Article 1582. Primary Obligations of The Vendee
Article 1582. Primary Obligations of The Vendee
Article 1582. Primary Obligations of The Vendee
c. When after the lapse of a reasonable time following the delivery, he retains the goods
w/o complaining to the seller or w/o intimating that he has rejected them.
Pactum commissorium - This is an agreement between the vendor and the vendee in the
sale of an immovable that rescission of the contract shall of right take place if the vendee
fails to pay the price at the time agreed. This agreement is not valid. Accordingly, the
vendee may pay even after the expiration of the period as long as no demand for rescission
has been made upon him either judicially or by notarial act. After the demand, the court
may not grant him a new term.
2. Stoppage in Transitu-
- a right that belongs only to the seller and is only valid between the seller and the
buyer. When an unpaid seller has abandoned ownership of the goods and the buyer
has become insolvent, the right is a helpful "self-help" remedy for enforcing payment.
a. Insolvent buyer
b. Seller must Surrender the negotiable document of title, if any
c. Seller must bear the Expenses of delivery of the goods after the exercise of the right.
e. Seller must either actually take possession of the goods sold or give Notice of his claim to
the carrier or other person in possession
e. Goods must be in Transit
f. Unpaid seller
EXAMPLE: A sells 100 Kgs of RICE to B but delivery will be two stages. A delivers 50 Kgs rice
in first week of January and will deliver remaining in last week of January. Later on, he
comes know that B has become insolvent. A can stop delivery of remaining in transit and
can resume the same on the payment of price.
- The seller can exercise his right of lien when the buyer is in default irrespective of his
solvency whereas right of stoppage in transit arises only when the buyer has become
- Right of Lien can be exercised by the seller only when the goods are in actual/physical
possession of the seller whereas right of stoppage in transit becomes available when the
seller has parted with possession and the goods are in the custody of an independent
- The right of lien comes to an end once the seller hands over the possession of the goods to
the carrier for the purpose of transmission to the buyer whereas right of stoppage in transit
becomes available when the seller has parted with possession and the goods are in the
custody of an independent carrier/bailee.
- The right of lien implies retaining the possession of the goods while the right of stoppage
implies regaining possession of the goods