Chlorine in Plant Nutrition
Chlorine in Plant Nutrition
Chlorine in Plant Nutrition
A severe nutritional deficiency dis- practical terms. Dried tomato plants suf- tion the distribution of chlorine by the
ease occurred in tomato plants growing fering from chlorine deficiency have atmosphere will always provide adequate
in experimental cultures after chlorine about 200 parts of chlorine per million chlorine.
was removed from the nutrient solutions. parts of dry weight. The concentration is Chlorine has been regarded as an ele-
Although the major portion of subse- not greatly different for the stems, roots, ment frequently accumulating in unde-
quent investigations with chlorine was or leaves. Thus for each ton of dry to- sirable quantities-particularly in semi-
with tomato, other species-particularly mato plant produced, a minimum of 200 arid regions-so its removal to the seas
lettuce and cabbage-also have shown grams of chlorine would be required. along with other excess salts constituted
acute nutritional disturbances within a Exclusive of plant functions, it is a a problem. However, there might be
few weeks after transplanting seedlings fact of soil chemistry that chloride ion other agricultural areas, where chlorine
to culture solutions lacking chlorine. acts like nitrate in many respects. Ni- additions would be of benefit to crops
Therefore, the studies of chlorine nutri- trate is highly mobile in soils and is because of less than an adequate supply
tion as revealed by the tomato plant are easily leached away-particularly under from natural sources.
believed to have general implications for conditions of high rainfall-and this Perry R . Stout is Professor of Soil Science,
plant nutrition. characteristic becomes a matter of con- University of California, Berkeley.
The nutritional disease in its severe cern for practical problems of nitrogen C. M . Johnson is Associate Chemist, Univer-
state resulted in the yellowing of the fertilization. Neither nitrate nor chloride sity of California, Berkeley.
leaves-chlorosis-and finally death- ions are fixed by soil colloids. Actually T . C . Broyer is Plant Physiologist, University
necrosis-of leaf tissue itself. Growth both of them are repelled, a phenomenon of California, Berkeley.
was exceedingly restricted and plants referred to as negative absorption. As
would not set fruit. Additions of chlo- a result, it would be expected that soils
rine as chloride to the culture solutions leached with completely salt-free water SODIUM
prevented the disease, and severely chlo- could retain their chlorine or nitrate Continued from page 4
rine-deficient plants resumed growth nitrogen for only a relatively short
after chlorine was supplied. period of time. There are several natural that had high concentrations of sodium
The experiments were well enough con- agencies responsible for replacing nitro- in the root bark in August, the concen-
trolled so that the addition of one micro- gen to the soil, and most of the soil nitro- tration of chloride was also higher and
mol of chloride ion per plant was ac- gen is extracted from the atmospheric the concentration of potassium was
curately manifested by a delay of symp- reservoir by electrical storms, and free lower than in the previous February.
toms for an additional week beyond the living or symbiotic micro-organisms. However, these differences were not so
one required for symptoms to appear in With chlorine, some other method must large or so consistent as the differences
plants grown on the low halide purified be responsible. in sodium concentrations.
cultures. At these latter levels, the addi- On the basis of chlorine being a mi- There were no changes in concentra-
tion of 10 micromols of bromide ion per cro nutrient element, it is assumed that tions of calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen,
plant delayed part but not all of the soil chlorine must be continuously re- magnesium, and sulfur which were asso-
symptoms. Neither iodide nor fluoride supplied to soils. Otherwise, higher green ciated with changes in condition of the
ions appeared to be of consequence, with plants such as the tomato would not sur- trees. The sodium concentrations in the
the role of iodine being very difficult to vive. root wood samples were also much
assess because of its toxicity. It seems clear that the a t m o s p h e r e greater in the August samples than in
From the experimental observations it as a natural distributing agency-trans- those taken in February but the concen-
was concluded that chlorine is a nutri- ports large quantities of chlorine, orig- trations were not so high as in the root
ent element4ertainly &e natural ha- inating from the ocean, to be deposited on bark.
lide-and that it is to be classed with the soils with rain and snow, and carried The analyses of soil samples taken
micronutrient elements. It also appears back to the ocean by rivers. from the 36-tree plot are presented in
certain that bromine can complement The chlorine content of rain water is the table on page 4. The total amount
chlorine as a plant nutrient, which at known to be highly variable. It is greater of salt in the soil was low in all
the moment is reminiscent of the sparing near the seacoast and lessens rapidly in- samples. The conductance values of the
effect of sodium for potassium. The pos- land. Also, there are differences between saturation extracts in most cases were
sibility of some higher amount of bro- rains in the same area. Therefore, there less than 1.0 millimhos per centimeter.
mine being able to completely supplant is the possibility that some rains could Previous studies have shown excellent
chlorine must remain open for further have too little chlorine to meet optimal growth and production of citrus in soils
investigation, but at the moment this needs for plant growth. having salinity levels of this low amount.
possibility seems remote. An important question-which may When the May 1954 soil samples were
Because chloride-deficient plants can not be answered for some time to come- taken, the adjacent trees appeared to be
be produced and chemical analyses can is whether there are actually land areas healthy. However, as indicated by the
be made of them, it is possible to make where chlorine is sufficiently limiting to August ratings, the same trees had de-
positive statements of their agronomic be of economic importance in plant veloped severe symptoms of collapse be-
requirements and to express them in growth, or whether as a natural condi- Concluded on page 12