Short Term Scheduling: Iscussion Uestions

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Short Term Scheduling

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 10. Four effectiveness measures for dispatching rules:

Average completion time, average number of jobs in the sys-
1. Scheduling’s objective is to optimize the use of resources so
tem, average job lateness, and utilization.
that production objectives are met.
11. The assignment method involves adding and subtracting
2. Four criteria for scheduling are:
appropriate numbers in the problem’s table in order to find the
Minimizing completion time, maximizing utilization, mini-
lowest opportunity cost for each assignment. The four steps are
mizing work-in-process in inventory, and minimizing customer
detailed in the chapter.
waiting time. There is a one-to-one correspondence between
minimizing completion time and minimizing flowtime. 12. Theory of constraints steps:
3. Loading is the assignment of jobs to work processing centers. 1. identify the constraints.
Work centers can be loaded by capacity or by assigning specific 2. develop a plan for overcoming the identified constraints.
jobs to specific work centers. Gantt charts and assignment method 3. focus resources on accomplishing step 2.
are loading techniques. 4. reduce the effects of the constraints by off loading work or
4. Five priority sequencing rules are: by expanding capacity. Make sure that the constraints are
recognized by all those who can have impact upon them.
„First come, first served (FCFS); or First in, first out 5. once a set of constraints is overcome, go back to step 1
(FIFO): Jobs are sequenced in the order in which they and identify new constraints.
arrive at the workstation.
„Earliest due date (EDD): Jobs are sequenced in the order in 13. Advantages of level material use are:
which they are due for delivery to the customer.
„Lower inventory costs
„Shortest processing time (SPT): Jobs are sequenced in
„Faster product throughput (shorter lead times)
order of the processing time required at the workstation,
„Improved component and product quality
with the job requiring the least processing time at the
„Reduced floor space requirement
workstation scheduled first.
„Improved communication between employees because they
„Longest processing time (LPT): Jobs are sequenced in
order of the processing time required at the workstation, are closer together
„A smoother production process because large lots have no
with the job requiring the longest processing time at the
workstation scheduled first. hidden problems
„Critical ratio (CR): Jobs are sequenced in order of 14. Techniques to deal with bottlenecks:
increasing critical ratio (the ratio of time required by work
left to be done to time left to do the work). 1. increasing capacity of the constraint
2. ensuring that well-trained and cross-trained employees are
5. SPT minimizes the average flow time, average lateness, and
available to operate and maintain the work center causing
average number of jobs in the system. It maximizes the number of
the constraint
jobs completed at any point. The disadvantage is that long jobs are
3. developing alternate routings, processing procedures, or
pushed back in the schedule.
6. A due date may range from a (meaningless) promise to a 4. moving inspections and tests to a position just before the
contractual obligation. It is a target with or without penalties. constraint
7. Flow time is the length of time a job is in the system; lateness 5. scheduling throughput to match the capacity of the
is completion time minus due date. bottleneck
8. Most students will go for EDD, to gain minimum lateness. The last technique may involve off-loading work from the bottle-
Others will go for SPT, on the grounds that the team can’t afford to neck, scheduling less, meaning that the bottleneck itself gained no
tackle a job with an early due date and a long processing time. capacity, and no more throughput was accomplished through the
Interesting to see student assumption about sequence, damage, etc. bottleneck.
9. Johnson’s rule is used to sequence several jobs through two or 15. Input/output control keeps track of planned versus actual in-
three work centers. puts and outputs, highlighting deviations and indicating bottlenecks.



Students may not be aware of the issue from an employee’s or
employer’s perspective, but scheduling the “graveyard” shift and
achieving performance on the graveyard shift can be a problem
under the best of circumstances.
Rotating shifts is very difficult and the shorter the rotation
cycle the worse—a one week cycle is a killer. Given the box the
manager has gotten into, the manager may want to let the
empowered employees move to a one-week rotation and
simultaneously begin an education effort. The combination should
result in the employees soon voting for a change to a more
reasonable and intelligent schedule.
As long as the manager is doing his best to educate the 15.3 Original problem:
employees and the short-term rotation does not last long, we see
no significant ethical problem. Site/Customer A B C D
Not making employees aware of the literature and 1 7 3 4 8
acquiescing to a one-week schedule does suggest an unethical 2 5 4 6 5
position. 3 6 7 9 6
4 8 6 7 4


Row subtraction is done next.
ACTIVE MODEL 15.1: Job Shop Sequencing Site/Customer A B C D
1. Which schedule (rule) minimizes the average completion time, 1 4 0 1 5
maximizes the utilization and minimizes the average number of 2 1 0 2 1
jobs in the system for this example? 3 0 1 3 0
SPT 4 4 2 3 0

2. Use the scrollbar to change the processing time for job C and
Column subtraction is done next.
use the scrollbar to modify the due date for job C. Does the same
rule always minimize the average completion time? Site/Customer A B C D
Yes—SPT always minimizes the average completion time, 1 4 0 0 5
maximizes utilization and minimizes the average number of 2 1 0 1 1
jobs in the system! 3 0 1 2 0
4 4 2 2 0
3. Which schedule (rule) minimizes the average lateness for this
example? Cover zeros with lines.
4. Use the scrollbar to change the due date for job C. Does the
same rule always minimize the average lateness?
No—if the due date for job C is 5 then FCFS and SPT
minimize the average lateness.

END-OF-CHAPTER PROBLEMS Optimal assignment:

taxi at post 1 to customer C
15.1 taxi at post 2 to customer B
taxi at post 3 to customer A
taxi at post 4 to customer D
Total distance traveled 4 4 6 4 18 miles.
15.4 (a) Assign:
Job to Machine
1 D
2 A
3 C
4 B

(b) Total production: 40


15.5 Subtracting the smallest uncovered number (6) from all uncovered
Assignment Rating
numbers, and adding it to the numbers at the intersections of the
C53 at plant 1 10 cents lines:
C81 at plant 3 4 cents
D5 at plant 4 30 cents
D44 at plant 2 14 cents
Total manufacturing cost 58 cents

Draw the minimum number of lines needed to cover the zeros:

Subtracting the smallest number from each row:

Subtracting the smallest uncovered number (1) from all uncovered

numbers, and adding it to the numbers at the intersections of the

Subtracting the smallest number from each column:

Draw the minimum number of lines needed to cover the zeros:

Draw the minimum number of lines needed to cover the zeros:


Subtracting the smallest uncovered number (2) from all uncovered Column subtraction is done next.
numbers, and adding it to the numbers at the intersections of the
Squad\Case A B C D E
1 10 4 0 4 24
2 13 1 6 0 24
3 6 0 1 2 18
4 0 5 0 5 14
5 4 17 16 18 0

Cover zeros with lines.

Draw the minimum number of lines needed to cover the zeros:

Optimal assignment:
squad 1 to case C
squad 2 to case D
squad 3 to case B
squad 4 to case A
squad 5 to case E
Total person-days projected using this assignment 3 6 
3 8 8 28 days.

b) We can avoid the assignment of squad 5 to case E occurring by

assigning a very high value to that combination. In this case, we
assign 50.
The jobs can then be assigned in the following manner:
Assignment Time Squad\Case A B C D E
Job A-52 to Machine 2 22 1 14 7 3 7 27
Job A-53 to Machine 3 16 2 20 7 12 6 30
Job A-56 to Machine 5 22 3 10 3 4 5 21
Job A-59 to Machine 6 30 4 8 12 7 12 21
Job A-60 to Machine 1 30 5 13 25 24 26 50
Job A-61 to Machine 4 30
Total Time: 150 hours
Row subtraction is done next.
15.7 Original problem: Squad\Case A B C D E
Squad\Case A B C D E 1 11 4 0 4 24
1 14 7 3 7 27 2 14 1 6 0 24
2 20 7 12 6 30 3 7 0 1 2 18
3 10 3 4 5 21 4 1 5 0 5 14
4 8 12 7 12 21 5 0 4 11 5 37
5 13 25 24 26 8
Column subtraction is done next.
Squad\Case A B C D E
a) Row subtraction is done next.
1 11 4 0 4 10
Squad\Case A B C D E 2 14 1 6 0 10
1 11 4 0 4 24 3 7 0 1 2 4
2 14 1 6 0 24 4 1 5 0 5 0
3 7 0 1 2 18 5 0 4 11 5 23
4 1 5 0 5 14
5 5 17 16 18 0

Cover zeros with lines. Draw the minimum number of lines needed to cover the zeros:

Optimal assignment:
squad 1 to case C
squad 2 to case D Subtracting the smallest uncovered number (0.3) from all uncov-
squad 3 to case B ered numbers, and adding it to the numbers at the intersections of
squad 4 to case E the lines:
squad 5 to case A
Total person-days projected using this assignment 3 6 
3 21 13 46.

Draw the minimum number of lines needed to cover the zeros:

This is a maximization problem, so we must subtract each rating

from the maximum of all ratings (27.1):

Subtracting the smallest uncovered number (0.7) from all uncov-

ered numbers, and adding it to the numbers at the intersections of
the lines:

Subtracting the smallest number from every row:

Draw the minimum number of lines needed to cover the zeros:

Subtracting the smallest number from every column:

The following optimal assignments can now be made:

1.00–2:00 to A 27.1
2:00–3:00 to C 17.1
3:00–4:00 to B 18.5
4:00–5:00 to Ind 12.8
Total Exposure Rating: 75.5

15.9 Because this is a maximization problem, each number is (b) EDD (earliest due date:)
subtracted from 95. The problem is then solved using the
Job Sequence Due Date
minimization algorithm.
B 312
a) Assignment Rating A 313
D 314
Fisher—finance 95
E 314
Golhar—economics 75
C 325
Hug—statistics 85
Rustagi—management 80 (c) SPT (shortest processing time)
Total rating 335
Job Sequence Processing Time
b) Since Fisher is not teaching statistics; the answer does not
E 3
change. Total rating remains 335.
D 5
15.10 A 8
B 16
Job Due Date Duration (Days)
C 40
A 313 8
B 312 16 (d) LPT (longest processing time)
C 325 40
D 314 5 Job Sequence Processing Time
E 314 3 C 40
B 16
A 8
(a) FCFS (first come, first served): D 5
Because all jobs arrived on day 275, and presum- E 3
ably in the order given, the FCFS sequence is:
A, B, C, D, E Scheduling Average Average Average Number
Rule Tardiness Flow Time of Jobs in System
FCFS 14.8 47.4 3.3
EDD 4.2* 34.6 2.4
SPT 4.2* 26.2* 1.8*
LPT 20.8 60.2 4.2
* = Best

15.11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Worker 1 6 5 5 5 6 4 3
Worker 2 5 4 4 4 5 4 3
Worker 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 3
Worker 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 2
Worker 5 2 2 2 1 2 3 2
Worker 6 1 1 2 1 1 2 1
Worker 7 1 1 1 0 0 1 0

Note: Seven employees are needed; Six have two consecutive

days off. The 7th worker has two consecutive days off but only
works 4 days.

15.12 Remaining Job Sequence Critical Ratio

Job Due date Processing time
D 0.63
A 212 6 C 1.00
B 209 3 A 1.17
C 208 3 B 1.33
D 210 8
Critical Ratio:
Minimize total lateness. Comparing the scheduling efficiency of
Processing Due
the several algorithms presented in terms of lateness:
Job Time Date Start End Days Late
(a) First Come, First Served (FCFS): D 8 210 205 212 2
Processing Due C 3 208 213 215 7
Job Time Date Start End Days Late A 6 212 216 221 9
B 3 209 222 224 15
A 6 212 205 210 0
Total: 33 days
B 3 209 211 213 4
C 3 208 214 216 8 A minimum total lateness of 20 days seems to be about the
D 8 210 217 224 14
least we may achieve.
Total: 26 days
(b) Shortest Processing Time (SPT): Number
Scheduling Average Average of Jobs in
Processing Due
Rule Lateness Flow Time System
Job Time Date Start End Days Late
B 3 209 205 207 0 FCFS 6.5 11.8 2.4
C 3 208 208 210 2 SPT 5.0 10.2 2.1
A 6 212 211 216 4 LPT 9.0 14.8 3.0
D 8 210 217 224 14 EDD 5.2 10.8 2.2
Total: 20 days Critical Ratio 8.3 14.0 2.8

SPT is best on all criteria.

(c) Longest Processing Time (LPT):
Processing Due
Job Time Date Start End Days Late
D 8 210 205 212 2
A 6 212 213 218 6
C 3 208 219 221 13
B 3 209 222 224 15
Total: 36 days

(d) Earliest Due Date (EDD):

Processing Due
Job Time Date Start End Days Late
C 3 208 205 207 0
B 3 209 208 210 1
D 8 210 211 218 8
A 6 212 219 224 12
Total: 21 days

(e) Critical Ratio:

Due Processing
Job Date Time Critical Ratio
A 212 6 (212 – 205)/6 = 1.17
B 209 3 (209 – 205)/3 = 1.33
C 208 3 (208 – 205)/3 = 1.00
D 210 8 (210 – 205)/8 = 0.63

Need date  today's date

Critical Ratio
Days required to complete job

15.13 (a)

Dispatching Average Number

Rule Job Sequence Flow Time Utilization of Jobs Average Late
EDD CX-BR-SY-DE-RG 385 37.6% 2.66 10
SPT BR-CX-SY-DE-RG 375 38.6% 2.59 12
LPT RG-DE-SY-CX-BR 495 29.3% 3.41 44
FCFS CX-BR-DE-SY-RG 390 37.2% 2.69 12

Starting Day Number: 241 (i.e., work can be done on day 241)
Method: SPT—Shortest Processing Time
Processing Time Due Date Order Flow Time Time Late
CX-01 25 270 2 40 280 10
BR-02 15 300 1 15 255 0
DE-06 35 320 4 105 345 25
SY-11 30 310 3 70 310 0
RG-05 40 360 5 145 385 25
Total 145 375 60
Average 75 12
Sequence: BR-02,CX-01,SY-11,DE-06,RG-05 Average # in system 2.586 375/145

Method: LPT—Longest processing time

Processing Time Due Date Order Flow Time Time Late
CX-01 25 270 4 130 370 100
BR-02 15 300 5 145 385 85
DE-06 35 320 2 75 315 0
SY-11 30 310 3 105 345 35
RG-05 40 360 1 40 280 0
Total 145 495 220
Average 99 44
Sequence: RG-05,DE-06,SY-11,CX-01,BR-02, Average # in system 3.414 495/145

Method: Early Due Date (EDD); earliest to latest date

Processing Time Due Date Slack Order Flow Time Completion Time Late
CX-01 25 270 0 1 25 265 0
BR-02 15 300 0 2 40 280 0
DE-06 35 320 0 4 105 345 25
SY-11 30 310 0 3 70 310 0
RG-05 40 360 0 5 145 385 25
Total 145 385 50
Average 77 10
Sequence: CX-01,BR-02,SY-11,DE-06,RG-05 Average # in system 2.655 385/145

Method: First Come First Serve (FCFS)

Processing Time Due Date Slack Order Flow Time Completion Time Late
CX-01 25 270 0 1 25 265 0
BR-02 15 300 0 2 40 280 0
DE-06 35 320 0 3 75 315 0
SY-11 30 310 0 4 105 345 35
RG-05 40 360 0 5 145 385 25
Total 145 390 60
Average 78 12
Sequence: CX-01,BR-02,DE-06,SY-11,RG-05, Average # in system 2.69 390/145

(b) The best flowtime is SPT; (c) best utilization is SPT;

(d) best lateness is EDD. (e) Students could support
either of these choices. LPT scores poorly on all three

15.14 (c) SPT (shortest processing time):

Date Production Date
Order Days Order Job Sequence Processing Time
Job Received Needed Due
C 10
A 110 20 180 D 16
B 120 30 200 E 18
C 122 10 175 A 20
D 125 16 230 B 30
E 130 18 210
(d) LPT (longest processing time):

(a) FCFS (first come, first served): Job Sequence Processing Time

Job Sequence Date Order Received B 30

A 20
A 110 E 18
B 120 D 16
C 122 C 10
D 125
E 130
(b) EDD (earliest due date): Number
Scheduling Average Average of Jobs in
Job Sequence Due Date
Rule Tardiness Flow Time System
C 175 FCFS 5.4 60.0 3.2
A 180 EDD 0.0 54.4 2.9
B 200 SPT 7.2 47.6 2.5
E 210 LPT 9.6 65.2 3.5
D 230

15.15 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Worker 1 3 4 4 5 6 7 4
Worker 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 4
Worker 3 3 3 2 3 4 5 3
Worker 4 2 3 2 2 3 4 2
Worker 5 1 2 2 2 2 3 1
Worker 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Worker 7 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

Note: Seven employees are needed; Six have two consecutive

days off. The 7th worker has 4 days off and only works 3.
15.16 Date Production Date
Job Days Job Critical
Job Received Needed Due Ratio
1 215 30 260 0.33
2 220 20 290 2.00
3 225 40 300 1.25
4 240 50 320 1.40
5 250 20 340 4.50
Jobs should be scheduled in the sequence 1, 3, 4, 2, 5 if
scheduled by the critical ratio scheduling rule.

15.17 (a,c) The jobs should be processed in the sequence V-Y-

U-Z-X-W-T for a total time of 57.

Job Shop Scheduling

Printer Binder Order Done 1 Done 2 (Flow Time)
T 15 3 seventh 54 57
U 7 9 third 15 28
V 4 10 first 4 14
W 7 6 sixth 39 51
X 10 9 fifth 32 45
Y 4 5 second 8 19
Z 7 8 fourth 22 36
Time 57

(b), (c)

Note: Y could also be placed first, with no change in total times.

(d) Binding is idle from 0 to 4 and from 51 to 54 for a total
of 7 hours.
Job Opn 1 (Hours) Opn 2 (Hours)
A 10 5
B 7 4
C 5 7
D 3 8
E 2 6
F 4 3

Using Johnson’s Rule, the optimal sequence is:

(b) Malik’s ratings modified for two February flights

(from 10 s to 1 s to make it less attractive to assign him
those flights)
Rating 92 now
Malik moves to May 1
Sweeney to February 26
Temponi to September 19
Others remain the same
15.19 (a) Chiang to March 26 (c) Sweeney rerated at 10 for January.
Ittig to April 12 Same schedule as (b) with 2 exceptions: Sweeney
Malik to February 26 moves to January 3 and swaps with Riddle who takes
Moodie to February 5 the February 26 flight: Overall rating 93 now.
Riddle to January 3
(d) Strengths:
Sower to June 9
„Relatively straightforward
Sweeney to September 19
„Rapid rescheduling
Temponi to May 1
„Information regarding trade-offs provided
Turner to August 20
Visich to January 27 Weaknesses:
Rating 96 (Note: alternate optima exist) „Only as good as the initial ratings

INTERNET HOMEWORK PROBLEMS* Subtracting the smallest uncovered number (200) from all
uncovered numbers, and adding it to the numbers at the
15.20 (a) Assign:
intersections of the lines:
Job to Machine
1 A
2 D
3 B
4 C

(b) Total cost: 23

Again, draw the minimum number of lines needed to cover

the zeros:

Subtracting the smallest number from each row:

The solution is now optimal, and the assignments can be

made in the following manner:
Assignment Cost
Divorce case to Attorney 3 1200
Felony case to Attorney 1 500
Discrimination case to Attorney 2 1000
Subtracting the smallest number from each column:


Draw the minimum number of lines needed to cover the

Subtracting the smallest number from each row:

* These problems are located on our companion web site at

Subtracting the smallest number from every column:

The following optimal assignments can now be made:

Assignments Cost
Nurse Condriac to Urology 32
Nurse Hawkins to Cardiology 18
Nurse Bardot to Orthopedics 24
Nurse Hoolihan to Obstetrics 12
Total Cost: 86

Subtracting the smallest number from every row:


Draw the minimum number of lines needed to cover the


Subtracting the smallest uncovered number (2) from all

uncovered numbers, and adding it to the numbers at the
intersections of the lines:

Draw the minimum number of lines needed to cover the zeros:


The following optimal assignments can now be made: Average

Assignments Cost
Scheduling Average Average of Jobs in
Component G99 to Plant 1 0.55 Rule Tardiness Flow Time System
Component E2 to Plant 2 0.07 *
FCFS (7.4) 6.8 57.6 3.4
Component C81 to Plant 3 0.04 *
EDD (7.4) 6.8 54.8 3.3
Component D5 to Plant 4 0.30 *
SPT (6.8) 6.6 39.6 2.4
Component D44 to Plant 5 0.10 *
LPT (12.6) 12.0 61.2 3.6
Component C53 to Plant 6 0.06
Component E35 to Plant 8 0.06 *
If current time is 210.
Total Cost: $1.18

Plant 7 will not be given a component. 15.25 Job Data Entry (Hours) Verify (Hours)
A 2.5 1.7
15.24 Job Due Date Duration (Days) B 3.8 2.6
010 260 30 C 1.9 1.0
020 258 16 D 1.8 3.0
030 260 8 Using Johnson’s Rule, the optimal sequence is:
040 270 20
050 275 10 D, B, A, C
(a) FCFS (first come, first served):
Because all jobs arrived on day 210, and presumably
in the order given, the FCFS sequence is:
010, 020, 030, 040, 050
(b) EDD (Earliest due date):
Job Sequence Due Date
020 258
010 260
030 260
050 275 The first step in tackling this case study is to translate the due
dates into minutes. Thus, for the monthly clients, the due dates are
Note that the tie breaker of longest processing time was 9 u 60 540; for the biweekly clients, the due dates are 12 u 60 
used; however, job 030 could come before job 010. 720; and for the weekly clients, the due dates are 15 u 60 900.
(c) SPT (shortest processing time): The table shows the results of running Excel OM or POM for
Windows under a few different processing rules.
Job Sequence Processing Time
030 8
Number of
050 10
Jobs in Average Average
020 16
Rule Systems Flow Time Lateness
040 20
010 30 Earliest Due Date (EDD) 20.80 928 193
SPT 12.03 537 135
(d) LPT (longest processing time): Critical Ratio 22.82 1,018 273

Job Sequence Processing Time It can be seen from the table that the rules that seem most
intuitive work least well. The best rule seems to be shortest
010 30
processing time (with its well-known advantages).
040 20
020 16
030 8
1. This case study works best if the 7 minute video, made specifi-
cally for this text, is shown and accompanies the written case.
Alternatively, the student can view a 2 minute, edited version of the
video on the CD-ROM in the back of the text. Hoffman currently
uses these factors in forecasting weekly café sales: (1) last year’s

sales, (2) convention center data, (3) hotel occupancy rates, (4) 3. If Cathy is given the preparation task, the solution of the assign-
concerts scheduled at Hard Rock Live. Other factors could include: ment with the remaining three workers assigned the remaining three
(1) weather forecasts (most tourists head home if a hurricane is tasks is:
bearing down on Florida) and a rainy day will reduce sales, (2)
Person Job Time (Minutes)
concerts or major events at Universal Studios (which is adjacent
to the café), (3) world events (since the restaurant is heavily Cathy Preparation 120
tourist driven), (4) major events at the Citrus Bowl (football) or Tom Assembly 60
Waterhouse Arena that may bring large number of out-of-towners George Finishing 60
with them. Leon Packaging 10
Total Time 250
2. To lower turnover, Hard Rock tries to make schedules
financially profitable to servers. It also provides a lot of flexibility
If Cathy is assigned to the finishing task, the optimum assign-
in terms of shift preference. Further, the café provides a favorable
ment is:
working environment, where servers can “be themselves”, even if
that means spiked, green hair and pierced nose rings. At the end of Person Job Time (Minutes)
10 years of service, every Hard Rock employee receives a gold
George Preparation 80
Rolex watch valued at over $10,000. Tom Assembly 60
3. Seniority cuts down on turnover by rewarding employees Cathy Finishing 100
who remain a longer time with an organization. Shift and service Leon Packaging 10
station are critical assignments, which can make a very big Total Time 250
difference in income to a server.
4. By not overstaffing, the software increases employee produc- 4. One possibility would be to combine the packaging operation
tivity. It also places senior servers at the busiest/hardest stations. with finishing. Then George could build an entire table by himself
(in 230 minutes), and Tom could do preparation (100 minutes),
INTERNET CASE STUDY* Randy the assembly (80 minutes), and Leon the finishing and
packaging (90 minutes). This crew would build 4.8 tables in a 480-
OLD OREGON WOOD STOVE minute workday, while George himself could build 2.09 tables—a
total of almost 7 tables per day.
1. The assignment algorithm can be utilized to yield the fastest
To utilize all five workers, George and Tom could each build
time to complete a table.
entire tables, 2.09 and 1.75 per day respectively. Letting Randy do
preparation (110 minutes), Cathy the assembly (70 minutes), and
Person Job Time (Minutes)
Leon the finishing and packaging (90 minutes) allows an addi-
Tom Preparation 100 tional 4.36 tables per day for a total of 8.2 per day.
Cathy Assembly 70 Nine tables per day could be achieved by having Tom prepare
George Finishing 60
and assemble 3 tables, George prepare and finish 3 tables, Cathy
Leon Packaging 10
assemble 6 tables, Leon finish 6 tables, and Randy prepare 3 tables
Total Time 240
and package all 9 tables. George, Cathy, and Randy would each
2. If Randy is used, the assignment problem becomes unbal- have 60 minutes per day unutilized and could build 0.6 tables by
anced, and a dummy job must be added. The optimum assignment having George do preparation (80 minutes), Cathy assembly and
would be: packaging (95 minutes), and Randy the finishing (100 minutes).

Person Job Time (Minutes)

George Preparation 80
Tom Assembly 60
Leon Finishing 80
Randy Packaging 10
Total Time 230

*This case study is located at our companion web site at

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