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Week 3 Assignment

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1. With the current situation of our Health Care Delivery System during this

Pandemic, create your own Health Program using the 6 Strategic Instruments

in Universal Health Care.

Abstract: Health systems continue to adapt to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Much
focus has been placed on the scaling-up of hospital capacities. However, the pandemic is
also deeply affecting the health of many people who are not infected by the virus. People
living with chronic conditions are not only highly vulnerable to complications and death
from COVID-19, but they are also suffering from disruptions to their regular care routines.
The COVID-19 crisis demonstrates the importance of placing primary health care at the
core of health systems, both to manage an unexpected surge of demand and to maintain
continuity of care for all. Strong primary health care – organized in multi-disciplinary
teams and with innovative roles for health professionals, integrated with community health
services, equipped with digital technology, and working with well-designed incentives –
helps deliver a successful health system response. The innovations introduced in response
to the pandemic need to be maintained to make health systems more resilient against future
public health emergencies, and able to meet the challenges of ageing societies and the
growing burden of chronic conditions.

The COVID-19 crisis has direct and indirect effects on all, including people living

with chronic conditions. While much policy attention has fallen on hospitals and

containment strategies, the importance of continuous and routine care for people with

underlying health conditions does not get enough attention. Fatimanian Health Agenda

(FHA) is being launched to improve, streamline and scale up reform interventions. Many

non COVID-19 patients did not seek medical attention or were unable to access needed

care during the first wave of the pandemic, which resulted in delayed diagnoses, delayed

care or foregone care.

Thus, FHA, a strong primary health care has the capacity to mitigate these indirect

effects during the pandemic, but also to reduce the pressure on the entire health system

by providing comprehensive and preventive care. Expanding primary health care

services is critical to make health systems more resilient to future public health

emergencies, but also to better address the challenges of an ageing population and the

growing burden of chronic conditions.

2. Create a Video about Medicinal Plants: Discuss the uses and indication and

show us how to prepare your chosen medicinal plants in a 2-3 minutes video.


This plant is known for If you will consume sambong
its useful traits in treating as a tea or decoction, boil the
kidney stones, wounds leaves and drink one glass 3
and cuts. It can be helpful to 4 times daily. The same
as well in healing decoction can also be used in
rheumatism, colds, a sponge bath if you want to
coughs and acts as an relieve fever. Additionally,

Sambong or blumea anti-diarrhea, anti- you can drink the tea made

camphor spasms. from boiling sambong roots

to decrease body
(Blumea balsamifera) temperature.

In most places, this plant Boil the flowers and leaves of

is called as bayabas- the akapulko plant for at
bayabasan and it’s an least 10 minutes. Allow it to
effective treatment for cool to room temperature to
tinea infections, insect avoid burning the skin. Apply
bites, ringworms, the decoction on the wound
eczema, scabies and to effectively disinfect the
Akapulko or ringworm itchiness. lesion or injury in order to
bush or Acapulco prevent further infection.
You may use this all
(Cassia alata)
throughout the day, or as
Bayabas is a fruit equally Fresh bayabas leaves can
delicious and helpful for also be chewed for the
the body. It’s used as an treatment of toothache and
herbal medicine for gum swelling.
treating open wounds To hasten wound healing,
and keeping the fresh bayabas leaf poultice
Bayabas leaves or guava
intestines healthy. may be applied to the wound.
(Psidum guajava)

This plant is effective in Lagundi is also known for its

reducing cough, colds, analgesic effect that helps
and fever. It’s also known alleviate pain and
to treat asthma, discomfort. Mix one cup of
pharyngitis, rheumatism, cut fresh leaves and flowers
dyspepsia, boils, and to 2 cups of water. Boil for 10
diarrhea. minutes. Let it steep and
strain the solid parts.
Lagundi or five-leaved
chaste tree

(Vitex negundo)
This type of vine is The seeds of Niyog-niyogan
commonly mistaken for are dried and taken orally.
coconut. It is popular in Recommended dosage is 4 to
healing ulcers, 7 seeds for Children while 8
headaches, diarrhea, to 10 seeds for Adults.
fever and painful Caution: Adverse reactions -
urination and some even diarrhea, abdominal pain,
claim it to be anticancer. distention and hiccups more
Niyog-niyogan or rangoon likely if nuts are eaten in
creeper consecutive days or when
fresh nuts are eaten. Niyog-
(Quisqualis indica L.)
niyogan leaves are pounded
and applied to externally to
skin ulcers, headache and

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