Passing -infrequently passes -sometimes makes -mostly makes quick, -constantly makes
to teammates or quick, accurate accurate passes to quick, accurate
partners when playing passes to teammates teammates or passes to teammates
-passes are or partners. partners. or partners.
inaccurate and -uses the different -uses different throws -uses correct form all
incomplete forms of throwing that were taught the time
-throws with two taught -ball frequently goes -eyes are always up
hands -ball goes towards the to the target and looking at the
target majority of the target
time -passes always go to
the target
Catching -cannot catch the ball -mostly uses one -at times uses both -continuously uses
at all hand when receiving hands effectively both hands
-incorrect form when the ball from a when receiving the successfully when
attempting to catch teammate or partner, ball from a teammate receiving the ball
the ball and often drops the or partner from a teammate or
ball partner.
Shooting -shoots with two -shoots with one hand -shoots with one hand -shoots with one hand
hands without without stepping -steps with the -steps with the
stepping towards towards their target opposite foot opposite foot
their target -uses enough force to -uses some force to -can always make the
-doesn't use enough make it all the way to make it to the target throw keeping proper
force to make it all the target half of the the majority of the distance to the goal
the way to the target time. time. -ball normally goes in
-rarely follows -ball sometimes goes the goal
through into the goal
Use of Strategy -seldom uses strategy -sometimes -frequently -continuously
on either side of the implements strategies implements strategies implements strategies
ball during game during game play during game
-not sure when on -is aware of when to -knows when to be on -plays on offense and
offense or defense play on offense and offense and defensive defensive sides of the
-inadequate use of defensive sides of the sides of the ball ball
teamwork concepts ball -uses teamwork and -great with teamwork
and communication -rarely uses communication. and communication
during games teamwork and -finds delight in -enjoys playing the
-does not exert effort communication. playing the game game and constantly
-minimal effort offers their best