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Course: Physical Science

Unit 1 Atomic Structure

Learning Objectives Determination of Evidence Standards Met

Student will be able to… The following assessments will Next
provide evidence of student Generation
- Understand how scientific discoveries, like atomic structure, are based upon learning: Science
experimentation and build upon each other, which exemplifies the very nature Standards by
of science.
Classwork/Labs: NSTA:
- Draw a timeline of the discovery of the structure of the atom. Include date, name,
- Activity: Atomic Theory Timeline
and a brief summary of each discovery or model.
- Differentiate between the Bohr Model and the Electron Cloud Model. - - Practice: Atom Vocabulary MS-PS1-1
Summarize our current understanding of atomic structure. Include the two parts, - Practice: Atomic Calculations HS-PS1-1
where the three particles are located, and where the mass and volume in an atom - Practice: Isotope Calculations #1
mainly exist. - Practice: Isotope Calculations #2
- Explain the three forces at work that hold an atom together. - Activity: Coloring and Labeling Note: The
- Use and interpret a periodic table to determine information about an element. - the Periodic Table majority of
Given an incomplete chart and a periodic table for reference, be able to fill in the this unit
- Activity: Periodic Table Scavenger
element, atomic number, mass number, protons, neutrons, and electrons. - Use a doesn’t
Hunt - Practice: Atom and the Periodic correlate to
picture or description to determine the mass number of an isotope. - Explain what it
Table Vocabulary any particular
means for an atom to be electrically neutral.
- Explain what two isotopes of the same element have in common and what is - Activity: Crossword Puzzle NGSS
different about them. Include when an isotope is considered to be the most stable. - - Review Activity: I Have, Who Has Game standards,
Use both hyphen and nuclear isotope notation. however, it is a
- Use and interpret an element’s location of the periodic table to answer questions Homework: A foundational
about its structure. - Concepts 1-3 Study Guides unit that lays
- Identify elements given a description by applying knowledge of the periodic table. - the
Explain the structure of the electron cloud. Include how many electrons are held on Quizzes/Tests: groundwork
each level, where valence electrons are, and which electrons are the craziest. of skills and
- Unit 7 Atomic Structure Test
- Explain why elements in the same group have similar properties. - Describe understanding
the pattern/shared characteristics of elements in the same group vs. the same necessary to
Projects/Reports: be able to
- Project: Bohr Model Periodic Table understand
- List the names and any special characteristics for groups 1, 2, 3, 3-12, 17, and
18. future units,
- Differentiate between the characteristics of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. like
Include their general location on the periodic table. bonding and
- Draw Bohr Models for the elements 1-20. reactions, as
- Use the periodic table to determine the identity of groups or specific elements. well as what
will be studied
students get to
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Day Learning Methods/Activities Assessments Homework NGSS

Objectives Standards

9/27- Atomic Theory -Go over tests from last unit -Informal questioning and
28 Structure of the Atom -Atomic Theory Timeline Activity p.2. discussion
Collect student work to grade. -p.2 Activity
-Start Concept 1 Notes p.3 (as much as you can)

Atomic Theory -Return timeline components/hang the best -p.6 Practice -Finish p.10
10/29 Structure of the as you talk through each piece of the -Informal questioning and
-30 Atom Periodic timeline in notes discussion
Table -Finish Concept 1 Notes p.3-5
Notation -Atom Vocabulary Practice p.6
Atomic Calculations -Start Concept 2 Notes p.7-8 (slides 1-6
only) -Start Atomic Calculations Practice

10/1- Isotopes -Check and go over p.10 -p.10 Practice -Finish p.12, if
4 Atomic Calculations -Finish Concept 2 Notes p.8-9 (slides 7-10), -Informal questioning and needed
do summary chart together after discussion
-Isotope Calculations #1 Practice p.11. Go -p.11 Practice
over after -p.12 Practice
-Isotope Calculations #2 Practice p.12,
collect after to grade for accuracy
-Students who finish early can work on
Concepts 1 and 2 study guides
10/5- Periodic Table -Collect any other p.12 practices. Then return -p.16 Activity -Finish p.18, if HS-PS1-1
6 those that turned it in yesterday and go over -p.17 Activity needed
-Start Concept 3 Notes p.13-15 (slides 1-12 -Informal questioning and
only) -Coloring and Labeling the PT Activity discussion
p.16; have students show you and check them
off for labeling and coloring accurately
-Students work on Periodic Table Scavenger
Hunt Activity p.17 as they finish. Go over after
-Students can work on Vocabulary Practice
p.18 if they finish scavenger hunt early

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10/7- Periodic Table -Check and go over p.18 MS-PS1-1
8 Bohr Model -Crossword Puzzle Activity p.19, go over -p.18 Practice HS-PS1-1
Drawings after -Play I Have, Who Has review game -p.19 Activity
activity -Finish Concept 3 Notes on Bohr -I Have, Who Has
Model drawings p.15 (slides 13-15) Activity
-Introduce Bohr Model PT Activity p.20-21 -p.20-21
(if time) Activity/In-Class
-Informal questioning and

Periodic Table -Bohr Model PT Activity/In-Class Project -p.20-21 MS-PS1-1

10/11 Bohr Model p.20- 21 Activity/In-Class HS-PS1-1
-12 Drawings Project
-Informal questioning and

Periodic Table -Bohr Model PT Activity/In-Class Project -p.20-21 -Finish Concepts MS-PS1-1
10/13 Bohr Model p.20- 21; students who finish can turn in with Activity/In-Class 1-3 SG HS-PS1-1
-14 Drawings the p.21 rubric and then work on Concepts 1-3 Project
study guides after -Informal questioning and

Review -Collect any remaining Bohr Model -Concepts 1-3 SG -Study for Unit 7 MS-PS1-1
10/15 Periodic Tables and rubric on p.21 -Informal questioning and Atomic Structure Test HS-PS1-1
-18 -Check and go over Concepts 1-3 study discussion
guides -Review Game
10/19 Test -Unit 7 Atomic Structure Test -Test MS-PS1-1
-20 HS-PS1-1

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