Block-4 MS-05 Unit-3
Block-4 MS-05 Unit-3
Block-4 MS-05 Unit-3
Shop Production
After completion of this unit, you should be able to:
• understand the nature of job production
• appreciate the variety of problems that may arise in job shops
• sequence a number of jobs in a static job shop with a single machine to
accomplish a number of objectives
• sequence a number of jobs in a static two-machine flow shop to minimise the
total completion time
• develop a schedule to minimise time of completion (graphically) of two jobs
requiring processing on a number of machines in any specified order.
• become aware of the use of different priority despatching rules in practical job
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Variety of Problems in Job Production
11.3 n Jobs One Machine Case
11.4 n Jobs Two Machines Case
11.5 Two Jobs m Machines Case
11.6 Scheduling Rules for Job Shops
11.7 Problems and Prospects of Job Production
11.8 Summary
11.9 Key Words
11.10 Self-assessment Exercises
11.11 Further Readings
Unlike mass production systems where a limited number of items are produced
continuously without any changes, the job shop characterises a situation where a
variety of jobs is handled, each job being different from the previous one. Job shops
differ from batch production in the following manner. In batch production there is
generally a continuous demand for products but owing to a higher rate of production
as compared to the rate of demand, production is undertaken, in batches. Thus batch
production caters to a predictable variety of jobs. In the job shop, however, both the
nature and demand of jobs is unpredictable. Moreover, each order or job is unique,
requiring its own makeup of operations and times for processing through a number of
machines or facilities in a factory.
A job shop typically consists of general purpose machines clubbed into different
departments. Each job, governed by. its unique technological requirements, demands
processing on machines in a certain order. Because of the variety of tasks, the job
shop becomes a complex queueing system: a job leaves one machine and proceeds on
its route to another for the next operation, only to find other jobs already waiting for
the machine to complete its current task, so that a queue of jobs in front of that
machine is formed; alternatively, a machine may finish its task and be ready to take
the next job, but no jobs are available, so that the machine becomes idle. Planning for
the job shop essentially involves deciding the order or priority for jobs waiting to be
processed at each machine to achieve the desired objectives.
Operations Planning and Control
A typical formulation of the job shop scheduling problem is: given n jobs to be
processed through m machines, each job having a predetermined sequence of
operations and processing times, in what order should the jobs be loaded on the
machines so as to optimise certain performance criteria?
A typical list of performance criteria to be optimised is:
1 Total processing time or makespan
2 Mean flow time (or mean time in the job shop)
3 Idle time of machines
4 Mean lateness of jobs (lateness of a job is defined as the difference between the
actual completion time of the job and its due date)
5 Mean earliness of job (if a job is completed before its due date, then its lateness
value is negative and it is referred to as earliness instead)
6 Mean tardiness of jobs (if a job is completed after its due date, then its lateness
value is positive, and it is referred to as tardiness instead)
7 Number of tardy jobs
8 Mean queue time
9 Mean number of jobs in the system.
Moreover the solution procedure depends on the following factors:
1 The number of jobs to be scheduled
2 The number of machines in the
3 Type of manufacturing facility (flow shop or job shop)
4 Manner in which jobs arrive at the facility (static or dynamic)
5 Criterion by which scheduling alternatives are to be evaluated
If the number of jobs (n) and the number of machines (m) increase, the scheduling
problem becomes more complex. In fact, no exact or optimal solutions exist for
sequencing problems with large n and m. Simulation and heuristic algorithms seem to
be the solution techniques for real life scheduling problems.
We initiate the discussion on job shops with some very simple one machine and two
machine cases for which exact solutions exist. Many practical situations would fit
into these categories as you would see. Next, a graphical procedure for scheduling of
2 jobs to minimise the total time of processing is proposed. And, finally, some
scheduling rules and results from simulation studies are presented.
The case when a number of jobs is to be processed on a single facility occurs quite
often in practice such as a number of cars to be serviced at a service station, number
of patients to be treated by a doctor, number of job requests from different terminal
users to be executed by a computer, a number of different jobs to be machined on a
lathe, or a number of broken down machines to be repaired by a service mechanic.
In all such cases, we, as human beings, are used to the first come first served concept.
This seems to be the almost universally accepted code for handling queues at milk
booths, post-offices, banks and almost anywhere we go. Perhaps the validity of this
rule stems from the democratic notion that all individuals are equally important and it
is `just' or `proper' to assign priorities on seniority. In fact we all know how
unpleasant scenes and heart-burnings can result in real life if this chosen rule is
violated, for instance, when a newcomer tries to enter a queue at •a vantage • position
or a senior is superseded in a job promotion.
We shall see that if the objective is not to give a sense of satisfaction and justice to
waiting jobs (when, for instance, the jobs lack the human attributes of ego and pride)
it is possible to consider a number of other rules which would yield more favourable
results in terms of objectives like 'the mean flow time, average in-process inventory
of jobs, the mean lateness, mean waiting time of jobs, the number of tardy jobs and
the total processing time of jobs. It is in this framework that the following scheduling
44 rules should be considered:
Planning and Control for
We shall consider a static job shop in which a number of jobs, n, with known Shop Production
processing times require processing on a single machine. The job shop is static in that
new job arrivals do not disturb the processing of these n jobs. It may be assumed that
new job arrivals wait for being considered in the next batch of jobs after the
processing of the current n jobs is accomplished.
The following definitions are in order
n = number of jobs
ti = processing time of job i
Wi= waiting time before processing for job i
Fi= flow time of job i = W, + t
Ci= completion time of job
di= due date of job i
Li= lateness of job i= C1-d1
Ei=earliness of job i= max = max (0, - Li)
Ti= tardiness of job= max (0, Li)
NT = number of tardy jobs
Since the total time to complete the jobs (makespan, as it is often called) is fixed and
equal to sum of processing times for all jobs in all possible sequences in this n
machine one job case, other optimality criteria, e.g. minimising the mean flow time
or some function of lateness of jobs is resorted to.
Shortest Processing Time (SPT) Rule
Sequencing the jobs in a way that the job with least processing time is picked up first
followed by the one with the next smallest processing time and so on is referred to as
SPT sequencing and achieves the following objectives simultaneously:
i) minimising mean lateness
ii) minimising mean flow time
iii) minimising mean waiting time
iv) minimising the mean number of tasks waiting as in-process inventory.
A variation of the SPT rule is the weighted-scheduling rule (WSPT) which is used
when the importance 'of the tasks vary. A, weight Wi is assigned to each job, a larger
value indicating greater importance. Then, by dividing the processing time by the
weighting factor the tendency is to move the more important task to an earlier
position in the sequence. The weighted mean flow time is given by:
i i
The WSPT rule for minimising weighted mean flow time sequences the n jobs such
t [1] t[1] t[1]
≤ ≤ -------------------------- ≤
w [1] w [1] w [1]
where the number in square brackets defines the position of the job in the optimal
The. Proofs of the preceding statements concerning SPT and WSPT are available in
literature (see for instance, Baker). We shall only illustrate the application of these '
rules to an example problem.
Example 1
Consider the 8 jobs with processing times, due dates and importance weights as
shown in Table 1.
Operations Planning and Control
The SPT sequence is 4-8-1-3-7-2-5-6 resulting in completion of these jobs at times
3,6,11,17,24,32,42 and 56 respectively. The mean flow time is thus
3 + 6 + 11 + 17 + 24 + 32 + 42 + 56 191
= = 23.875 hours
8 8
Table 1
Data for Eight Job One Machine Example
Task Processing Due date Importance ti/wi
i Time ti di Weight wi
1 15 1 5.0
2 8 10 2 4.0
3 6 15 3 2.0
4 3 25 1 3.0
5 10 20 2 5.0
6 14 40 3 4.7
7 7 45 2 3.5
8 3 50 l 3.0
Figure I: SPT Sequence for Example 1
This sequence is shown graphically in Figure I from which the number of tasks
waiting as in-process inventory is seen to be 8 during time 0-3, 7 during 3-6, 6 during
6-11, 5 during 1J-17, 4 during 17-24, 3 during 24-32, 2 during 32-42 and 1 during
42-56. Thus the average in-process inventory
In fact Figure I clearly shows how mean flow times and average inventory are
related. The former is obtained by summing horizontal strips in the figure to obtain
the total area under the curve which is then divided by the number of jobs. The mean
inventory is obtained by summing vertical strips for the total area under the curve,
which is then divided by the total processing time of all jobs.
Planning and Control for
Activity A Shop Production
In the above example I compute the waiting times for each job and the mean waiting
time under the SPT rule.
Activity B
In the above example 1 compute the lateness of each job and the mean lateness under
the SPT rule.
Activity C
Try any other (non SPT) sequence for the jobs in the above example 1 and compute
i) mean flow time
ii) average in-process inventory of jobs
iii) mean waiting time
iv) mean lateness.
Compare these values with those of the SPT sequence considered above and
convince yourself that the SPT sequence does in fact minimise all the above criteria.
Example I (Continued)
If the importance weights, Wi were to be considered, the WSPT could be used to
minimise the weighted mean flow time to yield the sequence 3-4-8-7-2-6-1-5. This
results by first choosing the job with minimum ti/wi ratio in Table I and so on.
The respective flow times of jobs in this sequence are 6,9,12,19,27,41,46 and 56. The
mean flow time equals 27.0 hours and the weighted mean flow time is given by
(3 × 6) + (1× 9) + (1× 12) + (2 × 19) + (2 × 27) + (3 × 41) + (1× 46) + (2 × 56)
3 +1+1+ 2 + 2 + 3 +1+ 2
= = 24.47hours.
Processing with Due Dates
The SPT rule considered above minimises the mean lateness of jobs. The Earliest
Due Date (EDD) rule, where jobs are sequenced in the order of nondecreasing due
dates of jobs minimises the maximum job lateness as well as the maximum job
tardiness. Unfortunately, the EDD rule tends to make more tasks tardy and increases
the mean tardiness.
Considering the earlier data of Table 1, the FDD sequence is 2-1-3-5-4-6-7-8 which
yields completion times of these jobs as 8,13,19,29,32,46,53,56 with respective
lateness values as -2, -2, 4,9,7,6,8,6. The mean lateness is 4.5 hours while the
maximum lateness is 9 hours.
From your solution to Activity B you would have noticed that the mean and
maximum lateness figures for the SPT sequence were -3.625 hours and 22 hours
respectively. Also the number of tasks actually late was 4. We thus see that in this
example the EDD sequence has in.fact reduced the maximum lateness to 9 hours
(compared to the corresponding figure of 22 hours for the SPT rule ) but the mean
lateness has gone up to 4.5 from -3.625 and the number of late jobs has gone up to 6
from 4.
Minimising the Number of Tardy Jobs
Suppose there was a penalty cost associated with a job if it was tardy, which was
independent of how tardy the job was. In this situation, the objective would be to
minimise the number of tardy jobs. The EDD rule gives the desired schedule only if
it results in zero or one tardy task. If more than one tardy task results, the following
algorithm due to Hodgson will yield the desired objective.
Step 1: Order all tasks by the EDD rule; if zero or one tasks are tardy (positive
lateness), then stop. Otherwise go to
Step 2: Starting at the beginning of the, EDD sequence and working towards the end,
identify the first tardy task. If no further tasks are tardy, go to step 4; otherwise go to
step 3.
Step 3: Suppose that the tardy task is in the ith position in the sequence. Examine the
first i tasks in the sequence and identify the one with the longest processing time.
Remove the task and set it aside. Revise the completion time of the other tasks to
reflect this removal, and return to step 2. 47
Operations Planning and Control
Step 4 place all those tasks were set aside in any order at the end of the sequence.
Let us now consider the example problem of Table 1 in the light of Hodgson's
algorithm. The EDD rule used in step 1 results in the sequence 2-1-3-5-4-6-7-8 with
six tardy jobs. Thus we move to step 2 and 3 as shown below:
Task is 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 8
Processing time ti 8 5 6 10 3 14 7 3
Completion time Ci 8 13 19 29 32 46 53 56
Due date d; 10 15 15 20 25 40 45 50
Lateness Li -2 -2 4 9 7 6 8 6
Task 3 is the first tardy task. Task 2 has the longest processing time of the first three
tasks, thus it is set aside yielding the following revised table:
Task i 1 3 5 4 6 7 8
ti 5 6 10 3 14 7 3
Ci 5 11 21 24 38 45 48
di 15 15 20 25 40 45 50
L.i -10 -4 1 -1 -2 0 -2
Task 5 is the first tardy task and of tasks 1,3 and 5 task 5 is the longest. Thus it is
set aside, yielding the following:
Task i 1 3 4 6 7 8
ti ti 5 6 3 14 7 3
Ci Ci 5 11 14 28 35 38
di di 15 15 25 40 45 50
L.i L.i -10 -4 -11 -12 -10 -12
No more tasks are tardy. Thus the first part of the sequence is 1-3-4-6-7-8 and the last
part consists of tasks 2 and 5 in any order. Adding these two in SPT order we obtain
the sequence 1-3-4-6-7-8-2-5 for which the completion times of respective jobs are
5,11,14,28,35,38,46 and 56 while the lateness values are -10, -4, -11, -12, -10. -12,
36.36, respectively. Notice that only two tasks are now late, though the mean lateness
is 1.625 hours (compared to minimum of -3.625 for SPT rule) and the maximum
lateness has gone up to 36 (as compared to the minimum of 9 for the EDD rule).
Minimising the Mean Tardiness
If the penalty for tardiness is the same for all tasks and linear with respect to how
tardy the task is, then obviously the objective would be to minimise the mean
tardiness. Unfortunately, there is no simple scheduling rule, even for n tasks and one
machine case which minimises mean tardiness. Baker has shown that in the following
simple situations the EDD and SPT rules also minimise the mean tardiness.
1 If the EDD rule produces zero or one tardy job , then it minimises mean
2 If all tasks have the same due date, or if the SPT rule results in all tasks being
tardy, then the SPT rule minimises mean tardiness.
A heuristic rule that tends to minimise mean tardiness is the shortest SLACK time
rule. Notice that this rule does not necessarily give optimum results, but is yields
good solutions in practical cases. SLACK time for job i is defined as its due, date
48 minus its processing time.
Planning and Control for
For the data in Table 1 the slack times for jobs could be computed as shown below: Shop Production
What is the sequence that completes all the jobs in minimum time? What is the
corresponding schedule of Jobs?
This situation conforms to the 2 machine flow shop configuration where the denter
constitutes M 1 and the painter M2, and all cars must first be processed on M I and
then on M2. Thus we can use Johnson's rule to determine the optimal sequence,
The minimum processing time of 3 occurs on M I for job 3. Thus job 3 is placed first
resulting in the partial sequence
Deleting job 3, the next lowest processing time of 4 occurs for job I on M I. Thus job
1 is placed in the first available placed yielding the partial sequence
3 1
After deleting both jobs 3 and 1, the minimum processing
time of 7 occurs for job 2 on both M I and M2. There is thus a tie; we may, therefore,
elect to place job 2 either in the first or last available place. This would yield the
alternative partial sequences.
3 1 2 3 1 2
Continuing in this fashion the two alternative optimal sequences are:
and 3 1 6 5 4 2
3 1 2 6 5 4
Bar charts showing the schedule for these alternative sequences are drawn in Figure
11. Notice that the completion time is 62 hours for all the jobs. Also note that the idle
time for the denter is towards the end whereas that for the painter is towards the
beginning of the schedule. In this particular case the painter (M2) is continuously
busy from time 3 to 62. In certain instances there may be idle times in between if a
job has not yet finished processing on MI.
Under certain restrictive assumptions Johnson's rule may be extended to the n job 3
machine flow shop situation. The interested reaper may refer to any of the references,
50 Baker or Elsayed and Boucher for details.
Planning and Control for
11.5 TWO JOBS, M MACHINES CASE Shop Production
When there are two jobs each having its own processing sequence on m machines,
the optimal sequence of these jobs on the m machines to minimise the total
processing time can be obtained by using a graphical procedure as outlined below:
1 Construct a two-dimensional graph where the x axis represents the processing
time and sequence of job 1 on the m machines while the y axis represents those
of job 2 (Use the same scale for both x and y).
2 Shade the areas where a machine would be occupied by the two jobs at the same
3 The processing of both jobs can be represented by a continuous path which
consists of horizontal, vertical, and 45 degree diagonal segments.
The path starts at the lower left corner and stops at the upper right corner, while
avoiding the shaded areas in the graph. In other words, the path is not allowed to pass
through shaded areas which correspond to operating both jobs concurrently on the
same machine. Since a diagonal segment implies that both jobs are being processed
on different machines at the same time, a feasible path that maximises diagonal
movement will minimise the total processing time. The schedule is determined by
trial and error. Usually, only a few lines may be drawn before an optimal path is
Example 3
Two major parts PI and P2 for a product require processing through six machine
centres. The technological sequence of these parts on the six machines and the
manufacturing times on each machine are:
P1 Machine sequence: C -A -E -F -D -B
Time(hours): 2 3 4 5 6 1
P2 Machine sequence: B -A -E -F -C -D
Time(hours): 3 2 5 3 2 3
What would be the optimal scheduling to minimise the total processing time for these
two parts? 51
Operations Planning and Control
Constructing a two dimensional graph where the horizontal axis represents PI and the
vertical axis represents P, we can shade the areas where both parts use the.same
machine as shown in Figure III. Lines 1 and 2 maximise the diagonal travel from the
bottom left corner to the upper right corner. The total processing time is 24 hours.
We have seen that the procedures suggested above apply to very simplified situations
involving one or two machines or only two jobs. Moreover, the problem treated was
one of a static job or flow shop in which all jobs are available at the beginning of the
horizon and the schedule once made is not disturbed till all the jobs are completed.
Unfortunately, even the general static job shop problem of n jobs and m machines (m
>3) with the objective of minimising the total completion time does not have a
general exact solution procedure. There are some heuristic techniques that may
obtain good sequences or even optimal sequences (though it may not be possible to
check for optimality). You may, for instance, refer to Campbell, Dudek and Smith
and Stinson and Smith for example of such heuristic procedures.
Practical job shops are much more complicated and may have hundreds of machining
centres and thousands of jobs. In such cases resort is made to priority dispatching
rules for sequencing jobs at each machine centre. These can apply both in a static and
dynamic job environment. In the former case priorities of jobs once assigned are not
changed whereas in the latter case priorities are updated as jobs enter or leave the
machining centre. Some commonly specified priority dispatching rules are:
1 FCFS: Select the job on a First Come First Served basis.
2 SPT: Select the job with the Shortest Processing Time.
3 EDD: Select the job with the Earliest Due Date.
4 SLACK: Select the job with the minimum static slack (due date minus
arrival at machine centre)
5 RANDOM: Select the job at random.
6 LRPT: Select the job with the Least Remaining Processing Time.
7 S/OPR: Select the job with the minimum ratio of job slack time to the
of operations remaining.
8 LCFS: Select the job on a Last Come First Served basis.
9 DS: Select the job with least Dynamic Slack (time remaining to due
less remaining expected flow time).
10 DS/ PT: Select the job with the minimum ratio of Dynamic Slack to
Processing Time.
Based on simulation studies of various job shops, several researchers have come to
certain conclusions about the behaviour of these rules. Clearly such behaviour is
affected by factors like criteria of performance, level of uncertainty and job arrival
The SPT rule consistently tends to give the lowest mean flow time even for large
shops-a property that has been demonstrated in the simple n job one machine case.
However, with the SPT rule the variance of flow times tends to be large. In this,
regard other rules such as FCFS perform better. A recent survey of dispatching `rules
for manufacturing job shop operations has been done by Blackstone, Phillips and
Hogg. The interested reader may refer to this for further details.
The second kind of scheduling research has been to test the efficiency of different
priority dispatching rules using simulation. Some of these scheduling rules were
described in Section 11.6. The advantage of this approach is that dynamic features
can be incorporated and evaluated. There are possibly two extremes for scheduling
the, new jobs in a dynamic environment: to produce a new schedule each time a new
job arrives, or to completely finish the existing schedule before producing a new
schedule for the jobs that had arrived in the mean time. Or a solution between the two
extremes could be considered. Ignoring computational considerations, one could have
an on-line computer system whereby everytime an operation finishes on a machine,
this information is fed into the computer. The programme then considers the actual
status of the shop at that time and all the relevant data and applies some criterion to
select the next operation for that machine. This approach may be computationally
very demanding and economically not feasible. Hence less frequent rescheduling
may be done. "What is the right frequency of scheduling with its implications on cost
and effectiveness?" This has been an important question for researchers. Some
studies in this regard are available in Muhlemann, Lockett and Farn.
In this unit we have presented the features of job production which essentially
involve the production of a variety of jobs in small production quantities with a
limited set of facilities. Each job has its unique processing requirement and thus
follows its own path through the shop. The variety of problems that may arise in the
job shop have been discussed. Depending on the number of jobs to be scheduled, the
number of processing facilities, the type of manufacturing facility (flow shop or job
shop), the manner in which jobs arrive at the shop (static or dynamic) and the
criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of a schedule, different procedures can be
used to determine the optimal sequence. Some procedures for the n job one machine
case, n job two machine case and the 2 job m machine case have been discussed with
simple illustrative examples.
Some priority dispatching rules used in practical job shops have been presented and
comments on simulation studies of job shops have been made. The status of research
in job shop scheduling is touched upon and some hints for probable future directions
of work are given.
Job 1 sequence A -B -D -C -F -E
Job 1 times 5 6 4 7 3 4
Job 2 sequence B -A -D -C -E -F
Job 2 times 7 5 6 8 2 1
54 Find the makespan of the optimal sequences.
Planning and Control for
10 Study the paper by Blackstone, Phillips and Hogg and summarise the major Shop Production
features of different priority dispatching rules used in job shops.
Bedworth, D.D. and J.E. Ballev, 1982. Integrated Production Control Systems, John
Wiley: New York.
Blackstone, J.H., D.T. Phillips and G.L. Hogg, 1982. "A State of the Art Survey of
Dispatching Rules for Manufacturing Job Shop Operations", International
Journal of Production Research, Vol. 20, No. 1, (Jan/Feb., 1982).
Campbell, H.G., R.A. Dudek, and M.L. Smith, 1970. "A Heuristic Algorithm for the
n Job, m Machine Sequencing Problem", Management Science, Vol. 16, No. 11
Elsayed, E.A., and T.O. Boucher, 1985. Analysis and Control of Production Systems,
Prentice Hall, Englewood-Cliffs.
Johnson, S. M„ 1954. "Optimal Two- and Three-stage Production Schedules with Setup
Times Included," Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, Vol. I, No. 1, (Pp. 61-68)
Moore, J. M., 1968: "Sequencing n jobs on One Machine to Minimise the Number of
Tardy Jobs," Management Science, Vol. 17, No. 1, (September, 1968).
Muhlemann, A.P., A, G. Lockett and C.K. Farn, 1982. "Job Shop Scheduling
Heuristics and Frequency of Scheduling", International Journal of Production
Research, (Vol. 20, 1982).
Muth, J.F. and G.L. Thompson (ed.), 1963. Industrial Scheduling, Prentice Hall
Stinson, J.P. and A.W. Smith, 1982. "A Heuristic Programming Procedure for
Sequencing the Static Flow Shop", International Journal of Production Research
Vol 20, No. 6.
Wilkerson, L.J. and J.D. Irwin, 1971. "An Improved Method for Scheduling
Independent Tasks", AIIE Transactions, Vol. 3, No. 3.