Astro MCQ Answers Multiple Choice Questions
Astro MCQ Answers Multiple Choice Questions
Astro MCQ Answers Multiple Choice Questions
. Skills, Chapter 1
1. Which of the following is NOT a general difference between a planet and a star?
A. Planets are smaller than stars.
B. Planets are dimmer than stars.
C. All planets are made of rock and all stars are made of gas.
D. Planets orbit stars, while stars orbit the center of the galaxy. C
2. Our solar system consists of _________.
A. the Sun and several nearby stars, as well as the planets and other objects that orbit these
B. the Sun and all the objects that orbit it
C. a few hundred billion stars, bound together by gravity
D. the Sun and the nine planets, and nothing else B
3. A typical galaxy is a _________.
A. system consisting of one or a few stars orbited by planets, moons, and smaller objects
B. nearby object orbiting a planet
C. large, glowing ball of gas powered by nuclear energy
D. collection of a few hundred million to a trillion or more stars, bound together by gravity
E. relatively small, icy object orbiting a star D
4. Which of the following best describes what we mean by the universe?
A. A vast collection of stars that number as many as the grains of sand on all the beaches on
B. All the galaxies in all the superclusters
C. The sum total of all matter and energy
D. The universe is another name for our Milky Way Galaxy. C
5. What do astronomers mean by the Big Bang?
A. The event that marked the beginning of the expansion of the universe
B. The explosion of a massive star at the end of its life
C. A gigantic explosion that blew all the galaxies in the universe to smithereens
D. The event that marked the birth of our solar system A
6. What do we mean when we say that the universe is expanding?
A. Everything in the universe is gradually growing in size.
B. The statement is not meant to be literal; rather, it means that our knowledge of the universe
is growing.
C. Average distances between galaxies are increasing.
D. Average distances are increasing between star systems within galaxies. C
7 . Based on observations of the universal expansion, the age of the universe is about
A. 14,000 years
B. 14 trillion years
C. 14 billion years
D. 14 million years C
8. A television advertisement claiming that a product is light-years ahead of its time does not
make sense because _________.
A. a light-year is an astronomically large unit, so a product could not possibly be so advanced
B. light-years can only be used to talk about light
C. it uses "light-years" to talk about time, but a light-year is a unit of distance
D. it doesn't specify the number of light-years C
9. The term observable universe refers to _________.
A. the portion of the universe that is not hidden from view by, for example, being below the
B. that portion of the universe that we have so far photographed through telescopes
C. the portion of the universe that can be seen by the naked eye
D. that portion of the universe that we can see in principle, given the finite age of the universe D
10 . On a scale in which the distance from the Sun to the Earth is about 15 meters, the distance
from the Earth to the Moon is _________.
A. small enough to fit within your hand
B. about 5 meters
C. about 30 meters
D. about 1 meter A
11 . On a scale where the Sun is about the size of a grapefruit and the Earth is about 15 meters
away, how far away are the nearest stars besides the Sun?
A. About the distance across 50 football fields
B. About the distance across the state of Delaware
C. About the distance across the United States
D. 100 meters C
Concept, Chapter 1
1. Which of the following has your "cosmic address" in the correct order?
A. You, Earth, solar system, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Local Supercluster, universe
B. You, Earth, Local Group, Local Supercluster, solar system, Milky Way Galaxy, universe
C. You, Earth, solar system, Local Group, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Supercluster, universe
D. You, Earth, solar system, Local Group, Local Supercluster, Milky Way Galaxy, universe
E. You, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, solar system, Local Group, Local Supercluster, universe A
2. Using the ideas discussed in the text, in what sense are we "star stuff"?
A. Movie stars and other people are all made of the same stuff, so we all have the potential to
be famous.
B. Our overall chemical composition is about the same as that of stars.
C. Nearly every atom from which we are made was once inside of a star.
D. We could not survive without light from our star, the Sun. C
3. How are galaxies important to our existence?
A. Without galaxies, the universe could not be expanding.
B. Deep in their centers, galaxies created the elements from which we are made.
C. Galaxies recycle material from one generation of stars to the next, and without this recycling
we could not exist.
D. Without galaxies, there could not have been a Big Bang. C
4. When we look at an object that is 1,000 light-years away we see it _________.
A. as it is right now, but it appears 1,000 times dimmer
B. looking just the same as our ancestors would have seen it 1,000 years ago
C. as it was 1,000 years ago
D. as it was 1,000 light-years ago C
5. Suppose we look at two distant galaxies: Galaxy 1 is twice as far away as Galaxy 2. In that
case _________.
A. we are seeing Galaxy 1 as it looked at an earlier time in the history of the universe than
Galaxy 2
B. we are seeing Galaxy 1 as it looked at a later time in the history of the universe than Galaxy
C. Galaxy 1 must be twice as big as Galaxy 2
D. Galaxy 2 must be twice as old as Galaxy 1 A
6. Suppose we make a scale model of our solar system, with the Sun the size of a grapefruit.
Which of the following best describes what the planets would look like?
A. They are all much smaller than the Sun. Six planets are located within a few centimeters of
the Sun, and three planets are located at distances ranging up to about a meter.
B. The planets range in size from about the size of a marble to the size of a baseball. They are
spread out over a region about the size of a football field.
C. They are all much smaller than the Sun. Four planets are within about 20 meters of the Sun,
while the remaining planets are spread much farther apart, with Pluto more than a half a
kilometer from the Sun.
D. They are all much smaller than the Sun and are spread out evenly over a distance about the C
length of a large classroom.
7. How long would it take to count all the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy at a rate of one star per
A. Several weeks
B. Several years
C. Several thousand years
D. Several days C
8. The total number of stars in the observable universe is about _________.
A. 100 billion
B. the same as the number of grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth
C. the same as the number of grains of sand in a large sandbox
D. the same as the number of atoms that make up the Earth B
9. Where is our solar system located within the Milky Way Galaxy?
A. In the halo of the galaxy
B. Roughly halfway between the center and the edge of the visible disk of the galaxy
C. Very near the center of the galaxy
D. At the far edge of the galaxy's visible disk B
10 . If we imagine the history of the universe compressed into one year, the dinosaurs became
extinct _________.
A. yesterday
B. about 3 weeks ago
C. about 6 months ago
D. about an hour ago A
11 . Relative to the age of the universe, how old is our solar system?
A. It is between about one-quarter and one-half the age of the universe
B. It is between about 5% and 10% as old as the universe.
C. It is about the same age as the universe because it formed shortly after the Big Bang.
D. It is about 1% as old as the universe. A
12 . How do the speeds at which we are moving with the Earth's rotation and orbit compare to
the speeds of more familiar objects?
A. The Earth's rotation is carrying most people around the axis at about the speed of a car on
the freeway, and the Earth's orbit is carrying us around the Sun at about the speed of a
commercial jet.
B. The Earth's rotation is carrying most people around the axis at about the speed at which the
Space Shuttle orbits the Earth, and the Earth's orbit is carrying us around the Sun at nearly
Skills, Chapter 2
1. About how many stars are visible to the naked eye on a clear, dark night away from city
A. Several million
B. A few dozen
C. The angular distance between those two houses in the distance is 30 degrees.
D. You can use your outstretched hand against the sky to estimate angular sizes and angular B
7. Which of the following correctly describes the meridian in your sky?
A. A half-circle extending from your horizon due east, through your zenith, to your horizon due
B. A half-circle extending from your horizon due north, through your zenith, to your horizon
due south
C. The point directly over your head
D. A half-circle extending from your horizon due east, through the north celestial pole, to your B
horizon due west
8. The point directly over your head is called _________.
A. the North Star
B. the meridian
C. the zenith
D. the celestial pole C
9. Stars that are visible in the sky on any clear night of the year, at any time of the night, are
called _________.
A. seasonal
B. bright
C. celestial
D. circumpolar D
10 . We describe a location on the Earth's surface by stating its _________.
A. meridian and longitude
B. latitude and longitude
C. latitude and direction
D. altitude and direction (or azimuth) B
11 . Which of the following correctly describes a relationship between the sky and your location
on Earth?
A. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, the altitude of the celestial equator equals your
B. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, the altitude of the north celestial pole equals your
C. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, the altitude of the north celestial pole equals your
D. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, the longitude of the north celestial pole is C
circumpolar, and therefore crosses your zenith at the meridian.
12 . Which of the following best describes why we have seasons on Earth?
A. The tilt of the Earth's axis causes the northern hemisphere to be closer to the Sun than the
southern hemisphere (giving rise to summers in the northern hemisphere and winters in the
southern hemisphere), and vice versa.
B. The Earth's elliptical orbit means we are closer to the Sun and therefore receive more
intense sunlight at some times of year than at others.
C. The tilt of the Earth's axis causes different portions of the Earth to receive more or less
direct sunlight at different times of year.
D. The varying speed of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun gives us summer when we are C
moving fastest and winter when we are moving slowest.
13 . Each part below describes how a few astronomical phenomena are related to time periods.
Which list is correct? (Careful: some lists are partially correct.)
A. The Earth's rotation defines a day. The Sun's rotation defines a week. The Moon's rotation
defines a month. The Earth's orbit defines a year.
B. The Earth's rotation defines a day. The saros cycle of eclipses defines a month. The Earth's
orbit defines a year. The Earth's cycle of axis precession takes 26,000 years.
C. The Earth's rotation defines a day. The cycle of the Moon's phases takes about a month. The
Earth's orbit defines a year. The Earth's cycle of axis precession takes 26,000 years.
D. The Earth's rotation defines a day. The cycle of the Moon's phases takes about a week. The C
Earth's orbit defines a year. The Earth's cycle of axis precession defines a month.
14 . If we have a new moon today, when we will have the next full moon?
A. In about 1 week
B. In about 6 months
C. In about 2 weeks
D. In about a month C
15 . We cannot see a new moon in our sky because _________.
A. it is above the horizon during the daytime
B. a new moon is quite near the Sun in the sky
C. no sunlight is illuminating the Moon
Concept, Chapter 2
1. Which of the following statements about the celestial sphere is NOT true?
A. The Earth is placed at the center of the celestial sphere.
B. The "celestial sphere" is just another name for our universe.
C. The celestial sphere does not exist physically.
D. When we look in the sky, the stars all appear to be located on the celestial sphere. B
2. An angle of 1 arcsecond is _________.
A. about the width of a finger held at arm's length
B. about the width of your fist held at arm's length
C. less than the thickness of a hair held at arm's length
D. slightly more than the width of a basketball held at arm's length C
3. When traveling north from the United States into Canada, you'll see the North Star (Polaris)
getting _________.
C. The region of the Earth where the Sun never rises on the summer solstice would be larger
(extending farther south) than it is now.
D. Summers and winters would be more severe (for example, hotter and colder, respectively) B
than they are now.
9. If our year were twice as long (that is, if Earth took twice as many days to complete each
orbit around the Sun), but Earth's rotation period and axis tilt were unchanged, then _________.
A. the cycle of precession would take 13,000 years instead of 26,000 years
B. the four seasons would each be twice as long as they are now
C. the Earth would not have seasons
D. stars would take twice as long to rise and set B
10 . How does the Earth's varying distance from the Sun affect our seasons?
A. It is responsible for the fact that the seasons are opposite in the Northern and Southern
B. It doesn't --- Earth's orbital distance plays no obvious role in the seasons.
C. It causes the seasons to be more extreme than they would be if the Earth's distance from
the Sun were always the same.
D. It makes summer warmer in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. B
11 . Suppose you live in the United States and you see a crescent moon in your evening sky
tonight. What will a friend in South America see tonight?
A. Your friend will see a first quarter moon.
B. Your friend won't see the Moon tonight, because it is up only in the morning.
C. Your friend will see a gibbous moon.
D. Your friend will also see a crescent moon. D
12 . Suppose it is full moon. What phase of the Earth would someone on the Moon see at this
A. New Earth
B. First quarter Earth
C. The Earth does not go through phases as seen from the Moon.
D. Full Earth A
13 . It's 6 am and the Moon is at its highest point in your sky (crossing the meridian). What is the
Moon's phase?
A. Full
B. Third quarter
C. First quarter
D. New B
14 . You observe a full moon rising at sunset. What will you see 6 hours later?
A. A full moon on or near your meridian
B. A third quarter moon
C. A first quarter moon
D. A waning gibbous moon A
15 . All of the following statements are true. Which one explains the reason that there is NOT a
solar eclipse at every new moon?
A. The orbital plane of the Moon is tilted slightly (by about 5 degrees) to the ecliptic plane.
B. The Moon is only about 1/4 as large as Earth in diameter.
C. The Moon goes through a complete cycle of phases about every 29 1/2 days.
D. The nodes of the moon's orbit precess with an 18-year period. A
16 . For most of history, the lack of observable stellar parallax was interpreted to mean that
A. stars were too far away for parallax to be measured with available technology
B. Galileo's theories of the universe were essentially correct
C. the Earth is stationary at the center of the universe
D. stars must all lie at the same distance from Earth, on the celestial sphere C
17 . During the period each year when we see Mars undergoing apparent retrograde motion in
our sky, what is really going on in space?
A. Mars is moving around the Sun in the opposite direction from which Earth is moving around
the Sun.
B. The Earth and Mars are getting closer together.
C. Earth is catching up with and passing by Mars in their respective orbits.
D. Earth and Mars are on opposite sides of the Sun. C
18 . Suppose you see a photo showing Jupiter half in sunlight and half in shadow (that is, a first
quarter Jupiter). This photo might have been taken by _________.
A. the Galileo spacecraft, when it was orbiting Jupiter
B. the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico
C. the Hubble Space Telescope (which orbits Earth)
D. the Keck telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii A
Skills, Chapter 3
1. What practical value did astronomy offer to ancient civilizations?
A. It allowed them to predict eclipses with great accuracy. A.
B. It helped them keep track of time and seasons, and it was used by some cultures for B.
C. It helped them understand our cosmic origins. C.
D. It helped them find uses for ancient structures like Stonehenge. D. B
2. Scientific thinking is _________.
A. based on everyday ideas of observation and trial-and-error experiments
B. completely different from any other type of thinking
C. a difficult process that only a handful of people can do well
D. an ancient mode of thinking first invented in Egypt A
3. The names of the seven days of the week are based on _________.
A. the names of the seven planets closest to the Sun
B. the seven naked-eye objects that appear to move among the constellations
C. the names of prophets in the Bible
D. the seven most prominent constellations in the summer sky B
4. Ptolemy was important in the history of astronomy because he _________.
A. developed the first scientific model of the universe
B. was the first to create a model of the solar system that placed the Sun rather than the Earth
at the center
C. was the first to believe that all orbits are perfect circles
D. developed a model of the solar system that made sufficiently accurate predictions of D
planetary positions to remain in use for many centuries
5 . The ancient Greeks get a lot of attention for their contributions to science because
A. they were the only ancient culture that kept written records of their astronomical
B. they were the first people known to try to explain nature with models based on reason,
mathematics, and geometry, without resort to the supernatural
C. the books of every other culture were lost in the destruction of the library of Alexandria
D. they were the first people to realize that Earth is a planet orbiting the Sun B
B. An ellipse with a large eccentricity looks much more elongated (stretched out) than an
ellipse with a small eccentricity.
C. The focus of an ellipse is always located precisely at the center of the ellipse.
D. The semimajor axis of an ellipse is half the length of the longest line that you can draw C
across an ellipse.
12 . Which of the following is not one of, nor a direct consequence of, Kepler's Laws?
A. As a planet moves around its orbit, it sweeps out equal areas in equal times.
B. A planet or comet in a noncircular orbit travels faster when it is nearer to the Sun and
slower when it is farther from the Sun.
C. More distant planets orbit the Sun at slower speeds.
D. The force of attraction between any two objects decreases with the square of the distance
between their centers.
E. The orbit of each planet about the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus. D
13 . Scientific models are used to _________.
A. present the solar system to the general public
B. prove that past paradigms no longer hold true
C. make specific predictions that can be tested through observations or experiments
D. make miniature representations of the universe C
14 . In science, a broad idea that has been repeatedly verified so as to give scientists great
confidence that it represents reality is called _________.
A. a theory
B. a Ptolemaic model
C. a hypothesis
D. a paradigm A
Concept, Chapter 3
1. Suppose that the planet Uranus were much brighter in the sky, so that it was as easily visible
to the naked eye as Jupiter or Saturn. Which one of the following statements would most likely be
true in that case?
A. Its brightness would make it possible to read by starlight at night.
B. Its slow motion through the sky would have led it to be named after the Goddess of
C. A week would have eight days instead of seven.
D. Its gravity would cause the tides to be much higher than they actually are.
E. The discovery that the Earth is a planet going around the Sun would have come hundreds of A
years earlier.
2. How does a 12-month lunar calendar differ from our 12-month solar calendar?
A. It does not have seasons. F.
B. It has about 11 fewer days. G.
C. Its new year always occurs in February instead of on January 1. H.
D. It uses a 23-hour rather than a 24-hour day. I. B
3. What do the structures of Stonehenge, the Templo Mayor, the Sun Dagger, and the Big Horn
Medicine Wheel all have in common?
A. They were all built on the orders of ancient kings. A.
B. They all can be used as lunar calendars. B.
C. They were all used by ancient peoples for astronomical observations. C.
D. They were all places used for religious sacrifice. D. C
4. How did the Ptolemaic model explain the apparent retrograde motion of the planets?
A. It held that this motion occurs as Earth passes by another planet in its orbit of the Sun.
B. It held that sometimes the planets moved backwards along their circular orbits.
C. It held that the planets moved along small circles that moved on larger circles around the
Earth, and that the combined motion sometimes resulted in backward motion.
D. It held that the planets resided on giant spheres that sometimes turned clockwise and C
sometimes turned counterclockwise.
5. When Copernicus first created his Sun-centered model of the universe, it did not lead to
substantially better predictions of planetary positions than the Ptolemaic model. Why not?
A. Copernicus used perfect circles for the orbits of the planets.
B. Copernicus placed the Sun at the center, but did not realize that the Moon orbits the Earth.
C. Copernicus placed the planets in the wrong order going outward from the Sun.
D. Copernicus misjudged the distances between the planets. A
6. Earth is farthest from the Sun in July and closest to the Sun in January. During which
Northern Hemisphere season is Earth moving fastest in its orbit?
A. Fall
B. Spring
C. Winter
D. Summer C
7. According to Kepler's third law (p2 = a3), how does a planet's mass affect its orbit around the
A. More massive planets must have more circular orbits.
B. A planet's mass has no effect on its orbit around the Sun.
C. A more massive planet must have a larger semimajor axis.
D. More massive planets orbit the Sun at higher average speed. B
8. All the following statements are true. Which one follows directly from Kepler's third law (p2 =
A. Venus orbits the Sun at a slower average speed than Mercury.
B. Venus has a thicker atmosphere than Mercury.
C. Venus takes longer to rotate than it does to orbit the Sun.
D. Venus is more massive than Mercury. A
9. Galileo challenged the idea that objects in the heavens were perfect by _________.
A. inventing the telescope
B. proving Kepler's laws were correct
C. showing that heavy objects fall at the same rate as lighter objects
D. observing sunspots on the Sun and mountains on the Moon D
10 . Galileo observed all of the following. Which observation offered direct proof of a planet
orbiting the Sun?
A. The Milky Way is composed of many individual stars.
B. Phases of Venus
C. Four moons of Jupiter.
D. Patterns of shadow and sunlight near the dividing line between the light and dark portions B
of the Moon's face
11 . Which of the following is NOT consistent with the major hallmarks of science?
A. Science consists of proven theories that are understood to be true explanations of reality.
B. A scientific model must make testable predictions.
C. Scientific explanations should be based solely on natural causes.
D. Science progresses through the creation and testing of models that explain observation as A
simply as possible.
12 . Which of the following is NOT part of a good scientific theory?
A. A scientific theory cannot be accepted until it has been proven true beyond all doubt.
B. A scientific theory should be based on natural processes and should not invoke the
supernatural or divine.
C. A scientific theory must explain a wide variety of phenomena observed in the natural world.
D. A scientific theory must make testable predictions that, if found to be incorrect, could lead A
to its own modification or demise.
13 . Only one of the statements below uses the term theory in its correct, scientific sense.
Which one?
A. Einstein's theory of relativity has been tested and verified thousands of times.
B. I have a new theory about the cause of earthquakes, and I plan to start testing it soon.
C. Evolution is only a theory, so there's no reason to think it really happened.
D. I wrote a theory that is 152 pages long. A
14 . Which of the following best describes how modern astronomers view astrology?
A. Astrology was a great idea until it was disproved by the work of Copernicus, Tycho, Kepler,
and Galileo.
B. Astrology is new age mumbo-jumbo that was a waste of time when it was invented
thousands of years ago and remains a waste of time today.
C. Astrology is a synonym for astronomy.
D. Astrology played an important part in the development of astronomy in ancient times, but it D
is not a science by modern standards.
Skills, Chapter 4
1. The difference between speed and velocity is that _________.
A. they are expressed in different units
B. velocity is calculated using a physics equation
C. velocity also includes a direction
D. velocity is the same as acceleration whereas speed is different C
2. The acceleration of gravity on Earth is approximately 10 m/s2 (more precisely, 9.8 m/s2). If
you drop a rock from a tall building, about how fast will it be falling after 3 seconds?
A. 30 m/s
B. 10 m/s2
C. 20 m/s
D. 10 m/s
E. 30 m/s2 A
3. Momentum is defined as _________.
15 . According to the universal law of gravitation, if you triple the distance between two objects,
then the gravitational force between them _________.
A. decreases by a factor of 9
B. increases by a factor of 9
C. increases by a factor of 3
D. decreases by a factor of 3 A
16 . Why is Newton's version of Kepler's third law so useful to astronomers?
A. It can be used to determine the masses of many distant objects.
B. It tells us that more-distant planets orbit the Sun more slowly.
C. It allows us to calculate distances to distant objects.
D. It explains why objects spin faster when they shrink in size. A
17 . What do we mean by the orbital energy of an orbiting object (such as a planet, moon, or
A. Orbital energy is a measure of the object's speed as it moves through its orbit.
B. Orbital energy is the object's kinetic energy as it moves through its orbit.
C. Orbital energy is the amount of energy required for the object to leave orbit and escape into
D. Orbital energy is the sum of the object's kinetic energy and its gravitational potential energy D
as it moves through its orbit.
18 . Which statement must be true in order for a rocket to travel from Earth to another planet?
A. It must attain escape velocity from Earth.
B. It must have very large engines.
C. It must carry a lot of extra fuel.
D. It must be launched from space, rather than from the ground. A
19 . Approximately where is it currently high tide on Earth?
A. Anywhere that ocean water laps upon the shore
B. Only on the portion of the Earth facing directly toward the Moon
C. On the portion of the Earth facing directly toward the Moon and on the portion of the Earth
facing directly away from the Moon
D. Wherever it is currently noon C
Concept, Chapter 4
1. Which of the following represents a case in which you are NOT accelerating?
Skills, Chapter 5
1. From shortest to longest wavelength, which of the following correctly orders the different
categories of electromagnetic radiation?
A. Infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X rays, gamma rays, radio
B. Gamma rays, X rays, visible light, ultraviolet, infrared, radio
C. Radio, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X rays, gamma rays
D. Gamma rays, X rays, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, radio D
2. Which forms of light are lower in energy and frequency than the light that our eyes can see?
A. About 1 degree
B. About 1 arcsecond (1/3600 of a degree)
C. About 1 milliarcsecond
D. About 1 arcminute, or 1/60 of a degree D
14 . Which of the following statements best describes the two principle advantages of
telescopes over eyes?
A. Telescopes can collect far more light with far better angular resolution.
B. Telescopes collect more light and are unaffected by twinkling.
C. Telescopes can collect far more light with far greater magnification.
D. Telescopes have much more magnification and better angular resolution. A
15 . What do astronomers mean by light pollution?
A. Light pollution is a type of air pollution created by lightweight gases such as hydrogen and
B. Light pollution is a term used to describe the appearance of the sky in regions that are
crowded with stars.
C. Light pollution refers to lights from human sources that make it difficult to see the stars at
D. Light pollution means contamination of light caused by chemicals in the Earth's atmosphere. C
16 . The stars in our sky twinkle in brightness and color because of _________.
A. light pollution
B. rapid changes in the brightnesses and colors of stars caused by changes in their spectra
C. turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere
D. the bubbling and boiling of gases on the surfaces of stars C
17 . What is the purpose of adaptive optics?
A. It reduces blurring caused by atmospheric turbulence for telescopes on the ground.
B. It allows several small telescopes to work together like a single larger telescope.
C. It allows ground-based telescopes to observe ultraviolet light that normally does not
penetrate the atmosphere.
D. It is a special technology that allows the Hubble Space Telescope to adapt to study many A
different types of astronomical objects.
18 . What is the purpose of interferometry?
A. It reduces the twinkling of stars caused by atmospheric turbulence.
B. It is designed to prevent light pollution from interfering with astronomical observations.
C. It allows two or more small telescopes to achieve a larger light-collecting area than they
would have independently.
D. It allows two or more small telescopes to achieve the angular resolution of a much larger D
Concept, Chapter 5
1. Which of the following best describes why we say that light is an electromagnetic wave?
A. Light can be produced only by electric or magnetic appliances.
B. Light is produced only when massive fields of electric and magnetic energy collide with one
C. The term electromagnetic wave arose for historical reasons, but we now know that light has
nothing to do with either electricity or magnetism.
D. The passage of a light wave can cause electrically charged particles to move up and down. D
2. Which of the following statements about X rays and radio waves is NOT true?
A. X rays and radio waves are both forms of light, or electromagnetic radiation.
B. X rays have higher frequency than radio waves.
C. X rays have shorter wavelengths than radio waves.
D. X rays travel through space faster than radio waves. D
3. Suppose you built a scale-model atom in which the nucleus is the size of a tennis ball. About
how far would the cloud of electrons extend?
A. A few meters
B. Several centimeters
C. To the Sun
D. Several kilometers D
4. Each of the following describes an "Atom 1" and an "Atom 2." In which case are the two
atoms different isotopes of the same element?
A. Atom 1: nucleus with 6 protons and 8 neutrons, surrounded by 6 electronsAtom 2: nucleus
with 7 protons and 8 neutrons, surrounded by 7 electrons
B. Atom 1: nucleus with 7 protons and 8 neutrons, surrounded by 7 electronsAtom 2: nucleus
with 7 protons and 7 neutrons, surrounded by 7 electrons
C. Atom 1: nucleus with 8 protons and 8 neutrons, surrounded by 8 electronsAtom 2: nucleus
with 8 protons and 8 neutrons, surrounded by 7 electrons
D. Atom 1: nucleus with 4 protons and 5 neutrons, surrounded by 4 electronsAtom 2: nucleus B
Which labeled transition represents an electron that absorbs a photon with 10.2 eV of energy?
A. C
B. D
C. B
D. E
E. A B
8. If an electron at level 1 in a hydrogen atom absorbs 10.2 eV of energy, it moves to level 2.
Skills, Chapter 6
1. Which of the following lists the planets of our solar system in the correct order from closest
to farthest from the Sun?
A. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
B. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto
C. Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto
D. Earth, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto A
2. Suppose you view the solar system from high above Earth's north pole. Which of the
following statements about planetary orbits will be true?
A. The inner planets orbit the Sun counterclockwise while the outer planets orbit the Sun
B. All the planets orbit counterclockwise around the Sun.
C. All the planets except Uranus orbit the Sun counterclockwise; Uranus orbits in the opposite
D. The inner planets orbit the Sun clockwise while the outer planets orbit the Sun B
3. Which of the following statements about our Sun is NOT true?
A. Its diameter is about 5 times that of Earth.
B. It is a star.
C. It is made mostly of hydrogen and helium.
D. It contains more than 99% of all the mass in our solar system. A
4. Which of the following statements about Mars is NOT true?
B. They have all been discovered with the Hubble Space Telescope.
C. The planets have been observed with infrared and X-ray telescopes.
D. We have not seen the planets directly, but rather have seen slight motions of stars that we D
attribute to the gravitational influence of orbiting planets.
Concept, Chapter 6
1. Compared to the distance between Earth and Mars, the distance between Jupiter and Saturn
is _________.
A. much larger
B. just slightly less
C. much smaller
D. about the same A
2. How is Einstein's famous equation, E = mc2, important in understanding the Sun?
A. It explains why the Sun's surface temperature is about 6,000 °C.
B. It explains why the Sun has a magnetic field strong enough influence the atmospheres of
the planets.
C. It explains why the Sun is so massive.
D. It explains the fact that the Sun generates thermal energy by losing some 4 million tons of D
mass each day.
3. In what way is Venus most similar to Earth?
A. Both planets have very similar atmospheres.
B. Both planets have similar surface geology.
C. Both planets have warm days and cool nights.
D. Both planets are nearly the same size. D
4. Imagine that an alien spaceship crashed onto Earth. Which statement would most likely to be
A. The aliens' home world is another planet in our own solar system.
B. All the evidence of the crash would be quickly whisked off by the U.S. military to Area 51 in
C. It would crash in the ocean.
D. The crash would create a noticeable crater. C
5. Which of the following is NOT a major pattern of motion in the solar system?
A. All of the planets orbit the Sun in the same direction --- counterclockwise as viewed from
above Earth's north pole.
B. The Sun and most of the planets rotate in the same direction in which the planets orbit the
C. Most of the solar system's large moons orbit in their planet's equatorial plane.
D. Nearly all comets orbit the Sun in same direction and roughly the same plane. D
6. Which of the following is NOT a major difference between the terrestrial and jovian planets
in our solar system?
A. Terrestrial planets contain large quantities of ice and jovian planets do not.
B. Jovian planets have rings and many moons, while terrestrial planets have few moons (if any)
and no rings.
C. Jovian planets contain huge amounts of hydrogen and helium gas, while these gases are
quite rare on terrestrial planets.
D. Terrestrial planets orbit much closer to the Sun than jovian planets. A
7. The following statements are all true. Which one counts as an "exception to the rule" in
being unusual for our solar system?
A. Jupiter has a very small axis tilt.
B. Venus does not have a moon.
C. Saturn has no solid surface.
D. The diameter of Earth's Moon is about 1/4 that of Earth. D
8. About 2% of our solar nebula consisted of elements besides hydrogen and helium. However,
the very first generation of star systems in the universe probably consisted only of hydrogen and
helium. Which of the following statements is most likely to have been true about these first-
generation star systems?
A. Jovian planets in these first-generation star systems had clouds made of water and other
hydrogen compounds.
B. There were no comets or asteroids in these first-generation star systems.
C. Like the jovian planets in our solar system, the jovian planets in these first-generation
systems were orbited by rings.
D. These first-generation star systems typically had several terrestrial planets in addition to B
jovian planets.
9. According to our theory of solar system formation, which law best explains why the solar
nebula spun faster as it shrank in size?
formation, the inner solar system was too hot for hydrogen compounds like water to condense.
What do we conclude?
A. We conclude that our theory of solar system formation will need modification, because it is
unable to account for the existence of water on Earth.
B. We conclude that the water arrived at a time when it rained throughout the inner solar
C. We conclude that Earth's water likely was brought here by asteroids or comets that formed
beyond the frost line.
D. We conclude that Earth's water probably originated through chemical reactions among the C
rock and metal of Earth's interior.
14 . Suppose you start with 1 kilogram of a radioactive substance that has a half-life of 10 years.
Which of the following statements will be true after 20 years pass?
A. You'll have 0.25 kilogram of the radioactive substance remaining.
B. You'll have 0.5 kilogram of the radioactive substance remaining.
C. All the material will have completely decayed.
D. You'll have 0.75 kilogram of the radioactive substance remaining. A
15 . How do scientists determine the age of the solar system?
A. Radiometric dating of the oldest Earth rocks.
B. Radiometric dating of Moon rocks.
C. Radiometric dating of meteorites.
D. From theoretical calculations based on how long it must have taken the planets to evolve to C
their present forms.
16 . Which of the following statements is NOT true about the planets so far discovered around
other stars?
A. Photographs reveal that most of them have atmospheres much like that of Jupiter.
B. Most of them have been discovered by observing Doppler shifts in the spectra of the stars
they orbit.
C. Most (or possibly all) of them are much more massive than Earth.
D. Many of them orbit closer to their star than Jupiter orbits the Sun. A
17 . Which new idea has been added into our theory of solar system formation as a result of the
discoveries of extrasolar planets?
A. Jovian planets can migrate from the orbits in which they are born.
B. In addition to the categories of terrestrial and jovian, there must be an "in-between"
category of planet that has the mass of a jovian planet but the composition of a terrestrial
C. In some star systems, it is possible for jovian planets to form in the inner solar system and
terrestrial planets to form in the outer solar system.
D. Some of the "exceptions to the rules" in our own solar system are likely to have been the A
result of giant impacts.
18 . You observe a star, a star very similar to our own Sun in size and mass. You find that this star
wobbles very slightly back and forth once every 4 months, and you attribute this motion to the
effect of an orbiting planet. What can you conclude about the orbiting planet?
A. The planet must be farther from the star than Pluto is from the Sun.
B. The planet must have a mass about the same as the mass of Jupiter.
C. The planet must be closer to the star than Earth is to the Sun.
D. You do not have enough information to say anything at all about the planet. C
19 . The region of our solar system between Mercury and Mars has very few asteroids, while the
region between Mars and Jupiter has many asteroids. Based on what you have learned in this
chapter, what is the most likely explanation for the lack of asteroids between Mercury and Mars?
A. All the asteroids that formed between Mercury and Mars later migrated to the asteroid belt
between Mars and Jupiter.
B. There were very few planetary leftovers in this region, because most of the solid material
was accreted by the terrestrial planets as the planets formed.
C. Gravity was too weak to allow asteroids to form in this part of the solar system.
D. It was too hot for asteroids to form in this part of the solar system. B
20 . Based on everything you have learned in this chapter, which of the following statements
seems unlikely to be true?
A. Like the planets in our solar system, planets in other star systems will all orbit their star in
the same direction and approximately the same plane.
B. Only a tiny percentage of stars are surrounded by spinning disks of gas during their
C. Other solar systems will also have planets in the two basic categories of terrestrial and
D. Just as is the case in our solar system, other planetary systems will have far more numerous B
asteroids and comets than actual planets.
Skills, Chapter 7
1. Suppose we use a baseball to represent Earth. On this scale, the other terrestrial worlds
(Mercury, Venus, the Moon, and Mars) would range in size approximately from that of _________.
A. a golf ball to a beach ball
B. a golf ball to a baseball
C. a dust speck to a basketball
D. a dust speck to a golf ball B
2. From center to surface, which of the following correctly lists the interior layers of a terrestrial
A. Mantle, crust, core
B. Core, mantle, crust
C. Mantle, core, crust
D. core, crust, lithosphere B
3. What do we mean when we say that the terrestrial worlds underwent differentiation?
A. The five terrestrial worlds all started similarly but ended up looking quite different.
B. At a time when their interiors were molten, denser materials sank toward their centers and
lighter materials rose toward their surfaces.
C. They lost interior heat to outer space.
D. Their surfaces show a variety of different geological features resulting from different B
geological processes.
4. Which of the following best describes what we mean by a terrestrial world's lithosphere?
A. It is a layer of hot, molten rock encompassing the core and part of the mantle.
B. It is the outer layer of relatively strong, rigid rock, encompassing the crust and part of the
C. It is a thin layer of rock that lies between the mantle and crust.
D. It is the interior region of a planet in which a magnetic field is generated. B
5. What is a magnetosphere?
A. A region of space around a planet in which the planet's magnetic field can trap charged
B. The layer of a planet in which its magnetic field is generated
C. The region in a planet's atmosphere where aurorae occur
D. The uppermost layer of any planetary atmosphere A
6. The processes responsible for virtually all surface geology are _________.
A. eruptions, lava flows, and outgassing
B. impact cratering, volcanisms, tectonics, and erosion
C. convection, conduction, and radiation
D. accretion, differentiation, and radioactive decay B
7. In the context of planetary geology, what do we mean by outgassing?
A. The loss of atmospheric gas to outer space
B. The release by volcanism of gases that had been trapped in a planetary interior
C. Outgassing is simply another name for a volcanic eruption.
D. The evaporation of water that adds water vapor (a gas) to an atmosphere B
8. Which of the following is the most basic definition of a greenhouse gas?
A. A gas that keeps warms air from rising, and therefore warms the surface
B. A gas that absorbs infrared light
C. A gas that reflects a lot of sunlight
D. A gas that makes a planet much hotter than it would be otherwise, even in small amounts B
9. Suppose we represent Earth with a basketball. On this scale, most of the air in Earth's
atmosphere would fit in a layer that is _________.
A. about the thickness of a sheet of paper
B. about 6 inches thick
C. about an inch thick
D. About a half-inch thick A
10 . Which of the following best describes the lunar maria?
A. Mountainous regions on the Moon
B. Relatively smooth, flat plains on the Moon
C. Frozen oceans of liquid water on the Moon
D. Densely cratered regions on the Moon B
11 . Why does the Moon have a layer of powdery "soil" on its surface?
A. It exists because the Moon accreted from powdery material after a giant impact blasted the
B. It is the result of countless tiny impacts by small particles striking the Moon.
C. Recent, large impacts shattered lunar rock to make this soil.
D. It is made by the same processes that make powdery sand on Earth. B
12 . What observational evidence supports the idea that Mercury once shrank by some 20
kilometers in radius?
A. The characteristics of the Caloris Basin
B. The presence of many long, tall cliffs
C. Mercury's unusually high density
D. The presence of many impact craters B
13 . Olympus Mons is ______.
A. a great canyon on Mars
B. a huge volcano on Mars
C. a large lava plain on the Moon
D. a huge volcano on Venus B
14 . Which of the following does NOT provide evidence that Mars once had abundant liquid
water on its surface?
A. The presence of what looks like sedimentary layers in some crater bottoms
B. The presence of very old craters that appear to have been eroded by rain
C. The presence of features that look like dried up river beds
D. The presence of small, residual pools of water on volcanic plains, recently visited by Mars D
15 . Based on its surface features, the most important event on Venus in the past billion years or
so was _________.
A. the onset of mantle convection, which caused Venus's lithosphere to split into plates like
those on Earth
B. a global "repaving" that erased essentially all the surface features that had existed earlier
C. the impact of an unusually large asteroid that left a deep scar on one side of the planet
D. the eruption of a giant volcano that formed one of Venus's "continents" B
16 . What do we mean by a runaway greenhouse effect?
A. A greenhouse effect that keeps getting stronger until all a planet's greenhouse gases are in
its atmosphere
B. It gets its name because it heats a planet like a greenhouse effect, but it involves a
completely different mechanism of heating that doesn't actually involve greenhouse gases.
C. A greenhouse effect that starts on a planet but later disappears as gases are lost to space
D. A greenhouse effect that heats a planet so much that its surface rock melts A
17 . How does seafloor crust differ from continental crust?
A. Seafloor crust is thicker, younger, and lower in density.
Concept, Chapter 7
1. The reason that small planets tend to lose interior heat faster than larger planets is
essentially the same as the reason that _________.
A. thunderstorms tend to form on hot summer days
B. gas bubbles form and rise upward in boiling water
C. Earth contains more metal than the Moon
D. a large baked potato takes longer to cool than a small baked potato D
2. Suppose we had some kind of device that allowed us to see Earth's interior. If we focused on
the mantle to observe mantle convection, what would we see happening?
A. Not much --- on human time scales, mantle convection is barely noticeable.
B. Hot molten rock rapidly rising upward throughout the mantle, as cool solid rock falls
12 . All the following statements about Mars are true. Which one might have led to a significant
loss of atmospheric gas to space?
A. Mars lost any global magnetic field that it may once have had.
B. The axis tilt of Mars is thought to change significantly with time.
C. The rock on Mars is probably red because of chemical reactions with oxygen that had been
released into the atmosphere through the outgassing of water molecules.
D. Mars probably once had a much higher density of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere than A
it does today.
13 . According to current science, why is Mars red?
A. Chemical reactions between surface rock and atmospheric oxygen literally rusted the
B. The red color is caused by water ice chemically bound in surface rock.
C. The red color of Mars is a result of the scattering of light in the Martian sky.
D. Martian volcanoes released a much redder lava than volcanoes on Earth. A
14 . All of the statements below are true. Which one gives the primary reason why the surface
of Venus today is some 450°C hotter than the surface of Earth?
A. Venus has a higher atmospheric pressure than Earth.
B. Venus is only about 73% as far from the Sun as Earth.
C. Venus has a much higher reflectivity than Earth.
D. Venus has a much stronger greenhouse effect than Earth. D
15 . Many scientists suspect that Venus has a stronger and thicker lithosphere than Earth. If this
is true, which of the following could explain it?
A. The high surface temperature that has "baked out" all the liquid water from Venus's crust
and mantle
B. The slow rotation of Venus
C. The apparent lack of plate tectonics on Venus
D. The smaller size of Venus, which has allowed it to lose much more internal heat than Earth A
16 . Which of the following best explain what we think happened to outgassed water on Venus?
A. Water was removed from the atmosphere by chemical reactions with surface rock.
B. Ultraviolet light split the water molecules, and the hydrogen then escaped to space.
C. It turned into carbon dioxide by reacting with nitrogen in Venus's atmosphere.
D. It is frozen in craters near the poles. B
17 . Why does Earth have so little carbon dioxide in its atmosphere compared to Venus?
A. Earth once had a lot of carbon dioxide, but it was lost to space during the heavy
bombardment early in our solar system's history.
B. Earth's volcanoes outgassed far less carbon dioxide than those on Venus.
C. Earth has just as much carbon dioxide as Venus, but most of it is locked up in carbonate
rocks rather than being free in the atmosphere.
D. Chemical reactions turned Earth's carbon dioxide into nitrogen. C
18 . Which two factors are critical to the existence of the carbon dioxide (CO2) cycle on Earth?
A. Life and active volcanism
B. Plate tectonics and liquid water oceans
C. Life and atmospheric oxygen
D. Active volcanism and active tectonics B
19 . Suppose Earth were to cool down a little. How would the carbon dioxide cycle tend to
restore temperatures to normal?
A. Cooler temperatures allow carbon dioxide to form rain and rain out of the atmosphere.
B. Cooler temperatures cause volcanoes to become more active, so they release more carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere than they do when temperatures are warmer.
C. Cooler temperatures lead to slower formation of carbonate minerals in the ocean, so carbon
dioxide released by volcanism builds up in the atmosphere and strengthens the greenhouse
D. Cooler temperatures mean more ice and more erosion, which somehow makes the planet C
warm up.
20 . Which of the following would NOT be an expected consequence of global warming?
A. The entire Earth will warm up by the same amount.
B. Melting of polar ice and glaciers.
C. An increase in the number and intensity of hurricanes.
D. An increase in the severity of winter blizzards. A
Skills, Chapter 8
1. Which of the following is NOT a general characteristic of the four jovian planets in our solar
A. They lack solid surfaces.
B. They are higher in average density than are the terrestrial planets.
C. They are much more massive then any of the terrestrial planets.
13 . Which moon is considered likely to have a deep, subsurface ocean of liquid water?
A. Io
B. Europa
C. Triton
D. Miranda B
14 . Among all the large jovian moons, one is thought to have been captured into its present
orbit rather than having formed in the "miniature solar nebula" that formed its planet. Which one?
A. Triton
B. Titan
C. Callisto
D. Io A
15 . Suppose you could float in space just a few meters above Saturn's rings. What would you
see as you looked down on the rings?
A. Nothing --- up close, the rings would be so completely invisible that you'd have no way to
know they are there. They can be seen only from a distance.
B. A solid, shiny surface, looking much like a piece of a DVD but a lot bigger
C. Dozens of large "moonlets" made of metal and rock, each a few kilometers across
D. Countless icy particles, ranging in size from dust grains to large boulders D
16 . Which statement about planetary rings is NOT true?
A. Rings are always located closer to a planet's surface than any large moons.
B. Individual ring particles orbit their planet in accord with Kepler's laws, so that particles
closer in orbit faster than particles farther out.
C. Saturn's rings formed along with its moons 4.6 billion years ago.
D. All four jovian planets have rings. C
Concept, Chapter 8
1 . Which of the following gases is NOT a significant ingredient of the jovian planet
A. Hydrogen
B. Water
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Helium C
2. Jupiter and the other jovian planets are sometimes called "gas giants." In what sense is this
term misleading?
A. The materials they are made of are not the kinds of thing we usually think of as gases.
B. They really contain relatively little material in a gaseous state. Much more of their mass is
liquid, metallic, or in strange high-pressure states that we don't naturally find on Earth.
C. Actually, it's a great description, because these worlds are big and gaseous throughout.
D. They are not in any sense "giants." B
3. What would happen to Jupiter if we could somehow double its mass?
A. It would become a star, with nuclear fusion in its core.
B. Its density would increase but its diameter would barely change.
C. Its density would decrease and its diameter would double.
D. Its density would stay about the same and its volume would double. B
4. According to our theory of solar system formation, why did Uranus and Neptune end up to
be much less massive than Jupiter and Saturn?
A. The size differences are thought to be a random coincidence.
B. Ices were able to condense at the distance of Jupiter and Saturn, but only rock and metal
could condense at the distances of Uranus and Neptune.
C. The colder gas in the outer regions of the solar nebula had less gravity and therefore could
not gather up into such large balls as it could closer in.
D. Particles in the solar nebula were more spread out at greater distances, so that accretion D
took longer and there was less time to pull in gas before the solar wind cleared the nebula.
5. Why does Jupiter have three distinct layers of clouds?
A. The three layers represent clouds made of gases that condense at different temperatures
and therefore different altitudes.
B. The three layers reflect regions of Jupiter's atmosphere with different overall chemical
C. Jupiter has three different types of wind, each of which makes a different type of cloud.
D. Clouds form randomly, so on average there are always three layers. A
6. Which of the following best describes what is going on in the alternating dark and light
"stripes" that we see in photographs of Jupiter and Saturn.
A. The dark and light stripes correspond to alternating bands of different chemical
B. The light stripes are regions of high clouds, and the dark stripes are regions where we can
see down to deeper, darker clouds.
C. Dark stripes are those in which there is a stratosphere and light stripes are those with no
D. There are three different color stripes corresponding to the three different types of clouds B
found on these planets.
7. Uranus and Neptune have methane clouds but Jupiter and Saturn do not. Which factor
explains why?
A. The rapid rotation of Jupiter and Saturn prevents methane clouds from forming.
B. The stronger gravity on Jupiter and Saturn pulls methane downward so that it can't form
C. Temperatures on Jupiter and Saturn are too high for methane to condense.
D. Jupiter and Saturn do not contain any methane gas. C
8. Which jovian planet should have the most extreme seasonal changes?
A. Uranus
B. Neptune
C. Saturn
D. Jupiter A
9. Why is the radiation so intense in a region that traces Io's orbit around Jupiter (the Io torus)?
A. An orbital resonance between Io, Europa, and Ganymede makes the radiation intense.
B. Jupiter's strong magnetic field makes the radiation intense everywhere, and the region
around Io is no different than any other region.
C. Io's gravity allows this region to capture huge numbers of charged particles from the solar
D. The region is full of gases ionized after being expelled from volcanoes on Io. D
10 . Which of the following best explains why so many of the jovian moons have been more
geologically active in the past than have the Moon or Mercury?
A. The jovian moons probably have far more internal heat generated by radioactive decay than
do the Moon or Mercury.
B. The jovian moons are considerably larger than the Moon and Mercury and therefore have
retained much more internal heat.
C. Because of their greater distances from the Sun, the jovian moons receive much less heat
from the Sun.
D. Jovian moons are made mostly of ice that can melt or deform at much lower temperatures D
than can the rock and metal that make up the Moon and Mercury.
11 . All the following statements are true. Which one is most important in leading to the
tremendous tidal heating that occurs on Io?
A. Io orbits Jupiter on an elliptical orbit, due to orbital resonances with other satellites.
B. Io exhibits synchronous rotation, meaning that its rotation period and orbital period are the
C. Io orbits Jupiter in the Io torus, and therefore has a surface that is bombarded by many
charged particles.
D. Io is the closest to Jupiter of Jupiter's large moons. A
12 . Which of the following is NOT a piece of evidence supporting the idea that Europa may have
a subsurface ocean?
A. Studies of Europa's magnetic field support the existence of a liquid water ocean.
B. Photos of Europa's surface show regions that appear to consist of jumbled icebergs frozen in
C. Astronomers have detected small lakes of liquid water on Europa's surface.
D. Europa's surface shows very few impact craters. C
13 . Based on our understanding of Titan as discussed in the text, which of the following is
unlikely to be found on Titan?
A. Lakes of liquid water in the warmer equatorial regions
B. Lakes of liquid ethane and methane
C. A surface pressure higher than the atmospheric pressure on Earth
D. Rain or snow consisting of ethane droplets or ice crystals A
14 . Why do astronomers believe that Triton is a captured moon?
A. Triton is too large to have been formed in the "miniature solar nebula" thought to have
surrounded Neptune in its very early history.
B. Triton appears to be made mostly of ice.
C. Triton orbits Neptune in a direction opposite that of Neptune's rotation.
D. Triton is very small and potato-shaped, which is common of captured moons. C
15 . Which statement about Saturn's rings is NOT true?
A. Some features of the rings are shaped by small moons that actually orbit within the ring
B. The rings must look much the same today as they did shortly after Saturn formed.
C. The large gap known as the Cassini Division is shaped by an orbital resonance with the
moon Mimas, which orbits well outside the rings.
D. The rings are so thin that they essentially disappear from view when seen edge-on. B
16 . According to current understanding, which of the following is required in order for a planet
to have rings?
A. The planet must once have had a large moon that came too close to it, shattering the moon
and creating the ring particles.
B. The planet must orbit its star at a distance greater than Mars orbits the Sun.
C. The planet must have many small moons that orbit relatively close to the planet in its
equatorial plane.
D. The planet must be at least as massive as Saturn. C
Skills, Chapter 9
1. Which statement is NOT true?
A. Objects in the Oort cloud are made mostly of ice.
B. Objects in the Kuiper belt are made mostly of rock and metal.
C. Objects in the asteroid belt are made mostly of rock and metal.
D. Objects in the asteroid belt and Kuiper belt orbit the Sun in nearly the same plane as the B
planets, but objects in the Oort cloud do not.
2. A rock found on Earth that crashed down from space is called _________.
A. an impact
B. an asteroid
C. a meteor
D. a meteorite D
3. The asteroid belt is located _________.
A. beyond the orbit of Neptune
B. between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn
C. between the orbits of Earth and Mars
D. between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter D
4. A typical meteor is created by a particle about the size of a _________.
A. pea
B. basketball
C. baseball
D. car A
5. What is a primitive meteorite?
Concept, Chapter 9
1. How does the largest asteroid, Ceres, compare in size to the planets?
A. It is smaller than the terrestrial planets but larger than Pluto.
B. It is no larger than a typical mountain on one of the terrestrial planets.
C. It is about half the diameter of Pluto, the smallest planet.
A. Pluto
B. asteroids of the asteroid belt
C. Kuiper belt comets
D. Oort cloud comets D
8. Suppose there were no solar wind. How would the appearance of a comet in our inner solar
system be different?
A. It would be much brighter in appearance.
B. It would not have a coma.
C. It would not have a nucleus.
D. It would have only one tail instead of two. D
9. Suppose we discover a new comet on an orbit that brings it closer to the Sun than Mercury
every 125 years. What can we conclude?
A. It has been on its current orbit for only a very short time compared to the age of our solar
B. It came from the Kuiper belt.
C. It came from the Oort cloud.
D. It has a coma and tail during most of each orbit. A
10 . When we see a meteor shower, it means that _________.
A. you should duck and run for cover to avoid being blasted on the head by a rock from space
B. Earth is crossing the orbit of a comet
C. an Earth-approaching asteroid has recently come very close to our planet
D. the solar wind is unusually strong B
11 . Why won't Pluto collide with Neptune?
A. Pluto orbits the Sun exactly two times for every three Neptune orbits, which ensures the
two planets never come close together.
B. Pluto's orbit never comes anywhere close to Neptune's orbit.
C. Pluto is always much farther from the Sun than Neptune.
D. Actually, a collision of the two is inevitable within the next billion years. A
12 . What is Charon thought to have in common with our own Moon?
A. They have the same approximate mass.
B. Both probably formed as a result of giant impacts.
C. The same average density.
D. They have the same basic composition. B
13 . Which of the following is NOT a piece of evidence supporting the idea that Pluto is a large
comet of the Kuiper belt?
A. Pluto's orbit is very similar to the orbits of other known Kuiper belt comets.
B. Pluto's composition appears to match that of other known Kuiper belt comets.
C. Triton, which must once have orbited the Sun before being captured by Neptune, is larger
than Pluto.
D. Pluto grows a coma and a long tail when it is at the point in its orbit closest to the Sun. D
14 . Fossil evidence suggests a mass extinction occurring 65 million years ago. Which of the
following is NOT a piece of evidence supporting the idea that an impact caused this mass
A. Grains of quartz that must have formed under very high temperature and pressure are
found in a layer of clay that dates to 65 million years ago
B. Fossilized dinosaur bones that contain fragments of rock that must have been shot out by
the impact
C. An impact crater along the coast of Mexico that dates to 65 million years ago
D. Unusually large abundances of iridium and other rare metals in a layer of clay that dates to B
65 million years ago.
15 . On average, how often should an impactor strike the Earth with as much energy as that of a
hydrogen bomb (like the Tunguska impact)?
A. Once every million years
B. Once every 100 million years
C. Once a century
D. Once every 10,000 years C
Skills, Chapter 10
1. According to modern science, approximately how old is the Sun?
A. 25 million years
B. 4.6 billion years
C. 400 million years.
D. 10,000 years B
2. When we say that the Sun is a ball of plasma, we mean that _________.
A. the Sun is made of material that acts like a liquid acts on Earth
B. the Sun is roughly the same color as blood
C. Watts
D. Newtons C
9. The Sun's surface, as we see it with our eyes, is called the _________.
A. core
B. photosphere
C. corona
D. chromosphere B
10 . What is the solar wind?
A. It is the wind that causes huge arcs of gas to rise above the Sun's surface, sometimes staying
aloft for weeks.
B. It is the name we give to the gas (or plasma) particles flowing outward from the surface of
the Sun into the solar system.
C. It is the uppermost layer of the Sun, lying just above the corona.
D. It is the strong winds that blow across the surface of the Sun, causing sunspots to move B
around randomly.
11 . The fundamental nuclear reaction occurring in the core of the Sun is _________.
A. nuclear fission
B. nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium
C. nuclear fusion of helium to carbon
D. radioactive decay B
12 . What is the proton-proton chain?
A. It is the specific set of nuclear reactions through which the Sun fuses hydrogen into helium.
B. It describes the linkage between protons into long chains that occurs when temperatures
are very high.
C. It is an alternative way of generating energy by nuclear fusion besides fusing hydrogen into
D. It is another name for the force that holds protons together in atomic nuclei. A
13 . Why are neutrinos so difficult to detect?
A. They are extremely rare.
B. They have no mass.
C. They have a tendency to pass through just about any material without any interactions.
D. No one knows: this is the essence of the "solar neutrino problem." C
14 . To estimate the central temperature of the Sun, scientists _________.
average of 11 years between the times when sunspots are most numerous.
D. The likelihood of seeing solar prominences or solar flares is higher when sunspots are more B
common and lower when they are less common.
20 . How is the sunspot cycle directly relevant to us here on Earth?
A. Coronal mass ejections and other activity associated with the sunspot cycle can disrupt
radio communications and knock out sensitive electronic equipment.
B. The brightening and darkening of the Sun that occurs during the sunspot cycle affects plant
photosynthesis here on Earth.
C. The Sun's magnetic field, which plays a major role in the sunspot cycle, affects compass
needles that we use on Earth.
D. The sunspot cycle strongly influences Earth's weather. A
Concept, Chapter 10
1 . In the late 1800s, Kelvin and Helmholtz suggested that the Sun stayed hot due to
gravitational contraction. What was the major drawback to this idea?
A. It is physically impossible to generate heat simply by making a star shrink in size.
B. It predicted that the Sun would shrink noticeably as we watched it, and the Sun appears to
be stable in size.
C. It predicted that the Sun could shine for about 25 million years, but geologists had already
found that Earth is much older than this.
D. It predicted that Earth would also shrink in size with time, which would make it impossible C
to have stable geology on our planet.
2. When is/was gravitational contraction an important energy generation mechanism for the
A. It is important during periods when the Sun is going from solar maximum to solar minimum.
B. It is the primary energy generation mechanism in the Sun today.
C. It was important when the Sun was forming from a shrinking interstellar cloud of gas.
D. It has played a role throughout the Sun's history, but it was most important right after C
nuclear fusion began in the Sun's core.
3. What do we mean when we say that the Sun is in gravitational equilibrium?
A. There is a balance within the Sun between the outward push of pressure and the inward
pull of gravity.
B. The Sun always has the same amount of mass, creating the same gravitational force.
C. We are seeing hot gas rising and cool gas falling due to the convection that occurs beneath
the surface.
D. The churning is an illusion created by varying radiation, as the gas on the Sun's surface is C
actually quite still.
9. Which of the following correctly compares the Sun's energy generation process to the energy
generation process in human-built nuclear power plants?
A. The Sun generates energy through nuclear reactions while nuclear power plants generate
energy through chemical reactions.
B. The Sun generates energy by fusing small nuclei into larger ones, while our power plants
generate energy by the fission (splitting) of large nuclei.
C. Both processes involve nuclear fusion, but the Sun fuses hydrogen while nuclear power
plants fuse uranium.
D. The Sun generates energy through fission while nuclear power plants generate energy B
through fusion.
10 . Which of the following best explains why nuclear fusion requires bringing nuclei extremely
close together?
A. Nuclei normally repel because they are all positively charged and can be made to stick only
when brought close enough for the strong force to take hold.
B. Fusion can proceed only by the proton-proton chain, and therefore requires that protons
come close enough together to be linked up into a chain.
C. Nuclei have to be very hot in order to fuse, and the only way to get them hot is to bring
them close together.
D. Nuclei are attracted to each other by the electromagnetic force, but this force is only strong A
enough to make nuclei stick when they are very close together.
11 . The overall result of the proton-proton chain is _________.
A. 6 H + 1 He + energy
B. individual protons are joined into long chains of protons
C. p + p + 2H + energy
D. 2 H + 1 He + energy D
12 . Every second, the Sun converts 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 million tons of helium.
The remaining 4 million tons _________.
A. are converted to an amount of energy equal to 4 million tons times the speed of light
Skills, Chapter 11
1. What is the approximate chemical composition (by mass) with which all stars are born?
Concept, Chapter 11
1. All stars are born with the same basic composition, yet stars can look quite different from
one another. Which two factors primarily determine the innate characteristics of a star?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E D
10 . To answer this question, refer to the labels (a) through (e) on the following sketch of an H-R
diagram. [Note that choice (a) refers to the entire main sequence, while (c) and (d) refer to only
small parts of the main sequence. If choices (c) or (d) offer better answers to the question than (a),
use the best choice.]
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E E
11 . To answer this question, refer to the labels (a) through (e) on the following sketch of an H-R
diagram. [Note that choice (a) refers to the entire main sequence, while (c) and (d) refer to only
small parts of the main sequence. If choices (c) or (d) offer better answers to the question than (a),
use the best choice.]
A. B
B. C
C. D
D. E C
12 . To answer this question, refer to the labels (a) through (e) on the following sketch of an H-R
diagram. [Note that choice (a) refers to the entire main sequence, while (c) and (d) refer to only
small parts of the main sequence. If choices (c) or (d) offer better answers to the question than (a),
use the best choice.]
Which group represents stars that are extremely bright and emit most of their radiation as
ultraviolet light?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E C
13 . To answer this question, refer to the labels (a) through (e) on the following sketch of an H-R
diagram. [Note that choice (a) refers to the entire main sequence, while (c) and (d) refer to only
small parts of the main sequence. If choices (c) or (d) offer better answers to the question than (a),
use the best choice.]
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E D
14 . To answer this question, refer to the labels (a) through (e) on the following sketch of an H-R
diagram. [Note that choice (a) refers to the entire main sequence, while (c) and (d) refer to only
small parts of the main sequence. If choices (c) or (d) offer better answers to the question than (a),
use the best choice.]
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E A
15 . To answer this question, refer to the labels (a) through (e) on the following sketch of an H-R
diagram. [Note that choice (a) refers to the entire main sequence, while (c) and (d) refer to only
small parts of the main sequence. If choices (c) or (d) offer better answers to the question than (a),
use the best choice.]
Which group represents stars that have no nuclear fusion in their cores?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E B
16 . You observe a star in the disk of the Milky Way, and you want to plot the star on an H-R
diagram. You will need to determine all of the following, except the _________.
A. spectral type of the star
B. apparent brightness of the star in our sky
C. distance to the star
D. mass of the star D
17 . The approximate main-sequence lifetime of a star of spectral type O is _________.
A. 10 billion years
B. 3 million years
C. 10,000 years
D. 300 million years B
18 . How did astronomers discover the relationship between spectral type and mass for main
sequence stars?
A. Astronomers discovered the relationship by measuring the masses of main-sequence stars
in binary systems, and they assume that the same relationship holds for single stars as well.
B. The luminosity of any star, main sequence or not, tells us its mass.
C. Astronomers understand the process of hydrogen fusion and stellar structure so well that
they can predict the masses of main-sequence stars.
D. Astronomers have measured stellar radii of main-sequence stars in eclipsing binary systems A
when one star eclipses its companion; from the radii, astronomers can then calculate the
mass of the main sequence star.
19 . The choices below each describe the appearance of an H-R diagram for a different star
cluster. Which cluster is the youngest?
A. The diagram shows no main-sequence stars at all, but it has numerous supergiants and
white dwarfs.
B. The diagram shows main-sequence stars of all the spectral types except O and B, along with
Skills, Chapter 12
1. In the context of understanding stellar lives, by "high-mass" stars we mean _________.
A. all stars, since all stars are far more massive than planets
B. stars with mass more than about the mass of our Sun
C. stars with mass more than about eight times the mass of our Sun
D. stars like our Sun C
2. The interstellar clouds called molecular clouds are _________.
A. clouds that contain little hydrogen and instead are made predominantly of complex
molecules such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide
B. another name for Herbig-Haro objects
C. the hot clouds of gas expelled by dying stars
D. the cool clouds in which stars form D
3. What is a protostar?
A. An intermediate-mass star
B. A star that has planets
C. A very young star (relative to its lifespan)
D. A star in its final stage of life C
4. What can we learn about a star from a life track on an H-R diagram?
A. The star's current stage of life.
B. When the star was born.
C. What surface temperature and luminosity the star will have at each stage of its life.
D. Where the star is located C
5. The vast majority of stars in a newly formed star cluster are _________.
A. very high-mass, type O and B stars
B. red giants
C. about the same mass as our Sun
D. less massive than the Sun D
6. When does a star become a main-sequence star?
A. A star becomes a main-sequence star the instant that hydrogen fusion first begins in the
star's core.
B. A star becomes a main-sequence star when the rate of hydrogen fusion within the star's
core becomes high enough to balance the rate at which the star radiates energy into space.
C. A star becomes a main-sequence star when a piece of a molecular cloud first begins to
contract into a star.
D. A star becomes a main-sequence star when it becomes luminous enough to emit thermal B
7. Which of the following statements about brown dwarfs is NOT true?
A. Brown dwarfs will eventually collapse to become white dwarfs.
B. Brown dwarfs are supported by a type of pressure, called degeneracy pressure, that does
not depend on the object's temperature.
C. Brown dwarfs form like ordinary stars but are too small to sustain nuclear fusion in their
D. All brown dwarfs have masses less than about 8% that of our Sun. A
8. Which of the following lists the stages of life for a low-mass star in the correct order?
A. Protostar, main-sequence star, planetary nebula, red giant
B. Protostar, main-sequence star, red giant, planetary nebula, white dwarf
C. Main-sequence star, white dwarf, red giant, planetary nebula, protostar
D. Protostar, main-sequence star, red giant, supernova, neutron star B
9. When a main-sequence star exhausts its core hydrogen fuel supply _________.
A. the core immediately begins to fuse its helium into carbon
C. The CNO cycle is the process by which helium is fused into carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen.
D. It is the series of fusion reactions that have produced all the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in A
the universe.
16 . Why is iron significant to understanding how a supernova occurs?
A. Iron cannot release energy either by fission or fusion, so a star with an iron core has no way
to generate additional energy to counteract the crush of gravity.
B. The fusion of iron into uranium is the reaction that drives a supernova explosion.
C. Supernovae often leave behind neutron stars, which are made mostly of iron.
D. Iron is the heaviest of all atomic nuclei, and thus no heavier elements can be made. A
17 . After a supernova explosion, the remains of the stellar core _________.
A. will always be a neutron star
B. may be either a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole
C. may be either a neutron star or a black hole
D. will always be a black hole C
18 . Why is Supernova 1987A particularly important to astronomers?
A. It was the first supernova detected in nearly 400 years.
B. It is the nearest supernova to have occurred at a time when we were capable of studying it
carefully with telescopes.
C. It provided the first evidence that supernovae really occur.
D. It occurred only a few light-years from Earth. B
19 . Algol consist of a 3.7 Msun main-sequence star and a 0.8 Msun subgiant. Why does this
seem surprising, at least at first?
A. A star with a mass of 3.7 Msun is too big to be a main sequence star.
B. The two stars in a binary system should both be at the same stage of life; that is, they should
either both be main sequence stars or both be subgiants.
C. The two stars should be the same age, so we'd expect the subgiant to be more massive than
the main-sequence star.
D. It doesn't make sense to find a subgiant in a binary star system. C
Concept, Chapter 12
1. Our Sun is considered to be a _________.
A. brown dwarf
B. low-mass star
C. intermediate-mass star
D. high-mass star B
2. Close binary star systems are thought to form when _________.
A. two interstellar gas clouds happen to contract very close to one another
B. a protostar is spinning so fast that it splits in two
C. a protostar emits two jets, each of which turns into a star
D. the protostellar disk around a protostar has enough material to form a second star A
3. Angular momentum plays an important role in star formation. Which of the following
characteristics of a protostellar system is probably NOT strongly affected by the star's angular
A. Protostellar winds
B. Protostellar jets
C. Protostellar disks
D. The onset of core hydrogen fusion D
4 . Generally speaking, how does the surface temperature and luminosity of a protostar
compare to the surface temperature and luminosity of the main-sequence star it becomes?
A. A main-sequence star is cooler and dimmer than it was as a protostar.
B. A main-sequence star is hotter and dimmer than it was as a protostar.
C. A main-sequence star is hotter and brighter than it was as a protostar.
D. A main-sequence star is cooler and brighter than it was as a protostar. B
5. Consider a large molecular cloud that will give birth to a cluster of stars. Which of the
following would you expect to be true?
A. All the stars in the cluster will have approximately the same luminosity and surface
B. A few massive stars will form, live, and die before the majority of the star's clusters even
complete their protostar stage.
C. All the stars in the cluster will be of about the same mass.
D. All the stars in the cluster will become main-sequence stars at about the same time. B
6. We do not know for certain whether the general trends we observe in stellar birth masses
also apply to brown dwarfs. But if they do, then which of the following would be true?
A. Brown dwarfs would outnumber all ordinary stars.
B. Brown dwarfs would be extremely rare.
C. Brown dwarfs would be responsible for most of the overall luminosity of our Milky Way
D. Most of the brown dwarfs in the Milky Way Galaxy would be quite young in age. A
7. Where would a brown dwarf be located on an H-R diagram?
A. It would be located in the lower left of the H-R diagram.
B. It would be located above and to the left of the highest part of the main sequence.
C. It would be located in the upper right of the H-R diagram.
D. It would be located below and to the right of the lowest part of the main sequence. D
8. This diagram represents the life track of a 1 solar mass star. Refer to the life stages labeled
with roman numerals.
During which stage is the star's energy supplied by primarily by gravitational contraction?
A. ii
B. viii
C. v
D. iii
E. vi A
9. This diagram represents the life track of a 1 solar mass star. Refer to the life stages labeled
with roman numerals.
During which stage does the star have an inert (non-burning) helium core?
A. iv
B. vii
C. iii
D. vi
E. viii A
10 . This diagram represents the life track of a 1 solar mass star. Refer to the life stages labeled
with roman numerals.
During which stage does the star have an inert (non-burning) carbon core surrounded by shells of
helium and hydrogen burning?
A. ii
B. vi
C. iii
D. viii
E. iv D
12 . This diagram represents the life track of a 1 solar mass star. Refer to the life stages labeled
with roman numerals.
mass stars?
A. It is because carbon fusion can occur only in the stars known as carbon stars.
B. It is because the cores of low-mass stars never contain significant amounts of carbon.
C. It is because only high-mass stars do fusion by the CNO cycle.
D. It is because the cores of low-mass stars never get hot enough for carbon fusion. D
14 . Observations show that elements with atomic mass numbers divisible by 4 (such as
oxygen---16, neon---20, and magnesium---24) tend to be more abundant in the universe than
elements with atomic mass numbers in between. Why do we think this is the case?
A. At the end of a high-mass star's life, it produces new elements through a series of helium
capture reactions.
B. The apparent pattern is thought to be a random coincidence.
C. This pattern in elemental abundances was apparently determined during the first few
minutes after the Big Bang.
D. Elements with atomic mass numbers divisible by 4 tend to be more stable than elements in A
15 . Which of the following statements about various stages of core nuclear burning (hydrogen,
helium, carbon, and so on) in a high-mass star is NOT true?
A. Each successive stage lasts for approximately the same amount of time.
B. As each stage ends, the core shrinks and heats further.
C. Each successive stage creates an element with a higher atomic number and atomic mass
D. As each stage ends, the reactions that occurred in previous stages continue in shells around A
the core.
16 . Which event marks the beginning of a supernova?
A. The beginning of neon burning in an extremely massive star
B. The onset of helium burning after a helium flash
C. The sudden initiation of the CNO cycle
D. The sudden collapse of an iron core into a compact ball of neutrons D
17 . Suppose that the star Betelgeuse (the upper left shoulder of Orion) were to supernova
tomorrow (as seen here on Earth). What would it look like to the naked eye?
A. Because the supernova destroys the star, Betelgeuse would suddenly disappear from view.
B. Betelgeuse would remain a dot of light, but would suddenly become so bright that, for a few
weeks, we'd be able to see this dot in the daytime.
C. Betelgeuse would suddenly appear to grow larger in size, soon reaching the size of the full
Moon. It would also be about as bright as the full Moon.
D. We'd see a cloud of gas expanding away from the position where Betelgeuse used to be. B
Over a period of a few weeks, this cloud would fill our entire sky.
18 . A spinning neutron star has been observed at the center of a _________.
A. planetary nebula
B. red supergiant
C. supernova remnant
D. protostar C
19 . You discover a binary star system in which one star is a 15 Msun main-sequence star and
the other is a 10 Msun giant. How do we believe that a star system such as this might have come to
A. The two stars are simply evolving normally and independently, and one has become a giant
before the other.
B. Although both stars probably formed from the same clump of gas, the more massive one
must have had its birth slowed so that it became a main-sequence star millions of years
later than its less massive companion.
C. The giant must once have been the more massive star, but is now less massive because it
transferred some of its mass to its companion.
D. The two stars probably were once separate but became a binary when a close encounter C
allowed their mutual gravity to pull them together.
Skills, Chapter 13
1. A white dwarf is _________.
A. what most stars become when they die
B. a brown dwarf that has exhausted its fuel for nuclear fusion
C. an early stage of a neutron star
D. a precursor to a black hole A
2. A typical white dwarf is _________.
A. about the same size and mass as the Sun but much hotter
B. as large in diameter as the Sun but only about as massive as Earth
C. as massive as the Sun but only about as large in size as Earth
D. as massive as the Sun but only about as large in size as Jupiter C
3. If you had something the size of a sugar cube that was made of white dwarf matter, it would
weigh _________.
A. as much as the entire Earth
B. as much as a truck
C. about 5 pounds
D. as much as an average person B
4. The maximum mass of a white dwarf is _________.
A. about 3 times the mass of our Sun
B. limitless; there is no theoretical limit to the maximum mass of a white dwarf
C. about the mass of our Sun
D. about 1.4 times the mass of our Sun D
5. What is an accretion disk?
A. Any flattened disk, such as the disk of the Milky Way Galaxy
B. A disk of material found around every white dwarf in the Milky Way Galaxy
C. A disk of hot gas swirling rapidly around a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole
D. A disk around a young star in which planets can form C
6. According to our modern understanding, what is a nova?
A. A rapidly spinning neutron star
B. The explosion of a massive star at the end of its life
C. An explosion occurring on the surface of a white dwarf in a close binary system
D. The sudden formation of a new star in the sky C
7. Suppose that a white dwarf is gaining mass because of accretion in a binary system. What
happens if the mass someday reaches the 1.4 solar mass limit?
A. The white dwarf will undergo a nova explosion.
B. The white dwarf will collapse to become a black hole.
C. The white dwarf will collapse in size, becoming a neutron star.
D. The white dwarf will explode completely as a white dwarf supernova. D
8. A neutron star is _________.
A. a star made mostly of elements with high atomic mass numbers, so that they have lots of
B. an object that will ultimately become a black hole
C. the remains of a star that died in a massive star supernova (if no black hole was created)
D. the remains of a star that died by expelling its outer layers in a planetary nebula C
9 . A typical neutron star is more massive than our Sun and about the size (radius) of
A. the Moon
B. a small asteroid (10 km in diameter)
C. Earth
D. Jupiter B
10 . If you had something the size of a sugar cube that was made of neutron star matter, it
would weigh _________.
A. as much as the entire Earth
B. about as much as a truck
C. about 50 pounds
D. about as much as a large mountain D
11 . Pulsars are thought to be _________.
A. accreting black holes
B. accreting white dwarfs
C. rapidly rotating neutron stars
D. unstable high-mass stars C
12 . How is an X-ray burst (in an X-ray binary system) similar to a nova?
A. Both are thought to involve fusion of hydrogen into helium.
B. Both typically recur every few hours to every few days.
C. Both result in the complete destruction of their host stars.
D. Both involve explosions on the surface of stellar corpse. D
13 . What is the basic definition of a black hole?
A. A black hole is any object made from dark matter.
B. A black hole is a compact mass that emits no visible light.
C. A black hole is an object with gravity so strong that not even light can escape.
D. A black hole is a dead star that has faded from view. C
14 . Based on current understanding, the minimum mass of a black hole that forms during a
massive star supernova is roughly _________.
A. 0.5 solar masses
B. 10 solar masses
C. 3 solar masses
D. 1.4 solar masses C
Concept, Chapter 13
1. Which of the following statements about degeneracy pressure is NOT true?
A. Degeneracy pressure can only be created by interactions among the electrons in an object.
B. Degeneracy pressure can continue to support an object against gravitational collapse even if
the object becomes extremely cold.
C. Black holes form when gravity overcomes degeneracy pressure.
D. Degeneracy pressure arises from a quantum mechanical effect that we don't notice in our A
daily lives.
2. The more massive a white dwarf, the _________.
A. higher its temperature
B. higher its luminosity
C. larger its radius
D. smaller its radius D
3. What prevents a white dwarf from having a mass greater than the white dwarf limit (or
Chandrasekhar limit)?
A. Electron degeneracy pressure depends on the speeds of electrons, and as a white dwarf's
mass approaches the white dwarf limit, its electron speeds are already approaching the
speed of light.
B. White dwarfs get hotter with increasing mass, and above the white dwarf limit they would
be so hot that even their electrons would melt.
C. White dwarfs are made only from stars that have masses less than the white dwarf limit.
D. The upper limit to a white dwarf's mass is something we have learned from observations, A
but no one knows why this limit exists.
4. Which statement about accretion disks is NOT true?
A. Accretion disks are made primarily of hydrogen and helium gas.
B. The gas in the inner parts of the disk travels faster than the gas in the outer parts of the
C. The gas in the inner parts of the disk is hotter than the gas in the outer parts of the disk.
D. The primary factor determining whether a white dwarf has an accretion disk is the white D
dwarf's mass.
5. According to present understanding, a nova is caused by _________.
A. the fusion of carbon in the core of a white dwarf
B. the fusion of hydrogen on the surface of a white dwarf
C. a white dwarf whose mass rises above the white dwarf limit (Chandrasekhar limit)
D. the fusion of hydrogen on the surface of a neutron star B
6. Which of the following is NOT true about differences between novae and supernovae?
A. Novae are much less luminous than supernovae.
B. Supernovae eject gas into space but novae do not.
C. The same star can undergo novae explosions more than once, but can undergo only a single
D. Novae occur only in binary star systems, while supernovae can occur both among single B
stars and among binary star systems.
7. Will our Sun ever undergo a white dwarf supernova explosion? Why or why not?
A. No, because it is not orbited by another star.
B. Yes, right at the end of its double-shell burning stage of life.
C. No, because the Sun's core will never be hot enough to fuse carbon and other heavier
elements into iron.
D. Yes, about a million years after it becomes a white dwarf. A
8. Which of the following best describes what would happen if a 1.5 solar mass neutron star,
with a diameter of a few kilometers, were suddenly (for unexplained reasons) to appear in your
home town?
A. The combined mass of the Earth and the neutron star would cause the neutron star to
collapse into a black hole.
B. It would crash into the Earth, throwing vast amounts of dust into the atmosphere that, in
turn, would cool the Earth. Such a scenario is very likely what caused the extinction of the
C. It would rapidly sink to the center of the Earth.
D. The entire mass of the Earth would end up as a thin layer, about 1 cm thick, over the surface D
of the neutron star.
9. The Voyager spacecraft has a "postcard" designed to be understandable to any aliens that
might someday encounter it. On the "postcard," scientists pinpointed the location of Earth by
triangulating it between pulsars. Why do you think the scientists chose pulsars rather than some
other type of star?
A. Pulsars are easy to identify by their almost perfectly steady periods of pulsation.
B. Several pulsars are located within a dozen light-years of our solar system, making them
useful for finding our solar system.
C. We're pretty sure that aliens will have only radio telescopes and not optical telescopes, so
they'll have a better chance of seeing pulsars than ordinary stars.
D. Pulsars are very bright and therefore easy to find. A
10 . Which statement about pulsars is NOT thought to be true?
A. All pulsars are neutron stars, but not all neutron stars are pulsars.
B. A pulsar must have a very strong magnetic field and rotate quite rapidly.
C. Pulsars can form only in close binary systems.
D. Pulsars are kept from collapsing by neutron degeneracy pressure. C
11 . How does an accretion disk around a neutron star differ from an accretion disk around a
white dwarf?
A. The accretion disk around a neutron star always contains much more mass than the
accretion disk around a white dwarf.
B. The accretion disk around a neutron star is more likely to give birth to planets than the
accretion disk around a white dwarf.
C. The accretion disk around a neutron star is made mostly of helium while the accretion disk
around a white dwarf is made mostly of hydrogen.
D. The accretion disk around a neutron star is much hotter and emits higher-energy radiation D
than the accretion disk around a white dwarf.
12 . Which statement concerning black hole masses and Schwarzschild radii is NOT true?
A. The maximum mass for a black hole corresponds to one with a Schwarzschild radius of 100
B. The more massive the black hole, the larger the Schwarzschild radius.
C. For black holes produced in massive star supernovae, Schwarzschild radii are typically a few
to a few tens of kilometers.
D. Even an object as small as you could become a black hole if there were some way to A
compress you to a size smaller than your Schwarzschild radius.
13 . Suppose you drop a clock toward a black hole. As you look at the clock from a high orbit,
what will you notice?
A. The clock will fall faster and faster, reaching the speed of light as it crosses the event
B. Time on the clock will run slower as it approaches the black hole, and light from the clock
will be increasingly redshifted.
C. The clock will fall toward the black hole at a steady rate, so that you'll see it plunge through
the event horizon within just a few minutes.
D. Time on the clock will run faster as it approaches the black hole, and light from the clock will B
be increasingly blueshifted.
14 . Which of the following statements about black holes is NOT true?
A. Although we are not 100% certain that black holes exist, we have strong observational
evidence in favor of their existence.
B. If you watch someone else fall into a black hole, you will never see them cross the event
horizon. However, they will fade from view as the light they emit (or reflect) becomes more
and more redshifted.
C. A spaceship passing near a 10 solar mass black hole is much more likely to be destroyed
than a spaceship passing at the same distance from the center of a 10 solar mass main-
sequence star.
D. If you fell into a black hole, you would experience time to be running normally as you C
plunged rapidly across the event horizon.
15 . When we see X rays from an accretion disk in a binary system, we can't immediately tell
whether the accretion disk surrounds a neutron star or a black hole. Suppose we then observe each
of the following phenomena in this system. Which one would force us to immediately rule out the
possibility of a black hole?
A. Bright X-ray emission that varies on a time scale of a few hours
B. Sudden, intense, X-ray bursts
C. Spectral lines from the companion star that alternately shift to shorter and longer
D. Visible and ultraviolet light from the companion star B
16 . If a neutron star or black hole is accreting material from its companion in a close binary,
which of the following observatories would offer us the best chance for discovering this fact?
A. Hubble Space Telescope
B. Arecibo Radio Observatory
C. Chandra X-Ray Observatory
orbiting at a distance of 10 AU from a close binary star system that consists of a 15 Msun red giant
star and a 10 Msun black hole surrounded by an accretion disk.) Through a bizarre (and scientifically
unexplainable) fluctuation in the space-time continuum, a copy of a book entitled Iguoonos: How
We Evolved appears on your desk. As you begin to read, you learn that the book describes the
evolution of the people living in the star system described above. In the first chapter, you learn that
these people evolved from organisms that lived 5 billion years ago. Which of the following
statements should you expect to find as you continue to read this book?
A. As a result of traumatic experiences to their evolutionary ancestors, they dislike television.
B. Their immediate ancestors were chimpanzees.
C. They believe that the presence of two stars in their system was critical to their evolution.
D. They evolved on a different planet in a different star system, and moved to their current
E. They evolved from primitive wormlike creatures that had 13 legs, 4 eyes, and bald heads, D
thus explaining why such critters are now considered a spectacular delicacy.
Skills, Chapter 14
1. How does the diameter of the disk of Milky Way Galaxy compare to its thickness?
A. The diameter is about 100 times greater than the thickness.
B. The diameter is about 100,000 times greater than the thickness.
C. The diameter and thickness are roughly equal.
D. The diameter is about 10 times greater than the thickness. A
2. What do we call the bright, sphere-shaped region of stars that occupies the central few
thousand light-years of the Milky Way Galaxy?
A. The galaxy's halo
B. The galaxy's disk
C. The galaxy's bulge
D. A globular cluster C
3. The Sun's location in the Milky Way Galaxy is _________.
A. in the halo of the galaxy, about 28,000 light-years above the galactic disk
B. At the very outer edge of the galactic disk
C. very near the galactic center
D. in the galactic disk, roughly halfway between the center and the outer edge of the disk D
4. What do we mean by the interstellar medium?
Concept, Chapter 14
1. If we could see our own galaxy from 2 million light-years away, it would appear _________.
A. like a single, dim star
B. to be a flattened disk with a central bulge and spiral arms
C. to fill the sky with widely spaced stars
D. as a faintly glowing band of light stretching all the way around the sky B
2. How does the interstellar medium affect our view of most of the galaxy?
A. It absorbs all wavelengths of light.
B. It produces so much visible light that it is opaque and blocks our view of anything beyond it.
C. It prevents us from seeing most of the galactic disk with visible, ultraviolet, and some
infrared light.
D. It has no effect on visible-light observations, but prevents us from studying the galactic C
center with radio waves or X rays.
3. How would you expect a star that formed recently in the disk of the galaxy to differ from one
that formed early in the history of the disk?
A. It should be much brighter.
B. It should orbit the galactic center at a much higher rate of speed.
C. It should have a higher fraction of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium.
D. It should be higher in mass. C
4. Suppose a scientist holds a press conference at which he claims that 10% of the matter in the
Milky Way is in the form of dust grains. In light of what we think we now know, does his claim seem
reasonable? Why or why not?
A. The 10% figure seems far too high because there are not enough of the kinds of elements
C. Gas that is often moving at high speed, particularly after one or more supernovae, and
constantly changing form between molecular clouds, atomic hydrogen, and hot, ionized
bubbles and superbubbles.
D. Gas that changes only in very slow and steady ways, so that the movie would in fact be quite C
9. All the following types of objects are found almost exclusively in the disk (rather than the
halo) of the Milky Way except _________.
A. high-mass, red supergiant stars
B. young stars
C. x-ray binaries
D. globular clusters D
10 . Red and orange stars are found evenly spread throughout the galactic disk, but blue stars
are typically found _________.
A. in the halo
B. only in the central bulge
C. only near or in star-forming regions
D. also evenly spread throughout the galactic disk C
11 . Which of the following statements about how halo stars compare to our Sun is NOT true?
A. Most stars in the halo are less luminous than the Sun
B. Most stars in the halo are in a more advanced stage of life than the Sun, such as in red giant
C. Most stars in the halo have cooler surface temperatures than the Sun.
D. Most stars in the halo contain a much lower percentage of heavy elements than the Sun B
12 . Most nearby stars move relative to the Sun at speeds below about 30 km/s. Suppose you
observe a nearby star that is moving much faster than this (say, 300 km/s). Which of the following is
a likely explanation for its high speed?
A. It is a very young star, recently formed.
B. It is probably a halo star that is currently passing through the disk.
C. It is a very high mass star.
D. It has been pushed to high speed by the shock wave from a nearby supernova. B
13 . Why do we believe that most of the mass of the Milky Way is in the form of dark matter?
A. Theoretical models of galaxy formation suggest that a galaxy cannot form unless it has at
least 10 times as much matter as we see in the Milky Way disk, suggesting that the halo is
Skills, Chapter 15
1. Based on the number of galaxies visible in the Hubble Deep Field (Figure 15.1 in your text),
the number of galaxies in our observable universe is estimated to be somewhere around
A. 50,000
B. infinity
C. 80 million
D. 80 billion D
2. Which of the following is NOT one of the three major categories of galaxies?
A. Spiral galaxies
B. Irregular galaxies
C. Globular galaxies.
D. Elliptical galaxies C
3. A standard candle is _________.
A. a 7 cm wax candle
B. another name for a barred-spiral galaxy
C. another name for a main-sequence star
D. light source of known luminosity D
4. What is main-sequence fitting?
A. A way of forcing stars to fit onto a standard main sequence, even when they have some
unusual characteristics
B. A method for determining the distance to a star cluster by assuming that its main sequence
should line up with the main sequence on a standard H-R diagram
C. A method for determining the age of a star cluster
D. It is the way we construct an H-R diagram by plotting the surface temperatures and B
luminosities of stars.
5. What is a Cepheid variable?
A. A type of galaxy that varies in its light output
B. A main-sequence star of spectral type B5
C. A type of very luminous star that makes an excellent standard candle
D. A bright source of variable X-ray emission, thought to harbor a supermassive black hole C
6. What two properties of a Cepheid variable are directly related to one another?
A. Its mass and its distance
B. The period between its peaks of brightness and its distance
C. Its luminosity and its mass
D. The period between its peaks of brightness and its luminosity D
7. What does Hubble's law tell us?
A. The more distant a galaxy, the faster it is moving away from us.
B. For every force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force.
C. The faster a spiral galaxy's rotation speed, the more luminous it is.
D. The longer the period of a Cepheid variable, the greater its luminosity. A
8. Given that white dwarf supernovae are such good standard candles, why don't we use them
to measure the distance to all galaxies?
A. We would, but we don't have enough telescopes.
B. They can occur only in spiral galaxies, not elliptical galaxies.
C. They are rare events, so we have observed them in only a tiny fraction of all galaxies.
D. We cannot see them beyond a distance of about 100 million light-years. C
9. When we use an analogy that represents the expanding universe with the surface of an
expanding balloon, what does the inside of the balloon represent?
A. The entire universe
B. The inside of the balloon does not represent any part of our universe.
C. The center of the universe
D. Regions of the universe beyond the Milky Way Galaxy B
10 . If we say that a galaxy has a lookback time of 1 billion years, we mean that _________.
A. its light traveled through space for 1 billion years to reach us
B. it is 400 million years old
C. it was 1 billion light-years away when the light left the galaxy
D. it is now 1 billion light-years away A
11 . Although the entire universe may be much larger than our observable universe, we can see
only within our observable universe. The "boundary" of our observable universe is called
A. the Big Bang
B. the lookback time
C. the cosmological horizon
D. the Hubble Deep Field C
12 . Current estimates place the age of the universe at about _________.
A. 14 thousand years
B. 14 trillion years
C. 14 million years
D. 14 billion years D
13 . What do we mean by a protogalactic cloud?
A. It is the cloudlike halo that surrounds the disks of spiral galaxies.
B. It is a cloud of matter that contracts to become a galaxy.
C. It was a term used historically to refer to any galaxy.
D. It is a cloud of hydrogen gas that we detect by studying absorption lines in a quasar's B
14 . Collisions between galaxies typically unfold over a period of _________.
A. several months
B. thousands of years
C. several days
Concept, Chapter 15
1. In a photo like the Hubble Deep Field (Figure 15.1 in your text), we see galaxies in many
different stages of their lives. In general, which galaxies are seen in the earliest (youngest) stages of
their lives?
A. The galaxies that are farthest away
B. The galaxies that have the most hot, young O and B stars
C. The galaxies that are the reddest in color
D. The galaxies that are nearest to us A
2. Which of the following statements about types of galaxies is NOT true?
A. Among the large galaxies in the universe outside of clusters, most are spiral.
B. Elliptical galaxies are bluer and contain more dust than spiral galaxies.
C. Large elliptical galaxies are more common in clusters of galaxies than they are outside of
D. Spiral galaxies have younger stars than elliptical galaxies. B
3. The most basic difference between elliptical galaxies and spiral galaxies is that _________.
A. elliptical galaxies lack anything resembling the halo of a spiral galaxy
Hubble's law.)
A. Toward us at 2,000 km/s
B. Away from us at 20,000 km/s
C. Away from us at 2,000 km/s
D. Away from us at 200 km/s C
8. Why are white dwarf supernovae more useful for measuring cosmic distances than massive
star supernovae?
A. White dwarf supernovae all have roughly the same true peak luminosity, while massive
supernovae come in a wide range of peak luminosities.
B. White dwarf supernovae follow a period-luminosity relation, while massive supernovae do
C. White dwarf supernovae are much more common than massive star supernovae.
D. We can see only white dwarf supernovae in distant galaxies, not massive star supernovae. A
9. Which statement below correctly describes the relationship between expansion rate and age
for the universe?
A. Age is independent of the expansion rate.
B. The faster the rate of expansion, the younger the age of the universe.
C. The faster the rate of expansion, the older the age of the universe. B
10 . What does cosmological redshift do to light?
A. Makes it slow down
B. Stretches its wavelength
C. Makes all light infrared
D. Makes it brighter B
11 . Why can't we see past the cosmological horizon?
A. Every galaxy in the entire universe (not just the observable universe) exists within the
cosmological horizon, so there's nothing to see beyond it.
B. Beyond the cosmological horizon, we would be looking back to a time before the universe
was born.
C. The cosmological horizon is infinitely far away, and we can't see to infinity.
D. We do not have telescopes big enough. B
12 . We can study how galaxies evolve because _________.
A. we are really smart astronomers
B. the farther away we look, the further back in time we see
D. The observed features of the starburst are thought to be caused by the presence of a A
supermassive black hole in the galaxy's center.
18 . A few decades ago, there was great controversy among astronomers over the question of
quasar distances, with some arguing that quasars are much nearer than application of Hubble's law
would seem to imply. Why do nearly all astronomers now agree that quasars really are quite far
A. No one could think of a way to explain quasar speeds if they are nearby, so we concluded
they must be far way.
B. Now that we can explain bright quasar emission with power due to the presence of
supermassive black holes, there is no reason to doubt that quasars are far away.
C. All quasars have large redshifts.
D. We now have images and spectra that clearly show quasars to be embedded at the centers D
of distant galaxies and within distant galaxy clusters.
19 . Most active galactic nuclei are found at large distances from us, with relatively few nearby.
What does this imply?
A. The jets seen in many active galactic nuclei must cause them to move far away from us.
B. Supermassive black holes existed only when the universe was young, and no longer exist
C. Active galactic nuclei can form only at large distances from the Milky Way.
D. Active galactic nuclei tend to become less active as they age. D
20 . Suppose that we observe a source of X rays that varies substantially in brightness over a
period of a few days. What can we conclude?
A. The X-ray source is a quasar.
B. The X-ray source must have a strong, rapidly varying magnetic field.
C. The X-ray source contains a black hole with an accretion disk.
D. The X-ray source is no more than a few light-days in diameter. D
21 . Which of the following does NOT support the theory that active galactic nuclei are powered
by accretion disks around massive black holes?
A. Infrared observations show that many stars are forming near the centers of galaxies with
active galactic nuclei.
B. Observed radiation from the galactic center varies significantly in brightness in times as
short as a few days.
C. The total amount of radiation coming from the galactic center is, in some cases, comparable
Skills, Chapter 16
1. Which of the following best summarizes what we mean by dark matter?
A. Matter for which we have theoretical reason to think it exists, but no observational evidence
for its existence
B. Matter that may inhabit dark areas of the cosmos where we see nothing at all
C. Matter consisting of black holes
D. Matter that we have identified from its gravitational effects but that we cannot see in any D
wavelength of light
2. Which of the following best summarizes what we mean by dark energy?
A. It is the energy of black holes.
B. It is a name given to whatever might be responsible for causing the expansion of the
universe to accelerate with time.
C. It is a type of energy that is associated with the "dark side" of the force that rules the
D. It is the energy contained in dark matter. B
3. The text states that luminous matter in the Milky Way seems to be much like the tip of an
iceberg. This refers to the idea that _________.
A. the unseen dark matter represents much more mass and extends much further from the
galactic center than the luminous matter in the Milky Way
B. black holes are much more interesting than ordinary stars that give off light
C. luminous matter emits white light, much like the light reflected from icebergs
D. the luminous matter of the Milky Way is essentially floating on the surface of a great sea of A
dark matter
9. Which of the following statements best summarizes what studies of the masses of individual
galaxies and of clusters of galaxies have told us about dark matter?
A. Dark matter is present in individual galaxies, but there is no evidence that it can exist
between the galaxies in a cluster.
B. Dark matter is present between galaxies in clusters, but not within individual galaxies.
C. Dark matter is the dominant form of mass in both clusters and in individual galaxies.
D. Within individual galaxies, dark matter is always concentrated near the galactic center, and C
within clusters it is always concentrated near the cluster center.
10 . What is the distinguishing characteristic of what we call ordinary or baryonic matter?
A. It emits a great deal of light.
B. It is made of subatomic particles that scientists call WIMPs.
C. It can attract other matter through the force of gravity.
D. It consists of atoms or ions with nuclei made from protons and neutrons. D
11 . Some dark matter may consist of what astronomers call MACHOs (massive compact halo
objects). Which of the following would NOT be considered a type of MACHO if it were found in the
halo of the galaxy?
A. Dim, low-mass stars
B. Brown dwarfs
C. Neutrinos
D. Planet-sized objects that do not orbit a star C
12 . What do we mean when we say that particles such as neutrinos or WIMPs are weakly
A. They interact with other matter only via the weak force and not via gravity or any other
B. The light that they emit is so weak that it is undetectable to our telescopes.
C. They interact with other matter via the weak force but do not interact with the
electromagnetic force and hence cannot emit light.
D. They are only weakly bound by gravity, which means they can fly off and escape from C
galaxies quite easily.
13 . Which of the following best sums up current scientific thinking about the nature of dark
A. We have been able to rule out the possibility that most dark matter is made of a known
form of matter, meaning that it must be made of some as-yet-undiscovered type of particle.
Concept, Chapter 16
1. Why do we call dark matter "dark"?
A. It emits no radiation that we have been able to detect.
B. It is dark brown or dark red in color.
C. It blocks out the light of stars in a galaxy.
D. It contains large amounts of dark-colored dust. A
2. Although most astronomers assume dark matter really exists, there is at least one other
possible explanation for the phenomena attributed to dark matter. What is it?
A. There could be something wrong or incomplete with our understanding of how gravity
operates on galaxy-size scales.
B. We could just be having a hard time understanding the observations because they involve
very distant galaxies.
C. The so-called dark matter is really just ordinary stars that are enshrouded in clouds of dust.
D. There could be something wrong with our understanding of how atoms produce light. A
3. Spiral galaxy rotation curves are generally fairly flat out to large distances. Suppose that spiral
galaxies did NOT contain dark matter. How would their rotation curves be different?
A. The orbital speeds would fall off sharply with increasing distance from the galactic center.
B. The rotation curve would look the same with or without the presence of dark matter.
C. The rotation curve would be a straight, upward sloping diagonal line, like the rotation curve
of a merry-go-round.
D. The orbital speeds would rise upward with increasing distance from the galactic center, A
rather than remaining approximately constant.
4. The flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies tell us that they contain a lot of dark matter. Do they
tell us anything about where the dark matter is located within the galaxy?
A. Yes, they tell us that the mass is concentrated near the center of the galaxy.
B. Yes, they tell us that dark matter is spread uniformly throughout the galactic disk.
C. Yes, they tell us that the dark matter is spread throughout the galaxy, with most located at
large distances from the galactic center; that is, out in the halo that surrounds the disk.
D. No, we cannot determine anything about the location of dark matter from the rotation C
5. It is more difficult to determine the total amount of dark matter in an elliptical galaxy than in
a spiral galaxy. Why?
A. Elliptical galaxies lack the atomic hydrogen gas that we use to determine orbital speeds at
great distances from the centers of spiral galaxies.
B. Stars in elliptical galaxies are dimmer, making them harder to study.
C. We cannot observe spectral lines for elliptical galaxies.
D. Elliptical galaxies contain much less dark matter than spiral galaxies, so it's much more A
difficult to measure.
6. Why did the hot gas in galaxy clusters go undetected until the 1960s?
A. It is so rarely found in clusters of galaxies that we had not yet been lucky enough to point
our telescopes at a cluster that has it.
B. It is most prominent at X-ray wavelengths and we did not have X-ray telescopes before the
C. It makes up such a tiny fraction of the total mass in clusters of galaxies that our technology
was not up to the task of detecting it.
D. It consists entirely of dark matter, so we couldn't see it. B
7. Why does the temperature of the gas between galaxies in galaxy clusters tell us about the
mass of the cluster?
A. Temperature is always directly related to mass, which is why massive objects are always
hotter than less massive objects.
B. The temperature tells us the average speeds of the gas particles, which are held in the
cluster by gravity, so we can use these speeds to determine the cluster mass.
C. The temperature of the gas tells us the gas density, so we can use the density to determine
the cluster's mass.
D. The question is nonsense --- gas temperature cannot possibly tell us anything about mass. B
8. How does gravitational lensing tell us about the mass of a galaxy cluster?
A. Using Einstein's general theory of relativity, we can calculate the cluster's mass from the
precise way in which it distorts the light of galaxies behind it.
B. Newton's universal law of gravitation predicts how mass can distort light, so we can apply
Newton's law to determine the mass of the cluster.
C. The lensing broadens spectral lines, and we can use the broadening to "weigh" the cluster.
D. The lensing allows us to determine the orbital speeds of galaxies in the cluster, so that we A
can determine the mass of the cluster from the orbital velocity law.
9. We have evidence that at least some dark matter consists of objects that astronomers call
MACHOs (massive compact halo objects). What's the evidence?
A. Radio observations have detected numerous MACHOs in the galactic halo.
B. The rotation curve of the Milky Way Galaxy shows that some dark matter must be made of
C. Recent telescopic observations with visible light have succeeded in identifying many of the
objects known as MACHOs.
D. We have detected gravitational lensing of distant objects that appears to be caused by D
compact but unseen objects in the halo of our galaxy.
10 . If WIMPs really exist and make up most of the dark matter in galaxies, which of the
following is NOT one of their characteristics?
A. They can neither emit nor absorb light.
B. They tend to orbit at large distances from the galactic center.
C. They travel at speeds close to the speed of light.
D. They are subatomic particles. C
11 . Why isn't space expanding within clusters of galaxies?
A. Space is expanding within clusters of galaxies, which is why clusters tend to grow in size with
B. Their gravity is strong enough to hold them together even while the universe as a whole
C. Expansion of the universe affects only empty space, not space in which matter is present.
D. The universe is not old enough yet for these objects to have begun their expansion. B
12 . Which of the following statements about galaxies and large-scale structures such as voids,
clusters, superclusters, sheets, and filaments is probably NOT true?
A. Many cluster and superclusters are still in the process of formation as their gravity gradually
pulls in new members.
B. Voids began their existence as regions in the universe with a slightly lower density than the
rest of the universe.
C. Galaxies and clusters and the structures in which they are embedded have grown around
tiny density enhancements that were present in the early universe.
D. Clusters and superclusters appear to be randomly scattered about the universe, like dots D
sprinkled randomly on a wall.
13 . Based on current evidence, a supercluster is most likely to have formed in regions of space
where _________.
A. the acceleration of the expansion is proceeding faster than elsewhere
B. a place where supermassive black holes were present in the very early universe
C. there was an excess concentration of hydrogen gas when the universe was very young
D. the density of dark matter was slightly higher than average when the universe was very D
14 . According to current evidence, how does the actual average density of matter in the
universe compare to the critical density?
A. The actual density, even with dark matter included, is less than about a third of the critical
B. The total actual density of both dark matter and luminous matter together is no more than
about 1% of the critical density.
C. The actual density of matter is many times higher than the critical density.
D. The density of luminous matter is much less than the critical density, but when we include A
dark matter the actual density probably equals the critical density.
15 . Which of the following statements best describes the current state of understanding
regarding the apparent acceleration of the expansion of the universe?
A. The acceleration is very important in the cosmos today, but we think the acceleration will
eventually slow down.
B. The acceleration was something a few astronomers thought they saw, but we no longer
think it is real and assume that the original claims were based on errors in interpreting the
C. We have moderately strong evidence that the acceleration is real, but essentially no idea
what is causing it.
D. We are quite confident that we understand the cause of the acceleration: the cause is dark C
16 . Some people wish that we lived in a recollapsing universe that would eventually stop
expanding and start contracting. For this to be the case, which of the following would have to be
true (based on current understanding)?
A. Neither dark energy nor dark matter really exist.
B. Dark energy is the dominant form of energy in the cosmos.
C. Dark energy does not exist and there is much more dark matter than we are aware of to
D. Dark energy exists but dark matter does not. C
Skills, Chapter 17
1. Based on our current understanding of physics, it would seem that we can understand the
conditions that prevailed in the early universe as far back in time as _________.
A. one ten-billionth of a second after the Big Bang
B. 3 minutes after the Big Bang
C. 10 billion years ago
D. 380,000 years after the Big Bang A
2. What happens when a particle of matter meets its corresponding antiparticle of antimatter?
A. They can form a complete atom.
B. The question makes no sense, since antimatter does not really exist.
C. The combined mass-energy of the two particles is completely transformed into radiation-
energy (two photons).
D. They fuse to make a heavier particle. C
3. What is the significance of the Planck time?
A. Before it, conditions were so extreme that our current understanding of physics is
insufficient to predict what might have occurred.
B. It is the time when the cosmic microwave background was released.
C. It is the amount of time required for two protons to fuse to make deuterium.
D. It is the time at which inflation is thought to have occurred. A
4. The four fundamental forces that operate in the universe today are _________.
A. nuclear force, electromagnetic force, gravity, tidal force
B. nuclear force, gravity, electric force, magnetic force
C. strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force, gravity
D. strong force, weak force, electric force, magnetic force C
5. A "GUT" (grand unified theory) refers to theories that _________.
A. unify all four forces together
B. unify the electromagnetic and weak forces
C. unify the strong force with the electromagnetic and weak forces
D. unify gravity with the strong and weak forces C
6. What do we mean by inflation?
A. We mean the expansion of the universe that we still observe today.
B. We mean a sudden and rapid acceleration of the universe that went on for a tiny fraction of
a second at the time the strong force froze out from the GUT force.
C. We mean that quantum fluctuations by high speed, relativistic particles in a state of false
vacuum cause disturbances in the space-time continuum leading to the process described in
the question to which this answer refers.
D. We mean the sudden release of photons when a particle and antiparticle annihilate one B
7. Of the statements below, which one correctly summarizes the events in the early universe
according to the Big Bang theory?
A. The universe began with the forces unified. During the first fraction of a second, the forces
separated and there was a brief but important episode of inflation. Subatomic particles of
both matter and antimatter then began to appear from the energy present in the universe.
Most of the particles annihilated to make photons, but some became protons, neutrons,
electrons, and neutrinos. The protons and neutrons underwent some fusion during the first
three minutes, thereby determining the basic chemical composition of the universe.
B. An episode of what we call inflation initiated the event of the Big Bang. Once the Big Bang
got underway, particles and forces began to appear one by one. The forces produced
protons, which fused to make hydrogen and helium until the universe was about 380,000
years old. Then gravity began to act, turning the hydrogen and helium into galaxies.
C. Forces and various subatomic particles began to appear during the first second after the Big
Bang. For reasons not understood, the particles were all made of ordinary matter and none
were made of antimatter, thus explaining why we live in a universe made of matter. The
particles underwent some fusion for the first 380,000 years after the Big Bang, at which
time the first stars were born.
D. The Big Bang began with the initiation of what we call inflation, which gradually slowed to A
the current expansion rate of the universe. Forces came to exist for a different reason,
having to do with quantum fluctuations in the space-time continuum. Particles came to exist
as a result of cracks made when forces froze. Once there were particles, gravity brought
them together to make stars, and the stars then turned the particles into hydrogen, helium,
and other elements.
8. Which statement about the cosmic microwave background is NOT true?
A. Its spectrum corresponds to a temperature of just under 3 degrees above absolute zero.
B. It is thought to be radiation that began its journey to our telescopes when the universe was
about 380,000 years old.
C. It is the result of a mixture of radiation from many independent sources, such as stars and
D. With the exception of very small variations, it appears essentially the same in all directions C
in which we look into space.
9. The Big Bang theory is supported by two major lines of evidence that alternative models
have not successfully explained. What are they?
A. (1) the theory correctly predicts that the universe should be expanding; (2) the theory
correctly predicts the observed ratio of spiral to elliptical galaxies in the universe.
B. (1) the theory predicts the existence of and the specific characteristics of the observed
cosmic microwave background; (2) the theory correctly predicts the observed overall
chemical composition of the universe.
C. (1) the theory predicts the episode of inflation that we think occurred in the early universe;
(2) the theory predicts the existence of large quantities of dark matter.
D. (1) the theory correctly predicts that the universe should be expanding; (2) the theory B
predicts the existence of and the specific characteristics of the observed cosmic microwave
10 . Measuring the amount of deuterium in the universe allows us to set a limit on _________.
A. the density of ordinary (baryonic) matter the universe
B. the current age of the universe
C. the total amount of mass in the universe
D. the acceleration of the universe A
11 . Based on the Big Bang theory, what do observations of the cosmic microwave background
and of chemical abundances in the universe suggest about dark matter?
A. Dark matter must be made of MACHOs.
B. Dark matter probably does not really exist.
C. Dark matter was produced during the era of nuclei.
D. Much of the dark matter must be made of non-ordinary (nonbaryonic) matter, such as D
12 . Which of the following observations cannot be explained by the Big Bang theory unless we
assume that an episode of inflation occurred?
A. The fact that the temperature of the cosmic microwave background is almost the same
B. The fact that the universe is expanding
C. The existence of the cosmic microwave background
D. The fact that about 25% of the ordinary matter in the universe consists of helium A
13 . The idea of inflation makes one clear prediction that, until quite recently, seemed to
contradict the available observations. What is this prediction?
A. Inflation predicts that the entire universe must be far larger than the observable universe.
B. Inflation predicts that the temperature of the cosmic microwave background should be
almost (but not exactly) the same everywhere.
C. The universe should be geometrically "flat" (in the four dimensions of spacetime).
D. Inflation predicts that the early universe should have regions of enhanced density that could C
have acted as "seeds" for the formation of galaxies and large structures.
14 . Olber's paradox is an apparently simple question, but its resolution suggests that the
universe is finite in age. What is the question?
A. Why is the sky dark at night?
B. What would it be like to ride on a beam of light?
C. Can we measure the position and momentum of an electron at the same time?
D. How many stars are in the universe? A
Concept, Chapter 17
1. How do we determine the conditions that existed in the very early universe?
A. We can only guess at the conditions, since we have no way to calculate or observe what
they were.
B. The conditions in the very early universe must have been much like those found in stars
today, so we learn about them by studying stars.
C. From the current expansion rate we can work backward to estimate temperature and
densities at various times in the early universe.
D. By looking all the way to the cosmological horizon, we can see the actual conditions that C
prevailed all the way back to the first instant of the Big Bang.
2. Why can't current theories describe what happened during the Planck era?
A. We do not know how hot or dense the universe was during that time.
B. The Planck era was the time before the Big Bang, and we cannot describe what happened
before that instant.
C. We do not understand the properties of antimatter.
D. We do not yet have a theory that links quantum mechanics and general relativity. D
3. When we say that the electroweak and strong forces "freeze out" at 10--35 seconds after the
Big Bang, we mean that _________.
A. prior to this time, the electroweak and strong forces were indistinguishable from each other,
but after this time they behaved differently from each other
B. these forces are important only at temperatures below the freezing point of water --- a
temperature that the universe reached at an age of about 10--35 seconds
C. following this time, neither the strong nor electroweak forces are ever important in the
universe again
D. freezing out was a term coined by particle physicists who think that the Big Bang theory is A
really cool
4. According to the Big Bang theory, how many forces --- and which ones --- operated in the
universe during the GUT era?
A. 1 force that represented the unification of all four forces that operate today
B. 3: gravity, the strong force, and the electroweak force
C. 2: the strong force and the electroweak force
D. 2: gravity and a single force that later became the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces D
5. Laboratory experiments conducted with particle accelerators confirm predictions made by
the theory that unifies _________.
A. the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces into the GUT force
B. the electromagnetic and weak forces into the electroweak force
C. the strong and weak forces into the combined nuclear force
D. the unification of all four forces into a single "superforce" B
6. What was the significance of the end of the era of nucleosynthesis, when the universe was
about 3 minutes old?
A. The proportions of dark matter and luminous matter had been determined.
B. The basic chemical composition of the universe had been determined.
C. It marks the time at which the expansion of the universe had settled down to its current
D. It marks the time at which the first stars formed. B
7. According to the Big Bang theory, why do we live in a universe that is made of matter rather
than antimatter?
A. During the first 0.001 second after the Big Bang, particles and antiparticles were made in
almost but not perfectly equal numbers. Everything annihilated except the very slight excess
of matter particles.
B. Einstein's famous equation E = mc2 tells us that energy can turn into matter, but does not
tell us that it can turn into antimatter.
C. The fact that we live in a universe made of matter is not surprising, because antimatter has
never been shown to exist for real.
D. GUT theories predict that under the conditions that prevailed in the early universe, the A
normal laws of physics would have been suspended so that only matter particles were
created, and no particles of antimatter.
12 . How does the idea of inflation account for the existence of the "seeds" of density from
which galaxies and other large structures formed?
A. Inflation predicts that temperatures and densities should have become nearly equal
throughout the universe.
B. Inflation tells us that the universe should have a "flat" overall geometry, and this led to the
flat disks of galaxies.
C. Inflation would have caused random, microscopic quantum fluctuations to grow so large in
size that they became the seeds of structure.
D. Inflation predicts that gravity would have been very strong and thereby would have C
concentrated mass into seeds.
13 . Which of the following is NOT consistent with recent observations of the cosmic microwave
background by the WMAP satellite?
A. The majority of the energy in the universe is NOT in the form of mass-energy.
B. The universe is at least 20 billion years old
C. The matter density (both luminous and dark matter combined) in the universe is only about
one-fourth of the critical density.
D. The universe is geometrically "flat" (in the four dimensions of spacetime). B
14 . Based on the results from the WMAP satellite, the overall composition of the energy of the
universe is _________.
A. 1% ordinary (baryonic) matter, 99% nonbaryonic dark matter
B. 100% ordinary (baryonic) matter
C. 15% ordinary (baryonic) matter, 85% nonbaryonic dark matter
D. 4% ordinary (baryonic) matter, 23% nonbaryonic dark matter, 73% dark energy D
Skills, Chapter 18
1. According to fossil evidence how far back in time did life on Earth exist?
A. About 65 million years.
B. About 2.0 billion years.
C. About 545 million years.
D. About 3.5 billion years or more. D
2. Why do scientists say that evolution is a "theory"?
A. Because it's really just a guess about how life developed on Earth.
B. Because they are not very confident that it really happened.
C. Because it explains a great deal about life and is supported by an enormous body of
D. Because it is supported by only a small amount of evidence. C
3. What is a mutation?
A. A change in the physical appearance of a living organism.
B. A change in a living cell's DNA.
C. A change in the type of food an organism consumes.
D. A change in an organism that turns it into a different species. B
4. Based on DNA studies, it seems that all life on Earth _________.
A. arose from one of five distinct ancestors that lived about two billion years ago
B. requires oxygen to survive
C. belongs to one of just two kingdoms: plants and animals
D. shares a common ancestor D
5. Which of the following is considered by biologists to be a likely place where life first arose on
A. Deep underground
B. In hot water near undersea volcanoes
C. On land surfaces that got moderately heavy rainfall
D. On meteorites that landed on Earth B
6. How did oxygen (O2) get into Earth's atmosphere?
A. It was released by life through the process of photosynthesis.
B. It was outgassed from volcanoes.
C. It was captured from the solar nebula.
D. It came from chemical reactions with surface rocks. A
7. Which of the following is NOT considered crucial for life to exist on some world?
A. A source of nutrients
B. Liquid water
C. A source of energy that can be used by life
D. An atmosphere D
8. Which of the following best describes what we mean by a habitable world?
A. A planet or moon that could support life, if any life happened to be on it
B. A planet or moon that lies within its star's habitable zone
C. A planet or moon with life
18 . If there are other civilizations at present in the Milky Way Galaxy, which statement is almost
undoubtedly true?
A. They are anatomically much like us, with two arms, two legs, two eyes, and two ears.
B. They are far more technologically advanced than we are.
C. They have social structures that are completely different from our own; for example,
different types of "family" units, and so on.
D. For fun, they enjoy "buzzing" to Earth and temporarily abducting people, showing a clear B
preference for people located in less-developed rural areas.
Concept, Chapter 18
1. Why are fossils of early life on Earth more rare than fossils of plants and animals from the
past few hundred million years?
A. Life was far less abundant prior to a few hundred million years ago.
B. Early organisms lacked skeletons and other hard structures that are most likely to be
C. We find fossils in sedimentary layers, and no sediments were deposited until just a few
hundred million years ago.
D. Fossils could not form before there was oxygen in the atmosphere. B
2. Which of the following best describes natural selection?
A. It is the idea that organisms naturally increase in complexity and intelligence with time.
B. It is the idea that organisms with genetic traits that improve their ability to reproduce are
more likely to pass those traits on to future generations.
C. It is a guess made by scientists about how life develops, but it has no hard evidence to
support it.
D. It is the idea that the strong survive and the weak die off. B
3. Which of the following is NOT key evidence in support of the idea that all life today shares a
common ancestor?
A. All life builds proteins from the same amino acids and uses ATP to store energy in cells.
B. All life uses DNA and the same genetic code.
C. Mapping of gene sequences shows how life is all related.
D. We have identified fossils of the first life forms that ever existed on Earth. D
4. Which of the following best describes the predominant scientific view of the origin of life on
A. Life arose through a series of extremely unlikely chemical coincidences, making it seem
almost miraculous that life ever came to exist at all.
B. We may never know precisely how life arose on Earth, but current knowledge suggests that
life likely arose easily under the conditions that prevailed on the early Earth.
C. Life probably migrated to Earth from some other world.
D. We can describe with great certainty the precise steps by which life arose on Earth. B
5. Why didn't oxygen begin to accumulate in the atmosphere for more than a billion years after
life appeared on the Earth?
A. Oxygen released by life was removed from the atmosphere by chemical reactions with
surface rocks until the surface rock could absorb no more.
B. Early life did not release oxygen, and oxygen releasing organisms didn't evolve for a billion
years after the earliest life.
C. Oxygen released by life was removed from the atmosphere by dissolving in the ocean until
the oceans could dissolve no more.
D. Early forms of animal life consumed the oxygen released by plants during the first billion A
years of life on Earth.
6. When we analyze whether a world is a possible home to life, the key thing we look for is
A. the presence of organic molecules such as amino acids
B. evidence of atmospheric oxygen
C. surface coloration changes that could indicate vegetative growth
D. the past or present existence of liquid water D
7. Which of the following best describes the current status of the debate over evidence for life
in the Martian meteorite ALH84001?
A. All scientists now agree that the meteorite shows clear evidence of past life on Mars.
B. All scientists now agree that the meteorite shows no evidence for past life on Mars.
C. Most scientists find the evidence intriguing but suspect that it can be explained without
requiring past life on Mars.
D. Most scientists agree that the evidence would support life if the meteorite truly comes from C
Mars, but very few scientists accept that the meteorite is from Mars and instead think it
may be an ordinary Earth rock.
8. Why is Europa considered a good candidate for the possible existence of life?
A. It has a thick atmosphere with a surface pressure greater than that on Earth.
B. Strong evidence suggests that it has a deep, subsurface ocean of liquid water.
C. The Galileo spacecraft found strange seasonal changes on its surface that look like they
could be due to life.
D. It is located within our Sun's habitable zone. B
9. In general, how does the size and location of a star's habitable zone depend on the star's
A. The smaller (less massive) the star, the smaller and the closer-in the habitable zone.
B. The smaller (less massive) the star, the larger and the farther-out the habitable zone.
C. The habitable zone is always about the same size, but its location moves inward for smaller
D. The smaller (less massive) the star, the larger and the closer-in the habitable zone. A
10 . We are not yet capable of detecting life on planets around other stars. But as our
technology develops, our first real chance of detecting such life will probably come from
A. examining spectral lines from the atmospheres of distant planets
B. determining the orbital properties of the planets
C. examining high-resolution images of the planets made by orbiting telescopes
D. sending spacecraft to study the planets up close A
11 . Suppose that Jupiter had never existed, and there was no planet in our solar system
between Mars and Saturn. How would we expect this to have affected Earth?
A. There would not have been any effect, since Jupiter is in the outer solar system and Earth is
in the inner solar system.
B. Earth would have been hit by many more comet impacts.
C. Earth's orbit would have been unstable, and our planet would have spiraled into the Sun.
D. There would be no water on Earth. B
12 . Which of the following best describes how the Drake equation is useful?
A. The Drake equation allows us to calculate the masses of planets orbiting other stars.
B. The Drake equation has allowed us to determine the number of civilizations in the Milky
Way Galaxy.
C. The Drake equation helps us understand what we need to know in order to determine the
likelihood of finding other civilizations.
D. The Drake equation tells us what wavelengths of light will be most useful to examine in the C
search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
13 . In the equation Number of Civilizations = NHP ( flife ( fciv ( fnow, we expect the term fciv to
be small if:
A. Primitive life is common but intelligent life is rare.
B. Most civilizations destroy themselves within just a few hundred years of arising.
C. Most of the civilizations that have ever existed are still out and about in the galaxy.
D. Most habitable planets never actually get life on them. A
14 . Suppose it turns out that one in 1 million stars has a planet that at some point in its history
is home to an advanced civilization. Then the total number of civilizations that have arisen in our
galaxy would be closest to _________.
A. 400
B. 4,000
C. 40,000
D. 4
E. 400,000
F. 40 E
15 . Which of the following describes a major danger of interstellar travel at near-light speed?
A. Time dilation will slow the heart beats of the crew to a dangerously low rate.
B. Atoms and ions in interstellar space will hit a fast-moving spacecraft like a flood of
dangerous cosmic rays.
C. Asteroid fields floating in interstellar space will present a navigational challenge.
D. Any interstellar journey will take much longer than the lives of the crew members. B
16 . Which of the following statements about matter-antimatter engines is NOT true?
A. One of the major challenges to developing matter-antimatter engines is finding a way to
store antimatter after it is produced.
B. Spacecraft powered by matter-antimatter engines could probably reach speeds of more
than half the speed of light.
C. Matter-antimatter engines would be great in theory, but to date we have no evidence that
antimatter even exists.
D. Matter-antimatter reactions represent the most efficient possible reactions in terms of C
energy release.
17 . Which of the following is NOT considered a potential solution to the question of why we
lack any evidence of a galactic civilization?
A. There is no galactic civilization because all civilizations destroy themselves before they