Police Patrol Operations and Communications

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1. Enforcement – to compel obedience to a law, regulation or command.
2. Policing – is defined in two ways:
 To ensure that law and order is maintained in a particular area or
event, using the police or the military force;
 To ensure that rules and procedures are followed correctly in
something or that something is implemented as agreed.
3. Law Enforcement Agency or Agent – pertains to a person or organization responsible for enforcing the laws,
especially referring to the so-called “Police Organization”.
4. Law Enforcement Administration – is the process involved in ensuring strict compliance, proper obedience of
laws and related statutes.
5. Police – is a branch of the Criminal Justice System that has the specific responsibility of maintaining law and
order and combating crime within the society.
6. Police Power – is the exercise of the sovereign right of any government to promote order, safety, morals, and
the general welfare within Constitutional limits.
7. Police Administration – focuses on the policing process or how police agencies are organized and managed in
order to achieved the goals of law enforcement most effectively, efficiently and productively.
 Police Efficiency – refers to the skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort; optimum utilization
of available resources. It measures whether or not important task goals are being attained.
 Police Effectiveness – refers to the quality of being able to bring about an effect or the power to be
effective. It measures how well the resources are being utilized.
The history of the police service is as old as organized society. Man has always need protection, first from
animals, and then from his own kind. His first attempt to protect himself and his daily activities involved barricading
the entrance to its cave.
Then as mankind multiplied, they grouped together in small communities and protection developed into a
community affair. Warfare has always been a part of man’s social history, and since each community have warriors
to carry the task of war, the duties of police protection usually involved night patrols of soldiers about the town or
city, and major points within the same town or city.
• The word “police” originated from the Greek word “Politeia”- meaning government of city. It applied to civil
officers and not necessarily police man. The Roman changed the word slightly to “Politia”.
• The French changed the word to “Police” and applied it to that person who actually enforced the law.
Thereafter, the English and the Americans borrowed the word intact from the French and used it to
describe a law enforcer. The terms which assimilated to the English and The American language were
French in origin. The words “Constable and Patrol” are likewise of French.


1. Tun Policing System – Tun is the forerunner of the word “town”. Under this system all male residents are
required to guard the town and to preserve the peace and order, to protect life and property from harm or
disturbance. Now the Bgy tanods
2. Hue and Cry – a system of apprehending a criminal whereby a complainant goes to the middle of the street
and shouts to call all males to assemble. The victim reports his complain to the assembly and gives the
whereabouts of the perpetrator. All male residents would then proceed to locate and apprehend the culprit.
When apprehended, trial is conducted giving the culprit a chance to defend himself.
3. The Royal Judge – a person who conducts criminal investigation and gives
punishment. Punishment usually fits the crime committed.
4. Trial by Ordeal – a system of determining guilt and innocence in the ancient times, which was based on
painful test of skills. It is usually accompanied by harsh punishment. For instance, suspects were required to
place their hands in boiling oil or water. When not hurt, suspect should be acquitted, when hurt, it indicated
guilt and the suspect placed under punishment.
5. The Bow Street Runners – In 1748, Henry Fielding became the Chief Magistrate at Bow Street in Middlesex,
London. He organized a group of men known as Bow Street Runners – whose task was to run errands for the
Bow Street Court. He later formed the Bow Street Horse Patrol whose duty was to patrol the main roads
thus secure the travelers from highwaymen or highway bandits. According to some books, the Bow Street
Runners was the first organized foot patrol and Bow Street Horse Patrol was the first mounted police on
This period came to the limelight when a bill Metropolitan Police Act creating a Metropolitan Police Force
was passed by the parliament of England. This police force was later called Scotland Yard which is viewed by some
historians as the first organized police form. It was sponsored and expanded by Sir Robert Peel who was made to
be the first head of the police organization. He was referred as the Father of Modern Policing System due to his
contributions in the modernization of the police force.
The following are principles were considered in organizing and administering the Scotland Yard known as
the Peel’s Principles:
1. Stable and effective police force should be under government control.
2. Absence of crime is the best proof of efficiency.
3. Fast distribution of news to the people is essential.
4. Proper distribution of personnel according to shift and by hour.
5. The best qualification of peace officers is control of temper.
6.Proper selection and training is the basis of efficiency.
7.Police cannot function properly without wholehearted support of the
people. (Dialogue, visitation )
8. Every police must sell himself to the people.
9. Police officers must go out of their way to help or assist the people.
First Police Organization (headed by Louis-Marie Debelleme) – in truth, the French were the first to established a
group of uniformed police officers tasked to patrol the city of Paris. This police force was called “Sergent de Ville”
(servant of the city) which was organized six months earlier before the creation of the Metropolitan Police Force of
What is PATROL? The Backbone of Police Org.
It is the most vital component of police work. In fact, in organizing the police organization, patrol is
considered the skeletal foundation. It is the backbone of a police department.
However, making it simpler, patrol may refer to the regular tour made by a guard in a place in order to
protect it or to maintain order.
It could also mean a person or a group (such as police or military unit) sent to carry out a tour of duty in a
certain place with a particular mission either for reconnaissance purposes or simply to provide protection
Patrol – may also simply mean the concept of a person traveling around a defined jurisdiction, observing the
situation and maintaining the safety and security of people and property.
As a patrol officer, you’ll be doing the most difficult, demanding and dangerous job in all of law
enforcement. You’re there on the frontline, breaking up fights and making arrests, and at the greatest risk of being
sued and generating citizen’s complaints.
Regardless of how your agency operates to the general public it’s you, the patrol officer, who represents
the law enforcement and the presence of the government. When a citizen is hurt or In need of assistance, he is
looking for a uniformed patrol officer to come to his aid. That’s you!
As a Law Enforcement Officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to
protect the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect
the Constitution rights of all men to liberty, equality and justice.
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example for all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn
or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed
in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my
department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be
kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.
I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my
decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law
courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or
violence and never accepting gratuities.
I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it a s a public trust to be held so long
as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve this objectives and ideals,
dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession – law enforcement.
CODE – any system of rules or principles. The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics is a basic system of ethical rules
for police officers. Bible provisions
ETHICS – the principles of conduct dealing with what is right and wrong, and with moral duty and obligation.
The rules in the Code of Ethics describe the moral duties and obligations of police officers.
INTEGRITY – this is closely related to honesty, integrity is the firm and incorruptible adherence to a code of
moral values.
MORALS – the judgments we make relating to societal principles of right and wrong behavior.
OATH – a formal and solemn commitment usually asking God and others to witness that you sincerely intend to
do what you say and promising that what you say is the absolute truth. When a police officer swears to The Law
Enforcement Code of Ethics, he promises that he intends to follow and obey these rules and asks God and others to
witness and hold him accountable to that promise.
PRINCIPLES – a rule or code of conduct. The Code of Ethics are the basic rules that every police officer must
follow and a system of rules that must control your behavior both on-duty and off-duty.
VALUES – a principle or quality that is intrinsically desirable. These are the priorities that an individual gives to
the elements in his life and career based on his ethics, morality and integrity.
 You must have the right attitude, giving your best effort each and everyday.
 Police Humor - Having the right attitude includes remembering your place in the order of your organization.
Most police officers have a great sense of humor (although sometimes a bit bizarre). You will observe the
police officers playing jokes and seeming to have a lot of fun. You’ll see a lot of humor in the irreverent way
they deal with themselves, their partners, and often with their supervisors. Remember your place! Treat
the other officers and their supervisors with proper respect at all times, and demonstrate your support for
your superiors and their positions. There is a very thin line between the typical station-house humor and
outright insubordination, and it’s a bit early in your career to find yourself on the wrong side of that line.
 Survival Attitude - Last of all, but most important, you must have the right attitude about officer survival.
Death would definitely interfere with your career plans and limit any future advancement. It would be a
great waste of time and effort on your part, and on behalf of your agency, if you got yourself killed. You
have to be totally committed to coming home every night and equally committed making sure your partner
comes home as well. You need to have a survival mentality, knowing that whatever you face, whatever
happens to you, no matter how badly you are hurt or injured, you will survive!
Etymology of the Term Patrol
The word “patrol” – originated directly or via German Patrolla from the French Patrouller (patroullier) –
which originally means “to walk through mud in a military camp”.
The primary law enforcement body of the state is the police. It is the first component of the Criminal Justice
System in the Philippine setting and is responsible in performing these fundamental functions:
1. Prevention of Crime and Repression of criminal activities
2. Preservation of Peace and Order
3. Protection of life and property
4. Enforcement of laws and ordinances and regulation of non-criminal
5. Investigation of crimes
6. Apprehension of criminals
7. Safeguarding of citizens rights and public morals
Police functions can be generalized into two categories:
 Law Enforcement - Law Enforcement embraces crime prevention and control including customary police
 Peace and Order Maintenance - Law Enforcement embraces crime prevention and control including
customary police functions.
“To Serve and Protect” – the bottom line of police work. Basically, that’s the job of a patrol officer. (AFP, Sec Guard
Why is it that the citizens usually call first the police when a social problem occurs?
Traditionally speaking, these are the reasons: Because the police are constantly available when needed;
dependable when called upon; and capable of providing advice to decide or settle interpersonal conflicts. Thus,
there are two broad duties of police officers while on patrol.
1. Provide public protection through:
 Preventive enforcement - progressive and continuous patrolling
 Selective enforcement – research and investigation
2. Render social services
 Information services
 Police Escort
 Assisting other agencies
 Serving court notices (warrants)
Police Discretion – refers to the wise use of one’s judgment based on personal experience and common sense
to decide in a particular situation.
Police Officers, especially those on patrol, must develop the positive side of split-second decision-
making. When a patrol officer controls a situation, he must immediately decide – that his decision must
not only be on time but at its best. It is ironic that an officer on patrol makes more decisions and
exercise broader discretion regarding the people’s life everyday than a judge who normally decides one
or two cases in a day. Note further that no law, no book, no lawyer, no judge can instruct a police
officer on the beat regarding the proper exercise of discretion.
What is the Importance of Police Patrol?
The following are the specific points that justify the importance of Police Patrol:
 Patrol is the essence of Police Operations
 The patrol group is the single largest unit in the police organization
 Actions taken by the patrol officer have the most direct impact on the citizen’s satisfaction and on the
accomplishments of police goals and objectives
 Patrol operation is the most visible form of activity that enhances the welfare and security of the
 Individual patrol officer represents the police department in its contact with the community
 Individual patrol officer plays a major role in determining the quality of justice in a given community. Errors
made by the patrol officers have significant negative effect in the public’s perception on the police and on
the other components of the Criminal Justice System. ( Eg. Escape of offenders, Case bungling )
 The patrol officer is the most important human element of the police organization since all police field
operations are supported by the patrol activity.

What are the Patrol Functions?

 Protection of persons and properties
 Preservation of peace and order
 Prevention of crimes
 Suppression of criminal activities
 Apprehension of criminals
 Enforcement of laws and ordinances
 Regulation of criminal conduct
 Performing necessary service and inspections
What is the Concept of Crime Prevention and Crime Suppression?
Crime Prevention – involves the suppression of the desire of potential criminals to commit crimes. (Thru
Visibility )
Crime Suppression – involves the elimination of the opportunity of criminals to perform acts against the
Suggested distribution of police functions

Manning Level of Patrol Force

Ideally for the Philippine setting, the “rule of thumb” regarding the manning level of the police is provided
under Sec. 27 of R.A. 6975. The standard manning level is 1:500 in rural areas (1 police officer for every 500
residents), 1:1000 in urban areas (1 police officer for every 1000 residents).
Deployment of Patrol Force
A choice of patrol method must be based on:
 The purpose of the patrol
 The conditions under which it is to be provided
Factors that determine Patrol Deployment
1. Resident and transient populations in the business and tourist districts and the university belts. Some areas
may double its population in day time because of the transients while some may be virtually empty during
working hours on weekdays.
2. Numbers and types of crimes and arrests. Bank patrol for areas with multiple banks

3. Locations of crimes and arrest

4. Traffic accident statistics and pattern. Location of accident prone areas and frequent incidents or hazards
requiring concentrated police coverage such as sports arenas, stadium, popular night spots, bars, theatres,
transportation terminal or other places where people usually gather.
5. Disproportionate concentrations of population, such as widely separated single-family residents versus the
heavily concentrated dwellings in the depressed areas.
6. Socio-economic factors. People from the higher-income groups tend to stay away from home more often than
low-income groups who have no choice but to stay at home. Village residents stay abroad or most open out
of town
7. Zoning plan of the city (relative locations of business, industrial, residential and other types of zoning). By
their nature, certain types of places call for higher volumes of police services.
8. Size of jurisdiction and shape
9. Geography and Topography
10. Location, sizes, and access to parks and recreational facilities.
11. Age, male-female, and married-unmarried ratios of the population.
12. Homogeneity and /or mixture of various ethnic-cultural populations.
13. Modes of transportation and location of transportation terminals.
14. Number and qualification of officers available for field duties.
15. Amount of trust and confidence of the people to the police, which may
influence the frequency and types of calls for police service.
a. Theories of Patrol
 Theory of Police Omnipresence – high police visibility discourages criminals. Normally, criminals
think twice before executing their plans if there is obvious presence of police officers. Thus, patrol
activity should be carried in a manner that attracts maximum attention to the police officer or
police vehicles. This theory applies the principle of overt operation or high police visibility.
 Low Profile Theory – low police visibility increases the opportunity to apprehend criminals.
Deceptive absence of the police officers will let criminals believe that they will not be detected or
caught if they execute crimes that they plan. In this theory, the objective is to attract as little
attention as possible while on the process of patrolling. The officers should operate in a manner
that it would be difficult for either criminals or the public to determine that the police are around.
The principle of covert operation is integrated in this theory.
b. Patrol Methods
 Beat patrol
a. Foot patrol
b. Bicycle patrol
 Sector Patrol (Motorized patrol)
a. Automobile patrol
b. Motorcycle patrol
c. Aircraft patrol (Helicopter and fixed wing)
 Specialized Patrol
a. Horse (Mounted) Patrol
b. Marine (Water) Patrol
c. Canine (K-9) Assisted Patrol
d. Special Terrain Patrol
Foot patrol is restricted to small areas and is used to deal with special situations while maintaining radio
compact with officers in patrol cars. It is used to secure two types of police geographical units:
 Post – a fixed location where an officer is assigned for guard duty.
 Beat – the area specifically assigned for patrol purposes.
Fixed foot patrol – is usually used for traffic, surveillance, parades, and special events.
Line Beat Patrol – is used in securing a certain portion of a road or street. Random foot patrol is used in
checking residential buildings, business establishment, dark alleys, and parking lots.
1. Area to be patrolled
2. Man-made and Natural barriers
3. Number of men to patrol the area
4. Type of patrol to be used
1. Size or Area to be patrolled
2. Topography (Physical characteristics or terrain of the area)
3. Crime rate
4. Possible problems to be encountered on the beat
1. Do not establish a set of pattern of patrolling procedure.
 If you patrol your beat along certain streets and make regular stops at specific times and locations,
criminals will learn your habits and take steps to avoid.
 Turn corners as often as possible to avoid being followed.
 Refrain from taking meal or coffee breaks at the same time and place during your shift.
 Reverse the direction of your patrol route, often and at random.
 Cut through lanes and alleys.
2. Walk systematically (with purpose) on the beat while on patrol.
 Pause often during your patrol and look around you.
 If you are not paying attention to your surroundings, you are not patrolling but you’re strolling.
3. Do not smoke nor drink while on patrol during night or day shift.
4. Walk near the curve during daylight. This technique offers:
 A better view for observing street activity;
 Less chance of obstruction by pedestrians on the side walk
if you are to take quick action;
 Higher police visibility, which is effective in crime prevention.
5. Walk near the buildings during night patrol.
 Check the window glass of street level stores or offices for cracks or broken glass.
 Avoid looking backwards, unless necessary. Use the reflection in store windows to see your back.
 Move discreetly to avoid tipping off burglars or muggers.
 Pause frequently in shadows to observe without being seen.
 Use convenient light to check doors in case of forcible entry.
6. Do not immediately open the door when intending to get inside. Observe
and evaluate first the situation.
7. Check the interiors of buildings and rattle door knobs to ensure that
premises are secured.
8. Enter and inspect alleys .
9. Watch for persons loitering or hiding in doorways, either ingress or egress.
10. Use fire escapes to inspect building rooftops once in a while.
11. Be attentive or on alert for the sound of breaking glass or any unusual
noise that may be caused by criminal activity.
1. Greater personal contact with the public leading to increase community support for the police. Police
becomes closer to the community residents.
2. Greater opportunity to develop sources of information.
3. High police visibility. Regular police presence discourages criminals and provides greater sense of security
to storekeepers, females and elderly persons.
4. Places not accessible by motor vehicle are reached and patrolled. Patrol officers can enter small alleys and
side streets.
5. Easier detection of criminal activities. Foot patrol provides closer observation of the environment and the
circumstance that may require immediate police attention.
6. Easy discovery and familiarization on the layout of the beat. In-depth knowledge of the character and
problems of the patrol area.
1. Low mobility resulting to limited coverage of the patrol area.
2. Low response time to telephone complaints.
3. Foot patrol method involves a large number of personnel, since officers are assigned on small areas of
jurisdiction called posts and beats.
The Automobile Patrol has the greatest mobility and flexibility. Most experts on patrol operations agree that
it is most cost-effective method of patrol.
1. Thoroughly check the patrol car before leaving the garage. Know your BLOWAG.
2. Do not establish route patterns in patrolling the area of jurisdiction. Recommended patrol patterns:
3. Do not develop the habit of using only the main road in your area. Most criminal activity occurs at the
backstreets, out of sight from the main thorough fares.
4. Do not spend too much time in drive-inns or coffee spots.
5. Always take note (jut down) the plate numbers of strange or suspicious vehicles.
6. Get out from the patrol car regularly or frequently to be visible and accessible to the public and develop
personal contacts in the neighborhood.
7. Set an example to other motorists
 Observe/obey all traffic laws for both safety and public relation reasons, unless you are in route to
an emergency or while on pursuit.
 Always park the patrol car in the legal way.
 Use seatbelts or shoulder straps and other safety devices.
 Use the proper traffic signal lights and hand signals.
8. Avoid driving too fast on general patrol conditions except during emergencies or in pursuing some
criminals/suspects. Maintain a cruising speed of 20-25 mph during patrol. This is slow enough to make
detailed observations without impending the traffic law.
9. Maintain frequent contact with the radio dispatcher or other communication
personnel in the field or at the headquarters.
10. Minimize hiding behind hills, curves or signboards to trap traffic violators.
This is bad public relations and serves to erode community or public
confidence in the police sense of fair play.
11. Frequently check the potential trouble spots in your patrol area.
12. Stop periodically among parked cars at the entrance side streets to observe
activity on the streets.
13. Check the occupants of vehicles that stop beside and behind you at
14. Regularly check parking lots for abandoned stolen vehicles.
15. In stopping and checking a vehicle, park at the rear side of the suspect’s
vehicle. Leave the door slightly open unless the area is highly populated.
16. Do not leave the key in the patrol car especially if the place is in a high-
crime or congested area.
1. High mobility allowing coverage of greater area.
2. Quicker response time to complaints. Greater efficiency in responding to emergency calls and other called-
for services.
3. More economical as compared to foot patrol.
4. Enable more effective street pursuit of offender.
5. Enable more effective traffic enforcer.
6. Provide an element of surprise, especially when crime is in progress.
7. Provide the officer with necessary protection during inclement weather.
8. Enable officers to carry supplementary equipment essential in patrolling.
1. Diminished personal contact with the public.
2. Little opportunity to develop sources of information.
3. Marked police vehicle hampers apprehension and surveillance operations.
This is growing in popularity because of easy operation and its acceptance by the public, particularly
children who view them as a non-threatening form of patrol. Bicycles are now used in many countries as a simple
and inexpensive means of silent transportation to carry police officers throughout their patrol districts. Often,
bicycles are used in parks and on beaches and have many of the same advantages and disadvantages as
1. Lower-cost (inexpensive) to operate as compared to motorcycle and automobiles.
2. Areas not accessible by patrol cars or are too wide for foot patrol can be covered by bicycle.
3. Increased mobility and stealth since bicycle can be operated quietly and without attracting too
much attention.

1. Speed and maneuverability
2. Greater access to some areas and are better suited to heavy traffic,
narrow alleys and rugged terrain.
1. Costly to operate.
2. Hazardous to the driver.
3. Inoperative during inclement weather when the police should be most active in the enforcement of
traffic regulations or readily available for special escort duties.
4. It is tiring for the driver and has no capacity to transport prisoners, other personnel or equipment.
 It covers large areas or similar places where automobiles cannot go or may be forbidden. Mobile cars
cannot be expected to go to race on grassy fields or wooded areas but horses can.
 Expensive in its maintenance.
 Patrolling long stretches of highway or expenses of inaccessible land.
 Excellent for traffic control in long stretches of highways, for search and surveillance and other
special mission.
 It has very little flexibility in congested metropolitan areas.
 Needs a span of flat land for lift-off and landing.
 Very expensive to operate.
1. Able to travel at low speed, to hover if necessary and to land even in small patch of flat land.
2. Increased visual range/scope.
3. More efficient for rescue, medical evacuation, surveillance, and other high profile police activities.
4. Improved response time to emergency call and other called-for service.
5. Increased rate of apprehension of professional and organized crime groups.
6. Improved efficiency of regular patrol units through airborne reconnaissance.
7. Increased ability in conducting searches for missing or lost people.
8. Provide a better system of flood lighting areas to be patrolled at night.
9. Capable of broadcasting information to a large area through airborne speakers.
10. Provide rapid emergency transportation of personnel
11. Added security to patrol officers on foot, motorcycles, or in patrol cars through back-up offered by
aerial patrol.


1.Very expensive – high cost of training of pilots, fuel and special facilities for housing and maintenance.
2.Public complaints about the noise and about being spied upon.
3.Forcibly grounded during bad weather.
4.Element of surprise is lost since criminals could hear the helicopter coming even from a greater distance.
 This is extremely used in areas with extensive coasts or a great deal of
lake or river traffic.
 Expensive to operate and maintain.
 It provides great assistance in search and rescue as well as in smelling out drugs and bombs.
 Most police dogs work with only one handler
 They are territorial
Preparation for Duty – the patrol officers job starts even before they are in the AOR because they
need to prepare the following that are necessary in the performance of their routines.
A. Equipment check
1. Police uniform
2. Weapons
3. Watch
4. Money
5. Flashlight, spare battery and bulbs
6. Notebook or tickler
7. List of stolen and wanted vehicles
8. Handheld radio and other equipment as required
B. Information Check – Prior to actual patrolling the police officer should:
1. Secure and review descriptions of missing and wanted persons.
2. Arrange any follow-up work from previous shifts.
3. Check with the officer being relieved for any problems requiring your attention during the shift.
4. Check patrol area log for problem areas requiring extra surveillance.
C. Vehicle Check – in case of patrol officers assigned on mobile cars:
1. Check the inside of your patrol car, paying particular attention to the rear seat.
2. Record the condition of your vehicle’s interior in your notebook for possible latter use as evidence.
3. Check your vehicles siren, roof light, radio and other equipment to ensure that they are in proper
working order. Note any damage or mechanical problems.
 Always present an alert, businesslike, and disciplined appearance
while on patrol – speak and span.
 Do not loiter on the street, business places, or in parked cars. Do not
engage in a lengthy, idle conversation.
 Report to your dispatcher or supervisor ASAP whenever you are
required to leave your patrol area on unassigned duties.
 Your message must be clear and to the point.
 Use the telephone for lengthy, detailed or highly confidential
exchanges of information.
 Learn the locations of all the operative pay telephones in your patrol
 Develop contact in your patrol area by adopting a friendly, approachable attitude. Be helpful and grant
reasonable requests whenever possible.
 Your contacts can save your life.
 If they know you, they will tend to watch out for you.
 They may warn you if a dangerous individual is in the neighborhood.
 They ay come to your aid in a physical conflict in which you are outmatched.
 A thorough geographic knowledge of the patrol area.
 An understanding of the character, fears, concerns, problems and attitudes of the local residence.
 Study the local map to develop a broad understanding to the layout of your patrol area.
 Regularly examine crime reports to determine:
 Neighborhood crime pattern
 Areas reporting a high number of robberies or burglaries
 Areas where violent domestic conflicts occur
 Likely sites for gang fights
 Locations of gang clubhouses and meeting places
 Develop personal contact
 Seek other information from fellow officers
1. Public parks and playgrounds
2. Bars and taverns
3. Theatres and drive-inn restaurants
1. Description of persons
a. During your patrol, frequently examine pedestrians who walk past you and mentally record their
appearance, including estimated height and weight, hair color, color facial features, etc.
b. Double back and determine how close your mental record is to the subject’s true appearance.
2. Discuss with other officers what events or characteristics arouse their suspicious about specific situation or
3. Interview persons in custody.
a. Ask about their methods of operation
b. Encourage them to brag about the methods they used to elude police in the past.
4. Study a book on memory improvement to learn techniques which will assist you in recalling detailed
Warning Signs
1. Vehicles parked improperly or with the motor running outside banks, store or other business premises.
They could be getaway cars for crimes in progress.
2. Stacked boxes or ladders placed against the side or rear of buildings.
3. Banks or stores where people are seen entering, but not leaving. This could indicate a holdup or hostage
4. Parked vehicles in which persons are apparently sleeping. These subjects may be look-outs, missing or
wanted persons seeking shelter, or they may be attempting suicide.
5. Any other activity or situations which do not reflect normal behavior or routine activity.
“Gut Feelings”
1. Do not ignore your so-called “gut feelings”
2. Hunches are often important messages or warnings, which are based upon information or experiences
recorded in your subconscious mind.
3. Although they may not seem logical, your hunches will often prove to be correct. They should be acted
upon-with discretion-in appropriate circumstances.
Check on Public Hazards
1. Vacant buildings which juveniles may use as a playground.
2. Open manholes particularly at construction sites where deep water has accumulated.
3. Construction sites
4. Defective roadways, street lights or sidewalks
5. Sagging electrical cable wires
6. Broken water pipes (can cause a roadway to sink)
7. Any object or situation which may present hazard to children
1. Reactive Patrol – it is the oldest system of police patrol activity which consists of continuously driving
around the area of patrol waiting for something to happen and to react accordingly in case something does
2. Proactive Patrol – is preventive in nature. It is the more economical alternative patrol system, which has an
objective approach against criminality as much as practicable. It addresses crime at its very root before it
develops into a felonious act.
3. Participative Law Enforcement – is a system where citizenry and the police work together to reduce crime,
prevent juvenile delinquency and criminal behavior, maintain the peace and reduce local problems which
are the mutual responsibility of the police and the people.
4. Police Omnipresence – it is a crime repression activity of the police which is accomplished by making their
presence known is such a way that even if they are no longer present in a certain location, would-be
criminals would still have the impression that they are still around and would therefore refrain from
committing a crime.
5. COPS – the acronym COPS refers to the Community Oriented Policing System. It is the deploying of
policemen in police blocks to provide police and public safety services. It also involves the breaking down of
large and impersonal police departments into small units to create a series of mini-police precincts which
are responsive to a smaller communities.
6. Community Policing – is a philosophy, management style and organizational strategy that promotes
proactive problem-solving and police-community partnerships to address the causes of crime and fear as
well as other community issues.
7. Community Partnership – is a flexible term referring to any combination of neighborhood residents, schools,
churches, businesses, community-based organizations, elected officials and government agencies who are
working cooperatively with the police to resolve identified problems that impact or interest them.

8. Problem Solving – refers to the process of identifying problems/priorities through coordinated

community/police needs assessment; collecting and analyzing information concerning the problem in a
thorough, though not necessarily complicated manner; developing or facilitating responses that are
innovative and tailor-made with the best potential for eliminating or reducing the problem; and finally,
evaluating the response to determine the effectiveness and modifying it as necessary.
What are the Objectives of the PNP’s New COPS?
1. To enhance police visibility in order to reach out to the community.
2. To improve police community relation to gain public acceptance, build mutual respect and trust and
promote cooperation.
3. To attend sustained and integrated police-community participation in crime prevention and suppression.
What is the so-called “House Visitation”?
 It is a function of NCOBs where police officers on patrol visit every house and workplace to offer crime
prevention advice and to organize the neighborhood crime watch groups.
What is the so-called “Street Questioning” method?
 It is a method whereby police officers on patrol may interview within the bounds of the law suspicious
personalities at random in order to serve as a deterrence to those who intend to commit a crime.
What are the social services of the PNP?
1. Midwife duties for childbirth
2. Render first aid to accident victims.
3. Get relief assistance to disaster victims
4. Mediate in family quarrels
5. Delivery of death
Concept of “Team Policing”
 It is a grass root approach undertaken to bring the people and the police together in a cooperative
situation. Its distinguishing feature is the establishments of neighborhood crime watch groups to encourage
the people to report crimes and to assume greater interest and responsibility in crime prevention and
What is Patrol Hazard?
 This is a term used frequently to describe a specific condition or place that requires a patrol officer’s special
What is the purpose of the District Orientation Tour in preparing for patrol?
 Its purpose is to familiarize a police officer about the patterns and characteristics of his patrol area before
he conducts actual patrol.
What are the primary line units concerned with the accomplishment of the police operational tasks?
 The primary line units in the police include patrol, investigation, traffic, vice and juvenile patrol.
Types of call responses by the police patrol
ROUTINE CALL - under this category, the mobile car is required to observe all traffic laws and rules and does not
normally use its flashing lights and siren while on its way to the scene. This includes when the police responds to:
 Provide police car transportation
 Obtain reports about offenses discovered after the criminal has left and which does not involve injury.
 Obtain information the nature of which is not given.
 Investigate apparently abandoned vehicles.
 Obtain damage reports.
 Provide additional traffic control and direction.
URGENT CALL – this is similar to the routine call, which also requires the responding police car to observe all traffic
rules and does not use its flashing lights or siren. However, it proceeds directly to its destination and does not stop
unless an incident of far more serious nature occurs. This includes when the police responds to investigate:
 Trouble of unknown nature
 Shoplifter complaint
 Vehicular accidents in which there no physical injuries
 Prowler complaints
 Lost children complaints
 Report of mob activities
 Reports of domestic conflicts
EMERGENCY CALL – in most cases, this category requires the use of the flashing light and fluctuating siren although
there are exceptions, which include the attempt to surprise criminals in the act. It is permissible in this case for the
responding police car to violate traffic laws provided that extreme care is exercised while driving at high speed.
This includes when the police responds to:
 Investigate a crime in progress
 Investigate a traffic accident in which people are injured
 Rescue or assist another patroller in trouble
 Aids an injured person
 Pursue or apprehend suspected criminal/s
 Assist in firefighting
 Stop an ongoing fight
What are the two schools of thoughts regarding the best means of approaching any scene where a crime is
believed to be in progress?
 First is to approach the scene with lights and siren flashing and to pull on directly at the scene of the
reported crime. The idea here is to frighten the criminal in order to prevent him from completing his
criminal act.
 Second is to approach the crime scene as inconspicuously as possible in order to use the advantage of
surprise in apprehending the criminal or preventing his escape.

What are the factors to be considered by the patroller in choosing the manner by which an approach to a crime
in progress is to be made?
 These are the factors of: time and day; condition of traffic; possibility of ongoing physical assault; and the
neighborhood characteristics.
How Police Visibility is attained?
Police visibility can be done in three (3) ways: physical presence by being visible as police and easy to
locate police units; patrolling scheme through mobile, integrated, and widespread, supportive, and redundant
coverage; and response which should be proper, adequate and timely (ideal is 5minutes response time).
Further, the Police Visibility Program of the PNP can be accomplished thru the use of the Integrated
Patrol System (PNP-IPS). The PNP-IPS has the following features:
 Pre-emptive
 Widespread and Forward Deployment
 Force Mixture (complementary & supportive)
 Cross checking of Deployment
 Force Multiplier
 Support the COPS
1. During daytime, select the widest portion of the road where to stop a motorists.
2. Signal the motorist to pull closer to the right side of the curb with the patrol car parked behind the
violators vehicles.
3. Observe flow of traffic coming from behind before opening the door and alighting from the patrol car.
4. In issuing a citation, occupy the right side of the vehicle using the hood to accomplish the citation.
5. At nighttime, select a well-lighted place to stop a motorist.
6. Never stand to do anything in front of a stopped vehicle with its engine running and its driver is still at the
steering wheel or is still inside the vehicle.
7. Never stand on the way of the door of the stopped vehicle if you are ordering a suspicious driver to get out
of the vehicle.
8. Never allow a person being interrogated to stand on the firearm side.
9. Never allow an apprehended suspect to sit inside the patrol car on the side where the police officers
firearm is tucked.
1. Pick the location of your stop. Wait to try to pull over the suspect’s vehicle until you have the maximum
2. Wait for a s much back-up as possible. One of the biggest mistakes that officers commit in attempting to
make high-risk stops is to attempt to stop prematurely.
3. Get close to the suspect’s vehicle. Let the suspect think that you have covered every possible escape route.
4. Don’t be afraid to quit. You are supposed to exemplify courage, but sometimes the bravest thing you can
do is to know when to back out the pursuit.
1. Boxing – this is done by literally surrounding the suspect’s vehicle with police cars and then slowing as group
to a stop.
2. Channelizing – this is done by deliberately directing a vehicle into a given path or location such as unpaved
roadway, dead-end, or a parking lot.
3. Ramming – is simply running into the other vehicle in a manner designed to force him to stop.
4. Roadblocks – this is done by physically blocking the roadway using stationary objects such as barricades,
patrol cars or semi-trucks.
5. Spikes – this is deployed ahead of a pursuit. As the suspect’s vehicle passes over the strip, the spikes
penetrate the tires and flattened it.
Basic concepts to keep in mind when making arrest:
1. Prevent problems before they happen. Taking control of the suspect from the first moment of encounter
will help avoid assaults. Establish firm control by placing suspects where you want. Think ahead and keep
2. Always maintain your safety zone when contacting suspects.
3. Maintain situational alertness. You must keep your focus on the situation at hand, monitoring the suspect’s
hands at all times, being aware of all other persons in your proximity.
4. Don’t over-commit. Never jump into a situation you are not sure you can handle on your own. If you are
going to arrest a large unruly suspect, wait until more officers arrive to help you.
5. Always use superior force. The suspect’s resistance will dictate what force you use. You must survive every
attack, you must win every fight. To loose may mean death.
6. Take the suspect on the ground. It’s far safer for you to effect arrest, with a suspect on the ground.
Operational Guidelines for the conduct of Patrol
The following are the guidelines normally observe by the PNP in the conduct of
patrolling not necessary under the IPS:
1. Pre-patrol (Pre-deployment phase)
a. Fall-in-information in ranks
b. Roll-call-accounting of patrol elements by the patrol commander (PC)
c. Inspection of uniform, appearance & equipment by the PC
d. TI & E (Troop Information and Education) and dissemination of instructions/orders by PC
e. Reading of assignment of PBs by Sarhento de Mesa or field duty officer (FDO)
f. Issuance of equipment to Patrol Officers
g. Report to higher headquarters by FDO
2. Deployment Phase
a. Report to SD by the Patrol Officers (Patrollers)
b. Patrol Officers make patrol plan and follow patrol procedures
c. Adopt the buddy-buddy system
d. Make situation report or an hourly basis or upon reaching the end of their line beat.
e. Report all unusual incidents.
3. Post-Patrol (Post-deployment Phase)
a. Regrouping and formation
b. Accounting
c. Inspection
d. Debriefing/submission of daily patrol report
e. Recall of equipment issued
f. Dismissal by the Patrol Commander
Who are the members of the Auxiliary Police?
1. Private Security Guards
2. Traffic Enforcers and Aides
3. Junior Police
4. Law Enforcement Services Cadets
5. Barangay Chairman and Tanods
6. Civilian Volunteer Organizations (CVOs) such as civilian volunteers.
7. Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) like Bantay Bayan
1. In police communication, present patrol officers MUST use 10 codes thru radio
2. Alexander Graham Bell was credited for inventing the telephone which is considered one of the best means
of communication in patrol functions:
3. Radio communication is the most rapid means of patrol communication
4. In transmitting messages thru radio, the operator should have loud and clear voice
5. One of the 10 commandments for radio operator is to keep updated and proper log

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