FS 2 - Task Sheet 4

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(Formerly City College of Manila)

UDM Annex, Plaza Lacson, Sta. Cruz, Manila
College of Education – Technical-Vocational

Name: Course

Task Sheet #4

You will interview three (3) different teachers of different levels. This will give you an opportunity to know the
approaches about school curriculum.
Be guided by the following:
1. Read and understand the Learning Essentials.
2. During the interview, ask the question based on the Criteria of Curriculum Content/Knowledge and give
your insights.
3. Give examples for each Basic Principle of the Curriculum Content.
4. Fill out the Three Approaches about School Curriculum Matrix.
5. For purposes of reliability, electronic outputs should be encoded using Century Gothic font size 12.
Handwritten outputs should be rendered in print not in script.

Give your insights based on the gathered information.

According to the information I gathered, teachers can use content or knowledge criteria to guide

them through the curriculum application in the subject they are working on. This is important so that teachers

are guided and can readily connect their subject content to the school's curriculum, allowing learners to absorb

the knowledge or information taught by the teachers. The purpose of content is to help the teachers organize the

materials needed and to present application. The criteria will be used to choose the subject matter and content

that will be included in a curriculum. The curriculum assists teachers in assessing or evaluating a student's

knowledge, whether or not they have learned something. This will also help to determine which methods the

teachers will use in order to make learning last longer and be more engaging. I learned that there is a rule in

every curriculum that we must follow in order to achieve our objectives. In order to have a positive outcome in

the teaching process, as a future educator, I should have criteria in all of my subjects to achieve my goals that

will benefit my students at the end.

Learning Essentials:
Curriculum can be approached or seen in three ways. It can be defined as a content, a process, or an
● Content – body of knowledge to be transmitted
● Process – what happens in the classroom when the curriculum is practiced.
● Product – desired learning outcomes of learners.

TVE 412 – Field Study 2 1 of 5

(Formerly City College of Manila)
UDM Annex, Plaza Lacson, Sta. Cruz, Manila
College of Education – Technical-Vocational

Three Approaches to Curriculum

Curriculum as Content Curriculum as Process Curriculum as Produc

Criteria of Content/Knowledge Basic Principles of Curriculum Content

1. Significance
2. Validity ● Balance
3. Usefulness ● Articulation
4. Learnability ● Scope
5. Feasibility ● Integration
6. Interest ● Continuity
 Balance – equitable assignment of contents, time, experiences, and other elements.
● Articulation – curriculum is arranged vertically or horizontally.
● Scope – content, topics, learning experiences and organizing the threads of an educational plan.
● Integration – curriculum is integrated and interconnected.
● Continuity – vertical repetition and recurring approaches of content.
There are six (6) criteria in the selection of knowledge/content. Interview a teacher, ask the question to come up
with the indicators under each criterion.
Teacher # 1
Questions Indicators
1. How do you know the significance in the It is structured around the development of learning
content of the curriculum? activities, skills, and even the three domains of
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development.

2. How do you know if the curriculum is valid? The subjects should not be out of date.

3. When do we know that the curriculum is If learning will last, we can conclude that it is useful.

4. When do you know that the content is within The information should be acceptable for the students
the range of your learner’s experience? and within their level of experience.

5. When do you know that the content is within We can say that a teacher is an expert in his or her
the time, resources and expertise of the teacher field if all of the resources are up to date and the
and experiences of the learners? students can learn and relate to them.

TVE 412 – Field Study 2 2 of 5

(Formerly City College of Manila)
UDM Annex, Plaza Lacson, Sta. Cruz, Manila
College of Education – Technical-Vocational

6. When do you know that the learners are Learners will be seen as interested when they are
interested in content? participating in a class and are able to share their
opinions and experience in the class.

Teacher # 2
Questions Indicators
1. How do you know the significance in the We will understand the importance of curriculum
content of the curriculum? content when it integrates to learn a new set of skills
and processes behavioural patterns aligned within the

2. How do you know if the curriculum is valid? A curriculum is valid when it manages to integrate its
use and it applies what the curriculum decisively

3. When do we know that the curriculum is The curriculum is useful if the students learn from it,
useful? and we can see that at the end of the school year by
evaluating the students.

4. When do you know that the content is within By using lesson plans, rubrics and other learning
the range of your learner’s experience? materials needed to efficiently help the students to
learn within the range of their abilities.

5. When do you know that the content is within When we can apply SMART (specific, measurable,
the time, resources and expertise of the teacher attainable, relevant, time –based) goals within our
and experiences of the learners? expertise, we will be able to manage our time,
resources and get recognize with our expertise.

6. When do you know that the learners are If the students are behaving well and actively
interested in content? participating in class. 

Teacher # 3
Questions Indicators
1. How do you know the significance in the When the content of the curriculum is within the
content of the curriculum? range of the learner experience.

2. How do you know if the curriculum is valid? We know it's valid based on the evaluation results
gathered from the students' learning ability.

3. When do we know that the curriculum is It’s useful when we are able to see advancements in
useful? students' ability to learn.

TVE 412 – Field Study 2 3 of 5

(Formerly City College of Manila)
UDM Annex, Plaza Lacson, Sta. Cruz, Manila
College of Education – Technical-Vocational

4. When do you know that the content is within The content becomes within the range of the learners’
the range of your learner’s experience? experience when they can actively participate in any
given situation.

5. When do you know that the content is within The educators' use of different kinds of resources in
the time, resources and expertise of the teacher teaching should be based on the objectives needed by
and experiences of the learners? the learners, and it is enticing to be able to efficiently
use the time in teaching. 

6. When do you know that the learners are Student participation in lessons. When the teacher is
interested in content? able to entice the listeners with their own unique
ability to set an interest in the speaker, And more
importantly, the interaction between students and

Give examples for each B.A.S.I.C Principle of the Curriculum Content.

Basic Principle of Curriculum Content

BALANCE First Grading Period
A. Parts of English Language/Parts of Speech
B. English Grammar
I. The Main Parts of a Sentence
1. The difference between simple subject and full subject
2. Compound subject
3. Independent clause
ARTICULATION Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
1.1 Identify and trace 1.1 Familiarize and memorize 1.1 Recognize the letters in
the letters in the every letters of the alphabet every word and start
alphabet using a and start reading. reading the sentences.
pencil. Also recognize
the cursive letters.

1.2 Write the sentence in a 1.2 Use a pen to write the

cursive letter using a pencil. letters. 

1.3 Write a paragraph using

a pen and read word by
SCOPE 1. General Subject: Tourism
Specific Topic: Front Office
2. Module 1: Introduction to Front Office Services
Lesson 1: The Front Office Department
Lesson 2: The Front Office Staff
Lesson 3: The Front Office Design and Equipment

TVE 412 – Field Study 2 4 of 5

(Formerly City College of Manila)
UDM Annex, Plaza Lacson, Sta. Cruz, Manila
College of Education – Technical-Vocational

INTEGRATION In the basic education curriculum, a group of subjects are assigned under the title "Technical Livelihood
Education" (TLE). This includes the Industrial Arts, Information & Communication Technology (ICT),
Dressmaking, Food & Beverage, Bread & Pastry, Home Ecoomics, & Agri-Fishery Arts. The
implementation of TLE subjects may choose to have a common theme in terms of skill building.

CONTINUITY When the grade 1 writing and reading lessons are repeated at the next grade level with more complexity, a
construction should be created. In high school, the same topic heading as living things is used, but it is
linked to the content covered in elementary school.

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