Golden Ratio in Arts

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ratio in its construction and was completed in

1648. The order and proportion of the arches
of the Taj Mahal on the main structure keep
reducing proportionately following the golden

2. The Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres in Paris,

France also exhibits the Golden ratio.

3. In the United Nation Building, the window

configuration reveal golden proportion.


4. The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, erected in
The golden ratio can be used to achieve beauty,
1889 is an iron lattice. The base is broader while
balance and harmony in art, architecture and design. It
it narrows down the top, perfectly following the
can be used as a tool in art and design to achieve
golden ratio.
balance in the composition. Check out some examples
of golden ratio in arts.
1. The exterior dimension of the Pathernon in 5. The CN Tower in Toronto, the
tallest tower and freestanding
Athens, Greece embodies the golden ratio.
structure in the world, contains
the golden ratio in its design. The
ratio of observation deck at 342
meters to the total height of 553.33 is 0.618 or
phi, the reciprocal of phi.

2. In “Timaeus” Plato describes five possible

regular solids that relate to the golden ratio
which is now known as Platonic Solids. He also
considers the golden ratio to be the most
bringing of all mathematical relationships.

3. Euclid was the first to give definition of the

golden ratio as “a dividing line in the extreme
and mean ratio” in his book the “Elements”. He
proved the link of the numbers to the
construction of the pentagram, which is now
known as golden ratio. Each intersections to the
other edges of a pentagram is a golden ratio.
Also the ratio of the length of the shorter
segment to the segment bounded by the two
intersecting lines is a golden ratio.


Behavior of nature can be observed around us.
Natural regularities of nature:
Symmetry Fractals Spirals
Trees Meanders Waves
Foams Tessellations Cracks
Stripes Spots

Golden Ratio can be found in the beauty of

nature, the growth patterns of many plants, 6. Cracks can also be found on the barks of trees
insects, and the universe. which show some sort of weakness in the bark.
The meander is one of a series of regular
1. Honeycombs of the bees sinuous curves, bends, loops, turns, or windings
show specific regular in the channel of the body of water.
repeating hexagons. It
uses the least amount of
wax to store the honey
giving a strong structure
with no gaps.
2. Zebra’s coat, the alternating pattern of blacks
and white are due to mathematical rules that
govern the pigmentation chemicals of its skin.

3. S p i d e r APPLICATIONS
i l
spider creates a In our daily life, we use mathematics directly or
structure by indirectly in various fields. The application of
performing innate mathematical methods in different fields such as
steps. science, engineering, business, computer science
and industry is a combination of mathematical
science and specialized knowledge. For example,
4. T h e n a u tistatistics, combinatorics,
l u and graph
s theory are useds h
contains a spiral shape called logarithmic spiral. by investigators to solve crimes.
Other applications of mathematics are in
forensic science, medicine, engineering, information
5. Age of the trees can be technology, cryptography, archaeology, social
determined by applying sciences, political science and other fields.
dendrochronology which is a 1. In forensic, mathematics is applied specifically
the differential and integral calculus to clarify
scientific method of dating based
the blurred image to clear image. Another
on the amount of rings found in application of calculus is optimization (maximize
the core of a tree. or minimize) surface areas, volumes, profit and
cost analysis, projectile motion, etc.
6. Turtles have growth rings called “scutes” which are 2. In medical field, much of a function of a protein
hexagonal. is determined by its shape and how the pieces
Scutes estimates the age of the turtle. move. Many drugs are designed to change the
Smallest scute is in the center and is the oldest one, shape or motions of a protein by modeling
while the largest ones on the outside are the newer using geometry and related areas.
ones. Mathematics is also being applied in the
7. Lightning during storms creates fractals. Foam development of medicine to cure diseases.
bubbles formed by trapping pockets of gas in a liquid or
solid. 3. In fluid dynamics, engineers use numerical
analysis in phenomena involving heat,
electricity and magnetism, relativistic


mechanics, quantum mechanics and other
theoretical constructs.

4. In Information Technology, modern computer

are invented through the help of mathematics.
An important area of applications of
mathematics in the development of formal
mathematical theories related to the
development of computer science. Computer
science development includes logic, relations,
functions, basic set theory, counting
techniques, graph theory, combinatorics,
discrete probability, recursion, recurrence
relations and number theory, computer-
oriented numerical analysis and Operation
Research techniques.

5. Cryptography is a combination of both

mathematics and computer science and is
affiliated closely with information theory,
computer security and engineering. It is used in
applications present in technologically
advanced societies, examples include the
security of ATM cards, computer passwords and
electronic commerce.

6. In archaeology, archaeologists use a variety of

mathematical and statistical techniques to
present the data from archaeological surveys
and try to find patterns to shed on past human
behavior an in carbon dating artifacts.

7. In Social Sciences such as economics, sociology,

8. , and number theory.


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