Creative Thinking For Business
Creative Thinking For Business
Creative Thinking For Business
• 90 percent of the world’s data has been created in the last couple of years.
• More than 600new websites are created every minute.
• Around 9 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2022.
Design thinking is a process of solving problem creatively. its really popular because
It encourages and organization to focus on the people they’re creating for, may lead
to better products and services .The process starts with action and understanding
the correct questions which is about simple mindset shifts and tackle problems from
a different direction. Design thinking can help your team or organization in many
ways and in different sectors such as follows:
- Reduce the risk associated with launching new ideas, products and services.
- Create solution which are revolutionary
- Learn
- Understand the unmet needs of the people youre creating for like clients,
user, customer, etc.
- Turn problems into questions
- Research to understand the past, present and future
Value has many different meanings. For some it means price and for others
it may sounds like a benefit. value is the perception of what a product or
service is worth to a customer . Value changes during the use of a product or
during the customer journeyy. To create real value, you must recognize what
a customer perceives as value.
- You must understand how the customer views your competition’s product.
- Giving a price that makes the customer believe that s/he is getting more than
s/he pays for the benefits s/he gets versus competitive offers.
- Making it convenient for the customer to buy, and how he wants to buy and
- The key to creating wealth is by offering better quality than your competitors
at the same price.
When you begin thinking of increasing the speed at which you deliver your
product or service, improving the quality, add value at every stage of
production, giving better customer service and trends and finding ways to
reduce the actual cost, you will be at AW at the number of ideas and
possibilities that exist around you.
Q.3 .
Problem Structure:
We can say that the bad connection is caused by:
1. Bad connection route.
2. Poor state/country.
3. Poor quality cable line.
Problem Strategy:
To solve this problem there are some possible ways
Stage 2:Discover
Problem statement:
Internet issues are one of the most important problems faced in Nepal in the recent years
and there seems to be a few possible solutions.
Possible solutions:
- Adopt digital laws to ensure greater confidence among supplier and users
of broadband services.
- Increase bandwidth speed for their local ISP.
- Use of better cable line connections.
Selection process:
1. Use of better cable line connection.
2. Adopt digital laws to ensure greater confidence among supplier and users
of broadband services.
3. Government most decide high bandwidth speed they will allocate to their local
Finally. Its time to implement the chosen solution.