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Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

State of knowledge in photoredox-catalysed direct

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Jiaxu Feng,a,b Xiaodong Jia,a Shuyue Zhang,a Kui Lu *a,b and
Dominique Cahard *c

The direct introduction of diverse fluorinated motifs into feedstock molecules and advanced intermedi-
ates is widely studied in pharmaceutical research and drug development. Among the emerging motifs,
difluoromethyl CF2H is isosteric and isopolar to hydroxy and thiol, while acting as a lipophilic hydrogen
donor. These properties have prompted the recent remarkable progress made in direct difluoromethyl-
Received 4th April 2022, ation. In this context, photoredox catalysis serving difluoromethylation is a powerful strategy for the con-
Accepted 5th May 2022
struction of CF2H-containing organic compounds. This review describes the recent developments in
DOI: 10.1039/d2qo00551d visible-light-mediated radical difluoromethylation by means of easily accessible sources of CF2H radical
rsc.li/frontiers-organic donors, with an emphasis on mechanistic considerations.

1. Introduction (CF2H) occupies a place of choice. Several reasons motivate the

installation of the CF2H motif into a wide variety of target com-
Organofluorine compounds are widely distributed in the pounds; indeed, its steric and electrostatic parameters match
pharmaceutical, agricultural and functional materials sectors very well with those of hydroxy and thiol functional groups,
given their beneficial biological, physical, and chemical pro- hydrogen bonding donor capacity is preserved, albeit weaker
perties.1 Among the significant fluorinated structural motifs than the more polar hydroxy and thiol functional groups, and
regularly encountered nowadays, the difluoromethyl group lipophilicity is increased as well as metabolic stability.2 With
this in mind, it is not surprising that selective positioning of
the CF2H group into complex molecules has become a flour-
China International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Food Nutrition/
ishing research area in organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry
Safety and Medicinal Chemistry College of Biotechnology, Tianjin University of and also materials science. Within recent decades, outstand-
Science & Technology, Tianjin 300457, P.R. China. E-mail: lukui@tust.edu.cn ing progress in difluoromethylation has been made using
Department of Chemistry, College of Sciences, Tianjin University of Science & direct and indirect approaches through electrophilic, nucleo-
Technology, Tianjin 300457, P.R. China
philic, or radical processes.3 Seminal works on direct radical
CNRS, UMR 6014 COBRA, Normandie Université, 76821 Mont Saint Aignan, France.
E-mail: dominique.cahard@univ-rouen.fr
difluoromethylation of alkenes were reported using HCF2I as

Jiaxu Feng was born in 1993 in Xiaodong Jia was born in

Shanxi, China. She received her Sichuan in 1996. He received his
PhD degree from Nankai Bachelor’s degree from the
University in 2020 under the gui- Sichuan University of Arts and
dance of Pr. You Huang. She Sciences in 2019, and then
joined the Tianjin University of pursued his Master’s degree at
Science & Technology in 2020. the Tianjin University of Science
Her research interests focus on & Technology under the supervi-
organic small-molecular cataly- sion of Pr. Kui Lu. His main
sis and organofluorine chem- research interest is photocata-
istry. lysed difluoromethylation.

Jiaxu Feng Xiaodong Jia

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Fig. 1 Chemical structures of photocatalysts featured in this review. aRef. 5b and 7; b Ref. 5c and 8.

the difluoromethylating agent as early as 1975 by Tedder’s external photonic energy source that is converted into chemi-
group and by Chen’s group in 1994.4 To date, radical-based cal energy to generate highly reactive intermediate species in a
difluoromethylation remains an advantageous synthetic predictable way under extremely mild conditions and leaving
method for the preparation of CF2H-containing organic mole- no waste.5 Upon photonic activation, the light-absorbing cata-
cules. In the presence of a light-absorbing metal complex or a lyst either donates or abstracts an electron to an organic sub-
metal-free organic dye (Fig. 1), visible light serves as an ideal strate in a single-electron transfer (SET) event to form a highly

Shuyue Zhang was born in Kui Lu was born in Jiangxi

Tianjin in 1997. She received her Province, China, in 1981. He
Bachelor’s degree from the received his BS degree from the
Tianjin University of Science & China Agricultural University in
Technology in 2019, and then 2002, and then a PhD degree in
pursued her Master’s degree at organic chemistry from Peking
the same university under the University in 2007 under the
supervision of Pr. Kui Lu. Her supervision of Pr. Zhen Yang.
main research interest is photo- After postdoctoral research in the
catalysed difluoromethylation. laboratory of Professor Ohyun
Kown at the University of
California, Los Angeles, USA, he
Shuyue Zhang Kui Lu worked as group leader of medic-
inal chemistry in Bioduro Co.,
Ltd in China. In 2011, he started his independent career as an
associate Professor at the Tianjin University of Science &
Technology and was promoted to full professor in 2020. His
research involves total synthesis of natural products, organosulfur
chemistry and organofluorine chemistry.

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Fig. 2 Sources of difluoromethyl radicals. Values of redox potentials are available in references.3r,9

reactive radical species. The photoredox approach adheres to reviews on difluoroalkylation have appeared in the literature
the principles of green chemistry and environmental remedia- but none of them specifically deal with photocatalysed direct
tion, and has attracted a great deal of attention in the chemical difluoromethylation.3q,6c,11 Therefore, this review is timely to
and pharmaceutical industries.6 This burgeoning technology update this rapidly growing field and is intended to provide
has been utilised in numerous SET reactions that include con- the readers with an overview of photocatalysed direct difluoro-
siderable efforts devoted to visible-light-mediated fluoroalkyla- methylation reactions that includes applications and mechan-
tion. Methods developed for trifluoromethylation often require istic details. The development of direct difluoromethylation
adjustments when extended to difluoromethylation. Indeed, a reactions was made possible thanks to the availability of a
simple change in the number of fluorine atoms from CF3 to variety of CF2H donor sources (Fig. 2); the synthesis of these
CF2H causes modified electronic properties and redox per- difluoromethylating reagents is out of the scope of this review.
formance, with the use of CF2H radical sources requiring a Indirect multi-step procedures that require introduction of a
stronger reductant compared with CF3 radical sources. In this CF2R group (R = CO2R′, PO(OR′)2, SO2R′, SiR′3) and further
review, we showcase the application of different difluoro- cleavage for conversion into CF2H are also not documented
methylating agents under visible-light photochemical catalysis hereafter. This review is organized by type of substrate, and
for the construction of complex organofluorine compounds. sub-divided further by source of difluoromethyl radicals.
Further to the publication of two review articles on photo-
catalytic difluoromethylation reactions dated 2019, this vibrant
field has grown considerably as evidenced by circa 45% of new
articles that have appeared since then.10 In addition, general
2. Difluoromethylation of alkenes
2.1 By means of HF2CSO2Cl
In 2014, Dolbier and co-workers reported the visible-light-cata-
lysed difluoromethylation of N-arylacrylamides toward the syn-
Dominique Cahard was born in thesis of CF2H-containing 3,3-disubstituted 2-oxindoles in
1968 in Normandy, France. His moderate to good yields (Scheme 1).12 In this radical reaction,
career started in 1994 with a HF2CSO2Cl was effectively exploited as the difluoromethyl
PhD from the University of
Rouen under the supervision of
Pr. Jean-Marie Poirier and Pr.
Pierre Duhamel. He enjoyed two
postdoctoral positions with Pr.
Chris McGuigan in Southampton
(UK) and then in Cardiff
(Wales), and with Pr. Tadashi
Nakata at RIKEN, Tokyo (Japan).
Dominique Cahard In 1996, he joined the CNRS as
an associate researcher, com-
pleted his Habilitation in 2001, and was promoted to CNRS
Research Director in 2007. Dominique Cahard heads a research Scheme 1 Photoredox-catalysed radical difluoromethylation/cyclisa-
group that has interest in innovative methodologies for the syn- tion of N-arylacrylamides. Note: In all Schemes, new bonds formed are
thesis of fluorinated molecules with emphasis on chirality control. shown in bold.

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radical source in the presence of the well-defined iridium

cyclometalated complex fac-IrIII(ppy)3 as the photocatalyst and a
compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) 26 W, 1600 lumens. A radical
addition/cyclisation mechanism was proposed in which the
photochemically generated CF2H radical reacted at the CvC
bond to form the intermediate radical A that spontaneously
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

cyclised into B followed by oxidation to give carbocation C, and

the subsequent rearomatisation gave the oxindole (Scheme 1).
Worthy of note, other fluorinated 3,3-disubstituted 2-oxindole
systems could be synthesised through this methodology in the
presence of various fluorinated sulfonyl chlorides RfSO2Cl pro-
vided RuII(phen)3Cl2 (E1=2 ¼ 0:87 V vs. SCE in MeCN) is used
in place of fac-Ir (ppy)3 (E1=2 ¼ 1:73 V vs. SCE in MeCN).

This is attributable to the fact that the reduction potential of

HF2CSO2Cl is more negative than that of perfluoro RfSO2Cl.
Scheme 3 Photoredox-catalysed intramolecular difluoromethylation/
The same CF2H radical precursor and the same photo- cyclisation of sulfonamides and esters.
catalyst were used for the direct photoredox-catalysed
hydrodifluoromethylation of electron-deficient alkenes under
neutral conditions, providing an efficient strategy for the intro- and silver carbonate are essential for this cyclisation reaction
duction of the difluoromethyl group at sites β to electron-with- in order to suppress the formation of chlorodifluoromethyl-
drawing groups, e.g. amide, ketone, ester, sulfone and phos- ated byproducts.
phonate (Scheme 2).13 Experimental and DFT computational Another example of photoredox-catalysed intramolecular
data provided evidence that the CF2H radical is nucleophilic in difluoromethylation employed unactivated alkenes that feature
nature and well suited to react with electron-deficient alkenes. a remote aromatic group. This mild method provided a new
In this reaction, tris(trimethylsilyl)silane acted both as hydro- strategy for the construction of carbocycle rings, essentially
gen atom donor and electron donor in the radical process. CF2H-substituted tetralin derivatives through a 6-exo radical
Later, Dolbier’s group described photoredox-catalysed intra- cyclisation (Scheme 4).15 Crucial to obtaining good to excellent
molecular amino- and oxy-difluoromethylation reactions with yields was the use of a monochromatic blue LED and the pres-
sulfonamides and esters, respectively, featuring a remote unac- ence of the gem-diester motif responsible for the Thorpe–
tivated olefin moiety. Here, CuI(dap)2Cl (E1=2 ¼ 1:43 V vs. Ingold effect (yield was only 8% without this motif ). Two
SCE in MeCN) was selected as the catalyst; upon photo- examples of indan-cored derivatives were also presented by
excitation, CuI(dap)2+ generates a long-lived excited species varying the number of methylene spacers in substrates.
*CuI(dap)2+ (τ = 270 ns). This strong reductant, yet weaker than In 2016, Dolbier and co-workers extended their pioneering
fac-IrIII( ppy)3, donates an electron to HF2CSO2Cl to afford the work to the visible-light-induced difluoromethylation of
required CF2H radical. The overall process is a cascade N-benzylacrylamides with HF2CSO2Cl affording a broad range
addition/oxidation/cyclisation either with the nitrogen nucleo-
phile to end up with CF2H-containing pyrrolidines or with the
oxygen nucleophile to give lactones in moderate to good yields
with great functional group compatibility (Scheme 3).14 Note
that when both sulfonamide and ester moieties are present in
the reactant, the lactone was obtained as the sole product.
Mechanistic investigations demonstrated that copper catalyst

Scheme 2 Photoredox-catalysed reductive difluoromethylation of Scheme 4 Photoredox-catalysed intramolecular difluoromethylation/

electron-deficient alkenes. cyclisation of unactivated alkenes with a remote aromatic group.

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Scheme 5 Photoredox-catalysed radical difluoromethylation/cyclisa-

tion of N-benzylacrylamides.

of difluoromethylated 2-azaspiro[4,5]deca-6,9-diene-3,8-diones
through a cascade cyclisation/dearomatisation process
(Scheme 5).16 As was the case with N-arylacrylamides, fac-
IrIII( ppy)3 was the appropriate photocatalyst for efficient gene-
ration of the difluoromethyl radical along with the formation
of an oxidative IrIV species through single-electron transfer. Scheme 6 Photocatalytic difluoromethyl(aryl)ation of α,β-unsaturated
This IrIV subsequently oxidised radical species B, regenerating amides.
the IrIII catalyst. The substrate scope was large with great func-
tional group tolerance. Difluoromethylated azaspiro ring
systems bearing two adjacent quaternary stereocenters were
obtained in moderate to good yields under mild conditions.
This piece of work is part of a wider study exploring the use of
various fluorosulfonyl chlorides for synthetic access to a range
of fluorinated spirocyclohexadienones. The proposed mecha-
nism revealed that added water might stabilise carbocation C
and thus promote the desired catalytic cycle.
Very recently, in 2022, Dolbier, Zhang, Zhou and co-workers
developed a photocatalytic difluoromethylation of
α,β-unsaturated arylsulfonylated amides by means of
HF2CSO2Cl, affording selectively either β-difluoromethyl
amides or CF2H-containing heterocyclic compounds depend-
ing on reaction conditions. On exposure to irradiation by
Scheme 7 Visible-light-promoted radical cyclisation of
means of a blue light, CF2H-containing heterocyclic products N-arylvinylsulfonamides.
were obtained in moderate to good yields through a cascade
radical addition, ipso-cyclisation and Smile-type rearrange-
ment. Conversely, the chemoselectivity was changed and
β-difluoromethylated amides were formed by adding H2O and radicals under visible-light irradiation for the direct introduc-
changing the light source to visible light (Scheme 6).17 tion of the CF2H group onto alkenes leading to hydrodifluoro-
Chemists in private industry hypothesised that photocata- methylated products (Scheme 8).19 The source of hydrogen was
lysed oxidative difluoromethylation could be extended to either water or THF. A wide range of sp3-difluoromethylated
N-arylvinylsulfonamides. The reaction indeed was successfully compounds were prepared that included analogues of biologi-
applied to afford difluoromethylated 1,3-dihydrobenzo[c]iso- cally active compounds such as Allethrin, Rotenone, and
thiazole 2,2-dioxides in good yields on three examples Vinclozolin, clearly demonstrating the potential of the method
(Scheme 7).18 and its great functional group tolerance. Apart from one case
of a gem-disubstituted olefin (Rotenone-CF2H), all substrates
2.2. By means of [Ph3PCF2X]+Br− (X = Br, H) or were monosubstituted olefins. Mechanistic investigation indi-
Ph3P+CF2CO2− cated that deconstruction of the reagent [Ph3PCF2Br]+Br− gave
Using readily available solid bromodifluoromethyltriphenyl the difluorocarbene that combined with hydrogen bromide
phosphonium bromide in place of the volatile dibromodifluor- and triphenylphosphine to form the difluoromethyltriphenyl
omethane motivated Qing and co-workers to generate CF2H phosphonium bromide responsible for CF2H radical transfer.

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[Ph3PCF2H]+Br− to deliver the CF2H radical that adds to the

styrene, a subsequent oxidation of the intermediate to give a
benzylic carbocation and concomitant regeneration of the
photocatalyst, and finally a nucleophilic attack of carbocation
by alcohols or water to afford the desired products.
Importantly, no brominated product was observed, albeit
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

bromide anions are inherently present.

In order to develop a bromodifluoromethylation reaction
under photoredox catalysis, Qing and co-workers found that
the addition of a copper II salt, Cu(OAc)2, CuBr2, or
CuSO4·5H2O, favored the bromide incorporation at the
expense of the hydrodifluoromethylation; in particular, CuBr2
was very efficient provided that it is used catalytically
(Scheme 10).21 Using difluoromethyltriphenyl phosphonium
bromide as the CF2H radical source, the photoredox
bromodifluoromethylation was performed on a broad alkene
scope in good to high yields. Additionally, bromodifluoro-
methyl alkenes easily underwent dehydrobromination by
quenching the reaction with DBU. Mechanistic investigation
revealed that CuBr2 could promote this reaction via an alkyl-
copper species ( path c) but the exact role of the copper salt
Scheme 8 Visible-light-induced hydrodifluoromethylation of alkenes. was not clearly demonstrated.
The more substituted the olefin is, the more difficult is the
radical difluoromethylation. Nevertheless, tetrasubstituted
Addition of sodium iodide was also beneficial to the reaction alkenes such as those in 3-alkylidene indoles were successfully
yield as it offered another path to [Ph3PCF2H]+Br− via iododi- reacted with [Ph3PCF2H]+Br− under photoredox catalysis. This
fluoromethane. The oxidative quenching cycle was best per- method provided a new strategy for the direct introduction of
formed with fac-IrIII( ppy)3 as the catalyst and blue LEDs as the CF2H into the oxindole scaffold, which commonly exists in
light source (Scheme 8). natural compounds, biologically active compounds and valu-
Qing’s group further synthesised the putative reagent able synthetic intermediates (Scheme 11).22 This reaction is
[Ph3PCF2H]+Br− for its direct application in a new visible-light- apparently a hydrodifluoromethylation of the CvC bond, but
promoted oxydifluoromethylation of styrenes, allowing the going into detail the authors proposed that radical intermedi-
preparation of CF2H-containing alcohols and ethers in moder- ate A, formed by addition of CF2H radical, was reduced by
ate to good yields under mild conditions (Scheme 9).20 While iodide anion to form enolate B that was protonated by trace of
mono- and disubstituted olefins in styrene derivatives gave the water present in the reaction system. This way, novel difluoro-
desired products, trisubstituted ones failed to react because of methylated oxindoles featuring a C–CF2H quaternary center
greater steric hindrance. Of several photocatalysts evaluated, were constructed.
fac-IrIII( ppy)3, which is a stronger reductant than Ru- and Ir-
polypyridyl complexes and the organic dye Eosin Y, was the
only one to promote the oxydifluoromethylation reaction. The
main points of the proposed mechanism are the reduction of

Scheme 10 Visible-light-promoted bromodifluoromethylation of

Scheme 9 Visible-light-promoted oxydifluoromethylation of styrenes. alkenes.

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followed by a 1,2-carbon migration causing ring expansion.

The optimised reaction conditions required [Ph3PCF2H]+Br−,
fac-IrIII( ppy)3 and blue LEDs in the presence of 20 mol% of
copper acetate (Scheme 13).24 In this example, CF2H donors
such as 2-((difluoromethyl)sulfonyl)benzo[d]thiazole and
N-tosyl-S-difluoromethyl-S-phenylsulfoximine did not deliver
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

the expected reaction product, nor did the use of Ru-based

and organic photocatalysts. The role of Cu(OAc)2 was to facili-
tate the oxidation of radical intermediate A into carbocation B,
which is the subject of ring expansion. Various 1-(1-arylvinyl)
cyclobutanols bearing electron-neutral, -withdrawing and
-donating aryl groups were engaged in this transformation to
access a class of difluoromethyl-substituted cyclopentanone
Scheme 11 Visible-light-promoted hydrodifluoromethylation of derivatives in moderate to good yields under mild conditions.
3-vinylidene indoles. Another type of ring expansion was reported by Wu, Wang,
Li and co-workers who developed a visible-light-induced
radical difluoromethylation of methylenecyclopropanes to syn-
The olefin moiety found in enamides was also the subject thesise difluoromethylated 1,2-dihydronaphthalenes
of studies of the photoredox-catalysed difluoromethylation. (Scheme 14).25 In this approach, [Ph3PCF2H]+Br− served as the
Indeed, enamides are privileged scaffolds for a large range of CF2H source under photoredox catalysis with the aid of fac-
chemical transformations. In this context, Zhao, Loh and co- IrIII( ppy)3. Several aryl substituents were tolerated, except for
workers reported the regio- and stereoselective photoredox-cat- the nitro group that was not compatible under the reaction
alysed difluoromethylation of enamides using difluoromethyl- conditions. A radical mechanism was evidenced through
triphenylphosphonium bromide (Scheme 12).23 A broad range radical trapping experiments with detection of aryl-TEMPO
of E-configured β-difluoromethylated enamides were syn- adducts. The blue LED-photoexcited fac-IrIII( ppy)3* allowed the
thesised under very mild conditions using blue LEDs and a generation of the CF2H radical that reacted with the substrate
catalytic amount of fac-IrIII( ppy)3. Based on literature pre- to form the cyclopropylcarbinyl radical A and further ring-
cedence, the proposed reaction mechanism involves carbo- opening into radical B. Next, B cyclised into C and C was oxi-
cation A in equilibrium with iminium B and a further deproto- dised by fac-IrIV( ppy)3 into the cationic species D with release
nation via the preferential conformer I having fewer steric con- of fac-IrIII( ppy)3. In a final step, a deprotonation afforded the
straints than II and ending up with the E-configured enam- difluoromethylated 1,2-dihydronaphthalene scaffold. When
ides. These enamides were further transformed into relevant diphenyl methylenecyclopropane was used as substrate dihy-
difluoromethyl-containing isoquinolines, reduced into amines dronaphthalene was not observed, but instead the linear
and hydrolysed to α-difluoromethylated ketone. product corresponding to the capture of bromide anion was
Kim and co-worker developed a visible-light-mediated produced in 67% yield (Scheme 14).
difluoromethylation of 1-(1-arylvinyl)cyclobutanol derivatives In 2021, Wu’s group developed a cascade visible-light-
mediated radical difluoromethylation/cyclisation to synthesise
variously decorated quinazolinones featuring a fused six-mem-
bered ring from N-alkenyl starting quinazolinones and

Scheme 12 Stereoselective difluoromethylation of enamides. Scheme 13 Cascade photoredox difluoromethylation/ring expansion.

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radical together with the oxidant fac-IrIV( ppy)3 by single-elec-

tron transfer. Next, attack of the CF2H radical on the terminal
CvC bond of the substrate gave radical A that cyclised into
intermediate B and rearranged into the carbon radical C by
1,2-hydrogen shift. Then, oxidation of C by fac-IrIV( ppy)3 gave
carbocation D and the final product after deprotonation.
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

Difluoromethylene phosphobetaine (Ph3P+CF2CO2−, PDFA),

which was previously developed for Wittig difluoroolefination,
could also deliver the CF2H radical upon decarboxylation. In
2019, Xiao and co-workers reported the photocatalysed
cyanodifluoromethylation of alkenes with Ph3P+CF2CO2− in
the presence of NaNH2 or NH3 (Scheme 16).27 In this method-
ology, Ph3P+CF2CO2− served not only as the CF2H source but
also as CN carbon source. As shown in Scheme 16, the cyanide
anion was generated in situ under mild conditions, providing
an eco-friendly and efficient procedure for the preparation of
Scheme 14 Visible-light-promoted functionalisation of
CF2H/CN-containing molecules. A copper source was crucial to
allow the reaction to proceed and Cu(I) iodide was selected
after screening various salts. It has been suggested that a Cu(II)
cyanide was formed by oxidation with fac-IrIV( ppy)3 and it
difluoromethyltriphenylphosphonium bromide (Scheme 15).26
further reacts with radical intermediate A leading to the Cu(III)
Here again, the photocatalyst fac-IrIII( ppy)3 proved to be
complex B. Reductive elimination offered the desired
superior to Ru(bpy)3Cl2·6H2O, [Mes-Acr+]ClO4−, and eosin Y
cyanodifluoromethylated product while regenerating Cu(I).
that are inefficient in this transformation. This protocol could
Path (a) was preferred to path (b) (Scheme 16) because no
be used in the preparation of pharmaceutically valuable
nucleophilic trapping of carbocation C was observed despite
difluoromethylated tricyclic quinazolinones by formation of
the presence of a good nucleophile (NaNH2) in the reaction
new five- to nine-membered fused-ring and even tetracyclic
derivatives from substrates possessing an additional ortho sub-
In 2020, Dilman’s group proposed an elegant visible-light-
stituted phenyl on the lateral chain. Mechanistic insights were
induced iododifluoromethylation of terminal alkenes by
obtained in reactions run in the presence of TEMPO and 1,1-
means of iododifluoromethylphosphonium triflate. Activation
diphenylethylene that led to considerably lower yields or
of the C–I bond was accomplished by peri-xanthenoxanthene
absence of desired reactivity, respectively. The characterisation
(PXX) under blue-light irradiation (Scheme 17).28 Standard Ir-
of radical trapping products was done by GC-MS. Moreover,
and Ru-photocatalysts gave 33% yield at best, whereas organic
on–off experiments demonstrated that the products were
photocatalysts 1,2,3,5-tetrakis(carbazol-9-yl)-4,6-dicyano-
formed only under visible-light irradiation. The photoexcited
benzene (4CzIPN) and N-Ph-phenothiazine gave 46 and 19%
fac-IrIII( ppy)3* reduced [Ph3PCF2H]+Br− to form the CF2H
yields, respectively. The reaction is large in scope as soon as
the alkene is terminal and isolated from functional groups.

Scheme 15 Photoredox radical difluoromethylation of unactivated

alkenes/cyclisation. Scheme 16 Photoredox radical cyanodifluoromethylation of alkenes.

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methyl-S-phenylsulfoximine), it was found that 2-[(difluoro-

methyl)sulfonyl]benzothiazole best performed as the CF2H
radical source. The appropriate photocatalyst was again fac-
IrIII( ppy)3 for its high reduction capacity in the excited state.
Under blue LED irradiation, the excited state [fac-IrIII( ppy)3]*
was oxidised by the difluoromethyl sulfone to generate a [fac-
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

IrIV( ppy)3]•+ complex and the desired CF2H radical. In this

cascade radical addition and cyclisation process, the role of
the sodium carbonate was to assist the final deprotonation
toward difluoromethylated heterocycles (Scheme 18).
For another type of cascade difluoromethylation/cyclisation
under identical conditions, Fun and co-workers in 2019
started from β,γ-unsaturated oximes and 2-[(difluoromethyl)
sulfonyl]benzothiazole, which under blue LED irradiation
Scheme 17 Visible-light-promoted iododifluoromethylation of alkenes. furnished the corresponding isoxazoline derivatives in moder-
ate to excellent yields (Scheme 19).30 A radical mechanism was
suggested based on literature precedence and the authors’
Alkenes bearing nitrogen heterocycles and internal alkenes own observations.
were ineffective in this approach under standard conditions. In 2019, Liu and co-workers utilised difluoromethyl
As shown in the proposed mechanism, the phosphonium-sub- 2-pyridyl sulfone as CF2H radical source in the tandem radical
stituted radical A was formed via reductive cleavage of the C–I addition/cyclisation of N-arylacrylamides (Scheme 20).31 With
bond. Next, the key phosphonium B was generated through assistance of visible light, two libraries of difluoromethylated
sequential addition on the double bond and acceptance of the 2-oxindoles (Scheme 20a) and quinoline-2,4-diones
iodine radical formed concomitantly with the regeneration of (Scheme 20b) featuring a range of functional groups were pre-
PXX. Finally, the desired product was obtained under protode- pared in moderate to good yields under mild conditions. In
phosphorylative treatment of B with collidine and water. the former case the radical intermediate cyclised on the aryl
ring, while in the latter case the cyclisation occurred at the
2.3. By means of (Het)ArSO2CF2H nitrile substituent. For quinoline-2,4-dione synthesis, water
Fluorinated sulfones have been developed as fluoroalkylating realised the final imine hydrolysis as demonstrated in an
agents in several new constructions of highly valuable fluo- experiment with H218O and incorporation of 18O into the final
rine-containing molecules. Although challenging, the radical product. Sodium bicarbonate was the appropriate base and
difluoromethylation by HF2C–SO2R cleavage was tamed tetra-butyl ammonium fluoride (TBAF) was suggested to act as
notably under visible-light photoredox catalysis. In 2016, Fu the phase-transfer catalyst.
and co-workers developed a photocatalysed radical oxydifluoro- A few months later, Zhu and co-workers employed
methylation of substrates bearing both an olefin and an amide 2-[(difluoromethyl)sulfonyl]benzothiazole instead of difluoro-
functional group delivering a number of CF2H-containing het- methyl 2-pyridyl sulfone for basically the same radical
erocycles, which include benzoxazines and oxazolines difluoromethylation and cyclisation of N-arylacrylamides
(Scheme 18).29 By testing various CF2H transfer reagents (e.g. (Scheme 21).32 Under photoredox catalysis, a set of CF2H-con-
difluoromethylsulfones and Hu’s reagent (N-tosyl-S-difluoro- taining heterocycles was prepared from mainly
N-arylacrylamides (Scheme 21a) but also from two methacry-

Scheme 18 Visible-light-promoted radical cascade difluoromethyl- Scheme 19 Visible-light-induced difluoromethylation of

ation/cyclisation. β,γ-unsaturated oximes.

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Scheme 22 Synthesis of CF2H-containing isoquinolinediones.

Scheme 20 Visible-light-promoted tandem radical cyclisation of nyl]benzothiazole as the CF2H radical precursor and fac-
N-arylacrylamides. IrIII( ppy)3 as the photocatalyst. The reaction accommodated
both electron-withdrawing and electron-donating substituents
regardless of their position on the phenyl ring. However, an
unprotected methacryloyl benzamide was not suitable in this
synthetic approach. In the proposed mechanism, the inter-
mediate B was generated through intramolecular cyclisation
on the aromatic ring of intermediate A. Then, B was oxidised
by [fac-IrIV( ppy)3]•+ to afford the key cyclohexadienyl cation C
and regenerating the photocatalyst. Finally, the heterocyclic
product was formed through deprotonation of cation C with
the assistance of sodium carbonate.
In 2020, Sheng’s group described an interesting general
three-component tandem reaction from aryl allylamines,
2-[(difluoromethyl)sulfonyl] benzothiazole and isocyanates
affording various difluoromethylated oxazolidin-2-imines
under mild conditions (Scheme 23).34 The oxazolidine-2-imine
skeleton exists in biologically active compounds as well as in
several useful synthetic intermediates. It is noteworthy that
RuII(bpy)3Cl2·6H2O was superior to fac-IrIII( ppy)3, for which a
28% lower yield was measured. With regard to the base,
DABCO in DMF gave better yields. A radical reaction mecha-
nism was proposed, which was argued by experiments and
quantum chemical calculations. The photoexcited RuII* was
reduced by DABCO into RuI that triggered 2-[(difluoromethyl)
sulfonyl] benzothiazole to deliver the CF2H radical. In parallel,
Scheme 21 Synthesis of CF2H-containing heterocycles starting from the condensation of allylamine with isocyanate gave intermedi-
N-arylacrylamides. ate A, which reacted with the CF2H radical to give radical B. B
is further oxidised by RuII* ( path a) and/or reacts with
2-[(difluoromethyl)sulfonyl] benzothiazole through a single-
electron transfer reaction to generate the carbocation C
loyl benzamides (Scheme 21b) and one ortho-cyano arylacryl-
( path b). Finally, the cyclisation of C ended up with the
amide (Scheme 21c).
desired difluoromethylated oxazolidin-2-imines (Scheme 23).
In fact, the reaction of N-methacryloyl benzamides was
introduced earlier in 2017 by Zou’s group. A visible-light-pro-
moted difluoromethylation/cyclisation was developed to access 2.4. By means of N-tosyl-S-difluoromethyl-S-
CF2H-containing isoquinoline-1,3(2H,4H)-diones through a phenylsulfoximine (Hu’s reagent)
mild radical process (Scheme 22).33 Optimisation of the reac- N-Tosyl-S-difluoromethyl-S-phenylsulfoximine (Hu’s reagent)
tion conditions led to the selection of 2-[(difluoromethyl)sulfo- was initially developed as a useful source of difluorocarbene

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selective fashion to give the stabilised radical intermediate B,

which was then oxidised by [fac-IrIV( ppy)3]•+ to generate the
CF2H carbocationic intermediate C together with regeneration
of the ground state photocatalyst. In a final operation, the car-
bocationic intermediate C underwent solvolysis by ROH to
afford oxydifluoromethylated products.
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

In the same year, the same group reported a photoredox-

catalysed difluoromethylation of aryl-fused cycloalkenylalka-
nols allowing highly diastereoselective access to anti-CF2H-con-
taining spiroethers using Hu’s reagent as the CF2H radical
source (Scheme 25).36 As shown in the plausible reaction
mechanism, an anti-fashion intramolecular nucleophilic
attack of the key carbocation intermediate by alcohol afforded
anti-fluoromethylated spiroethers, presumably because the
nucleophilic attack is favored through the opposite side of the
electronegative fluoromethyl group.
Scheme 23 Visible-light-promoted three-component tandem
Akita, Koike and co-workers further reported flow blue LED-
induced keto-difluoromethylation of readily available alkenes
delivering a wide range of α-CF2H-substituted ketones in good
yields in a residence time of 30 min (Scheme 26).9b A combi-
for the difluoromethylation of diverse nucleophiles. Akita,
nation of Hu’s reagent (source of •CF2H), DMSO (source of
Koike and co-workers employed Hu’s reagent as the CF2H
oxygen) and fac-IrIII( ppy)3 (source of strong oxidant
radical precursor under visible-light conditions in the regio-
[IrIV( ppy)3]•+ was found optimal under blue LED irradiation.
selective oxydifluoromethylation of alkenes in order to access
Base-free conditions are fine in most cases; however, added
various CF2H-substituted alcohols, ethers and esters
sodium benzoate improved the yields in tougher cases through
(Scheme 24).35 The optimised protocol exhibited great func-
a Kornblum oxidation. Electrochemical analysis, laser flash
tional group compatibility in the presence of photocatalyst fac-
photolysis and DFT calculations demonstrated that Hu’s
IrIII( ppy)3. Other photocatalysts such as [RuII(bpy)3][PF6]2 and
reagent was the best difluoromethylation reagent by compari-
[IrIII( ppy)2(dtbbpy)][PF6] failed to produce the desired CF2H
son with other sulfone-based CF2H reagents. Mechanistic
radical. The reaction did not work in the dark nor in the
studies suggested the key alkoxysulfonium intermediate B was
absence of photocatalyst. The reactions were carried out in
generated through nucleophilic attack of intermediate A by
acetone and water to provide CF2H-substituted alcohols and in
DMSO rather than a deprotonation. Then, the desired product
DCM/alcohol or AcOH to end up with CF2H-substituted ethers
was reached from intermediate B through two possible path-
or esters, respectively. Mechanistic insights were obtained,
ways: via Kornblum-type oxidation or via a second single-elec-
allowing a reaction mechanism to be proposed (Scheme 24).
tron transfer photoredox process (Scheme 26).
First, the photocatalyst fac-IrIII( ppy)3 was excited by the blue
LEDs to give the excited species [fac-IrIII( ppy)3]* that served as
a strong one-electron reductant to undergo single-electron 2.5. By means of diaryl(difluoromethyl)sulfonium salts
transfer to Hu’s reagent concomitantly to the generation of the In 2017, Akita, Koike and co-workers designed the novel
oxidised species [fac-IrIV( ppy)3]•+. Reduced Hu’s reagent frag- S-(difluoromethyl)-S-di( p-xylyl)sulfonium reagent that was
mentised into the CF2H radical and sulfinamide A. Then, the
CF2H radical reacted with the alkene substrate in a regio-

Scheme 25 Diastereoselective visible-light-promoted radical synthesis

Scheme 24 Synthesis of CF2H-containing alcohols, ethers and esters. of CF2H-substituted spiroethers.

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Scheme 26 Visible-light-induced keto-difluoromethylation of

alkenes.a The photoreactor was irradiated with LED lamps (405 nm
(3.85 mW × 20), 450 nm (20 mW × 20), 470 nm (20 mW × 20)).

engaged in a visible-light-mediated metal-free amino-difluoro-

methylation of styrenic alkenes. With this objective in mind,
perylene as an organic photocatalyst was explored under blue
LED irradiation. In the studied reaction, perylene exhibited
high efficiency owing to its high excited state energies, while a Scheme 27 Perylene-catalysed amino-difluoromethylation of alkenes.
noble metal Ir catalyst gave only 29% yield. In this approach,
S-difluoromethyl-S-di( p-xylyl)sulfonium tetrafluoroborate, as
the CF2H radical source, was perfectly compatible with the per-
ylene photocatalysis. A Ritter amination by means of aceto-
nitrile afforded a variety of β-CF2H substituted amines with
excellent regioselectivity under mild conditions
(Scheme 27a).37 Conversely, CF2H-containing alkenes were
generated when α-substituted styrenes were used as substrates.
Styrenic substrates, regardless of electron-withdrawing,
-neutral, or -donating groups in the aromatic rings, are good
substrates as well as an estrone derivative, albeit giving a lower
A year after, the same group gave one example using 9,10-
bis(di( p-tert-butylphenyl)amino)anthracene as a photocatalyst
for the amino-difluoromethylation of styrene (Scheme 27b).38
This newly designed photocatalyst features high reducing
power and efficient absorption capability of visible light, Scheme 28 Oxydifluoromethylation of N-allylamides. a The tube was
giving an expanded dimension of photocatalyst design and placed at a distance of ∼2 mm away from 3 W blue LED lamps.
exploration in many reactions.
In 2021, Liu and co-workers described the oxydifluoro-
methylation of N-allyl amides with an S-(difluoromethyl)sulfo-
nium salt under photoredox catalysis with the aid of 3 mol% In 2021, Guo, Qiu and co-workers developed the visible-
of fac-IrIII( ppy)3 (Scheme 28).39 Under the optimum con- light-triggered difluoromethylation cyclisation of indole deriva-
ditions, a variety of CF2H-β-amino alcohols were obtained in tives for the construction of various decorated CF2H-contain-
good to excellent yields. Mechanistic investigations demon- ing indole[2,1-α]isoquinoline derivatives. The reaction was con-
strated that a sequential process of difluoromethyl radical ducted in continuous flow under blue LED irradiation in the
addition, oxidation, intramolecular carbocation trapping and presence of the organic photocatalyst (4s,6s)-2,4,5,6-tetra(9H-
rearrangement reaction was involved. The carbocation species carbazol-9-yl)isophthalonitrile (4CzIPN). All other conditions
A underwent cascade intramolecular trapping by the carbonyl being equal, fac-IrIII( ppy)3 provided lower yields. As the CF2H
group, addition reaction of hydroxide ion and ring-opening radical precursor, Akita’s S-difluoromethyl-S-di( p-xylyl)sulfo-
rearrangement to afford intermediate B. Finally, the desired nium salt was employed. This metal-free photocatalysis in con-
product was formed through an intramolecular transesterifica- tinuous flow has shown great functional group compatibility
tion process (Scheme 28). and is amenable for scale-up reactions (Scheme 29).40

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B intermediate, which abstracts a hydrogen atom from THF to

afford the hydrodifluoromethylated product. Then, THF
radical C possibly undergoes SET with [bis(difluoroacetoxy)
iodo]benzene with release of radical A, for further alkene func-
tionalisation, and side-products PhI, oxonium ion D and
difluoroacetate (Scheme 30).
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

Following the same procedure, He and co-workers syn-

thesised a set of difluoromethylated oxindoles from
N-arylacrylamides (Scheme 31a).42 The authors succeeded in
using just a stoichiometric amount of PIDA and difluoroacetic
acid. This eco-friendly procedure was promoted under very
mild conditions by visible light in the absence of any additive,
base, metal or external photosensitiser. A radical mechanism
was established after control experiments with radical scaven-
gers (TEMPO and BHT) were carried out. On–off experiments
Scheme 29 Organo-photocatalysed carbodifluoromethylation of
α,β-unsaturated amides. a The material of the irradiation vessel was demonstrated that the products were formed only under light
perfluoro alkoxy (PFA) in a flow system while borosilicate glass in a batch irradiation. Here, the solvent 2-MeTHF did not seem to partici-
system. The distance from the blue LEDs to the irradiation vessel should pate in a SET operation, the radical intermediate B being oxi-
be 10 cm. dised by the iodine radical A (Scheme 31). Simultaneously to
this work, the group of Lu presented an approach directly
using [bis(difluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene instead of the combi-
2.6. By means of PhI(OCOCHF2)2 nation of the two components PIDA and difluoroacetic acid. A
Encouraged by pioneering Maruoka’s efficient photolytically thorough study of the light source and solvent resulted in the
induced difluoromethylation of heteroarenes by means of choice of 24 W blue LEDs in 1,4-dioxane. Under these con-
hypervalent iodine(III) reagents (see Scheme 38), Gouverneur
and co-workers further described the visible-light-induced
hydrodifluoromethylation of alkenes by difluoroacetic acid in
the presence of phenyliodine(III) diacetate (PIDA)
(Scheme 30).41 A major feature is that this reaction proceeds
without photocatalyst. Mechanistic investigations suggested a
radical-based reaction. The reaction starts with an exchange of
acetate groups on PIDA with difluoroacetic acid. Then,
exposure to the blue LEDs releases PhI and radical A that move
towards the CF2H radical through decarboxylation. The radical
adds regioselectively to the alkene substrate to generate radical

Scheme 31 Photocatalyst-free visible-light-induced synthesis of

difluoromethylated oxindoles. a The light-promoted reactions were
Scheme 30 Photocatalyst-free visible-light-induced hydrodifluoro- done using a standard LED lamp with twenty-four light emitting diodes
methylation of alkenes. a Reactions were performed in 7 mL vials in a (12–28 V, 24 W, 465–470 nm). The distance from the light source to the
EvoluChem™ PhotoRedOx box. irradiation vessel is 3 cm.

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ditions, a wide range of difluoromethyl substituted oxindoles

was prepared (Scheme 31b).43
The same year, in 2021, Wu and co-workers reported a
photoredox-induced direct difluoromethylation of enamides
and heterocycles by means of [bis(difluoroacetoxy)iodo]
benzene as the CF2H source and [Ru(bpy)3][PF6]2 as the
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

optimum photocatalyst. Unlike previous examples, with these

substrate types the reaction failed in the absence of photo-
catalyst or in the dark. With enamides the reaction was
regio- and stereoselective, leading to a number of
(E)-β-difluoromethylated enamides in moderate to excellent
yields (Scheme 32a).44 This convenient and practical radical
difluoromethylation protocol was extended to some hetero-
cycles (Scheme 32b) and was applied for the gram-scale syn-
thesis of a precursor of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Scheme 33 Photoredox synthesis of CF2H-substituted ring-fused
drug piroxicam. The authors speculated that the stereo-
selectivity of this transformation could be explained by the
conformational analysis of the key iminium ion intermediate
A. Product E-isomer was the preferential one because confor-
2.7. By means of HF2CSO2Na
mer 1 was more favorable in contrast to conformer 2 in view of
steric repulsion. A reductive quenching cycle was proposed in Sodium difluoromethanesulfinate was synthesised for the first
which the RuI [E1/2 (RuII/RuI) = −1.33 V vs. SCE in MeCN] was time in 2015. In 2021, Deng and co-workers reported a visible-
re-oxidised by PhI(O2CCF2H)2 (−1.01 V vs. SCE in MeCN). light-induced radical difluoromethylation/cyclisation reaction
Very recently, in 2022, He and co-workers presented a of N-benzamides using now commercially available
visible-light-induced cascade difluoromethylation and cyclisa- HF2CSO2Na as a difluoromethylation reagent (Scheme 34).46
tion reaction of alkenyl-substituted quinazolinones for the Several CF2H-containing isoquinoline-1,3-diones were pre-
preparation of a set of CF2H-containing ring-fused quinazoli- pared, and the limitations of the method were provided from
nones, a scaffold widely present in biologically and pharma- seven substrates that failed to give significant amounts of the
ceutically active molecules. Using difluoroacetic acid com- desired products. It is a metal-free air-promoted process in
bined with PIDA as the CF2H radical precursor, this eco- which Eosin B plays the role of photocatalyst. When the reac-
friendly approach carried out in dimethyl carbonate (DMC) as tion was catalysed by Eosin Y or fac-IrIII( ppy)3, lower isolated
the sole solvent exhibited great functional group tolerance yields of product were observed. In this reaction, the electron-
under mild conditions without external photosensitiser rich HF2CSO2Na is the HF2C• donor and allows an oxidative
(Scheme 33).45 quenching cycle of Eosin B. Mechanistic studies provided

Scheme 32 Visible-light-induced difluoromethylation of enamides and Scheme 34 Visible-light-induced difluoromethylation/cyclisation of

heterocycles. N-benzamides.

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information on the role of air as an oxidant in the reaction

system. The reduced Eosin B•− was oxidised by O2 into Eosin B
allowing the photocatalytic cycle while O2•− served to convert
radical intermediate A into the carbocation B, which after
deprotonation released the product. The oxidation of A
resulted in the formation of O22− and finally H2O2 after proton
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.


3. Difluoromethylation of enol
acetates and silyl enol ethers
The CvC double bond in enol derivatives has a distinctive Scheme 36 Photoredox radical difluoromethylation of silyl enol ethers.
reactivity in radical additions, and it allows the targeting of Irradiation of reaction vessels (distance=1 cm) was accomplished using
a 8 W blue LED strip (hν=460 nm, 60 LED per m (14.4 watt per m)) with
α-substituted carbonyl compounds. Based on the application
a fan above to maintain a constant temperature.
of difluoromethyltriphenyl phosphonium bromide as a radical
precursor, Wang’s group reported in 2021 a novel visible-light-
induced radical difluoromethylation reaction of aromatic enol base as a proton acceptor or via α-deprotonation of the silylox-
acetates using fac-IrIII( ppy)3 photocatalyst (Scheme 35).47 onium species B giving silyl enol ether C, which was observed
Various α-CF2H-substituted ketones were obtained in moderate and quenched with TFA.
to high yields under mild conditions. As shown earlier in the
text (section 2.2), excited fac-IrIII( ppy)3* is able to reduce
[Ph3PCF2H]+Br− to a CF2H radical with formation of radical A 4. Difluoromethylation of alkynes
and fac-IrIV( ppy)3. A was then oxidised into carbocation B with
regeneration of fac-IrIII( ppy)3. The desired products were In the last decade, much effort has been devoted to the direct
obtained through a nucleophilic attack of key intermediate B difluoromethylation of alkenes under photocatalysis to afford
by nucleophilic species. an array of novel CF2H-containing compounds. However, the
In the same year, Arseniyadis and co-workers applied the direct introduction of the CF2H group into alkynes remains
visible-light-catalysed difluoromethylation on easily available scarce. In 2017, Zhu and co-workers developed an efficient
silyl enol ethers using Hu’s reagent as a CF2H radical precur- visible-light-induced direct difluoromethylation of alkynoates,
sor and fac-IrIII( ppy)3 photocatalyst (Scheme 36).48 The proto- giving 3-difluoromethylated coumarins in moderate to excel-
col is practical and readily scalable under continuous flow con- lent yields (Scheme 37a).49 The method employs difluoro-
ditions; it offers various α-CF2H substituted arylketones in methyl sulfone as an easily accessible CF2H radical precursor
good to excellent yields. Alas, extension to alkyl ketones could in a photoredox catalytic system. Once more, the fac-IrIII( ppy)3
not be applied. Mechanistic investigations done with radical photocatalyst proved to be superior to Ru-based ones. The
scavengers, fluorescence quenching experiments and DFT cal- overall process is a three-step cascade difluoromethylation/5-
culations led the authors to propose the mechanism detailed exo cyclisation/ester migration ending up with the difluoro-
in Scheme 36. In particular, the ketyl radical A was oxidised by methylated heterocyclic scaffold. Coumarins are pivotal struc-
IrIV( ppy)3 to give the silyloxonium B, which was converted into tural motifs widely present in biologically active and natural
the desired ketone either through desilylation assisted by the products. In 2021, Lu and co-workers reported an alternative
synthesis of difluoromethylated coumarins from alkynoates
under visible light irradiation without photocatalyst thanks to
the use of [bis(difluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene as a source of
spontaneously formed CF2H radicals (see also section 2.6)
(Scheme 37b).50 This approach is an eco-friendly alternative
for the generation of fluorine-containing coumarins under
mild and catalyst-free conditions. Apart from the generation of
the CF2H radical, which is different, the subsequent steps of
the mechanism are identical to those outlined by Zhu
(Scheme 37a).

5. Difluoromethylation of (het)arenes
The pioneering work by Baran’s group in 2012 described the
Scheme 35 Photoredox radical difluoromethylation of enol acetates. first direct radical difluoromethylation of nitrogen-containing

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cation intermediate E, which furnished the desired product

after proton elimination.
MacMillan and co-workers were the first to report on a
metallaphotoredox difluoromethylation of aryl and heteroaryl
bromides giving the respective difluoromethylated products.
The method is characterised by moderate to high yields with a
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

great functional group compatibility (Scheme 39).9a Of particu-

lar interest, the late-stage difluoromethylation of four pharma-
ceutical agents was reported. The metallaphotoredox process
consisted of two catalytic cycles in a dual nickel/photoredox-
catalysed coupling procedure. Visible-light excitation of [Ir(dF
(CF3)ppy)2(dtbbpy)][PF6] photocatalyst generated the excited-
state *IrIII complex, which readily oxidised bromide anions
into bromine radicals. Then, Br• abstracted a hydrogen atom
on (TMS)3SiH to yield the nucleophilic silyl radical responsible
for bromine abstraction from bromodifluoromethane with
concomitant formation of the key difluoromethyl radical. At
the same time, insertion of Ni0 catalyst in the C–Br bond of
the aryl bromide substrate gave NiII–aryl intermediate A, which
trapped the difluoromethyl radical and generated the corres-
Scheme 37 Visible-light-mediated difluoromethylation of alkynoates.
The light-promoted reactions were done using an LED lamp with eigh- ponding aryl–NiIII–CF2H complex B. A further reductive elimin-
teen light emitting diodes (12–28 V, 18 W, 465–470 nm). The distance ation afforded the expected difluoromethyl hetarene product
from the light source to the irradiation vessel is 3 cm. and NiI species. Finally, a single-electron transfer between the
NiI species and reduced photocatalyst IrII regenerated Ni0 cata-
lyst and ground-state IrIII photocatalyst. Later in 2021, Zhang
heteroarenes employing zinc bis(difluoromethanesulfinate) and co-workers corroborated the mechanism of this dual-cata-
and oxidising agent tert-butyl hydroperoxide.51 It was only in lysis process through density functional theory-based compu-
2017 that a photocatalytic difluoromethylation of heteroarenes tational study. The reductive quenching cycle (IrIII/*IrIII/IrII/
was developed by Maruoka and co-workers by means of the IrIII) and the Ni0-initiated catalytic cycle were confirmed.53
hypervalent iodine(III) reagent [bis(difluoroacetoxy)iodo] Electron-deficient heterocyclic N-oxides as redox auxiliaries
benzene under visible-light irradiation without any additional could activate carboxylic acid derivatives such as anhydrides or
catalyst. The method was successfully applied to get difluoro- acyl chlorides by inducing reductive decarboxylation and
methylated pyrimidines, pyridazines, pyrazines, triazines, and radical formation. This approach was applied in 2018 by
pyrazoles in moderate to good yields (Scheme 38).52 In this Stephenson and co-workers with commercially available
radical process, the CF2H radical was generated from the difluoroacetic anhydride for the visible-light-promoted intra-
photodecomposition of hypervalent iodine(III) reagent featur- molecular fragment-coupling decarboxylative difluoromethyl-
ing difluoroacetoxy ligands in the absence of additional
reagent via radical B and iodanyl radical C followed by de-
carboxylation. The difluoromethyl radical subsequently
reacted with heteroarenes to generate a radical intermediate D.
The oxidation of D by A or iodanyl radical C gave the carbo-

Scheme 39 Metallaphotoredox difluoromethylation of aryl bromides.

Scheme 38 Catalyst-free visible-light-promoted difluoromethylation Lamp at 5 cm distance from vial, with fans and/or a water bath to keep
of heteroarenes. temperature at 30 °C.

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obtained in good yields with great functional group compat-

ibility. Mechanistic studies indicated that O2, serving as an
oxidant, was essential for this reaction to proceed. Promising
antifungal activity was identified for one representative
Indoles are important heterocycles commonly encountered
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

in bioactive natural products and pharmaceuticals. The regio-

selective functionalisation of indoles by fluorinated motifs is
of great interest. In 2019, Dolbier and co-workers developed an
efficient visible-light-promoted difluoromethylation of 3- and
3,5-substituted indoles affording regiospecifically various
2-difluoromethyl indoles in low to moderate yields
(Scheme 42).56 In this protocol, easily accessed
[Ph3PCF2H]+Br− was employed as a CF2H radical precursor
Scheme 40 Visible-light-induced decarboxylative fragment-coupling
difluoromethylation of heterocyclic N-oxides. a The light apparatuses
under mild conditions. Experimental studies revealed that the
used to irradiate the reactions were constructed from the test tube racks photocatalyst and visible light were essential in this radical
and wrapped with three 4.4 W blue LED strips. Reaction distances from process. Of several Ir-, Ru- and Cu-based photocatalysts fac-
light source (∼2.5 cm). At this distance the temperature of the reactions IrIII( ppy)3 was determined to give the better reaction yields.
did not exceed 35 °C.
With respect to the CF2H radical donor, HF2CSO2Cl and
difluoromethyl sulfonyl benzothiazole gave lower yield or a
trace amount of product, respectively.
ation of biologically relevant heterocyclic scaffolds König, Antonietti and co-workers accomplished the photo-
(Scheme 40).54 Depending on the substitution patterns of the catalytic difluoromethylation of heteroarenes using zinc bis
heterocycle, 2- or 4-CF2H regioisomers were obtained. (difluoromethanesulfinate) as a CF2H radical precursor in
Although applied to only three examples of difluoromethylated 2019 (Scheme 43).57 In this reaction, an organic semi-
products, this approach was primarily developed as a general conductor mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride (mpg-CN)
alkylation method taking advantage of readily available car- acted as an efficient heterogeneous photoredox catalyst, which
boxylic acid derivatives as alkylating agents. could be easily recovered from the reaction mixture with
Coumarin and its derivatives are naturally occurring mole- retained activity. Exclusion of light, oxygen, or mpg-CN
cules used in medicine, in laser dyes and in the perfume resulted in much lower yields. The related CF2H-containing
industry. Their structural modification with fluorine moieties caffeine, theophylline, and pentoxifylline derivatives were
was reported. With respect to difluoromethylation, Deng, obtained through this method in moderate yields.
Zhang and co-workers carried out Csp2–H radical difluoro- In 2020, Li, Meng and co-workers described the direct C–H
methylation of coumarins with sodium difluoromethanesulfi- difluoromethylation of a wide range of heterocycles under
nate HF2CSO2Na promoted by visible light and 5 mol% of organic photoredox catalysis (Scheme 44).58 In this method,
Eosin Y (Scheme 41).55 Under the optimised reaction con- Rose Bengal outperformed light-absorbing metal complexes
ditions, a broad range of 3-difluoromethylcoumarins were and other organic photocatalysts such as Eosin Y and acridi-
nium salts. Sodium difluoromethanesulfinate was chosen as

Scheme 41 Visible-light- and oxygen-promoted difluoromethylation Scheme 42 Photoredox catalysed synthesis of 2-difluoromethyl
of coumarins. indoles.

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Scheme 45 Visible-light-induced catalyst-free difluoromethylation of

quinoxaline-2(1H)-ones. a The light-promoted reactions were done
using a standard LED lamp with 24 light emitting diodes (12–28 V, 24 W,
465–470 nm). The distance from the light source to the irradiation
Scheme 43 Organic semiconductor photocatalyst in the difluoro-
vessel is 3 cm.
methylation of heteroarenes.

practical strategy in the formation of CF2H-containing hetero-

cycles. The reaction starts with the photolysis of [bis(difluoroa-
cetoxy)iodo]benzene to generate difluoromethyl carboxyl
radical A and iodanyl radical B, which liberates A and iodoben-
zene. Next, A eliminates CO2 to release the difluoromethyl
radical, that reacts with the substrate to give nitrogen-centered
radical intermediate C. This intermediate C is oxidised by A or
B to give nitrogen cation D and the desired product after
Different reaction conditions for transition metal- and
oxidant-free visible light-photoinduced difluoromethylation
were presented very recently in 2022 by Zhang, Gu and co-
Scheme 44 Organic photocatalyst in difluoromethylation of
workers by means of sodium difluoromethanesulfinate
(Scheme 46).60 In this photosensitised electron transfer
process, diacetyl was used in excess as a simple photoredox
catalyst and oxidant. This difluoromethylation approach was
the CF2H source and O2 as a green oxidant. This approach pro- applied to quinoxalin-2(1H)-ones, quinolinones, coumarins,
vides an efficient alternative strategy to access nitrogen-con- quinolines, isoquinolines, uracil and caffeine as substrates.
taining biologically active molecules. Note that the reaction of From a mechanistic point of view, photoexcitation of diacetyl
1-methyl quinoxolin-2-one with HF2CSO2Na can also be con- gave singlet ground diradical A and then the excited triplet by
ducted under sunlight instead of green LEDs. A light on/light light-induced n to π* transition through intersystem crossing
off experiment ruled out a radical chain propagation mecha-
nism. Upon photoexcitation of Rose Bengal, one electron was
transferred from sodium difluoromethanesulfinate to form the
radical anion RB•− and the CF2H radical, which reacted with
the substrate and afforded intermediate A. Then, molecular
oxygen oxidised RB•− to complete the photoredox cycle releas-
ing RB and O2•−. Nitrogen radical A underwent a 1,2-hydrogen
shift to form carbon radical intermediate B that eliminated a
hydrogen atom to afford the desired product.
In 2021, Lu and co-workers also reported the visible-light-
promoted difluoromethylation of quinoxalin-2(1H)-ones
affording a set of C3-difluoromethylated quinoxaline-2(1H)-
ones in moderate to good yields. The reactions were carried
out with [bis(difluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene under catalysis-free
conditions (Scheme 45).59 The eco-friendly reaction conditions Scheme 46 Direct difluoromethylation of heterocycles with diacetyl
and the excellent functional group tolerance make this route a photoredox catalyst.

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(ISC). The reductive quenching of B by sodium difluorometha-

nesulfinate offers the CF2H radical to be involved in the next
reaction steps (Scheme 46).

6. Difluoromethylation at C(sp3)–H
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

In the above-mentioned sections, the difluoromethylation reac-

tions were achieved at C(sp2) and C(sp) centers. It is only very
recently in 2022 that the group of Liu (see also Scheme 28)
addressed the cross-coupling direct C(sp3)–H difluoromethylation
under visible-light photoredox catalysis. They used a S-(difluoro-
methyl)sulfonium salt as the CF2H radical source in the presence
of a catalytic amount of organic photocatalyst, tetra-anisylarylene-
diamines and in particular 1,4-bis(N,N-di(4-methoxyphenyl)
amino)naphthalene. A variety of 1,4-dihydroquinoxalin-2-ones Scheme 48 Photoredox-catalysed cascade insertion/cyclisation
were subjected to these conditions to afford the desired products reactions.
under blue LED irradiation (Scheme 47).61 The mechanism was
elucidated, giving evidence of a radical–radical cross-coupling
process. The CF2H radical was formed by single-electron transfer In this protocol, difluoromethylsulfonyl chloride was used
reduction by the excited photocatalyst PC*; the resulting PC+ as a CF2H radical precursor, which shows excellent reactivity
species then wrested an electron to the substrate to give the cat- toward isocyanides. As shown in the proposed mechanism, the
ionic nitrogen radical A, which via deprotonation by lithium CF2H radical addition to isocyanide generated imidoyl radical
hydroxide rendered the C(sp3) radical B. Finally, the radical– A, which underwent intramolecular cyclisation to afford cyclo-
radical coupling provided the 3-difluoromethyl-1,4-dihydroqui- hexadienyl radical B. Finally, the desired product was obtained
noxalin-2-ones. through oxidation by the high-valent catalyst and deprotona-
tion. Interestingly, the two new carbon–carbon bond creations
take place at the carbon atom of the isocyanide motif.
A year after, using difluoromethyl sulfones as the CF2H
7. Difluoromethylation of isocyanides radical source, Hu and co-workers also developed the difluoro-
Isocyanides (or isonitriles) are employed as building blocks in methylation of isocyanides under visible-light photoredox cata-
multi-component reactions (Ugi and Passerini reactions) and lysis (Scheme 49).63 The radical reactivity of four difluoro-
they often participate in cycloaddition reactions for the con- methyl sulfones was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and
struction of new heterocyclic architectures. With this in mind, 2-[(difluoromethyl)sulfonyl]benzothiazole was selected as the
Dolbier and co-workers reported in 2015 the photoredox-cata- optimised radical precursor because of its highest reduction
lysed direct difluoromethylation of biphenyl isocyanides for
the preparation of an array of 6-(difluoromethyl)phenanthri-
dines in moderate to excellent yields through a cascade
addition/cyclisation/oxidation process (Scheme 48).62

Scheme 47 Direct C(sp3)–H difluoromethylation of 1,4-dihydroquinox- Scheme 49 Visible light photocatalysed difluoromethylation of
alin-2-ones. isocyanides.

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potential. The methodology provided an efficient strategy for In 2020, Li, Wang and co-workers developed the photocata-
the incorporation of the difluoromethylated moiety into struc- lysed difluoromethylation of o-alkenyl aromatic isocyanides by
turally complex organic molecules. The process probably starts using difluoromethyltriphenylphosphonium bromide under
with the oxidation of the carbonate ion CO32− into CO3•− by blue LED irradiation. The procedure afforded CF2H-containing
the photoexcited *[Ru(bpy)3]2+, and then [Ru(bpy)3]+ donates quinolines in moderate to good yields. Two pathways were
an electron to the difluoromethylsulfonyl reagent for the gene- suggested for the reaction mechanism. Once the CF2H radical
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

ration of the CF2H radical and subsequent addition to the iso- is photochemically generated, it selectively attacks the isoni-
cyanide, intramolecular cyclisation, and deprotonation by the trile leading to the corresponding imidoyl radical A. At this
base to provide radical anion A. Intermediate A could be oxi- stage, there are two possibilities to reach the hydroquinoline
dised by *[Ru(bpy)3]2+ into the final product ( path a) or it alkyl radical D: (1) radical intermediate A undergoes direct 6-
could react with difluoromethylsulfone to generate the product endo-trig cycloaddition to the C2 position of the o-vinyl group
and •CF2H ( path b). in aromatic isocyanides; (2) radical A participates in a 5-exo-
More recently, other difluoromethylating agents have been trig addition to generate radical B, which undergoes a 3-exo-
successfully applied in the visible-light-induced difluoro- trig to intermediate C and a retro-3-exo-trig process to end up
methylation of isocyanides; thus, in 2020, Liu and co-workers with hydroquinoline alkyl radical D. Then, a further SET
reported the difluoromethylation of isocyanides by means of process gives carbocation intermediate E and finally the
an S-(difluoromethyl)diarylsulfonium salt. A broad range of desired quinoline after deprotonation (Scheme 51).65
CF2H-containing phenanthridines and isoquinolines were
obtained in moderate to good yields, the former derived from
biphenyl isocyanides, the latter derived from 2-isocyanoacry-
lates (Scheme 50).64 Isocyanide substrates bearing electron-
8. Difluoromethylation of (thio)
withdrawing groups show decreased reactivity in this trans- phenols
formation. The practicability of this radical difluoromethyl-
Apart from the difluoromethylation at carbon centers, rare
ation was illustrated in the synthesis of the pharmaceutically
examples of O- and S-difluoromethylations under photocataly-
relevant 6-(difluoromethyl)trispheridine, a potent DNA interca-
sis are available in the literature. It is fascinating to note that
lator. Mechanistically speaking, the photoexcited [IrIII( ppy)3*]
PhOCF2H and PhSCF2H have hydrogen bond acidities similar
species reduces the S-(difluoromethyl)diarylsulfonium salt to
to thiophenol and aniline, as quantified by the [A] parameter.2f
form the CF2H radical, followed by its addition to the isocya-
Two articles appeared in 2017. Fu and co-workers reported the
nide group to afford imidoyl radical A, which subsequently
visible-light photoredox difluoromethylation of phenols and
cyclises to give cyclohexadienyl radical B. Next, radical B is oxi-
thiophenols affording various O- and S-difluoromethylated
dised by the high-valent IrIV( ppy)3 to afford the cyclohexadie-
products with great functional group tolerance (Scheme 52).66
nyl cation C with concomitant regeneration of the catalyst. A
In this process, commercially available difluorobromoacetic
final rearomatisation step via deprotonation yields the desired
acid was used as an efficient difluoromethylating reagent

Scheme 50 Synthesis of difluoromethylated phenanthridines and

isoquinolines. Scheme 51 Synthesis of difluoromethylated quinolines.

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istic pathways were proposed. Once the CF2H radical is photo-

catalytically generated, it could react with the thiolate
affording the corresponding radical anion intermediate A,
which undergoes a SET with the amine base to give the final
difluoromethyl thioether ( path a). Otherwise, thiolate might
be oxidised by fac-IrIV( ppy)3 to sulfur radical B or the corres-
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

ponding disulfide and its reaction with •CF2H gives the

difluoromethyl thioether ( path b). The authors gave more
credit to path b as the result of the highly chemoselective thiol
versus aryl difluoromethylation.

9. F radiodifluoromethylation
Scheme 52 Photoredox difluoromethylation of phenols and
thiophenols. Photomediated radiofluorination has received a great deal of
attention for the installation of the fluorine-18 radioisotope in
radiopharmaceuticals for positron emission tomography. Of
under mild conditions using a 23 W CFL. Ru- and Ir-based the synthetic methodologies nowadays employed, photocataly-
photocatalysts were evaluated and fac-IrIII( ppy)3 was selected. sis is a much appreciated green method for monofluorination
This method provides a simple and efficient strategy for the as well as for difluoromethylation.68 In 2019, Genicot, Luxen
formation of aryl difluoromethyl (thio)ethers, which are widely and co-workers described a late-stage efficient photoredox flow
present in medicinally important compounds. Mechanistic 18
F-difluoromethylation reaction of N-heteroaromatics
studies demonstrated the efficiency of photocatalyst fac- affording a variety of C18FFH radiolabeled molecules in a flow
IrIII( ppy)3 as a strong electron donor in order to reduce carbox- system. The automation includes the synthesis of the 18F-2-
ylate A forming the carbon-centered radical B. The key difluor- [(difluoromethyl)sulfonyl] benzothiazole in a two-step
ocarbene was obtained by SET of B to IrIV with concomitant sequence via Halex reaction and subsequent oxidation; it was
regeneration of the IrIII photocatalyst. Then, the difluorocar- obtained with a 13.4 ± 0.4% radiochemical yield (RCY) for
bene reacts with cesium (thio)phenolate ArXCs and sub- 45 minutes after HPLC purification and a specific activity of
sequent protonation with CsHCO3 produces the desired 81.4 ± 11.1 GBq μmol−1. A total of 28 N-heteroaromatic com-
products. pounds including simple N-heteroaromatics but also caffeine
Simultaneously, Qing and co-workers described the radical derivatives, nucleosides, nucleic bases and drugs were sub-
difluoromethylation of thiols with the aid of difluoromethyl- jected to the [18F]difluoromethylation in the presence of
triphenylphosphonium triflate under photoredox catalysis. IrIII( ppy)3 as the photocatalyst under irradiation of blue LEDs
Here again, fac-IrIII( ppy)3 was selected to afford a broad range at 35 °C in a flow reactor. The overall radiosynthesis time was
of difluoromethyl thioethers with great chemoselectivity under 95 minutes. To illustrate the method, the difluoromethylation
mild conditions (Scheme 53).67 In addition to the above study, of the antiviral Acyclovir is depicted in Scheme 54.69 After
both (het)aryl and alkyl thiols were difluoromethylated, albeit optimisation the authors published a fully automated process
alkyl thiols gave only moderate yields up to 42%. Two mechan- in which IrIII( ppy)3 was replaced by the organic photocatalyst
4CzIPN that appeared to be more efficient, cheaper, easier to
remove and less toxic than metal-photocatalysts.70
Encouraged by the efficiency of 18F-2-[(difluoromethyl)sulfo-
nyl] benzothiazole, Genicot, Luxen, Lemos and co-workers

Scheme 54 Photoredox flow reaction for 18F-difluoromethylation of

N-heteroaromatics. a Flow reactions were performed on a R-series
vapourtec system, using a LED photoreactor (450 24 W, 10 mL coil
Scheme 53 Photoredox difluoromethylation of thiols. reactor with FEP tubing).

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tions rely on iridium-mediated photocatalysis, albeit Ir is one

of the least abundant transition-metals, so the use of more
available and less expensive metal catalysts and catalyst-free
photochemical processes remains underexplored and highly
desirable. In addition, the design of de novo organic photo-
redox catalysts holds great promise in the discovery of new
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.

difluoromethylation methodologies. As regards chirality, the

field of asymmetric radical difluoromethylation under photo-
catalysis is still virgin yet very challenging.72 Overall, the recent
progress in photochemical difluoromethylation contributes to
the revival of radical chemistry and nicely complements polar
(ionic) difluoromethylation reactions. We believe this review
will be a source of inspiration for practitioners of organofluor-
ine chemistry and beyond for future fruitful developments.

Scheme 55 The 18F-difluoromethylation of heteroarenes by visible

Author contributions
light photoredox catalysis.
Jiaxu Feng: resources; original draft preparation (equal).
Xiaodong Jia: resources; original draft preparation (equal).
Shuyue Zhang: resources; original draft preparation (equal).
explored the influence of six new structurally related 18F- Kui Lu: original draft preparation (lead); writing – review and
difluoromethyl heteroarylsulfones featuring electron-donating editing (equal). Dominique Cahard: original draft preparation
or electron-withdrawing groups on the benzothiazolyl cycle or (equal); writing – review and editing (equal).
featuring a distinct heteroaryl ring. Their 18F radiosynthesis
was described and, based on the radiochemical yields, three of
these difluoromethylating reagents were found suitable to be
engaged in the photocatalysed 18F-difluoromethylation under
Conflicts of interest
continuous flow conditions of N-heteroaromatics with empha- There are no conflicts to declare.
sis for Acyclovir (Scheme 55).71 The reaction is characterised
by a low amount of photocatalyst IrIII( ppy)3 and short resi-
dence times in the flow system. Radical-trapping experiments Acknowledgements
indicated that radical intermediates were generated in this
process. The C18FFH radical is generated upon a photoredox This work was financially supported by National Natural
oxidative quenching cycle via the photoexcited fac-IrIII( ppy)3* Science Foundation of China (Grant 22077095) and the CNRS
catalyst. in France.

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