D2qo00551d 3598..3623 ++
D2qo00551d 3598..3623 ++
D2qo00551d 3598..3623 ++
The direct introduction of diverse fluorinated motifs into feedstock molecules and advanced intermedi-
ates is widely studied in pharmaceutical research and drug development. Among the emerging motifs,
difluoromethyl CF2H is isosteric and isopolar to hydroxy and thiol, while acting as a lipophilic hydrogen
donor. These properties have prompted the recent remarkable progress made in direct difluoromethyl-
Received 4th April 2022, ation. In this context, photoredox catalysis serving difluoromethylation is a powerful strategy for the con-
Accepted 5th May 2022
struction of CF2H-containing organic compounds. This review describes the recent developments in
DOI: 10.1039/d2qo00551d visible-light-mediated radical difluoromethylation by means of easily accessible sources of CF2H radical
rsc.li/frontiers-organic donors, with an emphasis on mechanistic considerations.
3598 | Org. Chem. Front., 2022, 9, 3598–3623 This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2022
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Fig. 1 Chemical structures of photocatalysts featured in this review. aRef. 5b and 7; b Ref. 5c and 8.
the difluoromethylating agent as early as 1975 by Tedder’s external photonic energy source that is converted into chemi-
group and by Chen’s group in 1994.4 To date, radical-based cal energy to generate highly reactive intermediate species in a
difluoromethylation remains an advantageous synthetic predictable way under extremely mild conditions and leaving
method for the preparation of CF2H-containing organic mole- no waste.5 Upon photonic activation, the light-absorbing cata-
cules. In the presence of a light-absorbing metal complex or a lyst either donates or abstracts an electron to an organic sub-
metal-free organic dye (Fig. 1), visible light serves as an ideal strate in a single-electron transfer (SET) event to form a highly
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Fig. 2 Sources of difluoromethyl radicals. Values of redox potentials are available in references.3r,9
reactive radical species. The photoredox approach adheres to reviews on difluoroalkylation have appeared in the literature
the principles of green chemistry and environmental remedia- but none of them specifically deal with photocatalysed direct
tion, and has attracted a great deal of attention in the chemical difluoromethylation.3q,6c,11 Therefore, this review is timely to
and pharmaceutical industries.6 This burgeoning technology update this rapidly growing field and is intended to provide
has been utilised in numerous SET reactions that include con- the readers with an overview of photocatalysed direct difluoro-
siderable efforts devoted to visible-light-mediated fluoroalkyla- methylation reactions that includes applications and mechan-
tion. Methods developed for trifluoromethylation often require istic details. The development of direct difluoromethylation
adjustments when extended to difluoromethylation. Indeed, a reactions was made possible thanks to the availability of a
simple change in the number of fluorine atoms from CF3 to variety of CF2H donor sources (Fig. 2); the synthesis of these
CF2H causes modified electronic properties and redox per- difluoromethylating reagents is out of the scope of this review.
formance, with the use of CF2H radical sources requiring a Indirect multi-step procedures that require introduction of a
stronger reductant compared with CF3 radical sources. In this CF2R group (R = CO2R′, PO(OR′)2, SO2R′, SiR′3) and further
review, we showcase the application of different difluoro- cleavage for conversion into CF2H are also not documented
methylating agents under visible-light photochemical catalysis hereafter. This review is organized by type of substrate, and
for the construction of complex organofluorine compounds. sub-divided further by source of difluoromethyl radicals.
Further to the publication of two review articles on photo-
catalytic difluoromethylation reactions dated 2019, this vibrant
field has grown considerably as evidenced by circa 45% of new
articles that have appeared since then.10 In addition, general
2. Difluoromethylation of alkenes
2.1 By means of HF2CSO2Cl
In 2014, Dolbier and co-workers reported the visible-light-cata-
lysed difluoromethylation of N-arylacrylamides toward the syn-
Dominique Cahard was born in thesis of CF2H-containing 3,3-disubstituted 2-oxindoles in
1968 in Normandy, France. His moderate to good yields (Scheme 1).12 In this radical reaction,
career started in 1994 with a HF2CSO2Cl was effectively exploited as the difluoromethyl
PhD from the University of
Rouen under the supervision of
Pr. Jean-Marie Poirier and Pr.
Pierre Duhamel. He enjoyed two
postdoctoral positions with Pr.
Chris McGuigan in Southampton
(UK) and then in Cardiff
(Wales), and with Pr. Tadashi
Nakata at RIKEN, Tokyo (Japan).
Dominique Cahard In 1996, he joined the CNRS as
an associate researcher, com-
pleted his Habilitation in 2001, and was promoted to CNRS
Research Director in 2007. Dominique Cahard heads a research Scheme 1 Photoredox-catalysed radical difluoromethylation/cyclisa-
group that has interest in innovative methodologies for the syn- tion of N-arylacrylamides. Note: In all Schemes, new bonds formed are
thesis of fluorinated molecules with emphasis on chirality control. shown in bold.
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of difluoromethylated 2-azaspiro[4,5]deca-6,9-diene-3,8-diones
through a cascade cyclisation/dearomatisation process
(Scheme 5).16 As was the case with N-arylacrylamides, fac-
IrIII( ppy)3 was the appropriate photocatalyst for efficient gene-
ration of the difluoromethyl radical along with the formation
of an oxidative IrIV species through single-electron transfer. Scheme 6 Photocatalytic difluoromethyl(aryl)ation of α,β-unsaturated
This IrIV subsequently oxidised radical species B, regenerating amides.
the IrIII catalyst. The substrate scope was large with great func-
tional group tolerance. Difluoromethylated azaspiro ring
systems bearing two adjacent quaternary stereocenters were
obtained in moderate to good yields under mild conditions.
This piece of work is part of a wider study exploring the use of
various fluorosulfonyl chlorides for synthetic access to a range
of fluorinated spirocyclohexadienones. The proposed mecha-
nism revealed that added water might stabilise carbocation C
and thus promote the desired catalytic cycle.
Very recently, in 2022, Dolbier, Zhang, Zhou and co-workers
developed a photocatalytic difluoromethylation of
α,β-unsaturated arylsulfonylated amides by means of
HF2CSO2Cl, affording selectively either β-difluoromethyl
amides or CF2H-containing heterocyclic compounds depend-
ing on reaction conditions. On exposure to irradiation by
Scheme 7 Visible-light-promoted radical cyclisation of
means of a blue light, CF2H-containing heterocyclic products N-arylvinylsulfonamides.
were obtained in moderate to good yields through a cascade
radical addition, ipso-cyclisation and Smile-type rearrange-
ment. Conversely, the chemoselectivity was changed and
β-difluoromethylated amides were formed by adding H2O and radicals under visible-light irradiation for the direct introduc-
changing the light source to visible light (Scheme 6).17 tion of the CF2H group onto alkenes leading to hydrodifluoro-
Chemists in private industry hypothesised that photocata- methylated products (Scheme 8).19 The source of hydrogen was
lysed oxidative difluoromethylation could be extended to either water or THF. A wide range of sp3-difluoromethylated
N-arylvinylsulfonamides. The reaction indeed was successfully compounds were prepared that included analogues of biologi-
applied to afford difluoromethylated 1,3-dihydrobenzo[c]iso- cally active compounds such as Allethrin, Rotenone, and
thiazole 2,2-dioxides in good yields on three examples Vinclozolin, clearly demonstrating the potential of the method
(Scheme 7).18 and its great functional group tolerance. Apart from one case
of a gem-disubstituted olefin (Rotenone-CF2H), all substrates
2.2. By means of [Ph3PCF2X]+Br− (X = Br, H) or were monosubstituted olefins. Mechanistic investigation indi-
Ph3P+CF2CO2− cated that deconstruction of the reagent [Ph3PCF2Br]+Br− gave
Using readily available solid bromodifluoromethyltriphenyl the difluorocarbene that combined with hydrogen bromide
phosphonium bromide in place of the volatile dibromodifluor- and triphenylphosphine to form the difluoromethyltriphenyl
omethane motivated Qing and co-workers to generate CF2H phosphonium bromide responsible for CF2H radical transfer.
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Scheme 20 Visible-light-promoted tandem radical cyclisation of nyl]benzothiazole as the CF2H radical precursor and fac-
N-arylacrylamides. IrIII( ppy)3 as the photocatalyst. The reaction accommodated
both electron-withdrawing and electron-donating substituents
regardless of their position on the phenyl ring. However, an
unprotected methacryloyl benzamide was not suitable in this
synthetic approach. In the proposed mechanism, the inter-
mediate B was generated through intramolecular cyclisation
on the aromatic ring of intermediate A. Then, B was oxidised
by [fac-IrIV( ppy)3]•+ to afford the key cyclohexadienyl cation C
and regenerating the photocatalyst. Finally, the heterocyclic
product was formed through deprotonation of cation C with
the assistance of sodium carbonate.
In 2020, Sheng’s group described an interesting general
three-component tandem reaction from aryl allylamines,
2-[(difluoromethyl)sulfonyl] benzothiazole and isocyanates
affording various difluoromethylated oxazolidin-2-imines
under mild conditions (Scheme 23).34 The oxazolidine-2-imine
skeleton exists in biologically active compounds as well as in
several useful synthetic intermediates. It is noteworthy that
RuII(bpy)3Cl2·6H2O was superior to fac-IrIII( ppy)3, for which a
28% lower yield was measured. With regard to the base,
DABCO in DMF gave better yields. A radical reaction mecha-
nism was proposed, which was argued by experiments and
quantum chemical calculations. The photoexcited RuII* was
reduced by DABCO into RuI that triggered 2-[(difluoromethyl)
sulfonyl] benzothiazole to deliver the CF2H radical. In parallel,
Scheme 21 Synthesis of CF2H-containing heterocycles starting from the condensation of allylamine with isocyanate gave intermedi-
N-arylacrylamides. ate A, which reacted with the CF2H radical to give radical B. B
is further oxidised by RuII* ( path a) and/or reacts with
2-[(difluoromethyl)sulfonyl] benzothiazole through a single-
electron transfer reaction to generate the carbocation C
loyl benzamides (Scheme 21b) and one ortho-cyano arylacryl-
( path b). Finally, the cyclisation of C ended up with the
amide (Scheme 21c).
desired difluoromethylated oxazolidin-2-imines (Scheme 23).
In fact, the reaction of N-methacryloyl benzamides was
introduced earlier in 2017 by Zou’s group. A visible-light-pro-
moted difluoromethylation/cyclisation was developed to access 2.4. By means of N-tosyl-S-difluoromethyl-S-
CF2H-containing isoquinoline-1,3(2H,4H)-diones through a phenylsulfoximine (Hu’s reagent)
mild radical process (Scheme 22).33 Optimisation of the reac- N-Tosyl-S-difluoromethyl-S-phenylsulfoximine (Hu’s reagent)
tion conditions led to the selection of 2-[(difluoromethyl)sulfo- was initially developed as a useful source of difluorocarbene
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3. Difluoromethylation of enol
acetates and silyl enol ethers
The CvC double bond in enol derivatives has a distinctive Scheme 36 Photoredox radical difluoromethylation of silyl enol ethers.
reactivity in radical additions, and it allows the targeting of Irradiation of reaction vessels (distance=1 cm) was accomplished using
a 8 W blue LED strip (hν=460 nm, 60 LED per m (14.4 watt per m)) with
α-substituted carbonyl compounds. Based on the application
a fan above to maintain a constant temperature.
of difluoromethyltriphenyl phosphonium bromide as a radical
precursor, Wang’s group reported in 2021 a novel visible-light-
induced radical difluoromethylation reaction of aromatic enol base as a proton acceptor or via α-deprotonation of the silylox-
acetates using fac-IrIII( ppy)3 photocatalyst (Scheme 35).47 onium species B giving silyl enol ether C, which was observed
Various α-CF2H-substituted ketones were obtained in moderate and quenched with TFA.
to high yields under mild conditions. As shown earlier in the
text (section 2.2), excited fac-IrIII( ppy)3* is able to reduce
[Ph3PCF2H]+Br− to a CF2H radical with formation of radical A 4. Difluoromethylation of alkynes
and fac-IrIV( ppy)3. A was then oxidised into carbocation B with
regeneration of fac-IrIII( ppy)3. The desired products were In the last decade, much effort has been devoted to the direct
obtained through a nucleophilic attack of key intermediate B difluoromethylation of alkenes under photocatalysis to afford
by nucleophilic species. an array of novel CF2H-containing compounds. However, the
In the same year, Arseniyadis and co-workers applied the direct introduction of the CF2H group into alkynes remains
visible-light-catalysed difluoromethylation on easily available scarce. In 2017, Zhu and co-workers developed an efficient
silyl enol ethers using Hu’s reagent as a CF2H radical precur- visible-light-induced direct difluoromethylation of alkynoates,
sor and fac-IrIII( ppy)3 photocatalyst (Scheme 36).48 The proto- giving 3-difluoromethylated coumarins in moderate to excel-
col is practical and readily scalable under continuous flow con- lent yields (Scheme 37a).49 The method employs difluoro-
ditions; it offers various α-CF2H substituted arylketones in methyl sulfone as an easily accessible CF2H radical precursor
good to excellent yields. Alas, extension to alkyl ketones could in a photoredox catalytic system. Once more, the fac-IrIII( ppy)3
not be applied. Mechanistic investigations done with radical photocatalyst proved to be superior to Ru-based ones. The
scavengers, fluorescence quenching experiments and DFT cal- overall process is a three-step cascade difluoromethylation/5-
culations led the authors to propose the mechanism detailed exo cyclisation/ester migration ending up with the difluoro-
in Scheme 36. In particular, the ketyl radical A was oxidised by methylated heterocyclic scaffold. Coumarins are pivotal struc-
IrIV( ppy)3 to give the silyloxonium B, which was converted into tural motifs widely present in biologically active and natural
the desired ketone either through desilylation assisted by the products. In 2021, Lu and co-workers reported an alternative
synthesis of difluoromethylated coumarins from alkynoates
under visible light irradiation without photocatalyst thanks to
the use of [bis(difluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene as a source of
spontaneously formed CF2H radicals (see also section 2.6)
(Scheme 37b).50 This approach is an eco-friendly alternative
for the generation of fluorine-containing coumarins under
mild and catalyst-free conditions. Apart from the generation of
the CF2H radical, which is different, the subsequent steps of
the mechanism are identical to those outlined by Zhu
(Scheme 37a).
5. Difluoromethylation of (het)arenes
The pioneering work by Baran’s group in 2012 described the
Scheme 35 Photoredox radical difluoromethylation of enol acetates. first direct radical difluoromethylation of nitrogen-containing
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Scheme 41 Visible-light- and oxygen-promoted difluoromethylation Scheme 42 Photoredox catalysed synthesis of 2-difluoromethyl
of coumarins. indoles.
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6. Difluoromethylation at C(sp3)–H
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.
Scheme 47 Direct C(sp3)–H difluoromethylation of 1,4-dihydroquinox- Scheme 49 Visible light photocatalysed difluoromethylation of
alin-2-ones. isocyanides.
3616 | Org. Chem. Front., 2022, 9, 3598–3623 This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2022
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potential. The methodology provided an efficient strategy for In 2020, Li, Wang and co-workers developed the photocata-
the incorporation of the difluoromethylated moiety into struc- lysed difluoromethylation of o-alkenyl aromatic isocyanides by
turally complex organic molecules. The process probably starts using difluoromethyltriphenylphosphonium bromide under
with the oxidation of the carbonate ion CO32− into CO3•− by blue LED irradiation. The procedure afforded CF2H-containing
the photoexcited *[Ru(bpy)3]2+, and then [Ru(bpy)3]+ donates quinolines in moderate to good yields. Two pathways were
an electron to the difluoromethylsulfonyl reagent for the gene- suggested for the reaction mechanism. Once the CF2H radical
Published on 06 May 2022. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi on 7/18/2023 1:55:22 PM.
ration of the CF2H radical and subsequent addition to the iso- is photochemically generated, it selectively attacks the isoni-
cyanide, intramolecular cyclisation, and deprotonation by the trile leading to the corresponding imidoyl radical A. At this
base to provide radical anion A. Intermediate A could be oxi- stage, there are two possibilities to reach the hydroquinoline
dised by *[Ru(bpy)3]2+ into the final product ( path a) or it alkyl radical D: (1) radical intermediate A undergoes direct 6-
could react with difluoromethylsulfone to generate the product endo-trig cycloaddition to the C2 position of the o-vinyl group
and •CF2H ( path b). in aromatic isocyanides; (2) radical A participates in a 5-exo-
More recently, other difluoromethylating agents have been trig addition to generate radical B, which undergoes a 3-exo-
successfully applied in the visible-light-induced difluoro- trig to intermediate C and a retro-3-exo-trig process to end up
methylation of isocyanides; thus, in 2020, Liu and co-workers with hydroquinoline alkyl radical D. Then, a further SET
reported the difluoromethylation of isocyanides by means of process gives carbocation intermediate E and finally the
an S-(difluoromethyl)diarylsulfonium salt. A broad range of desired quinoline after deprotonation (Scheme 51).65
CF2H-containing phenanthridines and isoquinolines were
obtained in moderate to good yields, the former derived from
biphenyl isocyanides, the latter derived from 2-isocyanoacry-
lates (Scheme 50).64 Isocyanide substrates bearing electron-
8. Difluoromethylation of (thio)
withdrawing groups show decreased reactivity in this trans- phenols
formation. The practicability of this radical difluoromethyl-
Apart from the difluoromethylation at carbon centers, rare
ation was illustrated in the synthesis of the pharmaceutically
examples of O- and S-difluoromethylations under photocataly-
relevant 6-(difluoromethyl)trispheridine, a potent DNA interca-
sis are available in the literature. It is fascinating to note that
lator. Mechanistically speaking, the photoexcited [IrIII( ppy)3*]
PhOCF2H and PhSCF2H have hydrogen bond acidities similar
species reduces the S-(difluoromethyl)diarylsulfonium salt to
to thiophenol and aniline, as quantified by the [A] parameter.2f
form the CF2H radical, followed by its addition to the isocya-
Two articles appeared in 2017. Fu and co-workers reported the
nide group to afford imidoyl radical A, which subsequently
visible-light photoredox difluoromethylation of phenols and
cyclises to give cyclohexadienyl radical B. Next, radical B is oxi-
thiophenols affording various O- and S-difluoromethylated
dised by the high-valent IrIV( ppy)3 to afford the cyclohexadie-
products with great functional group tolerance (Scheme 52).66
nyl cation C with concomitant regeneration of the catalyst. A
In this process, commercially available difluorobromoacetic
final rearomatisation step via deprotonation yields the desired
acid was used as an efficient difluoromethylating reagent
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9. F radiodifluoromethylation
Scheme 52 Photoredox difluoromethylation of phenols and
thiophenols. Photomediated radiofluorination has received a great deal of
attention for the installation of the fluorine-18 radioisotope in
radiopharmaceuticals for positron emission tomography. Of
under mild conditions using a 23 W CFL. Ru- and Ir-based the synthetic methodologies nowadays employed, photocataly-
photocatalysts were evaluated and fac-IrIII( ppy)3 was selected. sis is a much appreciated green method for monofluorination
This method provides a simple and efficient strategy for the as well as for difluoromethylation.68 In 2019, Genicot, Luxen
formation of aryl difluoromethyl (thio)ethers, which are widely and co-workers described a late-stage efficient photoredox flow
present in medicinally important compounds. Mechanistic 18
F-difluoromethylation reaction of N-heteroaromatics
studies demonstrated the efficiency of photocatalyst fac- affording a variety of C18FFH radiolabeled molecules in a flow
IrIII( ppy)3 as a strong electron donor in order to reduce carbox- system. The automation includes the synthesis of the 18F-2-
ylate A forming the carbon-centered radical B. The key difluor- [(difluoromethyl)sulfonyl] benzothiazole in a two-step
ocarbene was obtained by SET of B to IrIV with concomitant sequence via Halex reaction and subsequent oxidation; it was
regeneration of the IrIII photocatalyst. Then, the difluorocar- obtained with a 13.4 ± 0.4% radiochemical yield (RCY) for
bene reacts with cesium (thio)phenolate ArXCs and sub- 45 minutes after HPLC purification and a specific activity of
sequent protonation with CsHCO3 produces the desired 81.4 ± 11.1 GBq μmol−1. A total of 28 N-heteroaromatic com-
products. pounds including simple N-heteroaromatics but also caffeine
Simultaneously, Qing and co-workers described the radical derivatives, nucleosides, nucleic bases and drugs were sub-
difluoromethylation of thiols with the aid of difluoromethyl- jected to the [18F]difluoromethylation in the presence of
triphenylphosphonium triflate under photoredox catalysis. IrIII( ppy)3 as the photocatalyst under irradiation of blue LEDs
Here again, fac-IrIII( ppy)3 was selected to afford a broad range at 35 °C in a flow reactor. The overall radiosynthesis time was
of difluoromethyl thioethers with great chemoselectivity under 95 minutes. To illustrate the method, the difluoromethylation
mild conditions (Scheme 53).67 In addition to the above study, of the antiviral Acyclovir is depicted in Scheme 54.69 After
both (het)aryl and alkyl thiols were difluoromethylated, albeit optimisation the authors published a fully automated process
alkyl thiols gave only moderate yields up to 42%. Two mechan- in which IrIII( ppy)3 was replaced by the organic photocatalyst
4CzIPN that appeared to be more efficient, cheaper, easier to
remove and less toxic than metal-photocatalysts.70
Encouraged by the efficiency of 18F-2-[(difluoromethyl)sulfo-
nyl] benzothiazole, Genicot, Luxen, Lemos and co-workers
3618 | Org. Chem. Front., 2022, 9, 3598–3623 This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2022
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