DD 4 Ce 58 Eeb 894 D 81
DD 4 Ce 58 Eeb 894 D 81
DD 4 Ce 58 Eeb 894 D 81
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Wasit, Al-Kut, Iraq. ahasany@uowasit.edu.iq
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Wasit, Al-Kut, Iraq. albadria@uowasit.edu.iq
*Corresponding author.
Variable speed The operation and performance of heat-pump systems are affected by
compressor, Water indoor and outdoor operating conditions. Power consumption and system
chiller temperature, efficiency are related to evaporator and condenser working pressures.
EEV, PI controller, Intelligent controllers such as a proportional integral (PI) controller
R410a improve the performance of variable speed refrigeration systems (VSRs)
with electronic expansion valve (EEV). Evaporator and condenser
pressures affect the system power consumption and efficiency. In this
study, the influence of evaporator and condenser temperatures on the
performance of a variable speed refrigeration system with an EEV was
experimentally investigated at constant cooling load. The experimental
system comprises of a rotary compressor, shell-and-coil condenser, EEV,
and shell-and-coil evaporator for one-ton cooling capacity with
refrigerant R410. Compressor speed and EEV opening are controlled by a
PI controller with two control loops and the refrigerant superheat (DS) is
maintained at 7°C. The results show that at constant cooling capacity, the
refrigerant flow rate rises with the increase in the compressor speed. The
coefficient of performance (COP) is improved with low compressor speed.
The System COP is increased by 3.3% with increasing evaporator inlet
water temperature for 2°C due to the reduction in the compressor speed
and compression ratio. High condenser inlet water temperature promotes
the refrigerant subcooling.
How to cite this article: A. H. Al-Hassani and A. R. Al-Badri, “Effects of evaporator and condenser temperatures on the performance
of a chiller system with a variable speed compressor,” Engineering and Technology Journal, Vol. 39, Part A, No. 01, pp. 45-55, 2021.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30684/etj.v39i1A.1647
This is an open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
Energy saving in variable speed refrigeration system (VSRs) depends on the pressure ratio
between condenser and evaporator pressures that is related to their working temperatures and on the
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 39, Part A (2021), No. 01, Pages 45-55
compressor’s speed [1]. The variation in the cooling capacity by using variable speed compressors
equipped with an electronic expansion valve requires intelligent controllers to achieve optimum
performance. The effect of compressor speed variation and EEV opening on the power consumption
and refrigeration rate in cooling chiller systems was numerically investigated by Koury et al. [2]. The
results of a numerical simulation showed that when the compressor speed increased, the COP
decreased because of higher power consumption in spite of the increase in refrigeration effect. An
increase in the EEV opening will increase the COP as well with a limit of safety for compressor
operation. This simulation presented a relationship between compressor speed and EEV opening
which achieves maximum system performance. The effects of operating conditions on system power
consumption were investigated by Aprea et al. [3] for cooling and heating modes. They compared
between constant frequency reciprocating compressor and variable frequency scroll compressor
refrigeration systems. Operation conditions were at constant thermal load with different temperature
sets for evaporator and condenser. The experimental results showed that constant speed compressor
consumed higher energy compared to variable speed compressor at all operating conditions. In
addition, power can be also saved by increasing the evaporator temperature or by decreasing the
condenser temperature. Qiu et al. [4] developed a dynamic model for control a variable refrigerant
flow system including variable speed compressor, EEV, and sub-cooler. The effect of coupling
between compressor speed and EEV opening on the performance and stability of this system was
studied. The optimum energy efficiency ratio was at narrow EEV opening under part-load condition.
Narrow EEV opening affected the amount of refrigerant subcooled at certain compressor speed
which led to increasing refrigeration capacity.
Refrigerant superheats affect system stability, coefficient of performance, and the compressor
saving for a variable speed refrigeration system. Superheat control is a difficult task due to the
nonlinearity of the VSRs response and with time delay [5]. High DS value leads to low COP but it
saves compressor against damage from refrigerant liquid drops. EEV opening affects the system
stability at high DS values that results in a continuous fluctuation in temperature and pressure that is
defined as hunting [6]. The phenomenon of hunting is one of the drawbacks in the VSRs because it
leads to lower operation safety and higher power consumption. In variable speed compressor
systems, hunting is very common due to changes in compressor speed and EEV opening. Xia et al.
[5] studied the effect of evaporator temperature and compressor speed on the degree of refrigerant
superheat by experiments on the R410 a direct expansion (DX) system with an EEV controlled by a
PI-controller. The experimental results show that the none linearity between the EEV opening and
refrigerant mass flow rate led to more chances for hunting especially at low compressor speed or low
evaporating temperature. Time delay of EEV working was one of the important reasons for the
unstable operation in variable speed compressor systems. This delay comes from (stepper coil of the
EEV, controller loop, and the sensors of the feedback signal). Varchmin et al. [7] developed a new PI
controlling method with a forwarding signal of compressor speed and evaporation temperature to
control the DS in a variable speed chiller system with R134a. The results show more stability with a
fast response for the new controller compared with the previous one. The nonlinearity of the DS
response to EEV opening was investigated by Yan et al. [8] to develop an adaptive PI controller
depending on the evaporator operating conditions. Proportional gain (kp) and time constant were
functions of evaporator fan speed in the DX variable-speed A/C system. The experimental
controllability tests show that the response of DS with the adaptive PI controller is more stable and
faster than the On/Off method. Guo et al. [9] proposed a power correlation with input variables
(frequency, evaporator and condenser temperatures) and 20 constant coefficients obtained from
experimental data for a variable speed refrigerant flow air condition system. Experimental data
showed high power consumption at high condensation temperature and high compressor speed.
Increasing evaporation temperature decreased power consumption especially at high compressor
speed and condenser temperature. Prsic et al. [10] studied the effects of evaporator static
characteristics and the EEV on the degree of refrigerant superheat for a chiller system with R410a
refrigerant. The numerical results displayed that high limit of DS value was depended on the stability
of the system to avoid hunting and that low DS limit was depended on evaporator inlet water
temperature to maintain the compressor. Friction inside the EEV will be affected signal delay in time
response and also noise from temperature sensors which led to hunting. System stability was
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 39, Part A (2021), No. 01, Pages 45-55
improved using a describing function that depended on a static characteristic of the EEV to generate
the controlling signal.
This research study aims to experimentally investigate the effects of evaporator and condenser
inlet water temperatures on the performance and characteristics of a water chiller refrigeration
system. Refrigerant subcooled, mass flow rate, condenser pressure, evaporator pressure, and power
consumption are taken into consideration. In the following, the experimental apparatus is presented.
Then, the results along with conclusions of the present work are explained.
A model of water chiller system was used as an experimental rig equipped with variable speed
twin rotary compressor and EEV which was charged with the refrigerant R410a (50% R32 and 50%
R125) for one-ton cooling capacity. Two shell and coil copper tube heat exchangers are used as
evaporator and condenser to exchanging heat with the secondary fluid (water). Coil copper tube
diameter was 9.5mm with tube length of 6.5 and 9.5m for evaporator and condenser respectively.
Figure 1, shows a sketch diagram of the experimental rig.
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 39, Part A (2021), No. 01, Pages 45-55
Where (ṁw) water flow rate, (Cp) specific heat capacity of water which equals 4.19 kJ/kg.K, (W)
system power consumption and (Te,w,i ,Te,w,o) evaporator inlet and outlet water temperatures
Compressor speed was controlled by PI controller depending on the temperature difference
between the set cold and product water temperature. EEV opening was regulated depending on the
difference between the refrigerant superheat outlet from evaporator and its set value (7°C) by a
second controlling loop with PI controller as shown in Figure 2.
Where e(t) is the error signal that calculates based on the temperature difference of the product
cold water temperature for compressor controller and the difference in refrigerant superheat for EEV
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 39, Part A (2021), No. 01, Pages 45-55
Tuning is defined as the process to determine the optimum controller gains [13] which, in this
study, was performed by trial and error method. The tuning process was achieved in two steps. First,
the compressor controller was tuned while the EEV opening was directly regulated by an empirical
equation. This equation was inferred based on our experiments. Then, the EEV controller was tuned
in the second step. The proportional integral controller has two gains which are kp and ki. The results
of the tuning process are presented in Figure 4.
Uncertainty in final results indicates the amount of deviation from a true value [14].
Measurement devices have a fixed error, which is related to the manufactures and a random error that
results from the effects during measurement process. The fixed error was reduced by a calibration
process for all sensors and meters and also, random error was identified from the experimental results
in the control and measurement laboratory at steady state conditions. The uncertainty in the
coefficient of performance (UCOP) was evaluated depending on the method of multi-samples
uncertainty analysis [15]. This method depends on the fixed and random error determination for each
measured quantity (xi) by Eq. (4).
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 39, Part A (2021), No. 01, Pages 45-55
Where (𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖,𝑓𝑓 ) and (𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖,𝑟𝑟 ) the fixed and random errors of the measured variable (𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 ), and (n) is the
number of measurands. The COP is a function of water flow rate, evaporator inlet, and outlet water
temperatures, and power, see Eq. (2). The random error was calculated for each measurand by the
following equation [15]:
𝛿𝛿𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖,𝑟𝑟 = (5)
Where (σi) is the samples' standard deviation, (t) was chosen to be (2) with a confidence level of
95% which corresponds to the degree of freedom (N-1) and (N) is the number of samples. The fixed
error of the temperature sensors, water flow meter, and power meter were (1%, 2%, and 0.5%)
respectively, according to the manufacturer’s data and the uncertainty range in these measurements
was ±0.3°C, ± 1.8mL/s, and 6.5w under steady state conditions. The uncertainty limits of the COP
were 4.5 to 6.8%.
Figure 5: Refrigerant flow rate versus Tc,w,i at the three sets of Te,w,i
The refrigerant mass flow rate rises when the inlet temperature of the evaporator decreases. This
increase in the mass flow rate is necessary to keep the cooling capacity constant by compensating the
effect of the reduction in the refrigeration effect. The increase in Te,w,i enlarges the vapor density at
the compressor suction line, as shown in Figure 6, and enhances the volumetric efficiency, as stated
by Eq. (7). Therefore, the controller reduces the compressor speed when Te,w,i becomes high as the
refrigeration effect improves which allows the reduction in the refrigerant mass flow rate. The
volumetric efficiency is inversely proportional to the compression ratio. At constant condenser
pressure, the compression ratio decreases with the increase in the evaporator pressure [16].
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 39, Part A (2021), No. 01, Pages 45-55
Where (ṁr) is the refrigerant flow rate, (ηv) compressor volumetric efficiency, (N) compressor
speed, (𝑉𝑉𝑐𝑐 ) is a clearance volume of the compressor,(𝑉𝑉𝑑𝑑 ) is its displacement volume, and (ρv)
refrigerant vapor density at evaporator outlet [2].
The evaporator pressure (Pe) was unaffected by the change in the inlet water temperature of the
condenser Tc,w,i as shown in Figure 7.
The effect of Te,w,i on the condenser pressure can be slightly seen only at high Tc,w,i however, the
condenser pressure is a function of the temperature Tc,w,i only as shown in Figure 8.
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 39, Part A (2021), No. 01, Pages 45-55
The EEV opening was regulated to maintain degree of superheat at 7°C. The degree of refrigerant
superheat depends on the refrigeration effect and refrigerant flow that relate to evaporator pressure
and compressor speed respectively. The EEV opening increase when the Tc,w,i increases or Te,w,i
decrease due to increase compressor speed and to decrease refrigeration effect, as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 10: Compressor speed versus Tc,w,i at the three sets of Te,w,i
The increase in the compressor speed and compression ratio raises the power consumption that related
to the effects of increasing evaporator and condenser temperatures as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Compressor power versus Tc,w,i at the three sets of Te,w,i
Increasing condenser inlet water temperature increases refrigerant subcooling that was directed
proportion to condenser working pressure due to increase condenser heat exchanging efficiency at
high temperatures. Also, refrigerant subcooling was directly proportioned with evaporator inlet water
temperature because of decreasing refrigerant flow at high evaporation temperatures as shown in
Figure 12.
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 39, Part A (2021), No. 01, Pages 45-55
Figure 12: Refrigerant subcooled versus Tc,w,i at the three sets of Te,w,i
Increasing Tc,w,i reflected on increasing pressure ratio and compressor speed to maintain
refrigeration effect at constantan level by increasing refrigerant flow which decreases COP value due
to increases power required at constant cooling load as shown in Figure 13, and also increasing Te,w,i
results in decreasing pressure ratio and compressor speed. The desired indicator here increasing Te,w,i
for 2°C results in increasing COP about 3.3%.
Figure 13: System COP versus Tc,w,i at the three sets of Te,w,i
The effect of the evaporator and condenser inlet water temperature of refrigeration chilled water
system with a variable speed compressor and EEV was experimentally investigated at constant
cooling load. At constant evaporator inlet water temperature, increasing condenser inlet water
temperature increases the condenser pressure. This raises the refrigerant flow rate due to high
compressor speed. The COP was reduced from (3.7 at Tc,w,i 25°C) to (2.18 at Tc,w,i 33°C) due to high
compressor power consumption resulted from the increase in the compression ratio and compressor
speed. At constant condenser inlet water temperature, high evaporator inlet water temperature raises
the evaporator pressure that reduces the refrigerant flow rate due to the increases in the refrigerant
vapor density at the compressor suction line. System COP was enhanced by 3.3% with increasing
Te,w,i for 2°C due to the reduction in the compressor speed and also in the compression ratio.
Refrigerant subcooled was dependent on the condenser pressure and refrigerant flow. The refrigerant
subcooling is directly proportional to the condenser temperature. Therefore, the increase of
evaporator inlet water temperature increases system efficiency in contrast to the increasing of
condenser inlet water temperature that reduces efficiency.
A/C: Air condition system.
COP: Coefficient of performance.
Cw: Specific heat of water, kJ/kg.°C.
DS: Degree of refrigerant superheat, °C.
DX: direct expansion systems.
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 39, Part A (2021), No. 01, Pages 45-55
Greek symbols:
𝜂𝜂𝑣𝑣 : Volumetric Efficiency.
𝜌𝜌: Density, kg/m3.
𝜎𝜎: Standard deviation.
c: Condenser.
e: Evaporator.
i: Inlet.
o: Outlet.
r: Refrigerant.
s: Saturation.
w: Water.
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