Sizing Guide For SAP MII 15.4
Sizing Guide For SAP MII 15.4
Sizing Guide For SAP MII 15.4
1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4 Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6 Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence (SAP MII) enables the integration of customer's plant and
enterprise systems and the displaying of integrated data to the employees. With SAP MII the customers can
view, measure, and compare the performance of plants and assets with different automation system
SAP MII reduces the cost of synchronizing plant and enterprise business processes by using plant system
connectors, business logic services and integration scenarios.
Data Services
Real-time integration of data with plant floor systems, applications and legacy systems.
Visualization Services
Extensible presentation layer presented through web pages. Family of configurable UI objects provide
manufacturing views in role based dashboards or through wireless PDAs.
Flow based logic engine, enables data aggregation and transformation of disparate data. Transactions can
either be triggered or scheduled. Calculations, business rules, and alerts are easily developed and executed.
● Presentation Layer: Contains the user created web content which makes use of SAP MII display
applets/UI5 based visualization.
● UI Control Layer: Contains the user created templates. The Query Templates contain query request
parameters and the Display Templates contain the visualization properties.
● Service Layer: Exposes services such as ODATA for easy retrieval of user configured data and data from
different plant systems.
● Data Access Layer: Contains components which applies business logic on the data retrieved from the plant
This sizing guide covers customer usages which involve SAP MII specific functionality and integration
SAP MII is used as integration component at plant level and is used to download the production order Headers
from SAP ERP to the plant system. With Download Production Order List from SAP ERP scenario SAP MII
The download is executed asynchronously using multiple parallel processes (Java threads). This is achieved by
a master transaction, triggering a dynamic transaction equal to the number of parallel processes. Transaction
output XML is restructured according to SAP MII XML format using SAP MII XML actions. The downloaded
order headers are then persisted to MDO.
XML Transformation
SAP MII is used as integration hub wherein messages are transformed using XML Transformation capabilities
and exchanged between planning and execution system. The XML transformation scenario handles the
conversion of XML message formats using XSL action block. After conversion the XML is updated to the
transaction property which can be used.
SAP MII is used to create plant performance dashboard for showing the trend for a sensor data such as
temperature of boiler which can be retrieved by connecting to historian system. This scenario showcases the
above functionality with a SAP MII transaction by retrieving certain tag data from historian system using PCo
SAP MII is used to listen for abnormal situations such as increase of boiler temperature through a notification
from PCo on sensor value change. This scenario handles the http post call to SAP MII with the notification
message payload from PCo on sensor value change.
SAP MII is used as integration component at plant level and to send the production orders from SAP ERP to the
plant system.
This scenario sends the production order IDOCs using POIT transaction to SAP MII using IDOC. A transaction
processes the IDOC which saves the order information to a MDO.
Report Production
Report production quantity is one of the scenario for OEE management in SAP MII.
The SAP MII Configuration options such as switching on and off the transaction, template and query caching
are major factors that influence the performance of the system.
● Transaction Caching improves the MII transaction execution. Transactions can be marked for caching in
System Properties in SAP MII administration screen.
● Template Caching ensures that template definitions are cached and loaded from the cache to ensure faster
● Query Caching is used to cache query results. Queries can be marked for caching in the query parameter
configuration in SAP MII Workbench. Additionally, the duration of the cache can be mentioned.
Transaction Persistence Lifetime 8 Hours Time in hours to keep data in the trans
action manager
Plant Information Catalog Logs Cleanup 30 Mins Interval between sequential catalog
Interval logs cleanup rules runs.
● Always
● On Error
● Never
NetWeaver DataSource Caching False Enables the caching of data source cre
ated in NetWeaver
Run Transaction Expiration Check False Enable the transaction expiration check
on startup
Max Row Count 120000 Defines the query limit of 120,000 rows
WorkBench Maximum Memory Size 128 Defines the value for the WorkBench
(MB) Maximum Memory Size
For more details on System Properties, see the help document at
This section explains the most important sizing terms, as these terms are used extensively in this document.
Sizing means determining the hardware requirements of an SAP application, such as the network bandwidth,
physical memory, CPU processing power, and I/O capacity. The size of the hardware and database is
influenced by both business aspects and technological aspects. This means that the number of users using the
various application components and the data load they put on the server must be taken into account.
Sizing information can be determined using SAP Standard Application Benchmarks and scalability tests
( /benchmark). Released for technology partners, benchmarks provide basic sizing
recommendations to customers by placing a substantial load upon a system during the testing of new
hardware, system software components, and relational database management systems (RDBMS). All
performance data relevant to the system, user, and business applications are monitored during a benchmark
run and can be used to compare platforms.
The SAP Application Performance Standard (SAPS) is a hardware-independent unit that describes the
performance of a system configuration in the SAP environment. It is derived from the Sales and Distribution
(SD) Benchmark, where 100 SAPS is defined as the computing power to handle 2,000 fully business processed
order line items per hour. (For more information about SAPS, see
Measuring in SAPS).
Initial Sizing
Initial sizing refers to the sizing approach that provides statements about platform-independent requirements
of the hardware resources necessary for representative, standard delivery SAP applications. The initial sizing
guidelines assume optimal system parameter settings, standard business scenarios, and so on.
Expert Sizing
This term refers to a sizing exercise where customer-specific data is being analyzed and used to put more
detail on the sizing result. The main objective is to determine the resource consumption of customized content
and applications (not SAP standard delivery) by comprehensive measurements.
Hardware resource and optimal system configuration greatly depend on the requirements of the customer-
specific project. This includes the implementation of distribution, security, and high availability solutions by
Ensure that:
SAP MII scenarios are executed in scheduled mode, where overlapping occurs in execution time slot of different
scenarios or same scenario with different data.
The sizing is provided separately for each MII scenario. The final sizing result is the sum of the results for the
scenarios that run in parallel. For multiple combinations of parallel running scenarios, the maximum
requirement (peak overlapping interval) of all combinations should be considered as final.
3.2 Sizing Download Production Order Header List from SAP ERP
The processing time of download Production Order Headers (PO) scenario for given "number of PO" depends
heavily on the transaction modelling which the customer designs.
If the customer has a requirement for target processing time, the number of asynchronous thread is calculated
in the following way:
If "number of PO" is 10.000 and target processing time [s] is 30 seconds, then the value of parameter
"number of asynchronous thread" should be set to 10. With the same "number of PO", if the target
processing time [s] is increased to 5 minutes (300 seconds), then no parallelization is required and number
of asynchronous thread can be set to 1.
Target processing time[s] below 20-30 seconds is hard to achieve because the overhead of splitting work in
packages can be quite significant if multiple packages are to be defined. The minimum target time
requirement is 20-30 seconds.
The configuration of SAP NW ABAP server and SAP NW Java server should support the selected number of
asynchronous thread. For example, if the selected value for number of loops is 20 then there must be at least
20 work processes at the SAP NW ABAP server side and 20 worker threads on SAP NW Java server side. Else
the parallelization will be limited by the actual number of available work processes and Java threads.
The higher the parallelization the more hardware resources are required.
The table below refers to SAPS and memory requirements for downloading POs with different configuration of
number of asynchronous thread.
5 4000 1000 1
10 8000 2000 2
20 16000 4000 4
For optimal performance LAN network is recommended between SAP NW Java Server and SAP ERP.
The XML transformation is executed sequentially. The processing time for a single XML document can be
increased only by a faster CPU and not with multiple CPUs.
The required SAPS for SAP NW Java Server is proportional to the number of XML transformations scheduled
to run in parallel and is independent of the size of the XML document. In other words, if one XML document is
scheduled for transformation, one processing unit (core, thread) should be available and free for the SAP NW
Java server side processing and if 10 XML documents are scheduled for transformation, 10 processing units
should be available.
The memory requirement depends on the size of the XML document, for example for each 1 MB of a XML
document, 20 MB of Java server memory is required.
To parse a single XML document of size 90MB, 1.8GB free java heap space must be available in addition to
the usual Java server initial memory allocation (normal range is 1GB). This can be set on the SAP NW Java
Server with the parameters, -Xms = -Xmx which equals to 2.8 GB.
The java parameter- Xms defines the minimum Heap Size and the java parameter - Xmx defines the
maximum Heap Size. Both parameters should be set to the same value because this improves the
performance of the system.
Suppose there are 5 XML documents scheduled for parsing at the same time by a single SAP NW Java
server node. Let 3 XML documents have size of 50 MB each and 2 XML documents have size of 90 MB
each. Then the total required heap space is calculated as follows:
1 GB + (3 * 50 MB + 2 * 90 MB) * 20 MB = 7.4 GB
The configuration of the java server node memory is rounded up to 8GB (using -Xms = -Xmx = 8GB).
10 1.2 GB 12 GB
50 2 GB 20 GB
90 2.8 GB 28 GB
The database disk space is growing proportional to the size of the XML document, e.g. with a 50 MB XML
document plan 50 MB disk space growth for the database.
Consider the retention period to calculate how much disk space would be occupied over time with
accumulation of data.
Retrieval of PCo Metadata and Secondary information of the tags and PCo notification is not considered in this
For details on sizing for Plant Connectivity (PCo), see Sizing Guidelines
Others SAP Plant Connectivity .
The processing of data in this scenario is executed sequentially on SAP NW Java server. The duration of
processing depends on the number of tags, the number of retrieved records per tag, and the speed of the
processing unit (core, thread). In other words, multiple processing units (cores, threads) are required only if the
more than one query is executed in parallel.
The SAP NW Java memory requirement for the sequential processing of a query is rounded to 1 GB. For parallel
execution of queries, the memory must proportional in size.
1 GB offset memory for SAP NW Java server initialization for each configured java server node is required.
Number of queries exe SAPS Java Server SAPS Database Physical memory [GB] for
cuted in parallel Java Server
The PCo notifications are sent by sensors or machines and are received at the SAP NW Java Server side. The
sizing table below refers to the number of received notifications per second, which usually is much lower than
the number of attached sensors or machines.
The IDOC Scenario receives messages in MII Java Server from the ERP system (via RFC Destination) through
the IDOC Listener. It triggers a transaction in the MII system which saves the messages in MDO in the Java
database. Additionally, the scenario checks for the successful persistence of the message.
For each Production Order a message is sent from ERP and persisted in the MDO.
Messages/Production Orders are sent in different chunks of sizes, which can be configured with parameter.
IDOC scenario is executed in scheduled mode in the background and the processing of IDOC is done
sequentially .Hence, the execution time of this scenario depends on the number of IDOCs in linear way and
cannot be reduced by additional hardware.
The minimum hardware requirement for SAP MII (number of cores and memory) is sufficient to execute
individually scheduled and non-overlapping IDOC scenario. If multiple IDOC scenarios are scheduled to run in
parallel or one IDOC scenario runs in parallel to other MII scenarios, then 1 core free and up to 200 MB memory
is required along with the existing hardware for each of the parallel running IDOC processing.
Report production quantity is a scenario in OEE on SAP MII. Production quantities are reported from the shop
floor against machine or line and orders running on these lines. This production data is sent to OEE through
For sizing exercise, the report production scenario is replicated for number of posts per second.
The scenario uses SAP MII transaction which in turn uses an OEE custom action service in the transaction. The
transaction is executed with an input parameter and the OEE custom action. Every single execution of the
custom action service reports a production quantity to OEE.
The table below refers to SAPS and memory requirements with different configuration of number of posts per
The number of peak posts per second is determined by the number of configured machines and depends on
the intervals between the posts. For example, 10 posts per second are equivalent to 100 machines sending at
interval of 10 seconds or 300 machines sending at interval of 30 seconds and so on, i.e. “10*N machines”
sending at “interval of N seconds”
10 4100 1950 5 40
Report downtime is a scenario in SAP OEE Management on SAP MII. Downtimes are reported from the shop
floor against machine or line and orders running on these lines. This downtime data is sent to OEE through MII.
For sizing exercise, the report downtime scenario is replicated for number of posts per second.
The scenario uses SAP MII transaction which in turn uses an OEE custom action service in the transaction. The
transaction is executed with an input parameter and executes the OEE custom action. Every single execution of
the custom action service reports a downtime to OEE.
The table below refers to SAPS and memory requirements with different configuration of number of posts per
The number of peak posts per second is determined by the number of configured machines and depends on
the intervals between the posts. For example, 10 posts per second are equivalent to 100 machines sending at
interval of 10 seconds or 300 machines sending at interval of 30 seconds and so on, i.e. “10*N machines”
sending at “interval of N seconds”.
Number of posts per SAPS Java Server SAPS Database Physical memory Network require
second [GB] for Java Server ments [Mbit/s]
10 13300 7500 10 60
The MII installation guide is available on the SAP Help Portal page at
For the latest supported configurations, see the SAP Product Availability Matrix or PAM at SAP Product
Availability Matrix .
4.2 Abbreviations
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