Bautista - Self Check 2.1
Bautista - Self Check 2.1
Bautista - Self Check 2.1
1. Are the resistors shown connected in parallel or series? Explain.
The resistors are connected in series because the same current flows through all
three resistors. The output current of the first resistor flows into the input of the
second resistor and to the input of the third resistor; therefore, the current is the
same in each resistor.
3. Explain why the current is the same at all points in the circuit below.
A higher voltage at some point would push the current in the direction that further
increases the voltage. If the current were not constant, the mobile charges would
bunch up in places, which means that the voltage would decrease at that point.
4. In a flashlight, the batteries are normally connected in series. Why are they not
connected in parallel?
Batteries are connected in series so that power output is much lower for the same
amount of voltage. Batteries are connected in series to reduce the overall loss of
energy from the circuit.
5. What type of current is used in cars?
DC., the majority of automotive components require a DC charge to work properly.
7. What are the different types of Circuits? Close circuit, open circuit, short circuit,
series circuit, and parallel circuit.
In an electric open circuit, no electrical connection occurs between the source and load.
If any sides of the source or other components disconnect in an electric circuit, the
current will not flow. That’s why the load will not be activated. In a closed circuit, a
closed-loop path occurs with the connected source and the load.