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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i j r e f r i g
Article history: This paper reports on a study on the influences of the operating characteristics of a
Received 10 March 2016 proportional–integral (PI) controlled Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV) on the operational sta-
Received in revised form 19 May bility of a direct expansion (DX) air conditioning (A/C) system. Using the classical control
2016 theory, EEV’s PI settings and time constant of EEV’s temperature sensor were analyzed. The
Accepted 5 June 2016 theoretical analysis results using the classical control theory were further verified experi-
Available online 11 June 2016 mentally using an experimental DX A/C system. The study results showed that a larger
proportional or integral gain would lead to a high chance for the EEV–evaporator control
Keywords: loop to become unstable, while slowing down the rate of degree of superheat (DS) signal
Operational stability transfer by increasing EEV’s time constants may help mitigate system’s operational insta-
Sensor dynamics bility. The results confirmed that the operating characteristics of an expansion valve in a
Electronic expansion valve refrigeration system could impact its operational stability.
Classical control theory © 2016 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
DX A/C system
PI settings
* Corresponding author. Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Tel.: +852 27665859; Fax: +852 27657198.
E-mail address:besmd@polyu.edu.hk (S. Deng).
0140-7007/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
international journal of refrigeration 69 (2016) 394–406 395
rs + e ue Mre DS DSm
C(s) H1(s) H2(s) H3(s)
PI controller EEV Evaporator Temperature
Ki = (5)
Ti Tre
Vapor refrigerant
For a digitally implemented PI controller in a refrigeration
system, an incremental algorithm can be written as follows:
Tre Tse Ta
Rre Ra
ue (t k ) = ue (t k −1 ) + K p (e (t k ) + e (t k −1 )) + Ki e (t k ) Δt (6)
Thermal circuit
In Eqs. (3)–(6), ϕ0 is an offset adjustment parameter for a par-
ticular EEV, Kp is the proportional gain, Ki is the integral gain, Fig. 4 – Schematic diagram of the installation of EEV’s
Ti is the integral time, Δt is the sampling time interval temperature sensor attached to the refrigerant pipe at
(Δt = tk−tk-1), and e(tk) is the error between feedback DS signal evaporator exit and its equivalent thermal circuit.
and the DS set point.
Applying the Laplace transform to Eq. (3), the transfer func-
tion for EEV’s PI controller, C(s), can be expressed as: the temperature sensor and the refrigerant at evaporator exit
C (s) = K p + (7)
s dTse (t ) ( Tre (t ) − Tse (t )) ( Ta (t ) − Tse (t ))
(ρCpV )se = + (10)
dt Rre Ra
3.1.2. The PI controlled EEV
When the variation range of EEV’s opening is not large, a linear where Tre is the temperature of vapor refrigerant at evapora-
valve characteristic can be assumed. Therefore, the mass flow tor exit, Ta is the ambient temperature, Tse is the temperature
rate passing through an EEV, Mre, can be considered linearly measured by the sensor. Rre is the total thermal resistance
proportional to its control signal, ue. The transfer function for between the vapor refrigerant and temperature sensor, and Ra
the EEV, H1(s), can hence be written as is the convective thermal resistance between the sensor and
its surroundings.
ΔMre (s) Normally, in a refrigeration system, its EEV’s temperature
H1 (s) = = Kv (8) sensor and the refrigerant pipe at evaporator exit are ther-
Δue (s)
mally insulated to reduce heat lose. Therefore, the natural
where Kv is the valve gain which is defined as the ratio of the convection heat transfer between the sensor and its surround-
change in refrigerant mass flow rate to the corresponding ings can be neglected. Thus, Eq. (10) can be simplified to
change in EEV’s control signal.
dTse (t ) 1 1
+ Tse (t ) = Tre (t ) (11)
dt τ se τ se
3.1.3. DX evaporator
According to the previous studies (Aprea and Renno, 2001), the
transient response for the DS at evaporator exit to a sudden τ se = Rre (ρCpV )se (12)
change in refrigerant mass flow rate supplied to the evapora-
tor can be approximated by a second-order plus dead-time where τse is the time constant of the temperature sensor, which
process. Thus the transfer function for the evaporator, H2(s), is affected by the thermal resistance between the sensor and
can be expressed as vapor refrigerant inside the pipe, as well as the heat capacity
of the temperature sensor itself.
ΔDS (s) ω n2 Using the Laplace Transform, Eq. (11) can be transformed to:
H2 (s) = = Ke 2 e −θ s (9)
ΔMre (s) s + 2ζω ns + ω n2
ΔTse (s) 1
= (13)
where Ke is the evaporator gain, indicating the variation of DS ΔTre (s) τ ses + 1
from one steady-state to another against the variation of the
refrigerant mass flow rate supplied. ζ is the damping ratio, ωn Therefore, the transfer function for EEV’s temperature sensor
is the natural frequency of the system. can be expressed as:
Experimental response
Predicted response
DSm ( C)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time (s)
EEV's opening (%)
40 640s 1814s
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Time (s)
Fig. 5 – The comparison between the predicted and experimental responses for the DSm.
400 international journal of refrigeration 69 (2016) 394–406
Therefore, the open-loop transfer function, L(s), for the PI 1.6 (s − 0.0645)
L (s) = ( K ps + Ki ) (21)
controlled EEV–evaporator control loop in the experimental DX s (s + 0.0645) (18s + 1) (11.5s + 1) (1.6s + 1)
A/C system can be expressed as:
From Eq. (21), the poles for L(s) were 0, −0.0645, −0.0555,
L (s) = C (s) G (s) −0.0869 and −0.625, respectively. None of the poles lay on the
1.6s − 0.1032
= ⎛ Kp + i ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛
K 1 ⎞ right hand side of s-plane. Hence, the stability of the closed
⎝ 6452 ⎠ ⎝ 1.6s + 1 ⎠
s ⎠ ⎝ 270s3 + 42.85s2 + 2.903s + 0.6 EEV–evaporator control loop may be determined by examin-
ing whether the contour for the open-loop transfer function
L(s), ГL, encircled the point (−1, 0) on its Nyquist diagram.
4. Stability analysis for the EEV–evaporator To examine the influences of EEV’s PI settings on the sta-
control loop using the Frequency Response bility of the control loop, based on the commonly used PI
Method settings for a PI controlled EEV at normal operation condi-
tions, two groups of different EEV’s PI settings, each containing
four study cases as shown in Table 3, were set to obtain their
In a DX A/C system, its operational stability is mainly deter-
corresponding Nyquist diagrams shown in Fig. 6. As seen in
mined by the stability of its EEV–evaporator control loop. If the
Fig. 6(a) which is for Group I results, at a given integral gain,
EEV–evaporator control loop is stable, the operation of the DX
Ki = −0.025, when increasing the proportional gain, Kp, ГL changed
A/C system will be stable and vice versa. Therefore, in this paper,
to tend to encircle the point (−1, 0). When Kp was less than −1,
the analysis of the system operational stability of the experi-
ГL did not encircle the point (−1, 0). However, when the values
mental DX A/C system was via examining the stability of the
of Kp were greater than −1, ГL encircled the point (−1, 0), sug-
EEV–evaporator control loop.
gesting the instability of the EEV–evaporator control loop. On
With the availability of the open-loop transfer function, L(s),
the other hand, as seen in Fig. 6(b) which is for Group II results,
for the PI-controlled EEV–evaporator control loop, the Fre-
at a fixed proportional gain, Kp, increasing the integral gain,
quency Response Method in the classical control theory was
Ki, may also lead to instability of the EEV–evaporator control
used to assess the stability of the control loop by computing
loop. Therefore, the EEV’s PI settings could impact on the sta-
gain and phase margins, which can be used to determine if
bility of the EEV–evaporator control loop.
the control loop was stable or not.
4.1.2. The influences of the time constant of EEV’s
4.1. Nyquist stability criterion temperature sensor on the stability of the EEV–evaporator
control loop
In using the Frequency Response Method in the classical control For examining the effects of different time constants of EEV’s
theory, Nyquist stability criterion is a graphical technique to temperature sensor on stability, Eq. (20) can also be repro-
determine the stability of a dynamic controlled system and has duced by designating τse as a variable, as:
been widely used for designing and analyzing systems with
feedback. The importance of Nyquist stability lies in the fact 1.6 (s − 0.0645)
L′ (s) = ( K ps + Ki ) (22)
that it can be used to determine the relative degree of system s (s + 0.0645) (18s + 1) (11.5s + 1) (τ ses + 1)
stability by producing the phase and gain stability margins. With
the help of Nyquist stability criterion, the stability of the EEV– In Eq. (22), since none of the poles for L‘(s) lay on the right
evaporator control loop was investigated by analyzing the hand side of the s-plane, the stability of the closed EEV–
frequency response of its open-loop transfer function, L(s). evaporator control loop may also be determined by examining
whether the contour of L’(s), ГL’, encircled the point (−1, 0) on
4.1.1. The influences of EEV’s PI settings on the stability of its Nyquist diagram.
the EEV–evaporator control loop In the experimental DX A/C system, the average time con-
The open-loop transfer function, L(s), i.e., Eq. (20), for the PI- stant, τse, of its EEV’s temperature sensor was estimated at ~
controlled EEV–evaporator control loop can be reproduced by 1.6s, as mentioned in Section 3.2. However, if the contact
designating Kp and Ki as variables, as: between the temperature sensor and refrigerant pipe was
Table 3 – The stability of the EEV–evaporator control loop at two different groups of EEV’s PI settings.
Group Study case Proportional gain Integral gain Gain margin Phase margin Stability
(Kp) (Ki) (dB) (°)
I I - 1* −0.5 −0.025 0.636 4.93 Stable
I - 2* −1 −1.08 −12.3 Unstable
I-3 −1.5 −3.51 −40.9 Unstable
I-4 −2 −5.56 −61.6 Unstable
II II - 1 −0.5 −0.01 5.63 63.9 Stable
II - 2 −0.020 2.44 20.2 Stable
II - 3* −0.025 0.636 4.93 Stable
II - 4* −0.035 −2.61 −18.7 Unstable
* Study cases further experimentally verified in Section 5.1.
international journal of refrigeration 69 (2016) 394–406 401
1 1
Ki= -0.010 Ki= -0.020
(-1,0) Ki= -0.025 Ki= -0.035
0 0
Kp = -0.5
Kp = -1.0
-1 Kp = -1.5 -1
Kp = -2.0
Imaginary axis
Imginary axis
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
-5 -5
-2 -1 0 -2 -1 0
Real axis Real axis
(a) Group I (b) Group II
Fig. 6 – Nyquist diagrams for L(s) at two different groups of EEV’s PI settings.
insufficient, or EEV’s temperature sensor and refrigerant pipe that the EEV–evaporator control loop was unstable. When τse
were not adequately insulated thermally, the time constant of was further increased to over 50s, the ГL’ did not encircle the
the sensor would become relatively large. Therefore, three point (−1, 0) again, suggesting the stable operation of the control
groups of different time constants, τse, each containing five study loop. Therefore, for an initially stable EEV–evaporator control
cases for EEV’s temperature sensor ranging from 0s to 200s at loop, slowing down its rate of DS signal transfer by increas-
fixed PI settings, shown in Table 4, were set to examine their ing τse may first lead to instability, although further increasing
influences on the stability of the EEV–evaporator control loop τse can return the loop to be stable again.
using Eq. (22). Figs. 7(b) and 7(c) show the Groups IV and V results, where
The Nyquist diagrams for L’(s) at the three groups of dif- the stability of an initially unstable EEV–evaporator control loop
ferent time constants are shown in Fig. 7. From Fig. 7(a) which at different values of τse was examined. As seen in Figs. 7(b)
is for Group III results, it can be seen that at fixed Kp = −1 and and 7(c), when τse = 0s, the control loop at their PI settings, i.e.,
Ki = −0.015, when τse = 0s, ГL’ did not encircle the point (1, 0). Kp = −1.5, Ki = −0.025 and Kp = −2, Ki = −0.025, were unstable
However, when τse was at 10s, ГL’ encircled the point (−1, 0), so initially. When increasing τse, ГL’ would firstly move away from
Table 4 – The stability of the EEV–evaporator control loop at three different groups of time constant of EEV’s temperature
Group Study case Proportional gain Integral gain Time constant, Gain margin Phase margin Stability
(Kp) (Ki) τse (s) (dB) (°)
III III - 1 −1 −0.015 0 0.56 7.29 Stable
III - 2 10 −0.44 −6.16 Unstable
III - 3 50 1.65 13.6 Stable
III - 4 100 4.02 20.8 Stable
III - 5 200 7.02 21.2 Stable
IV IV - 1 −1.5 −0.025 0 −3.14 −34.2 Unstable
IV - 2 10 −4.19 −51.5 Unstable
IV - 3* 50 −2.39 −19.3 Unstable
IV - 4* 100 −0.28 −1.5 Unstable
IV - 5* 200 2.33 7.44 Stable
V V-1 −2 −0.025 0 −5.2 −53.4 Unstable
V-2 10 −6.13 −72.5 Unstable
V-3 50 −3.66 −32.4 Unstable
V-4 100 −0.916 −6.03 Unstable
V-5 200 2.62 10.9 Stable
* Study cases further experimentally verified in Section 5.2.
402 international journal of refrigeration 69 (2016) 394–406
1 1 1
Kp= -1 Kp= -1.5 Kp= -2
Ki= -0.015 Ki= -0.025 Ki= -0.025
0 0 0
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0)
=100s se
-1 =0s -1 -1
Imaginary axis
Imaginary axis
Imaginary axis
=0s =100s =0s
se se
-2 -2 -2
-3 -3 -3
-4 =50s -4 se -4
se =50s
-5 -5 -5
-2 -1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Real axis Real axis Real axis
(a) Group III (b) Group IV (c) Group V
Fig. 7 – Nyquist diagrams for L’(s) at three different groups of time constants of EEV’s temperature sensor.
the point (−1, 0), but if further increasing τse, it would move back presented in this Section. The experiments were conducted
to be close to the point (−1, 0), suggesting that the EEV– using the experimental DX A/C system described in Section
evaporator control loop tended to be stable as τse became larger. 2. When carrying out the experiments, for simulating the dif-
When τse was at 200 s, the contour in Figs. 7(b) and 7(c), ГL’, did ferent time constants of EEV’s temperature sensor, τse, a first-
not encircle the point (−1, 0), suggesting the stable operation order transfer function, i.e. Eq. (14), was incorporated into the
of the EEV–evaporator control loop. Therefore, it can be ob- EEV–evaporator control loop in the experimental DX A/C system,
served when the EEV–evaporator control loop was initially as shown in Fig. 8.
unstable, increasing the time constant of the EEV’s tempera- During the experiments, the compressor and supply fan
ture sensor to a certain value for slowing down the rate of DS speeds were fixed at 4680 rpm and 2880 rpm, respectively. On
signal transfer may help eliminate the instability of the control the other hand, there were an air heater and a water heater
loop. in the LGUs. The two heaters were program controlled to match
Therefore, it can be seen that the rate of the DS signal trans- the sensible and latent loads in the conditioned space, so that
fer, as reflected by the time constant of EEV’s temperature the air temperature and relative humidity entering the DX
sensor, did impact the operational stability of the EEV– evaporator were maintained at 25oC and 50%, respectively. The
evaporator control loop, thus the DX A/C system. Furthermore, DS setting was fixed at 8 oC.
the observations from the analysis were that in general a larger
time constant would lead to a stable operation of the DX A/C
5. Experimental validation
5.1. The influences of EEV’s PI settings on the stability of controlled parameter, for the study cases I-1, I-2 and II-3, II-4,
the EEV–evaporator control loop respectively, where different EEV’s PI settings on the stability
of the EEV–evaporator control loop were examined. As seen,
Figs. 9 and 10 show the experimental results of the DSm, an in the experimental results for both parameters verified the sta-
directly controlled parameter, and EEV’s opening, a directly bility analysis results using the classical control theory
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time (s)
EEV's opening (%)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time (s)
Fig. 9 – Experimental validation results for the study cases I-1 and I-2.
DSm ( C)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time (s)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time (s)
Fig. 10 – Experimental validation results for the study cases II-3 and II-4.
404 international journal of refrigeration 69 (2016) 394–406
14 Study case IV-3, Study case IV-4, Study case IV-5
DSm ( C)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Time (s)
44 Study case IV-3, Study case IV-4, Study case IV-5
EEV's opening (%)
Fig. 11 – Experimental validation results for the study cases IV-3, IV-4 and IV-5.
presented in Section 4.1.1, that the EEV–evaporator control loop characteristics of an expansion valve. In a TEV-controlled re-
was stable for the study cases I-1 and II-3, but not stable for frigeration system, it was previously shown that both of the TEV’s
the study cases I-2 and II-4. control characteristics, such as its static superheat setting and
valve gain (Lenger et al., 1998; Mithraratne and Wijeysundera,
5.2. The influences of the time constants of EEV’s 2001, 2002; Mithraratne et al., 2000; Tassou and Al-Nizari, 1993)
temperature sensor on the stability of the EEV–evaporator and the characteristics of TEV’s sensing bulb, including the time
control loop constant of TEV’s sensing bulb, the thermal resistance between
the sensing bulb and refrigerant pipe and the bulb location
Figs. 11 shows the experimental results of DSm and EEV’s (Broersen and Vanderjagt, 1980; Chen and Jiang, 1990; Ibrahim,
opening for study cases IV-3, IV-4 and IV-5, respectively, where 1998, 2001; Lenger et al., 1998; Mithraratne and Wijeysundera,
the influences of different time constants on the stability 2001, 2002; Mithraratne et al., 2000; Mulay et al., 2005; Stoecker,
of the EEV–evaporator control loop were examined. As seen from 1966; Tassou and Al-Nizari, 1993), did influence the stability of
the Figures, the experimental results for both indirectly and refrigeration systems. On the other hand, since there were no
directly controlled parameters verified the stability analysis previous studies on the influences of EEV’s PI settings and time
results using the classical control theory presented in Section constant of the EEV’s temperature sensor on the stability of an
4.1.2, that the EEV–evaporator control loop was not stable for EEV controlled refrigeration system, the study results presented
the study cases IV-3 and IV-4, but stable for the study case IV-5. in this paper filled the gap and further confirmed that the char-
In addition, it is noted that the experimental and analysis acteristics of an EEV can also influence the stability of an EEV
results reported in this paper were based on only one set of controlled refrigeration system in the following two aspects:
the operating condition for the experimental DX A/C system.
While further follow-up studies based on other sets of oper- • The control characteristics of a PI-controlled EEV im-
ating conditions are required, the general variation trends pacted the stability of the EEV–evaporator control loop, thus
observed and the related analysis should remain valid, al- the refrigeration system. Generally, a larger proportional gain
though the absolute numerical value may be different. or integral gain would lead to a high chance for the EEV-
controlled refrigeration system to become unstable.
• The theoretical analysis using the classical control theory
and the experimental results shown in Sections 4.1.2 and
6. Discussions 5.2, respectively, for the influences of the dynamic charac-
teristics of EEV’s temperature sensor on the operational
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