Vall Syrene - Monster Hunts Theros
Vall Syrene - Monster Hunts Theros
Vall Syrene - Monster Hunts Theros
Monster Hunts
Party Time Excellent? No Heinous (APL 1) 5
A DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica, Theros, and all other Wizards of the Coast product
names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or
other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2020
by Vall Syrene, Jimmy Meritt, Darren Kenny, Jesse McNamee, and Ayla Finnegan, and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Contents and Credits
Introduction Stage 2: Exploration. This section offers the characters
the opportunity to search for clues that could aid them
later in the hunt.
How To Use This Book
Monster Hunts: Theros is a digital supplement created Stage 3: The Hunt. This section details the creature
for use with the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons. encounter, and notes any particular tactics the
It contains a collection of monster hunting bounties creature might have, such as targeting a particular
drawn from the Mythic Odysseys of Theros supplement, character first, or having an aversion to fire.
expanding on the bestiary with a collection of harvest Stage 4: Completion. This stage deals with the
tables and magical items. The hunts are divided into a aftermath of the hunt. Here you can find options for
number of tables organized by tier for ease of navigation, looting a creature's lair and any rewards NPCs provide
and are listed in ascending order of average party once the characters return to them. Harvesting options
level (APL). for the creatures are not mentioned, but can be added as
This book assumes you have basic knowledge of the 5th additional treasure.
edition Dungeons & Dragons ruleset, and have access
to the Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, and Mythic Harvesting Monster Parts
Odysseys of Theros.
In this supplement, some monsters feature a variety of
When a creature is referenced for the first time from
parts that can be harvested after being killed or defeated.
Mythic Odysseys of Theros or the Monster Manual, it is
If the idea of harvesting pieces of monsters and turning
mentioned in bold. All creatures referenced from Mythic
them into useful items is appropriate for your campaign,
Odesseys of Theros can be found in Chapter 6: Friends and
consult the harvesting table for the creature in question to
Foes. If an item is referenced, its origin book is abbreviated
see what body parts may be harvested, how difficult they
as detailed below, followed by the chapter name where the
are to craft, and the resulting weapon or item the body
item can be found.
part can be turned into. Below is an example of the tables
Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG)
you can find in this supplement, as well as a breakdown of
Mythic Odysseys of Theros (MOT)
what each column means.
You don't have to read through this entire supplement Harvesting Table
before using it, but it is advised you read the initial
Body Harvest Crafted Crafting Crafting
monster hunting guide to get a general idea of how
Part DC Item Reqs DC
hunts operate.
Fangs DC 14 Fang charm Tinker’s Fang Charm
Battle Maps (4d6 Wisdom (10 fangs tools: DC 15
fangs) (Survival) required) All items Intelligence
Most of these hunts are intended to be played using the (Arcana)
theatre of the mind. If a hunt requires a map, a DM version 4 Hours
is provided at the end of the quest. A separate player
version for that hunt is also available in a bundled zip file Table Guide
along with the supplement. Body Part: What parts can be harvested and how many
can be obtained on a successful harvest.
Hunting and You Harvesting DC: The ability check and DC required
to successfully harvest the chosen part. A creature
The quests in this supplement are referred to as Hunts.
part can only be harvested once. If a creature fails
Each hunt begins with a short bounty, rumor or plot hook
the harvesting check by 5 or more, the body part is
you can provide to your players. The hunts in this book
destroyed and can't be harvested again.
have been kept short, simple and don't provide maps or
Crafted Item: The item or items the body part can be
complex details. This is to allow Dungeon Masters to
turned into. You can only produce one of the listed items
quickly tweak the hunt on the fly to suit their campaigns
with each crafting attempt.
while staying within the hunt's structure.
Crafting Requirements: Any requirements that must
The Hunt Layout be met in order to turn the harvested body part into an
Each hunt lists a hunt title, the noted bounty, rumor or item is listed here. If an item is listed under two or more
plot hook description, the average party level (APL) and tools, proficiency in and access to both sets of tools are
expected difficulty based on party size, the quest creature, required, though these proficiencies can be shared over
a brief summary of the hunt the Dungeon Master can read multiple characters. For example, one character could
themselves, and 4 different stages that act as guidelines for take part in the crafting and have proficiency in one set
the hunt progression. of tools, and another character could also take part in the
crafting and provide the proficiency needed for the other
Hunt Stages set of tools.
Hunts are divided into 4 stages: Meeting the NPCs, Crafting DC: The ability check and DC that must be met
Exploration, The Hunt, and Completion. to successfully craft and item, and the time required to
Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs. This section begins the hunt, do so. If this check is failed by 5 or more, the harvested
introduces any notable NPCs the characters should need pieces are destroyed in the crafting process.
to speak with, and gives the characters the opportunity A
to learn more about the hunt itself.
Tier 1 Hunt Table
D12 Hunt Title APL Hunt Creature Author
1-3 A Glimmer of Gold 3-4 Gold-Forge Sentinel Vall Syrene
4-6 Dude, Where's My Construct? 3 Amphisbaena Darren Kenny
7- A Hippocamp, A Hippocamp, My Gold For A Hippocamp! 1-2 Hippocamp, Triton Shorestalker Ayla Finnegan
9 - 10 Party Time, Excellent? No, Heinous. 1 Satyr Reveler Jimmy Meritt
Hunt Tables
Party Time, Excellent? Stage 2: Exploration.
Once characters arrive at the town, read or paraphrase
No, Heinous (apl 1) the following:
"Wanted: The township of Petrea is bewitched! We need hunters
of keen mind and strong will to free them from this bizarre Before you is a scene of pure revelry and decadence. A grand
prison. Seek out Ireni Palpati at the Tavern of the Bold N’ feast continues well past the point of gluttony, and as games
Brewed for more information." rage on the exhaustion and gaunt faces betray the sad truth that
this has gone on far beyond the desires of the participants. On
Average Party Level: 1 (6 players), 1 (4 players) a wooden stage in the town square, the culprit becomes clear! A
Difficulty: Easy (6 players), Easy (4 players) satyr dances and jeers, pure merriment in his eyes. Looking at
Hunt Creature: Satyr Reveler you, the satyr laughs and exclaims
Summary: The characters are dispatched to a small town "New players for our games! New diners for our feast!’”
caught in the grip of constant revelry. After learning the
cause is a Satyr Reveler, the characters attempt to track The charmed townspeople swarm the characters, blocking
it down,but first they must get back the revelers without their path towards the satyr. Townspeople encircle the
hurting anyone. characters from all directions, then small groups break off
to force the characters into games or challenges. To get
Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs past the townspeople and confront the satyr, characters
Characters traveling to the Bold N’ Brewed tavern can find must work through the following encounters:
Ireni (Human Ranger, She/Her). Ireni gives characters the • Mead Ball. Villagers set up a large table, and set 6 mugs
following information: of mead on each side. A character is challenged to throw
• The town of Petrea just entered its harvest season, and a small ball into an opposing villager's cup. If the ball
so began its annual Festival to Karametra, the goddess lands in a cup, the villager must take a drink. Throwing a
of harvest and nature. The town correctly believes that ball into a cup requires a successful DC 12 Dexterity
honoring Karametra in this festival blesses the town check, or a ranged attack roll against an AC of 12. A
with bountiful crops every year. villager who has four drinks passes out, and the game
• The festival normally runs for one day, but this year ends. Between throws, a villager attempts to throw a ball
something unusual happened. The town is now in its into the character's meade. They roll Dexterity checks
fourth day of festival. Some villagers have been dancing with a bonus of +1, attempting to hit a 12. On a success,
so long their feet have begun to bleed, others gorge the character must take a drink of meade. After drinking,
themselves on festival food endlessly. they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw of 12,
• In addition to being fearful of how this prolonged or have disadvantage on the next throw roll.
festival is causing physical suffering, Ireni is concerned At the DMs Discretion, rather than running this as an
that if the festival goes on too long, Karametra may encounter, set up 12 cups of beer, and replace a pong ball
believe that it’s continuing on as a mockery towards her with your D20!
rather than genuine praise. • Wrasslin’. A character is challenged to a wrestling match.
If characters can resolve the problem without hurting the To win at Wrasslin, a character must make a successful
townspeople, Ireni offers the characters 25 gp each for melee attack roll against an AC of 10, followed by a
resolving the problem, in addition to providing bountiful Strength (Athletics) check. On a failure, the character is
harvest food. Some of the crops given as gifts are believed pinned and suffers a level of exhaustion.
to have magical properties. • Festival Dance. Characters are “invited” to participate in
the Festival Dance, a test of endurance to see who can
dance the longest. Each round, every character makes a
Constitution check, or a Strength (Athletics) check. The
character who rolled lowest is considered to be out, but
may remain dancing in exchange for taking a point of
Tier 1: A Hippocamp! A Hippocamp! My Gold For A Hippocamp!
being kept safe by tritons. He suggests that the characters If the characters choose to ambush the
wait until dusk or dawn to spring their attack as this is hippocamp while they are asleep, then
when the hippocamp sleeps. they can attempt to sneak up on them by
Vasilis leads the party around the enclosure, pointing making a DC 11 Dexterity (Stealth) check.
out the rare plants, imported rocks, expensive statues and A thick fog appears over the lagoon between
finally the marble pool where he intends the hippocamp dusk and dawn. Creature’s and objects within the
to live. He enthusiastically retells the story of the first fog are heavily obscured. The fog can be dispersed
time he spotted the stallion in a local lagoon with several by a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10
mares, Vasilis insists that only that stallion will suffice for miles per hour).
his aquarium. After providing the group with a detailed The triton shorestalker is hidden within the fog, and can
description of the creature as well as directions to the be detected with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
lagoon he resumes his prior conversation with Dimitrius. check. The triton attacks any creatures approaching the
Before the characters depart, Athenia provides them hippocamps with its poisoned spine from its hidden
with a horse drawn carriage containing a tank of water for position within the fog. The characters are surprised if the
the hippocamp to be transported in, requesting that they triton attacks before being detected.
try not to harm the hippocamp if possible, however she
does reassure the party that they have an on-site healer for Stage 4: Completion
any injured animals, if necessary. Upon returning with the hippocamp, Vasilis hands over
A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals the 30 gold pieces agreed upon. He thanks the group
that Athenia appears incredibly nervous. Should the for their services and offers them a year of free entry to
characters press her further, a successful DC 14 Charisma the aquarium.
(Persuasion) check reveals another group were already sent Should the party kill the hippocamp and return with
out to retrieve the hippocamp but they haven’t returned. its carcass then Vasilis refuses to pay for it, he is visibly
She fears that something may have happened to them, as upset and storms off in a rage. However, Dimitrius offers
they came very highly recommended and wouldn’t leave a the characters 5 gold pieces for their troubles and for
job unfinished. the carcass.
On a failed check, Athenia denies feeling nervous and
refuses to divulge any more information to the party. Notable NPCs
Name: Vasilis Vassari’
Stage 2: Exploration. Race: Human (He/Him)
Vasilis’ directions are surprisingly accurate and it takes Alignment: Neutral good
the party half a day to reach the lagoon using the horse Occupation: Owner of Vassari’s Magnificent Aquarium
drawn carriage. Stat Block: Arthur uses the statistics of a noble
The lagoon is flanked on three sides by lush forest Personality Trait: Vasilis is eccentric, excitable and
and features a small white sandy beach, there is a single friendly to most people. He is passionate about his
pathway barely large enough for the carriage to fit through business ventures and cares about his employees.
that leads to the remnants of an abandoned slipway.
A DC 12 passive Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the Name: Athenia Callea
pod of hippocamp swimming in circles offshore, led by a Race: Human (She/Her)
large stallion matching the description given by Vasilis. Alignment: Neutral good
If Athenia told the group about the missing party then Occupation: Personal assistant
the characters may choose to look for signs of them. A Stat Block: Athenia uses the statistics of a commoner
successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals blood Personality Trait: Socially awkward, hard-working and
stains on the nearby rocks. Upon further investigation the studious. She is loyal to her friends and employer, but
characters notice several poisonous spines embedded in the always tries to do good.
rock, as if fired from a blowgun or other ranged device.
Name: Dimitrius Leventis
Stage 3: The Hunt Race: Human (He/Him)
The characters can approach the hippocamp pod while Alignment: Lawful Neutral
they are awake by making a DC 11 Dexterity (Stealth) Occupation: Scholar, specialising in aquatic creatures
check, if a hippocamp detects the characters then they Stat Block: Dimitrius uses the statistics of a priest
warily regard the party, consistently staying at least 30 feet Personality Trait: Dimitrius is a quiet but friendly
away where possible. If the characters attack or attempt character, often found buried in scrolls and study.
to capture a hippocamp, the stallion emits an audible roar
and attacks.
During combat, the mares flee the lagoon with alarmed
cries. The cries alert a triton shorestalker. The triton
arrives on initiative count 20 (losing ties) on the following
round. The triton is friendly to the hippocamps and acts
on its own initiative, attacking the character closest to
the stallion. The stallion and triton defend each other to
the death, attacking with bolstered vengeance should one
of them die.
Tier 1: A Hippocamp! A Hippocamp! My Gold For A Hippocamp!
Dude, Where's My Construct? (apl 3) the amphisbaena violently retches before vomiting up
the anvilwrought raptor, which appears prone in an
“Wanted: A group of adventurers to help find our construct. unoccupied space within 5 feet of the amphisbaena. Raptor
Please help. 150 gold and our thanks. Meet at the Velvet Lounge.” exploding out of its stomach. If the amphisbaena detect the
group's presence, they attack.
Average Party Level: 3
Difficulty: Easy (6 Players), Medium (4 players) Stage 4: Completion
Hunt Creature: Amphisbaena Returning to town the party find Jesserus and Chestarus at
Summary: Jesserus and Chestarus need adventurers to a nearby tavern, heavily intoxicated and with no memory
go recover their lost construct they misplaced while of the party or any conversation they had. After presenting
celebrating. Both are too hungover to remember what them with the anvilwrought raptor, however, they
happened, but offer 150 gp to anyone who can return happily offer the group a reward of 200 gp as thanks for its
their construct intact. safe return.
Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs Crafted Items
Jesserus and Chestarus are recovering from their hangover
at the Velvet Lounge when the party finds them having Amphisbaena Poison
day drinks. Both are tipsy, but have their wits about Potion, common
them. They ask the party to find their flying construct, School of Magic: Enchantment
an Anvilwrought Raptor, that they lost track of in This viscus green poison is drawn from the body of an
a nearby cave. The two direct the party towards the Amphisbaena. As an action you can coat a weapon in
nearby mountains where the cave is located and give this poison, which lasts for 1 minute. The next time
them the command phrase to control the Raptor, ‘cheep you damage a creature with a weapon coated in this
cheep birdy’. poison, you deal an additional 1d6 poison damage. After
damaging a creature this way, the poison disappears.
Stage 2: Exploration.
Navigating to the cave entrance is a simple endeavour and Serpent's Mantle
takes 1 hour by foot. Upon entering the cave each creature Wondrous item, uncommon
must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a failed School of Magic: Enchantment
save, the target creature becomes intoxicated by the fungal This scaled cloak aids the wearer in hiding themselves
growths in the cave. Colors appear more vibrant, food and in forests and swamps. While travelling in forests and
drink tastes amazing, and everything seems just wonderful swamps creatures suffer disadvantage on any Wisdom
no matter how dire the situation truly is. (Perception) check made to detect you.
Harvesting An Amphisbaena
The body of an Amphisbaena can be harvested by a creature proficient in smith’s tools or tinker’s tools. Consult the harvest
table below to find out what parts you can harvest or craft from it.
Harvesting Table
Body Part Harvesting DC Crafted Item Crafting Requirements Crafting DC and Time Taken
Amphisbaena DC 13 Wisdom Amphisbaena Poison Alchemist's supplies Amphisbaena Poison
Gland (1d4 glands) (Survival) (2 glands required) All items DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana)
4 Hours
Amphisbaena DC 15 Wisdom Serpent's Mantle Leatherworker's tools Serpent's Mantle
Hide (Survival) (4 pieces required) Serpent's Mantle DC 13 Strength (Athletics)
(1d6 + 1 pieces) 4 Hours
Tier 1: Dude, Where's My Construct?
A Glimmer of Gold (apl 3 - 4) Stage 3: The Hunt
The sentinel resides atop a 300-foot-high grassy cliff,
"Wanted: A group of strong adventurers for retrieval of valuable overlooking a paved road leading into Bale’s Hollow.
items. Tools shall be provided upon meeting, and a reward of 10 Whenever a humanoid is within 500 feet of the gold-
gold pieces is available upon completion of the item’s delivery. forged sentinel, it magically animates, regardless of
For more information, contact Iremire Fulsgrowth at the whether it can detect it or not. If the sentinel animates
Fulgrowsth Estate." and doesn’t detect the characters, it searches for them by
making a Wisdom (Perception) check every 10 minutes,
Average Party Level: 3 (6 players), 4 (4 players) contested by the group’s Dexterity (Stealth) check. If the
Difficulty: Medium (6 players), Hard (4 players) characters leave the sentinel’s radius, it returns to its post
Hunt Creature: Gold-Forged Sentinel and becomes inert once more. When the sentinel detects
Summary: A gold-forged sentinel has appeared atop a a humanoid character, it attacks, targeting the largest
cliffside overlooking the town of Bale’s Hollow. Spying character first. The sentinel uses its charge feature to
the gleaming golden horns atop the construct’s head, try and push characters over the edge of the cliff. If it is
a noble by the name of Iremire Fulsgrowth hires the outnumbered in melee, it flies out of range and uses its fire
characters to retrieve the sentinel’s horns without breath on the clumped targets.
causing additional damage to it where possible. The sentinel fights to the death, or until the characters
leave its area.
Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs
The characters are introduced to Iremire Fulsgrowth Stage 4: Completion
upon approaching the noble’s lavish estate. Large marble Once subdued or killed, the characters can harvest the
statues of mythical creatures and brutal gods adorn the sentinel’s horns by using their action to make a DC 15
vast gardens, and a gleaming pathway leads the way Survival check using Iremire’s tools. On a success, the
towards the front of the Fulsgrowth manor. Iremire characters successfully sever one horn. A separate ability
himself welcomes the characters into his carefully tended check is required to sever each horn. If a character fails
gardens, offering each a different flower that best suits this check by 5 or more, some of Iremire’s tools break. If
their choice of attire. He explains that a few weeks ago, a the check is failed twice, the tools break entirely and the
strange construct appeared atop a nearby cliff overlooking characters must figure out another way of breaking the
the town. After sending numerous servants up to it to horns themselves.
investigate, he discovered it to be a mysterious construct Upon returning the horns to Iremire, he greets them
called a Gold-Forged Sentinel. He requests the characters with open arms, awarding the group 10 gp per horn
retrieve the sentinel’s horns for his collection, providing returned, and offers them a lavish dinner and travel to
them with a number of specialised tools for the job. a nearby city of their choice in one of his various luxury
carriages for free.
Stage 2: Exploration.
The characters can ask the townsfolk for additional
information about the construct by making a DC 15
Charisma (Persuasion) check. On a failure, the townsfolk
fail to offer any pertinent information. On a success,
the characters learn the construct animates when other
humanoids are near. If the humanoids don’t heed the
construct’s aggressive warnings, it attacks them relentlessly
until they leave.
If any of the characters have access to a contact within
the town, they can choose to speak with them instead to
gain this information without making the aforementioned
ability check.
Characters can learn more about the construct by
spending 4 hours as part of a long rest in an academic
building within the town. Upon completing the long rest,
the character learns the name of the construct, and of the
following traits it has:
• The sentinel appears as a large stag, and is particularly
aggressive towards wildlife hunters.
• An ancient tale speaks of a golden creature being drawn
to the town upon its construction many years ago.
The creature terrorized the settlers for weeks before
vanishing, and was never seen again.
• The gold-forged sentinel was seen three years ago by a
now deceased blacksmith. The smith reported seeing it
emit gouts of glistening fire, similar to the sparks seen in
a forge.
Tier 1: A Glimmer Of Gold
Crafted Items Glimmerblade
Weapon (any sword), uncommon
Gleaming Shield School of Magic: Abjuration
Armour (shield), uncommon You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
School of Magic: Abjuration using this magical weapon. As an action, you can touch
This glistening golden shield is extremely light and the blade and speak its command word to cast the light
flexible, allowing you to don or doff it as a bonus action cantrip, targeting the blade or one item it is touching
on your turn. The shield has 3 charges. When you are the when the command word is spoken.
target of a spell that targets only you (not an area), you Once you use the weapon’s feature, it can’t be used
can use your reaction and expend 1 of the shield’s charges again until the next dawn.
to gain advantage on that saving throw. If the saving
throw succeeds and the spell is of 1st-level or lower, the Fire-thrower's Pouch
spell has no effect on you and instead targets the caster Wondrous item, uncommon
using their spell attack and spell save DC modifiers. School of Magic: Abjuration
This rough leather pouch contains 1d4 +1 pinches
Feathered Armor of gold-dust fragments, harvested from the body of a
Armor (scale mail), rare (requires attunement) gold-forged sentinel. As an action, you can reach into
School of Magic: Enchantment the pouch and send a pinch of these fragments streaking
While you wear this glittering armor, you have advantage towards a point you can see within 15 feet of you,
on saving throws to resist being charmed or petrified. where they erupt in a burst of flames. Each creature
Additionally, while you remain attuned to this magical in a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must
armor you have a flight speed of 30 feet. If you end your make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 10
turn in the air while using this flight speed, you fall slowly (3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
to the ground, and the armor can’t be used to fly again in successful one.
this way again until the next dawn.
Harvesting Table
Body Part Harvesting DC Crafted Item Crafting Requirements Crafting DC and Time Taken
Sentinel Feathers DC 14 Wisdom Gleaming Shield Smith's tools Gleaming shield
(2d6 feathers) (Survival) (5 feathers required) All items DC 12 Strength (Athletics)
4 Hours
Feathered Armor
(10 feathers required) Feathered Armor
DC 13 Strength (Athletics)
6 Hours
Golden Metal DC 13 Wisdom Glimmerblade Smith's tools Glimmerblade
(4d4 fragments) (Survival) (8 fragments required) Glimmerblade DC 13 Strength (Athletics)
4 Hours
Fire-thrower’s Pouch Tinker's tools
(8 fragments required) Fire-thrower's Pouch Fire-thrower’s Pouch
DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana)
4 Hours
Reunited And It Feels So Good going to the temple somehow, perhaps persuading it
that an enemy to fight is there, or it could get some new
(apl 4 - 5) weapon.
“Wanted: Looking for Monster Hunters that can bring their
prey back alive, and who are willing to spit in the face of Erebos! Once the Eidolon has been brought to the temple, an
Come to the Temple of Heliod and seek out Pavlos." incantation from Pavlos keeps it in place.
Pavlos’ visions have led him to believe that the returned
Average Party Level: 4 (6 players), 5 (4 players) part of Selene,her body, without her spirit, has been seen
Difficulty: Medium (6 players), Hard (4 players) wandering a beach she favored as a child, idly collecting sea
Hunt Creature: Returned Drifter & Eidolon Ghostblade shells but otherwise unresponsive.
Summary: Characters are hired to capture a Returned Characters arriving at the beach may track Selene’s
and an Eidolon, two parts of the same dead woman. Returned Drifter, but have an additional complication,
Characters track down the Eidolon fighting near its another group of monster hunters is tracking the
last battlefield, and the Returned playing out a bizarre returned, hoping to take the mask to pawn it. There are a
parody of its home life. Once both are captured, a variety of ways to deal with this group:
ritual begins to reunite them but goes wrong and the
characters must either slay both beings, or try to finish • Act fast, and track the returned first! Opposed
the ritual themselves at a cost. Investigation checks can get the characters towards
the returned first. A successful DC 13 Charisma
Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs (Deception) for altering clues to the returned, or
Characters traveling to the Temple of Heliod may meet Charisma (Deception) check for convincing the hunters
with Pavlos Marakos (Human Cleric, He/Him). Pavlos to look elsewhere makes them roll their Intelligence
is a Priest of Heliod, who gives characters the following (Investigation) check with disadvantage.
information: • Bribe them! The rival monster hunters will call off their
• Pavlos’ wife, Selene, was a Hopolite who died in combat. search with a bribe of 250 Gold, with a successful DC 14
Pavlos went to an Oracle to see if there was anything he Charisma (Persuasion) lowering the amount to 200.
could do from here to help her journey into the great • Throw down! Kick their asses and send them packing.
beyond. The Oracle told him Selene attempted to escape
from her fate. Selene has returned, but has been split Once the rival Monster Hunters have been dealt with,
into two beings, an eidolon and a returned. capturing the Returned should be a simple matter as it can
• Pavlos believes he’s perfected a ritual that will combine be grappled or restrained.
these two beings and restore Selene’s identity, but first
they must both be captured relatively unharmed. Stage 3: The Hunt
Once both the eidolon ghostblade and the returned drifter
Stage 2: Exploration are reunited in the temple, they are each filled with rage
The first part of Selene has become a Ghostblade Eidolon. and disgust at the other. The eidolon and returned both
An Eidolon retains the skills kept in life, but feels attempt to destroy the other.
disconnected from its experiences. Pavlos believes this It takes Pavlos four rounds to complete the ritual, during
version of Selene may have returned to the place of her which the characters must work to keep the Eidolon and
final battlefield, an overrun encampment. Returned from killing each other.
When characters arrive at the ruined encampment, If the characters are successful at keeping the two
they see Selene’s Ghostblade Eidolon If observed, they creatures apart, after the fourth round of casting the ritual
find the Eidolon varies it’s behavior between attempting the entire room goes dark, and characters hear the voice of
to repair a damaged fortification and swinging swords at Erebos, who says:
unseen enemies. “If you wish to claim a life from me, there must be a bargain”.
Characters must find a way to bring the Eidolon on Erebos offers the characters a deal. Erebos will allow
the two mile journey towards the Oracle’s temple. This Selene to return to life, if one of the characters trades away
could prove difficult, as the Eidolon is immune to both the their own possibility of returning to life after death. When
grappled and restrained condition. Allow space for player they die, it must be final. A character who makes this
creativity in terms of how the Eidolon can be captured, but bargain is cursed and may not return to life by any means
a few suggestions are below: other than a wish spell. Pavlos begs to take the deal, but
Erebos refuses, knowing that even with this deal, Pavlos
• The Eidolon has advantage on saving throws against would consider the situation a win for him overall. Erebos
being turned, but with repeated attempts eventually the wants to discourage priests attempting things like this in
Eidolon could get unlucky, and characters could force the future by setting an example.
the creature in the direction they need it to go.
• The Eidolen is not immune to the Incapacitated Stage 4: Completion.
condition- if characters can incapacitate the Eidolen Upon completion, Selene is fully restored to life and
somehow, they can attempt to get it towards the Oracle’s reunited with Pavlos. Pavlos awards the party 1,000 gp and
Temple until the condition wears off. gives the character who made the bargain with Erebeos
• The Eidolon is intelligent enough to be communicated a Token of Heliod. In addition, he awards the party a brass
with. Any reference to it’s past life pushes it into a rage, symbol of Heliod, explaining that if a character produces
but characters can attempt to trick the Eidolon into this symbol when in any temple of Heliod, it grants the
characters free housing and healing for 1 night per week.
Tier 1: Reunited, And It Feels So Good
Notable NPCs: “C’Mere Boy! Good Boy! Oh No,
Name: Stavros Mikidos
Race: Human (He/him) It’s Coming, Run!!!” (apl 4-6)
Alignment: Neutral evil “For too long, we have laid siege to the City of Marodosia, and
Occupation: Monster hunter found our armies wanting. Our swords break and our legions
Stat Block: Stavros uses the statistics of an assassin. scatter against their shields. A plan has been formed to reign
Personality Trait: Stavros is a thrill seeker and mayhem down before them on a scale that will draw the eyes of
opportunist. He never plans beyond the current day, the gods themselves. Now, if only a hero was foolish, er, brave
always leaning towards what brings the most excitement enough to take up the call..”
or wealth in that moment. He is accompanied by two
other monster hunters, named Nasia and Fanis. Average Party Level: 4 (6 players), 6 (4 players)
Difficulty: Hard (6 players), Hard (4 players)
Name: Nasia Hunt Creature: Two-Headed Cerberus
Race: Human (She/her) Summary: The characters are hired by a warlord
Alignment: Neutral evil attempting to lay siege to a town. To get past the
Occupation: Monster hunter town's defenses, the characters must track a group of
Stat Block: Nasia uses the statistics of a gladiator. cerberei Once discovered, they must find a way to get
Personality Trait: Nasia is a hardened warrior and the cerberei to follow them to Marodosia, in order for
veteran hunter. She enjoys a coin as much as she does them to lay waste to the city.. Once the mission is done,
the hunt itself, and respects those who prove their might the tables turn as the cerberei find their appetites not
against her in combat. fully satiated.
Stage 2: Exploration
Once characters travel towards the river, they see a pack
of four two-headed cerberei, playfully tearing apart and
devouring wildlife. Characters may use any method they
wish to lure the creatures towards Maradosia. If characters
need guidance, Theseus offers the following suggestions:
heels. If the character fails this check by 5 or more, the cerberus has disadvantage on its attack rolls until the end
cerberei catch up to the group and combat begins. of its next turn. On a failure, the cerberus can't be lured to
• Anger The Beasts. A character could coax the cerberei the meat for the remainder of the encounter.
into attacking the city by making a DC 16 Wisdom
(Animal Handling) check. Stage 4: Completion
• Characters can simply attack the cerberei, beat them into Once the final cerberei is slain, Theseus apologizes
unconsciousness with non-lethal attacks, and then place again for forgetting to have the cerberei dealt with.
them into a cage. Thesues awards the characters the promised 200gp
and an additional 600 gp as thanks for defeating the
DM's Note: Characters have unlimited options in how they remaining cerberei.
attempt to bring the beasts towards Maradosia. In general, a Characters can loot the corpses of the cerberei, finding
Dungeon Master should give any borderline practical idea a a collar of the bounded beast around the neck of one of
chance of success, mediating their idea by setting a skill check the creatures.
somewhere between 12 and 17, depending on their judgement of
the plan's relative difficulty. Collar Of The Bound Beast
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Stage 3: The Hunt School of Magic: Abjuration
Once characters successfully lure the creatures towards While attuned to this iron collar, you can use your action
Maradosia, the beasts charge at the gate, bringing the to throw it towards a beast of challenge rating 3 or lower
armies into a panic. As the defensive perimeters scatter, you can see within 30 feet of you. Make an attack roll
Theseus’ forces attack and take the town. If characters against the target creature. On a hit, the collar binds
choose to join the fight, 3 Akoran Hoplites emerge from around the creature's neck for 1 hour or until it is reduced
the crowd to attack them. The hoplite surrender if reduced to 0 hit points or dies. In addition, the target must make
to half of their hit point maximum or less. a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you
Once the invasion is done, Theseus invites the characters for the duration. While charmed in this way the target
to a grand feast to celebrate. As the characters drink and follows your verbal commands, but doesn't do anything
eat in the town square, they hear a roaring in the distance. that would cause it extreme harm, such as jumping off a
Theseus sheepishly admits he never assigned any of his cliff or into a pit of lava.
men to deal with the cerberei once the initial siege in
the town was finished, before fleeing in panic as the 4 Notable NPCs:
cerberei attack! Name: Theseus Sallatos
In the first round of combat, two cerberei focus on Race: Human (He/him)
finishing off wounded soldiers on the ground, while the Alignment: Neutral good
other two attack the closest characters. On the second Occupation: Army General
round, a third cerberus moves from scavenging to join Stat Block: Theseus uses the statistics of a veteran.
the fray, and on the third round the final cerberus joins Personality Trait: Theseus is motivated and ambitious.
the attack. He’s incredibly frustrated by the poor luck those under
On a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check, his command tends to suffer, but he tries his best to treat
characters realize that cerberei are distracted by the corpse it with empathy and understanding rather than anger.
meat on the ground. As a bonus action, a character can
draw the cerberei’s attention to the meat by making a
DC 13 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check, contested by
the cerberus' Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, the
A Brother's Quarrel (apl 6) allowing it to prepare and possibly ambush them.
Otherwise it sits inside the cabin feigning a human
“Wanted: A group of adventurers to help end the quarrel appearance and attempts to lie or bargain its way out of
between our Husbands. Suspected otherworldly activity." the situation, promising vast sums of wealth it has no
intention of delivering upon, or by threatening to make
Average Party Level: 5 (6 players), 6 (4 players) the brothers kill each other if the party attacks, which is
Difficulty: Easy (6 players), Medium (4 players) another lie. For larger or more powerful parties, consider
Hunt Creature: Eater of Hope adding a low CR demon such as a Dretch, Quasit, or a
Summary: Alfrena and Dorius are the partners to two Vrock as a follower or servant of the eater of hope.
local businessmen who happen to be twin brothers. The
two invested in each other's businesses and built each Stage 4: Completion
other up for nearly two centuries. They have suddenly Upon killing the demon his hold on the brothers is be
turned on each other, a dangerous greed sparked in broken and the illusion in the area disperse, revealing its
their hearts. Each has hired a dozen mercenaries and disgusting, corpse filled lair. The party can take the head
every day they grow closer to conflict. The two partners of the demon as evidence, however the change in the
believe it began when they met a stranger on the road brother’s demeanor is enough to convince their partners of
who lived nearby. the quest's completion.
Upon returning Alfrena and Dorius happily pay the
Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs party their owed gold and even invite them to celebrate the
The party meets Alfrena and Dorius in a nearby tavern. renewed filial bonds with an evening of drink, food and
Both are using cloaks to hide their visage. The two tell the rest in the local tavern.
party of how close the brothers were before things turned
suddenly sour upon their return from a business trip. Notable NPCs:
Both brothers claimed to have met a businessman who Name: Alfrena Grania
lived in a cabin on the road to the neighboring town. The Race: High Elf (She/her)
two believe their partners have been bewitched by this Alignment: Chaotic neutral
individual and want them brought to justice. They offer Occupation: Noble
the characters 350 gp if they end the quarrel. Stat Block: Alfrena uses the statistics of a commoner.
Personality Trait: Alfrena is the partner of Izanus. She is
Stage 2: Exploration a blonde haired elven woman who holds herself in high
The journey along the road is uneventful, however an regard, looking down on the adventurers as servants.
individual trained in religion will note unusual markings
in various trees, stones or other organic surfaces. A DC Name: Dorius Grania
13 Religion check can determine these are signs of abyssal Race: Dwarf (He/him)
activity and can help detect when creatures are near. Upon Alignment: Neutral good
learning of this abyssal presence, a member of the party Occupation: Trader
can make a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check to avoid Stat Block: Dorius uses the statistics of a commoner.
being detected by the eater of hope before arriving at their Personality Trait: Dorius is Kalin's partner. A dark
destination. skinned dwarven man of low birth, faithful of Heliod
and thankful for her new station in life. Far kinder than
Stage 3: The Hunt
her sister in law.
The lonely cabin that lies before the party is an illusion
created by the eater of hope. The reality is a bone littered
Name: Izanus Grania
hovel where the demon has gathered a collection of
Race: Human (He/him)
corpses and a small amount of gold (435 bloody and dirt-
Alignment: Neutral good
stained gold pieces).
Occupation: Wine trader
If the party were detected by the demon on their way
Stat Block: Izanus uses the statistics of a commoner.
here, the eater of hope has advantage on all attack rolls
against the party and knows their intent upon arrival,
Harvesting Table
Body Part Harvesting DC Crafted Item Crafting Requirements Crafting DC and Time Taken
Bleak Crown DC 10 Wisdom Crown of Misery Smith's tools Crown of Misery
(1 broken crown) (Survival) (1 broken crown All items DC 12 Strength (Athletics)
required) 6 Hours
Cracked Armor DC 13 Wisdom Dark One's Armor Smith's tools Dark One's Armor
(1d6 + 1 (Survival) (4 fragments required) Glimmerblade DC 13 Strength (Athletics)
fragments) 6 Hours
Tier 2: A Brother's Quarrel
Personality Trait: Izanus is Alfrena's partner. He sports A Storm Brings The Beasts (apl 6- 8)
a head of dark hair, and dresses in fine silks at every
opportunity. “A fierce storm has been battering the Westcliff Coast for just
over a week. While the rains lash down on our farmlands and
Name: Kalin Grania fog coats the city streets, cattle are going missing at an alarming
Race: Human (He/him) rate. The city guard is offering a sum of 200 gp each to anyone
Alignment: Chaotic good willing to investigate this matter further. For more information,
Occupation: Silk trader contact Captain Katina at the southern Westcliff barracks as
Stat Block: Kalin uses the statistics of a commoner. soon as possible.”
Personality Trait: Kalin is partner to Dorius. Like his
brother, Kalin also sports a similar mess of dark hair, but Average Party Level: 6 (6 players), 8 (4 players)
opts to dress in simple garbs, even though he has silks Difficulty: Hard (6 players), Deadly (4 players)
readily available to him. Hunt Creature: Theran Chimera
Summary: A mating pair of theran chimeras have
Crafted Items been preying on the cattle populating fields across the
Westcliff Coast. The characters must track down the
Crown of Misery chimeras and defeat them before they begin to move on
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric, to more abundant humanoid prey.
druid, sorcerer or wizard)
School of Magic: Enchantment Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs
This golden horned crown empowers the wielder The characters are introduced to Captain Katina, a stout,
through the suffering of others. When you reduce a intimidating woman with a veteran’s eyes. She explains
creature to 0 hit points you regain an expended spell slot. to the characters that farmers from all over the Westcliff
The level of spell slot regained is equal to the number Coast have been reporting missing cattle, and she’s
rolled on a d4. beginning to suspect the mysterious storm has brought
Cursed. A creature attuned to this crown feels no sense with it something more monstrous than simple cattle
of joy, cannot taste food or drink and cannot dream. rustlers. She goes on to reveal that Minos Dellakis also
reported a large heavy crash atop his bakery last night.
Dark One's Armor When the guards investigated, they found claw marks and
Armor (breastplate), rare hoofprints embedded into the wooden beams.
School of Magic: Enchantment Katina suggests the character begin their search at
This breastplate is forged from the metal armor of the Dellakis bakery before heading further afield to the
an Eater of Hope. While wearing this armor you outlying farms. She provides the group with 2 potions
gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. If you are already of healing (DMG, Chapter 7: Treasure) and sends them
proficient, your proficiency is doubled whenever you on their way.
would make a Dexterity (Stealth) check.
While attuned to it, you can use your action to cast the Stage 2: Exploration.
pass without trace spell once without requiring material During this stage, the characters can choose to either head
components. Once the armor is used in this way, it can’t to the Dellakis bakery or choose to head straight to the
be used to cast this spell again until the next dawn. fields. The storm abates for 3 hours before darkening the
skies again with lashing rain and fierce winds. During the
storm, objects and creatures are lightly obscured, visibility
is reduced to a maximum of 200 feet, and Constitution
saves made to maintain concentration on spells are made
with disadvantage.
Traveling to the Dellakis bakery takes 1 hour by foot.
Upon their arrival, the characters are greeted by a short,
portly satyr, who introduces himself as Minos Dellakis.
Minos shows the characters a heavy wooden beam, now
removed from the bakery due to repairs, and asks them if
they know anything about it.
A character can investigate the markings on the beam
with a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation or Nature)
check. A successful check reveals the marks to be made by
the same creature, with the hoofprints appearing as the
creature’s back legs.
On a failure, the character figures out that the marks
were made by the same creature, but doesn’t learn
anything else.
A character can make a DC 15 Intelligence (History)
check to recall any creatures that might fit the descriptions
given thus far. On a successful check, the creature is
revealed to be a theran chimera.
Tier 2: A Storm Brings The Beasts
A successful DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) reveals the creature
D4 Event
took off, towards a forest near the outskirts of town. If
no character passes this check, they can spend 30 minutes 4 A vast gust of wind sweeps across the fields, uprooting
trees and bowling over lesser creatures. Each creature
discussing various possibilities amongst themselves before
that isn’t in three-quarters or total cover and inside the
they all come to the same conclusion. storm’s area must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw.
Travelling to the farms takes 2 hours by foot, or 3 hours Creatures in the air have disadvantage on this save. A
if walking there from the Dellakis bakery. creature takes 2d6 cold damage and is knocked prone
Upon arriving, they find the fields abandoned, devoid on a failed save, or takes half as much and isn’t knocked
of all livestock. A weak cry can be heard from the edge prone on a successful one.
of one of the fields, masked by the coming storm. Upon If a chimera starts its turn with 15 hit points or less
investigating further, the characters find a wounded cow remaining, it flees, using all of its movement to leave the
lying on its side in a ditch. Large hoofprints and claws encounter. The other chimera follows suit at the end of its
can be seen carved into the mud around the ditch. A turn. If one of the chimeras is killed during the encounter,
DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) or Intelligence (Nature) check the other fights to the death, targeting the character that
reveals the cow managed to escape the clutches of its dealt the killing blow.
predator by hiding in the ditch as the storm raged above
it. If characters have not identified it already, a successful Stage 4: Completion
DC 15 Intelligence (History or Nature) or Wisdom Upon routing or killing the chimeras, the storm’s effects
(Survival) check reveals the creature to be a theran fade over the course of 30 minutes, leaving the sky clear
chimera. If making a Wisdom (Survival) check to identify once again.
the creature, it is revealed there is also a second chimera Characters can return to Katina and provide evidence
preying on the cattle, made evident by the various prints of the creature’s defeat to claim their reward. Katina
in the mud. remarks on their skill and prowess as she hands over the
Once the storm arrives, both chimeras appear from gold, musing aloud that she never realised the arrival of
opposite ends of the field, scouring the ditches for the chimeras brought storms with them.
remaining cow. If they detect the characters, they attack. A DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals this
information to be incorrect. But if the storm wasn’t caused
Stage 3: The Hunt by the chimeras, what might be lurking behind it?
The chimeras attack as a co-operative duo, prioritizing (This is left intentionally blank to allow a DM to expand
those characters that stray too far from the group first onto it as they see fit. Perhaps consider other higher level hunts
before moving in for the kill. When a chimera knocks from this supplement, or one of the many other entries in the
a character unconscious, it switches to a new target. It Monster Hunts series.)
prioritizes attacking targets that are attacking its mate first,
followed by characters closest to the wounded cow. Notable NPCs
During the encounter, the storm reaches a critical Name: Captain Katina
intensity, covering a 3-mile radius centered on the combat. Race: Human (She/her)
Thunder roars overhead and lightning cracks across the Alignment: Lawful good
sky before bolting towards the ground. On initiative count Occupation: Guard captain
20 and again at Initiative count 10 (losing initiative ties Stat Block: Katina uses the statistics of a Knight
and rerolling duplicate results) roll on the storm effects Personality Trait: Katina has spent many years
table to determine what happens. A chimera can only be advancing through the ranks of the Westcliff guard
affected by one storm event each round. and is a well-respected member of the community. She
doesn’t have much knowledge about monsters, but is
Storm Effects Table eager to listen and learn from experienced adventurers.
D4 Event She spends her free time practicing her archery skills
in the barracks, and enjoys a good drink after a hard
1 A bolt of lightning streaks towards one random creature
touching the ground. The target must make a DC 13
day’s work.
Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 lightning damage on
a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Name: Mino Dellakis
2 A crack of thunder booms across the sky. All Race: Satyr (He/him)
creatures in the storm’s area must succeed on a DC Alignment: Neutral good
13 Constitution saving throw or be deafened until Occupation: Baker
initiative count 20 on the following round. Stat Block: Minos uses the statistics of a Satyr Reveler
3 A sudden bright flash of sheet lightning races across the Personality Trait: Like all satyrs, Minos is high-spirited
sky, bathing the fields in a vibrant light. Each creature and loves meeting new people. His bread is claimed
in the storm's area that can see it must succeed on a by residents to be some of the finest in all the land - a
DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded until the compliment which Minos thoroughly enjoys hearing.
end of its next turn. Creatures looking up towards the
sky during this event have disadvantage on the saving
He is friendly to all who meet him, though is terrified of
throw. bees and insects.
Tier 2: A Storm Brings The Beasts
Harvesting Chimeras
Certain unique body parts to each chimera can be harvested by characters to create magical items. The table below takes
into account each body part variation mentioned in Mythic Odysseys of Theros, in addition to generic body parts, divided into
separate tables. Characters can only harvest unique body parts if the chimera has those particular features. For example, a
character couldn’t harvest a shark tail if the chimera in question doesn’t have one, but could harvest its tail as a generic body
part instead.
Generic Parts
Body Part Harvesting DC Crafted Item Crafting Requirements Crafting DC and Time Taken
Chimera teeth DC 15 Wisdom Piercing Charm Tinker's tools Piercing Charm
(2d6 teeth) (Survival) (7 teeth required) All items DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
2 Hours
Chimera claws DC 15 Wisdom Whistling Dagger Smith's tools Whistling Dagger
(2d4 claws) (Survival) (2 claws required) All items DC 13 Strength (Athletics)
4 Hours
Chimera Heart DC 15 Wisdom Monstrous Essence Alchemist's supplies Monstrous Essence
(1 heart) (Survival) (1 heart required) All items DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana)
6 Hours
Chimera Tail DC 15 Wisdom Twisting Whip Leatherworker's tools Twisting Whip
(1 tail) (Survival) (1 tail required) All items DC 14 Strength (Athletics)
3 Hours
Fire Glands DC 15 Wisdom Vial of Fire Alchemist's supplies Vial of Fire
(2 glands) (Survival) (1 gland required) All items DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
4 Hours
Chimera Hide DC 15 Wisdom Hardened Leather Leatherworker's tools Hardened Leather
(2d4 + 1 pieces) (Survival) (5 pieces required) All items DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
5 Hours
Shifting Shield
(3 pieces required) Shifting Shield
DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
4 hours
For the Favor Of Phenax (apl 6-10) cheat, con, or cleverly steal casino gold, they’ll earn
Phenex’s attention.
“And Lo, there is a terrible fiend blighting our land! This foul • The foreman is remarkably casual about characters
demon has stolen a great treasure from the temple of Ephras. conning his casino, his only request is that it must be
The signs say if the treasure can be returned, Ephras will smile done in a subtle fashion to truly honor Phenex.
upon us and smite the fiend. We need your cunning!”
Dm's Note: Give characters a great deal of freedom on how the
Average Party Level: 6 (6 players), 10 (4 players) choose to scam, cheat or steal from the casino. Ideally, every idea
Difficulty: Hard (6 Players), Hard (4 players) presented should be considered, but if an idea appears doesn't
Hunt Creatures: Abhorrent Overlord, Harpies of the appear to be feasible or the characters are at a loss as to what to
Dissonant Song do, some suggestions are detailed below.
Summary: Characters learn of a fiend called an Abhorrent
Overlord, a terrifying creature who lusts for treasure. • A successful DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight of hand) check
Characters are sent to retrieve a looted relic by can allow characters to palm cards, giving themselves a
petitioning a priest from the temple of Phenex. Phenex, stronger hand.
the god of mischief and trickery, agrees to disguise the • A successful DC 13 Charisma (Deception) or Charisma
characters as harpies to infiltrate the Overlords inner (Performance) check can create a distraction, giving
sanctum and steal back the relic, along with whatever characters an opportunity for further trickery.
other treasures they can grab. • Spells such as disguise self, minor illusion, and unseen
servant all provide ample potential for characters to
Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs
create chaos.
Characters answering the bounty listing travel to the
temple of Ephara, which is in ruins. The temple priest, Stage 3: The Hunt
Avra Sisikili explains the following pieces of information: Once characters have earned the eyes of Phenex, read or
summarize the following:
• Ephara is a god of civilization and law. Because of this,
Ephara’s temples are a frequent target for creatures “Around you, the din of the gambling hall quiets as you find
of chaos. Recently, an Abhorrent Overlord raided the yourself transported to a gray desert with craggy cliffs. Looking
temple, and stole a relic, one of Ephara’s Sacred Scrolls. down, and at each other, you find Phenax has kept his side of
This Sacred Scroll explains the rudimentary knowledge the implied deal, a constant illusion has given each of you the
needed to create an aqueduct system. appearance of harpies! A steady screech in the distance makes
• The Abhorrent Overlord is a fiend that longs to steal your objective clear”.
treasure. It tends to be attended by creatures such as
harpies, crows, and other flying scavengers Phenex has disguised the characters as Harpies. Characters
• When seeking the Oracles’ wisdom on how to retrieve who follow the sounds of singing and screeching find
the Sacred Scroll, the Oracles consulted rolling bones. themself at a cliffside with a small cavern to the side of
A bone was tossed into a bowl, followed by a small strip it. Mountainous random encounters, such as a roaming
of cloth slipped from the Oracles sleeve, which covered Theran Chimera can be added here, if you feel it to be an
the small piece of bone. This was interpreted by the appropriate challenge for your group.
Oracles as something symbolizing a disguise, thus the Inside the cavern are four harpies with golden coins,
Oracles believe Phenex must be the answer. If Phenex is art, and sculptures haphazardly tossed around them.
honored, he will provide a disguise that will deceive the Harpies will be initially mistrustful of the characters
Fiend. and protective of their possessions. A successful DC 13
• Phenex is the God of deception and disguise. The priests Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Performance) check
and worshippers of Ephara are nervous about seeking can convince the real harpies to let the characters remain
Phenex’s help in this matter due to Ephara’s disdain of in their inner circle, on a failure the harpies become
Phenex, but they believe an outside group of adventurers territorial and attack.
could resolve the problem.
DM's Note: If the harpies attack the characters, they will not use
Stage 2: Exploration.
their “Luring Song” ability, as they do believe the characters to be
Characters are sent to a temple of Phenex, which is in
fellow harpies.
actuality a gambling hall. The room is filled with nearly a
hundred assorted gamblers playing cards, dice, and games
Once the harpies have been dealt with or joined, a
of chance. Characters can spot the foreman, a gentleman
successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check
wearing robes of Phenax walking the floor. The foreman
reveals the Sacred Scroll is not in the abhorrent overlords
is Alekos Papakps. Upon questioning him, characters learn
current cache.
the following information:
Several minutes after the characters have settled in,
• Because Phenax is a God of subtlety and manipulation,
they see the Abhorrent Overlord in the distance, flying
gambling and utilizing bluffing is one of the ways his
towards his lair with an elaborate scroll holder slung over
worshippers honor him. However, not everyone in
one shoulder. Once he arrives, he gives a loud yawn and
the gambling hall is a worshipper of Phenex; some are
demands the harpies sing him to sleep. If the real harpies
simply here for a good time.
are still alive, they’re able to do so. If the characters are the
• Characters wishing to earn Phenex’s help must draw his
only harpies in the room, a successful DC 13 Charisma
eye through subtle thievery. If characters successfully
Tier 2: For The Favor Of Phenax
(Performance) check is needed to lull the Overlord to Swan Song (apl 7-8)
sleep. If the abhorrent overlord is successfully put to sleep,
a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check “Wanted: A group of adventurers to deal with a necromantic
allows them to steal the scroll out from under him. On a threat and cleanse an abandoned temple of the undead presence”
failure of either check, the overlord attacks.
Ephras magically teleports the characters back to safety Average Party Level: 7 (6 players), 8 (4 players)
once a character obtains the scroll and manages to hold Difficulty: Medium (6 Players), Hard (4 players)
onto it until the end of the overlord's following turn. If Hunt Creatures: Aphemia the Dissonant Song
two or more characters are reduced to 0 hit points or Summary: Priestess Serena of the temple of Heliod is
killed, Ephras teleports the entire group to safety and seeking the aid of a group of adventurers to help find
the quest fails (unless one of them is holding the scroll at a harpy named Aphemia and kill her and the horde of
this point). undead she commands.
Stage 4: Completion
Name: Alekos Papakps
When Aphemia dies the undead lose their driving force
Race: Human (He/him)
and can be easily dispatched by the party. Aphemia can be
Alignment: Lawful good
harvested for crafting components while her head must
Occupation: Gambling hall foreman
be brought back as proof she has been slain. The temple
Stat Block: Alekos uses the statistics of a Priest
pews can be used as kindling to set the temple ablaze. As
Personality Trait: Alekos never misses an opportunity
the party leaves nearby undead who remain will wander
for a bet, and actively tries to entice the characters into
towards the burning temple, most of which die in the
making such bets, however small, should they speak
burning ruin.
to him for any length of time. The bets are always fair,
Avandra tosses Aphemia’s head into the burning altar of
but he is known to sweeten the deals by adding oddly
Heliod, reducing it to ash. She will thank the party as one
specific circumstances to the outcome, such as earning
of the acolytes provides them with their reward.
an additional 30 gp should a character win a game of a
chance while also standing on one leg. Hunt Special Rules
Swamp Sickness. Whenever a creature afflicted with this
disease makes an attack roll or saving throw, it must roll
d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or
saving throw. At the end of each new day, the afflicted
Tier 2: Swan Song
creature can make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw,
ending the effect on itself on a success.
Crafted Items
Whip of Discord
Weapon (whip), uncommon
School of Magic: Illusion
This dark metal whip is infused with the power of the
Aphemia to rend the mind of creatures it strikes.
Whenever you hit a creature with this whip, you deal
an additional 1d4 psychic damage, and the target must
succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened of you until the start of your next turn.
Harpy Gauntlet
Wondrous item, uncommon
School of Magic: Illusion
This gauntlet has a series of harpy talons attached to the
end of it. When you hit a target with an unarmed strike
while wielding this gauntlet, the target takes an additional
1d6 psychic damage.
Warhammer of Screams
Weapon (warhammer), very rare (requires attunement)
School of Magic: Enchantment, Necromancy
This warhammer is made from the beak of Aphemia, and
contains all of her dark powers. You gain +2 to attack and
damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
The hammer has 3 charges. It regains 1d3 charges
daily at dawn. As an action you can spend a number of
charges to cast one of the following spells from it (spell
save DC 15):
Animate dead (2 charges), psychic scream (3 charges)
When you expend the weapon's last charge, the head of
the warhammer shatters, and the weapon is destroyed.
Harvesting Aphemia
The body of Aphemia can be harvested by a creature
using a carving knife or other sharpened instrument.
Consult the harvest table below to find out what parts
you can harvest or craft from it.
Harvesting Table
Body Part Harvesting DC Crafted Item Crafting Requirements Crafting DC and Time Taken
Vocal Chords DC 13 Wisdom Whip of Discord Smith's tools Whip of Discord
(1 piece) (Survival) (1 piece required) All items DC 14 Strength (Athletics)
4 Hours
Aphemia's Talons DC 15 Wisdom Harpy Gauntlet Alchemist's supplies Harpy Gauntlet
(1d6 + 1 pieces) (Survival) (3 pieces required) All items DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana)
4 Hours
Tinker's tools
All items
Aphemia's Heart DC 16 Wisdom Warhammer of Smith's tools Warhammer of Screams
(1 heart) (Survival) Screams All items DC 14 Strength (Athletics)
(1 heart required) 5 Hours
Tier 2: Swan Song
Hellish Hunting Grounds (apl 10) • Intelligence (Arcana). As the cerberus originates from
the pits of Hell itself, it is completely unaffected by fire
“Wanted: Brave adventurers for a dangerous rescue mission. or necrotic damage of any kind, and can’t be charmed,
Possible ancient riches available upon completion of quest. If blinded or frightened. Some research also suggests the
interested, please contact Brimble at Thillows Hightower as soon creature can’t be stunned, though no researcher has
as possible.” lasted long enough to put the theory to the test.
• Intelligence (Arcana). Unlike the fiendish masters it
Average Party Level: 10 serves, the cerberus is not a fiend itself but an arcane
Difficulty: Medium (6 Players), Deadly(4 players) monstrosity, glistening with dark magic. Each head can
Hunt Creatures: Underworld Cerberus operate independently of one another, but can unite to
Summary: A wizard’s apprentice has become trapped in a exhale a gout of flame to incinerate its foes.
mysterious magical labyrinth after experimenting with
conjuration spells against his master’s wishes. With the Alternatively, characters can make a DC 17 Intelligence
wizard unable to save the unfortunate boy himself, the (History or Religion) check to recall any tales they might
characters must journey into the labyrinth and reach have heard about the cerberus. On a success, the character
him before the hounds do. recalls one of the following pieces of lore, depending on
the ability check made:
Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs
The characters are introduced to Brimble Thillows,
• Intelligence (History). Legends tell that a cerberus is
an elderly halfling wizard with a long white beard and
not a simple-minded beast, but a cunning, intelligent
gleaming golden robes. Brimble explains his young
foe capable of understanding any language spoken to
apprentice, Arthur Fletch, has been transported to a
it. While it has no interest in bargaining, the creature
mysterious magical labyrinth. Too old and frail to rescue
pretends to be interested to wait for its prey to drop its
the boy himself, he requests the characters travel to the
guard before lunging in to strike.
labyrinth and return the boy before he falls victim to the
• Intelligence (Religion). Some gods see the cerberus as
three vicious beasts that reside there.
a useful guardian, their immunity to exhaustion and
He reveals that the labyrinth is said to have been built
fearsome resistances proving more than a match for
to protect a mysterious treasure, and the characters are
many would-be thieves.
welcome to it should they find it. Brimble explains that he
has no interest in the devilish items that reside within, and
Once the characters are ready, Brimble opens the portal
only wishes to have Arthur returned before he gets himself
to the labyrinth, wishing them good luck before closing it
killed, citing the boy likely only has a day or so before his
behind them.
magic runs out and the cerberus finds him.
He presents the group with a magical acorn, and explains The Labyrinth
that once the group finds Arthur, they can rub the acorn The labyrinth has an inner section and an outer section.
three times while touching another creature to activate its The inner section is divided up into three bridges. The
magic and teleport all aforementioned creatures back to bridges are suspended above an endless void. If a creature
the Material Plane. He stresses that this is the only acorn falls into the void, it is magically dropped on the topmost
he has left, and can only be used once. He won’t have the bridge, taking 4d6 bludgeoning damage and landing
ingredients ready to make another for six months, and thus prone. There is a 50 foot gap between each bridge. The
insists the characters only use it when they’re definitely portal places the characters on the highest bridge of the
ready to return. inner section in Area 1. From here, characters can choose
to explore the labyrinth as they see fit. Notable areas are
Stage 2: Exploration
detailed below.
Brimble’s tower is filled with various magical rooms
brimming with research tomes. The characters can choose
Area 2. This room is covered in blood and bones but
to research the Cerberus further before teleporting to
otherwise contains nothing of interest. A large metal door
the labyrinth by spending 4 hours in intensive study and
bars entry to it. The door has AC 20 and 100 hit points. It
making a DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation or Arcana)
can be picked with a successful DC 20 Dexterity (Sleight
check. On a failure, no useful information is gathered.
of Hand) check. When opened, a host of screaming spirits
On a successful check, the character learns one of the
burst forth from the room with audible wails. These wails
following pieces of information, depending on the
can be heard throughout the labyrinth, and attract the
ability check made:
attention of all 3 cerberus, which arrive in 1d4+1 rounds.
Area 3. A spiked wooden door prevents entry to
• Intelligence (Investigation). The Cerberus is a terrifying
this room. The door has AC 15 and 40 hit points. It is
and cunning foe, created to guard portals leading to
magically locked and cannot be picked. If the door’s magic
great treasures. Such creatures commonly serve demons,
is dispelled, it crumbles to kindling and is destroyed. This
but can be left to their own devices, where they opt to
room contains the remains of an ancient armory. A DC 16
hunt mortals within their labyrinths for sport.
Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check
• Intelligence (Investigation). Having three heads grants
reveals a helm of the gods (MOT, Chapter 5: Treasure)
the cerberus a huge boost in perception, and prevents it
hidden beneath a pile of skeletal bodies. The helmet has 2
from being easily ambushed. It is extremely aggressive,
charges remaining and contains the faerie fire spell.
but can be intimidated to retreat for short durations if it
feels it is outnumbered or outgunned.
Tier 2: Hellish Hunting Grounds
Area 4. This room stinks with the wet, pungent scent of the stairwells, and sound or spells don’t cross between
rotting flesh. Black mold stretches across the stone walls the two areas.
and across the ceiling.Three rusted meat hooks hang from Area 11. This is a large infernal kitchen, with roaring
the moss. A hook has AC 20 and 25 hit points. If a creature fireplaces littering the walls. Large crates of rancid meat
other than a cerberus walks under a hook, it magically populate the hay-strewn floor, and the air is muggy to
animates and lashes out towards the creature. The target breathe. The entrances to this room are hidden, requiring
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed a passive DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) Intelligence
save, the target takes 10 (3d6) slashing damage and is (Investigation) check to detect. Arthur can be found hiding
restrained by one of the hooks for 1 hour. The target takes in this room behind a stack of crates, battered, bloody, but
half as much damage as isn’t restrained on a successful alive. If the characters take longer than 24 hours to find
save. A creature can use its action to free itself from the Arthur, they instead find his ravaged body in pieces on
hook by making a DC 16 Strength check. On a failure, the floor in this room, and one of the secret passageways
the hook digs in further, and the target takes 3 (1d6) forced open.
piercing damage.
Area 5. This room is littered with gnawed bones and Stage 3: The Hunt
rancid meat atop a mess of ragged clothes and hay. An The cerberei begin in areas 5, 7 and 8. If the trap in area 2
underworld cerberus can be seen sleeping in the corner of is triggered, it alerts all three to the character’s presence.
the room. If the characters enter the room and remain for Each cerberus also moves through the halls towards a
more than a few minutes, or attempt to cross the room to random room 10 minutes after the characters encounter
get to the open door on the other side, the cerberus wakes their first area.
and attacks. Should the characters locate Arthur before encountering
Area 6. A thick, low lying smoke fills this room, and the any of the cerberus, they break down the secret doorways
walls bear deep scratch marks from some large monstrous mid-way through Arthur thanking the characters for
beast. To the end of the room sits a pile of rubble and finding him and attack the party, aiming to kill or drag
blood. A DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals an away Arthur before the characters can escape.
iron chest hidden beneath the rubble, along with various When the characters encounter one cerberus alone, it
broken statuettes to an unrecognizable god. The iron uses its action at the beginning of the encounter to call
chest contains an explosive fire trap (DC 20 Wisdom the other cerberus to it. These other cerberus arrive on
(Perception) to spot, DC 20 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) initiative count 20 on the following round. The cerberei
to disarm). If triggered, the trap emits a burst of fire. Each are hostile to all other creatures, and attack as a group,
creature within 10 feet of the chest must make a DC 15 targeting the weakest looking character first. If that
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 10 (3d6) fire character is reduced to 0 hit points, two cerberus change
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful targets while one continues to attack the character until
one. If the smoke wasn’t cleared from the room, it ignites, they are dead.
spreading billowing green magical flames across the If a cerberus is reduced to half its hit point maximum
room. Any creature that starts its turn in the flames or or less, a character can use their action to make a DC
moves through them for the first time on its turn takes 16 Charisma (Intimidation) check to force it to flee. On
7 (2d6) fire damage. The fire burns for 3 rounds before a success, the target cerberus must immediately use its
ebbing out. Within the chest is an ivory colored leather reaction to move up to half its movement away from any
pouch, containing 300 pp, and a sealed jar nestled in black hostile creatures.
embers, containing molten bronze skin (MOT, Chapter The cerberus all fight to the death. If one falls into the
5: Treasure). void in area 1, it vanishes, and rejoins the fight 2 rounds
Area 7. This room is dimly lit, containing a single lit later with all its hit points, rolling initiative as normal.
torch at the far end of the room, threatening to snuff out.
Dark shapes shift and meander through the gloom, giving Stage 4: Completion
the illusion of witnessing courtesans at a noble’s ball. Upon returning Arthur (or his body) to Brimble, he thanks
An underworld cerberus lurks within this room. While the group and offers them a sum of 2,500 gp for their
motionless, it is indistinguishable from the shapes which efforts. Any magical items or monster parts the group
move around it. If characters interact with the torch or brought back with them he also offers to identify or help
turn their back on the room to leave, the cerberus attacks. craft into new items.
Area 8. As the characters step into this room, a flurry of Arthur sheepishly thanks the characters, and offers to
flaming bats suddenly burst through the doorway, their travel with them for a while to learn more about the world
screeching echoing throughout the labyrinth as they swoop and provide interesting information about the region. If
down to area 1 and vanish into the void. The walls of the the characters accept, he travels with them for 1 month
room pulse as if acting as the heart of some titanic beast, before returning to Brimble with newfound knowledge
and the room itself is bathed in darkness. An underworld and experiences.
cerberus paces within the dark, its eyes fixed on the
intruders in front of it. With a snarl, it lunges forward and
uses its breath weapon on the creature unfortunate enough
to be in the entrance way.
Area 9 and 10. These areas have stairways that magically
connect to one another, and always appear to lead down,
not up. A creature makes no sound when moving between
Tier 2: Hellish Hunting Grounds
Notable NPCs Gloves of Aggression
Name: Arthur Fletch Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Race: Human (He/him) School of Magic: Enchantment
Alignment: Neutral good These dark red leather gloves glow with an evil malice,
Occupation: Wizard's apprentice enhancing your attacks and ferocity in battle. While you
Stat Block: Arthur uses the statistics of a Mage with the wear them, you gain a +1 to damage rolls made with
following modifications: melee weapon attacks using Strength.
Arthur knows the following spells, and has the While attuned, you can use a bonus action to invoke
following spell slots available: the vicious hunger of the cerberus magic within them and
Cantrips: fire bolt, light, mage hand move up to your speed towards a hostile creature you can
1st level (2 slots): mage armor, magic missile, shield see. Once the gloves are used in this way, you must finish
2nd level (1 slot): invisibility, misty step a short or long rest before you can use them again.
Personality Trait: Arthur is talented, curious and
amicable to most common folk. He often prys into places Multiheaded Charm
he shouldn’t in pursuit of knowledge, but never does so Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
maliciously. School of Magic: Enchantment
While you wear this toothy charm, you have advantage
Crafted Items on saving throws against being knocked unconscious.
Additionally, while you remain attuned to it, you can’t
Ember Armor be surprised.
Armor (studded leather), rare (requires attunement)
School of Magic: Abjuration Perceptive Potion
While you wear this dark red leather armor, you have Potion, rare
resistance to fire damage. School of Magic: Enchantment
Additionally, while you remain attuned to this armor When you drink this potion, you have advantage on
and wear it, when a creature hits you with a melee Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell,
weapon attack, you can use your reaction to cause and gain truesight out to a range of 10 feet for 1 hour.
the armor to emit a burst of fire against the attacking This thin glass vial smells oddly of brimstone and is
creature. That creature must make a DC 15 Dexterity crafted using the crushed eyes of a cerberus. The oily
saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed red liquid tastes of sulphur and thickens like custard
save, or half as much on a successful one. when consumed.
Once you use the armor in this way, you can’t do so
again until you finish a long rest.
Harvesting Table
Body Part Harvesting DC Crafted Item Crafting Requirements Crafting DC and Time Taken
Cerberus Eyes DC 15 Wisdom Perceptive Potion Alchemist's supplies Perceptive Potion
(2d10 eyes) (Survival) (6 eyes required) All items DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana)
8 Hours
Infernal Teeth DC 14 Wisdom Multiheaded Charm Leatherworker's tools Multiheaded Charm
(4d6 teeth) (Survival) (10 teeth required) Gloves of Aggression DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
4 Hours
Gloves of Aggression Tinker's tools
(10 teeth required) Multiheaded Charm Gloves of Aggression
DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
6 Hours
Brimstone Hide DC 15 Wisdom Ember Armor Leatherworker's tools Ember Armor
(3d6 pieces) (Survival) (8 pieces required) All items DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
5 Hours
Tier 2: Hellish Hunting Grounds
Labyrinth Map
1 square = 5 feet
Tier 2: Hellish Hunting Grounds
High Five and Five and Five and sculptures in Takis' stead, while Takis takes them back to
the town and claims the fame for himself.
Five... (apl 8-12)
“Wanted: I’m looking for someone with a background in Stage 3: The Hunt
investigation and tracking to discreetly look into something for Characters have a variety of options on how they treat this
me. Come to the Flask and Sword Tavern, in the town of Tenens, new information. Several options are below:
and ask for Demetra.”
• If characters confront Takis, he offers to cut them in
Average Party Level: 8 (6 players), 12 (4 players) on the scam, agreeing to pay them a percentage of his
Difficulty: Medium (6 Players), Hard (4 players) profits for as long as the characters keep his secret.
Hunt Creature: Hundred-Handed Monster This is 100 gp each month for the first year, although
Summary: The characters are hired for some simple a successful DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) check can
detective work. An established artist is wondering convince him to raise that to 150 gp. After the first
how an up-and-comer has quickly surpassed her. After year, Takis gains enough renown to increase the
some cursory investigation and tracking, the characters character's share to 300 gp per month. Takis may also
discover the newcomer has made a bargain with a be blackmailed into the deal with a successful DC 15
hundred-handed one. This presents the characters with Charisma (Intimidation) check.
several choices: Sell out the new artist? Try to kill the • If characters speak to the hundred-handed one, it
giant? Or make their own bargain? reveals that it was not aware Takis was taking credit
for the work, instead believing him to be displaying the
Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs sculptures in his home. After realizing Takis has been
Characters traveling to the Flask and Sword Tavern meet taking advantage of it, the hundred-handed one refuses
Demetra Milaki. Demetra gives characters the following to provide him with any more sculptures. If the party
information: informs Takis of the hundred-handed one's decision,
Takis leaves to speak with the giant. If left to go alone,
• Until recently, Demetra was the most sought after the hundred-handed one kills him after a fearsome
sculpture in Tenens. Her work was renowned argument.
throughout the town. Recently, a new upstart artist, • If characters inform the town that a hundred-handed
named Takis Zervou (Commoner, He/Him) has one is active in the mountains, they offer the characters
been releasing new sculptures that have been stealing 1,000 gp to kill it, and send a group of 3 Veterans
Demetra’s thunder. to help combat the threat. Given it’s peaceful nature,
• When questioned about his methods, Takis tends to characters may attempt to instead talk the townspeople
be very evasive. While most people assume this is an down, or come to a different arrangement.
artistic quirk, Demetra believes he’s up to something. • If proof of Takis' scam is given to Demetra, she threatens
to blackmail Takis with the information, resulting in
Demetra offers the characters 200 gp to discredit Takis and Takis hiring an assassin to have her killed.
help prevent the loss of her customers to him.
Stage 4: Completion
Stage 2: Exploration The resolution of this quest largely depends on the choices
The characters have complete freedom in how they made by the characters, as detailed below.
investigate Takis, but a few recommendations are
detailed below. • If characters take the deal with Takis, the gold is paid out
for the first several months. However, eventually Takis
• A successful DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) check allows becomes paranoid about being discovered. After six
characters to tail Takis, following him until they can months of paying out the characters, he hires assassins to
discover the truth. have them killed, ensuring his secret remains safe.
• A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check • If characters do not accompany the veterans to kill the
allows characters to discover the craftsmanship is hundred-handed one, the giant is successful in defending
beyond what humans should be capable of sculpting. itself. The veterans are killed, and the hundred-handed
If this is combined with a DC 13 Intelligence (History) one flees from its cavern. The characters are offered
check, characters can learn a being known as a Hundred- 500 gold in exchange for finishing the job. If characters
Handed Ones,artistically inclined giants, used to roam take this offer, the hundred-handed one can be tracked
these lands. down to its new home with a successful DC 17 Wisdom
• A successful DC 13 Charisma (Deception) check can get (Survival) check. Travel to this location from the town
a character employment as Takis’ assistant. This can put by foot takes 7 days.
a character in position to learn the truth. • If Demetra survives the assassination attempt from
Takis, she hires the characters to bring him to justice. If
Once characters successfully investigate Takis, it is the characters don't complete the task within a month's
revealed that he is not crafting these sculptures himself. time, she become paranoids about the hundred-handed
Instead, every three weeks Takis travels to the mountain one's sculptures eventually outshining her, and hires a
range several miles from town, where a hundred-handed different group of adventurers to try and kill it.
one resides. The hundred-handed one creates the
Tier 3: High Five and Five and Five and Five...
Notable NPCs there are 5 players and 15 if there are 6 players. For any
Name: Demetra Milaki additional players or NPCs accompanying the characters,
Race: Human (She/her) add 2 more hoplites per party member). The characters
Alignment: Neutral good can either attack the camp, or attempt to sneak past
Occupation: Sculptor it by making a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) check. On a
Stat Block: Demetra uses the statistics of a Commoner failed check, two hoplites approach the characters and
Personality Trait: Demetra is a passionate and talented demand to know their business. If the answer provided
individual, who adores animals and reptiles, drawing is not sufficient, or they suspect the party is lying, they
much inspiration into her artwork from them. immediately attack. On a success the party passes by
the camp unnoticed and can set up an ambush further
Name: Takis Zervou up the road.
Race: Human (He/him)
Alignment: Chaotic neutral Stage 3: The Hunt
Occupation: Sculptor Nezer is a devout follower of the God of Slaughter, Mogis,
Stat Block: Takis uses the statistics of a Commoner and frequently calls to him in battle. If Nezer reduces a
Personality Trait: Takis is a secretive and quiet sculptor, creature to 0 hit points, he can use a bonus action once
often found purchasing fine wines at the local market. during the encounter to invoke the god's favor, gaining 50
temporary hit points.
If the party faces the Akroans in camp, they form a
Lost to Slaughter (apl 12) tight phalanx formation and protect Nezer at all costs.
“Wanted: A group of heroes to avenge a terrible wrong done to The hoplites target spellcasters first and always try
me by a traitorous foe. For more information, contact Captain to remain within 30 feet of another hoplite if their
Afris Dael at the Winking Lion Inn." formation is broken.
If the party ambushes the Akroans further up the road,
Average Party Level: 8 (6 players), 12 (4 players) the initial attack causes 1d4 + 2 hoplites to flee back in the
Difficulty: Medium (6 Players), Hard (4 players) direction they came. The panic forces the hoplites into a
Hunt Creature: Akroan Hoplites defensive retreat, focusing mostly on keeping Nezer safe
Summary: After his company defeated a pair of within their ranks, opting to used ranged weapon attacks
Chimera’s, Afris Dael was betrayed by his second-in- where possible and defending themselves for 2 rounds
command, stabbed in the back and left for the harpies. before surging forwards with a counterattack.
Afris struggled back to town, saw to his wound and If Nezer is killed, roll a d20. On a 10 or less, the hoplites
now seeks revenge. Due to his wounds he is too weak to become disheartened and suffer disadvantage on all attacks
seek it himself, and is looking for heroes to avenge this and saving throws for the remainder of the encounter. On
wrong by killing his second-in-command, Lieutenant an 11 or higher, they instead become enraged by Nezer's
Albius Nezer, before he returns to Akros. death, gaining advantage on attack rolls and saving throws
for the remainder of the encounter and doubling their
Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs efforts to kill the characters.
The party enters the Winking Lion to see a gray haired
warrior in his late 40’s adorned in Akroan battle armor. Stage 4: Completion
The man introduces himself as Captain Dael, offering the After killing Nezer the party can recover his amulet and
group a drink before lamenting about his unfortuante magical items to complete their objective and return
betrayal at the hands of his second-in-command, to town. Captain Dael doesn’t smile as the characters
Lieutenant Nezer. Dael requests the characters hunt Nezer produce the amulet, but offers a grim nod as he hands
down and kill him, revealing that Nezer is far too talented over the reward.
a warrior to be bested by an old man such as himself. He If Nezer is instead presented alive, a wry smile crosses
provides a description of his second in command, a young Dael's lips before he draws his sword and ends Nezer's
brown haired warrior with unusual face tattoos, and puts life himself.
the number of men he leads between 14 and 20, depending
on how many stayed loyal after his betrayal. Notable NPCs
Dael explains that the rebel group have set up a small Name: Afris Dael
camp on the road to Arkos, where they will likely remain Race: Human (He/him)
for only a few more days. The party must decide to either Alignment: Chaotic good
attack the camp, or somehow get past the hoplites and Occupation: Militia captain
lay an ambush. Captain Dael offers the party 1200 gp for Stat Block: Dael uses the statistics of a Akroan Hoplite
the successful assassination of Nezer and the retrieval of Personality Trait: Dael is a grizzled veteran with a love
his amulet as proof. Alternatively, should the characters of alcohol and the fine arts. When not drinking in the
be able to capture Nezer and bring him to Dael so he can local taverns, he can be found taking walks around town
exact revenge himself, he instead offers them 2,000 gp. admiring its various sculptures and statues.
If Jacob was killed during the battle, Vinnerd presents it Ash Wand
to the characters after recovering his son’s body. Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
Harvesting Table
Body Part Harvesting DC Crafted Item Crafting Requirements Crafting DC and Time Taken
Ashen Blood DC 16 Wisdom Noiseless Potion Alchemist's supplies Noiseless Potion
(1d4 vials) (Perception) to (2 vials required) All items DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
spot, and DC 15 8 Hours
Dexterity (Sleight
of Hand) to
Ashen Remnants DC 16 Wisdom Rider's Fury Leatherworker's tools Rider's Fury
(2d4 pinches) (Perception) (2 pinches required) Rider's Fury DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
4 Hours
Ash Wand Woodcarver's tools
(4 pinches required) Ash Wand Ash Wand
DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
6 Hours
Bull Feathers DC 15 Wisdom Archon's Blessing Tinker's tools Archon's Blessing
(1d4 + 1 feathers) (Survival) (2 feathers required) All items DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana)
5 Hours
Tier 3: Mistaken Identity
School of Magic: Enchantment Rise of the World Eater (apl 17)
This wand is carved from a scorch branch and infused
with the remnants of an ashen rider. The wand has 7 “The world eater is upon us! I fear we may be too late, but I won’t
charges. It regains 1d6 + 1 charges daily at dawn. As an back down without a fight, even as the ground cracks away
action, you can wave the wand and expend a number beneath my feet! Anyone wishing to join with me in this final
of charges to cast one of the following spells (spell stand can find me waiting at the eastern gate at dawn. May the
save DC 18): gods be with us all."
Command (1 charge), compelled duel (2 charges),
banishment (3 charges) or blade barrier (4 charges) Average Party Level: 17
If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, Difficulty: Hard (6 Players), Deadly (4 players)
the wand crumbles into ash and is destroyed. Hunt Creature: Polukranos
Summary: An incarnation of Polukranos has begun
Noiseless Potion to rise beneath the ancient city ruins of Antmalya.
Potion, very rare Characters must track down the summoner and defeat
School of Magic: Enchantment the incarnation of Polukranos before it escapes its
This glass bottle houses a jet-black liquid. When magical bonds and wreaks destruction on the world.
uncorked, it stinks like burning oil.
When you drink this magical potion, you emit an Stage 1: Meeting the NPCs
aura of deafening silence out to a range of 10 feet. No The characters meet a grizzled veteran outside the eastern
sounds, including your own, can permeate the area, and gate, a sturdy looking warhorse by his side. He introduces
creatures inside the aura (other than you) are deafened himself as Omiros Pertrilis, a retired adventurer and
while they remain inside it. The aura lasts for 1 minute, guard for the city watch. He explains that he has spent
or until you end it as a bonus action. his life combating cultist forces seeking to draw out the
incarnation of Poulkranos - a monstrous, world ending
Rider's Fury hydra. Though the cult was defeated long ago, Omiros
Wondrous item, very rare fears a new enemy has begun rousing Polukranos, and
School of Magic: Necromancy requests the characters join him in riding east to combat
This scorched leather pouch contains a handful of black the beast before it is unchained on the world.
dust, enough for one use. As an action, you can blow the
dust towards one creature you can see within 10 feet of Stage 2: Exploration
you. The target creature must make a DC 18 Constitution The journey to Polukranos’ lair takes two days by
saving throw. The target takes 3d10 necrotic damage and horseback. On the evening of the first day of travel,
its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to Omiros requests they set up camp for the night to
the damage dealt on a failed save, or takes half as much recover their strength before the battle ahead. During
damage and suffers no other effects on a successful one. this time, the characters are free to ask Omiros about
The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. his past adventures, which he retells in fantastical detail.
If asked about Polukranos, Omiros willingly gives the
following information:
Harvesting Polukranos
Polukranos’ incarnation can be harvested by characters by using any bladed weapon. While the hydra’s body is massive,
there are a few select body parts that can be crafted into useful items, detailed below.
When a character fails an ability check to harvest a body part from Polukranos, that character takes 10 (3d6) acid damage.
Harvesting Table
Body Part Harvesting DC Crafted Item Crafting Requirements Crafting DC and Time Taken
Hydra Fangs DC 16 Wisdom Resentful Blade Smith's tools Resentful Blade
(1d6 fangs) (Survival) (1 - 3 fangs required) All items DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
6 Hours
Tail Spines DC 16 Wisdom World Eater Lance Smith's tools World Eater Lance
(2d4 tail spines) (Survival) (3 tail spines required) All items DC 16 Strength (Athletics)
6 Hours
Hydra Scales DC 16 Wisdom Eternity Shield Smith's tools Eternity Shield
(3d6 scales) (Survival) (5 scales required) All items DC 16 Strength (Athletics)
4 Hours
Nessian Armor
(10 scales required) Nessian Armor
DC 16 Strength (Athletics)
6 Hours
Titan's Blood DC 16 Wisdom Nessian Elixir Alchemist's supplies Nessian Elixir
(1d4 + 1 vials) (Survival) (2 vials required) All items DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana)
8 Hours
Tier 4: Rise Of The World Eater
In addition, while you remain attuned to it, the shield 2d6 damage to monstrosities or titans. While you remain
grants you resistance to acid damage. attuned to it, you can use a bonus action to cause the
metal adorning the handle to meld to your arm, forming
Nessian Armor an armored gauntlet bound to the weapon. While melded
Armor (scale mail), very rare (requires attunement) in this way, you can’t be disarmed, and can wield the lance
School of Magic: Enchantment in one hand whilst on foot.
This magical armor is crafted from the hardened
scales of Polukranos. While you wear it, you have a +2
bonus to AC.
Anything For Love (apl 17-18)
In addition, while you remain attuned to it and wear “Wanted: A group of courageous adventurers to kill and
the armor, golden hydra heads shift across the metal, harvest the skull of an undead. A reward of 200 gold pieces
granting you advantage on saving throws against being for each adventurer is available upon delivery of the harvested
blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened or stunned, and skull. For more information, contact Lord Persius Artrios at
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Artrios Manor."
Crafted Items
Shield of Unlife
Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)
School of Magic: Abjuration, Necromancy
This magical shield is framed with the bones of
a Phylaskia.
The shield has 3 charges. When a creature hits you
with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction
and expend 1 charge to deal necrotic damage to the
attacker equal to your character level. The shield regains 1
expended charge each dawn.
Tier 4: Anything For Love
Harvesting A Phylaskia
The body of a Phylaskia can be harvested by a creature using a sharpened knife or other instrument. Consult the harvest
table below to find out what parts you can harvest or craft from it.
Harvesting Table
Body Part Harvesting DC Crafted Item Crafting Requirements Crafting DC and Time Taken
Phylaskia Rib DC 15 Wisdom Shield of Unlife Smith's tools Shield of Unlife
(2d4 ribs) (Survival) (3 ribs required) All items DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
6 Hours
Armor of Unlife
(5 ribs required) Armor of Unlife
DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
6 Hours
Phylaskia Bone DC 14 Wisdom Reaper's Dust Alchemist's supplies Reaper's Dust
Fragments (Survival) (3 fragments required) All items DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana)
(2d4 fragments) 3 Hours
Underworld Chain DC 14 Wisdom Chain of Soul Binding Smith's tools Chain of Soul Binding
(1 chain) (Survival) (1 underworld chain All items DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
required) 6 Hours
Tier 4: Anything For Love