task. Data entry entails converting data from a physical to a digital state, as well as a variety of

other procedures. In today's world, where technology is at an all-time high, manual data entry is

becoming obsolete as everything is achieved through computers and advanced technology.

Through the use cutting-edge technology, it reduces and solves the problems of manual data


Every software development group tests its products, yet delivered software always has

defects. Test engineers strive to catch them before the product is released but they always

creep in and they often reappear, even with the best manual testing processes. Test Automation

software is the best way to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and coverage of your software


Manual software testing is performed by a human sitting in front of a computer carefully

going through application screens, trying various usage and input combinations, comparing the

results to the expected behavior and recording their observations. Manual tests are repeated

often during development cycles for source code changes and other situations like multiple

operating environments and hardware configurations.

According to Sergejs Cuhrajs(2021) With the ever-increasing demand to deploy high

quality and reliable software faster, automation has become an integral part of modern software

development. By seamlessly integrating your existing test automation efforts with Zephyr Scale,

you can benefit from faster releases, tighter collaboration, and better visibility of your testing


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