The Role and Management of Bottom Soils in Aquaculture Ponds
The Role and Management of Bottom Soils in Aquaculture Ponds
The Role and Management of Bottom Soils in Aquaculture Ponds
of soils in
pond aquaculture
begins with site
selection and
Because of
their ecological
wetland sites Claude E Boyd
usually should not
be converted to
other land uses
and particularly
to land intensive
endeavours such
as agriculture
and aquaculture.
Where soils are
acceptable, their
properties are Julio F Queiroz
important for
determining permissible side-slopes of Dried bottom of a shrimp pond.
pond earthwork, degree of compaction
and need for clay liners in bottoms etc embankments. In the case of excavated O horizon is the A horizon that typically
to discuss the role and management of ponds, an even greater depth of earth is the most fertile horizon. These two
bottom soils in existing ponds. may be removed from the bottom area. horizons usually are removed and the
The area to become the pond bottom In terrestrial soils, the O horizon is the pond bottom typically lies in the B
typically is cleared of vegetation and top-most layer that contains recent horizon or possibly in the C horizon.
the upper 25 to 75 cm layer of soil is organic matter additions such as leaves The B horizon is usually of relatively
removed to use as earth fill for dams or and leaf fragments. The layer below the high clay content and both the B and C
Action Practice
Empty ponds between production cycles
Effect dry-out • Drain ponds and let them dry for 2 to 3 weeks.
Sediment removal • Remove sediment from areas where it is too deep to dry completely.
• Measure pH of soil.
Correcting soil pH
• Apply agriculture limestone if pH < 7.5 – unless the purpose is to disinfect the soil.
Improve drying and aeration of soil • Use a disk harrow or other tillage implements to fragment the surface soil and break up clods.
• Use lime to disinfect entire pond bottom, or apply it only at wet areas that will not dry completely.
Soil disinfection • If lime is used over entire pond for disinfection, agriculture limestone treatment usually is not
needed for correcting low soil pH.
Grow-out period
• Lime ponds with agriculture limestone if total alkalinity falls below 50 to 60 mg/L in fish ponds or
Maintaining total alkalinity below 80 to 90 mg/L in shrimp ponds.
• Use sodium bicarbonate in lined ponds.
dry faster than fine textured soils), and the weight of the tiller. Thus, sediment slows, phosphorus applied in fertilizers
sediment depth (a deeper sediment removal from ponds may be necessary, is less available, benthic productivity
layer inhibits drying). In addition, ponds there is however, no research finding to may decline and bottom soil acidity
may have depressions from which water support the removal of sediment from may cause a drop in total alkalinity.
does not drain sufficiently to allow the ponds after each crop as often done in The best liming material for general
area to dry, water can seep into empty Asian shrimp farming. purposes is agricultural limestone
ponds from adjacent full ponds or water The pH of pond soils should be made by pulverising limestone to a fine
supply and groundwater may infiltrate measured on a sample of surface soil particle size. There are two basic forms
into ponds constructed in low-lying (0-5 cm layer) prepared by mixing 10 or of agricultural limestone. One is made
areas. As a general rule, in tropical and more subsamples of soil taken randomly from calcitic or ordinary limestone that
subtropical zones, most ponds can be over the pond bottom. This sample contains mostly calcium carbonate
dried out in 2 to 3 weeks during the should be thoroughly air-dried (or at and usually a smaller proportion of
dry season. Tilling with a disk harrow or 60oC in an oven) and pulverised to pass a magnesium carbonate; the other is made
similar tillage implements can break up 60 mesh sieve (0.85 mm openings). The of dolomitic limestone that is essentially
the soil mass to allow greater contact pH should be measured in a 1:1 mixture a 1:1 mixture of calcium carbonate and
with the air and encourage evaporation, of distilled water and pulverised soil magnesium carbonate. Agricultural
tilling is especially beneficial in drying using an electronic pH meter and glass limestone also can be produced from
heavy clay soils. Where sediment is over electrode following intermittent stirring marl, chalk, and seashells. There is
10 to 15 cm deep, it may be impossible for 20 minutes. Hand-held, battery- no advantage of one of these liming
to dry-out ponds thoroughly. The operated soil pH testers are not accurate, materials over the others providing they
sediment dries on the surface creating especially in soils of shrimp ponds. have similar neutralising values; pure
a barrier to evaporation and tilling may Ponds with a pH below 7.5 should be calcium carbonate has a neutralising
not be possible because the wet soil limed; because, as pH declines below value of 100 percent.
beneath the dry surface will not support this level, organic matter decomposition Soil testing laboratories have