Answers 3
Answers 3
Answers 3
What I Know
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. B
What’s In
Activity 1: Thumbs-Up or Thumbs-Down?
1. Thumbs-Up
2. Thumbs-Up
3. 🖒
What’s New
Activity 2: Look Around Me
Their meanings are not properly captured by the sign representing them.
1. I’ve been helped by these signs by allowing me to represent a certain concept
2. I’ve been misled by these signs by confusing me and leaving me to wonder as to
what they actually mean, instead of guiding me.
What Is It
1. The symbol represents a famous social media site.
2. It has a blue background, with a small, thick letter f.
3. It wouldn’t affect the information that the symbol is trying to convey seeing as we
already know what it stands for. Which is an online platform where people can share
What’s More
Activity 3: All Around Me
1. Red Sign on a plastic bin - It means the trash that is supposed to be thrown in that
certain bin, are the ones that are biodegradable.
2. Recycling bin - All the recyclable materials are the only ones that should be put in
that bin.
3. Please do not enter - No one is allowed to enter the premise of that certain building
where the sign is placed.
4. Please do not park - No parking is allowed in that certain spot where the sign is
5. Floor is wet - The spot has just been mopped and it is dangerous for anyone to walk
1. The first poster shows a horror movie, the next one is an animated movie, the next
one is an inspiring movie and the last one is a sad movie.
2. Based on the vibe of the posters, the expressions made by the actors, the colors, the
different elements and the like.
Activity 4: Match Me
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. E
Activity 5: Fill Me
1. Symbolic code
2. Symbolic code
3. Written code
4. Written code
5. Symbolic code
6. Symbolic code
7. Symbolic code
8. Symbolic code
9. Written code
10. Technical code
What I Can Do
Activity 6: Inform Me
After committing the sin of putting us in a totally avoidable situation, which was
putting the country under strict lockdown for three straight months, China’s lap dog just had
to be our ruler. He was so afraid of not offending the Chinese president but he had no
regard for the very people that he was serving and the one who put him in his current
position? It was pure clownery. Even when we were saying that a travel ban had to be put in
place forbidding chinese citizens from getting into the country. Because it was an obvious
fact that they were fleeing here because they wanted to get away from the virus that they
spread. We already had a dog of a president and then our country was being treated as an
evacuation center. It was the most offensive thing really, considering how they are bullying
our fisherman in the west Philippine Sea and that’s an issue deserving of another blog.
After failing in doing his duties, of course his true nature shined even more when he
put the military in charge, instead of doctors and nurses, in combating the virus. Instead of
putting funds in the healthcare system, he put it into the police department. Like what were
they supposed to do, shoot the virus? Then, it was just pure torture after that. The masses
were being arrested and jailed left and right for violating quarantine regulations, but those
people in power, senators, police chiefs, were able to get away from their violations. We
already knew he was barbaric, but that was just plain anti-poor. He failed, they all failed.
None of them deserve to be in the government. And high time for them to get scared,
because the people will seek justice.
What I Know
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. C
What’s In
1. One of the problems that I can identify is the fact that almost everyone is obsessed
with the computer.
2. I can’t quite figure out what the guy in front of the separate laptop is doing.
3. Unguarded internet use can lead to stolen information or identities, malwares and
being exposed to content that is not suitable for specific ages.
What’s More
Copyright - infringement
- License
- Copying
- Royalty
- Permission
- Piracy
Patent - invention
- Innovation
- Holder
- Device
- Eligibility
- Novelty
Copyright protects literary, drama, musical and art works that have been created by a
person, which is an automatic right. Whereas in patent, you have to register it so that you get
sole and exclusive rights to the processes involved in what you created. And a trademark
protects logos and signs that belong to a specific entity or company.
What I Can Do
Case Analysis
1. According to the article, 46% of girls used gadgets and 36% of boys used them. They
use it for different purposes wherein girls, they use it for chatting with their friends.
And for boys, they use it for playing video games.
2. There have been people who would stay up all night to play and use gadgets but
they have now recovered by rewiring their body clocks. And doing other things not
related to gadgets.
3. They encouraged banning children from taking their devices to bed. And the other
advice is, encouraging them to use alarm clocks instead.
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B
What I Know
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. D
15. C
What’s In
Before / After
1. D
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. A
What’s New
Activity 1: Picture Analysis
1. It shows how some people are able to access the technology easily, while others
2. Playing on the computer is already affecting one’s health and personality.
3. One is being made fun of and said hurtful things on the online platform.
What I Can Do
Activity 4.2: Ad Campaign Making
1. D
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. C
Additional Activities
P - promote better access to technology to all levels of society
R - regulate the things that people have access to online
O - observe proper behavior online
M - make sure to keep track of how much time you spend online
I - initiate programs and policies that will provide technological means to all families
S - separate your personal life with the online world. Not everything needs to be shared
E - engage in different activities and hobbies
PE Module A
I can be a first-aider because I am able to respond well during emergencies and I know how
to respond to any possible medical emergency.
I will be a first-aider because I want to be able to save anyone that is in need with the
knowledge that I have.
As a first aider, I will always try my best to give them the help that they need.
1. First-aid is important because it saves the life of anyone that is in danger. And it
temporarily alleviates any pain that they are experiencing.
2. Yes, we can help others. By applying what we know across different emergency
situations, we can be of help to any person.
What I Can Do
1. Students A, C and D are good first raiders because they have a grasp of what needs
to be immediately done in emergency situations.
2. Students B and E are not good first raiders because the first one was thinking of
doing something that could potentially be dangerous to the patient. And then the
second one could’ve done something better to first address the pain rather than just
talk to the patient.
3. A good first-aider should be alert and quick and is able to respond accordingly no
matter how the situation unfolds.
4. If I were a first aider, my goal is to alleviate the pain that the injured person is
experiencing while at the same time calming him/her.
10. TRUE
Additional Activities
1. The first thing that we would do is check his pulse and breathing. Then put pressure
on his wound using a cloth of some sort. Then we would call 911.
2. We would need to tell them how long ago it was when we found him, how long his
wound has been bleeding or if it has already stopped and tell them if the person has
done anything to show his consciousness.
PE Module B
What I Know
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. D
10. B
What’s In
Activity 1: AVOID MISHAPS!
1. Putting railings or ropes along the stones
2. Putting up a rope in the waiter itself so the swimmers have an option of grabbing onto
3. Put rubber mats of sorts on the stones so those who are jumping have a lesser
chance of slipping.
What’s New
1. We need to identify the environmental hazards so that we can take the proper
measures in preparing for emergencies.
2. Knowing the proper equipment that we need to use during outdoor activities helps us
to respond better to emergency situations. And being knowledgeable about these
things helps in increasing our chances of saving other people and each other.
What’s More
What I Can Do
A. For a snake bite, we would need to first disinfect the wound. Then next we would
have to call for help in 911. And lastly, we would have to immobilize the area where
the bite is.
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. D
Additional Activities
1. Map
2. Compass/GPS device
3. Headlamps
4. Sunglasses & sun-protective clothes
5. First-aid kit
6. Knife
7. Butane lighter
8. Stove
9. Tent
10. Sleeping bags
11. Food
12. Water
13. Clothes
14. Toiletries
15. Blankets
PE Module C
What I Know
10. TRUE
What’s In
Tas 1: Pag May Time!
1. Jogging - 30 minutes
2. Workout - 90 minutes
3. Badminton - 60 minutes
Task 2: Processing Questions
1. Working out really helps me to pass time and puts me in a good mood because it
activates a lot of my hormones and the like.
2. I engage in those activities because even if we are only allowed limited movement
outside the house, I’d like to be able to exercise in various ways. And lying down all
day and staying inside my room does get boring, so doing something physical adds
variation to my days.
What’s New
1. Some risks of outdoor activities include getting physically hurt like tripping or falling
down on the road. Another would be the potential of bad people following us around
as we do outdoor activities. And lastly, there is a possibility that we could get hit by
vehicles if we are not mindful and careful.
2. It is important for us to know the different risks so that we can prepare ourselves and
equip ourselves with the right tools which can help us to deal with such situations.
3. By having the right equipment like phones, we can use it to call 911 in the case of
emergencies. Having pepper sprays and the like will help us to defend ourselves
against anyone who possibly assaults us. And having something or wearing
something bright, will help us in being visible to those riding the vehicles.
What’s More
Task 3: Risk Identification
1. Traffic and pedestrian management
2. UV radiation exposure
3. Adverse weather conditions
4. Natural disasters
5. Animals and insects
6. Noxious plants
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
1. Identify hazards
2. Decide who might be harmed and how
3. Evaluate the risks and take action to prevent them
4. Record your findings
5. Review the risk assessment
Additional Activity
It is important for us to know the different ways with which we can prevent the risk factors
while doing outdoor activities so that we know how to avoid and handle these situations.
Having ample knowledge about these kinds of things increases our chance of saving
ourselves if in the instance that we are alone or we can use these knowledge to save
someone else.
What I Know
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. A
What’s In
A. All the images can be inserted in the document
B. 1. Title Bar
2. Paste button
3. Minimize button
4. Maximize button
5. Exit button
6. Ruler
7. Blank page
8. Document information
9. Scroll bar
What’s New
The pictures differe in backgrounds and focus. The one in column A is a JPEG file. And the
one in column B is a PNG file.
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. B
9. A
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. C
14. D
15. A
1. D
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. D
12. A
13. A
14. A
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. D
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. D
23. A
24. D
25. C
26. B
27. D
28. A
29. D
30. C
31. B
32. A
33. B
34. D
35. B
36. D
37. A
38. C
39. D
40. C
41. A
42. D
43. A
44. A
45. D
46. A
47. A
48. D
49. D
50. C
What I Know
1. C
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. D
What’s In
1. Unemployment
2. Inequality
3. Discrimination
4. Killings
5. Lack of order
What’s New
People in a community can be healthy and successful regardless of their differences by
supporting and helping each other. We can all help each other to achieve great heights, if we
work together and work on pulling each and everyone of us up.
What’s More
1. J
2. I
3. A
4. G
5. B
6. E
7. D
8. C
9. F
10. K
Independent Assessment 1
1. Social Stratification
2. Religious Sector
3. Family Sector
4. Education Sector
5. Political Sector
Independent Activity 2
Urban and Rural
- Both have education systems
- Both are governed by local government units
- Both have their own versions of really well-off people
Rural - This pertains to most of the places outside of the urban community
- Most of the houses are not up-to-date and they live in quite far-spaced villages
- The life here is very relaxed and easy-going
- Rural places have a lot of open spaces and natura can really be appreciated
- Most of the livelihood that can be seen here is related to agriculture and farming
- Not a lot of people live in rural areas anymore, so the population here is quite low
Independent Assessment 2
1. Distinction
2. The country
3. Cities
4. Skyscrapers
5. Tractors
Independent Assessment 3
1. So much of our lives happen in urban communities. This is where we get the most
out of life because it presents us with many opportunities that shape our lives. As
well as allow us to meet different people with varying backgrounds. The urban
communities are the place for us to grow and learn about ourselves.
2. Rural communities are mostly a starting place for a lot of people. A place of origin per
se. I know a lot of people who were born in rural communities and they love it.
Because growing up in rural communities made a lot of warm memories for them
since the people living there are so close to one another.
3. I believe suburban communities are just the right place for anyone who wants to
settle down, to live in. Seeing as it is in the middle of the 2 communities, you can opt
for the busy life or the mellow life that suburban communities can offer.
After reading and completing this module I have learned that the differences between rural,
suburban and urban are really very subtle.
What I Can Do
1. Gemeinschaft, gesellschaft, local, global, urban, rural, suburban
2. Economic/business, political, religious, education, family
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. C
14. A
15. A
Additional Activities
I will convince her by saying that using what we have learned in the urban areas regarding
businesses, entrepreneurship, being aware of what the people want, what’s inn and what’s
not, we can make a living off of that using the agriculture that we have in rural areas. We can
use the ingredients that we get from it to make instagrammable food which the masses will
surely love. Since people nowadays rave about anything that is visually pleasing, while at
the same time tasting good. And many more other businesses that we can surely think of,
once we’re both settled in the rural areas.
CESC Module 5
What I Know
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. B
What’s In
1. #BrigadaEdukada
2. #JuanforAll,AllforJuan
3. #TrabahoMo,IbahagiMo
What’s New
1. Especially nowadays where so much is going on in the world, our generation needs
to come together so that we can raise awareness and actually make a change in the
world that we are living in. We shouldn’t be shrouded by our privileges because a
change for one, is a change for all so it is a responsibility of each and everyone of us.
2. No, it does not. Seeing as I have heard this song before and the problems it was
pertaining to then, still exists now. It just highlights the fact that it is progressively
getting worse.
What’s More
A. 4
B. 3
C. 6
D. 1
E. 5
F. 2
I rated the environment as the sector that needs the most help because as it declines, it
implies our doom as well, which is very urgent. Then I ranked the next ones based on whose
needs need to be immediately addressed. Victims of crime are next in the line since what if
the crime involves murder or they are in pain from a crime, they need to be given immediate
attention. Next are the elderly. This is because they have a lot of needs that need to be
given in order for them to survive. Then the poor are next because most of them have a
really scarce supply of goods which can lead to hunger and death. Then unemployment is
next because a high rate of this can lead to death of many as well since they don’t have
money to buy food and the like. And lastly, women are last seeing as based on the terms, it
is just women in general. No specific issue is highlighted but of course the issues that
women face everyday are still of grave importance to the community.
Independent Assessment 1
10. TRUE
Independent Activity 2
Independent Assessment 2
1. B
2. A
3. F
4. D
5. C
Independent Activity 3
Independent Assessment 3
1. Health - #MentalHealthPh (Promotes a safe space for people with mental health and
it seeks to protect them from mental health issues)
- Diabetes and Nutrition Advocacy (Wants to help people to be informed about
diabetes and how to prevent it, especially in the secluded areas of the
6. Women - BilangBabae (Aims to gather the changes that women want to see
regarding the issues that they face and how they see themselves contributing to
making that happen)
- Women Workers Welfare Program (Aims to inform women on all their rights
while at work)
I learned that the three community modalities are essential in establishing different programs
that target specific relationships in the community. If we want to target the needs of the
people and build their connections to the officials or private sectors, transactional modalities
are the best to implement. If we want to involve all the people in the community, transitional
modalities are best implemented. And if we want to usher in a dialogue between the different
sectors so that a change can take place, transformational modalities are best used.
I realize the importance of different group’s advocacy because they cater to different issues
experienced by the different sectors of the society. They give focus to the different issues
that other people might not be aware of. And they call for action to be made regarding these
What I Can Do
Transactional, Transitional
and Transformational
Are all the modalities
That govern our community
Transactional, Transitional
and Transformational
Are all the modalities
That govern our community
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. D
12. B
13. D
14. B
15. C
Additional Activities
CESC Module 6
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. B
What’s In
1. Community
2. Economic
3. Engagement
4. Decision
5. Education
6. Modality
What’s New
1. It serves like a reminder to our generation to keep on fighting for the change that we
want to see in our country. That it isn’t too late and that we have the power to call for
change and save our fellow Filipinos.
2. Not really since this is a song that we’ve heard before. And feelings of nationalism
and unity are already part of the identity and culture of Filipinos. So it really isn’t
anything new.
What’s More
Independent Activity 1
1. Direct service - giving personal time and energy to immediately address the needs of
the community
2. Community research - provides knowledge that an be built on by other efforts
3. Advocacy and education - using different means of persuasion to convince officials to
make decisions that would help the community
4. Capacity building - involves collaborating with a society and diverse constituencies to
solve challenges and make it a better environment.
5. Political involvement - taking part in government processes such as voting and
6. Socially responsible personal and professional conduct - fostering a sense of
obligation while making personal or professional decisions for the welfare of others
7. Philanthropic giving - donating of necessary items, planning, organizing, or helping
on an event to raise funds
8. Association membership - Participation in associations of the society that establish
social networks that provide a base for community-building activities
Independent Assessment 1
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
Independent Activity 2
Independent Assessment 2
1. Community engagement - process of developing partnerships and building
relationships with and through groups of people associated with geographical
proximity or common interests by resolving problems concerning their well-being.
2. Community development - mechanism in which members of the community come
together to take collective action and establish solutions to common problems.
3. Solidarity - s the unity or agreement of emotion or action, particularly among people
with a common interest, mutual support within a community.
4. Community Action - an expression of a mutual grasp and ownership of a situation
that influences an individual or a group generally.
5. Citizenship - referred to a specific set of political practices with public rights and
privileges in relation to a given political community
Independent Activity 3
Project Period Objective: Raise awareness of children and the youth regarding waste
Description of The objective: Through the different activities presented, they will become
more mindful of the implications of their actions and for them to believe that waste
management really is an issue here in Manila.
Priority Area - Manila
● Video watching - videos regarding the issue will be presented
● Analysis of video - they will be asked of the effects of improper waste management to
the company and how they can contribute to the solution of this issue
● Real time experience - they will be asked to take a video of themselves picking up
trash or segregating trash. Either inside or outside of their homes.
Independent Assessment 3
Community development is the main mechanism that drives our everyday lives. How
we get to live our lives and the different experiences and opportunities presented to us are
all rooted in community development. As the community develops and improves, the kind of
person that we are evolves as well and we get to grow through different scenarios that arise
in the community.
As the community gains more and more investment, better infrastructures, better
housing, better policies, better jobs, better leaders, an overall better society, this contributes
to the fixing of all the internal issues in a community which opens us to more instances
where we can build relationships with each other. These help us to grow, become better
versions of ourselves, which will again reflect in the community that we are living in. Since
we are social beings, any attitude of ours towards others, inspires and affects others as well.
And with this cumulative influence, it reaches all the other levels until it becomes a
phenomenon of continuous improvement And all of that stems from the kind of community
development that we do.
What I Can Do
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. C
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. C