Constructing A Simple Distillation Apparatus To Purify Seawater: A High School Chemistry Experiment
Constructing A Simple Distillation Apparatus To Purify Seawater: A High School Chemistry Experiment
Constructing A Simple Distillation Apparatus To Purify Seawater: A High School Chemistry Experiment
Fresh water is defined as containing less than 1000 mg/L of
salts or total dissolved solids (TDS).2 Thermal desalination OVERVIEW OF LABORATORY EXPERIMENT
(distillation) has been used for hundreds of years to produce
fresh water, and large-scale municipal drinking water distillation This exercise centers on the fundamental concept of distillation,
plants began to operate during the 1950s.3 In this exercise, which ties in closely with the ideas of phase changes and
students research the distillation process and design their own solution separation. Distillation is a method of separating a
water purification systems. mixture based on volatility of components in a boiling liquid.
This inquiry-based experiment was developed to aid student Distillation is a physical operation, not a chemical reaction,
understanding of phase changes and solution separation and to making it ideal for an engineering design exercise in a chemistry
spark an interest in chemical engineering by applying laboratory. In the experiment, students design and build an
fundamental concepts to a real-world problem. Student engineered system to perform a distillation using the concept of
exposure to the engineering design process before college has solution separation to “purify contaminated water” or remove
shown to direct greater numbers of students to the engineering salt from water. The laboratory is conducted over five class
disciplines, particularly underrepresented minorities and periods: the first period encompasses the lecture about water
females.4 Application of fundamental concepts to real-world purification and creation of student groups; the second period
issues is an engagement tool that captures the interest of all and continues the discussion about the components of a water
is distinctly applicable to engineering and chemistry. purification system and troubleshooting student designs; the
Specifically, application of this laboratory captures strand 1, third and fourth periods include the setup of the water
inquiry processes, of the Arizona Science Standards including
observation, scientific testing and analysis, and communication Published: January 27, 2014
© 2014 American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc. 554 | J. Chem. Educ. 2014, 91, 554−556
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment
Figure 1. (A) Example of student distillation apparatus and (B) example recreated from the literature.7
mass) to distill in their apparatus, and 0.1 M silver nitrate
solution to test the distillate upon culmination. In the presence
of salt, silver nitrate will generate a precipitate, visually MATERIALS AND PROCEDURE
indicating to the student that their distillate is not free of the Common chemistry glassware is used in this laboratory
salt. experiment. At least two 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks or beakers,
rubber stoppers, and one hot plate should be available per
student group. Thinking outside the common experimental
setup is especially encouraged in this laboratory, so other
Students are first introduced to the need for clean water materials (ice packs, plastic or metal tubing, etc.) should also be
throughout the world, what contaminants exist in water, and available for student use. Instructors also need to purchase at
the difficulty in purifying water. Then phase changes and least 100 cm of glass tubing per group and a glasscutter for use.
solution separation are discussed, and pictures of distillation Bunsen burners are provided to students along with relevant
apparatuses used by second-year engineering students are instruction and demonstration of the proper way to bend glass
shown (introductory notes are available in Supporting tubing.
Information). Finally, students form imaginary companies
consisting of groups of four individuals. The lecture by the
instructor and formation of the student groups is designed to
Students are given one single, regular period to build the water
be done in the first class period. Students are provided a purification systems and one block period to do the experiment.
handout describing the requirements of the experiment. An example of a student distillation apparatus (version found
555 | J. Chem. Educ. 2014, 91, 554−556
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment
by students in literature and student rendering of their own The most cited criticism of the laboratory was the perceived
apparatus) and data table are provided in Figure 1 and Table 1, lack of instructor guidance. This can be attributed to limited
respectively. exposure of students to an inquiry-based laboratory process,
As expected, students were not able to fully separate the salt and the majority of students with this criticism also reported
from the water by their crude distillation apparatus. This was that they liked the ability to be creative in the construction of
confirmed by the addition of silver nitrate to the resulting their distillation setup.
solution. It should be noted that based on the cleanliness of the
vessels used, a more dilute silver nitrate solution may be used to
avoid a positive result from residual chloride on glassware.
To increase student exposure to the engineering design process,
Generation of the precipitate silver chloride showed the it was our intent to develop an engaging laboratory experience
presence of remaining salt as a visual aid. Emphasis here was applying chemistry concepts to a real-world problem. Early
not on the completeness of the distillation but on critical exposure of students to critical thinking and concept
evaluation of the system. Students were encouraged to think application in chemistry will benefit them in college and
about possible sources of contamination (clean glassware, beyond. This laboratory exercise serves to expose students in
tubing, etc.), as well as to report their observations during the engineering design process using their knowledge of
testing. For example, if students observed salt water bumping solution separation chemistry as a backbone. Students were
over into the distillate, instructors emphasized this point during able to design an apparatus to distill water from salt water, build
discussion. and test their design, and critically evaluate the results. General
injuries to the students. Hot plates are used to heat the salt
water, so care should be taken to avoid contact with the hot
surface. All proposed experimental set should be approved by ASSOCIATED CONTENT
the instructor prior to construction to ensure they are not *
S Supporting Information
closed systems. A closed system will result in pressure buildup Student laboratory handout; lecture notes; student survey. This
and be an explosion hazard. The chemicals used are safe (water material is available via the Internet at
and salt).
(2) research relevant to the objective, (3) diagrams and data
tables from the construction and testing of their distillation ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
apparatus, (4) information regarding the efficiency and
limitations of their design, and (5) a discussion of why their The authors would like to acknowledge support from the NSF
GK-12 program, grant no. 0947836.
design should be used over others. Students work outside of
class to create the portfolio. Students then make a presentation
in class to their peers and the instructor that details the
construction and testing of their distillation apparatus. (1) Service, R. F. Desalination Freshens Up. Science 2006, 313
(5790), 1088−1090.
(2) U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Sandia National Laboratories.
STUDENT RESPONSE TO THE LABORATORY Desalination and Water Purification RoadmapA Report of the
EXERCISE Executive Committee. DWPR Program Report #95; U.S. Department
Following the exercise, students were instructed to complete a of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation and Sandia National
brief survey to express their opinions of the experiment. Overall Laboratories: Denver, CO, 2003.
(3) Gleick, P. H. The World’s Water 2006−2007, The Biennial Report
student responses were favorable, and the majority of students
on Freshwater Resources, 1st ed; Island Press: Chicago, IL, 2006.
indicated that they found the laboratory to be highly (4) Sheppard, S.; Jenison, R. Examples of Freshman Design
informative, beneficial, exciting, and enjoyable. Students Education. Int. J. Eng. Educ. 1997, 13 (4), 190−204.
reported that “Application of the engineering design process (5) Arizona Department of Education, Standards Based Teaching and
allowed us to creatively solve the problem. We really had to Learning, “The Science Standard Articulated by Grade Level.” http://
analyze every step to build something that would work.” In (accessed Dec
response to the question “The one or two things I most 2013).
enjoyed with this lab were”, a student wrote: “Actually seeing a (6) Distillation.” (accessed Dec
process which can be used in everyday life take place before 2013).
me.” Given the question “I felt this lab helped me understand (7) Ellervik, U.; Grudberg, H. A. Microscale Vacuum Distillation
Apparatus for Simple Separations. J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76 (7), 986.
phase changes. Why or why not?” a student responded, “Yes,
because the research and hands on experiment allowed me to
fully understand the process that is involved.”
556 | J. Chem. Educ. 2014, 91, 554−556