Nelson L. Passos Robert P. Light Virgil Andronache Edwin H.-M. Sha Midwestern State University
Nelson L. Passos Robert P. Light Virgil Andronache Edwin H.-M. Sha Midwestern State University
Nelson L. Passos Robert P. Light Virgil Andronache Edwin H.-M. Sha Midwestern State University
(1,1) (1,0)
(1,0) (1,-1)
(0,1) (0,1) (0,1) The SYNC command sends a signal to the named
processor, informing that its required data has been
computed and allowing it to initiate its execution
P0 P1 P2 sequence. Processor P0 triggers processor P1 after a first
iteration has been executed, while processor P1 will
(1,0) trigger P2, after 2 iterations of P0 (or one of P1). The non-
existence of (0,0) delays in the resulting graph shows that
the iterations can be run in parallel on the three-processor
Figure 4. Processor Dependency Graph for the IIR
problem 5. CONCLUSION
(0,1) (0,1) (0,1)
This paper has introduced an algorithm based on
multi-dimensional retiming that allows an arbitrary
(0,1) (0,1) number of processors to work in parallel on applications
P0 P1 P2 that make use of nested loop constructs. In particular, this
paper demonstrated the application of this new method to
the case of a two-dimensional image filter. The loops are
(1,-2) modeled in the form of multi-dimensional dependence
graphs, which are transformed to multi-processor
equivalent versions. Such loops are retimed in order to
Figure 5. Retimed PDG for the IIR problem. guarantee fully parallel execution of the nested loop.
After retiming, the modified code for each processor is
After applying the multi-dimensional retiming to the easily generated. A synchronization signal sent between
processor dependency graph, the PDG changes to the processors guarantees the availability of initial data and
structure presented in figure 5. In this PDG, P0 has been correct execution of the iterations distributed in different
retimed twice using the retiming function (0,1), resulting processors. The theory and basis for the algorithm were
in an overall retiming value r(P0) = (0,2). P1 has been presented and an example was shown illustrating the use
retimed once, with the overall retiming r(P1) = (0,1). P2 of the algorithm.
did not undergo retiming and therefore its retiming value
is r(P2) = (0,0). These retiming values introduce multi-
dimensional delays in all edges representing dependencies
between processors. These new delays represent stored
This work was partially supported by the National
data that allow the parallel execution of the tasks assigned
Science Foundation under Grants No. MIP 95-01006 and
to the different processing elements. The code for
MIP 97-04276.
processors 0 and 1 under the stated conditions becomes:
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