Factors Influencing Student'S Performance in Geography in Kenya: A Case Study of Lllmarba Secondary School

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1. The study done by Carmen Brysch on Status of Geography Education in the United
States in USA found that geography course in terms of content and methods requirements
are often low which may lead to a lack of understanding among teachers into the nature
of geography and what best techniques can be utilized to teach the subject.
2. The study done by Helen King on Student Perceptions of Geography, Earth &
Environmental Sciences (GEES) in UK found that students’ interest, future career and the
enjoyment of the subject were major factors that students relied upon. Also, the
influences of schools and teachers in terms of both explicit and visible advice and
guidance to students determined the performance in the geography.
3. The study done by Mohammed A.Al Nofli on students perceptions about geography; A
study of basic Education school in Oman, found that students across the sample enjoyed
instructional methods that helped them to involve actively in learning situation.
4. The study done by Lauren Camera on U.S Students Are Really Bad at Geography in USA
found that poor performance in geography is attributed to the less time geography
teachers spend on the subject. Also, majority of the states do not require geography at
middle or high levels. The report also revealed that many geography teachers lack an
educational background in the subject and took few geography courses in college.

1. 12 Studies on Factors Affecting Students’ Performance in Geography done at Regional

Level in Africa

1. The study done by S.S Madiwalar on factors affecting student’s performance and practice
on map reading skills: A case study of selected secondary schools in Aseca Town
Ethiopia found that teachers training, working hard by students, effective study
techniques, syllabus coverage should be intervention factors for improved performance in

2. The study done by Mwesiga Fidelis on factors influencing student’s poor performance in
geography subject in Tanzania: The case of community secondary schools in Morogoro
municipality found that little attention to the subject, lack of teaching resources, poor
training of geography teachers, poor English background among students were leading
causes of poor performance in geography.
3. The study done by Aubrey on Learning Progression in Geography Education. An
international perspective South Africa, in South Africa, found that lack of Geographical
knowledge, non-specialist content, emphasis on learning styles affect learning
progression of Geography.
4. The study done by Joe Foundation on Geography Teachers and Students Perception of
Factors Affecting Studies Performance in Geography Examination in Nigeria found that
teacher qualifications and training affect the performance of students in geography
examinations in senior secondary schools. Also, students’ perception and the availability
of teaching and learning resources affects the performance of students in geography.

1.13 Studies done in Kenya

1. The study done by Kimuyo Richard Mutua on factors influencing performance in

Geography in K.C.S.E in Nzau Sub County, Makueni County in Kenya found that
unavailability of resources, wide content, lack of in service for Geography teachers
influenced performance of Geography.
2. The study done by Kojweke Josephat Ochieng on factors influencing students K.C.S.E
performance in Geography in public secondary schools in Migori District, Kenya found
that performance is a function of how factors such as student’s characteristics, teachers
characteristics and teaching learning resources interact in the school environment.
3. The study done by Musyoka Julie Mutindi on School Based Factors Influencing
Students’ Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination in Public
Secondary Schools in Kathiani Sub-County in Kenya found that inadequate electronic
teaching resources, teacher inadequacy, inadequate library and laboratory facilities, low
headteacher’s supervisory role negatively impacted students’ performance in Geography.
4. The study done by Jafferson Lilian Musyoka on Factors influencing Performance in
Geography in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Makindu zone in Makindu

sub-county in Makueni county in Kenya found that the performance in Geography has
been declining in Makindu sub-county due to the smaller number of lessons allocated to
Geography in the curriculum, insufficient resources available for Geography, lack of
sufficient Geography teachers and perception by students towards Geography.


That level of knowledge, level of skills, personal factors, fixed factors, context and level of
identity having an influence on performance driven by Performers mindset, immersion and
engagement in reflective practice either by an individual or as group is key in improvement of


Geography subject in Kenya is studied intensively at high school level as an elective. It is a key
subject that can propel the nation in achieving her expectations of keeping education perspective
with the socio-cultural, economic and technological demands of the 21st Century. (URT,1995)

Despite its relevance in career path among students it has not been performed to the expectations
at school level, County and National. It is at this backdrop that forms the basis of the research
problem to investigate factors influencing the poor performance of Geography in Kenya. A case
of Illmarba Secondary School in Kajiado County. The study will be relevant to curriculum
designers Government (County Government), students and teachers for it will offer insight on
causes of poor performance in Geography and improvements.

A number of researches have been done globally, regionally and in Kenya on the same topic:

Global Example

1.The study done by Clare Brooks on geographical knowledge and teaching Geograghy in England found

that geography teachers need to re-arrange with their subject matter to enable them to improve how

they teach the subject geography.

Regional Example

1.The study done by F. opoku on the perceptions of geography among Ghanian senior high school

students. A phenomenological study found that indeed perception towards the subject influenced the

way they performed the subject.


1.The study done by Lilian Musyoka on factors influencing performance in geography in the Kenya

certificate of secondary education in Makindu zone in Makindu sub county in Makueni county found

resources, perception and teachers influenced the performance of geography.


The following research questions will guide the study;

i) Does the poor background in English language command influence the performance of

ii) How do teacher training and qualification influence the performance of geography as a subject
in Secondary schools.

iii) What roles does lack of resources in teaching and learning of Geography influence its

iv) Does the attitude towards the subject content and packaging influence the performance of
Geography in Secondary schools.


The research will contribute in literature, by unlocking and shading light on factors influencing
Geography performance in high school significantly.

i) County Government: The research will inform the Kajiado county government to access and
provide adequate and necessary resources in enhancing the teaching of Geography in schools of
their jurisdiction.

ii) Community: It will enlighten the society to see need in supporting the school(s) around them
to see into it good performance of the subject by providing locally available resources and space
for learning.

iii) School: To provide information to create an enabling environment i.e classrooms, team work,
workshops for the study of the subject.

iv) Teachers: Need for them to use appropriate methods of delivery encourage students on the
benefits of studying Geography. Teachers will see need to upgrade on knowledge and skills of
the subject through in service.

v) Principals: to be able to provide opportunities for in service and workshop for teachers
provide enough resources needed for the subject teaching.

vi) Students: Will give them insight on factors influencing poor performance for improvement
i.e Attitude, Background (academic). Enlighten them that Geography is a career subject.

vii) Researcher: Provision of literature on your performance of Geography, through existing

light on the same topic for growth in knowledge.

viii) Parents: Will make them understand that they have a role to play in encouraging them to
study Geography for good career path, make them be aware they have a role to play in providing
resources for the study of the subject.

ix) Scholars: Will have a point of reference in terms of literature for further research, provide an
opportunity for them to critic the paper and identify the gaps.


Geography is taken as an elective subject alongside other humanities, some schools lack
specialized trained qualified Geography teachers leave alone resources.

The Geographical areas of study will be Kajiado Central sub-county with focus on Ilmarba
Secondary School. Research will be conducted in Kajiado county and not other counties for
reason of alarming dismal performance in Geography accessibility, low on budget and to serve

as a case study. The people who will actively be involved in the study will be teachers,
principals, students, parents and examiners.


The theory of academic performance (T.O.P) will be used in the study. It was advanced by
(Elger 2007). The theory lays foundation on six key concepts to form a framework that can be
applied in explaining performance as well as performance improvements.

The theory of academic performance has six components that are crucial in promoting
performance as an individual (student) as well as a group in a given activity/subject. The six
components include context, level of knowledge, level of skills/professionalism, level of identity
– school, personal factors, (attitude) and fixed factors. It further suggests that for effective
performance/results improvements the following has to be put into account. Performers mindset,
immersion in an enriching environment and engagement in reflective practice.

The strength of T.O.P lies in the fact that it insists on performers mindset, immersion in an
enriching environment and engagement in reflective practice coupled with the six components to
realize improvements in performance by correlation for no human is limited in achieving.

The weakness of (T.O.P) is that it fails to indicate that a part from teaching methods, type of
school in structural materials and quality of teachers, performance is viewed as an intellectual
competence indicator regardless of the existence of the above mentioned or not, and thus the
variance in performance as per individuals strength, skills, interest and weaknesses. (Timothy

The theory of (T.O.P) has the principle of explaining performance and performance
improvements aided by performers mindset, immersion and engagement in reflective practice
which caters for an individual or as a group, since the study is on poor performance in
Geography as a subject the theory applies well in the study by providing an insight on the
application of the six components it posits for a robust outcome.

The theory provides the rationale for the study which is to find out factors influencing students’
performance in Geography as a subject, for T.O.P posits that cognitive, behavioural and

attitudinal influence educational outcome. (Reynolds & welberg 1992) and that humans are
capable of extra ordinary accomplishments.


It is an analytical tool with several variations and contexts. It can be applied in different
categories of work where an overall picture is needed. It is used to make conceptual distinctions
and organize ideas, to achieve a research purpose. (Wikipedia)


Independent variables Intervening variables Dependent variable

Level of knowledge Performers

Level of skills Mindset
Personal factors Immersion
Fixed factors Reflective
Context Practice
Level of identity

Performance in a subject can be achieved through learning, the learning process done through
collaboration ranging from academic driven committees, teachers, students and other
stakeholders of necessity is the performers level of knowledge, skills, attitude, context, and level
of identity, intervened by mindset of the performer, immersion and reflective practice.

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