New Snapshot Elementary Wordlist - Dutch - French
New Snapshot Elementary Wordlist - Dutch - French
New Snapshot Elementary Wordlist - Dutch - French
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Argentina/Argentinian (n) x^WÇw]åDíáWå]L?^WÇw]åDífåf]åz Argentinië/Argentijn(se) l'Argentine/l'argentin(ne) Argentina won the World Cup that year.
Argentinian (adj) x^WÇw]åDífåá]åz Argentijns argentin It's an Argentinian dance.
Brazil/Brazilian(n) xÄê]DòfäLÄê]Dòfäf]åz Brazilië/Braziliaan(se) le Brésil /brésilien(ne) Brazil look very impressive in attack.
Brazilian(adj) xÄê]Dòfäá]åz brésilien A unique blend of Brazilian and Colombian coffee.
country xDâ¾åíêáz land pays How many countries are there in Europe?
Greece/Greek(n)/Greek/adj) xÖêáWëLÖêáWâz Griekenland/Griek(se)/Grieks la Grèce / grec(que) The glories of ancient Greece.
list (n) xäfëíz lijst liste I need a list of the people coming to the party.
nationality xåôp]Dåôä]íáz nationaliteit nationalité He has British nationality.
Portugal/Portuguese(n) xDélWíàrÖ]äLélWíàrDÖáWòz Portugal/Portuge(e)s(e) le Portugal / portugais(e) The period in which Spain ruled over Portugal.
Portuguese(adj) xélWíàrDÖáWòz Portugees portugais A portuguese lament.
square xëâïÉ]z hokje/vierkantje carré, case Fill in the squares.
Turkey/Turkish(n)/Turkish (adj) xDí‰WâáLDí‰Wâfpz Turkije/Turk(se)/Turks la Turquie / turc/turque In 1853, Turkey declared war on Russia.
write (v) xê~fíz schrijven écrire We teach children to read and write.
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people xDéáWéäz mensen le gens I like the people I work with.
spell (v) xëéÉäz spellen épeler, orthographier How do you spell that?
surname xDë‰WåÉfãz achternaam nom de famille What's your surname?
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imagine (v) xfDãôÇw]åz zich iets voorstellen imaginer Imagine you're lying on a beach.
introduce yourself (v) xfåíê]ÇwìWë=àlWXëÉäÑz zich voorstellen se présenter I would like to introduce myself.
say (v) xëÉfz zeggen dire 'I'm so tired,' she said.
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brother xDÄê¾a]z broer frère Carla has two younger brothers.
group xÖêìWéz groep groupe A group of islands.
hate (v) xÜÉfíz haten détester Mary really hated him after that.
late xäÉfíz laat tard, en retard Sorry I'm late!
party xDé^Wíáz feestje fête We're having a party on Friday. Come over.
photo xDÑ]rí]rz foto photo Will you take a photo of me and Anna together?
Sorry! xDëõêáz= Sorry!/Het spijt me Désolé(e), pardon Sorry! I didn't mean it.
take (a photo) xíÉfâz een foto nemen pendre une photo Take a photo of the group.
teach (v) xíáWípz onderwijzen enseigner He taught physics for 15 years.
techno xDíÉâå]rz techno la techno He likes techno music.
that's cool xa]íë=âìWäz dat is cool bien, cool! Tom is coming too. - That's cool
turn down (v) xDí‰Wå=DÇ~råz zachter zetten baisser le volume Turn the music down!
university xàìWåfDî‰Wëfíáz universiteit université Do you want to go to university when you leave school?
Think! section
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complete (v) xâ]ãDéäáWíz afmaken compléter, finir Complete the sentences.
correct (v) xâ]DêÉâíz corrigeren corriger Can you correct my spelling?
sentence (n) xDëÉåí]åëz zin phrase The sentence has so many verbs.
similar xDëfã]ä]z vergelijkbaar similaire They came from similar backgrounds.
word xï‰WÇz woord mot What's the English word for 'casa'?
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(not) like xEåõíF=ä~fâz (niet) houden van bien aimer / ne pas aimer I don't like chicken.
art x^Wíz kunst l'art He's very good at art.
card xâ^WÇz kaartje carte Here's my business card.
centre xDëÉåí]z middelpunt/midden centre He took her hand and led her to the centre of the room.
city xDëfíáz (grote)stad grande ville Leeds is the third largest city in England.
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draw (v) xÇêlWz tekenen dessiner She was drawing a picture of a tree.
exchange (v) xfâëDípÉfåÇwz uitwisselen échanger Our main aim is to encourage the exchange of information.
outline xD~ríä~fåz overzicht plan An outline of the company's plan.
take turns (v) xDíÉfâ=Dí‰Wåz afwisselen se relayer Take turns to cook, tonight it's me.
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share (v) xpÉ]z delen partager I shared a room with her when I was at college.
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don't forget xÑ]DÖÉíz niet vergeten/eraan denken n'oublie pas Don't forget your keys.
drawing pin xDÇêlWfk=éfåz punaise punaise Don'tput drawing pins into the walls.
move around xDãìWî=]Dê~råÇz verplaatsen/verschuiven changer de place You can moe the furniture around if you like.
must (not) xã¾ëíz (niet)moeten devoir - ne pas pouvoir All passengers must wear seatbelts.
no problem xå]r=éêõÄä]ãz geen probleem pas de problème Is it okay to bring a friend? - No problem.
pillow xDéfä]rz kussen oreiller I'll be asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
put (v) xéríz zetten mettre Just put the bags on the table.
sure (certainly) xpr]z zeker (beslist) sûr, certain Are you sure you've had enough?
use xàìWòz gebruiken utiliser Can I use your phone?
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blanket xDÄäôkâ]íz deken couverture The blanket is so thin on this bed.
coat hanger xâ]rí=Üôk]z kleerhanger porte-manteau Use a coat hanger so your shirt does not crease.
desk lamp xÇÉëâ=äôãéz bureaulamp lampe de bureau He changed the bulb in his desk lamp.
just one thing nog één ding encore une chose Just one thing, be careful how you say it.
landlady xDäôåÇ?äÉfÇáz hospita la propriétaire The landlady comes tomorrow for the rent.
towel xDí~r]äz handdoek essuie She rubbed herself dry with a towel.
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bring xÄêfkz meenemen apporter I brought these pictures to show you.
calculator xDâôäâàräÉfí]z rekenmachine calculatrice A pocket calculator.
chew (v) xípìWz kauwen chiquer, mastiquer The meat's so tough I can hardly chew it.
dictionary xDÇfâp]åêáz woordenboek dictionnaire A German-English dictionary.
exam xfÖDòôãz examen examen He's taking his exams at the moment.
gum xÖ¾ãz kauwgom chewing-gum We are not allowed to have gum in school.
homework xDÜ]rãï‰Wâz huiswerk devoir(s) I've done all my homework.
jewellery xDÇwìWäêáz sieraden bijoux She wears a lot of gold jewellery.
make-up xDãÉfâ¾éz make-up maquillage I don't wear much make-up.
maths xãôqëz wiskunde les maths The new maths teacher.
mobile phone xDã]rÄ~fä=DÑ]råz mobieltje gsm Call me on my mobile.
on time xí~fãz op tijd à temps He always does his homework on time.
personal stereo xDé‰Wë]å]ä=DëíÉêf]rz diskman, mp3-speler mini-chaîne Someone stole his personal stereo.
polite xé]Dä~fíz beleefd poli He was always very polite.
rule (n) xêìWäz spelregels règle Do you know the rules of the game?
wear (v) xïÉ]z dragen porter She was wearing jeans and a red jumper.
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diving board duikplank plongeoir That pool has a diving board.
edge xÉÇwz rand bord Billy sat at the edge of the water.
jump (v) xÇw¾ãéz springen sauter Boys were jumping off the bridge into the river.
pool xéìWäz zwembad piscine Does the hotel have a pool?
push (v) xérpz duwen pousser It didn't move, so she pushed harder.
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run (v) xê¾åz rennen courir Some kids were running down the street.
shower (n) xDp~r]z douche douche Are you in the shower?
swimming cap xDëïfãfk=Dâôéz badmuts bonnet de bain Swimming caps are compulsory in this pool.
swimming pool xDëïfãfk=éìWäz zwembad piscine They clean the swimming pool twice a week.
tie back (v) xí~f=DÄôâz naar achteren binden/in een staart doen attacher Tie back your hair to avoid contact with the water.
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help (v) xÜÉäéz helpen aider Shall I help you clean the car?
look for (v) xDärâ=Ñ]z zoeken chercher He's looking for his keys.
map xãôéz kaart plan It'a a map of ancient Europe.
myself xã~fDëÉäÑz mezelf moi-même I made myself a cup of coffee.
really? xDêáW]äáz echt/werkelijk vraiment? C'est vrai? Really? Is it true?
routine xêrDíáWåz routine/procedure routine Making the beds was part of her usual routine.
that's not fair! xÑÉ]z dat is niet eerlijk ce n'est pas juste! He always has first choice- that's not fair.
until x¾åDífäz tot jusqu'à The banks are open until 3.30.
work on (v) xDï‰Wâ=õåz werken aan travailler à I'm working on a new project.
youth centre xDàìWq=DëÉåí]z jongerencentrum maison des jeunes The disco is at the youth centre.
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feel (v) xÑáWäz voelen se sentir Do you still feel hungry?
record (n) xêfDâlWÇz plaat disque He refers vinyl records to cd's.
study (v) xDëí¾Çáz studeren étudier He studies too much.
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act (v) x=xôâíz acteren jouer He acted the scene very badly.
ride (v) xê~fÇz rijden rouler à vélo / monter à cheval She learned to ride when she was five.
sing (v) xëfkz zingen chanter Sophie sings in a choir.
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depend (v) xÇfDéÉåÇz afhangen van dépendre "Are you coming to my house later?" "It depends. I might have to work."
diet (v) xDÇ~f]íz lijnen faire régime It is important to eat a healthy diet.
excited (adj) xfâDë~fí]Çz opgewonden agité The kids are getting really excited about the trip.
journalist xDÇw‰Wå]äfëíz journalist journaliste A well-known journalist and broadcaster.
relax (v) xêfDäôâëz ontspannen se détendre I decided just to stay home and relax.
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common room xDâõã]å=?êìWãz fusie salle commune There's a meeting in the common room
It's for me xfíë=Ñ]=ãáz Het is voor mij c'est pour moi The telephone is ringing. - Yes, it's for me.
mood xãìWÇz stemming/humeur humeur You're certainly in a good mood today!
phone call xÑ]rå=âlWäz telefoontje coup de fil I need to make a phone call.
shut up xDp¾í=D¾éz mond houden la fermer He was very rude, he told us to "shut up".
what's the matter? xDïõíë=a]=Dãôí]z wat is er aan de hand? qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? What's the matter? You seem very quiet.
win (v) xïfåz winnen gagner Who do you think will win the election?
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diary xDÇ~f]êáz agenda agenda I'll check my diary to see if I can come Friday.
diet (n) xDÇ~f]íz eetpatroon régime It is important to eat a healthy diet.
during xDÇàr]êfkz tijdens pendant During the summer she worked as a waitress.
healthy xDÜÉäqáz gezond sain I feel healthier since I stopped smoking.
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clear (v) xDâäf]z opruimen ranger Clear up this mess please.
hungry xDܾkÖêáz hongerig faim I'm hungry - is lunch almost ready?
starving (to be) xDëí^Wîfkz verhongeren/veel honger hebben mourir de faim I'm starving, I could eat a horse!
sunny xDë¾åáz zonnig ensoleillé A warm sunny day.
tuna xDíàìWå]z tonijn thon A can of tuna fish.
yard xà^WÇz binnenplaats/achtertuin cour We’re going to clear the yard today.
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weather xDïÉa]z weer le temps (qu'il fait) What's the weather like today?
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help yourself xDÜÉäé=àr]DëÉäÑz zelf pakken/zelf doen se servir Can I take one? - Help yopurself.
picnic xDéfâåfâz picknick pique-nique We decided to have a picnic down by the lake.
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anorak xDôå]êôâz regenjas/anorak anorak It started raining so he put on an anorak.
far xÑ^Wz ver loin Have you driven far?
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slice xëä~fëz stuk/schijfje tranche Would you like a slice of pizza?
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apple pie xDôéä=é~fz appeltaart tarte aux pommes I only eat fresh apple pie.
birthday xDĉWqÇÉfz verjaardag anniversaire When's your birthday?
bowl xÄ]räz kom bol A soup bowl.ö
curry xDâ¾êáz curry plat au curry Chicken curry.
deep xÇáWéz diep profond The water's not very deep.
honey xDܾåáz honing miel Toast and honey.
ice cream x~fë=DâêáWãz ijs crème glacée Strawberry ice cream
invite (v) xDfåî~fíz uitnodigen inviter I was invited to their wedding.
mate xãÉfíz vrienden copain His team mates congratulated him.
meal xãáWäz maaltijd repas When did you last eat a proper meal?
order (v) xDlWÇ]z bestellen commander He ordered steak and chips.
remember (v) xêfDãÉãÄ]z zich herinneren se souvenir I couldn't remember her name.
rent (v) xêÉåíz huren louer We rent the flat from my uncle.
thin xqfåz dun mince, fin A thin slice of bread.
treat (n) xíêáWíz verrassing, cadeau traiter She treats me like one of the family.
twins xíïfåz tweeling jumeaux She's just given birth to twins.
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canoeing lesson kanoles leçon de kayac We have a canoeing lesson this afternoon.
describe xÇfDëâê~fÄz beschrijven décrire Police asked the woman to describe her attacker.
guest xÖÉëíz gast invité How many guests are coming to your party?
huge xÜàìWÇwz enorm groot énorme Your room's huge compared to mine.
karaoke xâôêáD]râáz karaoke karaoké A karaoke bar.
lake xäÉfâz meer lac Lake Michigan is very big.
long way xäõk=ïÉfz veraf loin It's a long way to town from here.
muffin xDã¾Ñ]åz muffin muffin A blueberry muffin.
pronounce (v) xéê]Då~råëz uitspreken prononcer How do you pronounce your name?
rock climbing klimmen escalade He goes rock climbing in the Alps.
smile (v) xëã~fäz glimlachen sourire Come on - smile for the camera!
snore (v) xëålWz snurken ronfler He could hear the old man snoring.
waffle (n) xDïõÑ]äz wafel gaufre He poured treacle over the waffle.
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define (v) xÇfDÑ~fåz definiëren définir We need to define our clients' needs.
entry xDÉåíêáz toegang entrée Entry to the gardens is free.
explain (v) xfâDëéäÉfåz uitleggen expliquer I explained the rules to Sara.
meaning xDãáWåfkz betekenis signification What's the meaning of this word?
skill xëâfäz vaardigheid compétence A course that teaches basic computer skills.
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activity xôâDífî]íáz activiteit activité Outdoor activities such as hiking and climbing.
ideal x~fDÇf]äz ideaal idéal An ideal place for a picnic.
programme xDéê]rÖêôãz programma émission Did you see that TV programme about earthquakes?
tell (v) xíÉäz vertellen dire, raconter I can't tell you - it's a secret.
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begin (v) xÄfDÖfåz beginnen commencer The meeting will begin at 10:00.
brochure xDÄê]rp]z brochure brochure, dépliant A holiday brochure.
close (v) xâä]rëz (af)sluiten/eindigen terminer He closed his speech with a joke.
detail xDÇáWíÉfäz detail détail The documentary included a lot of historical detail.
exactly xfÖDòôâíäáz precies exactement We got home at exactly six o'clock.
organiser xDlWÖ]å~fò]z organisator organisateur He's avery good organiser of people.
yours sincerely (formal) xàlWXë=ëfåDëf]äáz met vriendelijke groet Sincères salutations Use "Yours sincerely" at the end of the letter.
Culture Flash 1
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bacon xDÄÉfâ]åz bacon bacon Would you like bacon and eggs for breakfast?
canteen xâôåDíáWåz kantine cantine The food in the canteen is usually quite good.
choose (v) xípìWòz kiezen choisir You can choose between ice cream and apple tart.
cook (v) xârâz koken cuisiner Where did you learn to cook?
(cooked) breakfast xDÄêÉâÑ]ëíz Engels ontbijt (warm) petit déjeuner I usually have breakfast at 7.30.
except xfâDëÉéíz behalve sauf We're open every day except Monday.
fried eggs xÑê~fÇ=ÉÖz gebakken eieren œufs sur le plat I like my fried eggs sunny side up.
marmalade xDã^Wã]äÉfÇz marmelade marmelade He put some marmalade on his toast.
packed lunch xéôâí=ä¾åípz lunchpakket tartines (emballées) We took a packed lunch for our school trip.
(roast) chicken xDípfâfåz (gebraden) kip poulet rôti Roast chicken is my favourite.
take-away xDíÉfâ]ïÉfz afhaalmaaltijd repas à emporter Let's get a takeaway tonight-fancy Chinese?
Project 1 - My favourite food
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blend (v) xÄäÉåÇz mengen mélanger Blend the butter and the flour.
blender xDÄäÉåÇ]z blender mixer Put all the ingredients into a blender.
chart (n) xíp^Wíz tabel tableau The chart shows last year's sales.
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basketball xDÄ^WëâfíÄlWäz basketbal basket I'm not very good at basketball.
Cup (football) xâ¾éz beker (voetbal) coupe A list of World Cup winners in chronological order.
event xfDîÉåíz gebeurtenis événement The opening of the factory was a major event locally.
future (adj) xDÑàìWíp]z toekomst(ig) futur What are your plans for the future?
important xfãDélWí]åíz belangrijk important It is important to write clearly.
league xäáWÖz divisie ligue The Football League.
sporting event xëélWífk=fDîÉåíz sportevenement événement sportif Wimbledon is a major sporting event.
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active xôâífîz= actief actif Although Bob is over 70, he's still active.
beach xÄáWípz strand plage Shall we go to the beach?
beach games xÄáWíp=ÖÉfãòz strandspelletjes jeux de plage We played beach games until dawn.
brackets xÄêôâfíz haakjes parenthèses Last year's sales figures are given in brackets.
dip xÇféz korte duik nemen se baigner I like to have a quick dip.
energetic xÉå]DÇwÉífâz dynamiek dynamique Their style of dancing is very energetic.
fall down 'daUn] vallen tomber If you are nit careful, you will fall down.
fresh air xDÑêÉp=DÉ]z frisse lucht air frais Let's go out and get some fresh air.
ice-skate (v) xD~fë=ëâÉfíz schaatsen patiner I can roller-skate but not ice-skate.
lie (v) xä~fz liggen être couché We lay on the beach all morning.
live (adj) xä~fîz live, rechtstreeks en direct Matt lives in Boston.
questionnaire xâïÉëíp]DåÉ]z vragenlijst questionnaire Students were asked to fill out a questionnaire.
rating xDêÉfífkz waardering score The president's popularity rating has fallen.
risk xêfëâz risico risque Most sports involve the risk of injury.
sand xëôåÇz zand sable The children played on the sand.
sandy xDëôåÇáz zanderig, met zand de sable A sandy beach.
shade xpÉfÇz schaduw ombre I'd rather sit in the shade .
sit around (v) xëfí=]ê~råÇz zitten niksen traîner à ne rien faire Do something! Don't just sit around all day.
ski (v) xëâáWz skiën skier Can you ski?
snow xëå]rz sneeuw neige The fields are covered with snow .
snowbaby xëå]r=DÄÉfÄáz sneeuwfanaat amateur de neige She skis all winter - a real snowbaby.
snowball xDëå]rÄlWäz sneeuwbal boule de neige We had a massive snowball fight.
snowboard (v) xDëå~rÄlWÇz snowboarden faire du snowboard His snowboard broke in two after the accident.
snowy xDëå]ráz sneeuwachtig neigeux A snowy day.
sporty xDëélWíáz sportief sportif I'm not very sporty.
sun xë¾åz zon soleil The sun' went behind a cloud.
sunbathe xDë¾åÄÉfaz zonnen prendre un bain de soleil This is a good place to sunbathe.
sunbunny xDë¾å=ľåáz zonaanbidder(ster) amateur de soleil She spends all day at the beach; a true sunbunny.
swimsuit xDëïfãëìWíz badpak maillot de bain She changed into her swimsuit.
tan (n) xíôåz bruine huidskleur van het zonnen bronzer I don't get a tan easily.
thick xqfâz dik épais A thick slice of bread.
throw (v) xqê]rz gooien lancer Throw the ball to Daddy.
warm xïlWãz warm chaud It's lovely and warm in this room.
winter xDïfåí]z winter hiver It often snows in winter.
winter sports xDïfåí]=ëélWíëz wintersport sports d'hiver It's a great place for winter sports.
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athletics xôqDäÉífâëz atletiek athlétisme We play hockey in winter and do athletics in summer.
badminton xDÄôÇãfåí]åz badminton badminton Who wants a game of badminton?
baseball xDÄÉfëÄlWäz baseball base-ball Who's your favourite baseball player?
circuit xë‰Wâfíz racebaan circuit The racing cars go three times round the circuit.
course xâlWëz (golf)baan terrain (de golf) He's on the golf course.
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court xâlWíz baan (tennis, volleybal, badminton) court The players came out onto the court to a standing ovation.
golf xÖõäÑz golf golf Do you play golf?
motor racing xDã]rí]=?êÉfëfkz motorracen sports-moteur They are sponsors of motor racing.
sports xëélWíëz sporten les sports Aquatic sports.
sports locations xDëélWíë=ä]rDâÉfp]åòz sportlocaties terrain de sport There are various sports locations around the city.
squash xëâïõpz squashen squash She plays squash twice a week.
track xíêôâz atletiekbaan piste The favourite for the 100m was in track 3.
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radio programme xDêÉfÇf]r=Déê]rÖêôãz radioprogramma émission de radio He writes radio programmes.
venue xDîÉåàìWz uitgaansgelegenheid, locatie lieu A popular jazz venue.
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compete xâ]ãDéáWíz deelnemen être en compétition Ten runners are competing in the race.
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certainly xDë‰Wí]åäáz zeker certainement This match will certainly be difficult for us to win.
lend xäÉåÇz lenen prêter Could you lend me £10?
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adore (v) x]DÇlWz aanbidden adorer Tim absolutely adores his older brother.
bad company xÄôÇ=Dâ¾ãé]åáz slecht gezelschap mauvaise compagnie My mum says I keep bad company.
captain xDâôéí]åz aanvoerder (aanvoerster) capitaine Rod's captain of the football team.
happily married xDÜôéáäá=DãôêfÇz gelukkig getrouwd heureux en ménage Liz and John are happily married.
make a mess xãÉfâ=]=ãÉëz rotzooi maken mettre tout sans dessus-dessous After the food fight, we made a real mess.
moody xDãìWÇáz humeurig maussade, mal luné A moody teenager.
nickname xDåfâåÉfãz bijnaam surnom His nickname was 'Curly' because of his hair.
quality xDâïõä]íáz kwaliteit qualité The quality of the food in that restaurant is very high.
regret (v) xêfDÖêÉíz spijt hebben/betreuren regretter I really regret leaving school so young.
spare time xëéÉ]=í~fãz vrije tijd temps libre What do you do in your spare time?
stadium xDëíÉfÇá]ãz stadion stade A football stadium.
stupid xDëíàìWé]Çz stom stupide Don't be so stupid!
terrible xDíÉê]Ä]äz verschrikkelijk horrible The food at the hotel was terrible.
train (v) xíêÉfåz trainen(v) s'entraîner What time's the next train to Birmingham?
World Cup (football) xï‰WäÇ=â¾éz wereldkampioenschap coupe du monde The next World Cup is maybe in Africa.
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attract x]Díêôâíz aantrekken attirer It wasn't the money that attracted me to the job.
coach (= trainer) xâ]rípz coach (trainer) coach, entraîneur Jack's my tennis coach.
competition xâõãé]Dífpåz wedstrijd compétition Who won the poetry competition?
goal (football) xÖ]räz doelpunt but The Russians scored three goals in sixteen minutes.
score (v) (goals) xëâlWz scoren score A score of 3-2.
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sports journalist xëélWíë=DÇwWå]äfëíz sportjournalist(e) journaliste sportif He 's a sport journalist so he knows all the stars.
sports star xëélWíë=ëí^Wz sportsterren vedette sportive The event was full of sports stars.
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Brilliant! xDÄêfäà]åíz geweldig! génial! You won! Brilliant!
burger van xĉWÖ]=îôåz snackwagen baraque à hamburger Jake was sick after he ate something from the burger van.
easy xDáWòáz makkelijk facile The test was really easy.
later xDäÉfí]z later plus tard I'm going out - I'll see you later.
on your own xõå=àlWX=?]råz alleen tout seul Are you going on your own?
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rushing xDê¾pfkz naar buiten rennen se dépêcher The children came rushing out to greet me.
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yesterday xDàÉëí]ÇÉfz gisteren hier Did you watch the game yesterday?
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bag xÄôÖz tas sac She brought her lunch in a paper bag.
balcony xDÄôäâ]åáz balkon balcon Has your flat got a balcony?
seat xëáWíz (zit)plaats place I asked for a seat by the window.
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big/small xÄfÖLëãlWäz groot/klein grand/petit big problem/small change
easy/difficult xDáWòáLDÇfÑfâ]äíz makkelijk/moeilijk facile/difficile easy money/difficult task
expensive/cheap xfâDëéÉåëfîLípáWéz duur/goedkoop cher/bon-marché expensive wine/cheap perfume
boring/interesting xDÄlWêfkLDfåíê]ëífkz saai/interessant ennuyant/intéressant boring lesson/interesting teacher
heavy/light xDÜÉîáLä~fíz zwaar/licht lourd/léger heavy drinking/light lunch
awful/nice, good afschuwelijk/aardig, goed horrible/bien, bon awful party/good food
slow/quick, fast xëä]rLâïfâI=Ñ^Wëíz langzaam/snel lent/rapide slow dance/quick thought
strong/weak xëíêõkLïáWâz sterk/zwak fort/faible strong coffee/weak tea
old/young, new x]räÇLà¾kI=åàìWz oud/jong, nieuw vieux/jeune, nouveau old school/new car
tall/short xílWäLplWíz lang/kort grand/petit tall building/short time
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fine (adj.) xÑ~fåz prima, oké très bien "We're meeting at 8.30." "Okay, fine."
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long (how …?) xäõkz lang (hoe...?) long (combien de temps?) How long was the film?
train xíêÉfåz trein train What time's the next train to Birmingham?
website xDïÉÄë~fíz website site web For more information, visit our website.
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school subjects xDëâìWä=Dë¾ÄÇwfâíëz schoolvakken branches, matières He has a total of 8 school subjects.
timetable xDí~fã?íÉfÄ]äz rooster horaire According to the timetable, it's lunch break.
art x^Wíz kunst/tekenen art He's very good at art.
computer studies xâ]ãDéàìWí]=?ëí¾ÇáWòz informatica informatique His favourite subject is computer studies.
design and technology xÇfDò~få|]åÇ=íÉâDåõä]Çwáz ontwerpen dessin technique The advances in design and technology.
English language xfkäfp=DäôkïfÇwz Engelse taal langue anglaise The English language is very rich in words.
English literature xfkäfp=Däfíêfíp]z Engelse literatuur littérature anglaise This is a masterpiece of English literature.
environmental studies xfåî~fê]åDãÉåíä=?ëí¾ÇáWòz Milieukunde environnement It is part of a project on environmental studies.
French xÑêÉåípz Frans français An excellent French wine.
geography xDÇwõÖê]Ñáz Aardrijkskunde/Geografie géographie The geography of Asia.
German xDÇw‰Wã]åz Duits allemand German history.
history xDÜfëí]êáz geschiedenis histoire The history of post-war Europe.
media studies xDãáWÇf]=?ëí¾ÇáWòz mediakunde communication He's doing media studies.
modern languages xDãõÇ]å=DäôkïfÇwfòz moderne talen langues modernes The new head of modern languages.
music xDãàìWòfâz muziek musique I prefer pop music.
physical education xDÑfòfâä=ÉÇàrDâÉfpåz gymnastiek éducation physique Schools nowadays do not offer enough physical education.
religious studies xêfDäfÇw]ë=?ëí¾ÇáWòz godsdienstles religion I learnt it in religious studies.
science xDë~f]åëz natuurkunde sciences We've been learning about electricity in our science lessons.
Spanish xDëéôåfpz Spaans espagnol They can both speak Spanish.
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grade xÖêÉfÇz cijfer notes He got top grades in all his subjects.
pleased xéäáWëÇz tevreden content Are you pleased with the result?
suggestion xë]DÇwÉëíp]åz suggestie/voorstel suggestion May I make a suggestion?
upset x¾éDëÉíz verdrietig bouleversé She's still very upset about her father's death.
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cry (v) xâê~fz huilen pleurer What are you crying about?
point (v) xélfåíz wijzen montrer He pointed to building he works in.
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animals xDôåfã]äòz dieren animaux We are against testing cosmetics on animals.
budgie xDľÇwáz parkiet perruche My budgie is yellow and green.
cat xâôíz kat chat A tom cat.
cow xâ~rz koe vache Dairy cows.
crocodile xDâêõâ]Ç~fäz krokodil crocodile Which is bigger, a crocodile or an alligator?
dog xÇõÖz hond chien We got a big dog to frighten away burglars.
duck xǾâz eend canard We fed the ducks in the pond.
elephant xDÉä]Ñ]åíz olifant éléphant You have a memory like an elephant.
fox xÑõâëz vos renard I am glad they have stopped fox-hunting.
giraffe xÇwfDê^WÑz giraf girafe Why do giraffes have long necks? - Because their feet smell terrible!
goat xÖ]ríz geit chèvre This cheese is from a goat.
goldfish xDÖ]räÇÑfpz goudvis poisson rouge We won a goldfish at the fair.
horse xÜlWëz paard cheval I've never ridden a horse before.
kangaroo xâôkÖ]DêìWz kangoeroe kangourou There were kangaroos on the road.
koala bear xâ]rD^Wä]=DÄÉ]z koalabeer koala A koala bear eats only one kind of leaf, but I can't remember which.
lamb xäôãz lam agneau There were three lambs in the field.
lion xD~f]åz leeuw lion The male lion has long thick hair around his neck.
pig xéfÖz varken cochon He cannot eat meat from a pig on religious grounds.
rabbit xDêôÄfíz konijn lapin That's Thumper, my pet rabbit.
rhinoceros xê~fDåõë]ê]ëz neushoorn rhinocéros Our school adopted a rhinoceros at the zoo.
sheep xpáWéz schaap mouton Sheep were grazing on the hillside.
snake xëåÉfâz slang serpent A snake slithered across the path.
spider xDëé~fÇ]z spin araignée A spider's web.
tiger xDí~fÖ]z tijger tigre Activists fear that the tiger may become extinct.
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farm xÑ^Wãz boerderij ferme A 4000-acre farm.
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rooms and parts of the house xDêìWãò=]åÇ=é^Wíë=]î=a]=DÜ~rëz delen en kamers van het huis pièces et partie de la maison
balcony xDÄôäâ]åáz balkon balcon Has your flat got a balcony?
bathroom xDÄ^WqêìWãz badkamer salle de bain A house with two bathrooms.
bedroom xDÄÉÇêìWãz slaapkamer chambre John's in his bedroom.
dining room xDÇ~fåfk=?êìWãz eetkamer salle à manger We eat in the dining room on Sundays.
garage xDÖôêfÇwz garage garage I'll put the car in the garage.
hall xÜlWäz gang/hal hall The bathroom's just down the hall on the right.
kitchen xDâfípfåz keuken cuisine She's in the kitchen making the dinner.
library xDä~fÄê]êáz bibliotheek bibliothèque A library book.
patio xDéôíf]rz veranda/terras véranda We'll eat on the patio.
sitting room xDëfífk=?êìWãz zitkamer living The TV is in the sitting room.
study xDëí¾Çáz werkkamer bureau Dad's in his study working.
toilet xDílfä]íz toilet/wc toilettes I need to use the toilet before we leave.
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chess xípÉëz schaak échecs They meet fairly often to play chess.
hear (v) xÜf]z horen entendre Can you hear that noise?
listen to xDäfë]å=í]z luisteren naar écouter Listen to me please!
mansion xDãôåp]åz villa manoir A beautiful country mansion.
scream (n) xëâêáWãz gil cri There was a bang and people started screaming.
spend (v) xëéÉåÇz doorbrengen passer They spent the weekend at home.
wash (v) xïõpz wassen laver He spent the morning washing the car.
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accident xDôâëfÇ]åíz ongeluk accident What would you do if I had an accident ?
games arcade xDÖÉfãò=^WDâÉfÇz spelletjeshal salle de jeux He wastes his money at the games arcade.
imagination xf?ãôÇw]DåÉfp]åz verbeelding/fantasie imagination Art is all about using your imagination.
incident xDfåë]Ç]åíz incident incident One man was arrested following the incident.
mugging xDã¾Öfkz berovingen agression Crime is on the increase, especially mugging and burglary.
robbery xDêõÄ]êáz beroving/overval vol They're in prison for armed robbery.
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blow (out) xÄä]rz (uit)blazen souffler A cold wind was blowing hard.
candle xDâôåÇäz kaars bougie We lit a candle for her in the church.
open xD]ré]åz openen ouvrir Open this door now!
thank (v) xqôkâz bedanken remercier I thanked him for the flowers.
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contain xâ]åDíÉfåz bevatten contenir The suitcase contained a lot of old clothes.
expression xfâDëéêÉp]åz blijk/uitdrukking van expression I'm sending these flowers as an expression of my gratitude.
look up (v) xDärâ=¾éz opzoeken regarder au dictionnaire Look up words you don't know in the dictionary.
main xãÉfåz belangrijkste/hoofd- principal Maths is the main subject I am studying.
several xDëÉî]ê]äz meerdere malen plusieurs I called her several times.
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adventure x]ÇDîÉåíp]z avonturen aventure It's a book about Johnson's adventures at sea.
alive x]Dä~fîz levend vivant They didn't expect to find anyone alive after the explosion.
boa constrictor xÄlWD=âbåDëíêfâí]z= boa constrictor boa constricteur The boa constrictor is one of the most dangerous snakes.
curled up xDâ‰WäÇ=¾éz oprollen/ineenkrimpen enroulé He curled up when I asked him about the money.
exotic xfÖDòõífâz exotisch exotique An exotic flower.
explore xfâDëéälWz verkennen explorer We spent a week exploring the Oregon coastline.
persuade xé]DëïÉfÇz overhalen persuader John was trying to persuade me to stay.
search (v) xë‰Wípz zoeken chercher, fouiller They searched the web but found nothing.
spare bed xëéÉ]=DÄÉÇz logeerbed lit d'appoint You can stay, we have a spare bed.
tank (n) xíôkâz aquarium/terrarium aquarium, vivarium He keeps fish in a tank.
visit (v) xDîfò]íz bezoeken rendre visite My aunt is coming to visit us next week.
zoo xòìWz dierentuin zoo Dad took me to the zoo.
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happen xDÜôé]åz gebeuren se passer When did the accident happen?
story xDëílWêáz verhaal histoire Do you know the story of Peter Pan?
take place xDíÉfâ=DéäÉfëz plaatsvinden avoir lieu It takes place at night, well after dark.
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hail(n) xÜÉfäz hagel grêle The hail badly damaged dad's car.
helmet xDÜÉäã]íz helm casque You have to wear a helmet when you ride a motorbike.
lightning xDä~fíåfkz bliksem éclairs Several trees were struck by lightning.
miracle xDãfê]â]äz wonder miracle It's a miracle that no one was hurt.
numb xå¾ãz verdoofd engourdi My feet were numb with cold.
oxygen mask xDõâëfÇwbå=ã^Wëâz= zuurstofmasker masque à oxygène The fireman immediately put an oxygen mask over her mouth.
parachute xDéôê]pìWíz parachute parachute A parachute jump.
pilot xDé~fä]íz piloot pilote An airline pilot.
plane xéäÉfåz vliegtuig avion It's much quicker to go by plane.
protect xéê]DíÉâíz beschermen protéger Laws to protect the environment.
thunderstorm xDq¾åÇ]ëílWãz onweer orage We were caught in a thunderstorm.
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hurt (adj) x܉Wíz gewond blessé Let go, you're hurting me!
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go wrong misgaan tourner mal, se détériorer It started so well but then suddenly everything went wrong.
Culture Flash 2 ex.1-2
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break (n) xÄêÉfâz pauze pause We had a break to eat something.
choir xâï~f]z koor chœur Susan sings in the school choir.
Christmas xDâêfëã]ëz Kerstmis Noël Are you going home for Christmas?
drama xDÇê^Wã]z He has written a new drama for the BBC.
Easter xDáWëí]z Pasen Pâques We always go away at Easter.
form (n) xÑlWãz klas classe He's in sixth form.
IT = Information Technology Informatica informatique He's an IT genius.
lesson xDäÉë]åz les leçon Hannah is taking guitar lessons.
orchestra xDlWâfëíê]z orkest orchestre She plays violin in the school orchestra.
PE = Physical Education xDÑfòfâä=ÉÇàrDâÉfpåz gymnastiek gymnastique
primary school xDéê~fãbêá==DëâìWäz lagere school école primaire That's the primary school I went to.
secondary school xDëÉâbåÇbêá=DëâìWäz middelbare school école secondaire Secondary school lasts 4-5 years.
start (v) xëí^Wíz beginnen commencer Now you're here, we can start.
stay (v) xëíÉfz blijven rester He came to see me and stayed all day.
uniform xDàìWåfÑlWãz uniform uniforme Do you like the new school uniform?
year (school) xàf]z schooljaar année (scolaire) They take the English exam in year 10.
Project 2
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before xÄfDÑlWz voor avant (que) He walked out before I finished my sentence.
below xÄfDä]rz onder en-dessous Jake lives in the apartment below.
cereal xDëf]êá]äz ontbijtgranen/cornflakes céréales A bowl of cereal.
chat (v) xípôíz kletsen bavarder Jo was chatting to Sam.
day xÇÉfz dag jour, journée We went to Paris for ten days.
early xD‰Wäáz vroeg tôt It snowed in early January.
include xfåDâäìWÇz omvatten inclure The film festival includes movies from around the world.
leave (v) xäáWîz verlaten/weggaan partir, quitter Frances left work early to meet her mother.
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Hey, you lot! Hé, jullie daar! eh, vous! Hey you lot, get a move on!
jacket xDÇwôâfíz jas veste He was wearing jeans and a leather jacket.
last (adv) xä^Wëíz voor het laatst la dernière fois My last boyfriend was crazy about football.
let’s (get going) xäÉíë=ÖÉí=DÖ]rfkz laten... allons-y! It's late, let's get going,
need xåáWÇz nodig hebben avoir besoin de These plants need plenty of light and water.
never mind xDåÉî]=ã~fåÇz laat maar zitten tant pis, ça ne fait rien Never mind, no harm was done.
put xéríz leggen mettre Just put the bags on the table.
rucksack xDê¾âëôâz rugzak sac à dos Where has she put her rucksack?
spare xëéÉ]z reserve- de rechange Leave a spare key with a neighbour.
sticker xDëífâ]z sticker autocollant Children get stickers for good work.
stuff xëí¾Ñz spul truc What's that blue stuff on the floor?
T-shirt xDíáWp‰Wíz T-shirt t-shirt She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
What's it like? Hoe ziet het eruit? à quoi cela ressemble-t-il? You've seen his painting, what's it like?
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description xÇfDëâêfép]åz beschrijving description Carson gave the police a description of the car.
item xD~fí]ãz voorwerp/stuk objet What was the last item of clothing you bought?
lost property verloren voorwerp objets perdus The police labelled it "lost property" and gave me a receipt.
Grammar snapshot
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short xplWíz kort court It's quite a short film.
pass (v) (exam) xé^Wëz slagen réussir (un examen) She’s happy. She’s passed her exams.
lose (v) xäìWòz verliezen perdre Tom lost his job.
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boots (football) xÄìWíëz laarzen/voetbalschoen chaussures de football She wore high-heeled boots.
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materials xã]Díf]êf]äòz materiaal matériau Discard any old cleaning materials.
bracelet xDÄêÉfëä]íz armband bracelet A gold bracelet.
buckle xDľâäz gesp boucle His belt had a big metal buckle.
chain xípÉfåz ketting chaîne He wore a gold chain around his neck.
cotton xDâõí]åz katoen coton A cotton shirt.
denim xDÇÉåfãz denim/jeans denim Denim jeans.
gold xÖ]räÇz goud or His watch was solid gold.
keyring xDâáWêfkz sleutelring porte-clé What's that on your keyring?
leather xDäÉa]z leer cuir A leather belt.
metal xDãÉíäz metaal métal It's made of metal.
nylon xDå~fä]åz nylon nylon Nylon stockings.
pencil case xDéÉåë]ä=âÉfëz etui plumier He keeps his stationery in a pencil case.
plastic xDéäôëífâz plastic plastique Toys made of plastic.
purse xé‰Wëz portemonnee porte-monnaie I opened my handbag and took out my purse.
scarf xëâ^WÑz sjaal foulard She covered herself with a scarf before going into the mosque.
silk xëfäâz zijde soie A silk shirt.
silver xDëfäî]z zilver argent A silver ring.
strap xëíêôéz band(je) lanière A watch strap.
wallet xDïõäfíz portemonnee/portefeuille portefeuille I've only got about £10 in my wallet.
watch (n) xïõípz horloge montre He gave me a Swiss watch for my birthday.
wood (wooden) xïrÇLDïrÇåz hout (houten, van hout) bois (en bois) All the furniture is made of wood.
wool (woollen) xïräLDïrä]åz wol (wollen, van wol) laine (en laine) She bought five balls of red wool.
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hand (something) in xDÜôåÇ=Dfåz afgeven donner, rendre It's not yours, hand it in to the police.
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stripe xëíê~féz streep ligne A shirt with blue and white stripes.
tram xíêôãz tram tram This tram is going to Desire.
lost property office bureau gevonden voorwerpen bureau des objets perdus The lost property office was closed.
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personal possessions xDé‰Wë]å]ä=é]DòÉp]åòz persoonlijke bezittingen effets personnels Put all your personal possessions into this bag and sign here.
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accent x]âDëÉåíz accent accent She speaks English with a strong French accent.
agency xDÉfÇw]åëáz bureau agence I went to a travel agency to book my holiday.
bruise xÄêìWòz blauwe plek hématome, bleu She had a nasty bruise on her face.
contact (v) xDâõåíôâíz contact opnemen contacter There is little contact between the two tribes.
cut (n) xâ¾íz snijwond coupure That's a nasty cut, it will need stitches.
eye x~fz oog œil There were tears in her eyes.
helpline xDÜÉäéä~fåz hulpdienst centre d'appel Our helpline offers sound advice to new parents.
light brown xä~fí=Äê~råz lichtbruin brun clair She has light brown hair.
name xåÉfãz naam nom Her name is Jo Wilson.
over xD]rî]z over au-dessus de I jumped over the wall and ran along the bank.
person xDé‰Wë]åz persoon personne She's a very generous person.
previous xDéêáWîá]ëz vorig/eerder précédent, antérieur She has two children from a previous marriage.
recognise xDêÉâ]Öå~fòz= herkennen reconnaître I recognised him from the photograph.
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hair colour and style xDÜÉ]=?â¾ä]=]åÇ=Dëí~fäz haarkleur en stijl couleur de cheveux et coiffure
blonde xÄäõåÇz blond blond She's small, blonde, and very attractive.
dark xÇ^Wâz donker foncé Turn on the light; it's dark in here.
fair xÑÉ]z blond/lichtgekleurd clair He has fair hair, not dark hair!
long xäõkz lang long She's tall and slim, with long legs.
curly xDâ‰Wäáz met krullen bouclé I had very curly hair when I was a baby.
wavy xDïÉfîáz gegolfd ondulé Wavy grey hair.
clothes xâä]raòz kleren vêtements He got up and put on his clothes.
belt xÄÉäíz riem ceinture I tightened my belt.
cardigan xDâ^WÇfÖ]åz vest gilet She gave him a cardigan as a present.
dress (n) xÇêÉëz jurk robe That's a nice dress.
jeans xÇwáWåòz spijkerbroek/jeans jeans He was wearing an old pair of jeans.
pullover xDérä]rî]z trui pull It's too hot to wear a pullover.
shoes xpìWòz schoenen chaussures We specialize in shoes, but we also sell handbags.
skirt xëâ‰Wíz rok jupe She bought a new skirt for the wedding.
sweater xDëïÉí]z trui pull You've got your sweater on back to front.
sweatshirt xDëïÉíp‰Wíz sweatshirt sweat-shirt He was dressed casually, in a sweatshirt and jeans.
trainers xDíêÉfå]òz trainers/sportschoenen chaussures de sport Have you seen my trainers.
trousers xDíê~rò]òz broek pantalon These trousers are too big.
style of clothes xDëí~fä=]î=Dâä]raòz kledingstijl style de vêtements
long/short sleeved xDäõkLDplWí=DëäáWîÇz lange/korte mouwen à manches longues/courtes long/short sleeved shirt
sleeveless xDëäáWîä]ëz zonder mouwen sans manches A sleeveless dress.
tight (eng) xí~fíz strak serré This shirt is too tight.
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look like xDärâ=ä~fâz eruit zien als avoir l'air de It looks like metal.
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identify x~fDÇÉåí]Ñ~fz identificeren identifier She was unable to identify her attacker.
memory xDãÉã]êáz geheugen mémoire She has a very good memory.
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price xéê~fëz prijs prix The price of petrol has increased a lot.
reliable xêfDä~f]Ääz betrouwbaar fiable Rick is hard-working and very reliable.
safe (adj) xëÉfÑz veilig sûr Women are safer drivers than men.
safety xDëÉfÑíáz veiligheid sécurité Some students are concerned about safety on campus.
seat xëáWíz zitplaats siège I asked for a seat by the window.
speed xëéáWÇz snelheid vitesse What speed were you travelling at?
sports car xDëélWíë=â^Wz sportauto voiture de sport He got a sports car for his 18th birthday.
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funny xDѾåáz grappig drôle You look funny in that hat.
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bungee jumping xDľåÇwá=DÇw¾ãéfkz bungeejumpen saut à l'élastique We went bungee jumping off a high bridge.
dangerous xDÇÉfåÇw]ê]ëz gevaarlijk dangereux It's dangerous to walk alone at night around here.
make (n) xãÉfâz merk marque What make is your car?
paragliding xDéôê]Öä~fÇfkz paragliden parapente Heve you ever tried paragliding?
popular xDéõéàrä]z populair qui a beaucoup d'adeptes Is Ben popular at school?
whitewater rafting xDï~fíïlWí]=Dê^WÑífkz wildwatervaren, raften rafting We went whitewater rafting in Canada last year.
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comfort (v) xDâ¾ãÑ]íz troosten réconforter He comforted her after her loss.
interrupt xfåí]Dê¾éíz onderbreken interrompre Sorry to interrupt, but I need some help.
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advanced x]ÇDî^Wåëíz vooruitstrevend avancé The most advanced medical equipment.
battery xDÄôí]êáz batterij pile It needs a new battery.
chase (v) xípÉfëz achtervolgen chasser The dog chased the rabbit across the field.
connect (v) xâ]DåÉâíz verbinden connecter The M11 connects London and Cambridge.
control (v) xâ]åDíê]räz besturen contrôler How do control him?
designer xÇfDò~få]z ontwerper concepteur A fashion designer.
fetch (v) xÑÉípz halen aller chercher What time is your dad coming to fetch you?
homeowner xDÜ]rã?]rå]z huiseigenaar propriétaire All homeowners have to pay an extra tax.
labrador xDäôÄê]ÇlWz labrador labrador They have a dog, I think it's a labrador.
lie down 'daUn] gaan liggen se coucher Just lie down and try to relax.
look after (v) xDärâ=^WÑí]z zorgen voor s'occuper de He looks after his grandmother.
motor xDã]rí]z motor moteur An electric motor.
planet xDéäôå]íz planeet planète Mercury is the smallest planet.
reporter xêfDélWí]z verslaggever / verslaggeefster correspondant / correspondante A newspaper reporter.
robot xDê]rÄõíz robot robot Most of the work in the factory is now done by robots.
shake (v) xpÉfâz schudden secouer We shook hands for a long time.
size xë=^fòz afmeting/grootte taille A diamond's value depends on its size.
smartest xëã=^Wífëíz slimste le plus intelligent One of London's smartest restaurants.
sophisticated xë]DÑfëí]âÉfí]Çz zeer verfijnd sophistiqué A play for a sophisticated audience.
stand (v) xëíôåÇz staan se tenir debout Anna was standing in front of me.
tail xíÉfäz staart queue The dog was wagging its tail.
take out (v) xDíÉfâ=D~ríz meenemen sortir We take the dog out for a walk every night.
technology xíÉâDåõä]Çwáz technologie technologie The development of modern computer technology.
teeth (sg. tooth) xíáWqz tanden (tand) dents It's bad for your teeth to eat sweets.
useful xDàìWëÑ]äz nuttig utile A useful book for travellers.
wag (v) xïôÖz kwispelen remuer The dog wagged ist tail.
watchdog xDïõípÇõÖz waakhond chien de garde He's no good as a watchdog.
wave (v) xïÉfîz wuiven faire signe de la main We waved goodbye to Dad.
weigh (v) xïÉfz wegen peser The baby weighs 12 pounds.
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duration xÇàrDêÉfp]åz duur durée He slept for the duration of the journey.
weight xïÉfíz gewicht poids Your weight is about right.
wide xï~fÇz breed large A wide street.
width xïfÇqz breedte largeur He measured the length and width of the desk.
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invent xfåDîÉåíz uitvinden inventer Alexander Bell invented the telephone.
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Aagh! Au! aïe! Aagh! That hurt!
carry xDâôêáz dragen porter Let me carry that bag for you.
Don't worry Maak je geen zorgen ne t'en fais pas! Don't worry, it'll turn out ok.
farmhouse xDÑ^WãÜ~rëz boerderij ferme A farmhouse in a beautiful setting.
fine (adj) xÑ~fåz prima bien "We're meeting at 8.30." "Okay, fine."
full stop xDÑrä=Dëíõéz punt point (à la ligne) Put a full stop at the end of the sentence.
hurt x܉Wíz pijn doen/bezeren blesser, faire mal Careful you don't hurt yourself with that knife.
idea x~fDÇf]z idee idée What a good idea!
join (v) xÇwlfåz= verbinden joindre Trevor joined the BBC in 1969.
painful xDéÉfåÑräz pijnlijk douloureux Her sore throat was very painful.
path xé^Wqz pad chemin A narrow path led down to the stream.
ride (v) xê~fÇz rijden rouler She learned to ride when she was five.
Say "cheese"! xëÉf=ípáWòz Even allemaal lachen! Dites "cheese"! Say "cheese", the photographer said.
view xîàìWz uitzicht vue He has strong views about politics.
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Lake District xäÉfâ=DÇfëíêfâíz Merengebied in Noord-Engeland région des lacs We took a short break in the Lake District.
supper xDë¾é]z diner souper We had supper in an Italian restaurant.
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mistake xãfDëíÉfâz fouten faute Ivan's work is full of spelling mistakes.
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bandage xDÄôåÇfÇwz verband bandage The nurse bandaged up his sprained ankle.
doctor xDÇõâí]z dokter/arts médecin You should go to the doctor with that cough.
ice pack xD~fë=éôâz ijskompres sac de glaçons Put an ice pack on that to stop the swelling.
plaster xDéä^Wëí]z pleister sparadrap She put a plaster over his cut.
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scar xëâ^Wz litteken cicatrice The cut will leave a permanent scar.
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drop (v) xÇêõéz laten vallen laisser tomber Tom dropped his bag by the door.
litter xDäfí]z afval Anyone caught dropping litter is fined.
lie (… down) xä~f=DÇ~råz gaan liggen être couché She was lying on the grass.
bin (litter …) xÄfåz afvalbak poubelle She threw the letter in the bin.
dark (n) (in the...) xÇ^Wâz donker obscurité Turn on the light; it's dark in here.
shade (n) (in the …) xpÉfÇz schaduw ombre A plant that needs shade.
turn on (the light) xDí‰Wå=Dõåz aandoen allumer (la lumière) Turn on the light, I can't see a thing!
step ladder xDëíÉé=DäôÇbz ladder échelle He needed a step ladder to paint the top part.
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ambulance xDôãÄà]ä]åëz ambulance ambulance I asked a neighbour to call an ambulance.
appointment x]Délfåíã]åíz afspraak rendez-vous She has an appointment with a client at 10.30.
black eye xÄäôâ=~fz blauw oog œil au beurre noir His siter gave him a black eye.
blow (your nose) xÄä]rz (je neus) snuiten se moucher Don't blow your nose at the table!
first aid xDщWëí=~fÇz eerste hulp premiers soins She has passed her first aid exam.
in pain (be) xéÉfåz pijn lijden avoir mal He is in sever pain after the accident.
loosen (v) xDäìWë]åz losser maken desserrer The screws holding the shelf had loosened.
nose bleed xå]rò=ÄäáWÇz=z bloedneus saignement de nez He got a nose bleed during the rugby match.
squeeze (v) xëâïáWòz knijpen presser She squeezed his hand reassuringly.
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twisted ankle xíïfëífÇ=Dôkâäz verstuikte enkel cheville tordue She fell and twisted her ankle.
x-ray xDÉâë=êÉfz röntgenfoto radiographie They took an x-ray to see if the bone was broken.
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add (v) xôÇz toevoegen ajouter Just add a little water.
burnt (adj) xĉWåíz verbrand brûlé Sorry the toast is a little burnt.
cut (adj) xâ¾íz gesneden coupé Shall I cut the cake?
deal with (v) xDÇf]ä=ïfDaz afhandelen s'occuper de I'll leave him to deal with it.
situation xëfípìDÉfp]åz situatie situation We are in a very difficult situation .
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earlier on xD‰Wäá]=z eerder plus tôt He wasd here earlier on.
rest (v) xêÉëíz laten rusten reposer You must rest your ankle.
worse xï‰Wëz slechter pire Your singing is even worse than mine!
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collection xâ]DäÉâp]åz verzameling collection, ramassage She's got a wonderful collection of CDs.
delivery xÇfDäfî]êáz bezorging distribution There's free delivery on orders over £25.
navy blue xDåÉfîá=DÄäìWz marineblauw bleu marine A navy blue sweater.
office xDõÑfëz kantoor bureau Are you going to the office today?
parcel xDé^Wë]äz pakket paquet The parcel was delivered last week.
park (n) xé^Wâz park se garer We couldn't find anywhere to park.
play group xDéäÉf=ÖêìWéz kinderdagverblijf garderie I took my sister to the play group.
sort (v) xëlWíz sorteren trier Can you sort through these papers.
toy xílfz speelgoed jouet Anna was playing with her toys.
work experience xDï‰Wâ=fâ?ëéf]êf]åëz werkervaring expérience professionnelle She's well qualified but has no relevant work experience.
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believe xÄfDäáWîz geloven croire Do you believe his story?
entrance xDÉåíê]åëz ingang entrée I'll meet you outside the main entrance of the shop.
shelf (pl. shelves) xpÉäÑz plank (planken) étagère(s) Put the book back on the top shelf.
trolley xDíêõäáz winkelwagentje chariot A supermarket trolley.
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occupations xõâàrDéÉfp]åòz beroepen professions There are loads of occupations to choose from.
beautician xÄàìWDífpåz schoonheidsspecialiste esthéticienne She wants to become a beautician.
carpenter xDâ^Wéfåí]z timmerman charpentier A skilled carpenter.
cashier xâôDpf]z caissière cassier She's a cashier at the supermarket.
cleaner xDâäáWå]z schoonmaker femme de ménage The cleaner will tidy your desk.
dentist xDÇÉåífëíz tandarts dentiste I'm going to the dentist's this afternoon.
electrician xfäÉâDíêfp]åz elektricien électricien He is now a qualified electrician.
engineer xÉåÇwfDåf]z ingenieur ingénieur My dad's an engineer.
hairdresser xDÜÉ]ÇêÉë]z kapper / kapster coiffeur / coiffeuse I have an appointment at the hairdresser's.
nurse xå‰Wëz A male nurse.
plumber xDéä¾ã]z loodgieter plombier Jo's a plumber by trade.
receptionist xêfDëÉép]åfëíz receptioniste réceptionniste I asked the receptionist for the key.
sales assistant xDëÉfäò=]Dëfëí]åíz verkoopster/verkoper vendeur / vendeuse She's got a job as a part-time sales assistant.
waiter xDïÉfí]z ober serveur She waved to attract the attention of the waiter.
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beauty salon xDÄàìWíf=Dëôäõåz schoonheidssalon institut de beauté They have a special offer on at the beauty salon.
business xDÄfòåfëz bedrijf affaire, entreprise You need a lot of money to succeed in business.
salon xDëôäõåz salon institut I think it is under "salon"
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amusing x]DãàìWòfkz amusant/vermakelijk amusant A highly amusing story.
superstore xDëìWé]ëílWz grote supermarkt supermarché a DIY superstore
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time to spare xí~fã=í]=ëéÉ]z tijd over du temps libre Come on, there is no time to spare!
update (v) xD¾éÇÉfíz updaten/bijwerken mettre à jour We need to update some of the older files.
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cheap travel xípáWé=Díêôîäz goedkope reizen voyages bon-marché They specialise in cheap travel for students.
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stress xëíêÉëz stress accent tonique I don't cope well with stress.
syllable xDëfä]Ä]äz lettergreep syllabe The stress is on the last syllable.
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nowadays xDå~r]ÇÉfòz tegenwoordig actuellement People live longer nowadays.
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among x]Dã¾kz onder parmi The decision has caused a lot of anger among women.
hot (adj) = in fashion xÜõíz in, modieus à la mode These shoes are so hot at the moment.
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chest of drawers xípÉëí=õî=ÇêlWò=z ladekast commode The room had only a bed and a small chest of drawers.
dressing table xÇêÉëfk=DíÉfÄäz dressoir coiffeuse The brush is on the dressing table.
hairbrush xDÜÉ]Äê¾pz borstel brosse à cheveux Have you seen my hairbrush?
radio alarm xDêÉfÇf]r=bDä^Wãz wekkerradio radio-réveil He set the radio alarm for 5a.m.
tennis racket xDíÉåfë=êôâfíz tennisracket raquette de tennis That's the third tennis racket you have broken in this match!
weights xïÉfíëz gewichten haltères A table of weights and measures.
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certificate xë]DífÑfâ]íz diploma certificat, diplôme We need to see your birth certificate before you can get a passport.
decorate (v) xDÇÉâ]êÉfíz aankleden/inrichten décorer He decorated the walls with posters of cars.
frame (n) xÑêÉfãz lijstje cadre A wooden picture frame.
hang (v) xÜôkz (op)hangen pendre, accrocher He hung his coat on the back of the door.
illustrate (v) xDfä]ëíêÉfíz illustreren illustrer A chart might help to illustrate this point.
pale (adj) xéÉfäz lichtgekleurd, bleek pâle Jan looked tired and pale.
rug xê¾Öz tapijt carpette A beautiful Turkish rug.
tidy xDí~fÇáz netjes en ordre Your grandmother's coming, so make sure your room is tidy!
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violent xDî~f]ä]åíz gewelddadig violent An increase in violent crime.
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TV programme xíáîá=Déê]rÖêôãz televisieprogramma émission télévisée There's a full list of TV programmes in the newspaper.
whisper (v) xDïfëé]z fluisteren chuchoter He leaned over to whisper something to her.
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greet (v) xÖêáWíz begroeten saluer The children came rushing out to greet me.
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jobs in the media xDÇwõÄò|få|a]|DãáWÇf]z werken in de media les professions des médias
camera operator xDâôã]ê]=Dõé]êÉfí]z cameraman/vrouw caméraman He works as a camera operator.
journalist xDÇw‰Wå]äfëíz journalist journaliste There's a journalist on the phone - he wants to interview you.
scriptwriter xDëâêféí?ê~fí]z scriptschrijver / scriptschrijfster scénariste The scriptwriter had to make some changes in the scenes.
sound engineer xDë~råÇ=ÉåÇwfDåf]z geluidstechnicus ingénieur du son "Can we have some quiet please?" asked the sound engineer.
make-up artist xDãÉfâ¾é=D^Wífëíz visagist(e) maquilleur / maquilleuse He spent nearly four hours with the make-up artist.
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indoor scenes xfåÇlW=ëáWåòz binnenscènes scènes d'intérieur The indoor scenes were filmed in an old castle.
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correct (adj) xâ]DêÉâíz juist juste He gave the correct answer.
costume xDâõëíàrãz kostuum costume We all put on different costumes for carnival.
design (v) xÇfDò~fåz ontwerpen concevoir He designs software programmes.
develop xÇfDîÉä]éz ontwikkelen développer Plans to develop the local economy.
employ (v) xfãDéälfz in dienst hebben/werk geven employer The factory employs 2000 people.
film company fIlm 'kömp@ni] filmmaatschappij entreprise cinématographique It's a small, independent film company.
make (a film) xÑfäããÉfâz maken (een film) tourner un film She has made four films, all thrillers.
order (n) xDlWÇ]z volgorde ordre Please put the books back on the shelf in the right order.
over (many times …) xD]rî]z opnieuw (steeds...) plusieurs fois de suite Actors are often asked to act the same scene many times over.
producer xéê]DÇàìWë]z producent producteur The producer must make sure the budgets are kept.
put together (film) xérí=í]DÖÉa]z in elkaar draaien monter They put the film together in record time.
script xëâêféíz scenario scénario He began his career writing scripts for daytime TV shows.
separate (adj) xDëÉé]ê]íz afzonderlijk séparé The sisters have separate bedrooms.
set (= location) xëÉíz locatie décor The set was amazing, it looked so real.
shot xpõíz opname prise A scene is made up of many shots.
technician xíÉâDåfp]åz technicus technicien A laboratory technician.
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types of films xDí~féë|]î=DÑfäãòz filmgenres genres cinématographiques
action xDôâp]åz actiefilm action The action takes place in a bar.
cartoon xâ^WDíìWåz cartoon/tekenfilm dessin animé Cartoon characters such as Donald Duck.
comedy xDâõã]Çáz komedie comédie All my favourite films are comedies.
courtroom drama rechtbankdrama film judiciaire I love the Perry Mason courtroom dramas.
disaster xÇfDë^Wëí]z rampenfilm catastrophe Forty people were killed in the rail disaster.
fantasy xDÑôåí]ëáz fantasiefilm merveilleux It's a fantasy film.
gangster xDÖôkëí]z gangsterfilm gangster Al Capone was a Chicago gangster.
historical xÜfDëíõêfâäz historische film historique A mixture of historical facts and fiction.
horror xDÜõê]z horrorfilm d'horreur She stared at him in horror.
love story xDä¾î=DëílWêáz liefdesfilm histoire d'amour I always cry so much when I watch a love story.
musical xDãàìWòfâäz musical comédie musicale It was a musical in the theatre which they've now made into a film.
science fiction xDë~f]åë=DÑfâp]åz sciencefiction science-fiction He loves all those 50's science fiction movies.
thriller xDqêfä]z thriller thriller It's a thriller for adults only.
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about (to be) x]DÄ~ríz over au sujet de A book about astrology.
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start (v) (restaurant) xëí^Wíz als voorgerecht nemen pour commencer What would you like to start with?
follow (v) (restaurant) xDÑõä]rz als hoofdgerecht nemen (daarna) après cela …And to follow?
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comic (n) xDâõãfâz stripboek bande dessinée You're too old to read comics.
dub (v) xǾÄz nasynchroniseren doubler An Italian film dubbed into English.
improve (v) xfãDéêìWîz verbeteren améliorer Digital recording improves the sound quality of the tapes.
subtitle (n) xDë¾Ä?í~fíäz ondertitelen sous-titre A French film with English subtitles.
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royal palace xDêlfbä=Déôä]ëz koninklijk paleis palais royal The party was held in the grounds of a royal palace.
seaside resort xDëáWë~fÇ=êfDòlWíz badplaats station balnéaire We spent our holidays at a seaside resort.
temple xDíÉãé]äz tempel temple The marble columns of a Greek temple.
wall xïlWäz muur mur We've decided to paint the walls blue.
wonderful xDï¾åÇ]Ñ]äz heerlijk, fantastisch merveilleux It was wonderful to see him again.
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floor xÑälWz verdieping étage It's on the fifth floor.
mast xã^Wëíz zendmast antenne A radio mast.
midtown (U.S.) xãfÇDí~råz centrum centre There's a huge shopping mall midtown.
observation deck xõÄòbDîÉfpbå=ÇÉâz= uitkijkplateau plate-forme d'observation She had a panoramic view from the observation deck.
situated (to be) xDëfípìÉfí]Çz gelegen situé The hotel is situated on the lakeside.
skyscraper xDëâ~f?ëâêÉfé]z wolkenkrabber gratte-ciel A gigantic skyscraper.
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flight xÑä~fíz vlucht vol She booked a flight.
Hurry up! xDܾêá=¾éz schiet op! dépêche-toi! Hurry up, we're late!
mean (v) xãáWåz bedoelen vouloir dire Oh, you mean the party?
pick up (v) xéfâ=¾éz afhalen aller chercher My Dad will pick me up.
Thanks for everything! bedankt voor alles! Merci pour tout! We've had a great time, thanks for everything.
That would be great. dat zou geweldig zijn Ce serait génial. I'll take you to the station.- That would be great.
trip (n) xíêféz tochtje, reis voyage Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland?
Personal vocabulary
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